FALL 1985

WASHINGTON NOTES ON AFRICA • South Alrlca's Non-Stop Rebellion • Apartheid'. Economic Crllls • Update : A New U.S.-South African Alliance? r.ce If>e Congressional repeal e oarl< .o.rnancrnenl lasl reveak>d. on November 2, .n ad...... stralion poky report which sa" JIAy,. advocates witrMn Congress and If>e ArlrYW'll' the u,s. "sI\ooJd .ympathin! wiIh.Od 'uppr-;iI1 ..resistaoce" tl'{ UNITA S SlrallOn have 1Il'-"'"hed a vory as tough! with siOC(l1975 ....ry OIl_ve a~inSl UNITA, l\Ohich ropotledly ttvea_ 10 to topple tile governmeve<"rLJO $ovillti. heaCIQua~...., was ooty re~ by clireel South U.S, law OIOgloaIly passed in \976. wnich prr>hlOotee theme 01 5IIppor1 and lor thefilS! time Preloria opariy ado"illfl(lll$"materi.l hurnaMar..n to< anli.,;ommUf'list ""freedOm fight"',·· ball1lng "$(Mel/Cwan e>pan­ and """ar 5IIppor11or these terrorists. soooism:' CO<1seiII to pr-ovi in so-called ''humaoil,"an'' UNITA'.foreign.H.us"",ewy, haS S1epped Ujll'>3lO1lbying e/t0ll'in a.si..,oce to UNITA 00 OClOber \5•• was revealcargo .galnst Angola was 8Iso t>eiog S1ur:lied. 00 October 22 and In mid-OctObet cooser""trves. iock..ding IhO$dUCfl(l. H.R. 3596 tIy CiII to provide $27 iMlioo in SovieI .nd Cwan "aggression" io _aI f"(:(spols ttvouglloul the miIltary ass.staoce to UNITA Righi \WlQ conservallVe Congressman world, Aocorcling to Kemp. ". we fsi 10 respond ~'s a vory negative Bob Ooo-lIOn (R·CAI tol\Qwed sui! 00 Novemt>e-r 12 with a biI (H.R. S1Q1I011IOioII into thet.lks \01lh Gorbachev." Kemp.nd otherS tleOelled 3725) to prOVIde ~ $46 miIb> rn mililary and "ooo·let/'I8I'· aiel to thOt ....Oling aid 10 UNITA would streoglhen the Presideorshand .tthe UNITA, In lhe $ellOle, Slev"" ~mm. (R·IDjaM John Easl (R.NC) Genev. summIL ,eported~ ...... CO<1aidering iotrOOuoing compa""", t>iIIs to Pepper" Thr""llhol..l the month 01 OClobe<. steacty SlIe.m 01 pro-UNITA and SljaM\lr'. proposals, respedMlly. articles and op-e<1 pieces aP\l$Ored in the WaS/Wlgror> Post which 00 Noveror>er 1 the Was/Wlglon POSl reported thal t"" Dele""" heIpee corunVlists Rowland Evans and Robert No\Ial<. lor example. dispalcMd WhIle House to approve-according to ona $O..ce-. $200 10 S300 editooal. kom Jamba, UNITA's Ileadquan.... in southern AogoIa. rri&oo cove~ ....ry aid package 10 UNITA The New Yorll Timfi Theyhelped promole $avimtli·. line IIlatthe AngOlan mIIl"r; OIleosive

