Buchlyvie Community Council Thursday 18 April 2019 Buchlyvie Village Hall Minutes (draft)

Present Evan McLean (Chair), Ian Bremner (Vice Chair), Bill Keeping (Secretary), Val Brand, Alison McGilvray, Anne Winther

In attendance Councillor Graham Lambie, Pam Campbell ( Council), and 5 members of the public

1 Apologies Ambreen Rasool, Gary Martin (police).

2 Declarations of prejudicial interest Evan McLean declared an interest in a section of Planning relating to mail exchanges with Councillor Farmer and agreed to temporarily hand over the chair for that topic.

3 Minutes of last meeting on 7 February 2019 The minutes of the meeting were approved by Val and seconded by Alison.

4 Matters arising Deep Clean: The deep clean was performed in February. Although there were positive responses from some residents, the lay-by, path in front of the Church and Village Hall car park were not covered. These areas were further reported to the Council and since then the path and lay-by have been completed bar one diseased tree, which has to be felled. The car park is still outstanding. Action: Val to follow up with Stirling Council regarding outstanding items. Imagining Buchlyvie 2026: This was a very useful project which identified key projects and their relative priorities in 2016. The original priorities have now probably changed and it was agreed that there needs to be further discussion on whether, and how, the project can be progressed. Action: Identify the final version of the Imagining Buchlyvie document and publish on the BCC website (Alison / Bill). Action: Send out project list to BCC team members for initial review of priorities. Village Pub: The registration of interest was never able to be completed. There were issues related to the application happening after the building was put up for sale and legal issues related to attempted use of the Buchlyvie Community Association (BCA) as the organisation for the registration and buy out. The pub still remains up for sale. Action: Evan to track status. Action: Identify community assets to consider for registering for community interest. BCA: The BCA still has a registered address of East Arivain and the accounts for last September have not been received by OSCR. (These are required by end of June). Action: Anne to follow up on status of BCA. Village website: The final payment from the Community Council has been paid and Bob Sparkes has received written communication that there will be no further payments. 5 Councillor’s update Councillor Graham Lambie presented his report. He highlighted some areas including the following.

Following a re-tendering process some of the High School Contracts have been awarded to Carr’s of Loch Lomond. (See more under section 9).


Buchlyvie appeared to have the highest number of submissions in Forth and Endrick ward under the ‘Your Stirling: You Decide’ initiative.

There has been £182,486 allocated for Buchlyvie area under the Roads maintenance program for 2019 - 2020.

6 Treasurer’s report The additional expenditures since the last meeting were the final payment for the village web site (£129.44p) and miscellaneous stationery costs (£30.69p). In addition the new bicycle racks were purchased from the previous awarded Community Pride grant. The petty cash was banked. Net assets are £2,191.77p.

7 Police report The main incidents reported related to anti-social behaviour near the school, continued speeding of vehicles through the village, a road traffic accident on the A811 near Buchlyvie and a theft of a battery from temporary traffic lights.

In addition, there are general warnings and advice related to sheep worrying, shutting out scammers, Rural Watch , hate crime.

The report again emphasised that the community officers PC Stephen Graham and PC Gary Martin are easily contactable on 101 or at [email protected] . 8 Correspondence and Communications The generic email buchlyviecc.gmail.com is fully in use and has been used by the community to successfully communicate with the Community Council.

The website www.buchlyviecc.btck.co.uk was launched and now contains all the meeting minutes for the last 2 years, as well as details of the scheduled meeting dates.

The Facebook page www.facebook.com/buchlyviecc/ is live and in use. Everyone was reminded that it was the role of the Secretary to publish information on behalf of the Community Council. This will normally be published on the Community Council Facebook page and then shared, by the Secretary to Buchlyvie Banter, where appropriate.

There had been one written communication, relating to doorstep callers from Stephen Kerr MP, which had been determined as being political, so was not distributed.

