Special Section: September 11, Background and Consequences for the Middle East


By Cameron S. Brown*

This article examines official and popular reactions in the Arab world, Iran and Pakistan to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon. The article discerns several trends throughout the region, ranging from exuberant support to outright condemnation; from saying that the United States deserved these attacks for its errant foreign policies (especially in the region), to claiming that Israel had actually perpetrated the attack

In what typifies a world now smaller, celebrations were also reported in transformed by instantaneous global Gaza, East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tulkarm, communications, within a mere two hours of as well as the Palestinian refugee camps of the time two airliners had crashed into the Balata, Ayn al-Hilwe and Rashidiyeh.(1) twin towers of the World Trade Center, not Capturing sentiments repeated by many only had millions in the Middle East heard of interviewed at the time, Mustafa, a 24-year- the attack, but the Associated Press and old gun-toting Palestinian, told a Reuters’ Reuters had already published stories reporter, “I feel I am in a dream. I never describing celebrations of the attacks in the believed that one day the United States would West Bank and Palestinian refugee camps in come to pay a price for its support to Lebanon. While the attacks themselves were Israel.”(2) the work of a few extremists, what is far more On an even more radical tone, instructive about the region’s political Mohammad Rashid, another Palestinian realities and the attitudes of its people is the demonstrator remarked, “This is the language manner in which Middle Easterners reacted to that the United States understands and this is those events. the way to stop America from helping the Zionist terrorists who are killing our children, THE INITIAL REACTION men and women everyday.”(3) In many respects, those spontaneous Palestinians, however, were not the outbursts of joy set the scene for the reaction only ones jubilant upon hearing the news. of much of the Middle East to the terror “We’re ecstatic. Let America have a taste of attacks of September 11 which so devastated what we’ve tasted,” said Ali Mareh, a the United States. While some would later try Lebanese resident of Beirut. Another added, to downplay these celebrations as having “People are happy. America has always included but a handful of people (these supported terrorism. They see how the denials are discussed below), multiple news innocent Palestinian children are killed and sources reported roughly 3,000 people they back the Zionist army that does it. pouring into the streets of Nablus alone, America has never been on the side of distributing sweets to passers-by (a traditional justice.”(4) gesture of celebration), chanting “God is In Bahrain, in one of the harsher Great,” honking horns, flashing the victory assessments published in the semi- sign, carrying Palestinian flags, and shooting independent Akhbar al-Khalij on the day after in the air. Similar, though in some cases much the attacks, Hafedh al-Shaykh wrote, “The

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U.S. now is eating a little piece from the Ladin.(9) That same night, an Islamic Jihad bread which she baked and fed to the world official in Gaza, Abdullah Shami, declared, for many decades…”(5) “What happened in the United States made us Reports also described how upon extremely happy….”(10) hearing news of the attacks many Saudis In the Hamas Movement’s immediately passed out sweets or slaughtered published in Gaza, al-Risala, Dr. ‘Atallah animals for celebratory feasts. Other Saudi Abu al-Subh put these sentiments into words admirers of bin Ladin sent one another in “An Open Letter to America,” in which he congratulatory text messages on their mobile wrote: “We stand in line and beg Allah to telephones.(6) give you to drink from the cup of humiliation- Under the headline “America burns” -and behold, heaven has answered.”(11) Iraq’s official newspaper al-Iraq similarly A lecturer from the University of declared, “The myth of America was Lebanon, Mustafa Juzo, attempted to explain destroyed with the World Trade Center in that people were rejoicing: New York…. It is the prestige, arrogance and institutions of America that burn.” The paper …because of the penetration of the concluded by saying that “whichever party bastion of American colonialism and committed these attacks, it has dragged the the offensive within its home turf. No dignity of the U.S. government into the mud one thought for a moment about the and unveiled its vain arrogance.”(7) people who were inside the tallest of A commentary written by the Iranian the world’s towers as they burned; columnist S. Nawabzadeh in Keyhan everyone thought of the American International, a paper run by the office of administration and rejoiced at its supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamene’i, misfortune, while its leaders carried a similar reaction: scrambled to find a place to hide…. Can anyone really believe that a The super-terrorist had a taste of its people of whom the United States has own bitter medicine on Tuesday, when killed hundreds and thousands times the pride of its financial and military the number of people killed in New power came crashing down in New York and in Boston [sic], is sorry, and York and Washington.…[The attack] is not happy, when he witnesses this did not draw any sympathy from smack to the face of its most bitter oppressed humanity around the globe enemy?(12) although political leaders for the sake of diplomatic courtesy expressed It is, of course, critical to note that verbal condemnation. For world these sentiments were not created in a public opinion the mood of the vacuum. For years, leaders from nearly every majority… agreed that the United sector of most countries in the region had States deserved it. They nevertheless been fanning the flames of both anti- felt pity for the ordinary American Americanism and support for the use of citizen who was made to bear the terrorism in newspaper articles, speeches, burden of the criminal policies of the protest marches (where American flags and successive administrations.(8) figures were routinely burned), and in sermons at mosques--many of which are These sentiments did not disappear broadcast on state television. One such immediately afterwards either. Especially sermon had been given by the Palestinian keen to support bin Ladin were Islamist Authority’s Mufti of Jerusalem Shaykh movements. Three days after the attacks in Ikrima Sabri, who said three weeks earlier New York and Washington, about 1,500 that “the White House will turn black, with Palestinians, mainly supporters of Hamas, God’s help” and that America, England and marched in a Gaza Strip refugee camp Israel should be destroyed.(13) carrying a large poster of Usama bin

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Even at the beginning of the October which]... have caused uncountable human and 2000 intifada, the umbrella organization material losses” in its editorial: coordinating activities in the Gaza Strip, the Monitoring Committee of The National and These attacks conflict with all the Islamic Forces, issued an announcement on values [Arabs and Muslims] believe PA television declaring “a day of in, which caution against harming confrontations and mass marches” dedicated, innocent people and call for tolerance among other goals, to convince the Arab and and treating others well.… We Muslim world to “boycott American products strongly denounce harming civilians and denounce its policies in the region... [and] and innocent people, who are to enter into confrontation with American guiltless. We also offer our interests using all possible means.”(14) condolences to the families of the victims of these unjustified and Dismay, Shock and Condemnation unacceptable attacks.(20) Yet, by no means were all the immediate reactions of Middle Easterners In one of the strongest denunciations solely ones of celebration. Indeed, many carried in the state-owned Egyptian daily al- throughout the region expressed shock and Akhbar, columnist Mahmud Abd al-Mun’im disbelief. “Who could believe this is Murad in his piece “A Black Day in U.S. happening in the capitals of the world’s only History” wrote: superpower?” one Beirut resident asked in wonder.(15) There is no doubt that what happened Strong public condemnations were to in the United States… is the most be found in many throughout the terrifying and abominable terrorist region, where scores of commentators incident in history. There is no room condemned the event as a barbaric attack on for gloating or being vindictive, for it innocent civilians. In his analysis, Rafiq al- is meaningless. Terrorism is Khuri wrote in the moderate Lebanese paper objectionable. al-Anwar, “The crime is so horrendous that it Any person with a live is unacceptable even to the worst enemies of conscience condemns it. Terrorism, the United States.”(16) Similarly, Dr. Muna bloodshed, and killing innocent people Makram Ubayd of Egypt, a former member of should be condemned whether the the People’s Assembly’s Foreign Relations victims are Palestinians, Israelis, or Committee, described the attack to the paper Americans. We are all human beings, al-Akhbar as “a horrific act that still leaves us and we must be distinguished from in shock…. No words can describe the crime beasts and animals living in the that victimized such a high number of jungle.(21) innocent people.”(17) While in the Palestinian newspaper al- Even in Iran, a country whose Quds, Atallah Mansur called the attack on the government has spent decades demonizing United States “horrific,”(18) Ghassan the U.S., numerous writers and politicians Tuwayni, a Lebanese nationalist, wrote in the alike condemned the attack, and especially the influential al-Nahar, “A criminal aggression, civilian casualties. In the reformist daily like the one that took place in the United Mellat in Tehran, for instance, Abdolhoseyn States, is a crime against humankind, Herati denounced: “The shocking explosions something that distinguishes [it] from the in America... hurt the alert conscience of all Pearl Harbor attack that was a military... of humanity; and one can dare say that this aggression…”(19) rapacious act was a crime against Likewise, the day after the attacks in humanity.”(22) New York and Washington, the partially Somewhat surprisingly, even the government-owned Jordanian daily al-Dustur hardline Siyasat-e Ruz carried a column by deplored the “unprecedented [attacks Yashar Dadgar rebuking the attack, “Any act

