Item No. 4

MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE LICENSING BOARD held in Committee Rooms 2/3, Council Headquarters, Newtown on Friday, 20 June 2014 at 10.00 a.m. ______

Present:- Councillors W. Archibald (Convener), B. Herd, J. Greenwell, G. Logan, D. Paterson, R. Stewart, J. Torrance, T. Weatherston. Apologies:- Councillors J. Campbell, B. White. In Attendance:- Mrs. A. Isles, Legal and Licensing Services Manager, J. Wilson, Licensing Team Leader, K. Mason, Democratic Services Officer, I. Tunnah, Licensing Standards Officer, Inspector J Scott, PC P. Robertson (Police ).

MINUTE 1. The Minute of Meeting of 30 May 2104 had been circulated.

DECISION APPROVED and signed by the Convener.

LICENCES ISSUED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS 2. For Members’ information there had been circulated copies of a list of licences issued under delegated powers for the period 24 May – 12 June 2014.


3. LICENSING (SCOTLAND) ACT 2005: (a) Section 20(1): Application for Grant/Provisional Grant of Premises Licence. The Board considered the following application for Grant of Provisional Premises Licence.

MEMBERS Councillors Stewart and Weatherston left the meeting during discussion of the following item.

(i) Kaimes Hospitality Ltd 82 – 84 Overhaugh Street (formerly Veritgo Nightclub) Provisional Grant

With reference to paragraph 3(a)(i) of the Minute of 30 May 2014, there had been re- circulated

(a) copies of a letter dated 21 May 2014 from . The Legal and Licensing Services Manager confirmed that gaming had been removed in its entirety from the operating plan as had access for children and young persons. Inspector Scott acknowledged the removal of those activities and advised that in terms of Section 22(1)(a) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, Police Scotland maintained its objection to the granting of the application with reference to the remaining issues contained in the representation previously circulated. The building was mid terraced and had a ground floor and first floor. The applicant had applied for core on sale hours as follows:- Monday to Wednesday 1.00 pm – Midnight; Thursday to Sunday – 1.00pm to 3.00am. It was previously a nightclub until 2012 when the premises licence was surrendered. Paragraph 7.8 of the Board Policy stated that the Board would grant any applications for times after 2.00am only in exceptional circumstances and the Chief Constable submitted that there were no exceptional circumstances in this application. The applicant had submitted that the premises would be an entertainment venue incorporating a nightclub. Proposed activities included DJ and live music entertainment, comedy events, fashion shows, student and community related events, hen/stag parties. Inspector Scott referred to the Anti Social Behaviour Report dated 19 May 2014 which had been circulated with the papers. The report clearly stated that in the locality of the proposed premises there were a higher number of incidents of antisocial behaviour between 11.00 p.m. and 4.00 a.m. compared to during the day. Whilst it was acknowledged that the incidents could not be definitively attributed to the nightclubs, there was a high probability they were.

(b) copies of a letter dated 15 May 2014 from the Licensing Standards Officer. It was noted that the concerns of the Licensing Standards Officer as detailed in the letter had been alleviated because the amended operating plan had removed children and young persons’ access.

(c) a notice of objection/representation had been received from W.E. McLaren advising that there was already a nightclub within approximately 50 yards; more people would be in the street which would mean more noise and more litter; it was already quite intimidating driving up the street late at night; a public house was already at the bottom half of the street; and there was every possibility of an increase in the crime rate. W.E. McLaren was not present at the meeting.

Mr Martin Bennett of Shoosmiths, legal agents appeared on behalf of the applicant, Mr Iain McIntosh and Mr Laith Alkhamis, Directors of the applicant were also in attendance. Mr Bennett submitted that the Police representation did not make any reference to the Anti Social Behaviour report, however, he stated that from the information provided there was no clear indication that any of the statistical information could be attributed to these premises. The premises had been closed for some time and the intention was to reopen the premises in September or October 2014 after major refurbishment costing £250,000, when 30 new jobs would be created. Although the 3.00 a.m. terminal hour applied for was not in line with the Board’s policy statement as had previously been stated, the application had been submitted on the basis of the opening hours of the previous premises. As a premises nearby was operated on a similar basis a level playing field was needed. He considered there to be a precedent for the locality in that the Board had previously granted the hours requested. If the application was not granted his clients could not trade in any operational manner and would not proceed to open the premises.

