February Privacy Office Congressional Report Opened Between 02/01/2016 and 02/29/2016 WF # Receive Date Con~essm an Name Subject of R uest

Expresses concern on the defederalization 1118895 219120 16 Congressman Sanford D. Bishop of the Middle Georgia Regional Airport (MCN). Requests the Department to provide the strategy to develop an interoperable 2/16/2016 communications system relating to H.R. 1119196 Senator Richard Blumenthal 615, the DHS Interoperable Communications Act.

Write with concern regarding Homeland 1119006 2/11/2016 Senator Cory A. Booker Security Grant Program funding for New Jersey. Expresses concern about new security 2/4/201 6 111 88 18 Congressman Cheri Bustos procedures for the Rock Island Arsenal.

Senator Capito writes on behalf of lfil] (b)(6) egarding his being 2/11/2016 1119035 Congressman Shelley Moore Capito removed from his position because FPS pulled his suitability.

Requests response regarding the Federal 1119601 2/24/2016 Congressman Thomas Carper Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015 and the EINSTEIN system. Requests information related to USSS's 2/10/2016 1119011 Congressman Jason Chaffetz Policies.

Wrote to Director Saldana requesting supporting documents for an 1121/2016 investigation involving former ICE 1119256 Congressman Ja.son Chaffetz Senior Advisor for Cybercrime Alvin Smith, detailed from the USSS in 2015

Requests information about the Department's inventory controls and 2119/2016 1119373 Congressman Jason Chaffetz procedures for reporting lost or stolen items. Requests information regarding federal 2/23/2016 employees who receive taxpayer salaries 1119555 Congressman Jason Chaffetz and benefits for official time duties.

Requests information regarding the 2/24/2016 1119707 Congressman Jason Chaffetz Depa1tment's IT systems.

Request information regarding the 2/10/2016 Department's implementation of recent 1118923 Congressman John Conyers changes to the Visa Waiver Program.

Rep. Crenshaw writes on behalf of ~ 1119654 2/17/2016 Congressman Ander Crenshaw (0)(6) 1regarding his claim for ehg1b1hty tor Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits.

Requests assistance on behalf of!

Requests information regarding 2/16/2016 1119 185 Congressman Carlos Curbelo constituent's discharge from USCG

Request testimony at a hearing on February 10, 2016 titled "The President's Waiver of Restrictions on the Visa 1119 139 2/11/2016 Congressman Ron Desantis Waiver Program." The letter was received on 2/11/16, the day after the hearing, at which Commissioner Kerlikowske testified.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart invites Asst. Sec. Johnson to participate in an Identity Theft 1119834 2/25/2016 Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart Prevention seminar on March 30th and March 31st in Naples, FL and Miami Lakes, FL respectively.

Responds on behalf of Secretary Johnson. 2/4/2016 Response is to the "Stop the Bleed" 1118940 Congressman Shaun Donovan campaign.

Requests information on U.S. national 1118866 2/4/2016 Congressman Jeff Duncan security implications of U.S. actions with Cuba. Writes regarding Illinois' REAL ID 1118777 2/5/2016 Senator Richard J. Durbin status. Write regarding recent changes to the 2/11/2016 Visa Waiver Program and their effect on 1119065 Senator Richard J. Durbin certain dual nationals.

Writes to highlight the following areas that are of critical importance to New 1119780 2/25/2016 Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen Jersey in the Department's budget request. Requests alien registration on an 2/29/2016 ll 19948 Congressman Bob Goodlatte individual in Columbus, Ohio.

Senator Graham writes regarding an 2/22/2016 1119672 Congressman Lindsey Graham ai1icle written in The Hill.

Requests the Department rescind the 2/112016 regulations authorizing H-2A workers to 1118271 Senator Charles E. Grassley enter the country.

Requests responses to questions 2/2/2016 regai·ding the Victims of Trafficking and 1118460 Senator Charles E. Grassley Violence Protection Act (VTVPA)

Requests information regarding a Cuban 2/2/2016 1118461 Senator Charles E. Grassley immigrant.

Requests information regarding two 2/1012016 1118959 Senator Charles E. Grassley suspected MS-13 gang members.

Request information regarding screening 2/12/2016 1119144 Senator Charles E. Grassley Syrian refugees in Jordan. Requests response to questions regarding the Office of Refugee Resettlement's 1119249 2/17/2016 Senator Charles E. Grassley (ORR) screening processes for sponsors and family of unaccompanied children (UAC). Senator Grassley requested that 1(1>><6> I IM(6) ~e approved a detail 1119814 2/25/2016 Senator Charles E. Grassley extension from February 20, 2016 through August 19, 2016. Senator Grassley and Representative 1119900 Senator Charles E. Grassley Goodlatte requesting information on the Los Angeles alien aJTests Requests the Department reexamine the FY 2016 risk profile for the Orlando- 2/112016 Congressman 1118298 Kissimmee-Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area. Write with concern regarding the 1119099 2/11/2016 Congressman Raul M. Grijalva Department's Priority Enforcement Program.

Writes with concern on behalf of a 1119357 2/11/2016 Congressman Alcee L. Hastings constituent regarding his impending deportation for a non-violent offense.

Submits comments regarding FEMA's Relative Risk Profile for Las Vegas for 2/4/2016 Congressman Joe Heck 1118801 the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) grant for Fiscal Year (FY) 2016.

Senator Dean Heller forwards inquiries via fax and U.S. mail on behalf ofl

Commends the Secretary on providing human trafficking awareness training in 2/8/2016 1118916 Congressman Michael M. Honda Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers.

Urges to stop the practice of immigration enforcement and extend temporary 2/22/2016 1119498 Congressman Michael M. Honda protected status to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.