.~., f------J! IIad _ diI«:Itd by. 50YitI 0"""'. ond ..... by eo-. ..,., 50YitI <:0<*01 _ lI'Ie n.ios procesl moghl _ him Ic lllve ros DiI (Ot -..110" ••• , s.vimDi Ills pt<>duoed no..-.ce to ~CMI_ pDUIDIy S4j1ndeo'llliI) ~tcI. The ILCure '" "'" "-Ot SiiI0_ up Ihe_te_"" IOUNlT" ...... __ by b Ia1tI '" l!w __ fIUIll "'" 1 _ .., --.in I'Os 0Cl_ 2S SI*d' to 1he ur-. NIbont. 1'>0 ~ _ ..... """'" p--,. _ be h'-.lIoI IN!""""""_ ""'_..., on ~_I in.o.lgNnstan. ~ (Ctm­ OA ~m corned 0I.t .. IUppOI'I '" ~ callaS. In DodiIo~ ~ AngoIlo and Nicar~ """'" ..... ,.. __ ~ 1he _ "'"s.-s-:l "-,,••• Coo,., ..._ CO" "OC... 01 .... So'* "'-"1 tggressaltrd ~'I roo 'g-oce _Ile ~ ...... ~ t.IndIr a.re« I>"OC8­ _ -. N 1*lIIlo." ANoIn ..-1 __ lIIIOr'lg .... diII<..... _ N adI'.OS1IIIIon .... l'O_ 1 '" h'_' Ic l!w ...... -.I"SI.- w"..- N us. _..-lhe.-.on01_ .....""'.... ""a.ctl ocel'. ItyIolU.s._ 00I'*:lI1_-... IhI-...o. -=unfy -.The _. pttIC8ISl ,,_."" "",...~ dO I ,w,." ~ 01 SlaM GIotga ShJU. ... """'" _ nor know .. a.ctl M_ oce hid ~-. __~1heI,NT"~a""-"l9'I"Io-""""_ .. ...,.()cIoDtr '" _ RIp...... ~..-I'lcotr1_ ,~. ,_••~••• ...x- '" _ ...... """_ "'9"l 00 IA'III"II ....'" ....,..a.-.oe 10 discoIAgoI- c:::a..oo ,,""*1 tIiIl .....,e&mIt .. In"~ 1 ,'* 21 tpCOOIChlleknl SId:! SlaM EU-.__ - MlIW __I Detoeb'.'"""'" ...... "'C.10_. _ ..... 01 0bIn tooPIlI'Cl Noo,or;." 1'lDIsplls-[1N! AioegotI o..ar-l_"'· _ ... conw-o.e '" ...... _ C009 III '... MoI;h!I, .. ros .-. _. "9"IY .. IIJIIPOIIlN!heruoctll'lo:otlol.--_Iigl'IIIoI~- The.-,., .....__ 10 sn.At...... 'll1lW U.s. "-'IOf UNIT"...... ,. llW Ps_'1cI:l • I70llP CI ~ -NIt • -.._ • o:::ooe'I ...... tItgoC lIUI. """II.-..ry- CongresstTw> Jodt 1f.tInp.,.., _ .....1.."-'01 UNIT"I_lle_ ...... '""'....,...... -..~Atovor>'I_ •__ 101he UN. po.cJIdy """'. e:t>on<:e '" "v:ess ngN ..--...... 1M _ l'O~ _ lin jI:Jor6:l .... _ClShJU. 0-. _2.1he"" VO'l , ...... -.madI.._ ~- """""'qlO...... rwporlI, seer..., 01 repc:ot.a INC SIluItL __Ily!he po,doc cnIoaSm II'Cl o;:onIIOo sm.Sl'Ulzancl __lIIonollicllll.-_lroIU-S-ClWI -..,.....-.ong ""ltDIr.IIad"'-...tllcU-1aoI on'"'"!.NT" _ put_ !he golIIIIc 01 • ,.._peece _,.... Itld. Qban _ IIad no oIljljc:k>.", IlIdting 1 """"" mirCaty 1oOl1Jft9'1lm. lrOOll OIiIrd"lwaI kom """"""' by oupporlo'll UNIT" "'" PfO"'dnlI _.__ Congr..... """"" Congteosoonllll .....-s _ $0...... 0 covet! ,_I'*' _ 1iO, n.. __... an n:r«litlly """ ~ lO Pe\lpef in _ill' ~""'" --"'lhey l'IIlll/'lot .,-.. posilJon IfI'I'w;II wiI IIIXJIIQO fUl lib WT\II ~ ""' impttsllOl'ltl'lll!'le III~ inl'oduced his DiI orv.,o 10 aweosel/'lot Q.(>o.n ~everc I $peeO PlI_eIy ".-.ceson~3110 CIolllle Peppet IlIaII ~ neIl>ed""'lI>IigIIl CO" 1I>I_..",.IISl....-IO"'IlNI..... 0111< bid< his 121 ,..."., ...... - lIId ~ ...... -. _ 1M ,."._..~.he CCecl!he ~ '" ""DiI ..llogocIl 1<1"'-11"""" ~. wiI be toward ~• .....,. 11(\ bill -...uplcll\tl_On_l2."-..-....'...... ~iI._U1Ih8y_ beCk."lhI_oce'""''''''''''''''' ploo _ IhI _ ~ CO" NncII l6golg IIJIIPOIIIOf _ .-ary__ The CO*! .-_ be ~'ed-.ce. ..ouc:.1I'Ie Ievelol ~_ ""'9 " __Il1O issua. SowttJ "'"~s...."""""1"*.. Il.IIW'W'Il UNlTA. The ~nglng Polttbl Situation UNITA Aid Opponents Respond