A key communication was the announcement of the ‘Your Stirling: You Decide’ initiative. This has been widely communicated and there have been a number of ideas submitted by Buchlyvie. As at 13 April, 2019 there had been 77 applications from Forth and Endrick ward with 25 relating to Buchlyvie. Almost all of these are roads related - with 19 specifically citing traffic calming/pedestrian crossing in the village.

There were also emails from Stirling Council reminding Community Council of the rules governing their operation. This included notification that agendas and minutes need to be posted in public places. It was proposed and agreed that a notice would be placed on the village notice board informing individuals how to obtain a hard copy of the minutes from the Secretary. This notification would also be included in the Buchlyvie Bulletin articles from the Community Council.

9 Roads and Transport Roads Maintenance Budget and Plans: There has been £4.6 million allocated for road


improvements and modernisation for the whole Stirling Council area in this year’s budget, with £183,486 allocated for projects in or around Buchlyvie, including:

Moderate inlay at the Balwill lay-by (A811) Moderate inlay of the B835 by the primary school Moderate overlay of the B835 at Wester Auchentroig Moderate overlay of the Mye Road

Pot holes: The published timeframes for fixing potholes by the Council is 12 hours for category 1 and 20 working days for category 2.

Roads and pavements: Patching of the road has completed outside the primary school and the bollard has been fixed, but the loose speed ramp has yet to be fixed. Potholes were reported on Main Street, Mains Road and Heights Road. Work started on all three, but only Main Street was completely fixed. The following issues are to be submitted to the Council for consideration: Roads - Montgomery Place, Footpaths – outside shop, onwards up to Hall, wide path at lay-by end church, path/kerb opposite Cottage on Main Street.

Signs: There are issues with the big sign at the end of the Eastern lay-by being down, a sign missing in Montgomery Place. There was also report of a twisted sign beyond at Mye Burn on Station Road (to be confirmed). The Community Council thanks a resident for fixing a sign on Culbowie Crescent.

Overhanging trees: An issue with overhanging tress was reported and fixed.

B835 bottom of Balwill Road: The fence and bollards were fixed quickly after the previously reported accident. There has still been no reply from the council in relation to a request from Val for another safety audit following the accident.

Heights Road: The top soil / seeding of verges due early April and outstanding minor drainage work are still to be completed.

Sunday Bus Service: Consideration is being given by the Council to a Sunday Bus Service. It was agreed that Val would write again to Councillor Thompson and separately to David Hopper, head of Transport, with the support of other local Community Councils asking to prioritise and include this matter on the agenda at the next Housing & Environment review in June.

Balfron C12A Friday/Saturday Early Evening Pilot Buses: Despite suggestions to continue throughout the summer months, the above two services will be withdrawn.

Balfron Depot: First Bus have lost the majority of school contracts in this area to Carr’s of Loch Lomond starting on 23 April. This will have a major impact on the future of Balfron Depot. Buchlyvie children will still travel on the B12 Commercial Services. Late passes including during exams will be required to travel out-with the school contract on First commercial services. BHS may issue travel vouchers.

New Bus Tickets: Balfron Depot have asked that we make residents aware of two new tickets on Firsts network which will greatly benefit local passengers – 7 day weekly travel ticket (£25) and a family day ticket where 2 Adults and up to 2 children can travel anywhere on First Bus network for a day for £14.


10 Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Crossing The residents’ Survey was completed, with a total of 140 completed returns, of which 127 were from residents living in the village. This represents about a 45% response rate. There was overwhelming support (80%) for the idea of a pedestrian crossing on the Main Street. Everyone agreed to note special thanks to Alison and Emma Sutherland for all their hard work in producing the survey.

The Buchlyvie Traffic and Crossing Survey report, with additional material including Notes on the history of traffic calming proposals in Main Street and the Buchlyvie Primary School, School Travel Plan, was sent to David Crighton, Service Manager, Operations, Stirling Council on 25 March. This was accompanied by a request to look again at the issue and bring forward proposals for further consideration by the community. We received an encouraging reply on 26 March, complimenting the community on the information gathered and provided in support of the case.

