British Journal of Clinical Br J Clin Pharmacol (2018) •• ••–•• 1 Pharmacology SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META–ANALYSIS Drugs for treating severe hypertension in pregnancy: a network meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized clinical trials

Correspondence Dr. Kannan Sridharan, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain. Tel.: +973 3345 3123; E-mail: [email protected]

Received 22 March 2018; Revised 16 May 2018; Accepted 17 May 2018

Kannan Sridharan and Reginald P. Sequeira

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Arabian Gulf University, Manama, Bahrain

Keywords dihydralazine, , ketanserin, labetalol, nifedipine, systematic review

AIMS Several antihypertensive drugs are used in the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy. The present study is a network meta-analysis comparing the efficacy and safety of these drugs. METHODS Electronic databases were searched for randomized clinical trials comparing drugs used in the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy. The number of women achieving the target blood pressure (BP) was the primary outcome. Doses required and time taken for achieving the target BP, failure rate, and incidences of maternal tachycardia, palpitation, hypotension, headache, and neonatal death and stillbirth were the secondary outcomes. Mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates were generated using a random-effects model. Odds ratios for the categorical and mean difference for the numerical outcomes were the effect estimates. RESULTS Fifty-one studies were included in the systematic review and 46 in the meta-analysis. No significant differences in the number of patients achieving target BP was observed between any of the drugs. [À15 (À20.6, À9.4)], nicardipine [À11.8 (À22.3, À1.2)], nifedipine/celastrol [À19.3 (À27.4, À11.1)], nifedipine/vitamin D [À17.1 (À25.7, À9.7)], nifedipine/resveratrol [À13.9 (À22.6, À5.2)] and glyceryl trinitrate [À33.8 (À36.7, À31)] were observed to achieve the target BP (in minutes) more rapidly than hydralazine. Nifedipine required fewer doses than hydralazine for achieving the target BP. Glyceryl trinitrate and labetalol were associated with fewer incidences of tachycardia and palpitation respectively than hydralazine. Trial sequential analysis concluded adequate evidence for hydralazine and nifedipine compared with labetalol. Moderate quality of evidence was observed for direct comparison estimate between labetalol and hydralazine but was either low or very low for other comparisons. CONCLUSION The present evidence suggests similar efficacy between nifedipine, hydralazine and labetalol in the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy. Subtle differences may exist in their safety profile. The evidence is inadequate for other drugs.

© 2018 The British Pharmacological Society DOI:10.1111/bcp.13649 K. Sridharan and R. P. Sequeira

WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS SUBJECT • There is no consensus on the relative efficacy and safety of anti-hypertensive drugs used in the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy. • Currently, head-to-head clinical trials comparing several such drugs are lacking. • Several methodological flaws are noted with the existing systematic reviews of this topic. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS • Asimilarefficacy was observed between hydralazine and nifedipine compared to labetalol. • Adequacy of evidence for the above findings has been confirmed by trial sequential analysis. • No significant differences exist in the safety profile of these drugs.