Mr Iain McIntosh, Director of Kaimes advised he was Managing Director of Dunedin Facilities Management which employed 250 SIA (Security Industry Accredited) licensed stewards every week throughout the country in over 100 venues. The Company had a robust management background with ex police officers being employed. Because of good practices in place, the Company had never had a review and he would like to bring this to Overhaugh Street, Galashiels. In noting the concerns of 2 a.m. – 3 a.m. dispersal he advised that high visibility stewards would be on the street until it was cleared to the satisfaction of the Police. An open door policy would be put in place to allow for the inspection of policy log sheets and training records. The provision of bar meals had been included in the operating plan and fast food would be made available during the last hour of operation to promote sobriety when customers left. Local taxi firms would be contacted to look at getting customers home safely (especially young females). It was intended to work closely with the premises licence holder at Indigo Rooms; the neighbouring nightclub premises, a radio link would be in place to report any incidents. Mr McIntosh would be contactable and happy to deal with any problems.

Mr Laith Alkhamis advised that he had over 6 years experience in the Security Industry in event planning/marketing and looking at good practices and procedures to alleviate concerns. He explained that security patrols around the perimeter of the premises and the surrounding vicinity would take place to ensure there was no antisocial behaviour and Police would be informed if there were any concerns. Notices would be placed at entrances and exits to the premises asking patrons to respect neighbouring properties etc. Staff would clear away litter every evening to provide a safe environment. Mr Bennett hoped that the information provided would give suitable comfort to the operation of the premises. He submitted that in terms of Section 23 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 the applicants had demonstrated how the premises would be operated and all licensing objectives would be taken into account. He asked that the Board grant the application.

There followed discussion in relation to whether the applicants had demonstrated exceptional circumstances as referred to in Paragraph 7.8 of the Licensing Board’s Policy Statement.

In summing up Mr Bennett acknowledged that there were problems in relation to anti- social behaviour but this was the same in any town in Scotland. There was no evidence that the premises when opened would lead to any further increase of anti- social behaviour in the area. He submitted that his clients had demonstrated their exemplary track record and evidenced that they had taken steps to ensure robust measures for control and management of the premises. In addition, they had put in place clear policies to address each of the licensing objectives.

VOTE Councillor Paterson, seconded by Councillor Logan, moved that the application be refused because it was contrary to Paragraph 7.8 of the Licensing Board’s Policy Statement.

Councillor Torrance, seconded by Councillor Herd, moved as an amendment that the application be approved.

On a show of hands Members voted as follows:-

Motion - 3 Votes Amendment - 3 Votes

The Convener in exercising his casting vote, voted in favour of the motion. Accordingly the application was granted.


ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10.45 a.m. and reconvened at 10.50 a.m.

MEMBERS Councillors Stewart and Weatherston rejoined the meeting. Councillor Greenwell left the meeting.

(b) Section 29: Application for Variation of Premises Licence. The Board considered the following application for Variation of Premises Licence

(i) The Co-operative Group Food Ltd The Co-operative Food 34 High Street TD12 4AS

Amendments to Premises Licence and Operating Plan: x Increase in capacity from 23.75 m² to 28.15 m².

No representations had been received. Mr Alistair Macdonald of Macdonald Licensing appeared on behalf of the applicant. Michelle Hadwin, Manager, The Co-operative Group Ltd was also present. Mr Macdonald explained that there was a small increase in the alcohol area because of the refurbishment of the premises.


(ii) J D Wetherspoon (Scot) Ltd Cross Keys Hotel 24 Northgate EH45 8RS

Amendments to Premises Licence and Operating Plan: x Increase in capacity from 358 to 476; x Change terminal hour for On Sales on Thursday to 1.00am (currently 12.00midnight); x Change commencement time for both On and Off Sales on Sunday to 11.00am (currently 12.00noon)

No representations had been received.