Our submission also referenced the additional evidence of support for a crossing within the community by highlighting the number of applications to the ‘Your Stirling: You Decide’ initiative which related to road safety within Buchlyvie.

The Community Council are initially looking for the Roads Department to carry out a feasibility study, the results of which would be presented to the community to involve them in deciding on the most appropriate option. Only then would the Community Council make a request to the Council for this optimum option. In these circumstances, the Community Council decided not to submit an application under the ‘Your Stirling: You Decide’ initiative, as the request for a feasibility study appears to fall outside the scope of specific requests that can be costed.

In a further response just before the meeting, Carlyn Fraser from Stirling Council Operations, stated that there was no provision for traffic calming works on the A811 in Buchlyvie within the traffic management or road safety budgets in 2019/20, but they were willing to meet to discuss what might be achieved, pointing out that the ‘Your Stirling: You Decide’ initiative might provide way of providing some funding within the current financial year. There was discussion on the fact that there is a separate road safety budget and it is not clear how there could be no funding available so early in the financial year. Councillor Graham Lambie agreed to check on the budget situation.

It was also agreed that the Community Council should liaise with Buchlyvie Primary School to jointly request a meeting with Carlyn Fraser to explore the budget options.

Action: Councillor Graham Lambie to check on the Road Safety Budget and report back. Action: Alison to draft a request to Carlyn Fraser for a meeting with Stirling Council, keeping Emma and other Primary School parents in the loop.

11 Planning At this point, Evan temporarily handed over to Ian as chairperson. Letter to Councillor Scott Farmer: On 8 March Alison submitted a letter on behalf of the Community Council to Councillor Scott Farmer re-expressing the dissatisfaction of the Community Council on the way the planning process and disposal of waste ground had been handled by Council staff and Forth and Endrick councillors. There has been no reply. It was agreed to close the matter. At this point Evan resumed the chair.

Proceeds of disposal of land behind 49/55 Main Street: Councillor Robert Davies had informed the Community Council that the land behind 49/55 Main Street had been sold for £35,000. The proceeds would be retained by the Housing Revenue Account and will be reinvested in the Council’s housing stock to fund new housing, replacement kitchens, bathrooms, heating, re-roofing, renewable technology etc. This matter was also considered closed.


Development of land behind 45/55 Main Street: Following concerns raised by local residents after work started clearing the site, the Community Council followed up various issues with the Planning Department.

Planning applications: Planning permission has been granted, with conditions, for planning in principle on two plots to the west of Cashley Farm. Plans have been submitted to upgrade Willow Collage in the Main Street and for the porch at Hillhead Cottage on the Ballochnech Estate. It was agreed not to comment on the proposal for a new dwelling house with a sewage treatment plant and soakaway at Lower Balwill although there was a general concern about access on this single track road. This could be followed up later under Roads. Action: Alison to notify the Planning Department that we would not be commenting.

12 Democracy matters No update. 13 Health Care Services – Aberfoyle and Buchlyvie Practices John McLeod, the Practice Manager had informed us that NHS Forth Valley has identified a suitable candidate to provide additional support to GP practices in the rural cluster.

There has been no formal response from Cathie Cowan of NHS Forth Valley about setting up a Forum to discuss issues that arise and the potential to introduce more services within the Aberfoyle and Buchlyvie GP practice areas. It would comprise representatives from Community Councils in the cluster area, the Friends group, NHS Forth Valley and the GP practice. Councillor Martin Earl continues to push for this to be established.

A member of staff at the Health and Social Care Partnership had been in touch about parking problems at the Buchlyvie Health Centre. With additional staff at the Partnership, it was becoming difficult for patients to park and she wondered if staff could park in the Hall car park instead. Having checked with the Hall Committee, it was suggested that any request for parking there should be referred to Stirling Council, who own the Hall car park. 14 Paths There was a Carse of Stirling Partnership Paths Summit held on 16 March. They are looking to set a date for a follow up meeting. 15 Resilience Plans Following an inquiry regarding Stirling Council’s resilience plans for nuclear convoys, a response was received from Alanna Sloane of the Resilience and Risk Team stating that “Stirling Council takes the response to any major incident very seriously and has emergency response plans in place which are designed to be implemented across a wide range of emergencies. The plans follow the principles of Integrated Emergency Management; which deal with the consequences of a major incident, not the cause. These plans are reviewed and exercised regularly with other partner agencies to ensure we deliver our statutory duties.”

