The Leprechaun Gold

St. Vincent-St. Mary High School * Volume XLI * Issue 4 * December 2011 First Christmas for “Irish” babies Amanda Sollenger staff reporter Mrs. Meghan Conley and Mrs. Joanna Miller both happily wel- comed their new baby boys at the end of November. Mrs. Conley, who is part of the STVM science department, gave birth to Declan Conley. He was born on Sunday, November 7 at 7:50 a.m. Baby Declan weighs 8 pounds and 6 ounces and he is 19.75 inches long. Mrs. Conley said, “We are doing well and he’s per- fect! I’m still surprised he’s a boy!” Declan’s big sisters Mackenzie and Annelyse are very excited to have a new baby brother. Another member of the STVM science department, Mrs. Miller, Mira Elizabeth Salvatore also gave birth to a baby boy. His name is Zachary Joel Miller and he July 5, 2011 Annabeth Marie Arbaugh was born on Monday, November 21 at 8:30 a.m. He weighs 7 pounds March 28, 2011 and 11 ounces and joins his brother Lucas.

Brynn Madison Wesig July 29, 2011 Amelia Joelle Price March 31, 2011 Last school year and over the summer five members of the STVM staff welcomed babies into their families as well. Mr. Salvatore’s wife, Mrs. Knapp, Mr. Griffin’s wife, Mrs. Price, and Mrs. Arbaugh all gave birth to happy and healthy babies. In March, Mrs. Brooke Arbaugh welcomed a new baby girl named Annabeth Marie Arbaugh who joins her sister Abby. Annabeth was born on March 28 at 12:05 a.m. She weighed 8 pounds and 9 ounces and was 20 inches long. Also in March, Mrs. Joanna Price gave birth to Amelia Joelle Price. She was born on March 31 at 3:15 a.m. Amelia was 6 pounds and 10 ounces and joins her big sister Avalynn. Zachary Joel Miller Cecilia Johnson Griffin A member of the religion department, Mr. Glenn Griffin and his April 12, 2011 wife added a new member. Cecilia Johnson Griffin was born on November 21, 2011 March 12 at 11:16. She weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces and was 20.75 inches long and has a big sister, Georgia Johnson Griffin. A month later, the school guidance counselor, Mrs. Emily Knapp, gave birth to a girl named Avery Jean Knapp. She was born on May 8 at 8:57 p.m. and weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. During the summer, Mr. Chris Salvatore, another member of the STVM religion department, and his wife welcomed a baby girl named Mira Elizabeth Salvatore who was born on July 5 at 5:31 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Mrs. Rachael Wesig, a member of the math department, gave birth to a baby girl named Brynn Madison Wesig. She was born on July 29 at 11:50 a.m., and weighed 7 pounds and 11ounces and was 21 inches eclan ichael onley Avery Jean Knapp long. D M C May 8, 2011 November 27, 2011 Feature Leprechaun Gold

