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$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 | 24 ELUL 5777 VOL. XLV NO. 2323 Israeli Aid Teams French Jewish Family Recounts Dispatched to Florida Ordeal at Hands Following Hurricane of Antisemitic Irma Gang


“As I struggled, the fi rst man threw me down,” Mrs. Pinto said, in an interview quoted by the French Jewish newspaper Tribune Juive. “He hit me. I really thought he wanted to rape me. Th e second one kicked me.” Th e gang also attacked Roger Pinto, beating him unconscious. Pinto said that as he regained awareness, he heard one of the gang members tell him, “You are Jewish,

An image showing downtown Miami fl ooded by Hurricane Irma. Photo: Facebook.

Roger Pinto and his son David. Photo: i24 News screenshot.

BY SHIRYN SOLNY four team leaders from the US assist primarily in debris cleanup, we know that the Jews have a lot of money and you will give who will oversee logistics and helping local residents with their us what you have. If you do not give us what we ask you, Humanitarian aid organi- organizing community response homes and off ering psychoso- we’ll kill you.” zations in Israel sent teams to for the groups. Among the volun- cial support, and Israel’s ZAKA Roger Pinto continued: “Th e three men had a screw- Florida early this week to help with teers are search and rescue search and rescue organization driver and a knife, which they constantly threatened us with. cleanup eff orts following Hurri- veterans, medical and psycho- has set up two command centers Th ey threatened to kill us. Th at was unbearable. Th ese thugs cane Irma, Israel21c reported on logical fi rst-aid responders, diving in Miami led by volunteers ready took our credit cards, took all the goods we had, jewelry Monday. teams, veteran EMS and natural to respond to the local communi- from my wife.” A team from Israel Rescue disaster personnel, as well as a ties. Th e centers are stocked with Th e Pinto family were tied and locked in a room while Coalition (IRC) and United group of UH Psychotrauma and generators, sleeping bags, food, the gang carried out the robbery, which included several (UH) arrived in Miami Crisis Response Unit members, water and any necessary equip- thousand Euros in cash. After several hours, Mireille Pinto on Sunday and will be joined by according to Israel21c. ment for search-and-rescue teams, Continued on Page A3 Teams from IsraAID will Continued on Page A4

Re ecting ShabbatCalendar Parshat Netzavim-Vayelech Times for , Friday Candle Lighting pm pm Shabbat Begins: 5:32 | Shabbat Ends: 6:31 פרשת נצבים-וילך on the High Holidays P.O.B. 250746, , NY 11225-3203 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 page A8 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2016 Th e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 Opinion. New York Times Columnist Recycles Advice From James ‘[Expletive Deleted] the Jews’ Baker

Stephens had written: Write declarative sentences. Delete IRA STOLL useless or weasel words such as “apparently”… BOSTON Whatever happened to the presumption of innocence? If these so-called scandals turn out to be just hype — a possibility that Cohen’s “possible…apparent…may…might” weasel New York Times columnist Roger words certainly allow — is the Times colum- Cohen’s Rosh Hashana present to the Jewish nist going to issue an apology? Or are even state is a column that violates his Times unproven charges worthy of being hurled at colleague Bret Stephens’ recent rules on how Netanyahu, merely because he represents the to write a good op-ed piece. Israeli public in their skepticism about the Cohen writes: Cohen plan of immediately creating a Pales- There are those criminal investiga- tinian terrorist state alongside Israel’s border tions of possible bribery and fraud in and in half of the Israeli capital? which Netanyahu is a suspect. One is a Cohen concludes his column by writing: favors-for-pink-Champagne-and-cigars James Baker, as United States secretary Former Secretary of State James Baker is pictured here arriving in Kuwait in 1991. Photo: affair involving wealthy friends, including of state, once gave the number of the White Wikimedia Commons. an Israeli Hollywood producer. Another House switchboard and told the Israelis: Mr. Bush’s unprecedented rejection agreed that everybody would deny it was involves an apparent attempt to secure “When you’re serious about peace, call us.” of humanitarian aid to a democratic ally ever said. But James Baker said it — twice — favorable coverage in one newspaper in Trump should give his alter ego the same — while continuing loan guarantees to and meant it. exchange for curtailing the circulation of treatment — and wait for those investiga- dictatorships with no strings attached — Cohen quoting Baker’s advice is just another. tions to run their course. followed the revelation that his Secretary the latest example of recent Times venera- Both these may pale beside the subma- Yet Cohen doesn’t report that Baker’s of State said, “[ Expletive deleted ] the Jews, tion of the man notorious for his “[ Expletive rine affair, an investigation in which “call us” tactic did not work. One might claim they don’t vote for us anyway.” deleted ] the Jews, they don’t vote for us Netanyahu is not a suspect but his former that it produced the Madrid Conference, but At a Bush speech the other night, a anyway” comment. On July 30, a former Times chief of staff, and his second cousin, and even the Madrid Conference didn’t produce White House aide sought me out to say, “You Jerusalem bureau chief, Peter Baker, who is a former deputy head of Israel’s National much; the Oslo breakthrough, such as it was, know, Baker never said that.” now the Times chief White House correspon- Security Council are. At the center of the had to wait for a Clinton administration that Though constrained by the rules of deep dent, claimed that James A. Baker III “is widely affair lie submarine and missile ships was perceived as more Israel-friendly than background, I can confirm that Mr. Baker considered to be the gold standard” when it from a German company. Netanyahu has Baker had been. did say that, with the same vulgarism that comes to that job. dismissed the whole thing as “foam.” It’s sure Cohen also neglected to mention what made it so memorable, to two high officials The Times, by publishing Cohen, is bubbling up and just might wash him away. another New York Times columnist, William on two different occasions. President Bush following James Baker’s vulgar advice. [Emphasis added] Safire, did report in 1992: and his top staff know he did; it has been In AMIA Jewish Center Episode, Hector Timerman’s Guilt Is Unveiled

In late August, Argentina’s former ambas- provided by the Syrian dictator, Bashar the sador to Damascus, Roberto Ahuad, appeared al-Assad, after curtly informing the ambas- Algemeiner Journal BEN COHEN/JNS.ORG before the Argentine government’s official sador that his presence was superfluous. NEW YORK investigation into the collusion between the Ahuad, angry with Timerman for having (USPS 927800) is published weekly Iranians and the country’s previous president, embarrassed him in front of their Syrian (except for the week of Passover Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. In his testi- hosts, then returned to Damascus. Several and Succos) mony, Ahuad gave an eyewitness account hours later, having received no word from Subscription rate $40 per year of two days in Syria in January 2011, which Timerman, he drove back to the airport. It has been 23 years since the AMIA confirmed — beyond doubt — one of Nisman’s Inside the terminal, Ahuad met with a Algemeiner Journal Jewish center in Buenos Aires was devastated key claims: that Hector Timerman, Kirch- group of Syrian officials. They told him that by a Hezbollah truck bomb, claiming the lives 508 Montgomery Street ner’s foreign minister, disappeared during an Timerman had flown to the northern city of of 85 people and wounding hundreds more. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225-3023 official visit to Damascus, so he could secretly Aleppo for a meeting hosted by Assad, along Furthermore, it has been a little less than negotiate a pact with the Iranians. with the Iranian foreign minister, the Syrian Periodicals Postage three years since Alberto Nisman, the special Timerman has always denied that he did foreign minister and Iran’s ambassador to Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. prosecutor investigating the AMIA atrocity, any such thing, dismissing the reporter who Damascus. The officials told Ahuad that they and at additional mailing offices was found dead in his apartment. Nisman’s first made the allegation in 2011 as a “pseudo- were unaware of the reason for the meeting, body was found the night before he was due POSTMASTER: journalist;” this was a just-about-viable and that all the arrangements had been to unveil a complaint that accused Argentina’s position until Ahuad came along. cloaked in “absolute secrecy.” Send address changes to own government of colluding with Tehran According to Ahuad, the day after An official account of the meeting did in a secret pact to exonerate the Iranians of Algemeiner Journal Timerman arrived in Damascus, he and the appear the following day, which stated that responsibility. P.O. Box 250746 foreign minister were driven to a military Timerman had met with Assad to discuss the During this unforgivably long stretch of Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 airport near the Syrian capital. Once there, strengthening of bilateral ties, “reinforced by time, nobody has been prosecuted for either Timerman and his aides boarded a plane the large presence of the Syrian community in of these crimes, nor been put in a courtroom Argentina” — a community from which, ironi- Let your voice be heard! to reveal the truth — once and for all. cally, Ahuad hails. Needless to say, the presence But then, it’s often the case that the [email protected] of the Iranians was not acknowledged. delivery of justice takes time. It’s also true that But back in Argentina, Alberto Nisman the passage of time does not lessen the impor- did not give up. He had been appointed tance of pursuing the guilty. To advertise in in 2005 to lead the AMIA investigation by That’s why, for example, any pity for elderly the new Algemeiner Kirchner’s predecessor, her late husband, Nazi war criminals who now find themselves Nestor. But, five years later, Cristina Kirchner’s e-mail: [email protected] on trial is misplaced. For that same reason, government had performed a 180-degree turn when there is a sensational development in the on Iran — and the AMIA investigation was or call epic tragedy that is the AMIA bombing — as becoming a nuisance. there has recently been — we must view it as a 718-771-0400 Like any good investigator, Nisman went milestone on the way to convicting the Iranians Hector Timerman. Photo: Cancillería Argentina via where the evidence took him, to the point and their proxies for this crime. Wikimedia Commons. Continued on Page A4 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 A3 World News. Netanyahu Slated to Swedish Jews Protest Meet Trump in New York Neo-Nazi Group’s Plan Before Addressing UN to Rally Near Synagogue

