Your Conference Schedule

8:15 AM (SA47) The Fact/Norm Dichotomy in : Ethical and Epistemological Implications Room: Hospitality Suite 1001 International Ethics Theory Chair: Colonomos, Ariel (Sciences Po) Chair: Beardsworth, Richard (American University of Paris) Discussant: Lang, Jr., Anthony F. (University of St Andrews) Beardsworth. "Beyond the Normative/Empirical Divide: The Possibility of Cosmopolitan Political Vision" Colonomos. "Normative Predictions and Their Ethical Implications" Erskine. "Outsourcing Ethics: Constructivism, Normative IR Theory and the Unfortunate Divide Between Empirical and Philosophical Approaches to Moral Norms in IR" Jeangene Vilmer. "A Realist Defense of Humanitarian Intervention" Kurki. "The 'Ought' and the 'Is' in Democracy Promotion: Reflections on the Prospects of Extending Normative Debate in Democracy Promotion Practice" Patomaki. "The Central Task of Social Sciences: Explanatory Critique and Concrete Eutopias, with a Cosmopolitan Intent"

8:15 AM (SA41) Climate, Political Economy, and International Environmental Justice I Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 Environmental Studies International Ethics Chair: Ehresman, Timothy (Colorado State University) Discussant: Jamieson, Dale (New York University) Ciplet and Khan. "Politics and Justice in International Climate Adaptation Finance: Supply, Governance, Allocation" Mcgee and Steffek. "The Copenhagen Accord: The Rise of Pledge and Review and the End of Redistributive Multilateralism?" Moellendorf. "Climate Change and Human Rights: Several Challenges" Okereke. "North-South Climate Equity: From Common but Differentiated to Common but Shifted Responsibility " Schlosberg. "Climate Justice and the Nonhuman: Capabilities, Constitutions, and Ecosystem Functioning"

8:15 AM (SA40) Consensus, Difference and Pluralism in Global Order Room: Hospitality Suite 1801

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International Ethics Chair: Eckert, Amy E. (Metropolitan State College of Denver) Discussant: Eckert, Amy E. (Metropolitan State College of Denver) Cabrera. "Cultural Difference and the Possibility of Global Political Community"

Goodhart. "Communitarians for !" O'Casey. "A Critique of Consensus in Theories of Global Justice and Human Rights" Schattle. "Toward a Model of Korean Cosmopolitanism: Characteristics of Global Citizenship Discourse in the Republic of Korea"

10:30 AM (SB41) Climate, Political Economy, and International Environmental Justice II Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 Environmental Studies International Ethics International Political Economy Chair: Okereke, Chukwumerije (University of Oxford) Discussant: Vanderheiden, Steve J. (University of Colorado) Ehresman. "Foreign Direct Investment and Supply Side International Environmental Justice"

Lehmann. "The Distributive Justice of International Environmental Regimes: Toward Empirical Analysis" McAfee. "Selling Nature to Finance Development? The Contradictory Logic of Global Environmental Services" Mulvaney. "Green Jobs and Environmental Justice in Solar Energy Commodity Chains" Stevis. "Labor Unions and a 'Just Transition' to a Green Economy: How Green and How Just?"

10:30 AM (SB40) Humanitarian INGOs and Development Ethics: Religion, Rhetoric and Responsibility Room: Hospitality Suite 1801 Global Development International Ethics Chair: Gilabert, Pablo (Concordia University) Discussant: Lu, Catherine (McGill University) Discussant: Gilabert, Pablo (Concordia University) Ozyurt. "Empowering Muslim Immigrant Women Through Local NGOs: Islamic versus Secular Muslim Women’s Organizations in the United States and the Netherlands" Petrova. "Transformations in Security Governance: NGOs and the Development of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)" Schwarz. "Proselytism and Peace: Faith-Based NGOs, Humanitarian Action, and the UNHCR" Shin. "Beyond Naming and Shaming: US Evangelicals’ New Strategies of Humanitarian and Human Rights Advocacy"