Leprechaun Gold LeBron James promotes St. Vincent-St. Mary High School 15 North Maple Street Akron, Ohio 44303 Wheels for Education in Akron Connor Wallace On the Web: STAFF REPORTER help with reading and math to participate in Wheels for Education. That commitment Advisor LeBron James read Oh, The Places You’ll began this summer when the LeBron James Go to a group of third grade students as part of Mrs. Maureen Harrigal Family Foundation and State Farm Insur- his Wheels for Education Assistant ance changed his annual program at the Mason Bike-a-Thon into a greater Mrs. Barbara Wood Community Learning Cen- investment in education. Editor-in-Chiefs ter. on Wednesday, Nov. Last summer the students 30, 2011. Meghan Dannemiller received bikes, helmets, James returned to his Jackson Ewing laptops, and Nike backpacks hometown to remind the Staff Reporters with school supplies. third-graders that he’s The third graders also Ian Edgley sticking by them until they attended a two-week tech- Mandy Sollenberger graduate from high school nology camp to learn how in 2021. The program is Brianna McVicker to use their new laptops. a long term commitment Erica Bratton That contribution, combined to help outfit hundreds with Wheels for Education, Connor Wallace of third grade students brings the total investment Kelly Lauck with the tools they need so far to about $1.2 million. through education and Kristen Bratton Next year, the foundation physical fitness. Erin Farrell will support a new group Akron school officials Photos of third-graders and follow selected 342 third-graders LEBRON JAMES is reading to third them through high school Ms. Dolan from across the district who graders at the Mason Community graduation. Mrs. Burdon already are getting extra Learning Center. Connor Wallace Special acknowledgement Mrs. Luanne Richardson Experts predict varying AN IRISH PRAYER winter weather for the U.S. May the road rise ever Erin Farrell to meet you staff reporter Chicago is expected to have a very snowy May the wind be Who’s ready for winter? Winter 2011-2012 and cold winter again, worse than last year’s is projected to be a cold and snowy one for winter. Detroit, Cincinnati, and Cleveland are ever at your back Ohioans. Temperatures also expected to be hard hit by La Niña. The May the sun shine are expected to be below Northeast’s snowfall and average and the snowfall winter weather is not ex- warm upon your face in Ohio is expected to be pected to be as as last above average again. year’s, with the tempera- May the rain fall Another brutally cold tures and snowfall around soft upon your fields winter is expected be- normal averages. cause of the effect of La In the Southeast, chilly And until we meet again, Niña which is a weather weather is expected, but May God hold you in the phenomenon that occurs it should be milder than when the sea surface it was last year. On the Palm of His hand. temperatures in the trop- other hand, the projected ics are below normal. snowfall in New Mexico, The Leprechaun Gold is published throughout The cooler tropical water Arizona, and most of the the year for the students of St. Vincent-St. Mary temperatures combine with the cold air from Southwest, is expected to High School. There is no charge for the paper the north and cause a jet stream. This jet stream be below average because of the heat dome but donations are accepted and appreciated. blows across the country west to east bringing from the summer droughts in that region. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus snow along with it. However, the lack of snowfall is a pressing of the editorial board. Letters to the editor Last year’s snowfall was caused by a similar concern because of the record droughts that are encouraged, provided they do not contain jet stream that took the snow all the way to the devastated the region last summer. material disruptive to the educational process Northeast coast. This year the jet stream is ex- Along the West coast, the weather is and that they are signed. The Leprechaun Gold pected to dump the majority of the snow on the expected to be relatively normal without too reserves the right to edit submitted material Midwest, the Plains, and the Great Lakes region. much extreme heat or cold. for length. 2 December 2011 Leprechaun Gold Feature Shamrock Alley Model UN competes successfully Amanda Sollenger Jackson Ewing CO-Editor-in-chief The STVM Model UN team represented staff reporter China, Argentina, and South Africa. China was Model United Nations has brought home represented by Abby Burke, Josh Mills, Bran- January 2012 Exam Schedule Awards from the 2011 don Grajzl ,Sarah CCWA United Nations Baumer, Aaron Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Conference. Model UN Kofsky, and 9:00-10:00: Period 2 Exam is an organization that Nicholas Neill. 10:10-11:10: Period 1 Exam simulates the experience Argentina was 11:15-11:45: 11/12 Lunch/Period 5 SH of being an ambassador represented by 11:50-12:20: 9/10 Lunch/ Period 5 SH at a United Nations Marty Klee and 12:25-1:25: Period 3 Exam Conference. Miklos Janosi. During competi- South Africa was Wednesday, January 18, 2012 tion, students focus on represented by 9:00-10:00: Period 3 Study Hall imitating many aspects Curtis Davisson, 10:10-11:10: Period 4 Exam of the United Nations Mike Cherveny, 11:15-11:45: 11/12 Lunch/Period 5 SH such as International Bitsy Ringer, 11:50-12:20: 9/10 Lunch/ Period 5 SH Courts of Law and Kayla Keathley, 12:25-1:25: Period 5 Exam regional bodies, crisis cabinets, and historical Abbey Bashor and Nathan Mills. Neill and interpretations. Students serve as the delegates Grajzl won Excellent Delegation Awards and Thursday, January 19, 2012 of these various bodies and are assigned to and Davisson and Cherveny won honorable men- 9:00-10:00: Period 7 Exam represent a specific country. However, some tions. 10:10-11:10: Period 6 Exam students may occasionally represent a non- Six delegates from the team went to the 11:15-11:45: 11/12 Lunch/Period 5 SH government organization, media organization, Cleveland Council on World Affairs at the Lo- 11:50-12:20: 9/10 Lunch/ Period 5 SH or specialist position. rain Community College Conference. Kofsky 12:25-1:25: Period 8 Exam The delegates must not only apply public and Lee represented the United Kingdom and speaking skills to a Model UN conference, won an Excellent Delegation Award. Vitaly Sophomores receive rings but also apply important life skills. Delegates Pinter and Cherveny represented Slovakia, and The sophomore ring ceremony took place must use teamwork, focusing on leadership, won an Excellent Delegation Award. Grajzl on November 15 at St. Vincent Church where and critical thinking skills which are applied and Neill represented Thailand, and Neill won the rings were blessed and received. A small to practical situations that the United Nations the Gavel, an award usually given to the best reception took place afterward in the STVM work on. delegate in a committee. Student Center.

