Metal 3D Printing Seminar LUT University/Student Union House auditorium 3.12.2019 Language: Finnish, except *) presentations are in English

9.00 Registration and coffee + snacks and Exhibition (Lobby of Student Union House) 9.15 Opening of event and welcome, Docent Heidi Piili, Research Group of Laser Materials Processing, School of Energy Systems, LUT University 9.20 Introduction of the projects ReGold-AM, Associate Professor Eveliina Repo, Research group of Hydrometallurgy for Urban Mining, Department of Separation and Purification Technology, School of Engineering Science, LUT-University

Metal 3D Innovations (Me3DI), Docent Heidi Piili, Research Group of Laser Materials Processing, School of Energy Systems, LUT University

Industrial specialist (Chief Expert in Engineering CEE), Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering Timo Kärppä, Mechanical Engineering 3D Technologies Research Group, Häme University of Applied Sciences

DigiManufacturing – Project Manager Erika Tapaninen, Circular economy solutions, Faculty of Technology, University of Applied Sciences MFG 4.0, Project coordinator Anna Huusko, Research Group of Strategic Finance and Business Analytics, School of Business Management, LUT University 9.50-10.20 Applying metal 3D printing in Finnish industry, Engineering Manager Janne Kousa, Raute 10.20-10.40 The impact of 3D printing on production, Innovation Expert (Additive Manufacturing) Juho Raukola, Wärtsilä 10.40-11.00 Points to be taken into account and case examples of 3D printed parts for Finnish industry, CTO Markku Lindqvist, Delva 11.00-11.20 Simulation software for 3D printing, Master Thesis Worker Atte Heiskanen, Research Group of Laser Material Processing, School of Energy Systems, LUT University 11.20-11.40 Case examples of simulation use in metal 3D printing of products for Finnish industry, Additive Manufacturing Specialist Erin Komi, Etteplan *) 11.40-12.20 Lunch (self-paid) + networking Exhibition (Lobby of Student Union House) UNIORILappeenranta Junior University and school students exhibit their know-how in field of 3D printing (Lobby of Student Union House) 12.20-12.40 Case examples of 3D printed serial production parts, R&D Group Manager Juha Kotila, EOS 12.40-13.00 Fatigue properties of 3D printed metal parts, Junior Research Scientist Shahriar Afkhami, Research Group of Steel Structures, School of Energy Systems, LUT University *) 13.00-13.20 How 3D printing is re-shaping the business landscape? Postdoctoral Researcher Jyrki Savolainen, Research Group of Strategic Finance and Business Analytics, School of Business Management, LUT University 13.20-13.40 Panel discussion, Docent Heidi Piili, Research Group of Laser Materials Processing, School of Energy Systems, LUT University 13.45-13.45 Closing of event, Docent Heidi Piili, Research Group of Laser Materials Processing, School of Energy Systems, LUT University 13.45-14.15 Coffee + networking (Lobby of Student Union House) Exhibition (Lobby of Student Union House) Students from Jamie Hyneman Center (JHC) of LUT University exhibit their 3D prints and project work (Lobby of Student Union House) 14.15-15.30 Chance to visit facilities of LUT Laser and to see metal 3D printers of LUT Laser DigiManufacturing– Opportunities of future manufacturing technologies in business development, funded by European Regional Development Fund

Aim of the project is to develop 3D printing technologies, utilize recyclable materials and increase regional knowledge of 3D printing. In addition, opportunities to utilize 3D printing and 3D printing relating business are enhanced in Päijät-Häme area.

Manufacturing 4.0 (MFG4.0) and its technological, economic, educational and socio-political strategies, funded by Strategic Research Council

MFG 4.0 is a three-year interdisciplinary project that aims to clarify the future of manufacturing industry from various viewpoints. Focus of the project is in 3D printing technology and industrial automation. New technology for the needs of 3D printing and industrial automation are developed via material research, robotics and automation. Seven research groups are involved in the project, four of which operate in LUT University, one in , one in University of Jyväskylä and one in .

Recovery of gold from the secondary resources by novel electrochemical reactors realized with additive manufacturing (ReGold-AM), funded by Academy of Finland Gold mining is very expensive industry and there is need for tools for low cost gold production, which is spurring the retreatment of tailings. Despite of value of gold almost 99 % of it ends up as waste thus providing vast resources locked up in existing tailings dams/dumps. The focus of project is to develop tools for gold recovery and by utilization of modern technologies like additive manufacturing in gold separation process, to increase the gain for example by developing completely novel electrochemical reactors/systems. Project started 01.09.2019 and it will end 31.08.2023. Metal 3D Innovations (Me3DI), funded by European Regional Development Fund

Aim of the project is to form industrial knowhow cluster of metal 3D printing to . Research groups of LUT Laser Material Processing and Steel Structures, in addition to participating companies, are involved in the project. LUT University offered education for participant companies about metal 3D printing in the beginning of the project. By utilizing the information and knowledge of the education, companies create ideas for case studies for metal 3D printing which are implemented in collaboration with LUT University. Target of the project is to increase knowledge of metal 3D printing and lower the restrictions of taking the technology into use in manufacturing. The project started in 1.9.2018 and ends in 31.12.2020.

Chief Expert in Engineering (CEE), funded by European Social Fund

The project offers education relating to utilization of modern 3D technologies including 3D printing for experts in thefield of technology. Aim is to strengthen the knowledge in the field of 3D design in mechanical engineering and 3D printing. The half-year education starts in spring 2020. Education is offered by Hämeenlinna University of Applied Sciences, LUT University and Laurea University of Applied Sciences.