Summer 2018


AGM Papers Page 4

Pull Out Calendar Section Pages 13—28

Joan Tollerfield took this lovely photo of the Happy Feet Walkers on the Canal Trail


As I write this article we are working our way through a very busy membership renewal process, made even more hectic by virtue of the increase in member numbers that I mentioned in the Spring edition of The Buzz. Firstly let me say a huge thank you to John and Jacqui MacKinnon for their management of the process and to all the other people who have helped out during the last few weeks. At the last count we had around just over 100 members who had not renewed but this was prior to the M ay monthly meeting, so I expect that number to come down further before we start to take names off our lists. On the subject of member numbers, I have been asked why I think it is important to keep growing as an organisation and I am very clear about the benefits we derive from increased member numbers. Assuming that we have created the right culture, we should witness that as member numbers increase then at the same time the number of Groups available to members should also grow. In our case, we now have over 100 activities for our members to enjoy. I know that some groups might be full but there are still plenty of alternatives for members to consider. As part of this another major benefit is that, with so many members, the variety of activities is likely to increase as we recruit people with new ideas and experiences. For example, who would have thought a few years ago that we would have a Flute Group or a Magic Group or a Vintage Social Group. The list goes on but I think that you will understand what I am saying. None of the above would be possible, however, without the dedication of those members who take on a lead role in some way or other. The Coordinators are our lifeblood and without them BU3A would not exist and I know from many of them that they don’t see their role as a chore but something that enhances their own lives as they help to bring the pleasure of learning, laughing and living to their fellow members. I know from my previous role at the Regional U3A Committee that the two biggest challenges that U3As face are, firstly getting volunteers and secondly communicating with their members. In our case folk clearly seem to enjoy volunteering and secondly our Buzz and the Beacon membership system make communications so much easier. You will find elsewhere in this magazine the agenda papers for the Annual General Meeting which takes place on Monday, 4th June. You will notice that, apart from a couple of members who are part way through their 2 year term of office, the whole Executive Committee is standing again for re-election. This tells me that we must be doing something right. Despite the ever increasing workloads coming from higher member numbers and from the seemingly never ending advice on a range of issues from our National Colleagues, people still want to be involved in helping to manage our U3A. Amongst the agenda papers is the Annual Report which will be submitted to the Charities Commission with our end of year accounts. The report is then published on the Charities Commission website for all the world to see. I believe BU3A to be a continuing success story and I don’t mind the rest of the world reading about us. We should all be proud to play our part. Alan Swann Perks of reaching 60 or being over 70 and heading towards 80!

1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 3. No one expects you to run - anywhere. 4. People call at 8pm and ask “Did I wake you?” 5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 7. Things you buy now won’t wear out. 8. You can eat supper at 5pm. 9. You can live without sex but not your glasses. 10. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. 11. You can’t remember who sent you this list. 12. And you notice these are all in Big Print for your convenience. Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 3

CONTENTS 2. Chairman’s Message 3. Monday Country Dancing Bereavement Announcement 2. AGM Papers 7. Community Award. Stitches. Crown Green Bowlers 8. Development News 9. New members 10. Developments 11. Classical Music/Opera. Patchwork Projects 12. 158 Squadron Memorial Monday Country Dancing 13. PULL OUT SECTION: Calendars 18. Motorbikes. Sunday Strollers. celebrated 15 years in Thursday Gardeners February 2018. 19. Book Forum I & 2 20. Thursday Long Walks.NatureQuest Huge thanks to Elaine and Keith 21. Cycling. Penistone Walking Group Randerson who have been calling and 22. Wednesday Ramblers providing the music throughout the 15 23. Tuesday Walks. Happy Feet years. We have exercised our minds and 24. Thursday Walks. Out and About. Tues- bodies by remembering old dances and day Gardeners learning new ones. 25. Bus Pass Walkers 26. Bird Watching We celebrated with a specially made 27. National Summer Schools birthday cake. 28. Venues & Bus Information 29. Table & Board Games. Lexophilia There are two Country Dancing groups- 30. Theatre Group. Woman vs Man one on Mondays and one on Wednesdays. 31. Travel Both groups are open to new members at 32. Spring School 34. Flix at 6 the moment so if you want to give us a try 35. Mindfulness. Sew Much To Do please phone the relevant co-ordinator. 36. Posh Puds

37. Thursday Ten Pin Bowling. Spanish Gill Newbould Introduction 38. New member Input 39. Bus Pass Walk 40. National U3A Chairman

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Dennis Avison on May 21st. Dennis was one of the founding members of Barnsley U3A, a Chairman and Group Coordinator. We offer our heart-felt condolences to Hazel and family. Summer 2018 Page 4

Twenty Second Annual General Meeting Monday 4th June 2018, Campus Agenda 1. Welcome and Introduction to the meeting 2. Minutes of Twenty First AGM [as printed in Spring Buzz] 3. Approval of Minutes and Matters Arising 4. Annual Report [As printed] 5. Chairman’s Report, including appointment of Tellers 6. Treasurer’s Report 7. Social Secretary’s Report 8. Development Officer’s Report 9. Nominations and Election to Executive Committee 10. Appointment of Independent Examiners of Accounts 11. Co-ordinators Updates 12. Any Other Business 13. Date of next AGM [3rd June 2019]

Barnsley and District U3A - Annual Report 2018

In the last twelve months we have witnessed the continuing growth in the membership of our U3A and during December 2017 we recruited our 1000th member. By the end of March a further eighty people had joined our ranks and this size of membership is seen as something of a signifi- cant landmark for our U3A and helps to confirm that we are offering something that is viewed positively by retired people in the Barnsley area.

We recognise that managing the expectations of our membership is a major issue and the need for continuing development and extension of our activity portfolio is an ongoing challenge. With this in mind we have successfully created a small team of members who work together on the development of our groups and it is reassuring to note that we have successfully launched a number of new activities during the last twelve months in addition to duplicating some of our ex- isting groups.

Our relationship with Age UK [Barnsley] has also seen the continued realisation of mutual bene- fits and achievements particularly with our involvement in the project aimed at reducing loneli- ness and isolation amongst retired people living in the Penistone area of the Borough. A number of new U3A groups are now meeting in this area and regular monthly ‘Drop In’ meetings are tak- ing place to allow members living on the west side of town to keep up-to-date with U3A news.

Following from the work we have done on reviewing and detailing the accessibility of all the premises that we use for our activities, we have been recognised at National level and com- mended on our work in trying to make our U3A an inclusive organisation. Our recently launched Associate Member level for those people who are no longer able to join in with activities but wish to maintain contact with the U3A has also been seen as an innovative move by our National col- leagues. To further add to our desire to be inclusive we have taken the step of creating the role of Equalities Officer which has been added to the portfolio of one of our Executive Committee members.

We continue to build on our multi-faceted approach to the way in which we publicise ourselves both within and outside of the organisation. Our website development continues at a pace as we Summer 2018 Page 5

aim to ensure that we show the world a comprehensive picture of who we are and what we do. Our stock of publicity leaflets has to be regularly updated and printed as they are handed out at various venues around the borough and a recent move to issue generic BU3A business cards will also help to give us a profile whenever the opportunity arises.

For a number of years our quarterly newsletter [The Buzz] has provided a great deal of interest amongst our members. The recent decision to convert the whole newsletter to a full colour glossy magazine is paying enormous dividends for us as many members tell us that they proudly show it off amongst their friends and neighbours.

The BU3A Executive Committee remains a strong unit with all positions filled and every member indicating their willingness to stand for re-election for a further period. All committee members have a specific portfolio with many having a team of members supporting them in their roles. It is fair to say that all committee members bring with them a ‘Can Do’ philosophy to the table and our growth and vibrancy owes much to this group of individuals.

As can be seen from the financial statement, our finances remain strong and we have been able to support a number of Groups with capital expenditure on items over the last twelve months.

In terms of looking to the future, we need to ensure that we continue to manage our growth in a dynamic manner and that we constantly look to add to the list of activities which we offer to our members. The key messages about the self help philosophy of the U3A movement and the constant ongoing need for volunteers in everything that we do will continue to be explained and reiterated to all our members. A further issue which we need to address in the coming twelve months is the need for some succession planning to be considered, particularly within the Executive Committee, as a number of the key players will be approaching the time limits of their periods of tenure.

Whilst I have mentioned the contribution made by our Executive Committee members, I also need to mention our Travel, Social and Choir Committees, all of whom do tireless work on our behalf. Last but not least we all owe a great vote of thanks to those members who lead our groups. Without such people there would be no Barnsley and District U3A. So thanks to all our Coordinators and all our members who contribute to our success story.

