
Basildon Borough Local Development Framework

Statement of Consultation

Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision How we will involve the community in planning in Basildon Borough

December 2011

Introduction 3

How did we consult on the SCI First Revision? 3

contents Consultation Responses 3


Appendix A: Advert 5

Appendix B: Consultation Responses 6


Introduction 7 A press release was issued on 20 2011 revision first draft involvement community of statement on consultation of statement September 2011, which was subsequently 1 This statement sets out the results of posted on the Council's Facebook® and consultation undertaken on Basildon Twitter sites. Borough Council's Statement of Community Involvement - Draft First 8 An advert was also placed in the 29 Revision 2011. September 2011 edition of the local free paper, The Yellow Advertiser, a copy of 2 The Planning and Compulsory Act 2004 which can be seen in Appendix A. requires Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to produce a SCI setting out how and How the SCI could be accessed when anyone with an interest in planning in their area can have their say on: 9 The document was available on the Council's online LDF Consultation Portal, Applications for planning permission accessed via its website where it could for development (planning be read, downloaded and commented applications); on. Planning appeals (when planning 10 Hard copies of the draft were available permission is refused and the to view at the Basildon Centre Reception applicant appeals to the Secretary and as a Reference Document at the of State); Borough's main libraries (Basildon, Planning enforcement; and and ). Hard copies and Plans made by the Council for the comments forms were also available on future development and / or request from these locations or by protection of the area (the Local contacting the Council's Forward Plans Development Framework (LDF)) Team by 'phone or by email.

3 The SCI formalises proposals for Consultation Responses consulting the public and interested stakeholders on planning matters in the 11 In summary, 17 organisations/ people Borough and builds on the Council's responded to the consultation, making Planning Service's existing consultation 121 comments in total. practices.

4 The Council's first SCI was adopted in Number Response Method October 2009, however it recognised that from time to time, it would need to be 4 Paper Comments Form updated to reflect legislative changes, or changes to the Council standards of 5 Email consultation or general service delivery. 7 Online, via LDF Consultation How did we consult on the SCI First Portal Revision?

5 The SCI Draft First Revision was open for 12 Consultations on SCIs tend to have low a three week consultation between 21 response rates compared to the September 2011 and 12 October 2011. consultation results of other Local Development Framework documents; this 6 All individuals and organisations is despite media promotion and direct registered on the LDF mailing list received contact with the public and stakeholders either a notification email or letter letting via letters and emails. them know about the consultation, depending on their preferred contact method. In the event of an email being returned as 'undeliverable', a letter was sent to the registered postal address instead.


13 Comments were received from:

National Organisations

The Coal Authority(1) Natural The Theatres Trust The Homes and Communities Agency

Local Organisations

Essex Police Billericay Design Statement Association Basildon Natural History Society Billericay Town Council County Council - Schools Service


Anglian Water Services Ltd

Developers/ Planning Agents

Smart Planning Ltd


Mr Geoffrey Jeakins, Hockley Mr Albert Mower, Billericay Mr Mike Patterson, Basildon Mr John Buchanan, Billericay Mr Cornelius Weatley, Basildon Mr Barrie Stone, Billericay

Overall Results

statement of consultation on statement of community involvement draft first revision 2011 14 Many useful comments or corrections were made by the respondents, which have been incorporated into the final SCI. A schedule of the comments made, how they have been considered and any specific Council response can be found in Appendix B.

1 The Council is required to consult with the Coal Authority under regulation 2 (1) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004, as amended in 2008 & 2009.