• _1f'IIIIIy..-0.tcllNIPeppoo'l biI ""IJhl CQ'I'I up_1III In 'espc:o_ '" Itoe c:.o.v- II'Cl ....__, p.JStI 101 loll CongI ...... IN! pending fO;I1 "",""",.-00. I Q •• _ '" iItcI ,..""" "'!he House Seo".'''' --.. tIcuM "'" a_,,_,_WdpIt,tIIgItI~I-c.rC'g .-_ Co>M .11. """'*' more ...., _ -.g"" ... 10 be 1O".'ibios"'c.orv:-IA'III"IIOIJI_ ,1c""'l,NTA.ThoI_ " hallc_lla" I ''''__100<_110 ••_.N Ilrt.". 20-_ C009 OIl ElIIdI Caucus _._ a.o"., "' ..&6::0,., on FonIogn Optr.,.. Oavod Otley _.dingSUCh I oce ...... "... __~ 1D-W1~lIIIloo< " ...... "'b FlI pet 1M Si"'MeI Ned"'" bill leIInd ID-Tx~ eathetine !lr"'-'SSN, ~ MCIIIIlrowne, Father Tal WIS lutnon.lal (1I.<,ng 11'>0 IL.CIlOn:Illioo phase "'1M budge! prCICISI. tilyd&n and "",n.n S<:M1c. Neatly lilly partlOplt"'ll O/5l'I...... tlOllS "'I~ Uwolly orv.,o ..... OII'IIIIbuIlmerodmeriI can beallac"",, 10 1110 CR, and WI$IIing!oo.t>ased Soulhern At"". WOtIco'lIl Group ho~ earlil< sere I con!,ovet'"1mendmenll I""h as Poppet'S boll are normally ,..-00I.t lett... IDclotlef 29) 10 member. '" lho Ho;/OIa: and annoo.n:ed tM Cl(c....tion 01 a "Coovnon Lener or> is moraimportanltobaCk UN ITAagain5lthe 01!elJed COtTVlIUtlist UVeal Ar>;/OIa" to Pffl$idenI RealJ'!n. endorsed ~ se"",al na!lOr"l8l cogani- from tM C«<>ans and S:> Stx.Ah /lJrica. Consequenlly, ~ lhe U.s. provides ai<110 $oU:h /lJrica'. ID-CAj,J"'n[boo (D-CA), ~G,ay (D_PA).Jim Leach(fHA), SIuan proxy UN(TA In an~ IOfm, ~ wil be helping South Attica implemenlo. McKirne~ (R_CT). Jim Olin (D-~A), Bnd Bt.doch haS produced t.Ol!OId .ulIenng IOf 1M aspec! ol this slralegy IS to gel sa.",al members who \'Clad Ic repeal peoples 01 AnI/OIa Bnd southern Altica. ~ ~1"",",,"pS the etar1< AmerKlmen1. buI who owoseaid to UNITA, 10 sign on As W1;l F..,hermore, Us. aid to UNITA Imps. IOilh ""lOt to press, onehund'ed and one rnembets 01 CC<'lg,ess tIII~ signed AI,ica and set becl< 0""" (urther crucial talks \Wh AnI/OIa rega'ding the len.. to Reagan buI only two oIth&se tIII~ \'Cled for ,epeal ol the NalJllblan independenCe and a ";lhdtawal at Cuban Uoops k<)(Jl etar\< Amendment The~ _e Cong,essmen UMy Boggs (D-LA)and Angola. Prior to1h& ,epeal ollhe Cler\< Amendment lhegovernmont ol BUow th&y stand on this issue. ,egronal peoce I"IeQOllalions, ArQala compIe1ety brOke ell tlllks On Nowlmber 6, CC<'lg,essmon Ted WBISS n,Od...cntl a biI (HR loIIowing lhe asr\< Amendment ,epeal_, Angola is po-epamgicn Posl inte,view Angolan P,esOdent Jose Eduatclo Cos respects k<)(Jl1h& now ,epealntl etarl< Amendmenl, FOf ""ample, flO samos, llisrtlng New YeuI- W8...ould "'"wanllo 'esolUlion an", B 'equest ~ th& President, No such prollisoon is ~tMI 'ole ","s bHn de$lr(lyil(I," He saki Angola was S1in prepa'ed 10 comained in lh& Weits bill In atte<:l, H.A. 3690 would have 10 De negoltal. a phaSIl(l wi\l>dtawol 01 mosI. 01 the Cuban l'oops. reopen ,epealed e< arnerKlad t:>e1e t"'s ,ecentlyplay to indicale mal h& believed ai<110 Bendel. a scholar or> ArIQOIa oM proiesSOl at !he SChOOl ol UNITA ~ tIl:C set"" U.S. inl"'....s and that -negotiations ell.. Iha Inle.eccli"" EditOf, Th to Savimbi among th& 0Ih&' bIa"" nations'"Ihat part 01 Altica:' ~~. Th& S\l ArQala, held NOIIe~ 12, ""'~ testimony only nom members ol Congress. Appeanng and $pQllking in (avOf 01 UNtTA aid were Cong",samen Jim Cetl Solarz (D-NY) and Too Weiss (O-NY). UNITA aid supporler. stressed the anli·,x,ntr'''Jnisl, anti-$OW>t, anti-Cuban laClOt as ttle most importo". o'gUtnCfll (Ot ~S Congi {'ifI/lQ and SOUIh Alncan fOfeigrl ConQresamen G'a~ 0<>:;1 Me Hugh poinIeo outthe needfor eong,e.. Minis"" PO<. BO/Ila. and !head """;st'ation noltoignore AI"canopinion or> 1"'"isSYe, bel to I0OI< to 0 (Ot g..ooanca. They ciIe:pressed in earty No"""'bet ..men a key grGUP ol /lJrican building sUpporlle< UNITA Ihey ie Slt~ng omba.sadorsatll>e United Nation. met with Us. amt>atsadOt ~emon apsrtheid \WtWT Pretoria's""'" !XII(lets arod throughOUt SOUltlem Wafte,. to exprll$' their conc",n at><;x.l: and opposition 10 eIlorts Alric:a. U.s. assistance 10 Soul" AI,ica·. 