SENATE—Monday, November 30, 2009

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SENATE—Monday, November 30, 2009 November 30, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 28793 SENATE—Monday, November 30, 2009 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- that came out last week which states called to order by the Honorable MARK imous consent that the order for the that number is too small; that, real- R. WARNER, a Senator from the Com- quorum call be rescinded. istically, it is about 70 percent of the monwealth of Virginia. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- people who file for bankruptcy file be- pore. Without objection, it is so or- cause of health care costs. PRAYER dered. I have also said on this floor that The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- f half the people who filed for bank- ruptcy because of medical expenses did fered the following prayer: SCHEDULE Let us pray: so even though they had insurance. We O God, the hope of all the ends of the Mr. REID. Mr. President, following learned last week that number is also Earth be in our midst today. Endue our leader remarks, there will be a period too small; that it is 62 percent. That lawmakers with a spirit of wisdom that of morning business until 3 o’clock means 62 percent of the people who will bring peace and prosperity within today. At that time, the managers of filed for bankruptcy because of medical our borders. Lord, keep them from dis- the bill will be here. Until that time, expenses were already insured. Is that unity, ignited by selfish fires, that will Senators will be allowed to speak for a crisis in America—750,000 people fil- hinder Your purposes in our world. up to 10 minutes each as in morning ing for bankruptcy and about 70 per- Pardon and overrule what has been left business. cent of them filing because of health undone or done amiss as You strength- At 3 p.m., the Senate will resume care costs, with 62 percent of those who en all that has been worthily achieved. consideration of the health care legis- filed for bankruptcy because of health Bless and keep us, and make Your face lation. Today, the majority will offer care costs having health insurance? to shine upon us, as You give us Your the first amendment and the Repub- What a sad commentary on the present peace. We pray in Your merciful Name. licans will offer the next amendment state of the health care delivery sys- Amen. to the substitute. No other amend- tem in our country. ments, by virtue of the order that was This weekend the assistant Repub- f entered before the Thanksgiving re- lican leader said we should go back to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE cess, will be in order today. square one. In fact, his exact quote There will be no rollcall votes during was: ‘‘There is no way to fix this bill.’’ The Honorable MARK R. WARNER led today’s session, and the next vote will the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: That is what we do. We are legislators. occur at noon tomorrow on the con- I have been in Congress a long time. I I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the firmation of the nomination of Jac- have been fortunate to get things United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, queline Nguyen to be a U.S. District passed and never, ever have I gotten indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Judge for the Central District of Cali- the legislation I wrote passed the way fornia. it was written. With rare exception f f that happens. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING I would say to my friend, the junior HEALTH CARE REFORM PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senator from Arizona, that Repub- Mr. REID. Mr. President, the next licans have had a seat at the table from The PRESIDING OFFICER. The few weeks will tell us a lot about the very beginning of the health care clerk will please read a communication whether Senators are more committed debate. An example of that was in the to the Senate from the President pro to solving problems or creating them. HELP Committee, where 161 of the tempore (Mr. BYRD). We have before us a historic occasion. amendments Republicans offered in The legislative clerk read the fol- That is where we are—a time in history that committee were made a part of lowing letter: where we have never been before—with the bill that was reported out of that U.S. SENATE, the chance to ensure the well-being of committee. So when you hear someone PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, both our fellow citizens and our recov- Washington, DC, November 30, 2009. say there is no way to fix this bill, you To the Senate: ering economy. We have before us the have to look at the underlying state- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, opportunity to relieve the suffering of ments this gentleman has made in the of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby many and prevent even worse pain in past: Basically, there is no problem appoint the Honorable MARK R. WARNER, a the future. with health care; things the way they Senator from the Commonwealth of Vir- But if we are to seize this oppor- are, are just fine; the fact that 750,000 ginia, to perform the duties of the Chair. tunity, this debate must be on facts, people filed for bankruptcy last year, ROBERT C. BYRD, not fear. We must remain focused on 70 percent because of health care costs, President pro tempore. how we can best help the American not important. Mr. WARNER thereupon assumed the people and the American economy, and That is exactly what the legislative chair as Acting President pro tempore. we must avoid the temptation to drown process is all about—changing things, f in distractions and distortions. In working on things, trying to improve other words, we must do our jobs. them, taking out things you don’t like, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Last week, my counterpart—the dis- debating, amending, and improving. LEADER tinguished Republican leader, Senator Democrats stand ready to do so. I hope The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- MCCONNELL—called the health care cri- my Republican colleagues recognize pore. The majority leader is recog- sis manufactured. The American people that, even if the party leaders deny it. nized. would beg to differ. I have said on this As we round the latest turn along Mr. REID. Mr. President, I suggest floor before, on several occasions, that this journey, I renew my plea to this the absence of a quorum. last year 750,000 people filed for bank- body—to Senators, Democrats, and Re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ruptcy. That is true. I said previously publicans: Let us discuss the specifics pore. The clerk will call the roll. that half the people who filed bank- of this bill, not the whispers and wild The legislative clerk proceeded to ruptcy filed because of medical ex- rumors. While we disagree at times, let call the roll. penses. But we have learned of a report us at least agree that doing nothing is ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:59 Jul 12, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S30NO9.000 S30NO9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 28794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 21 November 30, 2009 not an option. While each of us may In addition to that, there are a num- thing but kill jobs and darken the eco- not say yes to each word of this bill as ber of things that actually must be nomic prospects of struggling Ameri- it currently reads, let us at least agree done this month: We have a debt ceil- cans and their children. that simply saying no isn’t enough. ing expiring, or needing to be ex- The administration’s health care We will do this work transparently, panded, according to the administra- plan will not alleviate the situation we and we will do this work tirelessly. tion; we have not passed appropriations are in. Instead, it would punish strug- That may mean debating and voting bills; there are tax extenders that ex- gling Americans at a moment when all late at night. It definitely means, I say pire at the end of the year; there are they want is a little help. to everyone within the sound of my PATRIOT Act provisions that expire at Proponents of this bill couch their ef- voice, the next weekends—plural—we the end of the year. There are many forts with the refrain that history is will be working. I have events this things we must do this month. Yet we calling. I think they have got it half weekend that I will have to postpone; are going to spend an enormous right. Someone’s calling all right, but some will have to cancel. That is the amount of time working on a bill the it is not history. It is the American way it will have to be with everyone. American people wish we would not worker. He is wondering where the jobs There is not an issue more important pass this month. are. It is the middle-class family won- than finishing this legislation. Let me, first, welcome everybody dering how Congress could try to pass a I know people have things they want back—Senators and staff—after what, scheme that won’t do anything to con- to do back in their States and right- hopefully, was a restful and happy trol costs.
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