Requests further actions on the Visa 2/4/2016 Waiver Program Improvement and 1118717 Congressman Jared Huffman Terrorist Travel Preventation Act.

Requests information regarding the 1119122 2/11/2016 Congressman Bill Johnson implementation of the SAFE Port Act of 2006.

Response to Rep. Roybal-Allard: 1118948 2/5/2016 Congressman Jeh Charles Johnson Provided Legislative Priorities from the Department. 2129/2016 CBPAMO 1119942 Congressman M. Tia Johnson

Requests response on the expansion of 2/5/2016 the Refugee Admissions Program in ll 18763 Senator Ron Johnson Central America.

Requests information about the Department's compliance with federal 2/22/2016 record-keeping requirements and its 1119453 Senator Ron Johnson policies about the use of non-official email for official business.

Invites the Secretary to testify at a hearing titled "The Homeland Security Department's Budget Submission for 2/24/2016 1119650 Senator Ron Johnson Fiscal Year 2017" before the Committee on Homalnd Security and Governmental Affairs on March 8, 2016.

Invites the Secretary to visit the Joint 1/28/2016 1118571 Congressman William R. Keating Base Cape Cod (JBCC).

Write concerning a screening incident at 2/2/2016 1118417 Congressman Peter King JFK International Airport.

Requests review on a deportation case in 2/24/2016 1119640 Congressman Mark Kirk McHenry County, Illinois.

Request information regarding recent 2122/2016 1119500 Congressman Zoe Lofgren immigration enforcement actions.

lnvites the Secretary or appropriate designee to the Rail Security Summit on 1119186 2/16/2016 Congressman Stephen F. Lynch February 29, 2016 at lO:OOam at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Writes with concern regarding a recent 2/22/2016 1119512 Congressman Sean Maloney ICE investigation.

Writes with concern regarding the Visa 2/5/2016 111 8936 Congressman Kenny Marchant Overstay Report for FY 2015. Writes supporting the City of Carrollton for funding though the Department of 2/11/2016 1119124 Congressman Thomas Massie Homeland Security - American Firefighter Grant 2015.

Inquires about the Department's efforts to 2/5/2016 1118770 Congressman Michael McCaul address the Zika virus.

Writes to support an appeal for the 2/112016 1118282 Congressman Central 2016 Risk Profile Rank.

Requests that the Department examine the interactions with American businesses 2/16/2016 1119197 Senator Jerry Moran attempting to participate in the H-2A and H-2B programs.

Writes on behalf of !Cb)~) I 2/1/2016 motion for the Immigration Board of 1118292 Congressman Gary Peters Appeals.

Rep. Pittenger wirites in support ~ 2/9/2016 1118993 Congressman Robert Pittenger l(b)(ll) !request for a transfer.

Writes to Assistant Secretary Lago at Department of Treasury regarding the 1119244 2/17/2016 Congressman Robert Pittenger Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group (CCEG) acquiring the Chicago Stock Exchange. Requests more pro-bono lawyers at the 2/4/2016 1118645 Senator Harry Reid detention facilities in Texas. Writes on behalf of his constituent 2/25/2016 regarding TSA background checks in 1119785 Senator Harry Reid Reno, NV.

Requests information on ISIS' reported 1119074 2/11/2016 Congressman Mike Rounds ability to manufacture fraudulent passports. Requests the Department make 2/16/2016 individuals traveling to Libya ineligible 1119 198 Congressman Edward Royce for visa free travel in the United States. Writes in support of the Albany Fire Departmen'ts request for funding under 2/25/2016 1119758 Congressman Charles Schumer FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program.

Writes in support of the St. Regis Falls Volunteer Fire Department's application 2/25/2016 1119812 Congressman Charles Schumer for funding under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of the St. Regis Falls Ambulance, Inc's (SRFA) application for 2/25/2016 1119819 Congressman Charles Schumer funding under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of Kiryas Joel Volunteer EMS' application funding 2/25/2016 1119825 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of the City of Fulton Fire Department's request for funding 2/25/2016 1119831 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of the City of Fulton Fire Department's request for funding 2/25/2016 1119835 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of the West Cathage Volunteer Fire Department's (WCVFD) 1119855 2/25/2016 Congressman Charles Schumer request for funding under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program. Writes in support of the Ogdensburg Fire Department's application for funding 2/25/2016 1119857 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program.

Writes in support of the Ogdensburg Fire Department's application for funding 2/25/2016 1119858 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Fireffighters grant program. Writes in support of the West Endicott Fire District's request for funding under 2/25/2016 1119859 Congressman Charles Schumer FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Writes in support of the Niagra Engine Company No. 6 of Schoharie Fire 2/25/2016 Department's application for funding 1119860 Congressman Charles Schumer under FEMA's Assistance to Firefighters Grant program.

Request the Department reconsider its interpretation of recent changes to the 2/12/2016 1119110 Senator Jeanne Shaheen Afghanistan Special Immigrant Visa Program.

Expresses support for the FY 2015 AFG 2/24/2016 Grant applications of Newark, New 1119632 Congressman Albio Sires Jersey.

Requests response to questions regarding Policy Directive 047-02, a Department- 2/5/2016 1118695 Congressman Bennie G. Thompson wide policy regarding the use of cell-site simulator technology.

Express concerns over the recent ICE 2/4/2016 1118702 Congressman Norma Torres immigration enforcement actions.

Urge the Department to grant immediate 2/18/2016 extension of REAL ID Act Compliance 1119323 Congressman Tom Udall to the State of New Mexico.

I am writing on behalf of the constituent, 2/18/2016 l