0Qer11 UNITA "';1 helpPretoria """'""'""Y to aid UNITA. miitarjy nlmiBid opponanls,. WINTER 1985 3 , Mounting Unrest Sparks South African Economic Crisis 01#1 Ah;::o'. ~ ....._,... ~ 10 ~ __ Ir;r r- ...... __ poO",- by __.'" KGO'" ~CQl_"Iot"''''ln " __~.The , ,.,d __., "'."'11. The-._.-d lIgI'Il d IDrftgnQlP&ll,. lIl -..tI-SaNI.n~SlII"'t..... SoI.th_·SKGOt., ooI....,..,1IlItI epIr1hIicl C(l<'Qns""""'" __makng.,... _ .."y .... ~ $llItJiIiI)o, Nt Ihe e<>untry Is", a "'~ SlllgOI" ,..... high lnIflt'e$I.n,Il"'lat'o'''~" (inflation pr_nIIyIll"""'" 16'lIo), _. '",rn::>il wiI ClDat1y es<:alat.." Ac<:ordoncllO , o-.t financlll I r>cl orcp. in the price 01 geld and _ minetal••r. amongthe mall'1 rHtlSS "Miele, ''The> UlVeslla now so serioustlIIt1 ~ 011 _ d 10 puIIE Accoodio ... 10. ~ 9 G_ (Brl"""* SorA> A/nQI', a.w _!tie ____• """' _ ...... coo __" IhalIlW ..-.I privMe •••:::1< Moll .allll by • -.. 10 .-!he ...... 01 _"risk ..Sct.eI-'InI..._tal_I_~lOcain _10 (J() .way ...... l!oe tIUic: _ d __ "long """"""" lOa'" •• Illey mal..... ~1 ar' I'lOl cd.", n IOlInI BusinIIs COO\'IIl'IUI'li Ktlona have _ fl_ by the _ ...... 1)eIor. ttleor malurily doalN, lhe 'act thai SoI.t~ Alr;ctl', loreigo1 (IoIIll econonw:: $lluation SUd me tlYHt lh;lI f cons/ll..... 10' lho usualy .rnounIa 10 IppO>n lIvMng D....ness f8Q0I, Quo e""mple is me rate III C lila ne.. twel•• montl'lS. presMila. fTIll/OI threallol"" banl:lred ...... _.N1>e lIoId _counta d So:Ul> by u.s. and _ U-_ TIwe ompor\Itll llIclor "*-'cI l!II ...... III IN ~~ In n'IOMlS, I ,.. _ tel l!oe IinanaII i "'ilIlIOooalhtolol. * and n(ll ~Oylha "0...... _1hliI sc.... A/nc.lO bMn ...-10...... IS' _ ...... 1lI ...enonnoo-,.ooo;lII ·_.. __d~-... __..~eo.rranI_~ KGO'L llc>yaa s..c....,~ ,,*,,_ tlOyCClIllI __ On 0cI0I>M 23. So:Ul> _ -. ~ .. _ """'"by 8Itdc 0IIIlU:IW$'" _ r ....on""",*, ~-.PII"aIII_a_.1IfIC8 -'YSopoo"bio, _ Swosa tIId< """eola ko ~..,...on::tllfrljI .._IllII~ _U> Ffb~....-qas,,_Tt.a-.g/l"Oalllo!C l*_••anI.1i1Dng llIlhe StaM III El,."..., r-boyuAlS are IIW begi.... III • _ III "_lIP ....,. 2ll u.s. .-.d W_ _II kn:o'Ig _ poiIlK:aI CO· •.. 10 lie....byl!oe_ e~_ Tho So:Ul> Ah::on oIliciok ~ 0Ul IhliI sc.... "'""""Y 90"'""'.01. wr.ae _ "' lha CIlIIIllI Ptro eu-1fId AIrico',dWtJl prOlllem _ tIriclly poibctl .. nIIl...as OJ , d 10 l!oe East __ ~ ~,.ngong "'"" 3O-H)O...... KG...ftc RIIIUfe III __ aisas III TI'Iifd _ alUI'IIriwo. (COfIfRJe<1 0"\ page 8) U.S, Bu,lneu COmmunity Response VJAJ """'" "',_l'!I"'D """" W1U•.,...... ".." ~""'"' ....., A.ecorWlQ to PtesO»r"tl Reagan'S Execcfive Or"",, ligned on Hlllll''-''''WW- 011 ,tj_1N(I Ii. ","I_IY, ~ 9, Us. IOtons to me SoI.th lIlr;ca.n 00V8l""""" miIbrt. and \ "_.lOes1hal.erIofot~.el>Oilntd,{Thete..e_" ~_lnltle""'._,_~_tue!'o_lJolhougn • \W)' 1imUlcl .. d _au...... -.""'- on SoI.eI_ IVCoql Ile exec.- Onlor, .....,. U.s. Iii ...... _ _ ...... lOgOllotyOnd1he....,...'_iao.-..lnlle l1/Rb1~ e....*.. Oroe_So:Ul>Aln::a•• ...,... ,.1_,,",.11. _T'OIt~"b~ 0ISl EoOCp 'i1 CDI;wluI