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 71 Cameron S. Brown that victimizes innocent people, whatever this experience was that America was the their race or nationality, for achieving the truly guilty party and must make amends by goals of greedy international powers by their changing its errant policies. wrong policies, is severely condemned, and is These beliefs had two implications: a terrorist and anti-human act.”(23) that many regretted the suffering of individual Mohammad Kazem Anbarlu’i wrote in Americans but not the damage to America; another conservative paper, Resalat, that “The and that some could equate previous U.S. way in which the operations were carried out foreign policy decisions with the deliberate also could not have been based on idealism attack on civilian targets with the explicit since using a kidnapped passenger plane with intention to murder thousands of innocents. dozens of innocent children and old people on Second, many people conceded that board in order to destroy hellish targets lack large numbers of innocent American civilians humanitarian and religious had died and that this was terrible, but that as justification….”(24) Rajab’ali Mazru’i, a Arabs or Muslims, they understood this better member of the Majles from Isfahan and head than anyone because it was only a taste of of the journalists association, said in an what their people had suffered for many interview with the Iranian Students’ News years. Agency (ISNA) that “the terrorist attack in Arguably, part of the reason behind America is to be strongly condemned, the appearance of these two caveats in so because those who lost their lives in this many of the region’s condemnations was that incident were mainly ordinary people, without them, it would be difficult for many [people] who were deprived of their right to to integrate these attacks into their live in the blink of an eye.”(25) worldviews, and especially their self-image, In Iran there were even a few held before September 11. For many who had examples of public displays condemning the grown up on the conception of themselves as attacks and sympathizing with the victims. the victims of aggression by so many various The first such demonstration reported powers and for so many years (some would occurred when around 200 young Tehranis, say centuries), it seemed beyond reason that supporters of the Iranian reform movement Arab Muslims could suddenly be doing the and many wearing black in a sign of murdering with Americans, citizens of the mourning, held a silent candle-lit gathering world’s strongest power, as the innocent only two days after the attack. A few days victims. For others, it was not even a matter later in Tehran’s Azadi Stadium, Iranian and of psychology, so much as the impossibility Bahraini soccer players observed a minute of of changing their rhetoric 180 degrees silence in honor of the attacks’ victims before overnight. starting their match.(26) However, in adding these caveats to their condemnations, not only did those Yes, but… reacting publicly reinforce the self-conception Still, most condemnations were not of themselves as the eternal victims, but they outright, unqualified condemnations. While acted in line with the terrorists’ own obviously there was both a right and need to objectives and in a way more likely to justify provide explanations and draw conclusions and encourage than to discourage future regarding the attack, there were several attacks on Americans. aspects permeating the majority of Middle One typical editorial in the Palestinian Eastern reactions which distinguished them daily al-Quds stated: “Nobody who has a live from the reactions appearing elsewhere. conscience and human feelings, whether he is First, most writers and people Palestinian or otherwise, could not have been interviewed rebuked the attack but then moved by these events and expressed hastened to pin the blame on mistaken U.S. sympathy for the families of the U.S. victims, policy rather than on the mistaken claims and regardless of the U.S. political stances that are doctrines of the terrorists. Moreover, they totally biased to Israel and Israel’s use of the implied that the conclusion to be drawn from

72 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th most advanced US weapons to curb the goal: “It is not in this way that imperialism Palestinian intifada.”(27) should be fought. It is not in this way that one The London-based, Iraqi-backed daily can confront ‘the new world order’ and its al-Quds al-Arabi carried a similar message in barbaric onslaught on the nations and its September 12 editorial. While regretting countries of the world.” He went on to the victims and condemning “this terrorist act condemn all aspects of American foreign because such actions cannot serve any cause,” policy and the society in general: “It the paper added that the reason for the attack [America] is a society of absolute violence, was that “U.S. policy... supports the Israeli free from any moral restrictions, scruples, or aggression against the Arabs unreservedly, religious and humanitarian values…. Have we and targets the Arab and Islamic countries not seen such violence against Iraq, Libya, with its blockade [making] the U.S. Palestine, and Lebanon, and also against administration the most hated one in the Grenada, Nicaragua, Cuba, Yugoslavia, and whole world.” The piece summarized the Kosovo?”(30) paper’s sentiments clearly, saying, “We regret In the Bahraini publication Akhbar al- and are pained by the innocent blood of the Khalij, Ali Saleh declared, “What happened victims of these operations. We hope that the yesterday was a tragedy that is greater than political experts and decision-makers in the tragedies resulting from the continuous Washington share with us the same feelings raids by American fighters against Iraq... the toward the victims of the unjust U.S. and attacks on Libya... the F-16s bombarding Israeli policies.”(28) Palestinian houses and American made Other newspapers made parallel calls Apache helicopters hunting Palestinian to differentiate between the “innocent leaders. It is a horrible tragedy for which I citizenry” and the “misguided government.” have to express my sadness and sorrow and In Amman, the most widely circulated (and give my warmest condolences to President partially government funded) daily, al-Ra’y, Bush and the American people hoping that editorialized: they learn something from what happened.”(31) A distinction must be made between One member of the Iranian Majles, the U.S. Administration’s policies that Seyyed Rajab Hoseyni-Nasab, in an interview are generally biased toward Israel and with the Persian daily Siyasat-e Ruz, said that, the American people who aspire to “the human aspects of the event are tragic, world peace based on justice and and we have to sympathize with the American development. The American people people. But at the same time, the American are misled by the dominant Israeli and people have the right to ask their politicians, Zionist media and by the strong ‘What was the reason behind so much influence of the Jewish lobby in the accumulated hatred?’” The parliamentarian United States…. continued, “We hope… this tragedy will also Perhaps what happened in the be able to help America correct its internal United States yesterday should serve policies, and maybe even its foreign policies, as a reminder of the ongoing acts of which have, little by little, drawn the focus of oppression, aggression, killing, terrorism toward the heart of that suppression, and starvation in the land country.”(32) of Palestine.(29) Perhaps the harshest “yes, but” came from Syrian Arab Writers Association In Lebanon, this argument was also chairman Ali ‘Uqleh ‘Ursan, who, in the frequently made. George Hawi in the pro- association’s newspaper al-Usbu’ al-Adabi, Syrian, radical-oriented al-Safir began an described his reaction: article “Beware of a New Crusade” by condemning the attack and rejecting The deaths of the innocent pain me; terrorism. However, Hawi indicated that his but the eleventh of September--the day disagreement was with the tactics, not the of the fall of the symbol of American