Mr Alistair Macdonald of Macdonald Licensing appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr Macdonald explained that the premises had undergone a major refurbishment and all changes were within the terms of the Licensing Board’s Policy Statement. In response to a question about the increased capacity numbers, the Legal and Licensing Services Manager confirmed that Building Standards had been consulted.


(c) Section 33: Application for Transfer of Premises Licence. The Board considered the following application for Transfer of Premises Licence - notification of relevant offence.

(i) Filmhouse Trading Limited Filmhouse Café Bar Heart of - Tower Mill Kirkstile Hawick

The Legal and Licensing Services Manager advised that the applicant was Scottish Borders Council, and was legally represented by Miss Elizabeth Knox, Solicitor. Mrs Sheila Brodie was also in attendance on behalf of the Council’s Education and Lifelong Learning department responsible for management of the premises.

There had been circulated copies of a letter dated 20 May 2014 from Police Scotland. Inspector Scott advised that in terms of Section 33(6)(b)(i) of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, the transferee had been convicted of a relevant offence. At Selkirk Sheriff Court on 30 September 2013 the transferee had been convicted in terms of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Section 3 and 33(1)(a) and fined £48,000.

In presenting background information Miss Knox advised that the conviction had arisen from an accident at Galashiels Academy and subsequently extensive measures had been put in place regarding the training of technical teachers and technicians in respect of health and safety in schools. Further regular risk assessments were also carried out. Mrs Brodie advised that the Council as landlord had stepped in to prevent the closure of the Filmhouse Café Bar which would have resulted in members of staff being made redundant and the loss of a facility in Hawick. Two members of staff would attend food safety training provided by Council’s Environmental Health Officers and Borders College to ensure that the appropriate skills for the running of the café were in place.


(d) Section 83: The Board considered a notification of relevant offence in respect of Personal Licence Holder- A Scheibe.

There had been circulated copies of a letter dated 12 May 2014 from Police Scotland. Inspector Scott advised that Mr Andrew Scheibe, who held a Personal Licence granted by this Board had been convicted of a relevant offence. At about 2.00 a.m. on 17 February 2014, the Police responded to a call regarding a single vehicle road traffic accident at Tweedbank roundabout on the A6091, Melrose to Galashiels Road. On attending the locus Officers observed that a Black Honda Civic had skidded off the roundabout into the nearside grass verge where it had damaged approximately 40 yards of post and wire fencing before coming to rest. Mr Scheibe was present at the locus and identified himself as the owner and driver of the vehicle. It was noted that his breath smelt of alcohol and his eyes appeared glazed and he was required to provide a roadside breath test, which he failed. Mr Scheibe was arrested and conveyed to Galashiels Police Station where further evidential breath samples were taken. Mr Scheibe provided a lower reading of 54 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the limit being 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. Mr Scheibe was then charged and released to attend court at a later date. On 17 March 2014, at Selkirk Sheriff Court, Mr Scheibe was fined £250 and disqualified for 12 months in terms of the Road Traffic Act 1988 Section 5(1)(a).

Mr Scheibe was present and advised that he was so concerned about the charge that he forgot to report the offence to the Licensing Team. He had no excuse as he knew how serious the matter was. He advised that he worked part time in a licensed premises but was not a Designated Premises Manager. He explained that his Solicitor had not given him legal advice relating to his Personal Licence when he attended the Sheriff Court in relation to the driving offence and he failed to report the conviction to the Board. The Legal and Licensing Services Manager advised Members of the options available to them.

DECISION AGREED to endorse Mr A Scheibe’s Personal Licence.

PRIVATE BUSINESS DECISION AGREED that under Section 50A(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 14 of Part 1 of Schedule 7A to the aforementioned Act.”


1. Section 36: Application for Review of Premises Licence. The Board considered an application received from Police Scotland for review of Premises Licence in respect of the Blackadder Hotel, 1 West High Street, and agreed that the application be continued to the next meeting of the Licensing Board.