!'Ie apaMeid I)OVef1'1rnent haS _ad waf "!>ainSl the areas andtawn, pre>'iously ,.-,o:oucned t>y 8CIS 01 rebelion. Me",,_. "T an~'aparthOid people oI!his land." cr>a'll'ld one sell"" at ANC l/II9I'*"s have Slepped up their mililary campaign againsl the a ,,,,,,,nt meelirlg in Cape Town. Six hundred mileS away, l/OV«nmenl, staging more armed .nadar thera WilIO Oncreasing ,e~s lhat demonslfl>tOlS I'Iad begun linng back al POiCe Roots of the Crlsls wilh guns. The filSl while pok:eman ....s killed t>y an ang'Y CI(>Wd in 8 lown$l'lip (l<.(side Cape Town in late OClobel. In .arty N"""rTtleI. the The widespread ."" escalaling 'liQlence thai !\as swept South govemmonl placed t'lll"( reSlriclioos on pr.ssCOIIerage OIlhe .....est. a Arric. over lhe IIlISI tOOlloon monIhs can be lfaced in part back to I'I'I(IV(l whicn anli·apanheid theOlOgian AJlan 6oeS3l< __ would 1984, when !he governmenl 01 Prime MinI$let P.W. Bot"-...-.veiIeO. allow the natioo8lisl ~nl to -kil liS in peace:' new consliluliOn. 60ItIa cle<:lared the new constilullOn • major The prrkifty tor an end to v.1l~. minOtiIy rule. Mor90","" majority, was seen in South Africa's sprsv.1ing blac:k ghellOS a•• "OIerli ,ebelb1 t>y the I)IacI< majority haS ~ over into wrwte ...eas lurtrl(tt' enIrencr"""f'JI 01 aparttl8ld's racist "N. Anli-"I'snheld com· for the r~Sl time. including the businass dlstliets 01 Cape Tcrwn and munity l1'oup$. cnvrc/1 cy gr'ioIence and, in some 01 the United Democtatic F,onl (UDF), ar!laS, open wanare in lhelown$l'lips. The black oommUllily ~eeted the new conSlit~ with bOyce blaCk oboo! ~. lui 1,0'8- In lata S8p1ernt>ar. 91 bu sr.ess Ieadeyment "",,'ed and IUI1heI ,e!orms.lncluding lhe a~ 01 racial d>SClimi'lation, fI89Oli. I"~ e<:n:Iitions oetl>"ioraled, U>e proleslS e~utred 1M ertire nation. ations wiln black leader$, and lUI ~$I'lip for d. Some busnessmen The poIIlical an6 orll8.'"zstional di'ectioo 01 mu::h oIlhe ,-.00to .v..., called for P.W. Bo!M', ,es;gnation. Nel'el1heless, the bu..",•• date Is cOI,..sta,1I wiU'l S ca~ try the IINC, the OIdeSI Soulh Af,ican cornmunly Os sti~ a long way from addressing black demands, E\I9Il kbelatioo "",,,,,,nent. 10 '"rnalJ many alSo spartheid unworkallle: PlOlesl$1I\ U>e lowrt$l'lip have rna6e a special stiI reject any negoliatOons IlaIween the governrnenl ar>J tl'ol ANC, woet 01 members OIlocal communily COIIl'ds, POiiCemen and otherS Moreover, two 'ecenl op;nioo polls nave dramatically iII"sualed ll'ol wtlO "'a""'" as "coiaboralors" WIt~ white """"'ily rcAe. ncreasing poIalll8~on occ""ing in So\.OJ1 African socialy. One SCO"ly, ''The YOU"ll people are say;"II, belore we I)eI U>e while rnan over conducted try the Ga~UP organuatioo last OClober, Io<.nd that two. lheIe Wll mUSl "'mO.... this b.".... whictl is lhe blacl< coIIaborll1or:' lhirds 01 urban ""tes beIieIIed black majority nJe wotJd """'"come to e.'ioIeotly ~ he wonllisten: By July, I.Oban bIadck adee powers 01 .,.""" has entered a new stage Ongolng ConlrontaUon characterized ... by open

