Item: 01 Page No:1




Present: William Munro, Council (Chair) (WM) Lesley Robertson, Aberdeenshire Council (LR) Diane Strachan, Aberdeenshire Council (DS) Ed Garrett, AVA (EG) Keith Anderson, AVA (KA) Jane Mitchell, CHiP AVA (JM) Michael Morgan, representing Community Councils in Ward 17 (MM) Ian Hunter, Development Partnership (IH) Jacky Niven, KDP (JN) Linda Babbs, CLD (LB) Councillor C Nelson, Aberdeenshire Council (CN) Jim Stuart, representing Community Councils in Ward 19 (JS) Carolyn Lamb, Public Health Coordinator, NHS (CL)

Apologies: Susie Brown, MAP Sheila McDerment, Police Stuart Cruickshank, Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Edith Criggie, NHS


Introductions WM introduced Carolyn Lamb who has taken over the role of Public Health Coordinator from Fiona Murray and welcomed Keith Anderson from AVA who would be attending future meetings in his capacity as Head of Development. He also advised that there has been a number of structural changes within the NHS with the introduction of the new Health & Social Care Partnership. Philippa Berry has been appointed to a new post and has moved to the area. Edith Criggie has been appointed as the Location Manager for , and and Mark Simpson is the Location Manager for

He also advised the group that Emma Kidd has now left the Working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire 1

Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeenshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership, & Shire Economic Future, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, Aberdeenshire Youth Council. Community Councils, Local Rural Partnerships, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, , NESTRANS, NHS , Scottish Enterprise and our community Item: 01 Page No:2

Council and recruitment was underway for her replacement.

A vacancy still exists for a Community Council representative for Ward 18 and LR will follow this up. LR

1. Minutes & Action Sheet The Minutes of the previous meeting on 10 November 2016 were accepted as a correct record.

Only one action remained recorded on the Action Sheet for consideration.

2. Local Community Plan – Wellbeing It had been hoped to have a representative from the Mental Health team to give a talk at today’s meeting but this had not been possible however this will be arranged for a future date. LR

There are 4 key outcomes:

1) Focus on inclusive community spaces and opportunities – This will be delivered through development of the old Court Building. However, progress has been slow and there is nothing to report at present. 2) Reduce inequalities in all outcomes within and across communities in K&M – Men’s Sheds are being developed in Portlethen and Stonehaven. Discussions are ongoing with hall owners to try and make their halls accessible for all users. CN asked who villagers should approach for assistance in achieving this and encouraging the elderly to get involved in activities to reduce isolation. JN advised that she is currently working with communities to improve their halls and engage with their community on the type of activities they want to see run but this requires capacity building first.

In Portlethen a group has been set up to look at making the more Dementia friendly. Events such as coffee mornings can be too noisy for dementia sufferers so they are looking at ways to combat this. Also making shop assistants more aware of the needs of dementia patients and how they can be more supportive.

KA commented that there are a number of good health improvement projects being run but the difficulty is connecting the activities and support together. CL was involved in an initiative whereby they hired a bus and went round the small communities that don’t normally engage with services to find out what people understood by wellbeing which was very successful.

It was generally agreed that there is a lot of good work that comes from village halls but it needs a strong sense of direction to drive projects forward. Communication is key such as newsletters, Working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire 2

Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeenshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Aberdeen & Shire Economic Future, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, Aberdeenshire Youth Council. Community Councils, Local Rural Partnerships, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, NESTRANS, NHS Grampian, Scottish Enterprise and our community Item: 01 Page No:3

websites etc to promote events and activities.

EG/JN had been discussing plans to bring community hall groups together to discuss problems such as ongoing maintenance, funding, governance, running activities, promotion, sharing best practice etc. CL suggested looking at work being undertaken by Udny Community Trust who are trying to link all the halls together to apply for a large Lottery grant to improve wellbeing services in the community.

3. Participatory Budgeting – Next steps WM explained that a budget of £25,000 has been allocated from the Health & Social Care Partnership for a Participatory Budget event. Evidence from engagement in has highlighted a lack of alternative methods of active travel, such as cycling or walking routes. It is on this basis that “Connecting People” could be considered as a suitable theme for use of the PB funding.

