VIRIDOR CREDITS ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY Annual Review First Floor, Aintree House, 2014/15 Blackbrook Park Avenue, Ta u n t o n , Somerset TA1 2PX [email protected] Tel: 01823 476 476 @viridorcredits CONTENTS Without the award of funding Annual Review 2014/15 from Viridor Credits, our project wouldn’t have been possible. The facility is at the 5 Chairman’s Introduction heart of the community. 6 Review of the Year “ Joan Chambers, Booking 8 Message from our Sponsor Secretary, Dinder Village 9 The Landfill Communities Fund Hall Committee

COMPLETED PROJECTS Community 10 Pensilva Play Park 11 Wellow Village Hall 12 Winton Cricket Club 13 Strathaven Park

Biodiversity 14 Arne Lagoon

Heritage 16 Wilton’s Music Hall

18 Funded Projects 2014-15

24 The Way We Work 25 The Viridor Credits Team 26 Thank you 2 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 3 Since it began in 1996, the Landfill Communities Fund has provided over £1.3billion of funding to more than Annual Review CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION I am pleased to report that 2014-15 has been another successful year for Viridor Credits with a record amount of £18,940,613 allocated to 408 diverse, imaginative, and exciting projects. A 51,000 projects across the UK. Dr Ian White MBE highlight of the year was the Legacy programme, whereby several large awards were 2014/15 made to flagship projects in Scotland to commemorate the end of the Landfill Communities Fund there before it is succeeded by the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund. Viridor Credits Environmental Company is one of the top In 2014-15, under the strong leadership of our new CEO, John Lockwood, Viridor Credits staff have Distributive Environmental Bodies in the country. endeavoured to implement an enormous amount of positive change on top of a very busy ‘business as usual programme’. As a result Viridor Credits is well positioned to respond to further Viridor Credits provides funding opportunities for changes in the pipeline and to meet Government requirements to move funds out to communities as quickly as possible. Not only must we allocate the money quickly but the projects must be biodiversity, community and heritage projects, through completed and money spent without delay. the Landfill Communities Fund, throughout the United 2014-15 has seen the beginning of the planned closure programme of some of our fund provider Kingdom. Viridor landfill sites as more waste is diverted to their Energy Recovery Facilities (ERFs). This means that available landfill community funds will steadily decrease over time. Against this background I am delighted that we have been able to open new funding areas in the vicinity of operational Viridor ERFs thus providing opportunities for new communities to come forward with projects for The funds that Viridor Credits distributes are donated to funding by Viridor Credits. the Landfill Communities Fund by Viridor, a company As the year ends we are considering our response to a Government consultation on the future of which is working to give the world’s resources new life. the Landfill Communities Fund and hope that when the dust settles we will continue to be able to the offer the range of funding support that offers the greatest community, biodiversity, and heritage benefits.

On behalf of Board members I would like to thank the Viridor Credits staff for their hard work and achievements in 2014-15 and look forward to another successful year in 2015-16. The continued success of the scheme, of course, ultimately depends on you, the public, to put forward your projects for support and manage them to speedy completion.

Dr Ian White MBE Chairman

4 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 5 For the year we allocated £18,940,613 to Funds allocated in 2014-15 408 projects, which included: REVIEW OF THE YEAR This ‘new look’ annual report provides a brief overview of Viridor Credits’ achievements in 2014-15. John Lockwood • £12,643,373 to 307 projects to create, 8% I joined Viridor Credits as CEO on 1 July 2014 and feel privileged to lead a dedicated team that sustain or develop a community facility. 25% provides great opportunities for communities.

Viridor Credits has been able to fund a record number of projects in 2014-15, fuelled by our • £4,754,698 to 80 projects to repair, determination to significantly reduce unallocated funds. Some projects have been high profile, 67% Biodiversity high impact biodiversity and heritage projects but most are small community projects that preserve or renovate places of historical make a big difference to local lives – for example, improvements to community spaces that are architectural interest or places of worship. Community so often the heart of rural communities. Heritage Working closely with the Trustees we have been able to revisit our strategy taking into account • £1,542,541 to 21 projects to conserve the changes to landfill volumes in line with Viridor’s own landfill and energy recovery plans natural habitats and native species. and our determination to reduce unspent funds.