Fa rIrom 'estoring •or""':' howevill. U>e amergency deClaration has warfare in the townships. Decome an .xeuse lor lhe govemmen! 10 escalate the level 01 violence. The daily death lat. from poIiIrcal l'ioIence has more than tripled. and a new \I8fleI'ation 01 lea,less young prOlestors are lion'S construcrive angall8menl alianee WIth ..nle minOIiIy ,,,",-an confronting pOlica st>olguns ar>J ,ubber bi..Cel, wiln Slones and allance wIIich. acc<>rdi"lg to Assistant SecreC"'Y 01 Slate CheSler ga...... boInr>$. The ClISCk trade llniGhS, whictl had aeti""'Y cam· 00<:1<81. was base81 sucCllSS 01 Prime In the tace 01 ongoing ""'Sla""", lhe government has baMll(l Minister Sol ha'S("'101m) program ar>J the lllndjlion 01 tile ,eIatiorrs. t>IJIa "Cledil>e" appearance

wtNTEFlI98S 5 J 01 C/l8l1ge was. CrocJ<.n<:ed, The Pre_nl's actions, B..c choose lhey er$ h(>lJll!le _ Alrica subCon'\IT>ttoo Ia.t j'OOr. -n'sImport8ll1 welIara at blac1&<>Ce wiIh tl'1(l wllltes wIlO rtJl1 the place." So important, In expenClaI>le .. I aaid __ .thal he waS a ~,"(:i$l. It!'On!< I ShOuld say fa~. lhal CheSler Crodliclzed IeIIer from Clocker Continuing Alliance with Aparth&ld to tormer U.s. Serlator Paul TSIlI"IgM. IIlIlpril Oltr-.is year, secretary 01 StOle GoogeSt'o.rtlz was still argW'lg AfIIIough "cooslruc1iwl engagement" has now been compIe1ety thaltl'1(l Bolha government was relormisl: he lold the Nat"",aI Press dlwOdiled,the Reagan adnWistralion rnalt'l\lWl$ll$ aliance'M1Il White C1u~, "'There haS !>een more reform In SooJ:h Mica In the pasllou South Alrica. "SWh Alrica i. no! a tOlallarian socieIy;' Jll. In a ITIaJOI loreign poicy ad(iless, staled that the U.S, suppress !he mushlllOllling ,_stance move...... _ nigNty on ~ noI oppose the while lTIIrIOIiIy govelnment "We have hierlds U,S, Ie\ev;sion SCI"""", have sP",reer 9 Presldenllal cannot abandon them" Far from abar'lClOi'\lrlg Pretoria.the adminjstration has boon .<:lively searching tor new waystosupporlthe legime, Itsmost recent stralegy has been to lal.W>Ch another anli-<:omrllUllist crusade in ~ Ihus diverlong anenlion from South Africa's inler"," siluauon and casling ~etoria as the U,s.'s leading reyional ally, Solh the wtole f-IOuse and memberS at Congress haWlntiatedmoves toP'OI'ida covert and over1 aid to South Alrican-~acked UNITA _S lighting the l...-.g MPLA party in Angola (see 'elated article). Ilonically, at a bma """" the American people nave 'ejected any association ""h Pretona. Wa.h_ ington is lorging a miIilary alliance WIth them, As we enter the new yeal. the anli'apant>a;d ITlO'VerIIenl must!dependenc:e and , \ CJbIe our e/lorI.1O fight .~ the Reagan admlnIstralJon's attempt toframe the SIluatlon in SCUlhern Mica in Cold Waf terms. """l because 01 Bolha's raSlridioos on media COVllfage. anti-aparlheid aet'v;Sls in lfWS COIKJlry wiI "".... to work harder to malnlain popular a"1lreneSS at the inl