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power--reminded me of the many York and Washington,” while nearly 70 innocents whose funerals we attended percent disagreed. On the other hand, only 26 and whose wounds we treated… I percent of those surveyed believed the attack remembered the funerals that have was consistent with Islamic Shari’a, while 64 been held every day in occupied percent disagreed. Palestine since 1987… I remembered As far as the ramifications for the Tripoli [Libya] on the day of the attacks were concerned, Palestinians seemed American-British aggression, and the quite split, with 43 percent holding the attempt to destroy its leader’s house as opinion that the attacks “are consistent with he slept; then, his daughter was killed Arab interests” while 47 percent disagreed. under the ruins…. I remembered the Similarly, when asked if they thought “the oppression of the peoples in Korea attacks will lead to a change in U.S. policy and Vietnam… towards the Palestinian-Israeli conflict,” 37 My soul was inundated by percent thought the end result would be “a tremendous bitterness, revulsion, and more balanced approach” while 33 percent disgust towards the country that, in the held that the attacks would result in more past half-century, has racked up only a American support for Israel. Another 22 black history of oppression and percent believed they would have no effect. In support for aggression and racism… a somewhat contradictory finding, however, …I began to say to myself, only 16 percent believed that “in light of when I saw the masses fleeing [in] recent events” U.S.-Arab relations were going horror in the streets of New York and to improve, while 47 percent thought that they Washington, ‘Let them drink of the were actually going to get worse.(34) cup that their government has given all the peoples [of the world] to drink OFFICIAL CONDEMNATION, from, first and foremost our people…’ DISTANCING AND DAMAGE I [felt] that I was being carried in the CONTROL air above the corpse of the The official reaction was nearly mythological symbol of arrogant identical most everywhere throughout the American imperialist power, whose region. Almost every leader attempted to administration had prevented the achieve three things in the immediate [American] people from knowing the aftermath of the attacks: to condemn the crimes it was committing… My lungs attacks, to distance themselves and their filled with air and I breathed in relief, countries (or organizations) from direct as I had never breathed before.(33) responsibility, and to engage in damage control if it appeared that the people they One revealing indicator of public were representing had seemed too festive opinion in the Arab world was a survey of after the attacks. Palestinian public opinion conducted by Bir Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al- Zeit University about three weeks following Hariri, for example, was quick in offering the attacks. One of the most fascinating condolences to the U.S. president, “These findings was the response to the question: “If tragic actions contradict all human and it is proven that the party responsible for the religious values,” Hariri said in a attacks in New York and Washington is of statement.(35) Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Arab-Islamic descent, should these groups be who was in American airspace on his way to seen as representing Arabs and Muslims as a give a lecture at the University in Texas when whole?” Fifty percent of the respondents the attacks occurred, expressed condolences answered yes (54 percent in the Gaza Strip), to the families of victims and condemned the and only 42 percent said no. Further, only 25 attacks in remarks on CNN.(36) percent of the respondents agreed that “the Iranian President Mohammad Khatami United States [is] justified in attacking those also immediately denounced the attacks. “On parties responsible for the attacks on New behalf of the Iranian government and the

74 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th nation, I condemn the hijacking attempts [sic] irrespective of the severance of political ties and terrorist attacks on public centers in between the two countries.(39) American cities which have killed a large In remarks reprinted in al-Akhbar, number of innocent people.” In addition to Egypt’s President Husni Mubarak described sending his condolences to the victims and the attacks as “ugly.”(40) He added in a CNN their families, the reformist leader continued interview that “the Egyptian people share a by attacking terrorism in general, “Terrorism sense of grief” over the attacks and claimed is doomed and the international community that Egypt was cooperating in sharing should stem it and take effective measures in information that might help.(41) a bid to eradicate it.”(37) However, when asked in an interview Remarkably, Iranian official with United Press International, “What condemnation even went beyond the words of motives lie behind the kind of all-consuming the reformist, and generally moderate, hatred of the United States demonstrated by President Khatami and included such acts of barbarism?” even Mubarak--a denunciations by much more conservative close American ally and major beneficiary of elements of the Iranian body politic. One U.S. foreign aid--hinted that America’s instance, whose resonance was felt “faulted” policy was the source: throughout the country and was even commented on by U.S. officials, was a Friday The feeling of injustice… Muslims prayer sermon at Tehran University that was everywhere see America giving arms broadcast on the Voice of the Islamic to the Israelis to kill Muslims and Republic of Iran Radio three days after the America not putting any conditions on attack. In this sermon, Ayatollah Mohammad the arms it gives free to Israel. Emami-Kashani began by saying that the Muslims see the media taking the side attack on the United States “was very of Israel whatever it does. Public worrying and any human being condemns the opinion is seething against an America event.” The ayatollah continued, lamenting, which continues to support Israel “a large number of defenseless and innocent irrespective of Sharon’s policies that women, men and children were suddenly are designed to prevent the engulfed in fire. And one cannot overlook this Palestinians from having their own incident easily. Everyone condemns, state. Go to all the so-called moderate denounces and is saddened by it.” Of course, states in the region, from Jordan to this was not the end of the sermon, which Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and continued to say that the attack was the result Oman. Their leaders have told me that of “America’s awe and arrogance” and that a their streets are on the verge of boiling war on terrorism should begin with Israel as over.(42) “Israel and the usurper Zionist regime are the number one state terrorists.”(38) The Secretary-General of the Arab Even Expediency Council Chairman, League and former Egyptian foreign minister, and former president, Ali-Akbar Hashimi Amr Mussa, held a similar stance. While his Rafsanjani deplored the attacks on the United formal statement declared that “Arabs do not States, calling the damage inflicted on the approve or accept the crime committed American people “a wide-scale bitter human against the American people,”(43) during an catastrophe at the international level.” While interview on CBS, Mussa also tied the attacks he cautioned the United States against any to criticism of U.S. policy. Although he “hasty, illogical and miscalculated” reaction claimed that it did not generate any hatred for and criticized the perceived double standard the United States as such--Mussa said that of the American approach to terrorism there was a prevailing disappointment among (especially regarding the Mujahideen Khalq Arabs because of the U.S. policies, and that Organization), Rafsanjani declared that the “the United States will have to reconsider Islamic Republic of Iran sympathizes with the some of its stances with regard to a plethora innocent victims of the terrorist attacks

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 75 Cameron S. Brown of issues which caused world resentment of In this part of the world and in respect of the some American policies.”(44) Palestinian question in particular, America’s Still, with the televised coverage of key principles, freedom, democracy, and celebrations following the attacks in human rights, have gone out of Palestinian areas and his own previous commission.”(49) association with terrorism, Yasir Arafat was Even Professor Manuel Hassassian, both the leader who had the most work cut out executive vice president of Bethlehem for him and who could afford least to hint at University and one of the most moderate criticizing American foreign policy. After a figures in Palestinian society, could not stop high-level meeting at his seaside office in from adding to his condemnation the Gaza City, he told Western reporters, “We are statement that “It is utterly ironic that completely shocked. It’s unbelievable.” He freedom fighters are called terrorists, while continued, “We completely condemn this alleged democratic countries are practicing very dangerous attack, and I convey my state-sponsored terrorism.”(50) condolences to the American people, to the American president and to the American Denying the Pictures administration, not only in my name but on It appears that many in the Arab behalf of the Palestinian people.”(45) Arafat world, first and foremost the Palestinians, also added that he would be willing to help understood the damage caused by the pictures track down the perpetrators of the attack.(46) of Palestinians celebrating. To counter, they Within a few hours, the Palestinian alleged that those who celebrated following leader ordered that no one show signs of the attacks were just “a handful of people”-- jubilation, had Palestinian reporters on occasion claiming that most were (including those working for Western media) children.(51) Some claimed that Palestinians warned not to mention any support for the were celebrating an Israeli withdrawal; others attacks, and told his security forces to block claimed that cameramen had tricked those any additional filming of celebrations.(47) In filmed into acting like they were happy in addition, Arafat personally donated blood for exchange for candy. For instance, Hafiz al- those injured in the attacks in a well Barghuti, the editor of the PA publication al- photographed moment at a Gaza hospital, and Hayat al-Jadida and previously the most then called for a midnight Christian-Muslim outspokenly anti-American of Palestinian mass in Bethlehem to pray for the American journalists, wrote, “The crew of one of the dead and injured. The PA also organized an satellite channels artificially created feelings afternoon candlelight march to the US of joy among the children in occupied consulate in east Jerusalem to commemorate Jerusalem. Crew members asked the children the victims of the attacks, and a few days to dance for them and [the children], later, had all Palestinian school students stand enraptured by the camera, did so…”(52) for five minutes of silence.(48) Jordanian ambassador to Washington, A statement denouncing the Marwan al-Mu’ashir told al-Ra’y, that the September 11 attacks issued by more than 20 U.S. media was trying to mislead people Palestinian intellectuals and activists read, because those who demonstrated “number “No matter how long the list of charges or less than 20 and are mostly children who were grievances that any one can come up with, the deceived.”(53) murder of innocent civilians can never be elevated to the status of a legitimate act. Even Terror Organizations Distance Terrorism can never smooth the road to Themselves justice; it is the high road to hell.” Yet, even a Another fascinating aspect of the statement that begins so unequivocally, official reaction to the September 11 attacks quickly deteriorated into another version of was the nearly immediate and total denial of the “yes, but…” phenomenon: “[Still] the involvement by groups who have sometimes United States [should] ponder its foreign competed to claim responsibility for policy, especially in the Middle East region. appallingly bloody terror attacks in the past.