1:45 PM (SC41) The Undervalued Labor of Curricular and Substantive Diversity Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 Feminist Theory and Gender Studies International Ethics International Political Economy Chair: Biswas, Shampa (Whitman College)

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Roundtable Participant: Selbin, Eric (Southwestern University) Roundtable Participant: Chowdhry, Geeta (Northern Arizona University) Roundtable Participant: Nair, Sheila (Northern Arizona University and East-West Center Washington D.C.) Roundtable Participant: Biswas, Shampa (Whitman College)

1:45 PM (SC56) Ethics and Global Power Asymmetries Room: Hospitality Suite 2001 International Ethics Chair: Keating, Tom (University of Alberta) Discussant: Keating, Tom (University of Alberta) Costa. "Melos Revisited: How the "Weak" Have Used Instant Communication to Change and Curtail the Power of the “Strong” in the 21st Century"

Jiang. "Beijing’s Harder Diplomacy Vs. Tibetans’ Softer Power" Mahdavi. "R2P, Orientalism and New Trusteeship: Is the Middle East the Underclass of Neoliberal Global Order? " Samuel. "Bargaining Power in WTO-Doha Negotiations: Who Holds the Handle, Who Holds the Blade? "

1:45 PM (SC95) Security, Human Rights and the War on Terror Room: Indigo West Foyer International Ethics Discussant: Franke, Mark F. N. (Huron University College) Heller. "The "Dark Side" of Normative Argumentation in the Field of Counter-Terrorism " Herington. "The Moral Foundations of Conceptions of Security" McMorrow. "Preventive Detention and International Human Rights"

4:00 PM (SD41) Innovations in International Political Theory I: Lea Ypi, Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Lu, Catherine (McGill University) Roundtable Participant: Rao, Rahul (School of Oriental and African Studies) Roundtable Participant: Gilabert, Pablo (Concordia University) Roundtable Participant: Abdel-Nour, Farid (San Diego State University ) Roundtable Participant: Forman-Barzilai, Fonna (University of California San Diego) Roundtable Participant: Ypi, Lea (London School of Economics)

6:15 PM International Ethics Section (IEthics) Business Meeting Room: 311

7:15 PM International Ethics Section (IEthics) and Theory Section (THEORY) Joint Reception Room: 310

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8:15 AM (MA41) Regulating Economic Agents in Global Governance Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Franceschet, Antonio (University of Calgary) Discussant: Franceschet, Antonio (University of Calgary) Felice. "Economic/Social Human Rights and Global Public Goods: Building International Cooperation and Accountability" Williams. "Combating Corruption and Human Rights Abuse in Petrostates: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Global Governance and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction"

8:15 AM (MA40) The Philosophy of Which Science?: Ethics, Inquiry and Explanation in Contemporary International Relations Theory Room: Hospitality Suite 1801 International Ethics Scientific Study of International Processes Chair: Kirby, Paul C. (London School of Economics and Political Science) Discussant: Kurki, Milja (Aberystwyth University) Hoover. "Social Inquiry as Critical Intelligence: A Deweyan Approach to Studying Human Rights"

Kirby. "What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Gender?: Post-Positivism, Critical Explanation and the Politics of Disciplinary Identity" Srnicek. "Moving Beyond King, Keohane and Verba: Robert Brandom and the Role of Inference in International Relations" Walter. "Is There Structure in the Practice Turn? How to Avoid Central Conflation in Practice Theory"

10:30 AM (MB52) The Responsibility to Protect I: Theory and Practice Room: Hospitality Suite 1101 International Ethics English School Chair: Welsh, Jennifer (Oxford University) Discussant: Welsh, Jennifer (Oxford University) Aloyo. "A Democratic Justification for Nonmilitary Humanitarian Intervention: Reconciling Human Rights and Collective Self Determination " Baaz. "Beyond Order and Justice: Middle Ground Ethics and the Responsibility to Protect" Crossley. "Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect: The Case of Kenya, 2007-2008" Head. "Lessons Not Learned? Reading NATO's Interventions in Kosovo and Libya" Miller. "Is It Right to Invade States for Their Good? Just War, State Failure, and the Responsibility to Protect"