Thomas F. Mahar Out- STVM Canned Food Drive standing Alumni Award This award is given to alumni of STVM who have been nominated and recognized collects over 3,000 cans for their continued service to the school. This Jackson Ewing year’s recipients are Jack and Joan McKim CO-Editor-in-chief number of cans over the 3,000 can goal. The Kunklier V51 and V53, Joe May V54, Barb The canned food drive at STVM was a bags of cans rising above the window level of Brewer Wood V65, Judy Dalaski Stecz M67, success once again. The number of students the truck itself were then transported on a truck and Carla Bouschere Steiner VM77. participating in the drive and the number of cans collected easily exceeded the initial goal to the St. Vinvent de Paul Society, Mrs. Valle will receive the of the drive. Mr. Griffin collected all of the cans in one The cans collected filled a total of approxi- day in an attempt to minimalize the drive’s 2012 Irish Crusader Award mately 600 bags and shows that 80 percent invasiveness. This served as a quick and ef- Ms. Patti Valle, winner of this year’s Irish of the students at STVM participated in the fective way to collect all of the cans without Crusader Award, will receive this award on Canned Food Drive and easily puts the total disturbing daily activities at STVM. behalf of the STVM Alumni Association on March 31, 2011, at Tangier Restaurant. This award, unlike the Mahar Award, is given to a person who is not a graduate of STVM, St. Vincent, or St. Mary High Schools.

Band will perform at concert On Tuesday, December 13, the concert and jazz bands, along with Mr. Campbell’s advanced and beginner bands from the grade schools, will perform both Christmas and other songs.

December 2011 3 Christmas Leprechaun Gold Adopt-a-Family Christmas 2011 Meghan Dannemiller “I really enjoyed the experience of meeting with a family. They were CO-EDITOR IN -CHIEF such kind people and seeing how grateful they were was so humbling. It Instead of filling out wish lists and writing letters to Santa in Decem- makes me value everything that I have even more.” ber, students at STVM put aside their own desires and turn their attention The information was taken back to school where each homeroom to the needs of others. “adopts” a family. Soon enough, the hallways were lined with many The annual Adopt-a-Family Program that has benefited thousands toys, clothes, and other necessities to give to the families. of people began this month with a red and green spirit day on Friday, De- In order to benefit the program, the Irish Athletes for Christ organized cember 2. The program benefits less fortunate families of the local Akron a shopping trip on Tuesday, December 6. Moderators of the club, Mrs. area who are facing financial difficulties, and therefore they have trouble Pam Murphy and Mr. Phil Alvord, took students to the mall where they providing their children with gifts to open on Christmas morning. shopped for their adopted families. Senior peer ministers, along with Campus Minister, Mr. Ken Mc- The Adopt-a-Family Program is one that strongly represents what Donald, had a chance to find out more about each adopted family. They STVM is about. The school community always comes together to do visited the homes of the families and learned just how much they really their part for the program, whether it is giving a gift, donating money, need help. By learning about the individual members of the family, the shopping for families, or wrapping presents. peer ministers were able to form ideas about what each person would “I’m so happy I got to experience Adopt-a-Family. It was a truly like or need for Christmas. rewarding experience,” commented senior Ryan Gaffney. When asked about the experience, senior Samantha Daugherty said,

Christmas delights for the non-baker Kelly Lauck the mixture. Spread into the lined baking pan. Allow the bars to cool. staff reporter Before slicing into squares, melt the chocolate chips either in the mi- With the holiday season comes the same deliciously unavoidable crowave or in a pan on the stove. Drizzle the chocolate over the bars and treats like cookies, cakes, and candy. Although the traditional ginger- allow it to set and then slice. breads, sugar cookie cutouts, and fudge are delicious, some holiday treats With the holidays being as hectic as they are, sometimes it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. find time to bake Christmas cookies between all the shopping, wrapping For instance, No Bake Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars are a great combi- presents, and decorating there is to do. This is a a no-recipe recipe, be- nation of sweet and salty, and they’re easy to make. To add extra crunch, cause accurate measurements are not needed. These cookies are simple stir in some peanuts. to make bcause using already made cookie dough cuts the prep time in half. This recipe also uses Nutella, a delicious chocolate hazelnut spread. No-Bake Peanut Butter Pretzel Bars: Nutella can be found in most grocery stores near the peanut butter aisle. 1 cup corn syrup 1/2 cup granulated sugar Nutella Thumbprints 1/2 brown sugar 1-2 Tubes of pre-made sugar cookie dough 1 1/2 cups peanut butter 1 jar of Nutella 2 cups Rice Krispies Red and green M+M’s, for garnish 2 cups crushed pretzels Preheat the oven according to package directions. Slice the sugar 2 cups chocolate chips cookie dough into 1-inch pieces. Roll the slices into balls and make a Line a 9x13 inch baking pan with wax paper. Place the corn syrup, dent in the center with your thumb. Place the cookies on a tray and bake sugar, and brown sugar in a large saucepan and stir to combine. Bring to according to package instructions. When the cookies are finished, allow a boil, then remove from the heat. to cool for a few minutes, then place a small spoonful of the chocolatey Next, stir in the peanut butter and mix well to combine. Add the Rice Nutella in the thumb print. Garnish with red and green M+M’s candies to Krispies and crushed pretzels and quickly stir until they are coated with add some color. 4 December 2011 Leprechaun Gold Christmas Country of the month: North Pole Connor Wallace staff reporter