Introduction Eligibility criteria We included only randomized clinical trials carried out in Hypertension in pregnancy is defined as systolic blood patients with severe hypertension that had compared more pressure (SBP) above 140 mmHg and/or diastolic blood than one drug. No strict criterion was placed for severe pressure (DBP) above 90 mmHg; severe hypertension as hypertension in the present review but we have carried SBP ≥ 160 mmHg with or without DBP ≥ 110 mmHg [1]. out a sensitivity analysis by excluding trials with different Hypertension in pregnancy can be categorized as: chronic blood pressure criteria in their study participants. We hypertension (before 20 weeks of gestation), gestational hy- excluded trials comparing different formulations/doses/ pertension (later than 20 weeks) or pre-eclampsia (associated routes of the same drug and that had evaluated either with organ damage) [2]. A prevalence of 3.6–9.1% has been intravenous magnesium sulphate/oral atenolol/oral alpha- reported for hypertension in pregnancy and 1.4–4% for pre- methyldopaasthestandaloneanti-hypertensivedrugs. eclampsia [3]. Hypertensive women with pre-eclampsia have Number of patients achieving the target BP was the an increased risk of renal failure, hepatic failure, stroke and primary outcome. Doses required and time taken for perinatal mortality [4]. Hypertensive crisis occurs in 1–2% achieving the target BP, failure rate, incidences of maternal of pregnant women [5]. tachycardia, palpitation, maternal hypotension, headache, Target blood pressure (BP) is recommended to be less than stillbirth, number of neonates with appearance, pulse, 140–150 mmHg for systolic and less than 90–100 mmHg for grimace, activity, respiration (APGAR) score <7, neonatal diastolic blood pressures in pregnant women with hyper- death and number of patients with new hypertensive crisis tension [6]. A trial of oral anti-hypertensives can be were the secondary outcomes. attempted for managing severe hypertension in pregnancy before initiating parenteral therapy [7]. Labetalol, nifedi- Study procedure pine and hydralazine are the commonly used drugs for Two authors performed an independent literature search treating severe hypertension in pregnancy [8]. Despite and extracted the following details: trial site, year, trial being used for several decades, there is no consensus on design, participants, interventions and outcomes. Any therelativeefficacy and safety of drugs used in treating disagreements between the authors were resolved through severe hypertension in pregnancy, and a recent Cochrane discussion. The present meta-analysis complies with the reviewwasinconclusive[9].Thisismainlyduetothelack preferred reporting items in systematic review and meta- of head-to-head clinical trials comparing these drugs. A analysis (PRISMA) guidelines [11]. The risk of bias of the network meta-analysis offers advantage in comparing the included studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk of interventions in the absence of head-to-head com- bias tool [12]. We assessed publication bias only for those parisons through a common comparator [10]. Hence, we comparisons with at least five studies, using funnel plots carried out the present network meta-analysis to and Egger’s regression test [13]. We used a random-effects compare the drugs used for treating severe hypertension model for generating direct and mixed treatment compari- in pregnancy. son estimates. Direct estimates for any two interventions were obtained by pooling the data from head-to-head clinical trials comparing the same interventions. Mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates for the interven- Methods tions were obtained by pooling the data both from the head-to-head clinical trials comparing the interventions Search strategy and with the indirect estimates between the interventions This review’s protocol has been registered in PROSPERO through a common comparator. Odds ratio [95% (CRD42017076188). PubMed and Cochrane CENTRAL were confidence interval] was the effect estimate for categorical searched with an appropriate search strategy (see supplemen- andweightedmeandifference[95%confidence interval] tary appendix). We did not place any restrictions on the for numerical outcomes. Inconsistency between direct and publication language or year. Additionally, we hand searched indirect pooled effect estimates was assessed by H the cross-references of the included studies. statistics, wherein a value of <3 was considered as

2 Br J Clin Pharmacol (2018) •• ••–•• Drugs for treating severe hypertension in pregnancy minimal, 3–6asmodestand>6 as large [14]. Sub-group Results analyses were carried out for severe pre-eclampsia, with different initial blood pressure thresholds, and for different definitions for target blood pressures. Sensitivity analysis Search results – was carried out by excluding trials that did not report the A total of 320 articles were retrieved, of which 51 [17 67] were initial blood pressure criteria from the overall analysis and included in the systematic review and 46 in the meta-analysis. fl those trials that had recruited post-partum women with The PRISMA ow chart is depicted in Figure 1. Table S1 repre- severe hypertension. Trial sequential analysis (TSA, sents the key characteristics of the included studies. Overall Copenhagen, DK) was conducted for comparisons with a assessment of risk of bias revealed low risk for reporting and minimum of fivestudiestoassessthecumulative evidence attrition bias with some of studies associated with either according to the information size achieved to date [15]. A unclear or high risk in other domains (Figure S1). The following relative risk reduction of 10% was considered as the interventions were included in the systematic review: direct- clinically meaningful difference in the primary outcome. acting vasodilators (hydralazine, dihydralazine, diazoxide, MetaXL was used for generating the pooled estimates [16]. glyceryl trinitrate), sympatholytics (labetalol, ketanserin and Grading of the evidence for key comparisons was carried urapidil), calcium channel blockers (nicardipine, nifedipine out using the grades of recommendation, assessment, and isradipine), prostaglandins/prostaglandin analogues development and evaluation (GRADE) working group [prostaglandin A1 (PGA1) and epoprostenol], centrally acting approach [12]. (clonidine), angiotensin converting

