STS-121/ISS-ULF1.1 Quick-Look Data SpaceCalc

Position/Age /Flights Family/TIS DOB/Seat Shuttle Hardware and Flight Data

Commander AF Col. M/3 08/24/60 STS Mission STS-121 (flight 115) Age: 45 4 Flights: STS-87,95,104,121 47.8 * Up/Up Orbiter Discovery (flight 32) Pilot Navy Cmdr. S/2 02/21/64 Payload MPLM (2 tons of supplies) 42 2: STS-108,121 22.5 Up/Up Launch 02:37:55 PM 07.04.06 MS1/EV2 Michael Fossum M/4 12/19/57 Pad/MLP LC-39B/MLP-1 48 1: STS-121 10.5 Up/Dn Prime TAL Zaragoza MS2/FE Navy Cmdr. M/3 05/10/63 Landing 09:14:00 AM 07.17.06 43 1: STS-121 10.5 Up/Up Landing Site MS3/IV S/0 1966 Duration 12/18:36 41 1: STS-121 10.5 Dn/Up MS4/EV1 , Ph.D. M/2 04/11/55 Discovery 255/20:52:42 51 2: STS-112,121 21.0 Dn/Dn STS Program 1045/10:09:00

ISS-13 CDR Pavel Vinogradov S/0 08/31/53 MECO 136 x 35 sm 52 2: 24,ISS-13 305.2 TMA-8 OMS Ha/Hp 140.8 x 97.8 sm ISS-13 FE Army Col. Jeffrey Williams M/2 01/18/58 ISS Docking 220 sm 48 2: STS-101,ISS-13 117.0 TMA-8 Period 91.6 minutes ISS-13 FE , ESA M/2 05/23/58 Inclination 51.6 48 2: Euromir 95,ISS-13 178.9 STS-116 Velocity 17,188 mph EOM Miles 4.9 million Wilson Fossum Lindsey Sellers Kelly Reiter Nowak EOM Orbits 186/187

SSMEs 2045/2051/2056 ET/SRB ET-119/126-RSRM93 Software OI-30 Left OMS LP01/35 Right OMS RP03/33 Forward RCS FRC03/32 OBSS 202 RMS 303 Cryo/GN2 5 PRSD/6 GN2 Spacesuits TBD

Flight Plan MET Flight Control Personnel This will be the…

Launch Steve Stich Ascent/Entry 115th Shuttle mission since STS-1 7/4/06 02:38 PM Tony Ceccacci Orbit 1 FD (lead) 2nd Post-Columbia mission ISS Docking Norm Knight Orbit 2 FD 90th Post-Challenger mission 7/6/06 10:53 AM Paul Dye Planning 32nd Flight of Discovery EVA-1 Cathy Koerner Moscow FD 87th Day launch 7/8/06 09:13 AM John Shannon MMT chair 39th Day launch pad 39B EVA-2 Annette Hasbrook ISS Orbit 1 FD 51st Launch off pad 39B 7/10/06 08:14 AM Rick LaBrode ISS Orbit 2 FD (lead) TBD 51.6-degree inclination EVA-3 Matt Abbott ISS Orbit 3 FD 62nd Planned KSC landing 7/12/06 07:13 AM Mike Leinbach Launch director 93rd Planned day Landing Landing Jeff Spaulding NASA test director 48th Planned day landing at KSC 7/17/06 09:14 AM B Buckingham KSC commentator 20.44 Years since STS-51L Rob Navias JSC commentator 3.42 Years since STS-107

* Ages as of launch date *Days in space as of: 7/15/06 Compiled by William Harwood