LR further explained that a Mini-public could be set up of people from across the area. It was proposed that a Steering Group be set up to decide on the criteria for the funding. They could additionally vet the applications before going forward to the Mini- Public. In they have decided that the full sum will be awarded to one group in the hope that it has a real impact.

Following discussion it was agreed that the topic should be around connecting communities to improve wellbeing and equality. A minimum sum should be set so only sizeable projects can apply which could be one or several groups coming together to submit one bid. Must ensure that project does not duplicate what currently exists. It was suggested that the Steering Group could look at possibility of scoring the applications and only the highest go through to the Mini-public. However, this will depend on the number of applications as to whether this is necessary. It was noted that as this is public money an Equalities Impact Assessment will be required.

A sub-group comprising Lesley, Ed, Jacky, Linda and Carolyn will take this forward.

4. Budget LR advised that there is still £9,340.58 in the budget which must be spent by 31 March 2017.

The Paths for all Project had previously been awarded £200. There was now an additional need for funding for transport and accommodation costs. The path being undertaken was from Skatie Shore to the Golf Course. Thus a room needed to be booked at the Golf Course for the youngsters to eat lunch.

Working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire 3

Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeenshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Aberdeen & Shire Economic Future, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, Aberdeenshire Youth Council. Community Councils, Local Rural Partnerships, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, NESTRANS, NHS Grampian, Scottish Enterprise and our community Item: 01 Page No:4

Therefore agreement was sought that £500 should be set aside for this project if needed. Unanimous agreement was received.

Other suggested projects were bikes which requires funding to slab a path round the shed, a wellbeing festival and a PB exercise. All projects will submit funding applications. If there is any money left it was agreed to add it to the PB fund, on agreement from finance.

5. Updates Community Action Plans:

JN advised that Gourdon will be holding a community engagement event towards the end of this month or in early February. They have received approval to use the % for Art funds to pay for a Landscape Architect to design a community garden in the lower park.

Drumoak are hosting a community event next month. A student has been employed to pull together a 3D visual of the proposed changes to the church. A LEADER application has been submitted.

Other projects have not progressed.

MM commented that he had noticed an article by Aberdeen University who were looking to assist with Community Action Plans. However, it transpired that they were looking for communities to carry out certain pieces of work to fit with their projects. MM to forward details to WM who was interested in MM finding out more.

HSCI Workshops took place in 6 areas at the end of last year and information from that has just been issued and CL will circulate. The Health & Social Care Teams across Aberdeenshire have now been appointed. Lunch and Learn roadshows are being rolled out to local GPs, practice staff and social care practitioners to meet local third sector organisations who offer support. The first one will be held in Stonehaven and it is hoped it will increase local knowledge of what is available and ensure people are signposted to the right place.

Bervie Action Plan No update. To be put on next Agenda.

6. Communication – CPG Briefing/Good News Stories Participatory Budgeting Halls

Working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire 4

Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeenshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Aberdeen & Shire Economic Future, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, Aberdeenshire Youth Council. Community Councils, Local Rural Partnerships, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, NESTRANS, NHS Grampian, Scottish Enterprise and our community Item: 01 Page No:5

MM advised that the North Kincardine maps has now been printed and will be distributed to every household in North Kincardine as well as libraries.

KDP held a launch of the Mearns Tourism Association at the Balmakewan on Saturday, 19 November. There was a healthy response to requests for Board members and the official launch should take place early next month.

CN wished to praise the hard work of the pupils at Primary who had received a Gold School Sport Award which was presented by Sportscotland.

8. Date of Next Meeting The Joint meeting will take place on Tuesday, 21 February at 1.30pm at .

The next regular CPG meeting will be held on Thursday, 23 March 2017 from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Venue to be confirmed.

Working together for the best quality of life for everyone in Aberdeenshire 5

Aberdeenshire Council, Aberdeenshire Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Aberdeen & Shire Economic Future, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, Aberdeenshire Youth Council. Community Councils, Local Rural Partnerships, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Police Scotland, NESTRANS, NHS Grampian, Scottish Enterprise and our community