l Bth Annual Electric Ral ly Presented by the ELECTR IC AUTO ASSOCIATION ( Santa Clara Chapter )

Come and ride in the of the Future

- - - s e e th, ;i;il: :J :,1 l:HlHi # tsi -'5:$':f il u n s u rre r) that won the Aug. 1 1 solar car race in Willits CA.

When--Sat. Sept. 15th, 1990 9:30 arn to 4:00 pnt Location-- Start / Finish at 1184 N. Matilda, Sunnyvale CA. between Lockheed bldg. #560 &561 ( I I 12 blks north of the -Bfuc Cube- ) For more informntion, coll Lee Hemstreet 415-495-5492 or Paul Brnsch 4OB-37 I -5969 ELECTR IC AUTO ASSOCIATION ( Santa Clara Chapter ) 1990 PRESS RELEASE - SePt 5. NI]N_FRCIFIT ORGANI ZAI II]N

Sunnyvale, Ca. WHO CARES ABOUT GAS PRICES? In the heart of the Silicon Valley, the center of technology and innovation there are people who don't care how high gas prices go. In fact the grin on their faces wid.ens the more it increases. Why? Do they own oil stock? No. They drive electric cars that don't pollute, smell bad or contribute to the global warming'gases. And they can be "refueled" ( recharged ) at home in addition' Many of these electric vehicies ( EVs ) look and behave Iike any other car on the road, because they startedtheir life as gasoline powered. cars but have now been converted to electric drive. The only visible indication that they are electric is the environmental license plates reading "NOT GAS", "ELECTRIC", "VOLTS", "AMPS", etc. that some owners display. There are more than 36,000 EVs registered. in California, says the DMV. So the car waitingat the traffic light next to you could be electrified without you knowing. When the driver is stopped in traffic he's not using ANY gas idling, spewing out noxious fumes. In fact he is not using ANY energy at all. While underway, the cost for the electricity is 2 - 3 cents Per mile- Not all electrics are common looking. Some have been built from the ground. up and reflect their owners unique ideas as to what makes the perfect car. Some normal looking EVs and some very unusual iooking'ones wili be on display and giving free rides to the public at the l-Bth annual Rally in Sunnyvale on Sat. Sept. L5 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm at 1-l-84 N. Matilda. There will be Solar Powered EVs as well as a score or more of more normal street legal cars to ride in, and other displays of technology. So who cares about gas prices? Everyone does, but some of us look FORWARD to higher prices because they contribute to making this the decad.e that the electric car recaptures the marketplace from the old. style, complex, costly and sme1ly, smog belching gas guzzler. PauI H. Brasch, President Electric Auto Association - Santa CIara L96B Elden Drive, san Jose, cA. 95L24-L3L3 408-37L-5969


From: Jim Culien Desert Research Institute Suite 1, 2505 ChandlerAve. Las Vegas, NV BgI20 Date: August 17, 1990

of_ On August 16th, 199O scientists and staff members of the University . Nevadis Desert Research Institute formed the Nevada Chapter of the trEA. The elected officers are: President Gail Lucas Vice President Neil Ingraham Secretary/Treasurer Ron Hershey Newsletter Editor Jim Cullen Fund Acquisition Chuck Russell Roger Jacobson The chapter's address is: Nevada Chapter, trAA Desert Research Institute Suite 1, 2505 Chandler Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89I20 Voice mail: 702-594-9798

The group will meet at 6:00 P.M. on the 3rd Thursday of the month at the chapter address.