With strong Board support, a clear strategy and great staff co-operation, improvements have Number of projects funded in 2014-15 been made to operational efficiency and to our website. I am very grateful to the Trustees for their guidance and to our 100 plus Steering Group members for their dedication to their local communities. 5% I am pleased to say that two existing staff have been promoted to managerial roles. Two 20% further staff have been recruited to develop our communications function, and improve our support to project applicants.

Next year will see a consolidation of the changes already made, the implementation of our 75% Biodiversity new funding model, the advent of on-line applications and most importantly... many more opportunities for communities. Community


John Lockwood

6 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 7 The Landfill Communities Fund MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSOR At Viridor we’re helping to give resources new life. By transforming domestic and commercial ‘waste’ into high quality recycled materials or energy, we’re making a THE LANDFILL COMMUNITIES FUND (LCF) is an innovative tax VIRIDOR substantial contribution to improved resource efficiency for our customers and the UK. As credit scheme enabling operators of landfill sites to contribute we move away from the traditional reliance on landfilling in the UK, so the focus of our money to organisations enrolled with ENTRUST as work to ensure community benefits must change. Environmental Bodies (EBs). EBs carry out projects that comply We have contributed fully to the Landfill Communities Fund since the scheme began. We with the objectives (Objects) set out in The Landfill Tax rely on Viridor Credits to distribute the funding efficiently and to the best available Regulations 1996 (Regulations). projects in the vicinity of our landfill sites, reflecting the priorities of the communities in which we operate. The Government introduced tax on landfill waste in 1996 to reduce the amount of land-filled waste and to promote more I receive regular reports about funded projects and I’m well aware of the enormous environmentally sustainable methods of waste management. difference that the LCF is making to local communities and to the quality of local environments. It’s pleasing to see that a record amount of funding has been allocated to The LCF is also a way for Landfill Operators (LOs) and EBs to projects in 2014-15. work in partnership on projects that create significant environmental benefits, jobs and which improve the lives of The recent extension of eligible funding areas is a very welcome development which communities living near landfill sites. should ensure even more efficient distribution of funding, and wider community benefit. As Scotland moves to its own Landfill Tax and Landfill Communities Fund arrangements in LOs are able to claim a credit against their landfill tax liability. 2015-16, we are pleased for Viridor Credits to continue to manage the distribution of funding to Scottish projects on our behalf. This is 90% of the contribution LOs make to EBs. They then either bear the remaining 10% themselves or can ask an The range and positive effects of this vital funding source for local communities, as shown independent third party (usually described as the Contributing in this report, continues to inspire us as does the professional, efficient and helpful way in Third Party) to make up the difference. which Viridor Credits goes about its work.

We remain committed to this productive funding partnership as we continue with our The following pages showcase a small number of managed programme of landfill reduction and increased recycling and recovery levels completed projects, demonstrating what we fund across the UK. and the impact projects have on local communities.

Ian McAulay, Chief Executive, Viridor

8 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 9 The village hall is a hive of activity and is an important facility which contributes to all ages of the community. The grant from Viridor Credits has allowed us to update the facilities to ensure we continue to be a very well used village hall for many “ years to come. Community Peter Thaxter, Chairman, Pensilva Play Park Wellow Village Hall Committee

FOLLOWING THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of a project funded by Viridor Credits to install up-to- Wellow Village Hall date play equipment in Pensilva Park suitable for VIRIDOR CREDITS AWARDED £24,000 to this project a wide range of ages and abilities, the Park which has provided this Hampshire village hall with Committee undertook a second project to further new flooring, new central heating, an upgraded improve it. The park is in the village of Pensilva disabled toilet, new sound system, redecoration, an located 4 miles North West of Liskeard in East additional footpath and a defibrillator. Cornwall.

