Fc Barcelona (Liga Prvakov - Sezona 2010/2011)

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Fc Barcelona (Liga Prvakov - Sezona 2010/2011) UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT DIPLOMSKO DELO JERNEJ HOZJAN Ljubljana, 2016 UNIVERZA V LJUBLJANI FAKULTETA ZA ŠPORT Športno treniranje Nogomet ZNAČILNOSTI MODELA IGRE V NAPADU NOGOMETNEGA KLUBA FC BARCELONA (LIGA PRVAKOV - SEZONA 2010/2011) DIPLOMSKO DELO Mentor : izr. prof. dr. Marko Šibila Somentor: asist. dr. Marko Pocrnjič Avtor: Jernej Hozjan Recenzent: doc. dr. Stanislav Pinter Ljubljana, 2016 ZAHVALA: Posebna zahvala moji družini, ki je verjela vame in mi nesebično pomagala, da sem lahko študiral na Fakulteti za šport. Zahvala gre tudi somentorju asist. dr. Marko Pocrnjiču in mentorju izr. prof. dr. Marko Šibili, ki sta mi strokovno svetovala in pomagala pri nastajanju diplomskega dela. Ključne besede: analiza igre, model igre, faza napada, Liga prvakov, Nogometni klub FC Barcelona Naslov diplomskega dela: Značilnosti modela igre v napadu nogometnega kluba FC Barcelona (Liga prvakov – sezona 2010/2011) Avtor: Jernej Hozjan Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za šport, 2016 136 strani, 103 tabel, 12 grafov, 42 slik, 21 virov. IZVLEČEK Namen raziskave je bil, da ugotovimo značilnosti modela igre v napadu nogometnega kluba FC Barcelona, zmagovalca Lige prvakov v tekmovalni sezoni 2010/2011. V diplomskem delu smo primerjali izvedbo tehnično-taktičnih elementov nogometne igre v napadu med nogometnim klubom FC Barcelona in njegovimi nasprotniki. Analizirali smo vseh 13 tekem nogometnega kluba FC Barcelona v Ligi prvakov v tekmovalni sezoni 2010/2011. V skupinskem delu je igral v skupini D, skupaj z danskim Copenhagnom, grškim Panathinaikosom in ruskim Rubinom iz Kazana. V osmino finala so napredovali kot prvouvrščena ekipa in se pomerili z angleškim Arsenalom iz Londona. V četrtfinalu so premagali ukrajinski Shakhtar iz Donjecka. Polfinale jim je namenil večni derbi z madridskim Realom. V finalu pa so se pomerili z angleškim Manchester Unitedom. Na podlagi rezultatov v sedmih osnovnih ter ostalih podrejenih spremenljivkah, smo sklepali na značilnosti modela igre v napadu nogometnega kluba FC Barcelona. Najprej smo primerjali vse rezultate spremenljivk za vsako tekmo posebej. Po končani analizi tekem pa smo tekme FC Barcelone združili in primerjali z rezultati nasprotnih ekip. Posamezne spremenljivke smo statistično obdelali z osnovnimi postopki deskriptivne statistike in jih nato predstavili v tabelah. Z analiziranjem igre FC Barcelone smo ugotovili naslednje značilnosti modela igre v napadu: nogometni klub FC Barcelona je imel v povprečju žogo več časa v svoji posesti od nasprotnih moštev, nogometni klub FC Barcelona je do zadetkov prihajal po kontinuiranih napadih, daljšimi napadi in z večjim številom podaj kot nasprotna moštva, nogometni klub FC Barcelona je izvedel povprečno več udarcev na vrata kot nasprotna moštva, nogometni klub FC Barcelona je izvedel povprečno največ kontinuiranih napadov, nogometni klub FC Barcelona izvaja največ udarcev na vrata znotraj kazenskega prostora, nogometni klub FC Barcelona si je največ priložnosti za zadetek ustvaril po individualnih prodorih in podajah v globino, nogometni klub FC Barcelona si je največ priložnosti za zadetek ustvaril po napadih, izvedenih skozi sredino, nogometni klub FC Barcelona je največ zadetkov dosegel po podaji v globino, nogometni klub FC Barcelona je v napad preko vratarja največkrat prehajal s kratko podajo vratarja. Keywords: game analysis, game model, attacking phase, Champions League, FC Barcelona football club Title: Characteristics of the game model in attacking of the FC Barcelona football club (Champions League – season 2010/2011) Author: Jernej Hozjan University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport, 2016 136 pages, 103 tables, 12 charts, 42 figures, 21 sources. ABSTRACT The aim of the paper was to find out the characteristics of the system of play in the phase of attack in FC Barcelona, the Champions League winner in the season 2010/2011, and to compare FC Barcelona' s realisation of technical and tactical elements in the attack with other football clubs. All 13 matches of FC Barcelona in the Champions League in the season 2010/2011 were analysed. FC Barcelona played in group D with Copenhagen (Denmark), Panathinaikos (Greece) FC and Rubin Kazan (Russia). FC Barcelona advanced to the eight-finals as the leading club of their group, playing a match with the English Arsenal from London. In the quarter-finals they played against Shakhtar (Ukraine). In Semi-finals they played against biggest rival Real Madrid. In the finals they clashed with Manchester United (England). The observed variables associated with the game off attacking, have been sorted into seven core and numerous secondary variables. The results showed the characteristics of the club's game model off attacking. First we have compared