Appendix A: Advert 2011 revision first draft involvement community of statement on consultation of statement

BASILDON BOROUGH COUNCIL 2011 6 Appendix B: Response Schedule

Miss Rachael Bust – The Coal Authority – no comments Mrs Sue Bull – Anglian Water Services Ltd – no comments

Question SCI 1: Is this section helpful? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Yes The Council notes this response. Mr Geoffrey Jenkins Yes The Council notes this response. Mr Albert Mower Yes The Council notes this response. Mr Ian Davie BDSA Yes The Council notes this response. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Yes The Council notes this Society response. Mr Barrie Stone Yes The Council notes this response. Question SCI 2: Are there any other sources of information on planning that we could include? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Essex Police Yes. Information to Change SCI Secured by Design will be general public that Essex added to a revised Section Police have Architectural 2 of the SCI – under the Liaison Officers / Crime heading “Advisory Bodies”. Prevention Design Advisers that offer security advice on planning matters. Mr Geoffrey Jenkins "Friends of the Earth" The Council notes this Friends of the Earth will be

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 7 contact details could have response. Change SCI added to a revised Section been provided as they 2 of the SCI – under the could provide information heading “Special Interest not known by other named Groups/ Charitable groups. Organisations”. Mr Albert Mower Citizens Advice Bureau The Council notes this Citizens’ Advice Bureau response. Change SCI will be added to a revised Section 2 of the SCI – under the heading “Special Interest Groups/ Charitable Organisations”. Mr Ian Davie BDSA The Billericay Design The Council notes this Whilst, the Billericay Statement could be response. No Change. Design Statement is an referred to as an example example of a document of real community prepared with community involvement. engagement, it is not appropriate to reference it in this section of the SCI as it focuses on organisations rather than documents. Mr Phil Sturges Natural England With respect to terrestrial The Council notes this The Marine Management planning, we believe the response. Change SCI Organisation and The Port information sources listed of London Authority will be to be the primary ones added to a revised Section which the public needs. 2 of the SCI – under the However, the Borough heading “Advisory Bodies”. includes land adjacent to the marine environment .

We therefore suggest that the Marine Management

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 8 Organisation and Port of London Authority should be added to the list of statutory advisors to cover planning issues affecting areas outwith the costal defences. As a general rule, more detailed information on the planning system is often provided as further links in many of the cited sources. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History On wildlife issues: Essex The Council notes this Essex Wildlife Trust will be Society Wildlife Trust, Abbots Hall response. Change SCI added to a revised Section Farm, Great Wigborough, 2 of the SCI – under the , CO5 7RZ heading “Special Interest Groups/ Charitable Organisations”. Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change.

Question SCI 3: Do you agree with the Council's approach to pre-application advice and discussions? If not, can you let us know why? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jenkins Not all of it. A lot of The Council notes this The Council will provide emphasis is placed on response. Change SCI. advice to anyone on how using a website which is they need to make a not always popular, and planning application, (e.g. possible difficult to use for the necessary form to those not familiar with this complete, the fee to pay, method. Pre-application supporting documentation

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 9 advice is preferable by to provide, etc). This personal contact with a service is available in member of planning team person, by phone or in - a lot easier for applicant writing and is an essential and more direct. part of the Council’s Planning Service. This is not what is meant by Pre- Application Advice and the SCI will be changed so that it is clear that this service is available, free of charge and in various ways.

The term Pre-Application Advice refers to a service provided to customers wishing to seek Planning Officers’ opinion on the merits of a development, ahead of submitting a planning application.

The SCI will be changed so that it makes it clearer that householders have a free option of using the Government’s Planning Portal to determine what is required.

The term ‘Pre-Application

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 10 Advice’ will also be added to the glossary. Mr Albert Mower Yes The Council notes this response. No change. Mrs Alice Quinn Smart Planning Consultant I do not agree with the The Council notes this On 10 February 2010, the Ltd Council's approach toward response. No change. Council’s Cabinet resolved pre-application to start charging for pre- discussions. The Local application planning Planning Authority (LPA) advice. provides a public service which is funded by the Previously, many requests local business and to the Council for pre- residential community. application advice were of a speculative nature and Development is a positive did not lead to the process which is of benefit submission of an to all within the Authority. application. Planning Pre-application advice is a Officer time was being positive part of the spent disproportionately on development process non statutory parts of the which makes for better Planning Service, rather planning for all concerned. than focussing on considering submitted The charging for this applications. service dissuades many developers from fostering The Council accepts the early involvement of LPA positive value of pre- Officers in the application advice, but in development process and the face of budget this is to the detriment pressures could not of ‘effective and continue to provide this

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 11 positive’ planning in my service without recovering opinion. some of the costs of providing it. This represents better value for local tax payers.