BY JNS.ORG and there I will meet my friend, President Donald Trump,” Netanyahu said to reporters Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- before boarding a plane at Ben-Gurion Inter- yahu said on Sunday he will meet with national Airport. President Donald Trump next week during The White House has not commented his visit to New York to address the UN on the potential meeting between Trump and General Assembly. Netanyahu, Reuters reported on Monday. Netanyahu is slated to address the world The last time the two leaders met in body Sept. 19. He commented on his planned person was during Trump’s first visit to the meeting with Trump before departing on his Mideast region as president in May. historic visit to Latin America on Sunday night. During his trip — the first visit to the region by a sitting Israeli prime minister — Netanyahu will visit Mexico, Argentina and Colombia, and will also meet with Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes in Buenos Aires. “From Mexico I will go to New York to speak at the United Nations General Assembly US President Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Photo: Facebook. A lone demonstrator confronts neo-Nazis at a NRM march in May 2016. Photo: Twitter. BY BEN COHEN permit if it agreed to change the route. The new route means the neo-Nazis will parade Swedish Jewish leaders are appealing to close to the synagogue. British Cabinet Minister: police in Gothenburg to reroute a neo-Nazi The NRM openly describes itself as march that will pass close to the city’s a “National Socialist” organization, and UK Will Celebrate 100th synagogue on September 30 – when Jews operates branches in Norway and Finland as mark Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the well as Sweden. Jewish calendar. The group declares that it will “[B]y Anniversary of Balfour “It’s the day of the year when many Jews all available means, and with a long-term who normally don’t go to the synagogue perspective, work to regain power from the will gather there. On this day, the police global Zionist elite who have economically Declaration ‘With Pride’ have decided to grant the neo-Nazi Nordic and militarily occupied the greater part of our Resistance Movement (NRM) permission to world.” Its goal is to “[E]stablish a National march through Gothenburg, no more than a Socialist society where resources are distrib- stone’s throw away from the synagogue,” Aron uted in such a way that benefits all people, both as I’m in politics, I will do everything in my BY BARNEY BREEN-PORTNOY Verständig, chairman of the Official Council strong and weak, and where everybody has the power to fight back against those who seek to of Swedish Jewish Communities, and Allan opportunity to reach their fullest potential.” undermine Israel,” Javid vowed. The United Kingdom will celebrate the Stutzinky, chairman of the Jewish community Set up by neo-Nazi activists in 1997, the Addressing the same delegation, House 100th anniversary of the issuance of the in Gothenburg, wrote in an opinion piece notoriously violent NRM is reported to have of Commons Speaker John Bercow cautioned Balfour Declaration “with pride,” a British quoted by the Swedish daily, The Local. increased its membership significantly over that Jews across the globe still faced a “perni- Cabinet minister said on Monday. “Aside from out of fear for our own the last year. Following US President Donald cious and insidious” danger. At a meeting in the British capital with security, it evokes uncomfortable associations Trump’s election victory in November 2016, “There are still people denying the a visiting World Jewish Congress delega- for us Jews,” they added. “During the Holocaust more than 600 hardcore supporters of the Holocaust or alternatively glorying in it and tion, Sajid Javid — the secretary of state for it wasn’t unusual for the German Nazis to NRM clashed with anti-fascists in downtown holding up Adolf Hitler as being a great figure communities and local government — stated, conduct their horrendous atrocities on the Stockholm. in our history,” he said. “So we should not “Someone said we should apologize for the most important days of the Jewish calendar.” In July, three member of the NRM were be paranoid, but equally we should not be declaration, to say it was an error of judgment. According to The Local, the NRM had sentenced by a Swedish court to up to nine complacent. There is a threat to Jewish people Of course that’s not going to happen. To apolo- initially sought permission to stage the years in prison for a series of homemade gize for the Balfour Declaration would be to march on one of Gothenburg’s main avenues, bomb attacks against refugee shelters. apologize for the existence of Israel and to Kungsportsavenyn, but was only granted a question its right to exist.” In the Balfour Declaration, which was Continued from Page A1 On Sunday, French Interior Minister published in November 1917, the British Kill Us Gérard Collomb took care to note the antise- government announced its support for “the managed to call the emergency services using mitic motives underlying the assault on the David’s phone. “For us it was really an eternity,” establishment in Palestine of a national home Pinto family, condemning what he called “a she said. “It was a very traumatic event.” for the Jewish people.” cowardly act” that “seems directly linked to The French national newspaperLibera - Last year, the Palestinian Authority said the religion of its victims.” tion reported on Monday that the local public it intended to sue the UK over the declaration, On Monday, the president of the World prosecutor had opened an investigation into claiming it had led to a “catastrophe” for the Jewish Congress, , declared: the assault on the Pinto family, stressing its Palestinian people. And last September, PA “French authorities must treat this heinous antisemitic nature. The three suspects, who President Mahmoud Abbas — during a UN Sajid Javid, the UK’s secretary of state for com- hate crime with utmost severity and penalize have not been captured, will face minimum General Assembly address – called on the UK munities and local government. Photo: Foreign and the aggressors in the harshest terms possible Commonwealth Office via Wikimedia Commons. ten-year prison sentences if caught and to apologize for the declaration. to bring justice to the victims and deter future convicted, Liberation said. In his remarks on Monday, Javid — a violence of this kind.” The response of the French authorities to member of Prime Minister Theresa May’s and to Jewish security in this country and “Antisemitic violence is running horrifi- antisemitic attacks has come under increased Conservative Party — highlighted the ongoing indeed in Europe and around the world.” cally rampant in France,” Lauder said. “The scrutiny since the murder in April of Sarah failure of the boycott, divestment and sanctions “The importance of Jewish history, of Jewish community is still awaiting justice Halimi, a Jewish pensioner and former kinder- (BDS) movement to harm UK-Israel ties. Jewish culture, Jewish identity and indeed of for the macabre murder of Sarah Halimi five garten teacher, by an Islamist intruder who “I’ll be 100 percent clear,” he said. “I do not Jewish security, both physical and political, months ago.” shouted antisemitic slogans as he beat his support calls for a boycott, my party does not can scarcely be overstated,” Bercow — the Lauder concluded: “The French govern- victim. In the Halimi case until very recently, support calls for a boycott. For all its bluster, first-ever Jewish House of Commons speaker ment has every responsibility to be vigilant in its the assailant was presented by the authorities the BDS campaign is most notable I think, for — continued. defense each of its citizens. The Jews in France and much of the media as driven by mental WJC President Ronald Lauder — in London are proud citizens — they must be accorded its lack of success.” illness, rather than an antisemitic motive. “Trade is booming, tourism is soaring,” for his organization’s Executive Committee with the protection and respect they deserve.” he continued. “The media campaign is full of meeting, hosted by the Board of Deputies of sound and fury, but to the majority of Britain British Jews — said on Monday, “Anti-Semitism Right. The most important goal facing the WJC building Jewish unity — between all organiza- today it signifies nothing.” is growing across the globe and is targeting today in our daily and global struggle against tions, and regardless of religious denominations “As long as I’m in government, as long all Jews, whether Orthodox or Reform, Left or anti-Semitism is mending the divisive rifts and or political affiliations.” A4 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 World News. Israel Aids Quake-Stricken Mexico, Ahead of Netanyahu’s Historic Visit