Worid Record for Solor Cells

record for The Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) has announced a new world for a monolithic thin-film amorPhous photovoltaic panel'. .it size and output are laid 53 watts when its 13 tq*uil feet is exposed to the srln' Such panels delivers in one Jo*" a glass pi;; Uy aup6siting the active materials and interconnects "" i"q,.t"il."._ This pioduced by ChronT Cgtp' as part otr a productio., ianel _t1t_ ARCO Solar research consortium that incfudes sERI,'Energy Conversion Devices, peak power for and Solarex. The goal of the consortium is to"lirovide cost-effective electric uilities. Q-opular Science, March i990) DUAL-POWER AUTOS TAKE THE WHEEL Cleaner-burning, more energy-efficient, and quieter than conventional cars, hybrid vehicles combine the best features of internal combustion engines and electric designs. Bill Siuru Contributing Editor Colorado Springs, Colo.

o alternative means of automotive propulsion has yet been found that ap- proaches the performance E g or versatility of the inter- nal combustion engine. Electric vehi- cles (EVs) may be okay around town, but may never be popular with people who want to, or have to, use cars for long-range, high-speed transportation. As an example of how much ener- gy is packed into gasoline, some quick calculations will show that it provides the equivalent of 12,000 watt-hours per kilogram. Compare this to a current-day lead-acid bat- tery, which provides only about 40 watt-hours per kilogram and you see the challenge proponents of EVs are facing. Some calculations bY Audi engineers show that if a battery- powered car were to have the same energy content (about 200 kW-hr) as one using an internal combustion en- Combined design. The Hybriddrive's asynchronous motor/generator and its two clutches are ex- gine burning a tankful of gasoline, it tremely compact. The unit replaces the flywheel, starter, alternator, and normal clutch, adding little to the would weigh about four tons. While length or weight of the drivetrain. major improvements are on the hori- zon to increase the energy content of mented by electric propulsion sys- a shaft-mounted, Uniq high-frequen- batteries, it is obvious that they will tcms for urban driving. cy, 3-phase ac alternator whose out- never reach the levels obtained quite Of the three companies recently put is converted to regulated dc. easily with internal combustion selected in the "L.A. lnitiative" to This is fed into a common electrical engines. bring up to 10,000 EVs into the Los bus for distribution to the main mo- Nevertheless, electric vchicles are Angeles basin by 1995, two will be tor, recharging the battery, and virtually noiseless and pollution-frce, using hybrid vehicles with small powering the air conditioner. and are very good at conserving en- "range extender" auxiliary power The M-90 uses l8 lead-acid batter- ergy..Because of this they will see plants. Only the Electric G- pro- ies with sealed, low-maintenance ever-increasing use, undoubtedly duced by Canadian-based Vehma In- gelled electrolyte. An 80-horsepower spurred on by government mandates. ternational is a pure electric vehicle. shunt-wound dc motor provides the For example, by the year 2010, 70 The Electric G- are full-sized, main power and operates in conjunc- percent o[ ull vehicles in snrog-con- conventional G.M. vans converted to tion with a solid-state controller. The scious southern California ntust be electric propulsion using lead-acid M-90 has two speeds, forward and electric-powered to meet clean air batteries and a 52-horsepower dc reverse, and is front-wheel driven. standards set by the South Coast Air motor. Regenerative braking is used to re- Quality Management District. Re- cover energy for battery recharging. search by that district has shown that Model M.9O The M-90, which has a gross vehi- EVs are 97 percent less polluting The Uniq Model M-90 developed cle weight of 6000 pounds, has a top than gasoline-powered ceIrs, even by Unique Mobility Inc. (Engle- speed of a 70 mph and a 0-to-30-mph when the emissions flom the power wood, Colo.) is a Chrysler acceleration of 8.5 seconds. The plants producing electricity for re- converted to electric power. The range under normal driving condi- chargi ng are considered. range extender is a Honda 2-cylin- tions is over 100 miles with the auxil- The way to satisly the need for der, 4-stroke, I2-horsepower, water- iary engine being used when needed. cleaner-bu rn i ng, more-e nergy-effi- cooled engine that runs on liquid pro- The company plans to begin produc- cient, and quieter vehicles that still pane, natural gas, or methanol. ing the M-90 in the late summer of will satisfy consumer demands for Maximum efficiency is obtained by 1990 with its first vehicles going to performance may be the hybrid vehi- operating the internal combustion commercial fleet operators in the cle that capitalizes on the best fea- engine at constant speed in two pow- Los Angeles basin. tures of both. Currently, the hybrid er ranges with no idle condition, i.e., vehicles under consideration range it operates only while producing use- Clean Air's LA 3Ol from electric vehicles that use anoth- ful power. The power levels are 3 Clean Air Transport, based in er means of propulsion, usually a kW for pure range extension and 5 Sweden and England, will produce small internal combustion engine for kW for range extension with the air the LA 301 in four-passenger car, "range extension," to cars with gas- conditioner operating. two-seat microvan, and two-seat oline or diesel engines that are aug- The range extender engine drives pickup form. The LA 301 is based on

