Carlton Parish Council. Approved Minutes of the Full Council Meeting. Tuesday 27 th March 2018 at 7.30pm Carlton Methodist Church Schoolroom.

Present: Councillors : Cllr T. Clayton (Chair), Cllr D. Leek, Cllr M. Deller, Cllr K. Longfield, Cllr J. Thewlis, Cllr D. Crabtree, Cllr A. Bradshaw Proper Officer/Clerk: Mrs S. Rockliff Members of the Public: Cllr M. Jordan, District Councillor (SDC) and North County Councillor (NYCC), two members of the public. 127. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from Cllr R. Everatt Resolved that the apologies for absence be accepted. 128. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest 129. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 27 th February were considered. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a correct record. 130. Questions from the Public There were no questions from the public 131. and County Councillor’s Report Cllr Jordan reported on an email about Vehicle Activated Signs from NYCC. Resolved that the clerk would forward the email to councillors and for it to be an agenda item at the April meeting 132. Clerk’s Report for On-going Matters 132.1 Double yellow lines on High Street. NYCC had suggested contacting the Civil Parking Enforcement Team to resolve the issue with parking as single yellow lines are in place. 132.2 Golden Garden. Carlton Towers have offered to replace the fence and remove the trees in the Golden Garden whilst they are building behind the Garden 132.3 The date for the cemetery audit has to be changed due to training requirements. 132.4 A card has been sent to Cllr Everatt 132.5 The new village signs and the new noticeboard have been installed Resolved that the clerk’s report be noted. The clerk to request the Civil Parking Enforcement Team visit Carlton. The clerk to contact Carlton Towers regarding the fence and the trees in the Golden Garden. 133. Casual Vacancy Councillors considered the two applications received for the casual vacancy Resolved that Mr P Welburn be co-opted onto the Parish Council. 134. Grant Policy Councillors considered the grant policy for the council comprising of Terms of Reference, Guidelines for Applicants and an Application Form. It was agreed that an additional point would be added to the Terms of Reference regarding a separate grant for the village hall. Resolved that the Grant Policy be adopted by the council. 135. New General Data Protection Regulations 135.1 Councillors considered the NALC GDPR toolkit. Cllr Clayton proposed that the council noted receiving the document and await the outcome of further training. He agreed to work with the clerk on the implementation of the new GDPR. 135.2 Councillors considered further training for GDPR provided by YALC and agreed that the clerk should attend, sharing the cost with Hirst Courtney Parish Council. Resolved that the new GDPR documents be noted. 136. Correspondence Received 136.1 Email from Area 7, SDC regarding notification of events taking place. 136.2 Email from SDC regarding Additional Sites Consultation. 136.3 Southern CEF flyer for CEF at Hensall Primary School on the 26 th April at 6.30pm. 136.4 NALC chief executives bulletin 136.5 Selby Rural Area flyer for Police attending Carlton on the 8 th April. 136.6 Invitation from St Mary’s Anglican Church inviting the council to the induction of the Rev Anna Burr on the 26 th April. Resolved that the correspondence received. Cllr Clayton to attend the induction of the Rev Burr. 137. Planning Matters 137.1 Councillors received notifications of decisions for Norden Alpine Nursery - permission refused; and 2 Convent Walk – permission granted, 137.2 Councillors considered the retrospective application for a conservatory at 34 Broadacres. Resolved to return with no objections.

138. Financial Matters 138.1 Councillors received the current account reconciliation to the date of the meeting: Carlton Parish Council Bank Reconciliation to Date of Meeting Step one Step Two Step Three Step Four Bank Statement Less Approved Payments Not Yet Add Received Income Add Virements 233 Presented Not Yet Credited Not Yet Credited PC PC Closing Cheq Invoice Voucher Receipt Date Balance ue No No Amount No No Amount Min Ref Amount 28/02/2018 £2,787.96 1264 49 £386.16 27 13 £270.00 1265 book £10.00 27 14 £90.00 1266 50 £20.00 27 14 £72.00 1267 51 £69.00 1268 52 £14.49

Total: £499.65 Total: £432.00 Total: £0.00

Balance: £2,288.31Balance: £2,720.31 Balance: £2,720.31

Bank Reconciliation to Date of Meeting: £2,720.31

Resolved that the bank reconciliation be noted.

138.2 Councillors considered payments made and to be made: Carlton Parish Council Income Received and Payments to be Approved Reconciled Bank Balance at Meeting Date: Income Received to be Noted Debit Card Payments to be Approved Invoices to be Approved PC PC Receipt Invoice PC Inv 27/03/2018 Date No: Details Amount Date No: Details Amount Date No: Details Amount cartridge people, 3 clerk's £2,720.31 20/03/2018 mc4 ink £28.20 23/03/2018 53 salary March £310.56 SDC dog 27/03/2018 54 waste bins £425.09 cemetery 27/03/2018 55 rates £315.16 27/03/2018 56 YLCA subs £534.00 sign group permit for 27/03/2018 57 nycc £195.00 27/03/2018 58 sign group £2,990.95 Parish Noticeboard 27/03/2018 59 Co £946.00 zurich 27/03/2018 60 insurance £1,355.11 email & phone 27/03/2018 book march £10.00

Carlton methodist church room 27/03/2018 61 hire March £20.00 YLCA GDPR 27/03/2018 62 training £22.50 Total Income Total Debit Card Payments for Received: £0.00Approval: £28.20Total Invoices to be Approved: £7,124.37

Reconciled Bank Balance to Carry Forward: -£4,432.26

Resolved that the payments be approved. 138.3 Councillors considered the current account status once payments made have cleared and agreed that £6,000 should be vired from the savings account into the current account. Resolved that the current account status be noted. A virement request to be signed by 3 bank signatories. 139. Parish Matters 139.1 Cllr Deller reported that a Public Right of Way across a garden had been blocked. 139.2 Cllr Deller reported that parked cars were blocking the footpath in front of Carlton Garage. 139.3 Cllr Thewlis expressed concerns about vehicles speeding through the village. Resolved that the clerk would write to the owner of the garden with the blocked PROW. The clerk would write to the owners of the garage. 140. Date and Time of Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 24 th April at 7.00pm 141. Date and Time of Next Meeting Tuesday 24 th April commencing after the Annual Parish Meeting

The meeting closed at 8.30pm