IMAGINE IMAGINE DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN OCTOBER 2013 DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO PARTNERSHIP During this extensive community input Rancho Bernardo and everywhere in be- process, the Downtown Partnership met with tween. Overall more than 6,000 San Diegans thousands of residents and business owners weighed in on the future of Downtown in Downtown as well as with communities during the course of a year. throughout the region - from San Ysidro to Downtown San Diego Partnership 619.234.0201
[email protected] PROGRAMGREAT CONSULTING CITIES TEAM: HAVE PROGRESSIVE ONE THING URBAN IN MANAGEMENTCOMMON: LONDON. ASSOCIATES (P.U.M.A) GREAT DOWNTOWNS. THAT FACT HAS NEVER ⊲ M. BradleyBEEN Segal MORE TRUE THAN IT IS TODAY. TOKYO. ⊲ Rena MastenAmerica Leddy is in the midst of an ur- wash away old notions about what San ban renewal and renaissance that Diego is and what it must become. ⊲ Erica Heller is remaking our economy and re- designing our neighborhoods. Quite simply, if the San Diego region is “OUR DOWNTOWN” VISION DESIGN: to continue to compete on the global SAN FRANCISCO. The San Diego region needs to be ready. stage, it must have a world-class Down- Our Downtown needs to be ready. town – one that attracts the dreamers, ⊲ Lisé Markham, Founder, Emic Media the thinkers, the doers, the makers. From younger millennials to maturing CHOOSINGbaby SURVEY boomers, CONSULTANTS: there is a well-doc- The good news is that Downtown San NEW YORK CITY. umented return to vibrant urban Diego is uniquely positioned to take centers – ones that offer opportuni- advantage of these cultural and business ⊲ Competitive Edge Research and Communication ties for meaningful work and create shifts.