Mr Ian Davie BDSA Generally yes, but in the Change SCI The Council agrees. It interests of transparency already makes any the consultations on major consultation responses applications should be available on request. made available to the public. The SCI will be amended to reflect this.

Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Ref para 25. Does The Council notes this It referred to Council Society "Council Policy" mean response. Change SCI. Planning Policy, which is policy formally agreed at adopted by a meeting of council meetings or does it the Full Council, rather mean policy stated by the than just the Council’s majority party which has Cabinet. The term “Council not yet been agreed at a Policy”, will be replaced Council meeting, this can with the term be very contentious. “Development Plan” so that this is clear. However, other material considerations could include other non-planning policies/ strategies adopted by just the Cabinet, or by other authorities, organisations or agencies.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 12 Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change.

Question SCI 4 - Does this section clearly explain how you can comment on a planning application? Please explain your answer. Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Essex Police Should you add that, The Council notes this Crime and fear of crime will Crime and the Fear of response. Change SCI be added as examples of Crime are material material considerations. considerations. Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No - comments made by The Council notes this This is not what was letter assumes every response. Change SCI intended by this section. applicant must fax it Letter can be posted, through. Is not every letter rather than faxed. The in itself - possibly wording will be amended to handwritten and not faxed clarify this. through - acceptable? Why is it necessary to fax as this request is unclear? Mr Albert Mower Yes The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Ian Davie BDSA Yes, but the Weekly List The Council notes this Only applications received does not include all response. No change. that are invalid or an applications, neither are insufficient fee has been all decisions notified. paid are not published on the Weekly List, which is why the numbering sequence may appear with gaps.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 13 Anyone who has submitted comments to the Council are notified of the decision in writing or by email, depending on how the comments were originally submitted. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Yes The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone Yes The Council notes this response. No change.

Question SCI 5 - Do you agree with the Council's approach to how it will treat objections and supports? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No - If an objection or The Council notes this The report will be changed support is important response. Change SCI. to emphasise the point that enough to be valid and is whilst the Council noted in officer's report, - welcomes comments on does it mean there will still applications, this process be no communication? does not involve entering into debate and discussion with objectors or supporters once the comments have been submitted. Mr Albert Mower Agreed The Council notes this response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 14 Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Yes. The Council notes this Society response. No change.

Mr Barrie Stone OK. The Council notes this response. No change.

Question SCI 6 - Do you have any comments about how you can be notified about these different types of applications? If you do can you tell us what they are? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council Insert a bullet point under The Council notes this A bullet point will be added Schools Service paragraph 48 to read response. Change SCI to reflect the council will ‘write to key stakeholders’. notify key public and statutory stakeholders. Mrs Helen Philpot Billericay Town Council Billericay Town Council The Council notes this The Council administers a objects that Basildon response. No change. notification process which Council does not consult already goes beyond the people who are affected, legal minimum. only sending notification to near neighbours. The Council also consults Parish and Town Councils Billericay Town Council on all applications given objects to the idea that no their role in representing notification is given to local community views. neighbours with regards to LDCs. It is important that Lawful Development Certificates (LDC) are not confused with applications for planning permission. If an

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 15 LDC is issued, it is merely a confirmation that the development proposed does not need planning permission, as it is Permitted Development by virtue of the General Permitted Development Order.