Wellow Village Hall was built in 1980 with the support The aim of the project is to continue to update the of grants and local contributions. The land for the hall community facility, providing a safer environment was donated by the Locke family. There is a large car for the children who use it in doing so. The park, outside patio and a large grassed enclosed area. £20,000 award from Viridor Credits has been used to lay a path around the perimeter, making it Since the park has The village hall is used in the parish for social and accessible to all. The path and park have been had improvements leisure activities and is an important Community enclosed with fencing so that the area is safe for made I find it a lot centre. For anyone looking for a recreational pastime, all users. more interesting the activities which take place are varied and include aerobics, art group, history group, lace making and “ Nyah, aged 12 short mat bowls. 10 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 11 Winton Cricket Club Strathaven Park

WINTON CRICKET CLUB, located in Salford, Lancashire has VIRIDOR CREDITS AWARDED £13,868 for adult gym equipment to undergone significant redevelopment having received an award of be installed at Strathaven Park South Lanarkshire, Scotland. The £44,607 from Viridor Credits. The elements of the project which beautiful, peaceful area in the busy market town of Strathaven were funded include the installation of a security fence, actually comprises two small Parks which are joined; the John replacement of the mechanical scoreboard with electronic Hastie Park which stretches from the town towards the bowling numbers, replacement of the practice nets and refurbishment of and putting greens also includes two football pitches and tennis the toilets and provision of a disabled toilet. courts. The George Allan Park has a boating pond, a miniature railway, which was laid out by the Strathaven Model Railway Winton CC is a progressive cricket club, it has 3 senior teams and 5 Society in 1949, and an ornate cast-iron bandstand installed in junior teams, from Under 9s, 10s, 12s, 14s and 16s and it is a 1902. member of the Bolton and District Cricket Association, Manchester and District Cricket League and Salford Youth Cricket League. Strathaven Park boasts open spaces and lovely flower beds and the Powmillon burn is an attractive feature flowing on its way to meet the River Avon. The adult gym equipment installation is part of a larger scale project by Adam’s Community Trust to create a new play area at the park.

With these new and enhanced play spaces opening Strathaven Park will definitely be the place to visit this summer! ACT is a very small committee of like-minded individuals all with the passion and focus to “ make a difference to their community. Roger Lee, Chairman, Adam’s Community Trust 12 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 13 Brilliant to have Biodiversity reports of two wheatear on Coombe Arne Lagoon Heath! Our first sighting this year! THIS IS AN UNUSUAL AND SPECIAL LANDSCAPE which has a vast “ expanse of open heathland and old oak woodland. Viridor Credits awarded £123,000 to this project in order to purchase the land to RSPB Arne protect this 28 hectares of wildlife-rich and internationally Visitor Team important habitat. The former ball clay pit within the reserve has been transformed into a lagoon wetland area.

Arne has a variety of special wildlife. In summer Dartford warblers nest in the heather, nightjars fly at dusk and there are as many as 22 species of colourful dragonflies. The reserve overlooks the undisturbed shore of . There are thousands of wading birds, ducks and geese including avocets, black-tailed godwits and brent geese in winter. Ospreys are regularly seen on migration in late summer, and in autumn.

14 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 15 Heritage Wilton’s Music Hall

VIRIDOR CREDITS GRANTED £318,000 towards the project ‘Saved, Revealed & Alive’ to restore Wilton’s Music Hall in London, specifically funding the repair of the roof and reinstatement of the roof lights. Wilton’s Music Hall is a Grade II* listed building, built as a music hall and now run as a multi-arts performance space in Graces Alley, off Cable Street in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Wilton’s is the oldest and last surviving Grand Music Hall in the world. It has a fascinating history that has seen the building journey from 18th Century Ale House to Music Hall and Methodist Mission to rag warehouse, eventually being left derelict and half forgotten.

Since 2004 the Wilton’s Music Hall Trust has lovingly coaxed the building back to life and now presents a diverse programme of arts, heritage and learning and participation.