Capital: Santa’s Workshop. Climate: The North Pole is very chilly! Santa’s reindeers like the cold temperature. The elves don’t mind the cold and look forward to hot cocoa on the cold nights. Official language: Santa and the elves can speak all languages. Population: 250 Traditional Foods: The elves have a regular diet of anything sugary. The four main food groups are candy, candy corn, candy cane, and syrup. Government: The elves are happy to have Santa Claus as their leader. Currency: The currency in the North Pole is hugs. Fun Facts: *The average height of an elf is 2 feet. *2/5 of the North Pole is for training reindeer for flight. *Santa consumes around 900,000 pounds of cookies yearly. *Elves are distant cousins of Oompa Loompas. *Every year, Santa’s village receives around 30 million letters. Annual senior breakfast held December 2 Meghan Dannemiller CO-EDITOR IN -CHIEF Overall, the breakfast was another successful milestone for the senior class and a great way to celebrate this holiday season. Christmas season is a time to spend laughing and being with friends, just as the senior class did on Friday, December 2. The Student Center was covered with red and green as seniors gathered for their annual breakfast. They began the day with a deli- cious meal that consisted of donuts, cinnamon rolls, pastries, juice and milk. While everyone was eating, seniors began decorating a Christmas tree with personalized ornaments. This senior tree is on display in the Student Center for all to see.

Erin Farrell What is xylopolist? staff reporter

“A Russian bear on a unicyle that rides around eating from “When the zombies come to “A person who likes to sell “A person who plays the all the McDonalds.” take over the world.” wood products.” xylophone.” Junior Satchel Pierce Junior Gianna Hammer Senior Rachel Nasrallah Senior Jessa Blankenship

THE REAL DEFINITION: One who sells wood products.

December 2011 5 Sports Leprechaun Gold Athletic Update

Girls’ Basketball BriannaWrestling McVicker Erica Bratton STAFF REPORTER Editor-in-chief Ironman Classic: Mentor Lake Catholic: L58- 55 S. Jack 2-1-5, Ka. May 1-0-2, 7th Place Aaron Adkins: All-American Ki. May 3-6-13, C. Jakubick 2-2-6, T. Dave 5-1-11, A. Hubbard 3-0-6. Comet Classic: 1st Place Team 1st place Ray Stone vs. Glenoak with an escape and a takedown 2nd place Walter Gibson with two takedowns, and an escape. 2nd place Ryan Skonieczny with 4 takedowns and an escape. John Chell 3rd place with a takedown. 3rd place Mike Rix with 3 takedowns, and an escape. 3rd place Shawn Sovocool with 2 escapes and a takedown. 3rd place Aaron Adkins with two takedowns and an escape. 3rd place Drek Brumley with a pin.

Boys’ Basketball Kelly Lauck STAFF REPORTER Gateway PA: W 67-53: Brantley1-2-4, Woolridge 0-1-1, Blanks 3-10-16, Boys’ Bowling Bickley 0-1-1, Crater 1-5-8, Dorsey 2-0-4, Wells 6-3-15, Pierce 2-0-4, Bush- Ian Edgley ner 3-2-8, A.Cugini 2-2-6. STAFF REPORTER Central Catholic: W: 84-54 Blanks scored 19 points, Wells scored 12 points, and Brantley scored 10. Garfield Heights L: 77-61: Brantley 1-2-4, Woolridge 1-0-2, Blanks copley: W 2109- 7-6-20, Bickley 1-0-2, Crater 7-3-17, Dorsey 1-3-5, Wells 2-0-4, Bushner 1-1- 1945. High game: Spen- 3, A. Cugini 2-0-4. cer Poulos 203.

Girls’ Bowling Erin Farrell STAFF REPORTER

Buchtel 1730- 1741: High game: Gilbride 165. High Series: Gilbride 291. copley: W 1729- 1207 High game: Celeste Hall 188.