Alan Swann, Chairman Barnsley and District U3A ASSOCIATE MEMBER SCHEME

BU3A are introducing an Associate Membership which will be run as a pilot scheme which, if successful, will be shared nationally. An Associate Member is someone who has either left the area or who has become less mobile or housebound and is unable to attend groups. This new level of membership will allow them to keep in touch with friends within the organisation and feel supported at a time when their need may be at its greatest. To qualify they will have to have been a full member for seven years and have self-declared their withdrawal from group activities or to have relocated to another area. The cost will be 50% of the annual membership fee ie £6 (50p per month) currently. This will allow access to: • Facebook • Beacon updates via email, • One annual members only event e.g. Annual Dinner, • Buzz on line or posted if payment for postage is made, • Third Age Matters on payment of annual cost (£2.50). • Attendance at the Annual General Meeting. For further information please contact the Membership Secretary, John MacKinnon. Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 6


CONGRATULATIONS to the Dodworth War Memorial Group who won an award at the Central Team Awards Ceremony held at the Metrodome. They won the Community Group of the Year 2018 for Dodworth Ward in front of 200 people.

Robert Green said, “My thanks to the members of the group for all their diligent work and the rest of our Family History group for their support.”

Alan Swann commented: “We have Groups regularly performing in public and now we have a Group winning an award for the work they have been doing. Robert Green and his team are proving what can be done when you get stuck into some- thing. Not only are they getting the de- served recognition within our own town but news of their successes are being spread around all 1000+ U3As through our Na- tional Office. How good does it feel when we tell the world about our U3A.”

Jean and Sue combine their talents Jean Jermy and Sue Millar are both members of the Stitches Group where they enjoy doing the different pro- jects set for the members. Sue had been working on a very attractive piece of embroi- dery at home and thought she would like to put it on a bag as a front panel. Jean, who is an expert bag maker, volunteered to make the bag for Sue. The result, as you can see from the photo, is a very attrac- tive bag. In true U3A style, they combined their talents.

Crown Green Bowlers had another enjoyable trip to Blackpool. Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT NEWS Page 8

It amazes and delights me that so many of our members are eager to start new groups. I understand it is not always so in other U3As. But there is something about Barnsley people that makes them enter wholeheartedly in our organisation. We have a really good committee, but if it weren’t for our co-ordinators, Barnsley U3A would become lifeless. So what about our newer groups. There’s Introductory Spanish , which is now up and running at the Birdwell Community Centre. They have a book, use a CD, and most importantly, have Joan, who is bright and sparky and patient. After the session, most of them go into the big hall for a lunch that has been prepared for them. Hey, they’ve got it all worked out there.

Toutes Flutes is growing. They have six members now, at different stages of ability. I am told that even if you have never picked up one of these gorgeous instruments in your life, you will be welcome. They have some flutes that you can try out, before you buy one. Speak to the wonderful Derek Bacon if you are interested.

Then there is Mixed Walking Football . Several keen and courageous ladies now join the men every a lternate Friday morning at the Dodworth Miners Welfare & Social Club. So far, I understand, none of them has been knocked to the ground by one of the more enthusiastic gentlemen. So, take courage ladies - you might even enjoy it, even if the rules baffle you a bit. Nicola Foote is the lady to contact if you would like to have a go.

And what about the Gadget Help group ? This has been the brilliant idea of Vanda Outram. You know those mobile phones and tablet given to you by your loving children? They tell you how to use them. ‘It’s easy, Dad,’ they cry. And then you go and forget everything they have said. Well, have no fear, Vanda is at hand. She’ll have a go at all of them, even if she has never seen the make of gadget that you have. (Aren’t we lucky to have such wizards?) It is not a formally structured group. She tries to help people individually. At the moment, she is available at the Emmanuel Church every alternate Thursday morning, but the room is proving too small, so the group may move soon. Watch this space.

There are other groups on the horizon, at the moment just a twinkle in the eye of the wo uld-be Co-ordinator. Watch this space. Whatever you do, put your heart in your groups. That way you will get the most out of it.

Beth Rudkin Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 9

MORE NEW GROUPS How we used to live This group looks at the period 1920 – 1970 and concentrates on social history and literature. Authors include George Orwell, F. Scott Fitzgerald and Winifred Holby Arrangements: 1st session: Thursday 13th September, Conference Room, Penistone Library, 10-11.30am and then the second Thursday of every month. Coordinator: Barbara Lukey, MA. Assisted by Linda Dale.

West Africa This group looks at the geography, history, literature and culture of West Africa concentrating on Ghana and Nigeria. Arrangements: 1st session: Wednesday 5th September, Conference Room, Penistone Library, 2-3pm and then the first Wednesday of every month Coordinator: Barbara Lukey, MA. EXHIBITION BOARD

As part of our on-going commitment to keep our members informed of what is happening with the groups we are having an exhibition board at the monthly meetings. This will include promoting new groups, featuring established groups and try to gauge the interest for any proposed groups. Dates and times for new groups will be included along with a brief synopsis of what the group is all about.

There will be an interest list available for anyone wishing to sign up for any proposed group and this is where we will endeavour to keep you updated on the progress including proposed dates, times and venue.

With the featured groups we would like to have established groups promote their achievements, exhibit their works and just inform other members of what they are all about and help to raise awareness of the variety we have within our U3A. If any co ordinators would like to feature their group you can contact myself or Beth to discuss this. Our details are on the contact list.

So come on, be brave and show off your group...... because you are all amazing.

Laraine Timms, Development Team

Latest members to join Barnsley U3A:

David Shell, David Vyrnwy-Jones, Eleanor Ingram, Jean Watson, Christine Dempsey, Lynn Fletcher, Alan Fletcher, Auriol Richmond, Julie Yates, Vicky Bridgeman, Lesley Wilkins, Anthony Glover, Veronica Clarke, Barry Scott, Christine Liptrot, Michael Liptrot, Shauna Basford, Hazel Sutcliffe, Jill Gibson, Sharon Goodyear, Steven Goodyear, Marion New, Ruth Ackroyd, Bridget Milinkovic, Anne Wayne, Lynn Doolan, Patricia Highton, John Highton, Julia Wright, Donald Marshall, Nicola Treen, Julia Waterman, Ann Dougal, Keith Dyson, Gordan Pascall, Dawn Hyde, Ronnie Neville, Brian Lockett, Janet Wright, Angela Dolan, Aline Picken, John Hayland, Les Morton, Christine Rowell, Rose Roberts, Helen Wilson, Carol Briers, Martin Shepherd, Anita Shepherd, Rosean Robinson, Gill Wolff, Carol Faulkner, Kath Allass and Elaine Charlesworth. Summer 2018 Penistone Developments • Patchwork Projects now meets on the first and third Tuesday afternoons, 2- 4pm at St. John’s Community Centre. • A new Board Games group started on Monday 21st May, 7-9pm at St. John’s Community Centre. They will meet on the first and third Mondays. If you enjoy playing board games why not go along. There are a variety of games available but the coordinators are happy to be led by the group. • How Our Ancestors Lived is due to finish at the end of June but they will be back in September with How we Used to Live 1920-1970, 13th September 10am to 11.30 in the library. They will meet once a month on second Thursday. • A new group West Africa will look at the geography, history, literature and culture , concentrating on Ghana and Nigeria. This group will be led by Barbara Lukey and will meet once a month in the library, starting in September. • Bread making will be back in October, for details speak to Chris North, his number is on the contact sheet. • Crown green bowling is well supported with an average of 14 regularly playing. There is an opportunity to play on a Thursday morning but this would need a coordinator. If you are interested please don’t hesitate to contact me. • Crafty Chat continues to meet every other Friday with a variety of crafts being practiced. Recently one of our members heard about a project to help provide baby equipment, clothing and nappies to teenage mothers and women fleeing from violent partners. Several members have knitted and crocheted garments to be donated to the project. • Vintage Social meets on third Tuesday of the month, 7-10pm, come and learn a new dance or listen to the music. • We continue to run the Drop In session on the first Thursday of the month, 10- 12 at St. John’s Community Centre. This is for members and prospective members to come and find out what groups are available, pick up their Buzz magazine and find out about the Penistone Paramount group and pay for tickets. If anyone has any questions you can find my number on the contact sheet. Helen Dew JOHN & MARTIN U.P.V.C. DOOR AND WINDOW SERVICE ENGINEERS ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR SER- THE DOOR DOCTOR



We began the year with Richard Stauss’s comedy “Der Rosenkavalier” (The Knight of the Rose or The Rose-Bearer), followed in March by “The Tales of Hoffman”. Before the summer break we will be watching Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece The Patchwork Projects “Eugene Onegin”. @ Penistone. Classical music is exploring little known/forgotten The group will be meeting from 2- composers, uncovering a rich vein of wonderful 4pm in the IT room at St John's music. For example, we have heard a harp con- Community Centre on 1st and 3rd certo by Boieldieu, a superb Paderewski piano Tuesdays in the month. concerto (Polish Prime Minister and philanthro- pist), and another piano concerto for the left hand composed by the Ukrainian Bortkiewicz. English The meeting dates are: composers are well represented. For example, 1st and 15th May Potter and Sterndale Bennett of local fame bely 5th and 19th June the rumour that nothing happened between Han- 3rd and 17th July del and Sullivan! The group’s first ever female 7th and 21st August composer has been introduced – the American, 4th and 18th September Amy Reach, who was much admired by Sir Henry 2nd and 16th October Wood. 6th and 20th November There are many more to come. As usual, mem- bers of the group give presentations from time to Coordinator: Judith Twambley time.