BY JNS.ORG (formerly known as IsraAID) is sending a 12-member delegation to earthquake-aff ected Ahead of Prime Minister Benjamin areas in southern Mexico; the iAID recently Netanyahu’s historic visit to Latin America assisted residents in Houston in the wake of this week, Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced Hurricane Harvey. on Sunday it would send aid to earthquake- Netanyahu will travel to Mexico on stricken Mexico. Wednesday; this will be the fi rst visit to the “Mexico and Israel enjoy close and country by a sitting Israeli prime minister. He friendly relations,” Foreign Ministry spokesman will meet with Mexican President Enrique Emmanuel Nahshon told “Naturally, Pena Nieto, as well as leaders of the local Jewish community. An Israeli fl ag. Photo: Wikimedia Commons this fi nds its expression in moments of need, such as the terrible earthquake in Mexico. Our During his trip, Netanyahu will also visit embassy will coordinate the assistance distri- Argentina and Colombia, and will meet with Israel Hosting Prestigious Life bution with the local authorities.” Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes in Th e 8.2-magnitude earthquake — the Buenos Aires. strongest to hit Mexico in a century — struck In Argentina and Mexico, the prime Sciences Conference 75 miles off the country’s Pacifi c coast around minister will be accompanied by a large midnight last Th ursday, causing tremendous business delegation comprised of represen- damage in southern Mexico and prompting tatives from several Israeli companies in the offi cials to issue a tsunami warning along the fi elds of agriculture, water, communications BY JNS.ORG “We hope to off er unique opportunities Central and North American coastline. Tens and energy. Th e visit is expected to enhance for scientifi c interactions, which will facilitate of millions of Mexicans, and others in neigh- reciprocal economic relations between Israel Some 1,600 molecular life scientists the initiation of friendships, collaborations boring Guatemala, were rocked by tremors and those countries. from more than 34 countries are gathering in and joint projects,” Sharon said. from the powerful quake. Israel is Mexico’s largest trade partner Jerusalem Sept. 10-14 for the 2017 Federation Some of the fi eld’s leading experts who “As you know, Mexico experienced in the Middle East, with bilateral trade of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) are addressing the conference include Nobel a severe earthquake over the weekend. amounting to $700 million in 2016. Congress. laureate Robert J. Lefkowitz (Duke Univer- Israel sends condolences to the families of “Th is visit will strengthen our economic, Th e conference, brought to Israel by Prof. sity), Patrick Cramer (Max Planck Institute the victims,” Netanyahu said at the start of security and technological ties with Latin Azem Abdussalam and the Israeli Society for for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen), Carol Sunday’s weekly Israeli cabinet meeting. America, and it constitutes a continuation Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ISBMB), Robinson (University of Oxford), Marcelo “We understand that these are diffi cult of the strengthening of Israel’s international is slated to cover the entire spectrum of Rubinstein (University of Buenos Aires), days for this country, for the Mexican people,” position, a systematic process that we are molecular life sciences with lectures on topics Jonathan Weissman (University of California) he added. “In my talks with the president of successfully leading,” Netanyahu said. such as cancer biology, chromatin structure and Feng Zhang (Massachusetts Institute of Mexico, we will off er aid in reconstruction or Th e prime minister’s trip to Latin America and epigenetic modifi cations, among various Technology). any other assistance that we can give.” is part of a broader eff ort to improve ties with other subjects. “Some of the most brilliant minds in Th e Israeli Embassy in Mexico and the non-traditional allies, such as African and “Th e aim of the FEBS conference is to the fi eld of molecular life sciences will be in Foreign Ministry’s Center for International Asian countries. Th e Israeli leader’s arrival in bring leading researchers from all aspects Jerusalem to learn, share expertise, network Cooperation will coordinate the delivery of the region is also expected to be deeply signifi - of molecular life sciences together, and we and collaborate,” said Ilanit Melchior, director aid to the southern Mexican states of Oaxaca cant for Latin . are very excited to host this year event in of tourism for the Jerusalem Development and Chiapas, two of the areas most severely “Netanyahu’s visit is an important Jerusalem,” said Prof. Michal Sharon, a vice Authority, which is assisting with coordinating aff ected by the deadly earthquake. Among the instance in the strengthening of bilateral president of ISBMB and a member of the the convention. 90 people confi rmed dead in the quake’s after- relations between Israel and Latin American FEBS organizing committee. math, 71 were from Oaxaca. countries,” Claudio Epelman, the execu- A diplomatic team from the Israeli tive director of the Latin American Jewish embassy, headed by the Israeli ambassador Congress, said. Continued from Page A2 small portion of the dignity that this son of a to Mexico Yoni Peled, will distribute aid “In Latin America there are many Jewish AMIA prominent Jewish family has lost in colluding packages to the governors of the aff ected communities, all very diff erent from each that it cost him his life — a view shared by with the murderers of Argentine Jews and states in the coming days, according to the other, big and small, but they all share a great the offi cial investigation into his death, which non-Jews. It might even give him an oppor- Foreign Ministry. aff ection for the state of Israel,” Epelman said. concluded back in May that the prosecutor tunity to get back at Kirchner’s thuggish had been murdered, despite Kirchner’s insis- In addition to the state assistance, the “[Th e visit] is, without a doubt, an incredible lieutenants, who lampooned him as “that Israeli humanitarian organization iAID opportunity for dialogue.” tence that his death was a suicide. f— Jew” behind his back, even as he was Kirchner, Timerman and several other negotiating with Assad and Iran. Or it might Continued from Page A1 Others involved in the cleanup eff orts in Argentine offi cials could well face treason result in yet another tissue of falsehoods. Aid Team Florida include Bal Harbour Mayor Gabriel charges as a result of Ahuad’s testimony. In Th e fact that the net is now closing in Israel21c said. More ZAKA volunteers are Groisman, who said in a Facebook Live the interim, Timerman’s lawyer has told the upon the Argentine culprits in the AMIA reportedly on standby in the New York in case video on Monday that the city was “on track” investigating judge, Claudio Bonadio, that the story cannot be doubted. But will another two their assistance is needed. to getting electricity and water back on for former foreign minister wants to schedule a decades pass before we see the Iranian terror- “We intend to off er help in the best and residents. He added that Bal Harbour and other hearing where he will “clarify the facts” around ists themselves in court? most professional way we can, focusing on nearby municipalities were in “total lockdown” the secret pact with Iran. Ben Cohen writes a weekly column for evacuation of stranded residents and treating and that no one could enter or leave the area Given that Timerman’s lawyer implied on Jewish aff airs and Middle Eastern the wounded,” said ZAKA International because of downed power lines in certain in his letter that his client’s health is failing, politics. His writings have been published in Rescue Unit chief offi cer Mati Goldstein. communities and dangerous conditions. perhaps there is a ghost of a reason to believe Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, Israeli groups were also on the ground in He added, “If you’re in Bal Harbour and that Timerman — who has proven himself Th e Wall Street Journal and many other Texas last week helping with the aftermath of don’t have food or electricity, come to Th e a liar time and again — wants to unburden publications. himself. Doing so would perhaps restore a Hurricane Harvey, as well as in some Carib- Shul of Bal Harbour. Th ey have enough food bean islands — to assist those aff ected by for about 500 people…We’ve got water for Hurricane Irma — and Mexico — following people, food, ice, anything you need, we’re Palestinians Attempt to Gain Full last week’s 8.1-magnitude earthquake there. here for you.” Membership in Second UN Agency to block the request,” an Israeli Foreign Hebron, two of Judaism’s holiest cities. Ministry spokesman told the Jerusalem Post. “We are not expecting any negative impact on Israel or its continued activity in the organi- BY JNS.ORG the organization last year, and the item is on zation — the expected damage will be to the the agenda for UNWTO’s general assembly in organization itself.” Th e Palestinians are reportedly preparing China next week. A fi nal Palestinian decision If the Palestinian bid is successful, to gain full membership in the World Tourism on whether to go ahead with the bid or UNWTO would be the second UN organiza- Organization (UNWTO), a UN agency, at the withdraw is expected soon. tion in which the Palestinians have gained group’s upcoming meeting. To gain membership, the Palestinians membership; the fi rst was UNESCO. During According to the Jerusalem Post, the must secure two-thirds approval in a vote at the last year, UNESCO has passed several Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Tourism the UNWTO assembly. anti-Israel resolutions that have denied Israeli Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud applied for membership for “Palestine” into “Israel has taken all diplomatic measures sovereignty and Jewish ties to Jerusalem and Abbas. Photo: via Wikimedia Commons. | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 A5 U.S. News.