The meeting concluded at 12 noon. SCOTTISH BORDERS LICENSING BOARD


13 June 2014 to 16 July 2014

Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Linda Wharton 31 Premises Licence - Variation for Substitution of Premises Manager Ayton Minimarket, Ayton

The Co-operative Food 31 Premises Licence - Variation for Substitution of Premises Manager Co-operative Food, Earlston

JD Wetherspoon (Scot) Ltd 31 Major Variation of Premises Licence Cross Keys, Peebles

JD Wetherspoon (Scot) Ltd 29 Minor Variation of Premises Licence (Change of Premises Layout) Cross Keys, Peebles

Aldi Stores Limited 29 Minor Variation of Premises Licence (Change of Premises Layout) Aldi Stores, Galashiels

The Co-operative Food 29 Minor Variation of Premises Licence (Change of Premises Layout) Co-op,

Fiona Megahy 33 Transfer of Premises Licence Gordon Arms, Gordon

Carl Swift 33 Transfer of Premises Licence & Substitution of Premises Manager Allan Ramsay Hotel, Carlops

Catherine McDonald-Home Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Craig Henrys Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Jamie Ewan Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Jon Hancock Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Karen Ovenden Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Linda Wharton Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Natasha Rivera Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Stuart Milliken Personal Licence - Grant N/A

Catherine MacDonal-Home Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Christopher McDougall Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

1 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

David Lyall Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Gordon Hodgson Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Karen Ovenden Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Keith Grieve Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Kimberely Oliver Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Linda Wharton Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Malcolm Ford Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Rosemary Thorburn Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Stephen Woodhead Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Susan Hogg Personal Licence - Refresher N/A

Ancrum Festival Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Dance Village Hall, Ancrum

A Heart for Duns Vol Occasional Licence for Food & Craft Market Volunteer Hall, Duns

A Heart for Duns Vol Occasional Licence for Film Evening Volunteer Hall, Duns

Duns Summer Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Summer Festival Ball Volunteer Hall, Duns

Duns Summer Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Summer Festival Buffet Volunteer Hall, Duns

Duns Summer Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Summer Festival Quiz Volunteer Hall, Duns

Duns Summer Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Summer Festival Ceilidh Dancing Volunteer Hall, Duns

Gavinton Village Hall Vol Occasional Licence for Reivers Party Village Hall, Duns

Berwickshire Hunt Cummer Ball Comm Vol Occasional Licence for Masked Ball Blackhouse Farm, Reston, Duns

Longformacus Village Improvements Vol Occasional Licence for BBQ for Reiver's Party Village Hall, , Duns

Earlston Twinning Group Vol Occasional Licence for Dinner/Ceilidh Earlston Primary School, Earlston 2 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Gordon Football Club Vol Occasional Licence for Presentation Night Football Club, Gordon

Greenlaw Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Greenlaw Festival The Green, Greenlaw

Cogsmill Hall Vol Occasional Licence for BBQ Cogsmill Hall, Hawick

Teviothead Village Hall Vol Occasional Licence for BBQ Teviothead Village Hall, Hawick

Hawick Horse Racing Association Vol Occasional Licence for Horse Racing Committee Rooms, Hawick Moor, Hawick

Southdean Hall Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Film & Social Evening Southdean Hall, Chesters, Hawick

Southdean Hall Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Film & Social Evening Southdean Hall, Chesters, Hawick

Southdean Hall Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Film & Social Evening Southdean Hall, Chesters, Hawick

Southdean Hall Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Film & Social Evening Southdean Hall, Chesters, Hawick

St Ronans Border Games Vol Occasional Licence for St Ronans Games Ball Community Centre,

Innerleithen Pipe Band Vol Occasional Licence for St Ronans Games - Family Day Pipe Band Hall, Innerleithen

St Ronans Border Games Vol Occasional Licence for Senior Citizen's Entertainment Memorial Hall, Innerleithen

St Ronans Border Games Vol Occasional Licence for Car Treasure Hunt Memorial Hall, Innerleithen

St Ronans Border Games Vol Occasional Licence for Professional Sports Victoria Park, Innerleithen