Figure 1 PRISMA flow diagram. Fifty-one studies were included in this systematic review and 46 in this meta-analysis

Br J Clin Pharmacol (2018) •• ••–•• 3 K. Sridharan and R. P. Sequeira

enzyme inhibitor (captopril) and drug combinations (nifedipine/ compared to diazoxide IV bolus [6.3 (1.7, 24)]. No celastrol, nifedipine/resveratrol and nifedipine/vitamin D). inconsistency was observed between the direct and mixed All the above drugs except clonidine and captopril were also treatment comparison pooled estimates (H=1). evaluated in the meta-analysis. Severe pre-eclampsia. We carried out a sub-group analysis of studies that had enrolled patients with severe pre-eclampsia. Overall analysis of the pooled estimates for the We have also included those studies where more than primary outcome two-thirds of the patients were diagnosed with severe Thirty-two studies with 3236 participants were included for pre-eclampsia. Twenty-seven studies (2801 participants) were the analysis of primary outcome. The network plot of the in- included and no significant differences were observed in the terventions assessed for the primary outcome is shown in mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates between the fi Figure 2. No signi cant differences were observed in the pro- drugs (Figure S3). However, the direct comparison pooled portion of patients achieving target blood pressure between estimate for labetalol was significantly better than diazoxide the drugs. Surprisingly, nicardipine was observed with a bet- [6.3 (1.7, 24)]. Mild inconsistency was observed between the ter estimate compared to diazoxide (Table 1). However, for direct and mixed treatment comparison estimates (H = 1.48). this comparison, there were no head-to-head clinical trials and the mixed treatment pooled estimate was based on the Initial blood pressure threshold. Studies varied in their definition indirect comparison. Mild inconsistencies were observed be- of severe hypertension (Table S1). Due to paucity of studies, tween the direct and mixed treatment comparison estimates the sub-group analyses for this entity was restricted to only (H ranged between 1 and 1.47). three categories (Table S2). No significant differences were observed with labetalol, nifedipine or glyceryl trinitrate with Sub-group analyses for the primary outcome hydralazine, and labetalol, isradipine and ketanserin with Route of administration. Most of the drugs were administered dihydralazine. No inconsistency was observed between the intravenously (IV) either as bolus or infusion except for direct and mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates (H= 1). nifedipine. Details of the individual routes of the drugs used in the trials are given in Table S1. Twenty-eight studies Target blood pressure. The studies also varied in the (2799 participants) were included for the sub-group analysis definitions of target blood pressure in their study participants compared to hydralazine IV bolus (Figure S2). Labetalol IV (Table S1). Due to paucity of studies in most of the categories, infusion [17.8 (3.9, 81)] and diazoxide IV bolus [2.8 (1.4, sub-group analyses were carried out for only two categories 5.8)] were observed with significantly increased proportion (Table S3). In the subset of studies with target blood pressure of patients achieving target BP. The direct comparison <160/100 mmHg, nifedipine was observed to outperform analysis revealed a better response with labetalol IV infusion hydralazine [48.9 (5.6, 428.6)]. No inconsistency was

Figure 2 Network plot for primary outcome. The majority of the studies compared hydralazine with labetalol followed by nifedipine and labetalol

4 Br J Clin Pharmacol (2018) •• ••–•• Table 1 Direct and mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates for primary outcome

PGA1 GTN Labetalol Dihydralazine Nifedipine Diazoxide Ketanserin N/C Nicardipine Isradipine Epoprostenol Urapidil Hydralazine

Drugs DMDM DM D M D M D M D M D M D M D M D M D M D M PGA1 – 0.8 – 0.9 1 1 – 0.7 – 5.5 – 1.6 – 0.7 [0, – 0.6 [0, – 0.2 [0, – 0.2 – 1 – 1.2 [0, [0, [0.1, [0.1, [0, [0, [0, 106] 407] 206] 21.4] [0, 32.1] [0, [0, 359] 270] 259] 55.3] 55.3] 215] 1851] 287]

GTN – 1.1 – 1.3 – 0.4 – 0.5 – 2.1 – 0.4 [0, – 0.8 – 0.3 [0, – 0.3 – 1.3 [0, 1.5 1.5 [0.3, [0, 93] [0.1, [0.1, [0, 169] 13.1] [0.1, 34.8] [0, 52.8] 449] [0.4, [0.4, 4.9] 3.3] 2.4] 5.2] 5.6] 5.6]