by Arktos Media, which is led by a former Texas, Virginia, and Washington,” the civil ADL: White Supremacists Swedish neo-Nazi. rights group said in a new report. Aff ected campuses have included Long Since September 2016, the ADL has Intensifying Recruitment Efforts Beach City College in California, Bristol recorded 188 incidents of leafl eting or other Community College in Massachusetts, the activities by white supremacist organizations University of Alabama, the University of on 129 campuses in 36 states. Aside from IE, on College Campuses Across US Illinois at Urbana — Champaign, California other perpetrators have been the Atomwaff en State University — San Marcos, California Division and Vanguard America groups, as well State University — Long Beach, the Univer- as the Daily Stormer and American Renais- sity of California — Irvine, Eastern Michigan sance media outlets, according to the ADL. BY SHIRI MOSHE University and San Diego State University, In a recently-released video, the anony- Th e white supremacist group whose racist and antisemitic slogans were chanted by according to tweets posted by an account mous campus watchdog group Canary protesters at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville last month has embarked on a recruit- affi liated with IE. Mission drew parallels between the extremism ment campaign to attract college students as they begin their fall term. During the 2016-2017 school year, espoused by white supremacist groups like IE Identity Evropa (IE) — which seeks to defend and promote “white American culture” — has “the ADL counted 65 incidents where IE and anti-Israel activists. Th e video included distributed propaganda materials including fl yers, posters, and stickers on at least a dozen campuses propaganda was posted on campuses in quotes from far-right and far-left activists that since the start of the 2017-2018 school year, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said on Monday. Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, “spread the same vile hate” by glorifying Adolf Th e fl yers have featured photos of IE leaders and phrases such as, “Our generation, our Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Hitler, blaming Israel and Jews for the 9/11 future, our last chance.” Some were accompanied by promotional posters for books published Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, attacks, and urging the killing of Jews. Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota,

An Identity Evropa fl yer posted at California State University – Long Beach. Photo: Twitter.

Israeli President Meets Visiting Delegation of Top Hollywood Producers and Executives


Israeli President Reuven Rivlin welcomed a delega- tion of leading Hollywood producers and executives at his Jerusalem residence on Sunday. Th e delegation included prominent Hollywood fi gures such as Adam Berkowitz, head of the television depart- ment at the Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Daniel Grover, talent agent at CAA; John Landgraf, general manager of FX Network; Christophe Riandee, vice CEO of Gaumont Inter- national Television, and Doug Herzog, former president of Viacom Music and Entertainment Group, among others. During his meeting, Rivlin discussed the history of television and fi lm in the Jewish state and lauded Israelis who have made breakthroughs in the entertainment industry. “For many years we have been watching your shows, and now you are also watching Israeli shows. We even have Israeli superheroes,” Rivlin said, referring to Israeli actress Gal Gadot’s “Wonder Woman” fi lm, which earned about $404 million in North America to date and grossed over $800 million worldwide. Gadot was also recently ranked number one on Th e Hollywood Reporter’s Top Actors list. Rivlin was asked by the delegation about the recent prize awarded to Israeli fi lm “Foxtrot” at the Venice Film Festival, which drew strong criticism from Israel’s Minister of Culture Miri Regev for its purported negative portrayal of the IDF. “I did not watch the fi lm but I’m going to watch it, I do not know if I will like it, but I will watch it as I try to watch every Israeli fi lm,” Rivlin said.

VACANT CORNER LOT FOR SALE 532 New York Ave., cor Lincoln Rd., 29.08 x 95, Zoned R6. Must be an all cash deal, listening to all off ers. Contact: Heights Properties, J.J. Katz, E-Mail: [email protected] A6 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 Opinion.

allies in the Gulf to cut off Al Jazeera by claiming that the network is a platform for Jewish Leaders Must Not Meet With and terrorist incitement. Furthermore, Qatar’s funding doesn’t Emir of Qatar — Whose Country Funds stop with Hamas. Though it’s unclear whether they fund these groups directly, Qatar certainly harbors Hamas Terrorism fundraising operations for the Taliban, al-Nusra Front, and ISIS — all of which are allowed to freely seek private donations within the emirate’s borders. There is also finances the murder of Jews. That’s why my evidence of the Qatari royal family playing organization, the World Values Network, took a role in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. out a full-page ad in the New York Times this SHMULEY BOTEACH According to a Congressional Research weekend to condemn the PR effort, stating ENGELWOOD Service report, former Qatari Interior Minister clearly, “Meeting with Qatar condones Shaykh Abdullah bin Khalid al-Thani person- murder.” ally sheltered Khalid Shiekh Mohammad, Since there has been no substantive the mastermind of the attacks, and provided change in Qatar’s actions — nor its financing him with a Qatari passport to avoid capture The emir of Qatar is coming to America, of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, the following 9/11. and he is bearing gifts. country’s moves are nothing but a halfhearted While he was alive, Shimon Peres said As in years past, the emir will use the attempt to white-wash their notorious Doha, Qatar. Photo: StellarD via Wikimedia Commons. Qatar was “the world’s largest funder of terror.” podium of the UN General Assembly to sponsorship of worldwide terrorism and And Israel’s former UN Ambassador Ron falsely present his extremist, terror-funding antisemitism. leader Khaled Mashaal since 2012. Further- Prosor put it more pithily. In an op-ed for the regime as one that is defined by balance and Qatar has emerged, in recent years, as the more, it has also offered him its state-run Al New York Times, he called the Persian Gulf moderation. undisputed chief financier of Hamas, which Jazeera network as a platform for his sermons. state a “Club-Med for Terrorists.” This year’s visit, however, will present is the foremost antisemitic terrorist organi- One of these recent speeches featured the No Jewish leader should agree to meet something of a novelty. Whereas the emir zation in the world. Hamas is dedicated not humanistic gem that “before [the Israelis] die, with a man who bankrolls the proliferation of sought previously to con the world, this year only to the destruction of the state of Israel, they will experience humiliation and degrada- such violent evil. If the emir wants a meeting, he seems to be taking the bolder step of but to the murder of world Jewry “whersoever tion every day.” let him force Hamas to release the bodies of focusing on conning American Jewry. they may be found,” to quote their founding Ismail Haniyeh, Mashaal’s replacement murdered IDF soldiers Hadar Goldin and If Qatar were to truly change its stance charter. as Hamas’ political chief, moved to the Qatari Oron Shaul, so that their families might finally and stop funding international terror and In 2012, the previous Qatari emir pledged capital of Doha shortly after his election, and pray at their graves. using Al Jazeera to incite the world against $400 million dollars to the Gaza-based terror continues to reside there today. He was one of Let him purge Al Jazeera of its antise- Israel, we would be right to welcome their group. His cynical efforts paid off. Just two the only political leaders on earth to condemn mitic correspondents. Let him expel Khaled transformation. But in place of real change, years later, Hamas launched a war against the assassination of Osama Bin Laden, a man Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh, and send them they have chosen an artificial PR makeover. Israel with a lavish arsenal of more than 5,000 whom he lauded as an “Arab holy warrior.” to the ICC, where they should be tried for their This year, the richest per-capita country on the rockets aimed at Israeli civilians. During the Al Jazeera has also proven itself as less use of Palestinian children as human shields planet will seek to soothe American Jews in war, Hamas showcased a network of complex a reliable news service, than as a conduit and targeting of Israeli civilians, which even much the same way that they engage almost and deadly tunnel projects that were built to by which to introduce the most antisemitic the left-leaning Amnesty International has all of their problems — with money. kidnap, murder and terrorize Israeli civilians rhetoric into the mainstream media. In a determined to be war crimes. As part of the emir’s attempt to end the and soldiers. sermon aired by the network in 2009, Sheik When it comes to the revaluation of inter- isolation imposed on him for funding terror, Though Hamas had clearly used Qatar’s Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi said, “Allah imposed national and Jewish relations with Qatar, we Qatar has hired a Jewish PR and lobbying firm funding to arm themselves with weapons of Hitler upon the Jews to punish them.” must demand tangible signs of real, measur- — and a succession of high-level meetings are war, Qatar refused to repudiate or cut off the Earlier this month, Israel decided to able change. Whether Qatar will take these being arranging between the emir and Jewish terror group. On the contrary, Qatar doubled shutter Al Jazeera’s operations in the country. steps is doubtful. But when it comes to Jewish leaders during his visit to New York. down. Following the Gaza War of 2014, Qatar Far more telling, however, is the fact that leaders, we must show Qatar that money It seems incredible that Jewish leaders pledged $1 billion to Hamas. the United Arab Emirates’ Anwar Gargash won’t do the trick. would meet with the leader of a country that Qatar has also offered asylum to Hamas defended the decision by the UAE and its