Do come and join us for a relaxing afternoon at Methodist Church at 2pm on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month.

JUNE 2018 Mon 4th 1.30pm Monthly Meeting/AGM/Buzz Priory Campus Fri 15th 10.00am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church 10.30am Regional Development Meeting Doncaster Mon 18th 6.30pm New Members Link Priory Campus JULY 2018 Mon 2nd 1.30pm Monthly Meeting Priory Campus History Group: The Stuarts Mon 16th 6.30pm New Members Link Priory Campus Fri 20th 10.00am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church AUGUST 2018 Mon 6th 1.30pm Monthly Meeting: Old Blowers Priory Campus Thurs 9th 10.00am Coordinators’ Meeting Priory Campus Fri 10th Deadline for Buzz Submissions Fri 17th 10.00am Executive Committee Emmanuel Church Mon 20th 6.30pm New Members Link Priory Campus Tues 28th - Thurs 30th National Conference/AGM Nottingham SEPTEMBER 2018 Mon 3rd 1.30pm Monthly Meeting/ Buzz Priory Campus Sheffield Handbell Ringers Summer 2018 Page 12


I first stumbled upon this truly stunning memorial when I took a short cut on the way to my caravan at Skipsea. What a brilliant find and a fitting tribute to RAF Lissett (Halifax bombers). The site is positioned 2 miles from the North Sea and was opened in 1943. Their first mission was during the night of 11/12th March when aircraft flew to Stuttgart: sadly one aircraft failed to return.

The 158th Squadron occupied the site until the end of the war, flying some 250 raids. The final operation from Lissett was in April 1945.

The Sculpture In 2008 a wind farm was constructed across the western end of the airfield. Of the 12 wind turbines on the site, eleven were named after aircraft and the twelfth to commemorate the six airmen who perished on July 2nd, 1943 due to an explosion in the bomb dump. The formal naming of the turbines was during the Squadron Reunion, September 15th 2009. The turbines were named: Friday 13th, Goofy’s Gift, Lily Marlene, Jane, Xpress Delivery, The Menace, Blondie, Zombi, Maori chief, Git up dem Stairs and Minnie the Moocher.

In 2009 a sculpture was erected in the form of seven 8 foot tall airmen, each having the names of some of the 851personnel etched on to their bodies. I have passed this incredible sculpture at different times of the day and in different seasons. It never fails to impress, especially at sunset. It is a moving tribute to the WW2 brave servicemen.

It’s well worth a visit, with an informative noticeboard and a visitors’ book. You too will be impressed, I’m sure.

Sue Parkes Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 13 x x x x xx x x x x x x x xx x xx x x x x x x ------Other Break Other 3 20 27 03 10 17 24 July August September x x Bank Holiday Bank xx x x x x June x x x x x x x xxx x xx x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Key: xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x xx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxx x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 30 30 0:00 tre 10:30 unity Centre unity 14:00 pus 09:30 ton Methodist Church Methodist ton 10:00 nced 10:30 See our website for other special event dates event special other for website our See lose Community Centre Community lose 14:00 John's Comm Ctr Penistone John's Ctr Comm 19:00 St John's Comm Ctr Penistone John's Ctr Comm St 13:30 /2017Penistone John's Ctr Comm St 09:30 018 day (see day other days) BARNSLEY & U3A BARNSLEY & DISTRICT GROUPS JUNE2 - SEPTEMBER Indicates onathis* group full that particular is Bird Watching Bird BowlingGreen Crown month each week 2nd October)- (March Weekly Link Members New AsAnnounced Ardsleymonth each week 3rd 09:30 Campus Priory 1 18: Canasta Group Penistone Canasta Group Card Making Card month each 5th week & 4th 3rd 2nd C Alder MONDAYForum Book Course Making Bread Cosmology(G1) Dancing Country sessions7 02/10 for from Weekly Frequency* History Family month each week 2nd (Humour)Gelatology (Stuarts) History Spanishdates to Check Introduction History FortnightlyLocal MonthlyMeeting Fortnightlymonth each week 1st 3rd & Photography Library Worsborough WeeklyGroup Recorder month each week 4th & 2nd VenueSnooker ChiTai Bowling Pin Ten Cam Priory Games month 1stBoard Penistone week each month each week 3rd Church Emmanuel Bret Monk 12: month each last week The month each 5th 1st week & 3rd (Stairfoot) Tesco (Stairfoot) Tesco month each week 1st3rd and Weekly WeeklyCen Community Birdwell AsAnnou Priory Campus Time Start Grange Burton Weekly 14:30 Comm Close Alder St 041118250209162330061 19:00 19:0 13:30 10:00 Bowl Barnsley Club Constitutional Stairfoot Centre ThomasCommunity St 13:30 16:30 10:00 Summer 2018 Page 14 x x x x Other Break Other 14 21 28 04 11 18 25 x x July August September x Bank Holiday Bank x x x x x June xx x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxx x xxx x x x x x x xx x x x x xxxx x x x x x x x x x x xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0:00 l Clubl 10:00 entre 09:45 y Centrey 11:30 d 10:00 See our website for other special event dates event special other for website our See n's Community Centren'sCommunity 19:00 y 10:00 018 onthCentre Community Birdwell 11:15 month Centre.John's Community St 14:00 er)Club Bowling Penistone 10:45 nthLibrary Penistone 10:00 day (see day other days) BARNSLEY & U3A BARNSLEY & DISTRICT GROUPS JUNE2 - SEPTEMBER Indicates onathis* group full that particular is TUESDAY(G2) Forum Book BridgeSinging Choral (G2) Studies Classical * Bowling Green Crown Penistone* Bowling Green Crown Cyclingmonth each 1stweek Octob - (April Weekly *Drawing Frequency* (French) Francophile WeeklyOctober)- (March Weekly Culture & Language French WeeklyPleasure for Painting Weekly Penistone Africa, West Studying Penistone, Projects Patchwork Weeklym each 5th week & 4th 3rd 2nd mo each 1st Tuesday Communit Racketball Birdwell Ardsle TennisTable each week 1st3rd and ClubOne November) The - (February Fortnightly Weekly Fortnightly* Gardeners Tuesday Venue WalkingTuesday Pleasure for Stories AsAnnounce Church Emmanuel Penistone Social, Vintage Church Emmanuel ClubMotorbike FortnightlyCampus Priory Weekly Weeklymonth each week 2nd month each week 3rd C Community Birdwell Fortnightly Fortnightly ClubSocial Bridge Worsborough 14:00 Socia Bridge Worsborough month each 1stweek 13:45 Time Start 1 Campus Priory 05121926031017243107 18:30 .Joh St AsAnnounced Centre Leisure Centre Community Valley AsAnnounced Campus Priory AsAnnounced 10:30 18:30 14:00 14:00 10:00 18:30 TBA Summer 2018 Page 15 c bg c x x bg c bg Other Break Other c bg 08 15 22 29 05 12 19 26 c bg x x c July August September bg c bg Bank Holiday Bank c June xx x x xx x xx x xx x xx x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x bg Key: x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x x xx x xx x x x x xc x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 0 30 0:00 tre 10:00 ial Clubial 14:00 ey 14:15 Centre 14:00 Barnsley 14:15 hodist Churchhodist 10:00 on Methodist Church Methodist on 14:00 el Church el 14:15 See our website for other special event dates event special other for website our See dwell Community Centre Community dwell 14:00 018 hLibrary Dodworth 13:30 day (see day other days)