St Ronans Ex Standard Bearers Assoc Vol Occasional Licence for Presentation Night St Ronans Wells, Innerleithen

Go Gardening, Ancrum Vol Occasional Licence for Gardeners Question Time Ancrum Village Hall,

Jethart Callant's Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Street Party Murray's Green, Jedburgh

Jethart Callant's Festival Vol Occasional licence for Redeswire Dinner Town Hall, Jedburgh

Jethart Callant's Festival Vol Occasional licence for Reception (Invited Guests) Town Hall, Jedburgh

Jethart Callant's Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Luncheon (Invited Guests) Town Hall, Jedburgh

Jethart Callant's Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Annual Ball Marquee in Lothian Park, Jedburgh 3 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Jethart Ex-Callants Association Vol Occasional Licence for Greetin Party Town Hall, Jedburgh

Heiton Hall committee Vol Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week - Dance Heiton Village Hall, Kelso

Kelso Laddies Association Vol Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week - Ball Springwood Park, Kelso

Kelso Laddies Association Vol Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week - Greetin' Party Tait Hall, Kelso

Kelso Laddies Association Vol Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week - Gentleman's Breakfast Tait Hall, Kelso

Lauder Golf Club Vol Occasional Licence for Open Golf Day Golf Club,

Lauder Golf Club Vol Occasional Licence for Open Golf Day Golf Club, Lauder

Newcastleton Golf Club Vol Occasional Licence for Copshaw Festival Newcastleton Golf Club, Newcasleton

Copshaw Committee Vol Occasional Licence for Copshaw Festival - Garden Party Polysport Buildings, Newcastleton

Newcastleton Traditional Music Festival Vol Occasional Licence for Live Music Evenings Newcastleton Village Hall, Newcastleton

The Paxton Trust Vol Occasional Licence for Music at Paxton Paxton House, Paxton

Ettrick & Yarrow Parish Church Vol Occasional Licence for Church Supper The Courthouse, Ashkirk, Selkirk

Yetholm Community Council Vol Occasional Licence for Games Night Wauchope Hall, Town Yetholm

Peeblesshire JAC Vol Occasional Licence for Family Ceilidh Newlands Centre, West Linton

Vicki Dodd PLH Occasional Licence for Paxton Gala Day Paxton House, Paxton

Gary Noore PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Vegetable Shed,

Holly McKnight PLH Occasional Licence for Live Music Event Harehead Road End, Cranshaws

Beverley Carr PLH Occasional Licence for Gala Day Playing Field, Coldingham

David Home PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Wedderburn Castle Barns, Duns

Catherine MacDonald-Home PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Wedderburn Castle Barns, Duns

4 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Fred Bell PLH Occasional Licence for Civic Week - Quiz Earlston Rugby Club, Earlston

Fred Bell PLH Occasional Licence for Civic Week - Bingo Earlston Rugby Club, Earlston

Fred Bell PLH Occasional Licence for Civic Week - Cabaret Night Earlston Rugby Club, Earlston

Fred Bell PLH Occasional Licence for Civic Week - Sports Day Earlston Rugby Club, Earlston

Douglas Stewart PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Gunsgreen House, Eyemouth

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Final Fling Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Breakfast Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Concert Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Overseas Reception Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Carnival Dance Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Dinner Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Victor Graham PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Breakfast/Social Abbotsford Bowling Club, Galashiels

Victor Graham PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Social Night Abbotsford Bowling Club, Galashiels

Victor Graham PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Social Night Abbotsford Bowling Club, Galashiels

Victor Graham PLH Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Social Night Abbotsford Bowling Club, Galashiels

Richard Fitzgerald PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Langlee Community Centre, Galashiels

Ross Glastra PLH Occasional Licence for Music Evening - Live Band Volunteer Hall, Galashiels

Fiona Megahy PLH Occasional Licence for Sheepdog Trials ColtcrooksFarm, Gordon

Iain Crozier PLH Occasional Licence for Hawick Walking Weekend - Ceilidh St Mary's Church Hall, Hawick