With the hugely generous and significant support of Viridor Credits, the Heritage Lottery Fund and other trusts and foundations, building work will now safeguard the whole building and open up more performance spaces, studios and visitor rooms allowing us to offer an expanded programme of arts, heritage and learning and participation “ projects for the local community and beyond. Kate Bierman, Development Director, Wilton’s Music Hall 16 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 17 Bishopsteignton Community Centre Ashburton Royal British Legion Lady St Mary Church Neilson Park The Waggonway Trail Funded Projects 2014-15 by Funding Area £7,779 £15,750 £30,033 £41,641 £71,905 Kenton Village Playpark Teignmouth Rugby Football Club St Edwards Church Dunbar Harbour Gateways Haddington Rugby Football Club Cornwall St Hugh’s Church Staveley King George V Bowling St Disens Hall, Bradninch Uffculme Bowling Club £20,487 £55,000 £33,952 £35,908 £70,000 Callington Cricket Club £59,434 Club £20,000 £5,500 £9,616 £33,630 Starcross and District Bowling Club Dorset Holy Trinity Church Dunbar Bowls Club Hallhill Sports Pitch Derbyshire Churchinford and District Village Langford Heathfield Nature Reserve £5,302 Sandford Woods £25,000 £75,000 £27,435 Pensilva Park Tibshelf Village Hall Carr Vale Nature Reserve Hall £20,683 £12,220 £20,000 £1,478 £7,920 £9,186 Liverton United FC Milton Abbey Lamp of Lothian Trust Holy Trinity Church Langford Heathfield Nature Reserve £26,661 The Kimmeridge Fossil Museum and £240,000 £7,912.85 £75,000 Chantry Park Fields Brimington Methodist Church St James the Less Church £3,638 Community Hall Whitecross Village Hall £21,690 £28,654 £24,000 Teignmouth Coastwatch £174,727 Lady St Mary Church Amisfield Walled Garden Trinity Centre £6,800 Spiceland Quaker Meeting House £55,000 £42,853 £31,100 £60,487 St Germans Methodist Church East Street Playground Staveley Methodist Church Wiveliscombe Outdoor Swimming £46,450 Church Knowle Village Hall £43,469 £9,088 £13,577 Pool River Teign Sea Scouts 1st Shaldon £15,000 Dunbar Northesk Parish Church East Linton Community Hall £16,200 St Matthew’s Church £105,180 Dunbar Castle Social Club £72,865.25 £7,733 Menheniot Looe Cricket Club Fox Green Playground Devon (Broadpath) £29,574 Swanage and Wareham RFC £13,535 £6,856 £12,171 Culmstock Community Garden Calverleigh Village Hall Torbay Coastwatch £49,085 Longniddry Tennis Club Dunbar Parish Church £75,000 £30,000 St Michael’s Church £18,140 Hallhill Healthy Living Centre £18,028 £7,826 