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10:30 AM (MB41) Innovations in International Political Theory II: Laura Valentini, Justice in a Globalized World: A Normative Framework Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Lu, Catherine (McGill University) Roundtable Participant: Frost, Mervyn (King’s College London)

Roundtable Participant: Moellendorf, Darrel Frank (Sandiedo State University) Roundtable Participant: Valentini, Laura M. M. (University College London) Roundtable Participant: Digeser, Paige E. (University of California Santa Barbara)

1:45 PM (MC41) The Responsibility to Protect II: From the Balkans to Benghazi Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Human Rights Chair: Heinze, Eric A. (University of Oklahoma) Discussant: Branch, Adam R. (San Diego State University) Chandler. "The Fantasy Fulfilled? Libya and the R2P" Graubart. "The Moral Irresponsibility of Liberal Interventionism: A Guide to Moral Responsibility and Global Solidarity in a Hegemonic World Order" Hehir. "The Responsibility to Protect as the Apotheosis of Liberal Teleology" Labonte. "Never Enough for Never Again? Norm Contestation, Strategic Framing, and the Future of R2P" Steele and Heinze. "No Longer Saving Strangers? The Contemporary Impossibility of Humanitarian Intervention"

1:45 PM (MC63) FSS 3- 'Maternal Thinking' as Intellectual Gold for International Relations: A Panel in Honor of Sara Ruddick (1935-2011) Room: Pacific Feminist Theory and Gender Studies International Ethics Women's Caucus Chair: True, Jacqui (Monash University ) Discussant: Tronto, Joan C. (University of Minnesota) Cohn. ""Vulnerability" in National Security and Humanitarian Policy and Practice"

Confortini and Ruane. "Pursuing Just Peace: Sara Ruddick’s Maternal Thinking as Peace Epistemology" Frazer and Hutchings. "Revisiting Ruddick: Feminism, Non-Violence and Pacifism" Robinson. "Discourses of Motherhood and the Ethics of Care: Why Sara Ruddick’s Maternal Thinking Matters in International Politics" Watson. "The Craft of Radical Motherhood"

4:00 PM (MD41) The Responsibility to Protect III: Libya, the R2P, and Humanitarian Intervention Room: Hospitality Suite 1701

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International Ethics Human Rights Chair: Pattison, James (University of Manchester) Roundtable Participant: Weiss, Thomas G. (CUNY Graduate Center)

Roundtable Participant: Hehir, Aidan (University of Westminster) Roundtable Participant: Chesterman, Simon (National University of Singapore) Roundtable Participant: Serrano, Monica Carreto (Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect) Roundtable Participant: Welsh, Jennifer (Oxford University)

8:15 AM (TA41) The Ethics of Rebellion: From Theory to the Arab Spring Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: O'Driscoll, Cian (University of Glasgow) Discussant: Morkevicius, Valerie (Colgate University) Baker. "African Ethics and Rebellion"

Johnson. "Back to the Sources: Sovereignty, Tyranny, and the Question of Rebellion" Kelsay. "Muslim Discourse on Rebellion" Majima. "Unjust and Not-So-Unjust Rebellions" Whetham. "My Country, Right or Wrong?"