could be considered perfidious if it weren’t so foolish, Obama entered the 2015 Vienna 9/11 Sixteen Years Later: nuclear and missile deal that has legitimized Tehran’s terrorist government, released well over a hundred billion dollars of frozen Lessons Put Into Practice? assets and dissolved international economic sanctions. Iran has responded by extending its presence in the Middle East as ISIS had and Iraq have ceased to exist functionally, and receded; it now has tens of thousands of troops The September 11, 2001 terror attacks. Photo: Libya, Somalia and Yemen have descended in Syria and is building missile factories there Wikimedia Commons. and in Lebanon. into chaos. Pakistan, an unstable nuclear- targets. We do not have a robust national JOHN BOLTON Before 2009, publishers would have weapons state, could fall to radicals under missile defense capability, which is partly due NEW YORK immediately dismissed novelists who brought many easily predictable scenarios. to Barack Obama’s drastic budget cuts. them such a plainly unrealistic plot. Today, The terrorist threat is compounded by President Trump appreciates that nuclear however, it qualifies as history, not fantasy. nuclear proliferation. Pakistan has scores of proliferation and radical Islamic terrorism are This is the agonizing legacy that the Trump nuclear weapons, and Iran’s program continues existential threats for the United States and its administration inherited, compounded by Today marks the 16th anniversary of Al unhindered. North Korea has now conducted allies. During the 2016 campaign, he repeat- widespread feelings among the American Qaeda’s 9/11 attacks. We learned much on that its sixth — and likely thermonuclear — nuclear edly stressed his view that others should play people that we have once again sacrificed tragic day, at enormous human and material test, and its ballistic missiles are near being a larger role in defeating these dangerous American lives and treasure overseas for cost. Perilously, however, America has already able to hit targets across the continental United forces, bearing their fair share of the burden. precious little in return. forgotten many of September 11’s lessons. States. Pyongyang leads the rogue’s gallery But candidate Trump also unambiguously These feelings are understandable, but it The radical Islamicist ideology manifested of would-be nuclear powers, and is perfectly (and entirely correctly) called for restoring our would be dangerous to succumb to them. We that day has neither receded nor “moderated,” capable of selling its technologies and weapons depleted military capabilities, because he saw didn’t ask for the responsibility of stopping as many naive Westerners predicted. Neither to anyone with hard currency. that American safety depended fundamen- has the ideology’s hatred for America receded, During Barack Obama’s presidency, he nuclear proliferation or terrorism, but we are tally on American strength. nor its inclination to conduct terrorist attacks. ignored these growing threats and dispar- nonetheless ultimately the most at risk from September 11 should be more than just Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution brought radical aged those who warned against them. His both of these threats. a few moments of silence to remember the Islam to the contemporary world’s attention, legacy is terrorist attacks throughout Europe And as we knew during the Cold War, Twin Towers falling, the burning Pentagon and and Iran is no less malevolent today than and America, and a blindness to the threat but seem to have forgotten since it ended, our the inspiring heroism of regular Americans in when it seized our Tehran embassy, holding that encouraged Europe to accept a huge surrounding oceans do not insulate us from bringing down United Flight 93 in Shanksville, US diplomats hostage for 444 days. influx of economic migrants from the MENA the risk of long-distance nuclear attacks. We Pennsylvania. We should also seriously consider The Taliban, which provided Al Qaeda region, whose numbers included potentially face the choice of fighting the terrorists on our today’s global threats. Those who made America sanctuary to prepare for the 9/11 attacks, now thousands of already-committed terrorists. borders or inside America itself, or fighting an exceptional country did so by confronting threatens to retake control in Afghanistan. Al Qaeda Obama also ignored North Korea, affording them where they seek to plot our demise: in reality and overcoming it, not by ignoring it. persists, and may even be growing worldwide. it one of an aspiring nuclear proliferator’s most the barren mountains of Afghanistan, in the John Bolton, a senior fellow at the While ISIS’ caliphate in Syria and Iraq precious assets: time. Time is what a nuclear MENA deserts and elsewhere. American Enterprise Institute, was the US will not survive much longer, countries across state needs to master the complex scientific and Nor can we shelter behind a robust permanent representative to the United Nations North Africa and the Middle East (“MENA”) technological problems that it must overcome to national missile-defense capability, hoping and, previously, the undersecretary of state for have destabilized or fractured entirely. Syria create even more nuclear weapons. simply to shoot down missiles from the likes arms control and international security. And, in a dangerous unforced error that of North Korea and Iran before they hit their | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 A7 Opinion.

Continued from Page A10 How can the soul obligate the body? Of be the heir to a throne involves a set of duties of our birth. Yet each of these affects who we Why course the soul agrees to the covenant. and a life of service to others. It is possible are and what we are called on to do. We did not yet exist. How then can we be bound by Spiritually, to be a Jew is a privilege, and to neglect these duties. In extreme circum- We are part of a story that began long the covenant? you can confer a privilege on someone stances it is even possible for a monarch to before we were born and will continue long This is not a small question. It is the question without their consent. But for the body, abdicate. But no one chooses to be heir to a after we are no longer here, and the question on which all others turn. How can Jewish identity the covenant is a burden. It involves throne. That is a fate, a destiny, that comes for all of us is: will we continue the story? The be passed on from parent to child? If Jewish identity all sorts of restrictions on physical with birth. hopes of a hundred generations of our ances- were merely racial or ethnic, we could understand pleasures. Therefore if the souls of The people of whom God himself said, tors rest on our willingness to do so. Deep in it. We inherit many things from our parents – most future generations were present but “My child, my firstborn, Israel” (Ex. 4:22) knows our collective memory the words of Moses obviously our genes. But being Jewish is not a genetic not their bodies, this would not consti- itself to be royalty. That may be a privilege. It continue to resonate. “It is not with you alone condition, it is a set of religious obligations. There is tute consent. may be a burden. It may be both. It is a peculiar that I am making this sworn covenant, but a halakhic principle, zakhin le-adam shelo be-fanav: Radical Then, Radical Now is my post-Enlightenment delusion to think that the with … whoever is not here with us today.” We “You can confer a benefit on someone else without answer to this question. But perhaps only significant things about us are those we are part of that story. We can live it. We can their knowledge or consent.” And though it is doubt- there is a simpler one. Not every obliga- choose. For the truth is some of the most impor- abandon it. But it is a choice we cannot avoid less a benefit to be a Jew, it is also in some sense a tion that binds us is one to which we tant facts about us, we did not choose. We did and it has immense consequences. The future liability, a restriction on our range of legitimate choices. have freely given our assent. There are not choose to be born. We did not choose our of the covenant rests with us. Had we not been Jewish, we could have worked on obligations that come with birth. The parents. We did not choose the time and place Shabbat, eaten non-kosher food, and so on. You can classic example is a crown prince. To confer a benefit, but not a liability, on someone without their consent. In short, this is the question of questions of Jewish identity. How can we be bound by Jewish law, without our choice, merely because our ances- tors agreed on our behalf? In my book Radical Then, Radical Now (published in America as A Letter in the Scroll) I pointed out how fascinating it is to trace exactly when and where this question was asked. Despite the fact that everything else depends on it, it was not asked often. For the most part, Jews did not ask the question, ‘Why be Jewish?’ When your country cherishes life, The answer was obvious. My parents are Jewish. My grandparents were Jewish. So I am Jewish. Identity is you’ll do whatever it takes to save one. something most people in most ages take for granted. It did, however, become an issue during the Babylo- nian exile. The prophet Ezekiel says, “What is in your mind shall never happen—the thought, ‘Let us be like the nations, like the tribes of the countries, and worship wood and stone.’” (Ez. 20:32). This is the first reference to Jews actively seeking to abandon their identity. It happened again in rabbinic times. We know that in the second century BCE there were Jews who Hellenised, seeking to become Greek rather than Jewish. There were others who, under Roman rule, sought to become Roman. Some even underwent an operation known as epispasm to reverse the effects of circumcision (in Hebrew they were known as meshukhim) to hide the fact that they were Jews. The third time was in Spain in the fifteenth century. That is where we find two Bible commenta- tors, R. Isaac Arama and R. Isaac Abarbanel, raising precisely the question we have raised about how the covenant can bind Jews today. The reason they ask it while earlier commentators did not was that in their time – between 1391 and 1492 – there was immense pressure on Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity, and as many as a third may have done so (they were known in Hebrew as the anusim, in Spanish as the conversos, and derogatively as marranos, “swine”). The question “Why stay Jewish?” was real. The answers given were different at different times. Ezekiel’s answer was blunt: “As I live, declares the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out I will be king over you.” In other words, Jews might try to escape their destiny but they will fail. Even against their will they would be known as Jews. That, tragi- cally, is what happened during the two great ages of assimilation, fifteenth century Spain and nineteenth Living in a Jewish State, founded on Jewish values, there are few things the people of Israel and early twentieth century Europe. In both cases, value more than chai, life. Magen David Adom is proud of its role in helping ensure Israel’s racial antisemitism persisted, and Jews continued to be persecuted. health and survival, providing two medevac helicopters, more than 1,000 ambulances, 200 The sages answered the question mystically. Medicycles, 15,000 CPR-certified Life Guardians, and 15,000 of the most experienced EMTs and They said, even the souls of Jews not yet born were paramedics on Earth — most of them volunteers. present at Sinai and ratified the covenant (Exodus Rabbah 28:6). Every Jew, in other words, did give his Save a life in Israel. Support Magen David Adom. or her consent in the days of Moses even though they had not yet been born. Demystifying this, perhaps the sages meant that in his or her innermost heart even the most assimilated Jew knew that he or she AFMDA was still a Jew. That seems to have been the case with 352 Seventh Avenue, Suite 400 figures like Heinrich Heine and Benjamin Disraeli, New York, NY 10001 who lived as Christians but often wrote and thought Toll-Free 866.632.2763 l [email protected] as Jews. The fifteenth century Spanish commentators found this answer problematic. As Arama said, we are each of us both body and soul. How then is it sufficient to say that our soul was present at Sinai? A8 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 Impressions.