Menheniot Sports Pavilion Wood Avenue Playground £59,874 Lytchett Bay View Boardwalk £60,000 £7,778 £6,645 Broadhembury Community Centre Angersleigh Village Room Paignton Bowling Club £16,047 Gifford Village Hall St Anne’s Episcopal Church £28,517 £100,000 St James the Greater Church £30,557 Rugby Football Club £37,284 £20,520 St Lalluwy’s Church Welbeck Street Playground £8,913 Wool Play Park £4,665 £67,393 £6,295 Uffculme Village Hall St John the Baptist Church Cockington Green £65,000 Memorial Park Essex £12,000 £20,036 Devon (Heathfield) £75,000 Athelstaneford Skatepark £150,000 Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall Trevelmond Methodist Chapel All Saints’ Church Poole Sea Cadets £44,943 £16,000 £27,827 Creswell Bowls Club Hemyock Cricket Club Churchinford Cricket Club £9,430 Bovey Tracey Cricket Club £25,543 Innerwick Playpark £27,272 £12,573 £13,804 £77,449 Foxlake Adventures £45,000 Bentfield Green Play Area St Cleer Public Conveniences Teignmouth Baptist Church Wareham Legions Club £75,000 £26,831 £11,864 Mastin Moor Bowling Club Milverton Recreation Ground Wellington Football Club £9,318 Kingsteignton Swimming Pool £42,309 Pennypit Community Development £3,465 £29,181 £29,897 £6,738 Our Lady of the Waves Church Trust Stocking Pelham Cricket Club Pelynt Village Hall Preston Baptist Church St Mary’s Parish Room £68,756 £148,364 £3,000 £5,600 McGregor’s Pond St Michael’s Community Hall, Langford Budville Village Hal £34,200 Shaldon Regatta Association £5,530 £14,760 Bampton £800 £25,448 West Barns Bowling Club Foxlake Adventure Stansted Mountfitchet Skatepark Darite Village Hall £12,500 St Mary’s Church Puddletown Village Hall £35,000 £75,000 £100,000 £173,741 Staveley Miners Welfare Cricket Willand Rovers Football Club £19,625 Ashburton Cricket Club £7,800 Club Cullompton Rugby Football Club £26,872 £18,510 Northesk Parish Church Longniddry Scout Hut Berden Parish Playground St Ildierna Church £14,823 £39,000 St Gregory’s Church Mackrell Charity Old School £14,672 £8,000 £3,250 £10,000 Bradninch Recreation Ground £48,000 Deepway Green £6,000 Hillstown Methodist Church Halberton Village Hall £23,460 £69,938 East Linton Tennis Club Cockenzie House Bridge End Gardens St Neots Church £19,201 £5,011 Torquay Cricket Club Arne Lagoon, Wareham £17,460 £64,950 £70,000 £17,000 Culm Sampford Youth Football Club £60,000 Moretonhampstead Parish Council £123,000 Kentisbeare Village Hall £96,795 £29,603 North Berwick Rugby Football Club Dunbar Cricket Club £40,000 £3,301 £31,500