8:15 AM (TA61) Do Intelligence Bureaucracies Fear Ethics, and If So, Why? Room: Marina A Intelligence Studies International Ethics Chair: Andregg, Michael (University of St. Thomas) Discussant: Goldman, Jan (FBI Center for Graduate Intelligence Studies)

Andregg. "Intelligence Bureaucracies DO Fear Ethics, Often and Generally, and This is Why" Bailey. "Why the Intelligence Community Needs a Professional Ethos" Courville. "Africa: Is Ethics the Guard Against Politicization of Intelligence?" Phythian. "The Dilemma of Intelligence Ethics: A View from the UK"

10:30 AM (TB52) Accounting for Historical Wrongs: Between Theory and History Room: Hospitality Suite 1101 Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies International Ethics English School Chair: Luthi, Lorenz (McGill University) Discussant: Navari, Cornelia B. (University of Buckingham) Discussant: Digeser, Paige E. (University of California Santa Barbara) Abdel-Nour. "National Past, Responsibility, and Historical Truth: The Curious Case of Benny Morris" Lu. "Responsibility and Historical Injustices: Two Approaches"

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Waligore. "Practicing Reparative Justice " Ypi. "What's Wrong With Colonialism?"

10:30 AM (TB41) International Ethics Section Book Prize Roundtable: Baber and Bartlett's Global Democracy and Sustainable Jurisprudence Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 Environmental Studies International Ethics Chair: Lang, Jr., Anthony F. (University of St Andrews) Discussant: Bartlett, Robert V. (University of Vermont) Discussant: Baber, Walter F. (California State University Long Beach) Roundtable Participant: Struett, Michael J. (North Carolina State University) Roundtable Participant: Gupta, Aarti (Wageningen University) Roundtable Participant: Eckersley, Robyn (University of Melbourne) Roundtable Participant: Bohman, James (St Louis University)

1:45 PM (TC64) The State as Person: Re-Assessing the Debate Room: Corona International Ethics Theory Chair: Ringmar, Erik (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Discussant: Wight, Colin (University of Sydney) Discussant: Ringmar, Erik (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Barbato. "Beyond the Leviathan: What Kind of Person is the State?" Bartelson. "The Indivisibility of Sovereignty" Höne. "The State as a Psychological Person in International Relations Theory" Kustermans. "The Category of the Rogue" Vaha. "On Being and Status in International Relations: Moral Personhood of the State Reconsidered"

1:45 PM (TC41) States, Non-Domination and Global Governance Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Ypi, Lea (London School of Economics) Discussant: Ypi, Lea (London School of Economics) Buckinx. "'Statist' Global Governance: Global Institutions in the Service of the State" Franceschet. "Multilateralism and the Ethics of Coercion in Global Politics" Macdonald. "On Legitimacy: The Real 'First Virtue' of Global Political Institutions" Tellez. "Intangible Property and the Structures of Intelligibility of Contemporary Global Governance" Watkins. "Tension in Republican Cosmopolitan Theory"

4:00 PM (TD52) Challenges for Democracy at the Global Level Room: Hospitality Suite 1101

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International Ethics International Organization English School Chair: Vanderheiden, Steve J. (University of Colorado) Discussant: Cabrera, Luis (University of Birmingham)

Bohman. "Democracy, Science and Climate Change: The New Circumstances of Justice" Doyle. "Liberal Democracy and Nuclear Despotism: An Ethical Foreign Policy Dilemma" Gilabert. "Human Rights and Democracy" Hazenberg. "The Limits of Transparency in Democratizing Global Governance" Valentini. "No Global Demos, Therefore No Global Democracy?"

4:00 PM (TD41) States as Persons / States as Criminals Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Gould, Harry D. (Florida International University) Roundtable Participant: Gould, Harry D. (Florida International University) Roundtable Participant: Eckert, Amy E. (Metropolitan State College of Denver) Roundtable Participant: Lang, Jr., Anthony F. (University of St Andrews) Roundtable Participant: Erskine, Toni (Aberystwyth University) Roundtable Participant: Vaha, Milla E. (European University Institute)

8:15 AM (WA41) Just War Theory I: Past, Present and Future in Western Thought Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Lango, John (Hunter College, City University of New York) Discussant: McMorrow, Marilyn I. (Georgetown University) Eckert. "The State, the Just War Tradition, and the State of the Just War Tradition "

Harbour. "Jus Prius Bello and Biodefense Programs" Lango. "The Just War Principle of Noncombatant Immunity" Patterson. "Just War Theory and Post-Conflict Nation Building: A Critique of U.S./UN Approaches"