BARNSLEY & U3A BARNSLEY & DISTRICT GROUPS JUNE2 - SEPTEMBER Indicates onathis* group full that particular is Art for Beginners Art for FortnightlyGames/Chess Board Table Cen ThomasCommunity St (Fortnightly) Fortnightly Bir WEDNESDAY(G2) Dancing Country WritingCreative BowlingGreen Crown (Mornings) History Family (Afternoons) History Family month each week 4th & 2nd Folketry Frequency* Conversation French WeeklyOctober)- (March Weekly Group Literature mont each week 4th & 2nd FortnightlyPleasure for Music BeeQuilting Emmanu Do to Much Sew Fortnightly(Ukulele) Stringalongs Ukecanplay-ers Ardsleymonth each week 4th & 2nd Fortnightly FortnightlyRamblers* Wednesday Venue Fortnightly(Fortnightly) Fortnightly FortnightlyChurch Emmanuel Library Dodworth Brett Monk Weekly Fortnnightly Community Birdwell 1 Met Wombwell Soc Bridge OaksWMC Worsborough Ardsley 19:00 09:3 Time Start Flats, Street King ChurchMethodist Wombwell 061320270411182501Flats, Barnsl Street King AsAnnounced 09: 15:00 10:00 Summer 2018 Page 16 x x x x x Other Break Other 9 16 23 30 06 13 20 27 x x x July August September x x Bank Holiday Bank x x x x x x x June x x x x x xxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x xx xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x xxx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx x xx x xxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x arious 0:00 18:30 h 10:30 y Centre y 10:00 d 14:00 s Welfare Centre sWelfare 10:00 d Various oot)us 16:00 10:00 ed Various mmunity Centre Dodworth mmunityCentre 14:00 nced Various arish arish Hall 13:00 See our website for other special event dates event special other for website our See istone Library istone 10:00 Announced 19:30 19:00for AsAnnounced 19:30 19:00for AsAnnounced TBA 018 day (see day other days) BARNSLEY & U3A BARNSLEY & DISTRICT GROUPS JUNE2 - SEPTEMBER Indicates onathis* group full that particular is THURSDAYBrushstrokesBusPass Walkers Canasta SingersKaraoke Gruppe Conversation German BowlingGreen Crown NightCurry Fortnightly FrequencyMeetings Co-ordinator month each week 1st 3rd & FortnightlyProject WW1 Memorial Dodworth Flutes Toutes Weeklymonth each week 4th & 2nd October)- (March Weekly Help Gadget WeeklyGuitarmonth each week 2nd PenistoneLive to Used We How AsAnnounc Night Italian (Alt. Months)month each last week The month each week 2nd JewelleryCo Pollyfox Magic As ArdsleyNaturequest(Stairf Tesco Weekly Venue(Brass Instruments) Blowers Old Churc Methodist Bretton Monk FortnightlyWorkshop Poetry Camp Priory WeeklyConversation Spanish * Line and Tap Library Dodworth Weekly Pen (Alt. Months) month each last week The Bowling Pin Ten Campus Priory Theatremonth each week 4th & 2nd Gardeners Thursday month each week 2nd FortnightlyWalk Thursday month each week 3rd FortnightlyWalk Long Thursday 1 2Feet Happy Walkers Thursday Time Start month each Club 5th 1st week & Motorbike 3rd Church Emmanuel Roa Queens Age UK Church Emmanuel Weekly Fortnightly TBA 0714212805121926020Miner Dodworth 18:30 AsAnnounced month each week 4th & 2nd Asmonth Announced each P Darton week 1st 3rd Fortnightly& Royston Court, Manor month each week 3rd Communit Close Alder 10:00 (Stairfoot) Tesco 10:30 AsAnnou AsAnnounced 10:30 AsAnnounce Various Bowl Barnsley 13:30 AsAnnounced Campus Priory 16:30 V 10:00 TBA 18:30 Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 17 x x x x x x x September September September Other Break Other 2 19 26 02 09 16 23 30 0 17 24 31 07 14 21 28 August 4 11 18 25 01 08 15 22 29 x x July August x x x x x x x x x x x x Bank Holiday Bank x x x x June July June xx x x xx x x xx x xx x x xx x xx x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xJune x xx x x July x x x August x x x Key: x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x xxx x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 00 :00 0:00 18:30 19:00 unity Centre unity 14:00 Centre unity 14:00 ch 09:30 See our website for other special event dates event special other for website our See Bretton Methodist Church Methodist Bretton 14:00 orh Miners Welfare Miners orh 10:00 manuel Church manuel 14:00 Announced 10:00 TBA 10:00 018 lose)Centre Community Johns St 14:00 day (see day other days) BARNSLEY & U3A BARNSLEY & DISTRICT GROUPS JUNE2 - SEPTEMBER Indicates onathis* group full that particular is SUNDAY Frequency Venue Time Start 031017240108152229051 FRIDAY Art AppreciationBadminton Music/OperaClassical *(G1) Studies Classical Close ,Alder Chat Crafty Penistone - Chat Crafty BowlingGreen Crown (Alt.Months) month each 1stweek month each week 4th & 2nd Discussion Weekly FrequencyCommittee Executive Fortnightly* Music Weekly to Movement Em C Alder (Alt. To Fortnightly Creation Media and Video October)- (March Weekly Photoshop Monk Sixat Flix month each Quizmastersweek 3rd Fortnightly FortnightlyDancing Sequence * Needlecraft Stitches month each last week The Penistone Group Walking ArdsleyGroup Football Walking Venue Comm Close Alder Church Emmanuel FortnightlyChur Emmanuel Church month Methodist each Cudworth week 1st Weekly 3rd & WeeklySATURDAYmonth each month week 1st each 3rd (Stairfoot) & Tesco week 2nd About and Out month each week 4th & 2nd Comm Close Alder Church Emmanuel 09:30 As Strollers Sunday 10:00 Campus Priory Dodw 1 Campus Priory Frequency Time Start Centre Community Close Alder 010815222906132027031 13:00 Church Church Methodist Emmanuel Bretton Monk month each week 2nd 14: 18 18:30 Venue 10:00 TBA Time Start 11:00 0209162330071421280 Summer 2018 Page 18

Motorbike Group Riding 2018: 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday each month June MOTORBIKE INSURANCE • Tuesday 5 • Thursday 21 National Office have circulated advice re Motorbike Groups July and insurance: • Tuesday 3 Following a number of inquiries to U3A National Office • Thursday 19 regarding motoring insurance, Account Director of A J August Gallagher, Tony Carlile says “Our usual insurance policies • Tuesday 7 include cover for motoring groups which meet up in cars or • Thursday 16 on motorcycles and visit various locations although the primary cover is of course provided by the motor insurance. September • Tuesday 4 “Under no circumstances does the U3A insurance cover • Thursday 20 extend to any form of driving instruction, vehicle maintenance or motoring advice”.


We meet on the second Sunday of each month, at 11 am. We have short walks, 1 - 1½ miles, usually suitable for those who have difficulty in walking. June 10th, Car park (free) past Wigfield Farm, S 70 5NQ July 8th, Manvers Lake, S63 7DG August, no walk.

Beth Rudkin


Thursday 7th June 2.00pm Dove Cottage, Shibden Hall Road, Halifax HX3 9XA

Thursday 12th July 2.00 pm Temple Newsam, Leeds

Thursday 16th August Full Day Burnby Hall & Gardens, York and Fish & Chip Supper

Thursday 6th September TBC Breezy Knees Gardens, York

Summer 2018 Page 19


Meeting every second Monday at Worsbrough Library, 12.30-1.30pm Co-ordinator: Jacqueline McGeever May 14th The Paying Guest by Sarah Walters. Walters is a master of plot twists and this novel is no exception! Read this if you’re looking for a rather unusual thriller, something modern, with sex, jealousy and a crime with a twist! June 11th Hag Seed by Margaret Atwood. Atwood takes the tale of The Tempest, gives it the most energetic of shakes, throws all the pieces in the air and re- arranges their descent into an empathetic story of revenge which may have you frequently laughing, occasionally welling up and utterly rapt throughout. July 9th The Bone People by Keri Hulme. In this novel, New Zealand’s people, it’s heritage and landscape are conjured up with uncanny poetry and perceptive- ness. August Any “Shetland” book by Anne Cleeve. So many to choose from this very 13th popular writer. We enjoyed delving into her “Vera” novels too! Sept 10th Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson. Kate Atkinson’s first novel follows a family through different generations. The main character grows up just after the war and has moments that are memorable for those growing up in this era. October East of Eden by John Steinbeck. A big read – of human strength and 8th weakness told in fine detail, thought provoking and challenging. Nov12th The Seed Woman by Petra Durst Benning. This novel concentrates on the Seed trade and the narrow mindedness of village life, the seed traders’ way out and to have some freedom when on the road. Of course there has to be a story of love and betrayal to make it more exciting. Book Forum Group 2 We meet at Birdwell on the first Tuesday of each month. We discuss the book on the date shown so the books are read during the month before. Please note there will not be a meeting in August but we will discuss two books in September! June 5 When God was a Rabbit, Sarah Winman. A book about childhood, growing up, friendships, triumph, tragedy and everything in between but essentially a book about love. It begins in during the 1960s and 70s. July 3 Holy Island, L J Ross DCI Ryan is taking sabbatical leave from his duties as a homicide detective to holiday on Holy Island (Lindisfarne) when his peace there is shattered. August No Meeting September 4 Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Gail Honeyman. The protagonist leads a very simple orderly but boring life until things begin to change for her. This book is both funny and sad but Eleanor is a survivor. Also September 4 The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows A London based author begins a correspondence with a total stranger who lives on Guernsey. She sets sail for Guernsey and discovers the hardships experienced by the islanders during WW2 under the German occupation. October 2 Earthly Remains, Donna Leon This book is another in the Commissario Guido Brunetti series. The details and rhythms of everyday Venetian life are at the core of this thrilling novel and of the terrible crime he discovers.