Aileen Dyer PLH Occasional Licence for Garden Party School House, Minto, Hawick

Justin Order PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Hassendeanburn Farm, Hawick 5 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Douglas Paterson PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Brothershiels Farm, Heriot

Mark Gilligan PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Village Hall, Innerleithen

John Evans PLH Occasional Licence for Riverside Rock JRFC, Jedburgh

John Evans PLH Occasional Licence for Annual Professional Games JRFC, Jedburgh

Sydney Farquharson PLH Occasional Licence for Presentation to Callant Unionist Club, Jedburgh

Sydney Farquharson PLH Occasional Licence for Callants Festival Celebrations Unionist Club, Jedburgh

James Henderson PLH Occasional Licence for Land Rover Club Event Springwood Hall, Kelso

James Henderson PLH Occasional Licence for Family Day Kelso United Football Club, Kelso

Mark Hay PLH Occasional Licence for British Motor Cycle Show Springwood Park, Kelso

Jan Leifer PLH Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations Kelso Bowling Club, Kelso

Jan Leifer PLH Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations Kelso Bowling Club, Kelso

David Bull PLH Occasional Licence for Border Union Show Springwood Park, Kelso

Mark Maben PLH Occasionla Licence for 70th Birthday Party Village Hall, , Melrose

Lisa MacLeod PLH Occasional Licence for Event Festival Corn Exchange, Melrose

Philip Hedley PLH Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Village Hall, Newcastleton

William Hamilton PLH Occasional Licence for St Boswell's & District Show Mart Field,

Andrew Brunton PLH Occasional Licence for Birthday Party Neidpath Castle, Peebles

Andrew Shortreed PLH Occasional Licence for 21 Birthday Party Kirkton Manor, Peebles

Mark Gilligan PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Neidpath Castle, Peebles

Richard Fitzgerald PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Victoria Hall, Selkirk

6 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Richard Fitzgerald PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Victoria Hall, Selkirk

Richard Fitzgerald PLH Occasional Licence for Stow Civic Week - Disco Stow Town Hall, Stow

Zoe Keddie PLH Occasional Licence for Stow Festival - Dance Wauchope Hall, Town Yetholm

Jean Bruce PLH Occasional Licence for 60th Birthday Party Village Hall, Traquair

Jean Bruce PLH Border Boogie Band Village Hall, Traquair

William Barrie PLH Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Newlands Centre, Romanno Bridge, West Linton

Duncan Evans Prem Occasional Licence for Band Event Roxburghe Hotel & Golf Course, Duns

Kevin Temple Prem Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Breakfast Gala Fairydean Rovers FC, Galashiels

Robert Cleland Prem Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Family Day Gala YM Rugby Club, Galashiels

Robert Cleland Prem Occasional Licence for Braw Lads Festival - Family Evening Gala YM Rugby Club, Galashiels

Malcolm Cooper Prem Occasional Licence for 60th Birthday Party Evergreen Hall, Hawick

Derek Ramage Prem Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Hawick Angling Club, Hawick

Norman Irvine Prem Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Hawick Conservative Club, Hawick

John Oliver Prem Occasional Licence for Live Music Event The Border Club, Hawick

Malcolm Cooper Prem Occasional Licence for Burnfoot Carnival Burnfoot School, Hawick

William Borthwick Prem Occasional Licence for Quiz Night Lodge St Ronans Social Club, Innerleithen

William Borthwick Prem Occasional Licence for Golden Wedding Party Lodge St Ronans Social Club, Innerleithen

Angus Macpherson Prem Occasional Licence for Standard Bearer Installation Night Vale of Leithen Social Club, Innerleithen

Angus Macpherson Prem Occasional Licence for Games Fancy Dress Parade Disco Vale of Leithen Social Club, Innerleithen

Angus Macpherson Prem Occasional Licence for St Ronans Border Games - Family Day Vale of Leithen Social Club, Innerleithen

7 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

William Borthwick Prem Occasional Licence for St Ronans Border Games - Family Day Lodge St Ronans Social Club, Innerleithen

John Evans Prem Occasional Licence for Riverside Rock JRFC, Jedburgh

Marie Carroll Prem Occasional Licence for Live Music Event Royal British Legion, Jedburgh