Although it was understood that some of the details may be confidential, it was agreed to invite Alanna to the next Community Council meeting to answer questions on those plans.

It was also agreed that Buchlyvie should develop its own resilience plans.


Pam Campbell made clear that whereas discussion on resilience plans in relation to nuclear convoys was within the scope of the Community Council, any meeting relating to nuclear disarmament was considered political and therefore not within scope for the Community Council.

Action: Evan to contact Alanna Sloane to invite to next Community Council meeting. Action: Evan to initiate development of resilience plans for Buchlyvie. 16 Clothing Bank (outside village hall) There are two clothing banks in Buchlyvie, one in the hall car park and one at the primary school. Residents have suggested that the one in the hall car park is surplus to requirements, particularly as it inhibits parking and encourages fly tipping. After contacting Stirling Council, Val posted a request on Facebook and forwarded to those not on Facebook. This resulted in residents contacting the Community Council in support of the clothing bank’s removal and in favour of keeping the one at the school which receives a small income in return. There were no objections to the proposal. At the meeting, Anne raised a concern regarding capacity at the school bin but members present from the parent council were able to explain this was a minor glitch in the uplifting process. It was therefore agreed that the Community Council would request its removal. Action: Val to follow up on request for removal. 17 Car Charging Points In response to a request from the Community Council, Stirling Council responded that they have been working with Transport Scotland to roll out more chargers across the area and a number of sites will have chargers installed in the coming months. Our funding allocation has already been assigned to these projects, however our next round of funding is likely to be allocated in the summer. We will advise Transport Scotland that the Buchlyvie community has approached us and make the case for it to be included in the next funding offer. However, Buchlyvie may be deemed to be sufficiently close enough to Balfron which is due to have rapid & fast chargers installed.

If Buchlyvie was chosen, then the only suitable Council owned land would be the Village Hall car park. It was agreed at the meeting that the Village Hall Committee should be approached to get their views. Action: Bill to contact Village Hall Committee. 18 Questions from the floor Dog noise: The issue with the noise from dogs continues. It was suggested that the issue be reported to [email protected] cc’ing the police ( [email protected] ). Action: Bill (Secretary) to draft mail, get agreement and submit to Stirling Council

Wheelie bins: One resident was told by the Council that there would be a 6 week wait for a replacement wheelie bin due to a shortage of bins. Councillor Graham Lambie noted that the existing grey bins are due to be replaced. Action: Councillor Graham Lambie to check whether anything can be done to expedite matters.

19 Any Other Business Bicycle rack: The bicycle rack has been purchased. It was suggested that the excess money from the grant might be better used to improve the bench near the bus stop rather than revarnish the Village notice board. Ian is still following up to get quotes. Action: Ian to obtain quotes for seat & notice board & progress with work.


Hogweed: Hogweed is appearing through the path on Station Road beyond the Mye Burn. Action: Alison to follow up with landowner. Action: Add hogweed to agenda under Roads

South West Forum: Strathendrick Care Home is not closing but will still be used for short stay respite care. Longer term care will go to Bellfield Centre, Stirling. Stirling Council allocated £300,000 for maintenance over the next 2 years.

Ideas for Ears: Everyone present at the meeting was asked to complete a questionnaire and return to Margaret Sparkes as the Hall Committee are looking at ways of improving the quality of sound in the various rooms in the Village Hall, with a view to possibly obtaining some grant funding. Completed Forms can be returned via BCC or direct to Margaret Sparkes.

AGM: The next meeting will start with the AGM which will include the annual reports and setting dates for future meetings. It was agreed that a regular date would be preferable…… Action: All to consider what is best date e.g. 2nd, 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month (except December). Date of next meeting: 13 June (including AGM).