*8,'(%22.12 48$7(51$5<*(2/2*<$/21*7+( ($67(510$5*,12)7+(6&,272/2%( ,1&(175$/2+,2 E\ 7RG$)URONLQJ 'HSDUWPHQWRI*HRORJ\DQG*HRJUDSK\'HQLVRQ8QLYHUVLW\ DQG -RKQ36]DER 'HSDUWPHQWRI*HRORJ\8QLYHUVLW\RI$NURQ DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 4383 FOUNTAIN SQUARE DRIVE COLUMBUS, OHIO 43224-1362 (614) 265-6576 (614) 447-1918 (FAX) e-mail:
[email protected] World Wide Web: http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/odnr/geo_survey/ OHIO GEOLOGY ADVISORY COUNCIL Dr. E. Scott Bair, representing Hydrogeology Mr. Mark R. Rowland, representing Environmental Geology Ms. F. Lynn Kantner, representing At-Large Citizens Dr. Mark R. Boardman, representing Higher Education Mr. David Wilder, representing Coal Mr. William M. Rike, representing Oil and Gas Mr. Ronald M. Tipton, representing Industrial Minerals SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF OF THE DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ADMINISTRATION (614) 265-6988 Thomas M. Berg, MS, State Geologist and Division Chief Robert G. Van Horn, MS, Assistant State Geologist and Deputy Division Chief Dennis N. Hull, MS, Assistant State Geologist and Deputy Division Chief Michael C. Hansen, PhD, Senior Geologist, Ohio Geology Editor, and Geohazards Offi cer Janet H. Kramer, Fiscal Offi cer Billie Long, Fiscal Specialist Sharon L. Stone, AD, Executive Secretary BEDROCK GEOLOGY MAPPING GROUP (614) 265-6473 CARTOGRAPHY & EDITING GROUP (614) 265-6593 Edward Mac Swinford, MS, Geologist Supervisor Edward V. Kuehnle, BA, Cartographer Supervisor Glenn E. Larsen, MS, Geologist Merrianne Hackathorn, MS, Geologist and Editor Gregory A. Schumacher, MS, Geologist Ray O. Klingbeil, AD, Cartographer Douglas L. Shrake, MS, Geologist Robert L. Stewart, Cartographer Ernie R.