ADUS Technologies s.r.o. Fraňa Kráľa 2049 058 01 Poprad, Slovakia T: +421 (0) 949 407 310 | E: [email protected] Peter Rusinak [email protected]

EDUCATION 2017 to Technical university in Kosice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and 2019 Informatics Master’s degree in “Electrotechnics and Informatics”, field of study “Computer science“ 2014 to Technical university in Kosice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and 2017 Informatics Bachelor’s degree in “Electrotechnics and Informatics”, field of study “Computer science”


11/2019 to ADUS TECHNOLOGIES S.R.O., Poprad, Slovakia present Full-Stack developer  Samanta Documentation - documentation of existing ERP system based on Java and its subsystems  Expo - java-based project built on jHipster technology (gateway, microservices, registry, eureka, JWT, OAuth2) together with ElasticSearch, SpringBoot, Swagger, Angular and Typescript technology.  Transparex project – project about finance, financial statuses and public procurements based on jHipster, Springboot, Hibernate and PostgreSQL  Doors Next Generation Extensions - plugins for requirement management system named Jazz Team Server based on Java, Javascript, artifacts, DNG API, OSLC API  Elvis - angular-based application for smart and easy management of requirements, users and tasks built on Angular, rxJS, NodeJS and primeNG  Participated on project named HID based on NFC and BLE door unlocking Utilized technologies: Java, Spring, Hiberante, QueryDSL, Swagger, Jhipster, jUnit, NPM, JSON, Visual Paradigm, IntelliJ Idea, jHipster, eureka, JWT, PostgreSQL, Liquibase, , Jira, Docker, docker-compose, DNG API, OSLC API, NodeJS, ReactJS, Javascript, Angular, rxJS, NojdeJS, primeNG, ElasticSearch, MongoDB, MySQL

06/2018 to DATAX COMPUTING S.R.O., Poprad, Slovakia 11/2019 Software developer  Participated on projects in a bank with ecommerce and financial IT systems for loan and mortgage  Lead developer in two projects based on mobile applications: o React Native mobile app for paper producing industry o Flutter mobile app for villages called ‘Obcomat’  Involved in design decisions, responsible for their documentation and communication to developers and testers  Designing nad testing solutions for mobile apps and backend oriented applications Utilized technologies: Java, Java Web FX, IntelliJ, Swing, Maven2, Maven3, Spring, Spring Boot, JDBC, Hibernate, Java Reflection API, Flutter, VS Code, React Native, SQLite, MySQL, MSSQL, Native Android


Smart sensoric environment for virtual-reality systems  A Java application to control Arduino receivers which provide data about 2018 to near environment, position of module (acceleration, compass, gyro, EKG, 2019 skin resistance...)  Besides that, this module is monitoring state of human body for medical and treatment purposes. It can check, if subject is in physical or psychical stress, if subject has higher heartbeat, etc., which can be use to help patient with quicker recovery and coming back to normal life.  The system is based on communication between sensoric modules, Arduino, Raspberry Pi and computer in terms of transition and validation of data. Utilized technologies: Java, Vaadin, Arduino, JavaScript, Json, HTML, CSS, Raspberry Pi, sensoric modules, MySQL, Rest, Spring

Universal position sensor for virtual-reality systems 2016 to  Java application based on sensoric modules and its use in environments, 2017 which need to evaluate current position of subject  Wearable device to checking position, communicating with computer through bluetooth interface  Basic sending, receiving and evaluating data in higher computing system

Utilized technologies: Java, Arduino, MySQL, Json, sensoric modules


LANGUAGES Fluent English, Fluent Czech, Beginner Spanish, Native Slovak

NATIONALITY Slovak, EU work authorisation



OTHER Android, Flutter, React Native, Spring, Spring Boot, Maven, Arduino, KNOWLEDGES Raspberry Pi, JSON, Git, XML, Vaadin, Rest, SQL, MySQL, SQLite, MsSQL, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Java 11, Liquibase, QueryDSL, Sonar, SonarLint, SonarCube, CI/CD, Bitbucket, Jira, Rest Api, jUnit, NodeJS, ReactJS, Angular, rxJS, primeNG, Javascript, DNG API, OSLC API