Molecular Objects, Abstract Data Types, and Data Models: a Framework ’
Molecular Objects, Abstract Data Types, and Data Models: A Framework ’ D.S. Batoty Alejandro P. Buchmann Department of Computer Sciencee IIMAS The University of Tezae at Austin National University of Mezico Austin, Tezas 78712 ABSTRACT ples include linear and multidimensional arrays, polygons, and complex numbers. ADT-INGRES is an implementation Molecular objects occur frequently in CAD and engineering of this proposal ([Ong84]). applications. At higher levels of abstraction they are Su et al. ([Su83], [Bro83a]) have proposed that a set of treated as atomic unit,s of data; at lower levels they are system-defined types (e.g., set, vector, matrix, time series) defined in terms of a set of tuples possibly from different are required for DBMS support of statistical database appli- relations. System R’s complex objects are examples of cations. In addition, they proposed ways in which these molecular objects. types could be used to define new data types. A relation, In this paper, we present a framework for studying a gen- for example, could be defined as a data type and a column eralized concept of molecular objects. We show that of a relation could be a system-defined type or a relation. abstract data types unify this framework, which itself The resulting data types and their attendant operators are encompasses some recent data modeling contributions by called ‘complex data types’. researchers at IBM San Jose, Berkeley, Boeing, and Florida. The second distinct approach does not deal with A programming language/data structure paradigm is seen columns of a relation, but rather treats collections of as a way of developing and testing the power of logical data heterogeneous tuples as objects.
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