18 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 19 Bishop’s Stortford Rugby Football Kent Street Community Church Atherton Collieries AFC Eccles Rugby Football Club Hampshire St Bartholomews Church St Olave’s Church St Michael & All Angels Church Viewpark Parish Church, St Mary’s Church Hall Club £88,218 £34,698 £22,852 Nomansland Sports Association £30,000 £10,542 £17,607 Uddingston £110,000 £70,000 £131,593 £10,800 Greenmount Cricket Club Independent Methodist Church Little Woolden Moss Nature Reserve Holy Innocents Church The Bartons Victory Memorial Hall Rigmuir Park Road Pond Church of St John the Evangelist £19,842 £6,240 £22,726 Wellow Village Hall £5,000 £128,086 Keir Hardie ABC Hamilton Tennis Club £18,250 £10,000 £24,000 £89,675 £29,880 Monton Sports Club Royton Cricket Club St Paul’s Church Faversham Town FC Bletchingdon Community St Josephs Church Stansted Mountfitchet Skate park £4,500 £66,916 £62,915 West Tytherley Recreation Ground £135,000 Foundation Viewpark Parish Church St Machan’s Parish Church £130,241 £10,212 £11,000 £12,020 £4,500 £54,603 Chorlton Central Church Goshen Sports Centre Deane United Reformed Church Wildwood Wildlife Park Our Lady Of Lourdes Church Farnham Village Hall £74,734 £50,000 £6,108.75 St Mary’s Church £10,123 Church Holy Family Parish Centre Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral £6,990 £19,782 £12,950 £45,779 £63,533 Memorial Garden Ashton on Mersey Cricket and Ransov Resident’s Park St John’s Church Godmersham River Restoration £75,000 Sheffield Bishops Stortford Cricket Club Tennis Club £30,000 £87,241 North Baddesley Village Hall £7,565 South Newington Parish Council St Brides Parish Centre Christ Church £7,992 £2,768 £3,081 £4,900 £71,636 Eaglesham Carswell Hall £75,000 Atherton Cricket Club St Elizabeth’s Church Heath Fritillary Butterflies at £200,000 Little Easton Memorial Hall Golborne Sports & Social Club £11,587 £23,000 St Mary’s Church Blean Woods Bucknell Village Hall St Teresa’s Parish Hall St James & St Christophers Church £50,000 £13,261 £6,144 £6,121 £7,423 £56,946 St John Bosco Church £4,318 Ashton on Mersey Cricket and St Margaret’s Church £67,500 Thaxted Parish Church Winton Cricket Club Tennis Club £61,110 St Denys Church - Roof Eastbridge Hospital Upper Heyford Recreation Ground Castlemilk Parish Church Sheffield Church of Nazarene £33,175 £44,607 £10,317 £35,518 £77,850 £41,460 £405,821 Tollcross YMCA £45,000 Leigh Spinners Mill Engine House £65,996 Holy Trinity Church All Saints Church Monton Park £50,000 St John’s Church Oxfordshire Woodstock Methodist Church St Kevin’s Hall Christ Church Heeley £13,000 £24,000 £31,147 £15,000 St John’s Hall Church £12,674 £61,800 Newmains Community Trust Centre £18,489 Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC £13,000 £47,122 Church of St John the Evangelist St Matthew’s with St Mary’s Church Wallsuches Lane Fishing Reservoirs Church Kent Ellen Hinde Hall St Columbkille’s Church St Thomas More Community Centre £9,000 £21,994 £2,936 £10,000 Holy Innocents Church St Mary the Virgin £19,701 £244,160 The Epicentre Community Hall £6,359 £73,750 £24,000 £75,000 St Peter and St Paul’s Church Braithwaite Park The Bridge Community Hub Church of the Ascension St Martins Church Motherwell South Parish Church Carbrook Ravine Pathway £14,958 £50,000 £29,654 £19,204 Westgate Community Hall Fringford Village Hall £12,714 £52,000 St Augustine’s Community Hub £5,842 £116,000 £132,408 £71,480 Church of St Mary the Virgin Hebron Church St Pauls Church Bolton Methodist Mission, St Mary’s Church Trinity Parish Church Stocksbridge Leisure Centre £27,997 £10,791 £16,060 Victoria Hall Canterbury Lawn Tennis Club Steeple Aston Parish Church £53,485 £27,000 Our Lady Of Lourdes Church £52,319 £65,000 £35,000 £2,499 £73,671 St Michael’s Church Irlam Football Club Bradshaw Tennis Club Croughton All Saints Church Hamilton Town House Blacka Moor £151,250 £50,088 £37,380 Christ Church Fordwich Community Hall Hethe Community Park £75,000 £23,232.08 Giffnock South Parish Church £6,410 £32,700 £2,744 £51,722 £75,000 Holy Trinity Church 12th Wigan Boys’ Brigade Bacup Cricket Club St Michael’s Church Chapelton Toddlers Play Park Greasbrough Park £1,500 £14,880 £16,886 Waterhead Parish Church St Mary the Virgin Westbury Village Hall £27,040 £42,693 St Brigid’s Parish Church £40,791 £10,831 £10,963 £75,000 £61,879 Greater Manchester St Francis House Community Centre Astley & Tyldesley Cricket Club St Martin’s Church Dalziel St Andrew’s Parish Church Beighton Field Stalybridge Celtic Juniors £5,154 £38,929 St Catharine’s Church Sturry Football Club Beckley Village Hall £4,093 £8,890 St Joseph’s Community Church Hall £21,000 £25,200 £33,788 £30,000 £75,000 £49,800 Rochdale Sacred Heart FC Barrow Bridge Tennis Club The Most Holy Trinity Church Weston Park Museum £29,540 £16,573 £13,402 £52,450