Labetalol 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.7 6.3 1.3 – 1.8 – 0.8 [0, 0.7 0.7 – 0.2 [0, – 0.2 – 1.2 [0, 1.4 2.3 [0.6, [0.6, [0.6, [0.3, [1.7, [0.1, [0, 14.5] [0.3, [0.3, 24.6] [0, 38] 330] [0.7, [0.3, 3.5] 3.5] 2.7] 1.5] 24] 16.6] 116.7] 2.2] 2.2] 2.8] 15.8]

Dihydralazine – 0.7 – 5.5 1.6 1.6 – 0.7 [0, – 0.6 [0, 0.2 0.2 [0, 0.2 0.2 1[0.1, 1[0.1, – 1.2 [0, [0.1, [0.5, [0.5, 97.9] 40.6] [0, 2.1] [0, [0, 4.6] 54.2] 54.2] [0, 69.2] 41.7] 373] 4.7] 4.7] 2.1] 4.6] – – – – – – Nifedipine 3.6 2.3 1 1[0.1, 0.9 0.3 [0, 0.3 1.4 [0, 3.7 2.1 pregnancy in hypertension severe treating for Drugs [0.6, [0, 155] [0.1, 10] [0.2, 32.3] [0, 49.8] 430] [0.7, [0.9, 20.5] 10] 3.5] 18.8] 5.2]

Diazoxide – 0.3 – 0.8 [0, – 0.1 [0, – 0.4 [0, – 0.1 – 0.2 [0, – 1.7 [0, 22.7] 20.8] 0.6]* 32.7] [0, 7.1] 61] [0.1, 30.3]

Ketanserin – 0.4 [0, – 0.4 [0, – 0.1 [0, – 0.1 – 0.6 [0, – 0.7 0, 68.9] 29.2] 1.7] [0, 3.5] 39.1] 49.7]

N/C – 0.9 [0, – 0.3 [0, – 0.3 – 1.0 [0, – 3.7 19.9] 69] [0, 815] [0.1, 93] 100.8]

Nicardipine – 0.3 [0, – 0.3 – 1.6 [0, – 1.8 37.6] [0, 57.6] 495] [0.5, 6.7]

Isradipine – 1 – 4.8 [0, – 5.6 rJCi hrao (2018) Pharmacol Clin J Br [0, 474] [0.1, 46.5] 600]

Epoprostenol – 4.8 [0, – 5.7 746] [0, 940]

Urapidil – 1.2 [0, 354] Hydralazine

D, Direct pooled estimates; GTN, glyceryl trinitrate; M, Mixed treatment comparison estimates; N/C, nifedipine/celastrol; PGA1, prostaglandin A1. *P < 0.05 (statistically significant). •••–•• •• 5 K. Sridharan and R. P. Sequeira