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / AUGUST 1990 / 41 the $5 million Whisper EV project, a third of which was funded by the Danish government. Some 30 Whis- per I EVs were built and demonstrat- ed extensively in Europe, the United States, and the U.S.S.R. The LA 301 uses lead-acid batter- ies, a l2-kW (16-hp) dc motor, and a propane-fueled range extender, called an auxiliary power unit to achieve a maximum range of 150 miles and a top speed of 60 mph. The expected range on pure electric pow- er is only 65 miles. The advanced ''ll:r':i styled vehicles will use a fiberglass body over a space-frame chassis. The LA 301 would feature front- wheel drive, regenerative braking, and air conditioning. Projected gross vehicle weight is 3300 pounds. r, Alupower Canada Ltd. (Kingston, Ontario) and Unique Mobility are de- veloping an EV that will use an alu- minum-air for range exten- sion. That cell generates electrical power by means of the electrochemi- cal reaction between aluminum and oxygen in the,air. An alkaline elec- trolyte is pumped through the cell stack between the aluminum anodes and air cathodes. Electricity is pro- duced as the aluminum oxidizes. Aluminum hydroxide is formed as a by-product and is gradually precipi- tated out and collected in a sump. A stream of air is blown through the cell stack to supply the oxygen for the electrochemical reaction. Be- cause the aluminum is eventually consumed, the cell is recharged by replaiing the aluminum anode plates. At the same time, the electro- lyte is replenished. 'fhe aluminum hydroxide can be collected and recy- Audi duo. The duo. a modified Audi 100 Avanl Ouattro, uses a qasoline engine to drive the front wheels and a cled by processing it back to metallic small eleclric propulsion system to drive the rear wheels. aluminum. The end result is a clean, minum-air battery to reach its iL-rll charged by replacing most of the ac- nonpolluting, and renewable power j power cirpaeity. The system has a tive components such as the anode source. potential storage lifetime of l0 years. and cathode. Besides the individual cells, the While the aluminum-air fuel cell This is not the first application of system requires a pumping system has high energy density-more than the aluminum fuel cell for range ex- for the electrolyte and a blower for 350 watt-hours pcr kg-it has a low tension. Alcan and Unique Mobility moving the air through the air cath- power density. Therefore, it cannot installed a system of eight lead-acid ode. Oxygen-depleted air is removed be used alone for propulsion, but batteries and two aluminum-air fuel from the system by the condenser, must be used with another power cells in a Unique Mobility Electrek and the heat exchanger keeps the source such as lead-acid battcries. car. In this case, the aluminum-air temperature of the electrolyte at ap- The 6-kW aluminum-air fuel cell fuel cell system was the one used in proximately 60'C. now being developed by Alupower is the telccommunications emergency The aluminum-air fuel cell is based specifically for range extension. The power supply system. With this ini- on technology developed by Alcan's 48 fuel cells will be combined with 18 tial system, the EV had a range of Kingston (Ontario) Research and De- chloride 3ET-205 6-volt lead-acid over 200 miles compared to a range velopment Centre. Alupower's initial batteries to drive an 8O-horsepower of 75 miles with l6lead-acid batteries application is in an emergency power dc motor. All this will be installed in alone. At the same time, the total supply system for telecommunication a Chrysler minivan converted for vehicle weight went down about 50 networks. There the air-fuel cells are electric power by Unique Mobility. pounds because the total battery used to supply power for long-term The range of this EV should be ex- weight was reduced. outages of 50 to 250 hours, while tended from around 50 miles to al- One of the challenges of an alumi- ordinary lead-acid batteries are used most 190 miles with a top speed of 60 num-air system is reducing operating for short-duration requirements. mph. While the lead-acid batteries costs, which are now estimated to be This combination is needed because would be recharged normally, the about 21 cents per mile. This can be it takes about 30 minutes for the alu- aluminum-air ones would be re- reduced by running the car on the