LDCs are not compulsory; many people for example opt not to enquire with the Council and determine themselves whether their proposals are Permitted Development or not. They serve more to offer peace of mind to householders that they are not acting outside planning legislation with certain types of development which causes problems when properties are subsequently sold.

The Council will of course notify neighbours and other stakeholders if it receives an application for planning consent, as a result of NOT

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 16 issuing an LDC.

Mr John Buchanan Notification in respect of The Council notes this The law states the Council minor developments response. No change. need only notify properties should not always be which share a boundary limited to immediately with the proposal site. It adjoining properties. does not consider Sometimes properties on properties which are on the the opposite side of the opposite side of the road or road, or whose street in the general address is in a different neighbourhood as being road close to the affected essential for notification. site need to be notified. That said, the Council’s approach is to permit an application’s Case Officer to make a judgement when issuing the notifications as to whether other properties should also be consulted, over and above what the Council legally has to do, depending on the proposal and the merits for doing so.

Mr Albert Mower Agreed The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Ian Davie BDSA Notification of even minor The Council notes this The law states the Council developments should response. No change. need only notify properties include properties to both which share a boundary front and rear, together with the proposal site. It

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 17 with any subsequent does not consider amendments (see SCI 7). properties which are on the opposite side of the road or in the general neighbourhood as being essential for notification.

That said, the application’s Case Officer will make a judgement when issuing the notifications as to whether other properties should also be consulted depending on proposal and the merits of doing so.

In terms of notifying people, the Council only has a finite time to determine most planning applications, usually 8 or 13 weeks, in line with national targets.

It is therefore not possible to consult on every change to a planning application as the application is considered.

On receipt of any

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 18 amendments, the Council’s Planning Officers will therefore make a judgement as to whether the amendment is material or not to the application.

Whilst all amendments go on the Council’s online PublicAccess system, only those which are judged to be material amendments are subject to further consultation.

Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Under para 55 better Change SCI. This is a fair point and Society access to a list of highlights an area we need notification and to improve in the future. applications should be available e.g. on the We will publish a list of planning websites telecommunication otherwise one would have development notifications to visit Council reception on our website on at least weekly! a monthly basis, so that they are more accessible to our customers.

Mr Barrie Stone No. The Council notes this response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 19 Question SCI 7 - Do you have any views about the Council's approach to determining planning applications? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No. The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council The reason for supporting The Council notes this The Council will need Schools Service or rejecting a developer response, however would address this on a case by contribution request like to clarify that the case basis, having regard should be set out clearly in minutes are a summary of to the individual merits of the committee minutes the debate and resolution each application. along with the intended of the Committee which will triggers and indexation to not necessarily have be applied to the debated all financial detail contributions if these differ of a specific contribution; from the stakeholders’ which is delegated to requirements. professional officers to conclude.

Committee reports will however be reviewed to provide greater clarity and transparency of these issues. Mrs Helen Philpot Billericay Town Council Billericay Town Council The Council notes this The Council only has a objects that when they or response. No change. finite time to determine public have been most planning applications, consulted and have usually 8 or 13 weeks, in commented, then line with national targets. developers amend plans and it is approved, these It is therefore not possible amendments are not to consult on every change made known to objectors to a planning application as

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 20 prior to a decision being the application is made. The amendments considered. should go back to all consultees. On receipt of any amendments, the Council’s Planning Officers will therefore make a judgement as to whether the amendment is material or not to the application.

Whilst all amendments go on the Council’s online PublicAccess system, only those which are judged to be material amendments are subject to further consultation. Mr John Buchanan Sometimes a developer The Council notes this The Council only has a makes changes to his response. No change. finite time to determine application after the most planning applications, consultation process with usually 8 or 13 weeks, in neighbours etc has taken line with national targets. place. In the event that neighbours have objected It is therefore not possible to the application, such to consult on every change changes should be to a planning application as notified to the objectors, the application is before the application nis considered. determined. On receipt of any

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 21 amendments, the Council’s Planning Officers will therefore make a judgement as to whether the amendment is material or not to the application.

