List of Unclaimed Dividends and Shares
Ferozsons Laboratories Limited List of Unclaimed Dividend & Bonus Amount of No. of Unclaimed S.No Folio Name Address CNIC Unclaimed Dividend Shares (Rupees) 1 0005 Mr. Abdul Hamid Khan C/O Ferozsons Limited 60 The Mall, Lahore. 00000-0000000-0 499 117,337 2 0011 Mr. Mohammad Javid Khan, Pak International Printers 118 - G. T. Road Lahore. 00000-0000000-0 8 3,806 3 0012 Begum Abdul Majid Khan C/O Pakistan International Printers,118-G.T.Road, Lahore. 00000-0000000-0 718 308,023 4 0017 Miss Kaukab Sadiq 64 / E - 1, Gulberg - III Lahore. 00000-0000000-0 1724 301,856 5 0019 Imtiaz Begum Sahiba 64 / E - 1, Gulberg - III Lahore. 00000-0000000-0 143 24,882 6 0028 Mr. Abdul Razzaq H.No.815,St.64, G-9/4 Islamabad 00000-0000000-0 902 156,010 7 0035 Mr. Shams-ul-Hassan Khawaja Pharmaceutical Section Ministry of Health Al-Riyadh 00000-0000000-0 236 40,960 8 0043 Mrs. Shujaat Parveen Vill: & P. O.Toru Mardan. 00000-0000000-0 1056 1,292,201 9 0050 Mrs. Khawar Kazi L - 102, D. H. A. Lahore Cantt. 35201-8757810-4 0 2,029 10 0059 Mr. Tahir Ali Khan H.No.280,St.38, G-9/1, Islamabad 00000-0000000-0 4423 759,766 11 0060 Mr. Abdul Qadir Khan Retd.Veterinary Doctor Kacha Gojra Faisalabad. 00000-0000000-0 1874 323,753 12 0063 Mr. Said Ahmed Shah House # 64 Biket Ganj Street Mardan. 00000-0000000-0 210 318,085 13 0065 Dr. Mrs. Farrakh Iqbal A-572 Block 5, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi 75300 42201-5619562-0 0 11,332 14 0066 Mr.
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