Sixteen Years After The High Holidays: A Time to 9/11 Attacks, Reflect Giuliani’s Co-Author

Reflects on BY JEREMY ROSEN Th is is the time of the Jewish year when we devote ourselves to the cultivation of our souls. Yes, we should Lessons Learned do it all the time. But we humans get easily distracted. Th e month before the Days of Awe is the time to Th at is why we need rituals. Th ey demand our attention start thinking about our souls, rather than our politics. — and that we devote specifi c time to them. In the West, we have been persuaded that religion But what do we mean by soul? Th e very word is BY BEN COHEN is a system of beliefs that are supposed to determine ambiguous. Th ere are at least fi ve diff erent words in the how we live. Th e required belief in certain proposi- Torah and Midrash that describe it. Th ere are concerts In early 2001, author Ken Kurson began working tions is supposedly at the root of religion. And we often of a physical soul and a spiritual soul. Th ere is no single with the then mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, describe Judaism as a religion. But the word religion defi nition that everyone agrees on. I would rather use on what was to become a best-selling book entitled does not exist in the Torah — it only appears in the the term to describe ourselves: the self — made up of simply “Leadership.” Book of Esther, in a Persian context. Th e Al Qaeda terrorist attacks on September 11 diff erent elements, both physical and spiritual, and Th e fi rst actual religious credo in Judaism is the nourished by such human tools as logic and feeling. To of that year meant – as Kurson told Th e Algemeiner on “Th irteen Principles of Faith,” which was written by Monday, in an interview to mark the sixteenth anniver- thrive, we need to engage them all. Maimonides a thousand years ago. Th is means that for Part of this process is self-examination, and the sary of 9/11 – that “it became a very diff erent book.” the fi rst two thousand years of Judaism, there was none. “I’m so proud of New York City – its spirit and determination each year to do better, even as we usually But there were most defi nitely ideas and propositions resilience inspired the world,” Kurson refl ected. “I sink back to established routines and ideas. Th at is why that were fundamental to being part of that community believe, as Rudy [Giuliani] said many times, that Al we use the metaphor of being judged during this period Qaeda thought their master stroke would break the of Israelites. Th e Talmud discusses these core ideas and — of standing before God and having all our actions back of America and force us to crawl to some kind of suggests that without them, one cannot fully appre- revealed and weighed. As the Talmud says, even the negotiated settlement.” ciate the spirit of our tradition. Th ese ideas eventually best of us is imperfect; we are neither all good nor all Instead, Kurson continued, “Al Qaeda and became the basis of Maimonides’s principles. He bad, but — like Benjamin, in the middle. the whole world saw what tough motherf***ers we formulated them in response to Christian and Muslim Th is is also a time to examine our ideas. What actually are and our willingness to rain hellfi re on theologians of his day, who tried to undermine Judaism we think. What we value. Consider the words that the them, coupled with the incredible togetherness and by claiming that it was not a legitimate religion because Torah uses to describe these days. What we now call kindness all of America displayed toward New York, it did not have a core systematic belief formula. Rosh Hashanah is called zikaron — a day to remember. reminded them – and us – what we’re made of.” But the Torah never says anywhere, “You must But it does not tell us if we are supposed to remember Th e trauma of that day has become easier to bear believe.” It does indeed assert that God is the source of God, or if God is supposed to remember us. It does not with the passage of time, Kurson observed, but the fl ip everything, and that the Torah is God’s way of revealing specify if we are to remember the things that we did side is that time can erase memories as well as heal them. a pattern for living and reinforcing the quest to become badly, or the things that we did well. “Forgetting is why it will inevitably repeat itself,” good human beings. But apart from the ambiguous and he said. “Sixteen years ago, we swore that we’d wipe And Yom Kipur is a day of initem et nafshoteyhem opaque, “I am what I am,” which God uses to reassure — “affl icting your souls,” as it is normally translated. out Islamic Terrorism. And yet, this year alone, we’ve Moses, there is no specifi c defi nition or formula that seen high-profi le attacks on a nightclub in Istanbul, 30 we are commanded to believe about God. Rather, it is a Christians killed on Palm Sunday in Egypt, four shot in matter of acceptance and commitment, which is what Fresno, multiple shootings of police in Paris, plus the the Hebrew word really means. usual daily car bombings and insanity in Syria, Iraq Th e Torah is a pre-philosophical document that and Afghanistan.” expresses itself in very diff erent ways than the Greek Kurson recalled that he had been visiting rational, scientifi c method, which lies at the root of Manchester on May 22 – “the day that Salman Abedi blew himself to bits to kill 22 teenagers at the Manchester Western culture. But the Judaism that we have today Arena who were at an Ariana Grande concert.” has been infl uenced by both the earlier non-rational, “Th e memory of September 11 is easier to bear mystical tradition, as well as the later rational one. Th is is so important to recognize, because it Th e Western Wall on Yom Kippur. Photo: because time has passed, but also because we are Twitter. numb,” Kurson said. indicates that the word “belief” has diff erent meanings Kurson sees a parallel between popular attitudes and usages. Th e title of the earliest book of Jewish But what does that mean? Is it a reference to suff ering to natural disasters and those towards terrorism. “Last theology, written by Saadia Gaon in Baghdad in 933, through fasting, or are we suff ering because we realize year on 9/11, I wrote about exactly that,” he said. “How is Sefer Emunot Ve Depot; this is usually translated as how badly we have failed? the language has evolved to view these attacks as akin “the Book of Beliefs and Opinions” or “Doctrines and Our tradition is holistic. Th e distinction between to earthquakes, unfortunate events that claimed a lot of Beliefs. But I prefer the translation, “Convictions and body and soul is a Greek construct. Dividing the upper lives. Th ere remains, amid all these attacks a shocking Ideas.” body from the lower with a girdle is not found in the unwillingness among decent people to understand Ideas are much more fl exible than beliefs. Beliefs what we’re dealing with here and to call it by its name.” Torah, although modesty is. Surely we cannot think that have to be formulated, and human language is notori- our bodies are intrinsically bad. Adam and Eve were Nor do the polarizing eff ects of domestic politics ously limited when it comes to describing feelings and assist much. “Th ere’s an absurdist streak running only covered up after they realized that one could defy emotions. I think intellect and rationality is very impor- godliness. Besides, our brains and our hearts can do through the entire electorate,” Kurson said. “Th e idea tant. But I also think that feelings, experience and sense that it’s ‘racist’ to condemn terror is so twisted and just as much damage as the “lower” parts of our bodies. are equally valid sources for information, and guides Th is is the time of year when we try to revert to a dangerous. And it’s condescending to Muslims, who for behavior. We often call this emotional intelligence. comprise the overwhelming number of victims of holistic awareness of all of ourselves. It is a time to be Ideas allow for such fl exibility and emotional input. Islamic terrorists.” serious, to be refl ective — to remember everything, for One can be convinced of something without either “Because Americans are good, we have this child- better and for worse, our successes and our failures — like need to assume that others are just as inclined to proof or belief — and to doubt does not mean to deny. and to try to make it all better. Honest Milud! kindness and generosity,” Kurson continued. “But our Moses had his doubts, after all. obsession with things that are not a meaningful threat – like these losers and buff oons who carry Confed- erate fl ags and swastikas in Charlottesville – and our refusal to understand the diff erence between power- less idiots like that, versus terrorist groups that control on April 15 when a car bomb by (Sunni terrorist group) had written to deliver today to her class in New Jersey, large swaths of land and the tools of government, is Tahrir al-Sham killed 126 people in Aleppo, including and it was clear how profoundly 9/11 has shaped her extremely dangerous.” sixty kids?” he asked. “If you care about Muslim people, worldview,” he said. “She was too young to remember Kurson is deeply critical of what he regards as as I do and all civilized people do, you should be the the attacks, of course, but just as the Holocaust feels myopia among American liberals when it comes to loudest to condemn Islamic terror.” present to me because of the value my family placed the Muslim victims of Islamist terror groups. Kurson is confi dent that the new generation that on education and fi rsthand accounts, this young lady “What did you hear from Hollywood on May 31, has grown up since 9/11 will understand the signifi - — and hopefully her friends and future young people when a car bombing killed 150 in Kabul, or on April 21, cance of an event they are too young to recall. “My best — will carry around the collective memory of both the when the Taliban killed as many as 256 Afghanis, or friend just sent me an essay his 17-year old daughter horror and the heroism we saw 16 years ago.” | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 A9 Legal Notice.