Marie Carroll Prem Occasional Licence for "Jedburgh Pride" Royal British Legion, Jedburgh

Marie Carroll Prem Occasional Licence for "Ancrum night Disco" Royal British Legion, Jedburgh

Rona Fortune Prem Occasional Licence for 18 Birthday Party Kelso Golf Club, Kelso

Gavin Horsburgh Prem Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations Kelso Cricket Club, Kelso

Gavin Horsburgh Prem Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations Kelso Cricket Club, Kelso

William Virtue Prem Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations - Darts RBLS, Kelso

William Virtue Prem Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations - Fireworks RBLS, Kelso

William Virtue Prem Occasional Licence for Kelso Civic Week Celebrations - Disco RBLS, Kelso

Susan Thorburn Prem Occasional Licence for Hunt Ball Carfraemill, Lauder

Susan Thorburn Prem Occasional Licence for Charity Dinner Carfraemill, Lauder

Susan Thorburn Prem Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Hillhouse Farm, Oxton, Lauder

Susan Thorburn Prem Occasional Licence for Wedding Reception Carfraemill, Lauder

Daniel Kennedy Perm Occasional Licence for Mason's AGM Corn Exchange, Melrose

Andrew Shortreed Prem Occasional Licence for Beltane Festival - Band/Disco PRFC, Peebles

Andrew Shortreed Prem Occasional Licence for Beltane Festival - Riders' Disco PRFC, Peebles

Robert Hubbard Prem Occasional Licence for Bowling Day Peebles Bowling Club, Peebles

Elizabeth Jent Prem Occasional Licence for 30th Birthday Party WL Bowling Club, West Linton

Robin Lees Prem Occasinal Licence for 18th Birthday Party Westruther Village Hall, Westruther 8 Applicant/Existing Licenceholder Type and Nature of Application Premises

Sylvia Scott Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Braw Lads Festival Quins, Galashiels

Sylvia Scott Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Braw Lads Festival Quins, Galashiels

Andrew Emond Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Braw Lads Festival Gala Rugby Football Club, Galashiels

Allan Ballantyne Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Braw Lads Festival Bridge Inn, Galashiels

Scott Paterson Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Braw Lads Festival Ladhope , Galashiels

Karen Johnston Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Jethart Callants Festival Carters Rest, Jedburgh

Margaret Hastings Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Live Music Event Gemini Night Club, Kelso

Susan Thorburn Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Lauderdale Farmers Ball Carfraemill, Lauder

Susan Thorburn Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Lauderdale Hunt Ball Carfraemill, Lauder

Susan Thorburn Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Hogmanay Ceilidh Carfraemill, Lauder

Roddy Mackay Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Beltane Festival Celebrations Central Bar, Peebles

Roddy Mackay Ext Occasional Extension Licence for Beltane Festival Celebrations Central Bar, Peebles

Notes: Transfers S33 - transfer by current licensee S34 - transfer by new licensee

Occasional Licences - Categories of Applicant PLH - Personal Licence Holder Prem - Premises Licence Holder Vol - Voluntary Organisation



OPERATING PLAN Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, section 20(2)(b)(i)


(a) Will alcohol be sold for consumption solely ON the premises? NO (b) Will alcohol be sold for consumption solely OFF the premises? NO (c) Will alcohol be sold for consumption both ON and OFF the premises? YES


Day ON Consumption Opening time Terminal hour Monday 11.00am 12.00midnight Tuesday 11.00am 12.00midnight Wednesday 11.00am 12.00midnight Thursday 11.00am 12.00midnight Friday 11.00am 1.00am Saturday 11.00am 1.00am Sunday 11.00am 12.00midnight

CROSS KEYS INN, LILLIESLEAF – 22.6.12 Question 3 STATEMENT OF CORE TIMES WHEN ALCOHOL WILL BE SOLD FOR CONSUMPTION OFF PREMISES Day OFF Consumption Opening time Terminal hour Monday 11.00am 10.00pm Tuesday 11.00am 10.00pm Wednesday 11.00am 10.00pm Thursday 11.00am 10.00pm Friday 11.00am 10.00pm Saturday 11.00am 10.00pm Sunday 11.00am 10.00pm Question 4 SEASONAL VARIATIONS Does the applicant intend to operate according to seasonal demand NO