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For instance, while Palestinian Islamic States: Saddam Husayn. On the Republic of Jihad leader Nafiz Azzam was telling the Iraq television station, the Iraqi dictator told media that his organization was not involved his countrymen that, “Regardless of the in the attacks and that, “the Islamic Jihad war conflicting human feelings about what will continue against the Zionist enemy happened in the United States yesterday, the because they are our enemy, no one else,” United States reaps the thorns that its rulers Hamas spokesman Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi, have planted in the world.” had almost identical remarks: “Our jihad is After citing American actions in against the Zionist enemy and not against Japan, Vietnam, and Iraq (and even accusing American civilians, or American targets.” the United States of sinking the Russian Speaking on behalf of an organization that has nuclear submarine Kursk, which went down sent dozens of suicide bombers for missions as a result of an internal mishap) as reasons against Israelis that have killed hundreds of for why his nemesis deserved the attacks that civilians, including several American citizens, befell it, he went on to say: Rantisi continued, “We are against the policy of the United States but we are not against the The American peoples should American people.”(54) remember that, throughout history, no Two other radical Palestinian groups, one crossed the Atlantic to come to the Popular Front for the Liberation of them, carrying weapons against them. Palestine (PFLP) and the Democratic Front They are the ones who crossed the for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)-- both Atlantic carrying with them death, PLO member groups--also denied any destruction, and ugly exploitation to connection to the attacks. DFLP spokesman the whole world…. The one who does Qais Abd al-Rahim, in reacting to reports that not want to reap evil must not plant two Arab satellite stations in the Gulf had evil. Those who consider the lives of received anonymous claims of responsibility their people as precious and dear must on behalf of the organization, actually remember that the lives of people in condemned the attacks.(55) Most incredible, the world are also precious and dear to however, was when a spokesman for the their families. The United States PFLP--a group that in 1970 hijacked three exports evil, in terms of corruption planes simultaneously and two more in the and criminality, not only to any place two days that followed--even went so far as to to which its armies travel, but also to claim that the attacks were too complex and any place where its movies go.(58) demanding to be the work of a single group.(56) PLACING THE BLAME Hizballah, which in the past carried US Mistaken Policies out suicide bomb attacks against U.S. targets One theme that resonates throughout in Lebanon and kidnapped (and sometimes the vast majority of the Middle Eastern killed) U.S. citizens there, was the only group reactions to the attacks of September 11 is to wait several days before denying that--while no one wanted to say that they involvement. In a statement eventually faxed approved of the killing of innocent civilians-- to the Associated Press, the organization said this attack was the “just deserts” of American that it regretted the loss of innocent life, but foreign policy. While support for Israel might that the reason for “this level of hate” against be the first issue that comes to mind, it is far the United States was America’s “oppressive” from the only reason that many in the region policies all over the world.(57) used to pin the blame for the attacks primarily on U.S. foreign policy itself.(59) In fact, of all One Official Endorsement groups, it seemed that the Islamists were With all of this condemnation and those quickest to vilify American foreign dissociation, it is important to point out that policy in general, and point to it as the root there was one significant Arab leader who cause of the attacks. openly celebrated the attacks on the United

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The editor of al-Risala, Dr. Ghazi arrogance, follies, and racism. The joy felt by Hamad, charged in his weekly column: some ordinary people in Palestine, Korea, or Southeast Asia is nothing but an instinctive The United States, which encouraged expression of hatred of the U.S. aggression the Iranian Shah to massacre his and arrogance.” Claiming that the attacks had people; the United States, which stood struck at America’s “three major pillars by the blood-letter Haile Sellassie, the (globalism, political hegemony, and military despot Idi Amin, and dozens of hegemony)” Ahmad concluded, “The United dictators and tyrants in South States, the arch Satan, must realize the major America, in Africa, and in Southeast significance behind these bombings…. It Asia; the United States, which sowed must rethink its policy toward the world in death at Hiroshima, anguish in general and the Arabs and Muslims in Vietnam, bitterness in Iraq, famine particular or else learn to live with the and siege in the Sudan and in Libya-- outcome of its biases and satanic choices, what did this United States, with the which will earn it nothing but bitterness and ugly face, expect the repressed and the humiliation.”(62) oppressed peoples to do?(60) Even many mainstream intellectuals throughout the Arab world found U.S. policy In an article published in al-Quds, as a whole to be in disrepute and hoped that Hamas spokesman Abd al-Aziz al-Rantisi this attack might induce an overhaul in its saw the attack’s cause in these terms: foreign policy. Hasan Nafi’ah, chairman of the Political Science department at Cairo All of us know that the US foreign University, commented on the attacks, “What policy is based on very wrong happened… [will] push the United States to foundations. The United States does reconsider and reflect on why it is being the not respect the poor and oppressed object of all that violence and antipathy. That nations or recognize their right to a kind of violence has its roots and causes. It is dignified life. Indeed, the United necessary to look for the causes.”(63) States does not recognize the right of In the Jordanian al-Ra’y, Dr. these nations to sovereignty over their Muhammad Naji Amayirah likewise claimed own natural resources. It hinders their that “this will be a good opportunity for development so that they would reviewing US foreign policy and discovering remain a market for Western the reasons for the rising hostility toward it all commodities. It maintains their over the world.”(64) Also in its editorial, the backwardness and subservience. All Jordanian al-Aswaq asserted, “U.S. this is done to serve the interests of the institutions should come to the conclusion United States and keep it rich. that societies will always be threatened by These nations, therefore, hate killings and destruction as long as power the United States and view it as an comes first, at the expense of dialogue…. we enemy. This applies to almost all think that this [attack] will prompt U.S. nations on earth, especially the poor policymakers to adopt more humane policies, ones…. Wherever one turns his face in less biased in favor of aggressors and this world he sees the American flag occupiers.”(65) on fire.(61) In the Jordanian paper al-Duster, Urayb al-Rantawi wrote, “The probable Rif’at Sayid Ahmad, an Egyptian perpetrators of the heinous terrorist acts are Islamist writing in the Lebanese publication not at all concerned with resisting the alleged al-Safir similarly held American policy US system of values,” but rather, Rantawi throughout the world to be at fault, “What argued, “are hostile to the United States for happened in the United States is that the death completely different reasons, most of these innocent civilians, some of them importantly the injustice and oppression Muslims, has come as a result of the U.S. cloaked in the arrogance of power and global

78 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th domination…. The common denominator terrorism and security, has so far been among all these parties is their deep sense of a sort of selective and dual being victims of inequity resulting from the performance, and instead of realizing U.S. domestic or global policy.”(66) democracy and security... has led to The London-based, Iraqi-backed daily the violation of democracy and al-Quds al-Arabi ran a front-page article by security all over the world, including its editor, Abd al-Bari Atwan, claiming that: inside U.S. territory.(69)

U.S. support for dictatorial regimes In a parallel front-page editorial, the that ban freedoms, violate human hardline Siyasat-e Ruz maintained, “Although rights, and squander their peoples’ [the American system] has achieved great resources have made several persons progress in the scientific and technological and groups resort to religious and left- fields and given certain services to humanity, wing extremism. Most of these numerous black points can be seen in the regimes were not elected. They do not performance of the American government.” have their people’s support but have The editorial began by pointing to “America’s U.S. support, protection, or financial atrocities in Latin America, especially the aid…. U.S. policy... has created toppling of the popular government of enemies for the United States and Allende in Chile” and its support of the shah’s threatened its interests all over the regime. The paper then cited its nuclear world.(67) bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; “the slaughter of the Vietnamese people in a long Iraqi newspapers also believed that the and unequal war”; and “unquestioned support problem was the fundamental essence of for the usurper, criminal Israel.” It even went American foreign policy. An article in ‘Uday so far as to blame the United States for, “The Husayn’s newspaper Babil said, “The attack promotion of the culture of violence and on vital U.S. targets... was actually a faithful immorality among the young people reflection of the flawed structure of the throughout the world through the visual and imperialist U.S. establishment. Judging by the written media” and “efforts by cartels and imperialist nature and composition of this trusts and multi-national companies to exploit state, its flawed structure affects not only the the Third World countries.”(70) outside world but to a large extent, it harms One article in the Iranian Keyhan U.S. society itself.”(68) International asserted that what Americans Many papers on both sides of the experienced on September 11, is what people reformist-conservative divide in Iran were around the world “frequently experience with also quick to criticize American foreign much more cruelty... because of U.S. policy in general as the cause for the attacks. policies.” The paper went on list many of the One article in the Persian daily Noruz, a paper examples given in the previous article, adding linked with the reformist Islamic Iran the “carpet-bombing” of Iraqis during the Participation Party, accused: 1991 Gulf War.(71) Similar assertions were made by the The occupation of Panama, the English language daily, the Tehran Times. In bombardment of Sudan, Libya, and the “Politics” column, for example, Abbas Iraq, and the military and trade Salimi Namin claimed “Indeed, whether the sanctions imposed on every country dissident forces in the United States were that was in some way against America behind the attacks, or the U.S. bullying and and her interests, are only examples of domineering attitude on the international this empire-building spirit by the arena prompted the attacks, the U.S. officials United States of America…. should in both cases be held accountable for Unfortunately, the performance of the the incident.”(72) United States, both in the sphere of democracy and despotism, as well as