Irish Dancers Trainers Pep Band Cheerleaders 6 December 2011 Leprechaun Gold Sports Urban Meyer named NBA strike finally ends Brianna McVicker STAFF REPORTER OSU football coach On Sunday, Erica Bratton November 27, The Editor-in-chief National Basket- After months of scandal, rumors, confu- ball Association sion, and a disappointing 6-6 finish in (NBA) gave the first season in nine years without Jim permission for Tressel as head coach, the Buckeyes can season training to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. begin. The owners On Monday, November 28, Urban Meyer and players finally was named the new coach of the Ohio State came to an agree- Buckeyes football team. ment on a labor contract after149 days of suspended play. Meyer, an Ohio native, is one of the The NBA lockout began when owners and players could not agree most succesful and respected coaches in all on the salary percentage that each should receive. In past years the of college football. He started his coaching players received 57 percent of the Basketball Related Income (BRI). career as an assistant at Ohio State, followed by assistant jobs at Illinois The owners felt that they “were being inpoverished.” After numerous State, Colorado State, and Notre Dame. negotiations that failed, the organization agreed on the players receiving In 2001, Meyer accepted his first job as a head coach at Bowling 51.15 percent BRI in the 2011-2012 season. For later seasons the players Green. He led the BGSU Falcons to their highest national ranking in the will receive 49-51 percent BRI. At these percentages, the owners will history of the program and was named the MAC Coach of the Year. In net $3 billion over the next decade. 2003 he moved on to become the head coach at Utah. In two seasons The few weeks following the end of the NBA lockout will be with the Utes, his record was 22-2, and he led them to a Liberty Bowl complete chaos. Free agent talent will grow because of a new amnesty victory in his first season and a Fiesta Bowl victory the following year. clause which allows a team to let go of a person currently under a con- From 2005-2010, Meyer was the head coach of the Florida Gators, and tract; the contract will then be removed from the new salary cap. Teams while there he led them to two national championships, defeating Ohio also do not know how preseason or training camps will go, but they are State in 2006 and Oklahoma in 2008. He also led the Gators to a victory all pushing to play as soon as possible. in the Sugar Bowl in 2010 against the Cincinnati Bearcats. “It should be a frenzy, but I think it’ll be good for our league,” said In December 2009 Meyer was suffering from health problems, and on the NBA Player’s Association Vice President Roger Mason, Jr. December 26 he announced that he would be resigning from his position This year’s season will consist of a 66 game regular season. Each as head coach of the Gators after the Sugar Bowl because he lost focus team will play 48 conference games and 18 non-conference games. of his priorities: family, faith, and health. The next day he announced Games will begin on December 25 and run until April 26. The normal that instead of resigning, he would take an indefinite leave of absence, season normally ends a week earlier. Because of this, the finals will end but that he planned to return to be the head coach of the Gators. He did on June 26, just two days before the draft. return to coach the Gators through the 2010 season, and although they The All-Star Weekend tournament in Orlando is still scheduled to achieved the worst record of Meyer’s time in Florida, he reached his be played which means that all games must be played in a span of 119 100th win milestone and led them to a victory in the Outback Bowl on days. Each team will have at least one time where they play three nights January 1, 2011. In December 2010 he again announced his retirement in a row but will not have more than three back-to-back-to-back game from coaching and worked as a college football commentator and analyst spans in the season. With fewer number of days to incorporate all of the for ESPN through the 2011 season. games, teams will add two or more games a month. Because of the time On November 28, 2011, Meyer again came out of retirement and crunch, most of the scheduling will depend on area availability. The back into the world of college football when he took the job as the head NBA will not move away from the dates that are in place, but teams may coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes. The hire was big news for Buckeye change. fans because it renewed their hope after a disappointing 6-6 finish in the Another way that the league is planning to save time is by eliminat- 2011 season. Many say that Meyer came to the Big Ten at a great time; ing days during the second round of the playoffs. as Nebraska joins the conference and it moves to twelve teams, Urban With all of the chaos that surrounds the NBA, a different brand of Meyer may be just to bring Ohio State back to the top and keep basketball awaits players, coaches, owners, and fans. The question that the Big Ten at the front of the pack in the competition for conference remains now is if the owners will stick to their own rules and let the supremacy over the next several years. season continue as smoothly as possible. Coach Meyer is one of the most successful coaches in all of college “It’s just good to get done so we can all just get back to playing football, and Buckeye fans are relying on him to bring the football team basketball,” said C.J. Watson, a Chicago Bulls’ guard. back to the top.

Merry Christmas to STVM staff and students December 2011 7 News in brief Leprechaun Gold Ian Edgley STAFF REPORTER 1. Around the Globe 2. 1. German Chancellor warns of Euro crisis Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, made a speech about the need for fiscal union to resolve the debt crisis that threatens the euro, Europe’s single currency, and in turn, the global economy. “Fiscal union is the aim, one with real power. There is no other way,” she said. “We are working for treaty change; we want to avoid a split between euro and non-euro countries.” She also warned that it will take a long time to resolve the financial crisis. German Chancellor Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have taken charge in solving Europe’s economic crisis.