*If YES – provide details

Question 5 PLEASE INDICATE THE OTHER ACTIVITIES OR SERVICES THAT WILL BE PROVIDED ON THE PREMISES IN ADDITION TO SUPPLY OF ALCOHOL COL. 1 COL. 2 COL. 3 COL. 4 (a) Activity Please To be provided during Where activities are also to confirm core licensed hours – be provided outwith core please confirm YES/NO licensed hours please YES/NO confirm YES/NO Accommodation NO N/A N/A Conference facilities NO NO NO Restaurant facilities NO NO NO Bar meals NO NO NO

(b) Activity Please To be provided during Where activities are also to confirm core licensed hours – be provided outwith core Social functions please confirm YES/NO licensed hours please including: YES/NO confirm YES/NO Receptions including YES YES NO weddings, funerals, birthdays, retirements etc.

CROSS KEYS INN, LILLIESLEAF – 22.6.12 Club or other group YES YES NO meetings etc.

(c) Activity Please To be provided during Where activities are also to confirm core licensed hours – be provided outwith core Entertainment including: please confirm YES/NO licensed hours please YES/NO confirm YES/NO Recorded music –see 5(g) YES YES NO Live performance – see YES YES NO 5(g) Dance facilities NO NO NO Theatre NO NO NO Films NO NO NO Gaming YES YES NO Indoor/outdoor sports NO NO NO Televised sport YES YES NO

(d) Activity Please To be provided during Where activities are also to confirm core licensed hours – be provided outwith core please confirm YES/NO licensed hours please YES/NO confirm YES/NO Outdoor drinking facilities YES YES NO

(e) Activity Please To be provided during Where activities are also to confirm core licensed hours – be provided outwith core please confirm YES/NO licensed hours please YES/NO confirm YES/NO Adult entertainment NO NO NO Where you have answered YES in respect of any entry in column 4 above, please provide further details below.

(f) any other activities If you propose to provide any activities other than those listed in 5(a) – (e) please provide details or further information in the box below. N/A

CROSS KEYS INN, LILLIESLEAF – 22.6.12 (g) Late night premises opening after 1.00am Where you have confirmed that you are providing live or recorded music, will the NO decibel level exceed 85dB?

When fully occupied, are there likely to be more customers standing than seated? NO

Question 6 (On-sales only) CHILDREN AND YOUNG PERSONS (a) When alcohol is being sold for consumption on the premises will children or YES young persons be allowed entry

(b) Where the answer to 6(a) is YES provide statement of the TERMS under which they will be allowed entry Children aged under 16 permitted in lounge when accompanied by appropriate adult or when entering premises solely for the purchase of sweets and crisps due to absence of village shop. Young Persons 16 & 17 in lounge area only.

(c) Provide statement regarding the AGES of children or young persons to be allowed entry Children 0-15 years. Young Persons 16 and 17 years.

(d) Provide statement regarding the TIMES during which children and young persons will be allowed entry Children under age 16 when accompanied by adults until 8.00pm only Young persons aged 16 and 17 until 8.00pm only.

(e) Provide statement regarding the PARTS of the premises to which children and young persons will be allowed entry Children and Young Persons will be allowed entry to the lounge area as well as access through public areas for use of the toilet facilities.

Question 7 CAPACITY OF PREMISES What is the proposed capacity of the premises to which this application relates? 40

CROSS KEYS INN, LILLIESLEAF – 22.6.12 Question 8

PREMISES MANAGER (NOTE: not required where application is for grant of provisional premises licence)

Personal details

(a) Name

Calum John MacLeod

(b) Date of birth

(c) Contact address

(d) Telephone number and e-mail address

(e) Personal licence Date of issue Name of Licensing Board issuing Reference no. of personal licence

16/03/2012 Scottish Borders Licensing Board SB/LIQ/11090