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In his column published in the same to fault American foreign policy in general, paper, A. Manzarpour wrote a piece entitled, many in the Third World--on whose behalf “America’s ‘friends,’” in which he wrote: numerous Middle Easterners claimed to speak--reacted in exactly the opposite The world, including America, will be manner. Even in several Muslim countries a safer place if its rulers manage to outside the Middle East, the tone of the discard the naivety that lets them prop response to the terror attacks was totally up killers like Suharto [in Indonesia], different. The largest Bengali daily in [Manuel] Noriega [in Nicaragua], Bangladesh, for instance, the independent [Augusto] Pinochet [in Chile], the Dainik Janakantha, was absolute in its Taleban [in Afghanistan], bin-Ladin, condemnation of the attacks and made no Saddam Husayn, and to this day, the remarks about American foreign policy being Zionist Israel, in the mistaken belief to blame. In its editorial on September 12 that they are trustworthy--or even just entitled “We are Hurt; We are Outraged,” the worthy--friends, when clearly they are paper wrote: neither.(73) Dastardly cowards, the most Lastly, it appears that the deplorable and cruelest of human comprehensive criticism of U.S. policy species, the terrorists, have hit the represented the views of the mass of Arab United States of America…. society. Even Palestinians, 90 percent of Thousands upon thousands of whom (according to the previously mentioned innocent people were killed as a result Bir Zeit survey) cited “U.S. bias in favor of of the attacks of these beastly Israel” as a factor behind anti-Americanism in cowards…. We condemn it in the the Arab world, did not see it as the sole strongest possible terms.…(75) cause. Almost as important for the Palestinians surveyed was “perceived The Turkish media was also animosity by [the] U.S. government towards outspoken in siding with the United States. In Islam” (88 percent), U.S. actions against Iraq a typical response, Ertugrul Ozkok argued in (87 percent), and “perceived U.S. exploitation his column in the country’s most popular of Arab resources for its own benefit” (79 Hurriyet against those “who were trying to percent). Additionally, 54 percent held that find extenuating circumstances for terrorism “support by the United States of undemocratic and trying to justify terrorists’ actions even regimes in the region” was an important forgiving them….” The author concluded factor, as was the “perceived lack of reliable with statements largely unmatched by his information on the United States” (52 Middle Eastern counterparts: “There are no percent). longer any reasons to justify terrorism When asked their impressions of the anywhere in the world…. Those planes fell on United States, only 22 percent believed that it all our houses yesterday.”(76) supports democracy around the world and In addition to questioning the political only 18 percent believed that the United wisdom of the terrorist attack, Thai Muslim States supports human rights around the Chaiwat Satha-Anand, director of the Peace world. On the other hand, 87 percent did Information Center at Thammasat University, agree that the United States “Is rich at the wrote, “As a Muslim… I find the taking of expense of the poor around the world” and innocent lives such as this morally another 71 percent thought that it “encourages unacceptable on the religious grounds.” The militarism and war.”(74) researcher then went on to cite the Quranic verse that teaches, “whoever killed a human A Different Take Outside the Middle East being... should be looked upon as though he Although many Middle Easterners had killed all humankind.”(77) were so equivocal in their condemnations of In , the government the attack, and in many instances even rushed influenced, English language Star published a

80 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th commentary calling the attacks “premeditated [But] after September 11, mass murders [committed by] bloody minded George W. Bush is the first president psychopaths.”(78) Meanwhile, when the since Roosevelt with both parties country’s (but also behind him, with no one opposing government influenced) Nanyang Siang Pau him. He is the first president in the said that “The attacks should be a lesson to history of the US to have received an the Americans,” the paper referred not to unprecedented amount of financial, American foreign policy, but rather its political, and military support, and to perceived sense of invulnerability, asserting have it approved so quickly. He that now “The terrorists have also proven they continues the line of the Bush family: are capable of anything.”(79) losers at peace, but leaders at While many non-Middle Eastern war.…(82) Muslim publications did urge the United States to go slow before accusing Muslims in Yashar Dadgar, in an article for the the attack and cautioned against bloody Iranian Siyasat-e Ruz, claims, “As the White reprisals, the only parallel to this trend of House’s military strategists and terrorists squarely placing the blame for the attack on have... led deadly attacks on the defenseless the United States was the sensationalist and people of Iraq, and the innocent people of hardline Islamist Akit in Turkey, which cited Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan... they America’s support for Israel and claimed that are also capable of committing such self- the U.S. “murders Iraqi children with willed and horrible crimes against their bombs.”(80) innocent citizens.”(83) Such theories were also described by Conspiracy Theory Number 1: The U.S. Abdolhoseyn Herati in an analysis for the Government or Opposition Did It reformist paper Mellat, which alleged that the For a remarkable number of Arabs, attacks benefited “the American militarists” Iranians, and Pakistanis--even in some of the and would bring financing for missile most respectable publications--the idea that defense. “And this incident is a very good U.S. foreign policy was indirectly to blame pretext for world public opinion, Europe, and seemed to leave too much extra blame to go the Americans who opposed this project to around. In response, these writers constructed prepare themselves for its implementation and all sorts of fantastic plots concerning ‘who thus to start the flow of thousands of billions was really behind the events of September of dollars into the pockets of the American 11th,’(81) many of them claiming that militarists.” He also raised the possibility that American domestic opposition groups or even oil companies were to blame since “This the United States government itself were the incident will boost the price of oil and also actual perpetrators of the crime. increase the possibility of a clash in the For instance, a column by Samir Middle East.” Somehow, he claims, these Atallah in the London-based, Saudi-backed attacks will “Once again direct the money al-Sharq al-Awsat hypothesized: toward America and the militarists and oil barons will once again profit from the I have a sneaking suspicion that situation.”(84) George W. Bush was involved in the A piece written by George Hawi and operation of September 11, as was appearing in Lebanon’s al-Safir said the Colin Powell…. The reasons for this attack was “American violence, moved by are as follows: George W. Bush was American morality, and carried out by an the president who has garnered the American method.” It might have been done least support of all U.S. presidents by a faction of U.S. leaders, criminals “or throughout history. He won the even by opposition forces that have become election by a miniscule majority.... infected with the disease of the regime, its His presidency was in doubt from the mentality, and criminal methods…. When beginning.… absolute violence becomes a means to amuse