Whilst all amendments go on the Council’s online PublicAccess system, only those which are judged to be material amendments are subject to further consultation. Mr Albert Mower No references made to The Council notes this This section of the SCI national government response. No change. considers how in a planning objectives. practical sense the Council determines planning applications; rather than what it considers to arrive at a decision. Mr Con Wheatley Throughout the Basildon The Council notes this This is not a matter for the District, there are a response. No change. SCI or the Forward Plans considerable number of Team. It is a matter for the single plots that come Council to determine when under the 'Greenbelt'. preparing its Development These single plots serve Plan Documents of the no purpose whatsoever Local Development and become dumping Framework, including the grounds for rubbish. An Core Strategy. example of this is the last

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 22 250 yards of the Southern end of Orchard Avenue, Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay - Orchard Avenue being a no through road (dead end). There are only 3 single plots left to complete Orchard Avenue but are within the Greenbelt. In this same small area, there are 5 residential dwellings. The 3 single plots mentioned are socially and physically part of Orchard Avenue and should be taken out of the greenbelt to enhance and complete the residential area and within the village envelope.

Summing up, the forward planning team should give serious consideration to remove these single plots from the Greenbelt to serve beneficial purposes for all concerned. Mr Ian Davie BDSA If an applicant makes The Council notes this The Council only has a amendments to the response. No change. finite time to determine

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 23 proposal after approval of most planning applications, the original plan, usually 8 or 13 weeks, in neighbouring properties line with national targets. should be notified (see SCI 6), whether or not It is therefore not possible they had objected. to consult on every change to a planning application as the application is considered.

On receipt of any amendments, the Council’s Planning Officers will therefore make a judgement as to whether the amendment is material or not to the application.

Whilst all amendments go on the Council’s online PublicAccess system, only those which are judged to be material amendments are subject to further consultation. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History OK The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 24 Question SCI 8 - Do you have any views about how people can be notified of a decision on a planning application? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Albert Mower Fully Covered The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Albert Mower Fully Covered The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Phil Sturges Natural England In our view, it is important The Council notes this It is not clear whether that all those who response. No change. Natural England are contacted the Council and referring to notification it gave a full postal or email receives in general from address for written LPAs or from Basildon correspondence should be Council, however the notified of the decision Council does notify all when it is issued. In our objectors/ supporters of the experience, Natural decision in the same England does not always format as it received their receive notification of correspondence on an planning decisions where application. we have made representations. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History OK. The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone No. The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 9 - Do you have any comments on how people can be notified of planning appeals? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins Why are there no further Change the SCI Contact details for the contact details for the Planning Inspectorate will planning directorate, e.g. be added as suggested.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 25 address, or website. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council A list of appeals lodged The Council notes this The Council already does Schools Service and decided should be response. Change the SCI this. Wording will be added posted promptly on the in the Appeals section to web site on a weekly basis explain how it is accessible. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Is there any way one can The Council notes this There are no third party Society appeal against the response. No change. rights of appeal in the granting of a planning English Planning System. application? Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 10 - Do you have any views about the Council's approach to community involvement in planning obligations? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council Where viability requires The Council notes this Committee reports will be Schools Service that certain impacts are response. It is not reviewed on a case by not fully mitigated, considered necessary to case basis having regard committee reports should chronicle negotiations to the individual merits of chronicle the negotiations within committee reports each application. that have taken place and which can often be of a make it clear how priorities sensitive nature. However, have been balanced in it is recognised that the arriving at the recommendation reached recommended package of should reflect the priorities obligations. and balance of arguments considered in reaching a recommendation. Mr Ian Davie BDSA In the interests of The Council notes this All s106 agreements are a transparency, Section 106 response. No change. public document and are