Divestment Movement Forges Ahead

1'1(1 divestment rnowtmerol eortJnues to score s...ccesses alan 01 the "",vemenl'. goal, In the paS! year. over \8 U.s. corpora"""" amating rate. II tQlal ol 14 states and state a~es.42 cilies llnch.rding MOlOlola, Peps;, Cola. and AppIe~)M"'l partially or T and counties, and over 65 coIeQeo and _Mias ha"'l totally disjrwested from Soulh Alrica. approved _men! "",""IXesaUecling over $5 billion In stocks of US The delerioraung situation in SWh Atnca has also axposed the OOfporalions doing bus;,..,.s In SouIh Alrica, $evan of the stat. laiiadou. arguments olthe anIl-divaslment torcas, laciOtal'ng the policies. 17 of the local potcias, and 18 of the COIeOe policies ha_e pa...... 01 drveSlmenl bUs. II recall! pol 01 r.wban alaCk South been aSidiary 01 the GaikJp Corporauon fOr lhe Lor>;IOn S'-""*'y Times aOOpled in Oclooer,targetS$l.l billion instate nobng',_Ihe New I...... lhal 7790 lallOled dlsin...mment Ukewise, those surveyed Jersey aClion, laken in August aKeets S2 billion in Iinteen unat:Me to co.rb any at South Mica's IT1OIJIl!ing ~. The erodedthe moral detensitlility01 continued Invoolment In theapartheid unreS! ha. demon$llaleslgndicance 01 some 01 these fi-rns' ragiIna. Seconeen closed bycootu>uing sdIool boycoIIs. p1ummetlee Wugg/e 01 tile Namibian poo/JI6. NAMIBIA UPDATE

The U s, policy oI"conSlrucllve engaQernfl(ll" contin"". to imp&de t'lQrthem, t'lQrt!>e.srem and north_n N.mitloa ha"e been attaclunce ~. recenl inslalla~on 01 SCplembe< by WOA, SWAPO 5ecrlllary General Toivo ja Toivo said an '1n1erim govern""""'" in Namibia, stOll tis r.-peated mililary there wil he no let·up on the armed $IIuggWl ""bl South Alr". "",ursionsirtoMgolain IIiolaliotl oIlhe U,s.·broler Ch..Ch andcommurutyIOad",s, whO currently are betng Pla, a pr;ndpol Congress Considers Namibia legislation pally 10 lhe negotiatl(lll" said rl WOy Congresswoman Pal Sohroodet Slated tW$ ~OC$s 10 ponicipale in fUMe negotialions 10 achieve (D·oo) lhis bII. in eccoroance ""lh UN Decree ~1. ~ prohil:>it Namrtloan lnde-pande""" and bring peace 10 Angola (..... co"", in"""lrnen1ln Namrbia anpposed lhe biI, oIIicer Hidipo HamUlenya recently desCrit>ed the SouIh AllIC&n· arg~ thai ~ WOUld conSlltUl$IIllIed last lagi$la~"" authOr~y!O lhe UN Co\.ox:ll t<:< Norribia" the decr"", 01 July as " fun her cleIaying lactic by Prllloria 10 ",a"enllhe Implementa_ wt»cn lhe U.s. "oice open 10 us is to tighl.- he FUI\heI. Ctoclia have a<:tmtted lhat UN Council, Ambassador N0e4 Sinclair. argued thai passage 01 H.A. there has been "a dc1lnOlrl escalati",," in the acti\fitie$ 01 SWAPO's 2589 WOUld be a "clear and unequi,ocal message"1rom the U,S, to rmtary WIng, the People's Ube