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 81 Cameron S. Brown children, can we be surprised when the same and the large volume of information occurs in reality?” He ended with the thought [required], the incident cannot be that this attack might be like the 1995 attributed to [those] outside the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma American borders. The so-called City, carried out by American extremists.(85) terrorist groups... in the world--be it in In fact, Hawi was far from the only the Middle East or anywhere else--are one to recall the 1995 bombing. The Bahraini not so capable of being able to stop mouthpiece al-Ayyam also intimated that the alert nervous system of the “there are many suspected organizations and management of an extensive empire we must not forget what radical rightists in like America from functioning.(89) the United States did in Oklahoma...”(86) A day later, the Urdu language Nawa-i-Waqt, Al-Sharq al-Awsat columnist Abd al- Pakistan’s widely respected and second Jabbar Adwan concluded, “Perhaps everyone largest daily, published an editorial will be surprised to find that, once again, the insinuating that because “Only a person with operation was ‘Made in the USA,’ as thorough knowledge of U.S. aviation and American society is filled with extremist communication systems… [and with] religious groups who consider themselves extraordinary intelligence and skill to enemies of the state, its mechanisms and its penetrate a sophisticated system” could liberal society….”(90) execute the attack, “It is likely that some freak US citizen (citizens) was behind this Conspiracy Theory Number 2: The Zionists terrorism.” The editorial continued, “When (or the Mossad) Did It the Oklahoma City bombing took place, the The most popular conspiracy theory United States promptly accused Usama Bin however, repeated countless times by the Ladin and the Palestinians. But, the media and average citizens alike, was that the investigations revealed that a young US Israelis planned and executed the attacks. This citizen, Timothy, had masterminded the is especially ironic, of course, since many of bombing--he was tried, found guilty and the same individuals simultaneously claimed sentenced.”(87) that the attacks resulted from popular anger at In its front-page editorial “A Blow American mistreatment of Muslims or of the from Within,” Siyasat-e Ruz deducted that whole world, thus requiring the United States because the attacks were carried out to change its policy. according to “a complicated methodical, The Jordanian columnist Ahmad al- technical and intelligence plan, [it] must have Muslih, for example, wrote in the respected been [done] by a group or organization that al-Dustur, “What happened is, in my opinion, has precise intelligence, access to America’s the product of Jewish, Israeli, and American vital and sensitive center, access to high Zionism, and the act of the great Jewish quality weapons and explosives and Zionist mastermind that controls the world’s infiltrators in those organs.” The most likely economy, media, and politics…” Al-Muslih suspect were “dissident elements in the developed his rational further: American community, especially the American military, who played the main role The goal of the suicide operations in in the explosion at the Oklahoma federal New York was, in my opinion, to push center.”(88) the American people, President Bush, The conservative Tehran daily Resalat and NATO to submit even more to the ran a similar commentary by Mohammad Jewish Zionist ideology and the Kazem Anbarlu’i, headlined “Terror or Coup historical goals [it has held] since the d’Etat?” in which the author reasoned that: Basel Congress in 1897, under the Zionist-Jewish slogan of ‘Islamic …given the extent of the operations, terror’… Jewish-Israeli-American the precision with which they were Zionism is... trying to lead the carried out, the targets that were hit,

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Americans and its worldwide allies to Arab academics also circulated a huge world disaster.(91) numbers of such claims, for example, e-mails claiming the footage of the Palestinian Rakan al-Majali, another columnist for celebrations was really 10 years old or that the same partially government-funded paper, “4000 Israelis did not report to their offices at wrote, “Israel is the one to benefit greatly the WTC on the day of the attack.”(95) from the bloody, loathsome terror operation... An example of someone who claimed it seeks to benefit still more by accusing the both that the attack represented revenge for Arabs and Muslims of perpetrating this American mistreatment of Arabs and an loathsome attack…. They, more than anyone, Israeli plot was University of Lebanon are capable of hiding a criminal act they lecturer Mustafa Juzo. In the same piece perpetrate, and they can be certain that no one quoted earlier, in which he states that “most will ask them about what they do.”(92) Arabs... did rejoice” at the “penetration of the Several Iranians were also quick to bastion of American colonialism,” he also point their finger in the same direction. claims that Israel did it. He bases this claim Abdolhoseyn Herati raised the possibility that on alleged Israeli benefits from the attack and because “International efforts are currently states, “One of the suspects mentioned by the aimed at putting [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] media lived in occupied Palestine and could Sharon on trial as a war criminal and at very possibly have been used by Israel…”(96) exposing the illegitimate rule of Israel in Dr. Rif’at Sayid Ahmad, director of international courts... it will be a blessing for the Yafo Center for Research and Studies told Israel to show that it is facing a bunch of the Egyptian paper al-Akhbar, “I don’t rule terrorists who perpetrate major crimes so that out the involvement of highly efficient the official terrorism perpetrated by the Israeli intelligence agencies, such as [the] Mossad, in government will stay out of sight and so that the event.” He added, “The perpetrators may the use of more violence against the have Arab or Islamic features or accent, but Palestinians can be justified between world the Mossad may be behind them.”(97) and American public opinion.”(93) The Iranian academic, former More extensively, in its analysis piece politician, and generally well-spoken “All fingers point to Israel,” Jomhuri-ye conservative ideologue Dr. Mohammad Javad Eslami surmised that due to the attack’s Larijani was the most certain of Israeli “immensity,” “complexity,” and the complicity, stating that his “first guess incredible coordination required, “There is no regarding who is responsible for the reason to believe that the Zionist regime-- explosions in America is the agents of exploiting its extensive diabolical network Mossad and the Zionists.” Pointing to “the and also its presence and influence deep down extensiveness of the recent operations” in the governmental system of America--has Larijani surmised that the “perpetrators of this not committed these activities, taking into move had considerable access to facilities and account the record of savage massacres by information inside the American system.” Yet that regime.” this Iranian was most convinced that the “The Zionists... are actually the attacks were perpetrated by Mossad agents principal decisionmakers and directors of the “because this incident is actually in favor, to a [U.S.] government but “the Israeli large extent, of the Zionist regime.”(98) government must act to shore up American assistance and support from time to time” The Perpetrators of the Attacks were not because “the unrestricted support of the Arabs or Muslims: We’re Incapable government of America for the Zionist regime Another trend pertaining to who was annoys the general conscience of the people responsible for these attacks also appears to of America…. The Israeli regime knows that illustrate a deeper notion about how many in only by inflicting such a wound and blaming the Arab world perceive themselves. While it on ‘Islamic terror’ could it wipe out any scores of writers in the Muslim Middle East dissent to current American policy.”(94) attributed to Israelis extreme cunning,

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 83 Cameron S. Brown competence, and skill (in addition to eight [sic] passenger planes were unmatched wickedness), they also believed hijacked from New York’s airport that no one in the Arab or Muslim world was within 60 minutes? Are they capable capable of performing such a colossal feat. of carrying out such a large-scale Egyptian Strategic expert Tal’at operation?(103) Muslim, for example, asserted in al-Akhbar that that the resources available to Arab and Reacting to the Reaction Islamic organizations are “well below” what In what might be the most intriguing it would take to carry out such an aspect of the reaction to the events of operation.(99) Likewise, in an article entitled September 11th, there did appear a small “Why were Arabs and Muslims Accused of number of brave Arab thinkers who sought Terrorism?” Hatim Abu Sha’ban, a member not to shift the blame of the attack, nor to say of the Palestinian National Council, wrote what it showed about America--but rather, that U.S. officials were looking in the wrong dared to suggest what it might show about the direction. “They accused... the least likely to Arab world. Most of these intellectuals even be the perpetrators in light of this operation’s pointed to the reactions of their compatriots as nature, which requires great planning additional evidence of the problems they capabilities, knowledge of information, and depicted. mobility on the part of the criminals who Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, dean of the committed this terrorist operation.”(100) Faculty of Islamic Law at the University of One Pakistani military affairs expert, Qatar, began the article he wrote in the General (ret.) Mirza Aslam Beg, also insisted London-based al-Hayat by challenging the that the attacks seemed to be the work of religious leaders who “call for Jihad against experts “who used high technology for the crusade against Islam,” asking, “Will we destruction,” the former military man stressed leave the Jihad to the hysterical preachers and that this mission could not have been done by politicians, who are declaring a war that will an ordinary pilot. “Are Palestinians, Iraqis, or destroy everything… Do they have the right Afghans capable of doing this?” he to incite the public to become involved in acts asked.(101) of sabotage, that victimize innocents and Even Palestinian terrorist damage state interests?” From this criticism, organizations claimed that this attack was however, he moves on to what he considers to beyond them. In addition to the PFLP be the “root causes” of terrorism: spokesman mentioned above who claimed that the attacks were too complex and In my opinion, the human soul, and demanding, the chief spokesperson for Hamas primarily the Muslim soul, is repelled declared in the Palestinian daily al-Quds that by terrorism. But terrorist ideas fall on “Palestinian factions... do not have the fertile ground when societies are ruled resources to carry out operations of this by a fanatic culture that the people kind.”(102) absorb in doses. Opponents are Yashar Dadgar in a column written in blamed of religious heresy; opposition Siyasat-e Ruz went further, suggesting that is blamed of political treason. This is a even Usama bin Ladin was incapable: culture of terrorism, which is [easily] absorbed by those who have been Given the dimensions and the exposed to inappropriate education. complexity of this operation on the This culture is rooted in the minds of one hand, and America’s advanced those who suffered from a closed intelligence and security systems on education that leaves no room for the other, is it possible that bin pluralism.(104) Ladin’s... group, with [its] limited financial resources, could be One of the boldest articles to appear responsible for such a precise and along this vein was a piece penned by coordinated operation, during which Kuwaiti university professor Ahmad al-