42 / AUGUST 1990 / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 5 It carries the duo label on the bodY, and interior are minimal. While a which identifies it as a hybrid. How- four-wheel-drive design is necessary, gaso- BRIEFLY STATED ever, Audi has added a small electric the concept would work with a propulsion system in the rear to line or with either a drive the rear wheels. A 12.6-horse- manual or automatic transmission. power electric motor fits into the Also a compact sPare tire is now ELECTRIC CAR STUDY iransmission tunnel after the propel- placed on the side of the luggage ler shaft has been removed. The mo- compartment. The car also has a propul- tor weighs 132 pounds and is coupled "spare" engine since both. A study ordered by the directly to the rear differential via an sion systems are completely indepen- Swiss government says electriially operated clutch. While dent-if one fails you can still drive that electric cars offer so the car is operating on this electric with the other. motor, another smaller electric motor A gearbox is not needed for the that high many advantages is used to supply hydraulic power for electrlc motor because of its their introduction should the power steering, Power brakes, torque characteristics at low speeds. mo- and antilock brake sYstem' Fof example, while the electric be encouraged by official percent The 400-pound batterY Pack, locaG tor produies less than l0 of measures and policies. peak ed in the spare tire well, uses a high- the gasoline engine's horsepow- The study says the wide- perfbrmance nickel/cadmium battery er, it produces 81 ft-lb of torque at spread use of electric pack with 49 cells that suPPlY 1 start compared to the gasoline en- -2 140 ft-lb at 4400 cars--often partly powered volts per cell. The battery has a life gine's peak torque of of at least l0 years. An auxiliary gas- ipm. Thus the electric motor can by solar energy--would oline- or diesel-fired water heater is easily accelerate the Audi 100 Avant result in positive effects used for interior heating while the to 18 mph in 8 seconds. such as cleaner air, less car is running on its batteries' The car's top sPeed on electric Turning the keY either starts the power is just over 30 mph. While that noise pollution ancl gasoline engine, or if the transmis- might seem low, one must remember energy economy, but only iion is in neutral and the E button is that there is a high-performance en- if electric cars replace part pressed, the electric propulsion sys- gine still available for highway driv- tem will go into action. ing. The car's limited range of under of the present fleet of The 2.3-liter, 5-cylinder internal 20 miles on electric power is compen- gasoline powered second combustion engine is retained under sated for by the fact that the internal Theref the the hood, and there is no degradation combustion engine can recharge the cars. ore, driv- government should take of its rated 136 horsepower. Overall batteries while the car is being performance is down a bit since the en. Because of the Ni-Cd batterY's steps to encourage the duo weighs 3830 Pounds comPared ability to tolerate high charge current be com- use of electric cars in to less than 3000 pounds for a normal rates, the batterY Pack can pletely recharged in less than 45 urban areas, it says. Audi 100 Quattro. Because of the ex- tra weight on the rear wheels, Audi minutes. lntelligence sys- (Solar Energy , has installed heavy-duty springs and Currently, Audi estimates the Report) shock absorbers. Even though the tem would add about DM 25'000 weight is increased, there is no re- ($13,500) to the Price of the basic duction in carrying capacity or pay- car, about half of this additional cost load. Actually, changes to the bodY being for the batterY sYstem.