Gloria King, Co-ordinator Summer 2018 Page 20

Thursdays Longer Walks June - September 2018

$ = For more details see our Facebook Group

Date Leaders Meeting Place Walking Area Mile s 14th Dave Hallas & Meet for 10am start at Derwent Howden Moors, 13 June Les Walshaw Overlook car park , Ascent 2250ft Challenging $ Grid Ref. 173 890 Challenging $ 28th Jim & Rita Sto- Meet for 10am start at National Marsden Moor 11 June thard Trust car park by Marsden Sta- tion Grid Ref. 047 118 12th Les Walshaw & Meet for 10am start at Low Back Tor 13 July David Leadbet- Bradfield car park Ascent 1900ft ter Grid Ref. 263 920 Challenging $ Challenging $ 26th Brian Smyth & Meet for 10am start at Calton Calton Lees/ 11 July Mick Mosforth Lees car park (fee payable) Rowsley/ & 9 Grid Ref. 257 682 Bakewell/ Edensor *Early tea and cakes NATUREQUEST June 14 RSPB Old Moor, Old Moor Lane, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 0YF - Dragonflies, butterflies and flowers. July 12 Carlton Marsh Nature Reserve, Shaw Lane, Cudworth, Barnsley S71 3HG. Park in the car park opposite the terrace of houses. - flowers and butterflies. August 9 Hugsett Wood - Park on the road side at Elmhirst Lane, Dodworth S75 3QF - just past The Fairway car park entrance. Don't park at the Golf Club or you will be clamped. Recommended by Alwyn Timms for butterflies. Sept 13 Tin Mill Rocher, Wortley. Park at TPT car park behind Mallard House Livery, Mallard House, Finkle Street, Wortley, Sheffield, S35 7DH Meet ready to start at 1.30pm and wear stout footwear. If you have an appropriate wildlife guide please bring it.

Tony Hunt Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 21


The Cycling Group meets fortnightly on Tuesdays from late February to early November at 10am. The rides suit all abilities and are on the or similar routes. Frequent stops are scheduled in for refreshments & socialising. For more information, contact the co-ordinator: Les Roberts 01226 297260

Date Meeting place Ride to: June 12th RSPB – Old Moor Sprotbrough Locke June 26th Anglers Country Park, Wintersett Stanley Ferry & Normanton July 10th Torside Reservoir Car Park Londendale Trail & Broadbottom July 24th TPT Car Park, Finkle Street Dunford Bridge Aug 7th Kendall Green TPT Car Park Circular route of the TPT Aug 21st Rother Valley Country Park Chesterfield Sept 4th Selby York

Penistone Walking Programme Summer 2018

Date Leader Walk Arrangements meeting place / time Cawthorne and Cannon Penistone Paramount Car 18 th May Sue Green Hall park 9.30 for car share or at A gentle stroll past the junction of Tivvy Dale and cricket club and into Taylor’s Hill, in Cawthorne grounds of Cannon Hall. village, by Cawthorne Banana break / coffee stop Cricket Club sign for 10am at lower café. start. Meet at Julie’s café on trail 1st June Anne Penistone and Hartcliffe at Penistone Stewart Penistone Paramount car 15 th June Gill Gibson Upper Denby park 9.30 for car share. Greno car park / or 6th July Jan and Greno Wood Penistone Paramount car Alan park 9.30am Penistone Paramount car 20 th July Sue and Elsecar and Wentworth park. 9.30 for car share or Andrew Elsecar Heritage carpark 9.45am

All walks about 4 miles. Meeting 9.45am for 10:00am start. Contact Sue Green 01226 762409 or 07841374225 We may decide to continue walking throughout August so please contact Sue for details Summer 2018 Page 22

Wednesday Ramblers As usual many thanks to all our walk leaders for a diverse and interesting selection of walks. Please contact Dave Webber or David Osborne (numbers on contact list) if you are interested in joining the group. Date Meeting Place Walking Area Leader(s)

6th June Barn Car Park Langsett Reservoir Sue Walshaw A616, Langsett, Sheffield S36 9FD 13 th June Bluebell Inn, Great North Road, Brockadale Nature Dave and Helen Wentbridge, WF8 3JP Reserve Webber 20 th June Yummy Car Park, Upper Denby area Sheila Metcalfe Delph House Farm Denby Dale HD8 8XY 27 th June Rabbit Ings Country Park Car Rabbiti Ings and Lynda Gensavage Park, Lund Hill Royston S71 Felkirk Church and David Fawcertt 4BB 4th July RSPB Car Park, Binn Green Dovestones and Dave and Carole A635, Holmfirth Road, Oldham Yeoman reservoirs Osborne OL3 7NN below Saddleworth Moor 11 th July Day trip. Need to book. Ingleton Waterfall Dave and Helen Barnsley Bus station stand 22. Walk Webber Leave 8.30 am. 18 th July Travellers Public House, Four Hollin Dike and Pat Gallamore Lane Ends, Oxspring, Sheffield Eastfield S36 8YJ 25 th July Thaal Indian Restaurant, 18 Darfield area Rod Coysh Doncaster Rd, Darfield, Barnsley S73 9HH 1st August Scout Dike car park Royd Moor Sheila Metcalfe

8th August Rockingham Arms, 8 Main St, Greasbrough Dam Linda and Steve Wentworth, Rotherham S62 7TL Wild 15 th August National Trust car park by Marsden Moor and Pat Butcher Marsden station HD7 6AX urban walk 22 nd August Cherry Tree Public House, High Clayton West area Pauline Rowland Hoyland Lane, High Hoyland. S75 4BE 29 th August Car Park, Hade Edge, Hades, Dave and Carole Dunford Bridge. Post Code S36 Holme Valley Osborne 4TF. 5th Idle Valley Nature Reserve Idle Valley Pat Gallamore September North Rd, Retford DN22 8SG. Car share and packed lunch 12 th Dearne Valley Country Park, Monk Bretton Denise Woodger September Rd, Barnsley S71 boundary and 1HS Dearne Valley 19 th Scout Dike car park Upper Denby area Jose Firth September Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 23

U3A TUESDAY WALKS Co-ordinators: Helen and Syd Swift (email: [email protected]. Tel: 01226 385454) All walks will meet at 09:45 am for a 10 am start and will be approximately 5 to 6 miles long. We estimate that they will be completed by 1:00 pm. The walks vary in severity so please do check with the leader if you have any concerns about suitability. There is usually a nearby refreshment venue if members wish to socialise after the walk. Unfortunately, we have reached full capacity so are currently unable to take new members.

Date Meeting Place Walking Area Leader(s) 5 June Turn off Station Lane, , into Oughtibridge Alan and Waterside Gardens, then immediately Pat right and park on the lane leading to the War Memorial Sports ground S35 0JS Refreshments: The Cock Inn 19 Toss o’ Coin: Penistone Rd, New Mill, New Mill Sheila June Huddersfield HD9 7JL Refreshments: Local Café 3 July Coach Trip to Tissington, Derbyshire Tissington Village Lynda Organised by Lynda and Dave and Dave Travel details to be provided 17 July Scout Dike Reservoir, Huddersfield Rd, Scout Dike Sheila Penistone, Thurlstone, Sheffield S36 7GF Refreshments: Local Cafe 31 July Washfield Lane outside Treeton Sports Treeton Dyke, Robina Ground, S60 5PU Rotherham Map: Explorer 278 Grid Ref: SK 43287 Longer Walk: 7.5 miles Refreshments: Local Cafe (potential for some walkers to reduce this) 14 Aug TPT Car Park, Penistone (behind Tesco) Penistone Carmel S36 6DT Refreshments: Local Café 28 Aug Elsecar Car Park, Armroyd Lane, S74 8EY Elsecar Helen Refreshments: Café in the Park and Syd 11 Sept Anglers Country Park, Haw Park Lane, Anglers Country Park Kim and Wintersett, Wakefield WF4 2EB Nicki Refreshments: Discovery Centre (Squire’s café) 25 Sept Old Moor Nature Reserve, Old Moor Lane, Nature Reserve Helen Wombwell, S73 0YF ( 01226 751593) and Syd Refreshments: Nature Reserve