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Baghdadi, entitled, “Sharon is a Terrorist-- Tower of the World Trade Center was And You?” which was first published in Atta’s ‘rite of passage.’… Kuwait and then was later reprinted in the Something is amiss in an Arab Egyptian weekly Akhbar al-Yom. In his biting world that besieges American commentary, Baghdadi charges that while embassies for visas and at the same Sharon might be a terrorist, at least he does time celebrates America’s calamities. not terrorize the citizens of the country that Something has gone terribly wrong in elected him, imprisoning its writers and a world where young men strap intellectuals. On the other hand, Baghdadi themselves with explosives, only to be asks, “didn’t the Arab [rulers] carry out hailed as “martyrs” and avengers. No terrorism against their [own] citizens within military campaign by a foreign power their [own] countries? Persecuting can give modern-day Arabs a way out intellectuals in the courtrooms [of Arab of the cruel, blind alley of their own countries], trials [of intellectuals] for heresy, history.(106) destruction of families, rulings that marriages must be broken up [because one spouse is CONCLUSION charged with apostasy]--all exist only in the In examining the reactions of Middle Islamic world. Is this not terrorism? The Easterners to the attacks on the World Trade [Arab] intelligence apparatuses that killed Center (WTC) and the Pentagon on hundreds of intellectuals and politicians from September 11th, this article has discussed the religious stream itself… Isn’t this several dominant trends. While the official terrorism?” reaction was almost unanimous Pushing the envelope even further, condemnation, the region included many who Baghdadi probes, “Iraq alone is a never- either celebrated the attack or justified it in ending story of terrorism of the state against some way. The most common reaction, it its own citizens and neighbors. Isn’t this seems therefore, was a mix of the two: to terrorism?… The Palestinian Arabs were the denounce the killing of innocent civilians, first to invent airplane hijacking and the while in some fashion claim that American scaring of passengers. Isn’t this foreign policy--especially in the region--was terrorism?”(105) ultimately to blame for the tragedy (although Lastly, one of the most eloquent and these sentiments were not widely shared by critical Arab expatriates, Lebanese-born Muslims outside the region). Fouad Ajami in an op-ed piece in the Wall In addition, this article discussed how Street Journal, “Arabs Have Nobody To few in the region were even willing to accept Blame but Themselves,” ties the perpetrators that Arabs or Muslims were behind the of the September 11th attack to the broader the attacks; in part, because some felt that they problems in the Arab world: were too incompetent to pull off such a feat, and in part, because they apparently feared We were “walk-ons” in this American retribution. As a result, many political and generational struggle rushed to craft all manner of conspiracy playing out in Araby. America and theories, blaming anyone from American Americans have a hard time coming to domestic extremists, to Israel, to the US terms with those unfathomable furies government itself. of a distant, impenetrable world. In Lastly, this article touched on the truth, Atta struck at us because he small, but significant group of Arab could not take down Mr. Mubarak’s intellectuals who wrote publicly the thoughts world, because in the burdened, that many even fear to share in private: crowded land of the Egyptian dictator thoughts on what has led so many to believe there is very little offered younger in the legitimacy of terrorism, thoughts of Egyptians save for the steady narcotic how their governments have failed and have of anti-Americanism and anti- repressed their own people in order to cover Zionism. The attack on the North

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 85 Cameron S. Brown up that failure, and the connection between and celebrations which followed previous the two. terror attacks, see Fahmi Huwaydi, al-Ahram (Arabic), August 14, 2001, translated in * Cameron Brown is the assistant director of MEMRI Special Dispatch 265, August 31, the Global Research in International Affairs 2001. (GLORIA) Center and an assistant editor of 14. Special announcement on Palestinian MERIA Journal. Authority TV (Ramallah), broadcast on Nov. 20, 2000 at 12:20pm. Palestinian Media Watch . 1. AP, September 11, 2001; BBC, September 15. Reuters, September 11, 2001. 11, 2001. 16. Al-Anwar (Arabic), September 13, 2001, 2. Reuters, September 11, 2001. While it is translated by FBIS. usually quite easy to find quotations to 17. Al-Akhbar (Arabic), September 13, 2001, support one’s arguments, and empirical translated by FBIS. evidence does not prove anything, throughout 18. Al-Quds this piece I have attempted to find statements (Arabic), September 15, 2001, translated by that were representative of the various FBIS. reactions that could be found throughout the 19. Al-Nahar region. (Arabic), September 12, 2001, translated by 3. Reuters, September 11, 2001. FBIS. 4. Reuters, September 11, 2001. 20. Al-Dustur (Arabic), September 12, 2001, 5. Akhbar al-Khalij (Arabic), September 12, translated by FBIS. 2001, found in Murray Kahl, "Terror Strikes 21. Al-Akhbar, September 13, 2001, translated U.S.: ‘An Act of War,’ How Will Americans by FBIS. Respond," September 12, 2001. 22. Mellat (Persian), September 13, 2001, 2001, translated by FBIS. 6. "The Prince" segment on 60 minutes, CBS, 24. Resalat (Persian), September 13, 2001, October 28, 2001; "Saudi Arabia: The translated by FBIS. Double-Act Wears Thin," The Economist, 25. Siyasat-e Ruz (Persian), September 13, September 27, 2001. 2001, translated by FBIS. 7. BBC, September 12, 2001. 26. Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) 8. Keyhan International (English), September (Persian), September 13, 2001, transcribed by the Foreign 14, 2001, translated by FBIS. Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). 27. Al-Quds, September 13, 2001, translated 9. Jerusalem Post and AP, September 17, by FBIS. Another example of sentiments 2001. along these lines by a moderate Palestinian 10. Jerusalem Post, September 16, 2001. can be found in an interview with Dr. 11. Al-Risala (Arabic), September 13, 2001, Zakariya al-Agha in al-Quds, September 16, translated in Middle East Media and Research 2001. Institute (MEMRI) , 28. Al-Quds al-Arabi (Arabic), September 12, Special Dispatch 268, September 17, 2001. 2001, translated by FBIS. 12. Al-Hayat (Arabic), September 17, 2001, 29. Al-Ra’y (Arabic), September 12, 2001, translated in MEMRI Special Dispatch 272, translated by FBIS. The following day, the September 20, 2001. same paper carried a similar article by Dr. 13. Despite admitting he had made these Muhammad Naji Amayirah, entitled: "Let Us remarks, the mufti strongly denied any Condemn Terrorism and Sympathize with the involvement in the attacks that did eventually American People, and on September 12, the take place. Jerusalem Post, September 16, independent Jordan Times ran an editorial 2001. For an example of the popular support along nearly the same lines.