observed between the direct and mixed treatment to achieve the target BP than hydralazine. Nifedipine requires comparison pooled estimates (H=1). fewer doses than hydralazine to achieve the target BP. Glyceryl trinitrate and labetalol were associated with fewer incidences Sensitivity analysis and publication bias for the of tachycardia and palpitation respectively than hydralazine. primary outcome Sub-group analyses revealed that labetalol IV infusion and diazoxide IV bolus could outperform hydralazine IV bolus. Four studies did not report the initial blood pressure criterion Similarly, labetalol IV infusion may perform better than for recruiting their study participants, of which data from one diazoxide IV bolus, including in patients with severe pre- was included in the analysis of primary outcome. Removal of eclampsia. Trial sequential analysis concluded the presence of data from this study did not significantly change the overall adequate evidence for hydralazine and nifedipine compared to analysis (Figure S4). labetalol. Moderate quality of evidence was observed for nifedi- Three studies recruited post-natal women of which data from pine and hydralazine but was either low or very low for others. two were included for the analysis of primary outcome. No Network meta-analysis can estimate the relative effect significant changes were observed in the pooled estimates of the even in the absence of head-to-head clinical trials through drugsafterremovingthedatafromtheabovestudies(FigureS5). a common comparator; for example, if there are three No publication bias was detected for the following com- interventions, namely A, B and C, and we assume that parisons: hydralazine with labetalol (P = 0.84), nifedipine head-to-head clinical trials compared either A with B or B with hydralazine (P = 0.69) and nifedipine and labetalol with C. With the aid of network meta-analysis modelling, (P = 0.3) for the primary outcome (Figure S6). through the common comparator (B), we can compute the relative effect estimate between A and C [10]. In the present Trialsequentialanalysisforprimaryoutcome network meta-analysis, we observed a similar efficacy profile Trial sequential analysis was carried out between hydralazine between the several anti-hypertensive drugs used in preg- and labetalol; nifedipine and hydralazine; and nifedipine nancy despite the absence of head-to-head comparisons with labetalol for the primary outcome. The pooled estimates for many drugs. The only other robust quantitative synthe- were similar for hydralazine and nifedipine compared to sis was from Duley et al. [9], where the authors included 35 labetalol and the evidence is sufficient for concluding the studies but the results were inconclusive. Further, the same (Figures S7 and S8). However, the evidence is inconclusive authors of the study did not take into account the route of for nifedipine compared to hydralazine (Figure S9). administration of the anti-hypertensive drugs, various initial and target blood pressure values and pre-eclampsia Pooled estimates for secondary outcomes status;wehaveaddressedalltheaboveissuesinthepresent study. Additionally, they did not validate their results by A summary of pooled estimates for all the secondary outcomes adjusting the pooled estimates to type 1 error for which is listed in Table 2. Compared to hydralazine, glyceryl trinitrate, we have carried out the trial sequential analysis. Trial nicardipine, diazoxide, nifedipine/celastrol, nifedipine/vitamin sequential analysis can be considered as an interim analysis D and nifedipine/resveratrol were associated with significantly that accounts for the statistical diversity relating the shorter time to achieve the target blood pressure. Fewer doses accumulated evidence to the total sample size required were required for nifedipine compared to hydralazine for [68]. We had observed that the evidence is sufficient to achieving the target blood pressure, whereas nicardipine and conclude a similar efficacy (in terms of number of patients isradipine required significantly more. Glyceryl trinitrate and achieving the target BP) between hydralazine and nifedipine labetalol were associated with lesser incidences of tachycardia compared to labetalol. Future investigators should be aware and palpitation respectively than hydralazine. that conducting clinical trials with a similar comparison is futile. Also, we have noted that some of the investigators Grading the evidence in recent times have started combining drugs such as Grading of the quality of evidence was carried out for key vitamin D and resveratrol along with conventional comparisons. For the primary outcome, moderate quality antihypertensive drugs (nifedipine). Though few such trials was observed for the direct comparison pooled estimates were included in the present meta-analysis, no advantages between labetalol and hydralazine. Grading of the quality of have been observed with such drug combinations. evidence for other comparisons revealed either low or very Our results are in line with the recommendations from low quality (Table 3). Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology where labetalol, nifedipine and hydralazine are listed as first-line Discussion drugs [69, 70]. Interestingly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has listed only intravenous hydralazine in its latest The present network meta-analysis was carried out to compare essential drugs list (EDL) for treating severe hypertension the efficacy and safety of drugs for treating severe hypertension in pregnancy [71]. Although cost-effectiveness data for in pregnancy. We have included 51 studies in this systematic hydralazine and nifedipine is not available, because nifedi- review and 46 in the meta-analysis. No significant differences pine can be administered orally, available as the generic in the number of patients achieving target BP was noted preparation with a similar efficacy and safety profile between the drugs. Glyceryl trinitrate, nicardipine, diazoxide, confirmed in the present review and in previous reviews nifedipine/celastrol, nifedipine/vitamin D and nifedipine/ [72], the WHO may consider including nifedipine in the resveratrol were observed to require a significantly shorter time EDL for primary health care. Moreover, we observed that

6 Br J Clin Pharmacol (2018) •• ••–•• Table 2 Mixed treatment comparison pooled estimates for secondary outcomes in comparison with hydralazine