HAPPY FEET WALKS Co-ordinator: Ann Heaton DATE LEADER MEETING PLACE WALKING AREA June 14th 10.30am Ev Walk yet to be announced June 28th 10.30am Sue Full House, Monk Bretton, Circular walk. Lunch at Full S71 2NW House July 12th 10.30am Keith Elsecar car park S74 8HU Walking in area. Lunch in area July 26th 10.30am Ann car park. S6 Walking in area. Lunch at 6LB Plough Aug 9th 10.30am Joan War Memorial, Billingley Walking around Billingley. S72 0HY Lunch at Brewsters Aug 23rd 10am Ann Barnsley train station Walking in York and lunch Summer 2018 Page 24

Thursday Walks June – September Date Meeting place Walk area Distance Leader/s June 7th Silkstone behind Silkstone 6 David H/ garage Judith June 21st CP Ardsley,Cudworth 6 Dave L Grange Lane area July 5th Silkstone behind Silkstone/ 6 Les garage Cawthorne July 19th Winscar reservoir yacht South Nab from 5/6 Brian/ Carole club CP GR 153020 Winscar Aug 2nd Digley CP Digley 6 David/Di

Aug 16th Tivydale Cawthorne Cawthorne circular 6 Rod/Nuala

August 30th Langsett CP Howden Moor 8 Andy/ (extra walk) Margaret Sept 6th The Mustard Pot Midhopestones 6 John /Sue

Sept 20th TPT CP by Tesco Penistone 5.5 Michael/ Lynda

OUT AND ABOUT GROUP — Saturdays June 23rd Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster July 14th Lincoln August 18th Sheffield Emergency Services Museum September 22nd Masham Brewery Trip, Black Sheep, Theakston October 20th Leeds Emmerdale Studios Tour? We travel to most venues mainly by train with support from local buses. Coordinators: Denise 01226 212336 Frank 01226 235422

Tuesday Gardeners, July to September 2018

3 July Visit to the garden of David Allen, Racecommon Lane, Barnsley. S70 6NN 17 July Visit to The Nursery, 15 Knapton Lane, Acomb, York. YO26 5PX 31 July Visit to the garden of Mr and Mrs Harris, Darfield. S73 9HQ 14 August Visit to the garden of Jill and Brian Salisbury at Bradwell. 28 August Visit to Cudworth Allotments. 11 Sept Visit to the garden of Mr E. J. Lee, New Whittington, Chesterfield. S43 2ET 25 Sept Walled garden at Clumber Park. Summer 2018 BUS PASS WALKERS

This list uses timetables available at time of going to print but routes and timings can change at short notice. If an alternative walk has to be submitted, it will use a bus journey from original meeting place at the same meeting time. In case of in- clement weather please telephone early either Marjorie Wallace (723399) or Anne Swann (241200). It is recommended that good footwear be worn and if required the use of one or two walking poles. It is also advisable to bring a drink and a piece of energy food with you.


7 June 2018 Alan Street & New Walk: Meet at Bus Station for 10.15 bus, route X19, stand Pat Walsh 19, to Goldthorpe. Walk from Goldthorpe via Phoenix Park to Thurnscoe on the Barns- ley Boundary Walk. (4 miles) Return to Barnsley on bus 219.

21 June 2018 Marj Wallace Meet at Barnsley Bus Station for 10.10 bus, route 57, stand 13, to Royston. Walk from Royston alongside canal TPT to West Green. Frequent buses for return to Barnsley. (4 miles).

5 July 2018 Anne Swann & Meet at Barnsley Bus Station at the bottom of the escalators at Marj Wallace 10.00 am. Walk to Queens Road then take lane passing the allotments to the Canal Basin at Dearne Park, continuing on the TPT to Wombwell. Refreshments available at Tesco or Dunelm. (5 miles). Frequent buses return to Barnsley.

19 July 2018 Anne Swann & Meet at Barnsley Bus Station for 10.24 bus, route 66, stand 2, Marj Wallace to . Circular walk along the Timberland Trail and public footpaths to Wentworth Village and return to Elsecar for frequent buses to Barnsley. Refreshments available at the Heritage Centre. (5 miles).

2 August 2018 Marj Wallace & Meet at Train Station for 10.12 fast train to Leeds (recommend Anne Swann early arrival in order to purchase tickets). Bus to Roundhay Park. We will walk around the lakes and a packed lunch is recommended so we can sit by the lakeside to eat. Alternatively there is a cafe where refreshments can be purchased. Return bus to Leeds for shops or onward journey to Barnsley. (4 miles) 16 August Marj Wallace & Meet at Barnsley Bus Station for 10.00 Globe Coaches 2018 Anne Swann bus, route 96, stand 4 to Bretton Sculpture Park. Walk around the lake and through the park to the centre for refreshments (approx 4-5 miles). Return buses at 12.23, 13.33 and 14.33.

6 September Anne Swann & Meet at 10.15 at Barnsley Morrisons Main Entrance. 2018 Marj Wallace Walk via Park Grove, Locke Park, Broadway, Dark Lane to Gilroyd using TPT to Worsbrough Reservoir. Refreshments available at Wigfield Farm or Cafe at Reservoir. Regular buses back to Barnsley. (4 miles) Summer 2018

Birdwatching Visits – Gillian Richardson

I am writing this in advance of our May meeting to Gunthwaite at an earlier hour of 7.00am to try and catch the calls of the Dawn chorus and hoping for decent weather. We have been be-devilled with poor weather all winter and had our "Christmas get together" in April at Riversmeet cafe in Methley near Swillington lakes! Perhaps we would have cancelled this monthly meeting if we had known how poor the visibility was at this venue having left blue skies and sunshine in Barnsley. We recorded 32 bird species despite the fog and heard some of the thousands of black headed gulls on the lakes. Near to Swillington and also part of the River Aire washlands is St Aidan's home to perhaps 1,000 of these gulls ( who counts them?), but their clamour protects the Black- necked grebes, one of the UK's rarest breeding birds.

June 11 New Hall Farm Ardsley. 9.30am, but I may change the start time. Mr & Mrs Rhodes, the farmers, would welcome our attempt to count the bird species on the farm as evidence of their stewardship. My suggestion is that we split into small groups and station ourselves at various sites and inter- change positions during the morning to record species was enthusiastically received by them.

July 9 A visit to St Aidan's the RSPB reserve nearest to Leeds. Try to be at the car park as soon as traffic allows from 9.30am


September 10 Old Moor RSPB reserve -please come for 9.30am which is the opening time.


Sleeps 4 – double room, twin room Cot available 2minutes walk from beach and water sports facility 10minutes drive from Colwyn Bay, Zoo, Llandudno and Conway

Virtual tour available on

Bookings can be made from this site or tel: 01492 582492 Summer 2018 National summer schools

There are still places available on some of our residential courses this year. Cryptic Crosswords, France, Garden History, Literature/ Philosophy, Mathematics, Opera, Play Ukulele and Spanish History still have spaces at Harper Adams University in Shropshire - Monday 23rd to Thursday 26th July.

Or book now for Music, Drama, Latin, Musicals and Singing at the Royal Agricultural University – RAU in Cirencester - Tuesday 11th to Friday 14th September.

To book a place go to

Perks of reaching 60 or being over 70 and heading towards 80!

1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 3. No one expects you to run - anywhere. 4. People call at 8pm and ask “Did I wake you?” 5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way. 7. Things you buy now won’t wear out. 8. You can eat supper at 5pm. 9. You can live without sex but not your glasses. 10. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size. 11. You can’t remember who sent you this list. 12. And you notice these are all in Big Print for your convenience. Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 28

Our thanks to Angela Cusworth who took the time and trouble to find the information below from Travel. This is to assist those members who travel by public transport from . The information is correct as of 15.02.18 VENUE BUS STAND

AGE UK BARNSLEY, 36a Queens Road, Barnsley S71 1AR

ALDER CLOSE COMMUNITY CENTRE: Off Longsight Road, Mapplewell S75 6JA 1 10

ARDSLEY BOWLING CLUB: Coronation Terrace, Off Doncaster Rd, Ardsley S715BE 219 21

ARDSLEY OAKS WMC: 680 Doncaster Rd, Ardsley, Barnsley S71 5EF 219 21

BARNSLEY BOWL: Carlton Road, Barnsley S71 2AZ 57 14

BIRDWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE: Rockingham Street, Birdwell S70 5TQ 2 1


CUDWORTH METHODIST CHURCH: Barnsley Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8SU 26 17