86 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th

30. Al-Safir (Arabic), September 15, 2001, September 17, 2001, and Hatim Abu-Sha’ban translated by FBIS. See also Salman Faysal’s (a member of the Palestinian National article entitled "Regrettable," also in al-Safir, Council) in Al-Quds, September 18, 2001, all September 12, 2001. of which were translated by FBIS. 31. Akhbar al-Khalij, September 12, 2001, 45. AP, September 11, 2001. found in Murray Kahl, "Terror Strikes U.S." 46. BBC, September 11, 2001. 32. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, 47. Regarding the PA’s attempts to block the translated by FBIS. broadcasting of celebrations, one foreign 33. Al-Usbu’ al-Adabi (Arabic), September correspondent told the Jerusalem Post that 15, 2001, translated in MEMRI, Special PA cabinet secretary Abd al-Ahmad Rahman Dispatch 275, September 25, 2001. had threatened AP producers that if they 34. Bir Zeit University, Development Studies broadcast their pictures, "they would not be Program, "Survey # 5: The Intifada, & able to guarantee their safety." Rahman was America’s Relations with the Arab World," not available for comment. The PA used October 11, 2001. similar practices when dealing with reporters occurred in Gaza three days later. Jerusalem 35. Reuters, September 11, 2001. Post, September 12, 2001; Jerusalem Post 36. Al-Ra’y, September 13, 2001, translated Staff and AP, September 16, 2001; BBC, by FBIS. September 11, 2001. 37. AFP, September 11, 2001. 48. Jerusalem Post, September 13, 2001. A 38. Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran hint of this comprehension of the dangers of Radio 1 (Persian), September 14, 2001, 10:30 these attacks and subsequent celebrations to GMT, translated by FBIS. the Palestinian cause, and the PA’s latter 39. IRNA (English), September 17, 2001, intention to spin the event can be found in an transcribed by FBIS. interview in the Palestinian daily al-Quds, 40. Al-Akhbar, September 13, 2001, translated where Major General Amin al-Hindi, the by FBIS. chief of general intelligence for the PA, said 41. MENA (English), September 16, 2001, "There is now a consensus among the transcribed by FBIS. See also President Palestinian organizations that there has been a Mubarak’s interview with Arnaud de change in the world following the recent act Borchgrave, United Press International, of aggression on the United States. The MENA, September 17, 2001, transcribed by Palestinians are now acting based on a FBIS. heightened sense of responsibility given the 42. MENA, September 17, 2001, transcribed gravity of the situation… in order to forestall by FBIS. Israel’s attempt to make political capital out 43. MENA, September 15, 2001, transcribed of this thing" Hindi added that this point in by FBIS. particular came up in the course of a meeting 44. MENA, September 16, 2001, transcribed between President Yasir Arafat and the by FBIS. A number of other officials were Palestinian factions. Al-Quds, September 17, also eager to cite American policy as the 2001, translated by FBIS. cause of the terror attacks. A similar 49. Al-Quds, September 17, 2001, translated statement was given by Raja Zafarul Haq, by FBIS. chair of the Pakistan Muslim League and 50. Open Letter by Professor Manuel secretary-general of the World Islamic Hassassian. The author received this letter League, Nawa-i-Waqt (Urdu), September 12, from a student of Bethlehem University. 2001, translated by FBIS. For Palestinian 51. Jerusalem Post, September 13, 2001. Al- statements along these lines, see comments by Nahar, September 12, 2001, translated by Dr. Zakariya al-Agha (PLO Executive FBIS. Committee member) in Al-Quds, September 52. Al-Ayyam (Arabic), September 13, 2001, 16, 2001, Major General Amin al-Hindi (chief translated in MEMRI Special Dispatch 272, of general intelligence for the PA) in Al-Quds, September 20, 2001. Another denial along

Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) 87 Cameron S. Brown similar grounds came in open letter by Rajab’ali Mazru’i comments in Mellat, Professor Manuel Hassassian, op-cit. September 13, 2001. 53. Al-Ra’y, September 13, 2001, translated 74. Bir Zeit University, Development Studies by FBIS. Program, "Survey # 5: The Intifada, & 54. AP, September 12, 2001. America’s Relations with the Arab World," 55. AP, September 11, 2001; BBC, October 11, 2001. September 11, 2001. 57. AP, September 16, 2001. 75. Dainik Janakantha (Bengali) September 58. Republic of Iraq Television (Arabic), 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. September 12, 2001, translated by FBIS. 76. Hurriyet (Turkish) September 12, 2001, 59. While many government officials and translated by FBIS. commentators said in very general terms that 77. Bangkok Post (English) September 18, US support for Israel was not the only issue 2001, transcribed by FBIS. that created this conflict, one person who 78. Star (English), September 12, 2001, found clearly spelled out the other grievances that in Murray Kahl, "Terror Strikes U.S." See really fuel the anti-Americanism of many in Malaysian official reaction in the Chinese the region has been Barry Rubin, especially in Xinhua (English), September 12, 2001, his column in the Jerusalem Post of October transcribed by FBIS. 16, 2001. 79. Nanyang Siang Pau (Chinese), September 60. Al-Risala, September 13, 2001, translated 12, 2001, found in Murray Kahl, "Terror in MEMRI, Special Dispatch 268, September Strikes U.S." For the Indonesian response, see 17, 2001. The Jakarta Post (English), September 14, 61. Al-Quds, September 14, 2001, translated 2001, transcribed by FBIS, and see Antara by FBIS. (Indonesian), September 12, 2001, translated 62. Al-Safir, September 14, 2001, translated by FBIS. by FBIS. 80. AFP (North European Service--English), 63. Al-Akhbar, September 13, 2001, translated September 12, 2001, transcribed by FBIS. by FBIS. 81. One of the more original conspiracy 64. Al-Ra’y, September 13, 2001, translated theories, based on an early report that they by FBIS. had claimed responsibility, was that the 65. As translated by Jordan Times, September Japanese Red Army executed the attack. A 13, 2001. few instances can be found in Al-Ayyam, 66. Al-Dustur, September 13, 2001, translated September 13, 2001 and Tishrin (Arabic), by FBIS. September 13, 2001, both found in MEMRI 67. Al-Quds al-Arabi, September 13, 2001, Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001; translated by FBIS. and Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, 68. Babil translated by FBIS. (Arabic), September 13, 2001, translated by 82. Al-Sharq al-Awsat (Arabic), September FBIS. 14, 2001, translated in MEMRI Special 69. Noruz (Persian), September 13, 2001, Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001. translated by FBIS. 83. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, 70. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. Ellipses as published. translated by FBIS. "Cartels" and "trusts" are 84. Mellat, September 13, 2001, translated by in English. FBIS. 71. Keyhan International, September 13, 85. Al-Safir, September 15, 2001, translated 2001, transcribed by FBIS. by FBIS. Ironically, oil prices actually fell 72. Tehran Times steeply in the months immediately following (English), the attacks. See also the article in al-Safir by September 16, 2001, transcribed by FBIS. columnist Nur al-Din Sat’e in Al-Safir, 73. Tehran Times, September 16, 2001, September 12, 2001, translated in MEMRI transcribed by FBIS. See also, Majlis member Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001.

88 Middle East Review of International Affairs, Vol. 5, No. 4 (December 2001) The Shot Seen Around the World: The Middle East Reacts to September 11th

86. Al-Ayyam (Arabic), September 12, 2001, 105. Al-Anbaa and later Akhbar al-Yom, found in Murray Kahl, "Terror Strikes U.S." November 3, 2001, translated in MEMRI 87. Nawa-i-Waqt, September 13, 2001, Special Dispatch 302, November 20, 2001. translated by FBIS. Also see the article by Dr Another noteworthy example is a letter to the Jassim Taqui in Pakistan Observer (English) editor sent by Sudanese reader Hashem September 13, 2001, transcribed by FBIS. Hassan, a self identified pan-Arabist, entitled 88. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, "We, not the U.S., are the lawful parents of translated by FBIS. bin Laden" al-Quds al-Arabi, October 7, 89. Resalat, September 13, 2001, translated 2001, MEMRI Special Dispatch 285, October by FBIS. 12, 2001. 90. Al-Sharq al-Awsat, September 13, 2001, 106. Wall Street Journal, October 16, 2001. translated in MEMRI Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001. 91. Al-Dustur, September 13, 2001, MEMRI Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001. 92. Al-Dustur, September 13, 2001, MEMRI Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001. See also columnist Mussa Hawamdeh’s piece in the same addition of al-Dustur; al-Ra’y, September 13, 2001, MEMRI Special Dispatch 270, September 20, 2001. 93. Mellat, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. See also, Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. 94. Jomhuri-ye Eslami (Persian), September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. 95. This quotation was taken from one of a few such e-mails the author received personally (some of which appeared to have been forwarded several times previously). 96. Al-Hayat, September 17, 2001, translated in MEMRI Special Dispatch 272, September 20, 2001. 97. Al-Akhbar, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. 98. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. Also see the editorial in Nawa-i-Waqt cited above. 99. Al-Akhbar, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. 100. Al-Quds, September 18, 2001, translated by FBIS. 101. Nawa-i-Waqt, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. An editorial in the same issue made the exact same claim. 102. AP, September 12, 2001; al-Quds, September 14, 2001, translated by FBIS. 103. Siyasat-e Ruz, September 13, 2001, translated by FBIS. 104. Al-Hayat, November 29, 2001, translated in MEMRI Special Dispatch 307, December 4, 2001

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