Outcomes (Total number of studies; Total number of patients) Number Number of doses of Time for required to patients Number of Maternal achieving achieve Neonatal Maternal with neonates with a b a b a a a a a a hypotension target BP Failure rate target BP Stillbirth death (12; tachycardia Headache Palpitation new HT APGAR <7 a Drugs (18; 2737) (16; 2702) (17; 1803) (16; 1575) (12; 1055) 800) (17; 2884) (29; 3828) (8; 782) crisis (4; 313) (13; 2647)

Labetalol 0.23 [0, 1.2] À1[À22.2, 23] 0.6 [0.2, 1.6] À0.1 [À0.3, 0.2] 0.9 [0.4, 2.3] 0.8 [0.2, 3.6] 0.4 [0.1, 1.5] 0.7 [0.3, 1.9] 0.4 [0.2, 0.4 [0.1, 1.9] 1.4 [0.8, 2.4] 0.9]*

Nifedipine 0.7 [0.1, 4] À3.5 0.7 [0.3, 1.5] À0.4 [À0.7, 1.4 [0.4, 5.1] 0.4 [0.1, 2.5] 0.6 [0.1, 2.1] 0.8 [0.3, 2.3] 1.5 0.5 [0.3, 1.1] 1.1 [0.6, 2] [À26.5, 19.7] À0.1]* [0.4, 5.9] Glyceryl 0.9 [0.5, 1.7] À33.8 0.7 [0.2, 2.4] – 0.7 [0.1, 4] – 0.5 [0.2, 0.9]* 0.4 [0.1, 3.9] 1.3 – 0.6 [1.1, 2.5] trinitrate [À36.7, À31]* [0.1, 18.2]

PGA1 – – – – ––– ––– – rg o raigsvr yetnini pregnancy in hypertension severe treating for Drugs Dihydralazine 2.3 [0.1, 48] – 1.9 À0.2 [À1.3, 1] 0.1 [0, 4.4] 0.2 [0, 10.1] 6.4 [0.5, 3.1 [0.4, 3.4] –– – [0.1, 27.5] 91.6]

Nicardipine – À11.8 0.6 [0.2, 2.3] 0.9 [0.5, 1.3]* ––– 0.6 [0.2, 2.3] 3.5 –– [À22.3, À1.2]* [0.2, 82] Diazoxide 0.8 [0.1, 12.6] À15 0.5 [0.1, 2.8] – 2.4 [0.1, 71] 3.8 1 [0.3, 3.4] 0.3 [0.1, 3.3] –– 0.9 [0.2, 4] [À20.6, À9.4]* [0.1, 126.2]

Ketanserin 0.3 [0.1, 8.3] – 20.5 À0.1 [À1.2, 1.1] 0.6 [0.1, 4.9] 1 0.3 [0, 8.3] 0.3 [0.1, 8.3] –– – [0.8, 496.6] [0.1, 165.6] Nifedipine/ 0.6 [0.1, 15.4] À19.3 –– ––0.4 [0.1, 4.2] 1 [0.1, 8.2] –– 1.1 [0.4, 2.7] Celastrol [À27.4, À11.1]*

Isradipine –– –1.7 [0.3, 2.1]* 0.1 [0, 4.6] 0.5 [0, 99] –––– – Epoprostenol –– –– –0.2 [0, 27.8] – 0.2 [0, 31.8] –– – rJCi hrao (2018) Pharmacol Clin J Br

Urapidil 1.1 [0, 181] ––––0.1 [0, 12.2] –––– – Nifedipine/ 0.3 [0.1, 5.8] À17.7 –– ––0.4 [0.1, 3.5] 1.5 [0.3, 8.1] –– 0.9 [0.4, 2.3] Vitamin D [À25.7, À9.7]*

Nifedipine/ 0.2 [0.1, 7.4] À13.9 – À0.3 [À1.3, 0.8] ––0.7 [0.1, 1.5 [0.2, –– 0.8 [0.3, 2.2] Resveratrol [À22.6, À5.2]* 10.6] 10.7] *P < 0.05 (statistically significant). aPooled estimates expressed in odds ratio [95% confidence interval]. bPooled estimates expressed in mean difference [95% confidence interval]. •••–•• •• BP, blood pressure; MTC, mixed treatment pooled estimates; PGA1, Prostaglandin A1. 7 K. Sridharan and R. P. Sequeira