DARTON PARISH HALL: Church St, Darton, Barnsley S75 5HF 93 5

DODWORTH LIBRARY: High Street, Dodworth, Barnsley, S75 3RF 21 8

DODWORTH MINERS WELFARE CLUB: High Street, Dodworth, Barnsley S75 3RF 20 8

EMMANUEL CHURCH: Huddersfield Road, Barnsley S75 1DT 95 5

KING STREET FLATS: Waltham Street, Barnsley, S70 1JU 22X or 6 18 or 17

MANOR COURT COMMUNITY CENTRE: Westend Ave, Royston, Barnsley S71 4LN 57 14

MONK BRETTON METHODIST CHURCH: High St, Monk Bretton, Barnsley S71 2PJ 31 13

PENISTONE BOWLING CLUB: Back Lane, Penistone S36 6DW 20/21

POLLYFOX COMMUNITY CENTRE, Pollyfox Way, Dodworth S75 3QR 20/21 8

PRIORY CAMPUS: Pontefract Road, Lundwood, Barnsley S71 5PN 27 17

ST JOHN’S COMMUNITY CENTRE: Church St, Penistone S36 6AR 20/21

ST THOMAS’S COMMUNITY CENTRE: Church St, Gawber, Barnsley S75 2RJ 92/93 4

STOCKSBRIDGE LEISURE CENTRE: Moorland Drive, Stocksbridge, S36 1EG 23 7

STAIRFOOT CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB: 466 Doncaster Road, Barnsley S70 3PW 222/226/X19 18/19

TESCOs: Wombwell Lane, Stairfoot, Barnsley S70 3NS 22x 18

VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTRE: Manor Road, Cudworth, Barnsley S72 8DG 26 17

WESLEYAN REFORM CHURCH: Spark Lane, Mapplewell S75 6AA 1 10

WOMBWELL METHODIST CHURCH: Summer Lane, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 8HE 22 18

WORSBROUGH BRIDGE SOCIAL CLUB: 3 Walbrook, Worsbrough Bridge S70 5EJ 8 3

WORSBROUGH LIBRARY: Elm House Estate, Queensway, Worsbrough S70 5EN. 8 3

For further information contact BTI on 01226 213313 or Traveline on 01709 515151


Table & Board Games

Two items of news that may be of interest. Firstly, by the time this edition of The Buzz hits the streets BU3A may have a second group similar to this one. The Penistone interest in starting such a group seems to be very close to becoming a reality, and if it happens I wish them every success. The existing group has benefited over the years from donations of unwanted but good quality games, and it does mean that we are able to let the new group have access to these, as well as continuing to provide other support that may be asked for. Secondly, as Co-ordinator of the ‘old’ group I have been approached recently with a view to participation in an event planned for Sunday 15 July. Under the title of ‘Destination Barnsley’, this festival-style event has, I believe, been held before at Shaw Lane, but is now moving to Locke Park. On the last occasion it attracted some 4,500 people. I know little about the planned event for this summer, except that the organisers hope to be able to arrange a ‘Games Café’, to encourage active participation in such activities as chess, backgammon, Mah Jong, dominoes, etc. , hence the approach to me. Although the date is not easy for me, I have indicated that we would wish to explore participation, possibly including ‘demonstration’ games. I remain in touch with the organisers, and Victor Allt, Deputy Co-ordinator, is also keen to help. I hope that as more information emerges I will be able to share this through the BU3A communication networks. In the meantime, if any members have attended these events in the past, you be able to fill in some gaps in my knowledge.

Martin E King: Co-ordinator New Board Games Group, Penistone

There is a new Board Games Group in Penistone located in the IT suite in St. John’s Community Centre. It starts on May 21st and will operate on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings, 7-9pm. They have Scrabble, Upwords, Triominoes, Backgammon and Mah Jong. The coordinators are Jenny Maddrell and Elaine Weir. They will start with these games and see what games members would like to play.

Lexophilia "Lexophile" describes those who have a love for words, displayed in phrases such as "You can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish" or “To write with a broken pencil is pointless."

• No matter how much you push an envelope, it will still be stationery. • I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down. • I didn’t like my beard at first. Then it grew on me. • Did you hear about the crossed-eyed teacher who lost her job because she couldn’t control her pupils? • When chemists die, they barium. • I stayed up all night to see where the sun went then it dawned on me. • England has no kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool. • Haunted French pancakes give me the crêpes. • This girl I met today said she recognised me from the Vegetarian Club but I swear I've never met herbivore. Summer 2018 Page 30

Theatre Group

The Theatre group celebrated its twentieth anniversary on February 15th.

The Coordinator, John Dawson, opened the evening by recalling the founding Co-ordinator, Dennis Avison, and subsequent Co-ordinators Walter Lindley and Avril Braithwaite. John described how, in the early days of the group, members relied on library research for presentations. Advances in technology from a projector to the present more sophisticated equipment enables access to the seemingly limitless material on YouTube, meaning members can now offer a wide variety of presentations.

A programme of contributions from members, organised by Pat Dawson, followed.

There were recollections of how a member had been persuaded to join the group, what had happened at another member’s first attendance and how written reviews had been an early feature of the group. Several memorable theatre visits were described, including two where members had left at the interval in despair or disgust!

Both a backstage tour of the Playhouse and visits to Parkway Cinema to see live transmissions were remembered. Encouragement of interest in opera and ballet was also mentioned. Another member described taking children to the theatre for the first time whilst another gave a brief history of the Lyceum, Sheffield and the West Yorkshire Playhouse. There was a vivid memory of a chance encounter and conversation with Derek Jacobi on the way to see him perform at The Crucible, Sheffield.

Sandra Bailey and Pat Butcher had decorated the table with pictures of productions that the group had seen. They also provided nibbles and a selection of drinks to toast the past 20 years and the future of the group. Singing Music hall songs, which reminded us of a visit to the City Varieties in Leeds, concluded a very enjoyable evening.

June Rolfe


WOMAN'S REVENGE “Do you want to pay by cash or card?' I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her purse, I noticed a remote control for a television set in her bag. “Do you always carry your TV remote?” I asked. “Oh no,” she replied, “but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I reckoned this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.”

WIFE vs HUSBAND A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their posi- tion. As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs the husband asked sarcastically, “Relatives of yours?” “Yes,” the wife replied, “in-laws.” Summer 2018 Page 31

CONGRATULATIONS to Pat and Mike Pease who celebrated 47 years of marriage.

TRAVEL GROUP Details of the Classical Spectacular at the Royal Albert Hall are now available. Date: Sunday 25th November 2018 Concert Sunday Evening (stalls) Hotel: 4* Guoman Tower, Bed and English Break- fast Price: £169.00 per person. (Single rooms on re- quest at a £45.00 supplement) To make a booking please contact any member of the travel group or see us at the monthly meeting. £30 deposit per person secures your place. Cheques may be paid in at the monthly meeting or sent directly to Chrissie White.

Also there are still places available on the River Trent Cruise. This is on Sunday 16th September 2018 costing £34.00 per person, and includes a Carvery Lunch.

Travel Group trip in April, on the North Yorks Moors Railway, to Whitby and Scar borough - some very satisfied customers. Summer 2018 Page 32 FIRST SPRING SCHOOL

Participants included members from Wakefield and Doncaster, as well as from Barnsley U3A. Summer 2018 Page 33 A RESOUNDING SUCCESS

CONGRATULATIONS to Beth Rudkin and all group contributors. Their hard work, enthusiasm and inputs ensured participants had an enjoyable and fulfilling learning experience. “Well done Beth, all tutors & all involved in the organisation. A thoroughly enjoyable 2 days” Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Page 34