2. U.S.-Pakistani relations strained U.S. officials gave soldiers the wrong location when asking for clearance to launch an airstrike against militants along the border, Pakistani military officials said. The strike resulted in the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers and a political crisis between Washington and Islamabad. NATO has re- jected Pakistani claims that the attack was deliberate and has reacted in retaliation by closing its western border to NATO. Islamic extremists took to the streets calling for the army to attack soldiers stationed in Afghanistan. Pakistan is still seething about the U.S. operation to kill Osama bin Laden, which took place on Pakistani soil. President Obama gave Pakistan’s President his condolences eight days after the attack. Pakistani and American accounts do not completely agree on what happened, and an official investigation is pending. Prime MinisterYusuf Raza Gilani stated, “Instructions have been issued to all units of the Pakistani armed forces to respond with full force to any act of aggression and infringement of Pakistan’s territorial frontiers.” Sea to Shining Sea 1. Dr. sentenced to prison 1. 3. Dr. Conrad Murray, the former doctor of , was sentenced to 2. four years in county jail by California Judge Pastor. Jackson died after an accidental overdose of prescribed drugs. Murray’s request for probation was denied after the judge ruled that the doctor showed a lack of remorse and failure to accept responsibil- ity. “You can’t have probation when there isn’t an acknowledgment of rehabilitation or responsibility and remorse,” said Judge Pastor. “Dr. Murray engaged in a recur- ring, continuous pattern of deceit, of lies, and regrettably, a pattern that only helped Dr. Murray.” The Jackson family and their prosecutors had requested the maximum sentence. 2. Herman Cain suspends his presidential campaign Herman Cain, GOP presidential candidate and businessman, suspended his campaign after several accusations of sexual misconduct were made. When Cain was president of the NRA (National Restaurant Association), he was accused of sexual harassment by two women who initially pressed charges. However, the lawsuit was settled out of court. Ginger White, an Atlanta businesswoman, made the claim that she and Cain have been carry- ing on an extramarital affair for 13 years, even providing phone records of their conversations. Cain denies all accusations. 3. Bipartisan economic experts cannot come to an agreement The Congressional “super committee,” a bipartisan group of economic experts, failed to reach a deal on reducing the nation’s unprecedented deficit. The committee made the statement that “after months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee’s deadline.” They also called for Congress to make an agreement before painful sequential budget cuts are made to “sacred cow programs.” These include Medicare for Democrats, and the defense budget for the Republicans.