Table 3 Grading the quality of evidence for key comparisons

Illustrative comparative risks Effect estimate and (95% confidence intervals) Effect estimate and quality of evidence for quality of evidence for mixed treatment Comparisons Assumed riska Corresponding riskb direct comparisons comparisons

Number of patients achieving target 881 per 1000 914 per 1000 (833 to 956) 1.4 [0.7, 2.8] 2.3 [0.3, 15.8] BP with labetalol compared to hydralazine ⊕⊕⊕⊝ ⊕⊕⊝⊝ Moderatec Lowc,e

Number of patients achieving 881 per 1000 964 per 1000 (833 to 992) 3.7 [0.7, 18.8] 2.1 [0.9, 5.2] target BP with nifedipine ⊕⊕⊝⊝ ⊕⊕⊝⊝ compared to hydralazine , , Lowc e Lowc e Number of doses required to NA NA À0.1 [À1.1, 1] À0.4 [À0.7, À0.1] achieve target BP with nifedipine ⊕⊝⊝⊝ ⊕⊝⊝⊝ compared to hydralazine Very lowc,d,e Very lowc,d,e

Time for achieving target BP NA NA À33.8 [À36.7, À31] ND À33.8 [À36.7, À31] ND with glyceryl trinitrate compared to hydralazine Time for achieving target BP with NA NA À1.3 [À3.9, 1.3] ND À11.8 [À22.3, À1.2] ND nicardipine compared to hydralazine Time for achieving target BP with NA NA À15 [À20.6, À9.4] ND À15 [À20.6, À9.4] ND diazoxide compared to hydralazine Time for achieving target BP with NA NA À21 [À24, À17.8] ND À19.3 [À27.4, À11.1] ND nifedipine/celastrol compared to hydralazine Time for achieving target BP NA NA À19.3 [À22.2, À 16.6] ND À17.7 [À25.7, À9.7] ND with nifedipine/vitamin D compared to hydralazine Time for achieving target BP NA NA À15.5 [À19.8, À11.1] ND À13.9 [À22.6, À5.2] ND with nifedipine/resveratrol compared to hydralazine aAssumed risk was the median control group risk across the studies for the categorical variables. bComputed only for the categorical outcomes based on assumed risk. cDowngraded one level for including studies with high risk of bias. dDowngraded one level as publication bias could not be ruled out. eDowngraded one level for serious limitations in the precision of the estimates. Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate; Low quality: Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is likely to change the estimate; Very low quality: We are very uncertain about the estimate. BP, blood pressure; NA, not assessed as the risk assessment was performed only for the categorical variable; ND, not determined due to very serious limitations in the precision of the estimates, publication bias could not be assessed and high risk of bias and the estimate was derived from only one study.

nifedipine performs better than hydralazine when the target practice is not favoured due to weak anti-hypertensive ef- BP is less than 160/110 mmHg. fects [74]. Similarly, guidelines from the multidisciplinary We have observed that labetalol IV infusion performs bet- working group of the National Partnership for Maternal ter than hydralazine IV bolus. However, there were only two Safety has advised not using magnesium sulphate for the studies (with 51 patients) where labetalol was administered sole anti-hypertensive purpose, and so we excluded it in this as IV infusion. Reports indicate the risk of severe hypotension review. [75] with labetalol IV infusion [73]. Hence, considering the very This is the first network meta-analysis in this field. The low quality of evidence for this comparison and the potential estimates generated from the present model will be useful risk involved, we do not recommend labetalol IV infusion. to practitioners as it may take several years to conduct Further studies should explore the therapeutic utility of head-to-head clinical trials comparing several drugs for labetalol IV infusion for treating either severe or refractory treating severe hypertension in pregnancy. Additionally, hypertension in pregnancy. we have also confirmedthepresenceofadequateevidence We did not observe any significant differences in terms at least for key comparisons. Various sub-group analyses of either maternal or fetal safety profile between the evalu- based on route of administration, comorbidity with severe ated drugs. In addition, maternal mortality is reported rarely pre-eclampsia, pre-treatment and target blood pressure in the included studies. We have excluded studies that have values were carried out. However, the following are the lim- assessed the role of oral alphamethyl dopa/atenolol, as their itations of the study: the differences in the pre-treatment role for treating severe hypertension in contemporary blood pressure values varied widely between the studies;

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