main battery for short trips and using the fuel cells for less frequent long trips. Then the aluminum anodes do not have to change at every re- charge. The use of smelter-grade alu- minum can also bring costs down. Alupower is optimistic that the cost of cathodes, one of the chief barriers to the use of aluminum-air batteries to date, will also fall in the future. German Entries Both Audi and VW have devel- oocd hvbrid vehiclcs that give up lit- tle of their high perlormance but still can operate where there might be re- strictions on the use of internal com- bustion engines. Audi, in conjunction with Pohlman (Kulmbach, West GermanY) has de- veloped a rather unique hybrid vehi- cle. The Audi "duo' concept car ls an Audi 100 Avant Quattro with lts battery pack is four-wheel drive that retains its gaso- Dual power. The Audi duo's 12.6-hp electric motor fits into the transmission tunnel line engine to drive the front wheels' also located in the rear'

MECHANICAL ENGINEERING / AUGUST 1990 / 43 tt J o t c A t ao o o power. The aluminum-air fuel cell LA 3Ol. This 4-passenger car, 2-seat microvan, is based on the $5 million Whisper EV project, a third of Compact 301, showing (right) the 20 wnicn was lunded by tie Danish government. lt uses lead'acid batteries, a 16'hp dc motor, and a system lor the LA (left) and heat propane-fueled auxiliary power uniito achieve a maximum range of 150 m;les and a top speed of 60 individual cells and lhe condenser exchanger. The pump motor and air blower are mph. located in the center of lhe left section.

Diesel Drive The typical duty cYcle for urban ed on its periphery. The stator uses a large number of identical electromag- Another interesting hybrid is the buses involves a high Peak Power from a nets. The bottom line is that the M/G Diesel/Electric-Hybriddrive system requirement for acceleration hills, substan- produces 2.5 times more torque and developed jointly by Volkswagen stop and for climbing power cruising, and greater output than a conventional and Bosch. In this system, an elec- tially less for the electric motor and can operate either inserted be- then deceleration and braking at tric motor/generator is as a motor or generatoi. In addition, tween the engine and transmission. next stop. The engine has to be sized peak requirement of this it has no moving electrical parts or There is also an automatic clutch on to meet the duty cycle, and is thus oversized for sliding contacts and Power can be either side of the motor/generator. easily regulated using microproces- combustion normal operation, resulting in ineffi- Normally the internal pol- sors. The MDS has high efficiencY used acceleration at cient fuel usage and unnecessary engine is for generated even under partial load conditions' The electric Iution. Finally, the energy speeds above 30 mph. the rotates on a verti- perfor- while decelerating and braking is Because MDS motor is used at the lower cal axis, it is mounted so that it is levels where the internal com- wasted. mance Starn- isolated from the bus, eliminating gy- bustion engine has low elficiency and Magnet-Motor GmbH of West has develoPed roscopic forces that could affect ve- is a source of higher emissions. berg, Germany, patterned after hicle operation. To demonstrate the concePt, the a propulsion system locomotives that al- uses a 6- hybrid drive has been installed in a diesel-electric The diesel-electric bus diesel engine to diesel VW Golf with a L6-liter diesel lows a much smaller cylinder BMW turbocharged fuel econ- pro- engine. The 6-kW asynchronous dc be used, resulting in better engine with an intercooler that pollution. motor/generator is integrated with omy and reduced duces 66 kW (90 hP) at 2800 rPm. the two clutches so that it increases The system consists of a diesel en- Since the engine is sized for cruise the length of the engine/gearbox gine that drives an electric generator. rather than peak horsepower require- package by a mere 58 mm (2.28 in.). The generator's current then either ments, it is about a third the size of weighs only 64 pounds. The drives an electric motor that propels the diesel engine that would be re- It also of additional weight is compensated for the bus, or if there is excess electric quired were it the onlY source by the unit's serving as the starter, power, is stored for use when Peak power. The generator is attached di- flywheel, and alternator. power is required, such as when ac- rectly to the engine. Because of the feature, the The electric motor propcls thc Goll celerating or climbing a hill. The sys- MDS's power smoothing sPeed at easily at a constant specd ol up to 35 tem also includes regenerative brak- engine can run at oPtimum bus is mph on level terrain. Thc ntotor can ing so energy is recovered and stored all times. Even when the power is at a con- accelerate the vehicle, though the ac- for Iater use. stopped, electrical used im- celeration is leisurely but sufficient The key element of the sYstem is stant level to be stored or motor is inte- for quiet and pollution-free driving in the Magnetdynamic storage unit, or mediately. The electric urban areas. Although a five-sPeed MDS, which stores energY in a fiber- grated with the rear axle of the bus. gearbox transmission is used, the glass flywheel that absorbs and emits In the current design, about 60 Per- from brak- normal clutch is eliminated since the energy via a motor/generator in the cent of the kinetic energy clutches are automatically activated. hollow interior of the rotor. The M/G ing is recovered. buses have VW has located the batteries for the unit uses an advanced technologY Two Neoplan urban diesel. The experi- systems in the lower section of the called the multiple electronic pcrma- been converted to in tests at trunk. The system can recover brak- nent magnet motor, or MEP' The mental buses are running with the Stadtwerk (citY works dePart' ing energy regeneratively and store it MEP's rotor is a steel cylinder I in the battery Pack. high-grade permanent magnets locat- ment) in Munich.