NEWSBlUEF Weak Regulations Accompany Reagan's Executive Order

On $eplember 9, 1985 Prtl$loont Reagan rssued Exewtlve apanheiy tho adrnim$lfation The E,O. rncllKled a ban on loans to IIIe South Atriean government, ey the computer export ro-slriclions, compuler exports, The ragulations cont.med lhe concerns 01 In • Nl:wcrnber a letter 10 Cammerco 5ecratary MalCOlm many an~·epartne'" activiSl' who reaJtI(I thai onca the E.O. was Bafdrrdge sn Senat"'s C1~",il;ed the proviSIon saying ~ "senOUSly issued Ihe MmlnlSlra~on wot.Can on compul", sales and is n01 consiSlenl WIln the prO';sions. firS!, IIIe ragulations corneJn a so-called "Comract­ provision 01 lhe Exewti..... Ord", 01 Ihe .menl 01 CongreSS,­ Ssnotlly" "ause, whICh means that coolraCls rn"""'ng compuler Members oIlhe House senla similar Ictter. The ragul.lions COIIIain bu..""s. ooal. enlered into bel",e E,O, 12532 ",as pullliShed ""m ..."",al other wealed ,n an analysis a....ilablc 110m NARMIC, Americans Friends by s...,hconoaets Wli continue to I.....to South Alricangovernment 5e

WINTER 1965 1 Divestment Movement, conMu«I~ompage6 South African Economic Crisis, COft/Jll

Coo1iouous eIIOoycons have 008<1 so <:QUtlCiIs, a,..; t>oa,d ,ooms aaoss tha c:ourtIY, raising !he f)OIIJcal s...c<:e$sh,' Il'lat while tlusinessmen In SOOIe01 the mosl hatdinea,eas costs 01 s~ opoJsl dM:e anIJ.apar1holld not _ the tokIwing \lSneralion v.iI be nrIed by _a '" black SlrU\lllIe by lhe Free South Alrica Movemen! a"'; lly _alion 1", people,butthai it \WI t>ol e viable countryaMlhal1 .,;~ not bedeslIoyed SIale a"'; local _Slmen! is t>eing meimaioed t"'ough tha PlOCUre· by \OIOIence ariJsrness cOOlm

Washington Office on Africa 110 MarylaM Avenue. N.E. Washington, D.C, 20002 (202) 546-7961

5<0 __ nat« We r_a '15.1VU1 ~'" """"'" !his ...... ,... 009_ ...... on So<.cnern Alricon _ AddotOOeI copio. 011'" iSsua ar••v.;lal>la 'or 25< aacl1 for 1·10; 20C eaoll "" II-$); 1l.< _" for ~ 50 00pi0a (_ 35'JlI for POO'O\lOl-

...... of "'" WuhlngIon Otka on AI""" AmaJvamatad ~ _ T_ W"",<.. \Jhotr; The Amwican CoIm'illea "" "'rica: Tho 4IrIorican LLllhe<.n C/1...cn. OM"""for Wor'cl. L...... , Church ill M'IeIIco. ClfvLl!c.... illAmorica. Soctad He.n F."""", SocOoty lor Alricon Mi$$ions IS A Frlther.~ UtVIoO A>Aomc<;;lo, AerooI»<:e •.-.l ~u.. Inl\llOm,,,, Work<>ts « Amarica, UAW; unIoeO Oven 01 CtwisI. Board lOr Wor'niolfooo. and ~ lor Church in So<:ioly. UNed ~ CI>Lllc/l. "'rica 0lIi00 and W""",n'. OM""" 01 6oot'WO'~ """ cia.. moil _ ...... by: ...... 61_ LIN croomo, D-.. SmIlh, P..... !'leo.. _ to 00f'Id LIlI • CIlOrvt.