20 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 21 Carbrook Meadow Restoration Strode Theatre Wetlands for People and Wildlife - St Peter & St Paul Church, Over Huntingfield Village Hall Hen Reedbeds Nature Reserve St Giles Church Hall Wild Connections - Vincients Wood Board Board (Legacy Scotland) £12,405 £48,500 Westhay Moor Stowey £38,158 £8,706 £75,000 £4,798 Bennett’s Patch and White’s North Berwick Harbour £17,178 £11,351 Paddock £323,994 St Leonards Church West Bradley Church Hadleigh Skate Park Leiston Abbey Holy Trinity Church Beversbrook Sports and Community £66,885 £27,616 £5,940 Wetlands for People and Wildlife - St Francis of Assisipairs £50,000 £21,745 £75,000 Facility Dunbar Harbour Catcott Complex £61,297 £50,000 Seven Acre Wood £705,449 Somerset (Dimmer) Lamyatt Village Hall £7,364.80 Beccles Public Hall St James Church National Maritime Museum £407,156 Combe Hill Woodlands £140,117 St Peter and St John Church £75,000 £10,000 £58,535 Devizes Rugby Football Club St Bride’s Church £2,984 Wetlands for People and Wildlife - £60,000 £25,039.75 Cumbernauld Greenspaces £1,000,000 Great Breach Wood, New Hill and Westhay Moor All Saints Church All Saint’s Church Queen Marys Park £36,180 Butleigh Cricket Club Tannager Nature Reserves £9,078 Pawlett Methodist Church £17,000 £7,550 £10,749 Studley Grange Wildlife Trail £37,000 £22,721 £6,830 £349,511 Pawlett Hams Wetland Phase 5 - Mark Church Hall Jubilee Green St Mary’s Church Strawberry Hill House Land Purchase & Wetland Sandford Orcas Village Hall The Bishop’s Palace £11,295 East Huntspill Village Hall £1,356 £15,000 £9,050 St Mary’s Church Restoration £5,850 £69,000 £19,590 £121,115 £366,928 East Huntspill Cricket Club Hulver Village Hall St Lawrence Church, Ipswich Langley Vale Wood Castle Cary Methodist Church St Mark’s Methodist Church £15,912 Bridgwater Baptist Church £4,821 £65,100 £250,000 Alton Barnes Saxon Church Clyde Valley Woodlands Schoolroom £65,580 £31,387 £50,000 £87,774 £25,000 Over Stowey Cricket Club The Cut Arts Centre Thames St Alfege Church Wells City FC £9,840 Chedzoy Playing Field £12,849 The National Army Museum £119,669 Wild Connections - Blackmoor Portland Island Evercreech Village Hall £12,041 £87,898 £75,000 Copse £160,820 £15,000 East Huntspill Sports Pavilion St James Village Hall Corpus Christi Catholic Church £9,659 The Church of the Blessed Virgin £38,437 Burnham Association of Sports £18,407 All Saints, Hackbridge £75,000 Woodlands for People and Wildlife Dinder Village Hall Mary Clubs £73,506 £22,842 £11,000 £17,000 East Brent Village Hall £19,646 Haughley Playing Fields Christ Church and St John £4,000 £43,895 The Postal Museum £46,831 Godmanchester Nature Reserve Charlton Horethorne Village Hall St Mary’s Chapel St Edward’s Church £100,000 Pennon Environmental Fund £90,000 £18,304 £14,377 Wedmore Village Hall £7,587 Bredfield Play Area Wiltshire Thorverton Memorial Hall £23,200 £30,200 St John the Evangelist Chippenham Sailing and Canoeing £66,000 Graffham Common, Petworth Hornblotton Village Hall Wells Cathedral Cannington United Reformed £75,000 Club £9,739 £11,781 £90,000 St Mary the Virgin Church Church Monks Eleigh Village Hall £16,500 Cheriton Fitzpaine Parish Hall £33,793.18 £60,000 £15,357 17th Reigate (St Joseph’s) Scout £55,136 Harrison’s Drove Crossing, Sparkford Cricket Club The Bishop’s Palace Group Royal Wootton Bassett Rugby Wicken Fen £13,000 £73,330 Stockland Sports Club St Mary’s Church Room The Rifle Hall £20,546 Football and Social Club Stoke Damerel Church £75,000 £60,000 £11,774 £8,085 £33,462 £59,233 Castle Cary Market House St Leonards Church Barnes Community Association £10,000 £12,413 Wedmore Tennis Pavilion Suffolk Beccles Town FC £64,371.23 Wild Connections - Clouts Wood St Gregory’s Church £31,720 St John the Baptist Church £30,000 £6,256 £14,260 St Nicholas Church Somerset (Walpole) £7,938 Watermeads Green Space £13,000 Holy Trinity Church Princess Theatre and Arts Centre Carlton and Oulton Marshes £140,000 New Boat Store Stockleigh Pomeroy Village Hall £50,000 £14,476 Burstall Memorial Hall £22,483 £15,000 £6,500 Quakers Community Peace Garden £38,500 Twickenham Rowing Club £10,500 Wetlands for People and Wildlife - The Holy Cross Church, Mark Carlton Marshes Nature Reserve £60,000 Neeld Hall, Chippenham Brookdale Church Catcott Complex £11,475 Debenham Leisure Centre £15,167 £75,000 £7,483 £18,210 £13,000