The Heart of it All 1. 1. Craiglist killing is centered in local area Late last month, a Stow-Munroe High School student, Brogan Rafferty, was allegedly charged with the 2. homicide of a southern Ohio man. The high school junior and his 52 year old accomplice, Richard J. Beasley, lured the man to his death by a bogus Craigslist ad for a farmhand. The suspects lured the man out into remote portions of the woods, before opening fire. The body of the man was found buried in a shallow grave. Two other shallow graves were unearthed, containing additional victims. All died of gunshot wounds to the head. A fourth victim successfully escaped, suffering a gunshot wound. Beasley is currently being held on separate prostitution charges, and his trial is to be announced. Rafferty is being held in an Akron detention center and will be tried as an adult. He is not eligible for the death penalty. 2. Amish men charged with hate crimes Seven Amish men, Samuel Mullet Jr., Johnny S. Mullet, Daniel B. Mullet, Lester Mullet, Levi F. Miller, Eli M. Miller, and Emanuel Schrock, all of Bergholz, Ohio, have been charged with hate crimes and remain jailed pending federal court trials. These men forcibly cut the beards and hair of Amish men and women in this feud over church discipline. The Amish believe that the Bible instructs men to stop shaving after they marry and women to wear their hair long. The cutting was intended to shame the victims. Four of the seven men have been denied bond by a federal magistrate. The men have all been charged with hate crimes and their trial is to be set before a Grand Jury. It is reported that the men allegedly carried out the attacks in September, October, and November outside Bergholtz in eastern Ohio. 8 December 2011 Leprechaun Gold Christmas Christmas is a time to use “Go Green” tips Jackson Ewing CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF tant, using cards made of recycled paper is the most environmentally Not many people want to have a green Christmas in Akron, Ohio, but friendly option. If sending a card is not necessary, sending a greeting that doesn’t mean that holiday celebrations themselves won’t be green. through email is another option. December is a time of year when many people begin to prepare for the Christmas decorations are an important part of the Christmas season. holidays without taking the time to consider the environmental conse- Using LED lights and reusing old decorations is a simple way to cut quences. However, with some good planning and creativity, back on wasted power or materials during the Christmas season. LED the Christmas season can be just as environmentally lights are 90 percent more efficient then regular lights. They also friendly as any other. have a lower risk of fire and last for a longer period of time One of the most important aspects of an envi- than regular lighting. Also, setting lights on a timer to turn off ronmentally friendly Christmas is the Christmas automatically can be a convenient way to save electricity. tree. Many people debate whether or not a real When decorating the house, reusing old decorations can tree or an artificial tree is the more environ- be a simple and cost effective way to reduce the materials mentally friendly option. Both options have used. Another option is to use all natural decorations. Vari- pros and cons. A real tree is biodegradable and ous bulbs, seasonal fruits, and other plants can be used as can be recycled or made into mulch or wood environmentally friendly decorations around the house. chips. Christmas trees trap more carbon dioxide One of the most popular aspects of celebration during when compared to other trees. However, real trees the holidays is the giving of gifts. When preparing to give a that are completely environmentally friendly can be gift, the choice of wrapping paper can be important when trying difficult to find. Some trees may have been treated with to have an eco-friendly Christmas. Using recycled paper when pesticides or other chemicals. They may be trucked across wrapping a gift is a simple way to reduce wasted paper at the end of the the country, which can add to fuel costs. These trees will also need to event. Using minimal wrapping paper is also an environmentally friendly be watered on a regular basis and must be recycled to truly benefit the option. environment. The number of gifts given as well can have an impact on the environ- Artificial trees have various pros and cons as well. They can be used ment. The average Christmas shoppers are expected to spend an average repeatedly, are less expensive, and can be displayed longer. However, of $431 when shopping. Giving fewer gifts can not only be an environ- these trees are typically made from plastics and metals and are not bio- mentally friendly practice, but also a more cost effective one. Giving degradable, as many of them contain lead especially those shipped from homemade gifts can reduce the amount of inorganic materials or fuels long distances, such as China. Artificial trees are the most beneficial if used during the Christmas season. they can be stored and used for many years. Christmas is a time when it can seem easy to get caught up in the What Christmas tree is used is not the only way to “go green” during spirit of the holiday without taking time to think about the effects on the the Christmas season. Holiday cards are also a major contributor to the environment. However, with some time and creativity, any holiday cel- environment during the holidays. Each year, 2.6 billion holiday cards ebration can become something that is not only fun but also an environ- are sent in the United States. This is enough to fill a landfill the size of a mentally friendly event. football field that is 10 stories high. If sending holiday cards is impor- Lock 3 offers many activities throughout the season Erica Bratton on the ice. Special packages are also offered for special events such as STAFF REPORTER birthday parties or Christmas celebrations. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! As Christmas approaches, The Chriskindl Market will return to Lock the festivities begin, and one of the most popu- 3. Several local vendors will be selling their lar local venues throughout the holiday season products, such as Lit Wick Candle Co., Fig Tree is Akron’s Lock 3. For the past eight years, Crafts, Highland Baking Company, Pushing Tin families from all over Akron have visited Lock Studio, and Homemade Delites. The Market 3 to enjoy the best, most affordable holiday will also include vendors from places around the entertainment in the area. world, including the highly anticipated return The holiday season officially kicked off of the German glassblower Mario Hausdorfer. at Lock 3 on November 25 with the holiday Every year, Hausdorfer returns to Lock 3 from lighting ceremony. The show was hosted by the Erzgebirge Mountains to create hand-blown T.K. O’Grady of WONE, and included singing, Christmas ornaments for Lock 3 visitors. ice skating, and the lighting of all the holiday Lock 3 will host several other events lights. To conclude the ceremony, a spectacular throughout the winter season. The countdown fireworks show lit up the Akron sky. to First Night, Akron’s New Year’s celebra- A new attraction will open at Lock 3 this tion,, will begin on November 25 and continue year called Reindeer Run which is a 150 foot through December 31. People from the com- all-season slide added to the park just in time munity will create countdown banners to hang for this holiday season. The slide opened on on the Advent calendar, which is the biggest November 25 and will stay open until Decem- in the U.S. Lock 3 will also feature the best ber 30. holiday foods and beverages in the area, including bratwurst, chili, and Ohio’s largest ice-skating rink will return again to Lock 3 this holiday many other dishes. The holiday farmer’s market will return, and in Janu- season. The 10,000 square foot ice rink is one of the most popular holi- ary, Lock 3 will again host the 6th annual Firefighters’ Chili Challenge, day hangouts for people of all ages. Skate rental is $3 for hours of fun presented by the city of Akron. December 2011 9 Christmas Leprechaun Gold Family traditions abound at Christmas Kristen Bratton staff reporter Sophomore Angelo Cugini Freshman Madi Connell M 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it would it be? Crazy. be? Food. 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Spending time with 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Exchanging gifts. the family. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? Mass, then dinner, then gifts. We do Secret Santa, which is crazy. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Steak. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Ham, green beans, mashed 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? An iPhone. Who potatoes, gravy. doesn’t want one? What do you want for Christmas? Why? Wayne Beats, which come out on December 23. They’re the best headphones. Freshman Matt Carlson E 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it Sophomore Erin McNulty C be? CRAZY!!! 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? be? Magical! My whole family goes to my grandma’s house, and we eat a lot of food 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Looking at and exchange presents. I like seeing my family. Christmas lights, spending time with my family, and knowing that 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? Christmas is the next day. All of my cousins and I have a Silly String war outside. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Cookies, turkey, potatoes, My family goes out to dinner with my grandparents, and then we go sauerkraut balls, corn, the usual.. Christmas Eve mass at Holy Family. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? I don’t know. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? It depends on what we’re hav- Probably money or an iPod because I need money, and I’ve always ing, and I’m super picky abut food, so who knows? wanted an iPod. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? World Peace! And a camera, because the one I have is really old. Freshman John Chell R 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it Sophomore Tyler Moran H be? Funny. 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Seeing my family 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it and eating food. be? Super-duper, because that’s exactly what it is. 3. Does your family have any special tradition on Christmas Eve? 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? The warm, fuzzy Yes, we always have a huge party with a lot of family members. feeling I get from all of the joy and happiness little children are experi- 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? A lot of good food. encing around the world. 6. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? Money, because I 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? like buying things, and I like spending money. If it’s not snowing, my brothers and I will go outside and play catch with a football. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Everything, you have to make Freshman Kacey Cousineau R room in the fridge for all that Christmas food somehow! 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? A puppy because be? Awesome. they are so darn cute and cuddly. and you can play with them all day. 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Family game night. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? Mass, then family dinner and game night with the whole family. Junior Olivia Wilde R 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? A big dinner: ham, mashed 1. If you could describe Christmas eve in one word, what would it potatoes and gravy, green beans, eggnog, and apple pie. be? Magical. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Mac laptop. 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Watching “It’s A Wonderful Life “ with my family. Sophomore Evie Bruegman Y 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it My siblings and I all get new pj’s to snuggle in. be? Hectic. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Chinese. 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Staying up late wait- 5. What do you want most for Christmas? A car. ing for the silly reindeer... Blitzen is my favorite. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? My cousins and I have an ongoing competiton of who can make the best snowman... in our bathing suits. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Chinese food. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? World peace, obvi- ously. Also, for the Browns to win.