the variables for each match separatly. After the individual match analysis all of the club's matches were merged and compared with the results of the opposing clubs. The variables have been statistically analysed with the help of basic methods of descriptive statistics and the results were presented in spreadsheets. By analyzing the game of FC Barcelona, we found the following model of attack: football club FC Barcelona has had an average ball longer in the possession versus the opposing teams, football club FC Barcelona scored more after continuos attacks, attacks last longer and with a higher number of passes as the opposing team, FC Barcelona on average, attempted more shots than their opponents, FC Barcelona made on average more continouos attacks football club FC Barcelona had the highest number af attempted shots within the penalty area, FC Barcelona created the most opportunities to score a goal by individual attack and passing in depth, football club FC Barcelona created the most opportunities to score a goal by attacking throught the middle, FC Barcelona scored highest number of goals by passing in the depth, FC Barcelona began the phase of attack with a short pass trom the goalkeeper. KAZALO UVOD ............................................................................................................................................................. 17 PREDMET IN PROBLEM .................................................................................................................................. 18 SODOBNI MODEL IGRE ..................................................................................................................................... 18 ANALIZA IGRE ................................................................................................................................................... 18 DOSEDANJE RAZISKAVE NA PODROČJU NOGOMETNE IGRE ............................................................................. 19 DOSEDANJE RAZISKAVE ANALIZE NOGOMETNE IGRE V TUJINI ........................................................................ 19 DOSEDANJE RAZISKAVE ANALIZE NOGOMETNE IGRE V SLOVENIJI ................................................................... 21 CILJI IN NALOGE ............................................................................................................................................. 25 METODE DELA ................................................................................................................................................ 26 VZOREC MERJENCEV ........................................................................................................................................ 26 OPAZOVANE TEKME .................................................................................................................................... 26 VZOREC SPREMENLJIVK .................................................................................................................................... 27 VRSTE NAPADOV ......................................................................................................................................... 27 ČAS TRAJANJA NAPADOV ............................................................................................................................ 28 POVPREČNO ŠTEVILO ZAPOREDNIH PODAJ V NAPADU .............................................................................. 28 ANALIZA IZGUBLJENIH ŽOG ......................................................................................................................... 29 NAČIN PREHODA V NAPAD PREKO VRATARJA ............................................................................................. 31 ANALIZA UDARCEV NA VRATA IN DOSEŽENIH ZADETKOV .......................................................................... 31 NAČIN USTVARJANJA PRILOŽNOSTI ZA IZVEDBO UDARCA NA VRATA OZIROMA DOSEGO ZADETKA ......... 33 POTEK ZBIRANJA PODATKOV ............................................................................................................................ 38 METODE OBDELAVE PODATKOV ...................................................................................................................... 42 REZULTATI IN DISKUSIJA ................................................................................................................................ 43 PRIMERJAVA NOGOMETNEGA KLUBA FC BARCELONA Z NJEGOVIMI NASPROTNIKI NA POSAMEZNIH TEKMAH V NEKATERIH SPREMENLJIVKAH IGRE V NAPADU............................................................................................. 44 FC BARCELONA : PANATHINAIKOS 5:1 (3:1) .............................................................................................. 44 RUBIN KAZAN : FC BARCELONA 1:1 (1:0) ....................................................................................................
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