22 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 23 The Way we Work The Viridor Credits Team

The Board Each member of the team is on hand to offer assistance and advice to The objectives of the Viridor ensure applications are complete and compliant prior to consideration by Credits Board are to promote the steering groups. community participation and partnership as well as Funded Projects Team supporting environmentally- The Funded Projects team consists of two Project Liaison Officers (PLOs) in friendly projects with an England and Wales, Ian Tucker and Dr Nick Berry; a Project Liaison Manager emphasis on volunteering, (PLM) in Scotland, Michael Cunningham; the Funded Projects Co-ordinator, sustainability, value for Lucy Takle and the Funded Projects Manager, Gareth Williams. The PLOs money and proven need. and PLM visit every project prior to its submission to the steering group in order to make sure that its is eligible and compliant and that the Steering Local Steering Groups Groups have all the information they need to make a decision on funding. Viridor Credits has established steering groups in each area that qualifies for funding. These steering groups are managed directly by Viridor Credits. The PLOs contact applicants during the application process to arrange a Steering groups are made up of local volunteers from community groups, meeting at the project site and visit projects once they are completed. The councillors and community-minded individuals in order to best direct Funded Projects team is on hand to help applicants and the steering group Landfill Communities Fund funding for maximum benefit to the community. through the funding process once a project has been awarded funding.

Applications and Administration Team Throughout the life of the project, the Funded Projects Co-ordinator The Applications and Administration process is overseen by Rosa Jennings, requests regular, mandatory progress reports from applicants to ensure the the Applications and Administration Manager. The first point of contact for project runs smoothly. The Funded Projects Manager will inspect projects 3, applicants is Sarah Gauntlett, our Applications Support Assistant, who 5 or 10 years after completion to ensure that projects funded with LCF Front, L-R: Rosa Jennings, Gareth Williams, Lucy Takle, Ian Tucker guides each applicant through the application process. monies are still delivering benefits to the Community. Back, L-R: Phil Lettley, John Lockwood, Karen Chilcott, Sarah Gauntlett, Tony Painter, Nick Berry. Inset left: Michael Cunningham Applications will then be dealt with by one of the Grants Co-ordinators, Inset right: Nina Barnard (Communications Manager) Phil Lettley, Karen Chilcott or Tony Painter, right up until the steering group meeting. They all work very closely together with projects and help applicants.

24 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 25 Thank you

We would like to thank the Board of Trustees & Local Steering Group Members who volunteer their time and expertise to Viridor Credits. The Board of Trustees oversee the charity and the Local Steering Group Members assist with funding decisions in the respective funding areas, contributions for which we are extremely grateful.

Photography: Sarah George, Vincent Rohde Design: [email protected]

26 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 Viridor Credits Annual Review 2014/15 27