Flix is on the first and third Fridays of the month at 6pm at the Priory Campus. We have fish and chips for those who want it - if you don't want it that's fine. The only charge is the £1 blue box fee, 25p for a cuppa (also optional), plus whatever you have from the chippy. Friday 15th June: PASSENGERS (Rescheduled from 2nd March) Starring: Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne Storyline: On a routine journey through space to a new home, two passengers, sleeping in suspended animation, are awakened 90 years too early when their ship malfunctions. As Jim and Aurora face living the rest of their lives on board, with every luxury they could ever ask for, they begin to fall for each other, unable to deny their intense attraction...until they discover the ship is in grave danger. With the lives of 5000 sleeping passengers at stake, only Jim and Aurora can save them all. Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi Friday 6th July: WONDER Cast: Jacob Tremblay, Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson Director: Stephen Chbosky Storyline: August Pullman was born with a facial deformity that prevented him from going to a mainstream school - until now. He's about to start 5th Grade at Beecher Prep, and if you've ever been the new kid then you know how hard that can be. The thing is Auggie's just an ordinary kid, with an extraordinary face. But can he convince his new classmates that he's just like them, despite appearances? Genre: Comedy/Drama/Adaptation Friday 20th July: MARK FELT Cast: Liam Neeson, Diane Lane, Kate Walsh, Josh Lucas Director: Peter Landesman Storyline: The story of W. Mark Felt, the retired FBI man who admitted he was the famous anonymous "Deep Throat" source. Felt was the shadowy insider who aided Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in exposing the Nixon administration's role in the Watergate scandal and its cover-up. Genre: Drama/Thriller/Spy Friday 3rd August: VICTORIA & ABDUL Cast: Judy Dench, Ali Fazal, Olivia Williams, Michael Gambon, Julian Wadham Director: Stephen Frears Storyline: Abdul Karim, a clerk in his twenties, comes to the Queen of England's court from India in 1887 for the queen's Golden Jubilee festivities. He stays long after and develops a close and sometimes controversial friendship with the aging queen. Curious about his homeland, a nation over which she is Empress, the queen's personal favour grows as she gets to know Abdul as both her clerk and confidant. In a time of heightened prejudice and inequality between the two nations under her rule, this brings criticism from members of her court and family. Genre: Drama/History Friday 17th August: BREATHE Cast : Andrew Garfield, Claire Foy, Robin Cavendish, Diana Cavendish, Tom Hollander, Hugh Bonneville, Diana Rigg Director: Andy Serkis Storyline: When Robin is struck down by polio at the age of 28, he is confined to a hospital bed and given only a few months to live. With the help of Diana's twin brothers (Tom Hollander) and the groundbreaking ideas of inventor Teddy Hall (Hugh Bonneville), Robin and Diana dare to escape the hospital ward to seek out a full and passionate life together - raising their young son, traveling and devoting their lives to helping other polio patients. Genre: Documentary/True Story Friday 7th September: REX (Also known as Megan Leavey) Cast: Kate Mara, Edie Falco, Ramon Rodriguez, Bradley Whitford, Common Director: Gabriela Cowperthwaite Storyline: A young female Marine named Megan turns her life around by enlisting in the K9 unit and bonding with an aggressive combat dog named Rex. When the dog ends up on a list to be euthanized, Megan gears up for the fight of her life to bring the 11-year-old German shepherd home. Genre: Biography, Drama, War


MINDFULNESS JOIN TODAY Live beneath your means. Return everything you borrow. BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT Stop blaming other people. Admit it when you make a mistake. ART SOCIETY Give clothes not worn in 3 years to Learn new skills/techniques and pick charity. Do something nice and try not to get up tips from professional artists at caught. Demonstrations and Workshops. Listen more, talk less. Join us on Studio Evenings to paint, Every day take a 30 minute walk. Strive for excellence, not perfection. draw and create together. Be on time. Don’t make excuses. Don’t argue. Get organised. Be kind to kind people. Also enjoy slide shows and talks, and Be kind to unkind people. visits to local heritage sites. Let someone cut ahead of you in the Where? Emmanuel Methodist Church queue. Huddersfield Rd, Barnsley Take time to be alone. When? Alternate Tuesdays 7-9pm Reread your favourite book. (from 10 th April) Cultivate good manners. Be humble.

Visitors very welcome Realise and accept that life isn’t fair. For more information contact: Know when to keep your mouth shut. Margaret Hall: [email protected] 01226 246176 Go an entire day without criticizing Sue Cameron: [email protected] 01226 anyone. 249573 Learn from the past. Find us on FACEBOOK too Live in the present. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.

"Sew Much to Do" Posted on Facebook

Just a quick update on the group. We have been running for almost a year and I think I can say that the group members enjoy the sessions and are reasonably pleased with their endeavours. We initially started with members bringing along their own projects. It was mostly alterations - stuff you have in your wardrobe but never wear because you bought them in the M & S sale but they are too long, a bit roomy and need a dart somewhere or even a little more tweaking to make them wearable.

Recently we completed a project where everyone made a dress without zips/ fastenings or darts and the results, I think, were very impressive.

I intend to continue to develop projects with a view to giving the group members a variety of skills and building their confidence to enable them to take on more ambitious projects.

We run alternate Wednesday mornings for 2 hours in Wombwell - details are on the Calendar. If you want to check us out and join in the fun, please feel free to contact me for further information.

Ann Ashton - Co-ordinator Summer 2018 Page 36

All round to Chrissie White’s for some Posh Puds! Yummee!

Sometimes you just have to ‘talk about it’, don’t you? I feel like that about a small and quiet group in our branch called ‘Posh Puds’ which I enjoyed for 6 wonderful Thursday mornings in April/May. To anyone who has noticed me looking a bit more rotund than ever, I say “I’ve got the perfect excuse!” - and ‘perfect’ is the word for it. I never did claim to be much of a cook and everyone who knows me will tell you ‘fancy’ I definitely am not...until Chrissy and Helen took me in hand (oh yes it can be done)! Never think you’ve got nothing more to learn about cooking when you’ve been married 55 years and fed children and grandchildren good wholesome food. We have got the answer to Mary Berry and Nadia et al here among us and they are willing to share their kitchen, facilities and very considerable skills and creativity with a small group twice yearly! These two are especially generous in spirit and patiently tactful in their way of teaching and ensuring that everybody leaves with something to feel proud of. Trained at Bettys they are totally professional in the way that they prepare for each session and always make the day’s recipe in advance to be seen and enjoyed with a cuppa while our efforts are in the oven....and they think of and provide everything - all you need to do is turn up and be willing to learn. No shopping for ingredients, no hassle of any kind just an interesting new experience each session and lovely folk to share it with...Barnsley U3A at its’ best I think and a ‘Perfect’ example of continued learning in the third age in an informal and friendly way. Forget rhubarb crumble and custard made with powder, everyday fruit cake (slightly dry) etc... NOW...we have learned how to make a delicious and impressive looking Lemon Mousse in a Chocolate Case, Profiteroles, Key Lime Cheesecake and eye- watering Fresh Fruit Tartelettes that wouldn’t look out of place in the window of a French Patisserie. Today we made a Swiss Roll that would pass muster anywhere - light as a feather and filled with fresh fruit and can be adapted in various ways. It’s going to be gluten- free Apricot Tarts next week! I’m ready for the family to turn up now. Bring them in (quickly before I forget what to do) and let Gran show them she’s still capable and willing to learn even if she is older that Eve. Thank you Chrissy and’ve improved my confidence in the kitchen enormously.

Pat Dawson. Summer 2018 Page 37

Thursday 10-Pin Bowling Group

On 26 April the Thursday 10-Pin Group held another ‘Just-for-fun’ Handicap Competition which this time was won by Sandra Naylor, who narrowly beat Les Roberts and Paul Weston. The handicapping system used means that anyone taking part, whether they are proficient or not has a good chance of winning, particularly if they can manage to bowl slightly better than their average score.

The Ladies Hi-Score award for the highest ‘Scratch’ score over the two games in the event was won by Jean Wroe; the Mens Hi-Score award was won by Paul Weston.

We always enjoy lots of banter and always have a laugh, and new members are made very welcome. Why not give it a go? You might even enjoy it! Contact me at the number on the ‘Contacts’ List issued with your copy of The Buzz.

The group meet at the Barnsley Bowl (on Carlton Road at Athersley) from 9.45 a.m. for about two hours and have two games of bowling with a break for coffee etc. Usually there are 15 to 20 of us playing, with 4 or 5 people on a lane, and it currently costs £3.35 per game inclusive of shoe-hire giving a total £6.70 plus the cost of the half-time drink if you have one. Hope to see you there.

Mike Maher

SPANISH INTRODUCTION Our Spanish Introduction group is doing well and everyone seems to be having so much fun. If you are interested in learning a new language then why not start with Spanish. It’s a beautiful language and is spoken in so many countries around the world. Ours is a very very very relaxed group and far from being a classroom environment. We can even have a lovely home made dinner served by the ladies at the hall every Monday after the session. Yummy! How much more social can we be!!! What a lovely, friendly group and such a pleasure to meet up with every week. So why not come along and join us? Joan Tollerfield Summer 2018


My name is Ronnie Neville and I'm enjoying every minute of being a new member of U3A; it's wonderful.

I took these pictures whilst on Helen's Tuesday's walk around Silstone, at Denby Dale and at Worsbrough.

Hope you like them.



Well, I’ve been a plonking-a-long with the Stringalongs and made us one fine bin-a-long but at least we weren’t asked to move–along like in my little old cartoon of this fateful encounter.

Seriously folks, I had a great time with these serious ukulele toting renegades

Ronnie Neville Summer 2018

Sometimes there are sculptured works from natural sources that just make me admire the artists skill. This is Rozelle Art Gallery and park in Ayr. The scones in the cafe are pretty good as well!

Mac McKechnie


Nine of us walked from Meadowhall car park along the TPT to Wincobank, where we left the trail to cross the road and enter Woolley Wood.

We walked the full length of this beautiful, narrow, ancient woodland; the bluebells weren't fully out yet but the wood anemones looked stunning and there will be plenty of garlic to follow.

We then rejoined the TPT to finish the walk at Morrisons, . It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day.

Submitted by Marilyn Plimmer Summer 2018 BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT

Pam Jones, National U3A Chairman

SUBMISSIONS AND ENQUIRIES TO: [email protected] Closing date for next issue: Friday 10th August 2018