10:30 AM (WB41) Just War Theory II: The Tradition and Its Critics Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: O'Driscoll, Cian (University of Glasgow) Discussant: Johnson, James T. (Rutgers University) Amoureux and Steele. "Competence and Just War" Brunstetter. "Drones, Jus ad Vim, and the Just War Tradition" Grynaviski. "Does a Right to Make War Make War Right? Right Intentions in Just War Theory" Kelsay. "Just War Thinking as a Social Practice: Purposes, Authority, and Character"

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O' Callaghan. "Fighting a Just War: In Theory and in Practice"

1:45 PM (WC41) Just War Theory III: Challenges From Private and Non-State Agents Room: Hospitality Suite 1701 International Ethics Chair: Valentini, Laura M. M. (University College London) Discussant: Valentini, Laura M. M. (University College London) Chiu. "Cooperative Ethics in Modern Warfare" DeWinter-Schmitt and Elms. "Effective Self-Regulation of Private Security: Comparing Multi- Stakeholder Governance and Oversight Mechanisms Across Industries" Krieg. "Towards a Contractor Ethos: What Guides Contractor Behavior in Conflict?" Kuo. "World Poverty as a Just Cause of War" Pattison. "The Privatisation of Military Force and the International System"

1:45 PM (WC40) Beyond Collateral Damage: Questioning Civilian Casualties in Armed Conflict Room: Hospitality Suite 1801 International Ethics Human Rights Chair: Thomas, Ward (College of the Holy Cross) Discussant: Thomas, Ward (College of the Holy Cross) Jose. "A Matter of Protection: How Civilians Protect Themselves During and After Armed Conflict " Majima and Ichikawa Smart. "Responsibility for Collateral Damage in Expeditionary Interventions" Morkevicius. "Death is Not the Worst of It: Collateral Damage in Just War Thought From Augustine to the Present" Smith. ""Collateral Damage": The View From Human Rights" Zambernardi. "Casualty Aversion and the Limits and Hypocrisies of Humanitarian International Law"

1:45 PM (WC23) Practice, Practical Reason and Classical Realism Room: Santa Rosa International Ethics English School Theory Chair: Brown, Chris (London School of Economics and Political Science) Chair: Bially Mattern, Janice (National University of Singapore) Roundtable Participant: Hopf, Ted (National University of Singapore) Roundtable Participant: Kratochwil, Friedrich (European University Institute) Roundtable Participant: Gould, Harry D. (Florida International University) Roundtable Participant: Epstein, Charlotte (University of Sydney)

4:00 PM (WD41) International Relations and the Ethics of Hospitality Room: Hospitality Suite 1701

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International Ethics Chair: Hutchings, Kimberly (LSE) Discussant: Griffin, Liza (University of Westminster) Baker. "Hospitality Ethics and International Relations"

Bulley. "Ethics, Politics and Hospitality: Rethinking Community Through Refugee Camps" Dauphinee. "The Secret Faith of Poststructural Ethics" Fotou. "International Relations and the Camp: In Search of Theoretical Tools" Moore. "Embodied Humanitarians: Hospitality and the Ethics of Emergency"

4:00 PM (WD40) Ethics and Morality in Foreign Affairs Room: Hospitality Suite 1801 Foreign Policy Analysis International Ethics Chair: Pierce, Albert C. (National Defense University) Discussant: Harbour, Frances (George Mason University) Abdelaaty. "Rethinking Costly International Moral Action: Britain’s Campaign Against Ottoman Slavery" Atashi. "Afghanistan: Transitional Justice in the Midst of War" Butler. "From Baghdad to Benghazi: Just War Theory and the Framing of Collective Security Operations" Fisk and Ramos. "Droning Out the Ethics of War" Haas. "America's War Crimes Quagmire" Vasilyan. "The EU as a 'Moral Power' Through Its Democracy-Promotion Policy in the South Caucasus?"

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