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 26 agreements or other available on request. mitigation arrangements Where possible we will should always be also publish these on our publicised. PublicAccess system, alongside the original application files. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History OK The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 11 - Do you have any views about how you can be involved in planning enforcement? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Ian Davie BDSA Twelve weeks is too long The Council notes this The SCI will be changed to before enforcement response. Change SCI indicate that the Planning commences. Much work Enforcement Policy 2010 may have taken place in sets out how the incoming this time, and there then workload of the Council’s could be an Enforcement Team will be understandable reluctance prioritised. This will add to pursue some greater clarity as to why infringements. some cases take longer to process than others. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Good The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 27 Question SCI 12 - Do you have any comments about the ways of involving different people or organisations during the preparation of the Local Development Framework? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins The Council notes this No response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council The Council notes this The status of the Schools Services response. Change the SCI Developers’ Guide to Infrastructure Contributions Paragraph 89 should in Basildon Borough is as make reference to additional guidance, rather Supplementary Guidance than as a formal produced by the County Supplementary Planning and other agencies, such Document (SPD). as the Developers’ Guide Paragraph 89 will not be to Infrastructure changed however ECC’s Contributions. role in preparing SPDs will be set out in the appropriate section. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History The Council notes this Good Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone The Council notes this No. response. No change. Question SCI 13 - Do you have any comments about our approach to engaging with delivery stakeholders? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council In paragraph 104 ‘local The Council notes this The terminology will be Schools Services authority education dept’ response. Change the amended as advised. should read ‘Essex SCI. County Council Schools, Children & Families

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 28 Directorate’.

Mr Phil Sturges Natural England We consider that the key The Council notes this Natural Environment local stakeholders that response. Change the organisations will be added Natural England would SCI. as a group of “relevant wish to see involved in the delivery agencies” to LDF are explicitly listed as paragraph 104. included in consultation processes (e.g. statutory bodies). Other stakeholder groups with a remit relating to the natural environment should be included such as RSPB, Essex Wildlife Trust, Essex Field Club, Basildon Natural History Society, Basildon Countryside & Wildlife Forum, etc. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No. The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone Yes. Stakeholders should The Council notes this Advice on how to engage be given outline advice as response. No change. in the process is available DPD is worked up. to all stakeholders as a DPD is worked up. Technical stakeholders (such as the highway/ water authorities for example) might also help

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 29 the Council to test the DPD’s draft proposals ahead of formally publishing a consultation version to ensure that what is being proposed is reasonable and to ensure the Council is aware of what else may need to be done to deliver the development.

What the Council cannot do is give local stakeholders any assurances as to the future policy direction of the DPD, as this would be improper ahead of the formal consultation stages and Examination in Public. Question SCI 14 - Do you have any comments about how people can be involved in DPD, CIL Schedule, SPD or Neighbourhood Plan preparation? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Essex Police Could you add guidance The Council notes this These matters are still on the make up of a response. No change. subject to Government Neighbourhood Forum... debate and have yet to be what constitutes a finalised. It is not possible Neighbourhood to put this level of detail in Forum...etc the SCI at this time. Mr Geoffrey Jeakins Would pre-application The Council notes this These matters are still

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 30 advice be applicable to response. No change. subject to Government neighbourhood plan debate and have yet to be preparation? finalised. It is not possible to put this level of detail in the SCI at this time. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History OK The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 15 - How easy did you think the SCI Draft First Revision was to follow? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins Not that easy The Council notes this The Council will aim to response. simplify the layout of the Mr Albert Mower Not that easy The Council notes this SCI so that it is easier to response. read. Mr Phil Sturges Natural England Very easy The Council notes this response. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Quite easy The Council notes this Society response. Mr Barrie Stone Okay The Council notes this response. Question SCI 16 - Have we missed any terms or abbreviations you think would be helpful to explain? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council Include definitions of Change the SCI Definitions of Social Schools Service ‘Social Infrastructure’ and Infrastructure and ‘Key Stakeholders’ - both Stakeholders have been should refer to Education added into the Glossary. and Childcare. Mr Albert Mower No The Council notes this

