The Jewish Diaspora of the Graeco-Roman Period
The Jewish Diaspora of the Graeco-Roman Period Jonathan J. Price The Cambridge History of Judaism vol.2: The Hellenistic Age, edd. W.IY Davies and Louis Finkelstein, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989, pp. xvii + 738. Diaspora Jews and Judaism. Essays in Honor of, and in Dialogue with, A. Thomas Kraabel, edd. J. Andrew Overman and Robert S. MacLennan, South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism 41, Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992, pp. xvii + 368. William Horbury and David Noy, Jewish Inscriptions of Graeco-Roman Egypt, with an Index of the Jewish Inscriptions of Egypt ad Cyrenaica, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp. xxiv + 378. Pieter van der Horst, Ancient Jewish Epitaphs, Kämpen: Kok Pharos, 1991, pp. 179. Joseph Mélèze-Modrzejewski, Les Juifs d ’Egypte, Paris: Armand Colin, 1991, pp. 216. Paul R. Trebilco, Jewish Communities in Asia Minor, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, pp. xvi + 330. I The books under review are only six of the many which have recently come out and deal, declaratively and explicitly, with the “Jewish Diaspora” of the Graeco-Roman period. The new volume of CHJ, which appeared 15 years after its articles were written,1 con tains an article by Η. Hegermann specifically on ‘The Diaspora in the Hellenistic Age” (115-66), and the other 17 articles in the volume were commissioned and written accord ing to standard dichotomies: Palestine/Diaspora, Greek/Semitic, politics/religion. Since the volume was first conceived, these last two dichotomies have come under increasing scrutiny and methodological challenge; the first has not.2 Α.Τ. Kraabel, the honorand of Diaspora Jews and Judaism, has devoted his career to the evaluation of “questionable as sumptions”3 about the “Jewish Diaspora” — starting and ending, it seems, in Asia Minor, particularly Sardis — and the outdated appearance of CHJ II is partly due to the authors’ inability to consider his challenge to the views that Diaspora Jews were syncretistic, zeal One of the main editors and six of eight advisory editors are no longer alive.
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