44 / AUGUST 1990 / MECHANICAL ENGINEERING HeGives Wingsto Dreatns PAUL MACCREADY'S cre ative mind, having spawned we ird and wonderful vehicles, now focltses on the global environntetrt

1.. 1--:-

I'l wished that I could be a football hero and a smooth character. lf I had been, I'd be just an overage iock now,"

il1il1il ilt1ll!1 Time Magazine. ..lune 1 gg0 Flroirtraph lorTlN4E by I'llch!e Sa is t\V Electrathon Race Gonference

s s o c i at i o ffi fkH,l:,-,:,l -@ -

The solar- electric raGe everyone can afford to enier!

RACE EVENT: Affordable electric vehicles that can be built for as little as $1500 will be featured in an upcoming event in September of 199"1.. Solar panels are optional. The Electrathon Races have al- ready been going on in Australia for over a decade. Australian Electrathon champion, C1ark Beasley, has moved to Los Angeles to join teams with the Electric Auto Association and promote the first Inter- national Electrathon Races. The Electric Auto Association invites all high schools and colleges with automotive or engineering programs to participate in this event and attend the conference.

CONFERENCE: Clark will be heading the conference at PCC to discuss vehide technology, strate' gies, race rules and his upcoming book. Races are intended to minimize costs and promote involve' ment of organizations and individuals who cannot afford exotic technology. o Battery weight is restricted and exotic batteries exduded to prevent unfair advantage. . Solar is optional and restricted to 1. square meter (no gallium arsenide cells permitted). o Throught the cooperation of Cerritos College and the Center for Composite studies participants can build their own bodies at a minimal cost.

Electrathon Race Conferences will be held quarterly at Pasadena City College. For vehicle specifica- tions, rules and regulations, and to get on the Electrathon mailing list contact Clark Bea.sley at23725 Jakheath Piace, Harbor City, CA 90710, (213) 539-9223.

ABOUT THE EAA: Electric Auto Association is a national organization. The Los Angeles Chapter will re meeting monthly at Pasadena City College to promote the involvement of schools and individuals in affordable electric technology.

TIME AND PLACE: Although EAA meetings are usually held on the first Saturday of every month, the September Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 8,1990, from 10:00 a.m. to noo{t in Room n-1f f at Pasadena City College, 1570 E. Cbtorado Blvd., Pasadena, California (see map on revefse)