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 31 response. No change. Mr Steve Greener Homes and Communities Planning Performance Change the SCI Text about Planning Agency Agreements? Performance Agreements will be added into the Consultation on planning applications section and included in the glossary. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History The initials BBC could Change the SCI BBC will be added into the Society lead to a glossary. misunderstanding. Mr Barrie Stone Okay The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 17 - Do you have any comments to make on Appendix 2? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins This information more The Council notes this This information is relevant to the Council response. No change. intended to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the difference methods, but it could be of use also to developer/ applicants who are looking to carry out their own consultation/engagement. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History Useful The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone No. The Council notes this response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 32 Question SCI 18 - Do you have any you wish to make on Appendix 3? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Essex Police You have not included the The Council notes this These organisations are Essex Fire & Rescue response. No change. already listed further down Service in any of the the page. above list...is this an error? Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No. The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Blaise Gammie Essex County Council In paragraph 150 the The Council notes this It is acknowledged that Schools Service functions of ECC should response. No change. ECC perform a series of be broken down to include different functions from schools, highways, early different directorates, but it years & childcare et al. remains appropriate to define ECC’s involvement as that of the authority as a whole, rather than its composite parts. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No. The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone OK The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 19 - Do you have any comments you wish to make on Appendix 4? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Mike Patterson When deciding how to The Council notes this The SCI already communicate, please bear response. No change. acknowledges that different in mind that many people forms of communication do not receive the free are needed to provide papers, or buy the local notification opportunities. paper. Mr Geoffrey Jeakins Would these results help The Council notes this This is the reason for

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 33 the Council in any future response. No change. including them in the SCI. engagement surveys? Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 20 - Do you have any comments to make on Appendix 5? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change. Question SCI 21 - Do you have any comments to make on Appendix 6? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No The Council notes this Society response. No change. Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change.

Question SCI 22 - Do you have any comments you wish to make on Appendix 7? Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr Geoffrey Jeakins No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No The Council notes this Society response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 34 Mr Barrie Stone No The Council notes this response. No change. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No The Council notes this Society response. No change. Question SCI 23 - Please use this space to submit any other comments you would like to make on the SCI that are not covered by the specific questions. Consultee Organisation Response Recommended Action Justification/ Details Mr John Hills Essex Police A good document "well The Council notes this done" response and thanks Essex Police for its response. No change. Miss Rose Freeman The Theatres Trust We support this excellent The Council notes and The SCI will be changed to document and our only thanks The Theatres’ Trust make it easier to follow, comment is that you may for its response. rather than shorter in page be in danger of providing numbers. too much information and Change the SCI thereby might make the document difficult to follow. Fifty seven pages is quite long for an SCI.

We look forward to being consulted on the Preferred Options Core Strategy in due course and Development Control Policies, Planning Obligations SPD and town centre Area Action Plans. Mr Albert Mower The "SCI" is a well The Council notes and The SCI will be changed to researched and thanks Mr Mower for his make it easier to follow.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011 35 comprehensive document, response and will try and very difficult at times to make it easier to follow. comprehend all the different aspects required Change the SCI to fulfill the brief but very well done!

Mr Phil Sturges Natural England Natural England considers The Council notes this that the Revised SCI response and thanks clearly explains the Natural England for its process and methods for response. No change. community involvement for planning applications, different types of local development documents and for different stages of plan preparation. It also helpfully includes suggestions of how the Council will make efforts to encourage the views of "hard to reach" sections of the community (Question SCI 12). Mr Barrie Stone Please define the term Change the SCI The term “Stakeholder” will stakeholder. be defined in the Glossary. Mr Gordon Reid Basildon Natural History No. The Council notes this Society response. No change.

Basildon Borough Statement of Consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement: First Revision – December 2011