10 December 2011 Leprechaun Gold Christmas Junior Shannon Moloney I Senior Stephanie Beck A 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it be? Beautiful. be? Memorable. 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? Exchanging presents 2. What is your favorite part of Christmas Eve? When we open one with my grandparents and cousins. present at midnight. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? Singing Christmas carols until Santa comes :) We can only open one present, and it has to be from the parents. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Roast beef and mashed 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Cookies, cashews, cider, you potatoes. know.... normal Christmas foods. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? A puppy, because 5. What do you want most for Christmas Eve? Why? I want a they’re cute. puppy! They make everything better! :) Junior Vince Piccoli S 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it Senior Drew Laury S be? Family. 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Midnight mass be? Cozy. and putting out cookies and milk for Santa. 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Trying to sneak 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? around when it’s really late to see Santa. Going over to either my mom or dad’s side; it alternates every year. Then 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? mass with my family. We have the entire family over and we have “Santa” come and drop off 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? I’m Italian so the table is full gifts and we have gift exchanges. with food and it’s amazing. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Normal food, I guess, except 5. What do you want most for Christmas? German shepherd puppy. our Slovak side makes a bunch of weird food. 4. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? A new cat because Reese (my old cat) got eaten by a fox. :( Junior Nick Scaia T 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it be? Happy. Senior Denzel Williams ! 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Getting excited 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it for Santa to come. be? Fun. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? Eating and being We go to church. with the family. 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Ham and turkey. 3. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Everything. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? For the world to be happy. 4. What do you want most for Christmas ? Why? My letterman jacket because it looks nice. Senior Maria Alvord M 1. If you could describe Christmas Eve in one word, what would it be? Exciting. 2. What is your favorite part about Christmas Eve? When my family exchanges gifts, and we watch movies by the lights of the Christmas tree. 3. Does your family have any special traditions on Christmas Eve? We do a Kris Kringle gift exchange, drink eggnog, and eat our first Christmas cookies, and watch “White Christmas.” 4. What do you eat on Christmas Eve? Cookies, mixed nuts, cider, eggnog, and cocoa. 5. What do you want most for Christmas? Why? I would like for Mr. Brownfield to dress up in a Santa costume, sing “Last Christmas” throughout the hallways while passing out candy, and waltz with Ms. Godshalk, Mrs. Wood, and Mrs. Richardson.

December 2011 11 Christmas Leprechaun Gold


Meghan Dannemiller: “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”- Michael Buble

Connor Wallace: “I Wish it Was Christmas Today”- Julian Casablancas

Ian Edgley: “White Christmas”- Frank Sinatra

Erin Farrell: “One Foot in Front of the Other”- Mickey Rooney

Erica Bratton: “This Christmas”- Chris Brown”

Brianna McVicker: “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” - Shirley Temple Mandy Sollenberger: “Last Christmas”- Glee cast MENU Jackson Ewing: “Winter Wonderland”- Bing Crosby

Kelly Lauck: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” - Lady Antebellum

Kristen Bratton: “All I Want for Christmas is You”- Mariah Carey



12 December 2011