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Call Irve Weiss (818) 841- 5994 and get on the EAA mailing list! " Slingslot " , built by Australian Eledratlnn Chantpion, Clark Busley, wln now yomota EV tacing in the USA 1 trA/A Chapters ARI ZONA: Phoenix WhSHtf.tCfON: Seattle Lee Clouse 602 943 7950 Ray Nadreau 206 542-5612 PO. Box 11371 19547 23rd N.W. Phoenix, AZ. 85061 Seattle, wA. 98177 GALENDAR CALIFORNIA WISCONSIN: Milwaukee f^^l O^,, Dave Pares 414 481 9655- 3 3251 S. lllinois $EpT 15, '1990. Santa Clara Chapter Rally, Sunnyvale, CA Mil Stults 41 5/582-971 2270 Minnie St. Milwaukee, Wl. 53207 Faui Brasch, 4081371-5969 Lee Hemstreet, 4151493- or Hayward, CA 94541 5892 for information. NEW JERSEY: Hackensack November 25, 1990, World Solar Challenge Darwin- North Bay Kasimir Wysocki 2O1 342 3684 G. Schaeffer 415 456 9653 Adelaide, Australia, Energy Promotions, P.O. Box 290 Bribie 293 Hudson St. 211 Ballan 8lvd. lsland, Qld 4057 Hackensack, NJ. 07601 San Rafael, Ca 94901 December 3-5,1990. 1Oth lnternational Electric Vehicle NEW ENGLAND Peninsula Symposium. BDG Mgmt, Ltd. Ste 705, East Town Bldg., 41, Bob Batson 508 897 82BB Jean Bardon 41 5 355 3060 Lockhart Rd., Hong Kong 1 Fletcher St. 540 Moana Way Maynard, Ma. 01754 Pacifica, Ca. 94Q44 Please do NOT contact Trojan Battery Co. They do VANCOUVER, BC: Santa Clara not sell single sell batteries. Thanks. VEVA 604 987 61 BB Lee Hemstreet more news monthly related 543 Poweii St. Want about electric vehicle and 787 Florales Dr. good Vancouver, BC. V6A 1G8 development (in addition to the EAA news?) For Palo Alto, Ca. 94306 subscription info, write to: Electric Vehicles News, 1911 N. 41 5 493 sB92 American Solar Car Assn. R. Myer Dr. Ste 703. Arlirgton. VA 22209 San Jose Robert Cotter FOR SALE J.& H. G-23 Generator $450. Vester Dick (a08) Don Gillis PO Box 158 4 045721 a2 888a. 5820 HermersSt, Waldoboro, Me. NON.AFFILIATED GROUPS 12 volt, 2.5 to 8 hp motor wanted for Small motorcycle. Call San Jose, Ca 951 23 4151932{38l (408)^9q-5446 CANADA: Ottawa, Onlairo EVCO Ford Escort Jet Electric Car. 96 volt, Series motor, gas Los Angeles Metets 1st Sat. Box 4044 Sta 'E K1S 581 heater. Very nice condition; needs batteries i updated I L Weiss (818)841-5994 gG Otlawa, Onlario, Canada controller. $2,500. Maserati Bora Volt, GE Series motor, 2034 N Brighton "C" new Denver, CO DEVC transistor controller, light, fast and beautiful. Needs Burbak 9 1 504 George Gless 303 4426566 batteries. $6.5m. 41 U388.0838 Southern Cal-EVA of SC B7g O2O7 Electric Car Marketplace Do you want to BUY an electric Keh Koch 71 4 639 9799 Fox Valley, lL 312 car? Do you want to SELL an electric car? Call or write: Solar 12531 Breezy Wy. John Stockberger 25 643 Nelson Lake Fld. Electric, 175 Cascade Ct. Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Orange, CA 92669 Batavia, lL. 60510 707tffi1%7. TEXAS: Houston Ea:t?rn--E EV-c 21 5 696 561 s Ken B rancrofl 7 i 3 7 zg 8668 PO Box 717 4301 Kingfisher Valley Forge, PA. 19482 Houston, TX. 77035 For information on forming a chapter tn your area wrile to the Advertisement Rates: 5 Lines for $5.00 - 114 page for $15.00 address below or phone between 1OAM-5PM Pacific Time Full Page for $50.00 Submissions to be "CAMER READY" 4'15 591 6698 EDITORS: JOHN NEWELL-BILL PALMER-PAUL BRASCH-E.W. AMES Send your chapter news, cominq events, articles to the address below


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