TION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST Approximate amount of judgment tary issue to Robert D. Dash. Dated, Lot 58. The approximate amount of the BY PURCHASE FROM THE $572,311.16 plus interest and costs. Attested and Sealed, Aug. 3 2017 Hon. current Judgment lien is $166,021.99 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE INDEX NO. 4029-13 Helene Blank, Peter J. Kelly Surrogate Lee J. Coulman plus interest and costs. The Premises CORPORATION AS RECEIVER OF Esq., Referee Acting Chief Clerk Elisha Wellerstein, will be sold subject to provisions of WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ Esq. Wellerstein Law Group, P .C the aforesaid Judgment of Foreclo- F/K/A WASHINGTON MUTUAL 60-45 Eliot Avenue, Maspeth, New sure and Sale; Index # 507393/2014. BANK, FA, Plaintiff against JESSIE NOTICE OF SALE IN FORECLO- York 11368 (718) 473-0699 NOTE: Bartholomew M. Verdirame, Esq., LOZADA; BENJAMIN LOZADA; SURE Index No. 17617-12 STATE This citation is served upon you as Referee. Richland & Falkowski, PLLC, MRS. LOZADA, a woman who OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT required by law. You are not required 35-37 36th Street, 2nd Floor, ASTORIA, Notice of formation of limited liability refused to Identify her first name, et al COUNTY OF KINGS BAYVIEW to appear. If you fail to appear it will be NY 11106 Dated: 8/3/2017 PB company(LLC) Name: RENIBEST,LLC Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment LOAN SERVICING, LLC, Plaintiff, assumed you do not object to the relief AJ; 9/1/8/15/22/29; 10/6 Articles of organization filed with the of Foreclosure and Sale entered on -vs- RUTHIE SMOTHERS; VIOLA requested. You have a right to have an Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) March 27, 2017. I, the undersigned BECKETT; TYSHAWN CORBETT; attorney appear for you. Notice of formation of 11 WATER- on 06/06/2017. Office location Bronx Referee will sell at public auction QUANDEL SMOTHERS; QUMIAK AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ FORD LLC. Articles of Organization County. SSNY has been designated in Room 224 of the Kings County SMOTHERS and VISHAL DANRAJ, filed with the Secretary of State of NY, as the agent of the LLC upon whom Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT SSNY on 08/10/2017. Office located process against it may be served. Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 28th day of THAT: In pursuance and by virtue of - COUNTY OF KINGS LPP Mortgage in Richmond County. SSNY has been SSNY shall Mail copy of the process September, 2017 at 2:30 p.m. premises a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Ltd., Plaintiff -against- Ernest C. designated for service of process. to the LLC Att: Marcial Brooks 3362 described as follows: All that certain granted by this Court in the above Blundell, Jacqueline Blundell, New SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Wilson Ave. Bronx, NY 10469 Purpose: plot, piece or parcel of land, with the entitled foreclosure action, dated York City Parking Violations Bureau, 11 WATERFORD LLC, 421 Home Ave, all lawful activity building and improvements thereon March 1, 2017, and entered in the New York City Transit Adjudication Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any AJ; 8/11/18/25; 9/1/8/15 erected, situate lying and being in Kings Clerk’s Office on April 10, 2017, Bureau, Citibank, N.A., Citimortgage, lawful purpose. the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Charles M. Sporn, the Referee named Inc., New York City Environmental AJ; 9/1/8/15/22; 10/6 Notice of Formation of BIENVENIDA kings, City and State of New York. in said Judgment, will sell at public Control Board, Ms. Blundell (First GIL LLC Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of Said premises known as 167 Euclid auction to the highest bidder on Name Refused) Defendant(s) Notice of formation of 421 HOME State of NY (SSNY) on 07/28/17. Office Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11208. (Block: September 28, 2017 in Room 224 of Pursuant to a judgment of foreclo- LLC. Articles of Organization filed location: Kings County. SSNY desig- 4129, Lot: 23) Approximate amount the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 sure and sale duly dated May 5, 2017 with the Secretary of State of NY, nated as agent of LLC upon whom of lien $ 328,267.43 plus interest and Adams Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at SSNY on 08/14/2017. Office located process against it may be served. costs. Premises will be sold subject New York, at 2:30 PM, the premises public auction to the highest bidder in Richmond County. SSNY has been SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, to provisions of filed judgment and described in the Judgment of Foreclo- at ROOM 224 F/K/A ROOM 274 OF designated for service of process. 1820 Ave. M, Ste. 675, Brooklyn, NY terms of sale. Index No. 506966/2014. sure and Sale commonly known as KINGS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 11230. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Zvi Storch, Esq., Referee. Fein, Such & 215 Berriman Street, Brooklyn, Kings 360 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, 421 HOME LLC, 421 Home Ave, AJ; 8/11/18/25; 9/1/8/15 Crane, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 28 County, New York, [Block 4022, Lot NEW YORK 11201 on September 28, Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any East Main Street, Suite 1800 Rochester, 5], Subject to and together with all 2017 at 2:30 PM premises known as lawful purpose. Notice of formation of limited liability N.Y. 14614 (585) 232-7400 covenants, easements, and restrictions 72 Dare Ct, Brooklyn, NY 11229. ALL AJ; 9/1/8/15/22; 10/6 company(LLC) Name: BROOKLYN AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ of record affecting the above described that certain plot, piece or parcel of 2 BACKCOUNTRY LLC . Articles of premises as recorded in the Kings land, with the buildings and improve- Notice of formation of 18 IROQUOIS organization filed with the Secre- NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: County Clerk's Office and subject to ments thereon erected, situate, LLC. Articles of Organization filed tary of State of New York(SSNY) on KINGS COUNTY WELLS FARGO the provisions of the filed Judgment lying and being in the Borough of with the Secretary of State of NY, 07/19/2017. Office location kings BANK, N.A.; Plaintiff(s) vs. SANTOSH and the Terms of Sale. JUDGMENT Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and SSNY on 08/14/2017. Office located county SSNY has been designated NATH; et al; Defendant(s) Attorney (s) AMOUNT: The Judgment amount State of New York. Section: 26 Block: in Richmond County. SSNY has been as the agent of the LLC upon whom for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI & is $215,670.19, plus plaintiff's costs 8907 Lot: 704 Approximate amount designated for service of process. process against it may be served. ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, and disbursements in the amount of lien $470,973.53 plus interest and SSNY shall mail copy of process to: SSNY shall Mail copy of the process Suite 301, Fishkill, New York, 12524, of $1,475.00, both with interest, plus costs. Premises will be sold subject 18 IROQUOIS LLC, 421 Home Ave, to Brooklyn 2 Backcountry LLC 845.897.1600 Pursuant to judgment advances made by the plaintiff until to provisions of filed judgment Index Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any 1835 W. 7th St., Brooklyn, NY 11223. of foreclosure and sale granted herein the date of the sale, pursuant to said # 15382/2013 Leonard C. Spector, lawful purpose. Purpose:all lawful activity on or about May 8, 2017, I will sell at judgment. DATED: August 14, 2017 Esq., REFEREE STEIN, WIENER AND AJ; 9/1/8/15/22/29; 10/6 AJ; 8/11/18/25; 9/1/8/15 Public Auction to the highest bidder Charles M. Sporn, Referee BARCLAY ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS FOR THE in Room 224 at the Kings County DAMON LLP J. Eric Charlton Attorney PLAINTIFF ONE OLD COUNTRY Notice of formation of 105 IGLOO EMERSON LLC. Arts. of Org. Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, for Plaintiff Barclay Damon Tower 125 ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE PLACE, NY MERSEREAU LLC. Articles of Organi- filed with the SSNY on 07/25/17. Brooklyn, NY 11201. On September East Jefferson Street Syracuse, New 11514 DATED: August 18, 2017 FILE #: zation filed with the Secretary of State Office: Kings County. SSNY desig- 28, 2017 at 2:00 pm. Premises known York 13202 Direct all inquiries to: DOVEN 64181 of NY, SSNY on 08/14/2017. Office nated as agent of the LLC upon whom as 175 WARWICK ST, BROOKLYN, Ruth Stegner Phone no. 716-566-1452 AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ located in Richmond County. SSNY process against it may be served. SSNY NY 11207-2711 Block: 3938 Lot: 5 All AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ has been designated for service of shall mail copy of process to the LLC, that certain plot, piece or parcel of Notice of qualification of LEAD FOOT process. SSNY shall mail copy of c/o Igloo NYC LLC, 184 North 8th land, with the buildings and improve- SUPPLEMENTAL CITATION File no. ENTERPRISES,LLC. Authority filed process to: 105 MERSEREAU LLC, 421 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: ments thereon erected, situate, lying 2017-148 SURROGATE'S COURT, with secretary of state of New York Home Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305. Any lawful purpose. and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, QUEENS COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF (SSNY) on 8/14/2017 Office location Purpose: Any lawful purpose. AJ; 8/11/18/25; 9/1/8/15 County of Kings, State of New York. THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Richmond County LLC formed in AJ; 9/1/8/15/22/29; 10/6 As more particularly described in the Grace of God Free and Independent. Arizona on 06/07/2017. SSNY desig- Notice of Qualification of J SQUAD judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold TO Nathaniel Dash IV and Twayne nated as agent of LLC upon whom Notice of formation of 2910 LLC Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. subject to all of the terms and condi- Dash, if living or if dead, to his heirs at process against it may be served. RICHMOND LLC. Articles of Organi- of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/27/17. tions contained in said judgment and law, next of kin and distributees whose SSNY shall Mail process to: Christina zation filed with the Secretary of State Office location: Kings County. LLC terms of sale. Approximate amount names and places of residence are Talley CPA 1948 Woodlands Village of NY, SSNY on 08/14/2017. Office formed in Delaware (DE) on 05/02/17. of judgment $527,031.66 plus interest unknown, and if he died subsequent Blvd. suite B Flagstaff AZ 86001 .Arts located in Richmond County. SSNY NYS fictitious name: OFFICINA J LLC. and costs. INDEX NO. 20474-13 to the decedent herein, to his execu- of Org. Filed with Arizona Corporation has been designated for service of SSNY designated as agent of LLC Shmuel D. Taub, Esq., Referee tors, administrators, legatees, devisees, commission 1300 West Washington process. SSNY shall mail copy of upon whom process against it may AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/ assignees and successors in interest St., Phoenix, AZ 85007 . Purpose all process to: 2910 RICHMOND LLC, be served. SSNY shall mail process whose names and places of residence lawful activity 421 Home Ave, Staten Island, NY to Tarter Krinsky & Drogin LLP, 1350 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME are unknown and to all other heirs at AJ; 8/25; 9/1/8/15/22/29 10305. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Broadway, 11th Fl., NY, NY 10018. COURT: KINGS COUNTY FEDERAL law and next of kin and distributees AJ; 9/1/8/15/22/29; 10/6/ DE addr. of LLC: 251 Little Falls Dr., NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIA- of NATHANIEL DASH, the decedent NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. TION; Plaintiff(s) vs. MARCIA A. herein, whose names and places of - COUNTY OF KINGS SRP 2013-10, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME filed with Secy. of State of the State of BECKFORD; et al; Defendant(s) address are unknown and cannot, LLC, Plaintiff, Against Index No.: COURT: KINGS COUNTY FEDERAL DE, 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, after diligent Inquiry, be ascertained. 507393/2014 JOSEPH SCHWARTZ NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIA- 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. ROSICKI & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Jerome Dash. Raymond Dash. A A/K/A JOSEPH SCHWARZ, ALIZA TION; Plaintiff(s) vs. KAIUM AJ; 8/11/18/25; 9/1/8/15 Summit Court, Suite 301, Fishkill, New petition having been duly filed by SCHWARTZ, MALKE SCHWARTZ, AKANDA; et al; Defendant(s) Attorney York, 12524, 845.897.1600 Pursuant Robert D. Dash who is/are domiciled ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a (s) for Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI Notice of Formation of 176 to judgment of foreclosure and sale at 105 Gray Street, Capitol Heights, Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, & ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, WASHINGTON AVENUE LLC Arts. granted herein on or about May 4, Maryland 20743 YOU ARE HEREBY duly entered in the Kings County Suite 301, Fishkill, New York, 12524, of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY 2017, I will sell at Public Auction to the CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Clerk’s Office on 7/27/2017, I, the 845.897.1600 Pursuant to judgment (SSNY) on 08/03/17. Office location: highest bidder in Room 224 of Kings Surrogate's Court, Queens County, undersigned Referee, will sell at public of foreclosure and sale granted herein Kings County. Princ. office of LLC: County Supreme Court, 360 Adams at 88-11 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, New auction, in Room 224 of Kings County on or about December 8, 2016, I will c/o James P. Clark, 127 Nassau Ave., Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. York, Room 62 on September 28, Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, sell at Public Auction to the highest Brooklyn, NY 11222. SSNY designated On September 28, 2017 at 2:30 pm. 2017, at 9:30 o'clock in the fore noon Brooklyn, NY 11201 on 10/5/2017 bidder in Room 224 of Kings County as agent of LLC upon whom process Premises known as 1280 E 86TH ST, of that day, why a decree should not at 2:30 pm, premises known as 949 Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, against it may be served. SSNY shall BROOKLYN, NY 11236 Block: 8064 be made in the estate of Nathaniel 50th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219, and Brooklyn, NY 11201. On October 12, mail process to the LLC at the addr. of Lot: 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or Dash, aka Nathaniel Raymond Dash described as follows: ALL that certain 2017 at 2:30 pm. Premises known as its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful parcel of land, situate, lying and being lately domiciled at 108-54 217th Place, plot piece or parcel of land, with the 922 HERKIMER STREET, BROOKLYN, activity. in the Borough of Brooklyn, City and Queens Village, New York 11429, buildings and improvements thereon NY 11233 Block: 1713 Lot: 22 ALL that AJ; 8/18/25; 9/1/8/15/22 State of New York. As more particu- United States admitting to probate a erected, situate, lying and being in the certain plot, piece or parcel of land, larly described in the judgment of Will dated March 18 2016 as the Will Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, with the buildings and improvements SUPREME COURT – COUNTY foreclosure and sale. Sold subject to all of Nathaniel Dash deceased, relating City and State of New York, and desig- thereon erected, situate, lying and OF KINGS JPMORGAN CHASE of the terms and conditions contained to real and personal property, and nated on the tax maps of the Kings being in the Borough of Brooklyn, BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA- in said judgment and terms of sale. directing that: Letters Testamen- County Treasurer as Block 5638 and Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 Tradition. Legal Notice. Why Be Jewish? LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE land, with the buildings and improve- York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings ments erected, situate, lying and August 10, 2017 47947 and State of New York. Block 8231 being in the Borough and County AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/ and Lot 68 Approximate amount of is that there is no obligation without of Kings, City and State of New York, judgment $162,716.49 plus interest consent. How can we be bound by BLOCK: 4481, LOT: 56. Approximate NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT and costs. Premises will be sold subject JONATHAN SACKS an agreement to which we were not amount of judgment is $782,849.45 COUNTY OF KINGS HSBC Bank to provisions of fi led Judgment. Index LONDON parties? How can we be subject to a plus interests and costs. Premises will USA, National Association as Trustee #508211/2013 Gregory T. Cerchione, covenant on the basis of a decision be sold subject to provisions of fi led for Mortgageit Securities Corp. Esq., Referee, Aldridge Pite, LLP - taken long ago and far away by our Judgment Index # 016170/2007. Lynn Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2007-1, Attorneys for Plaintiff – 40 Marcus S. Okin, Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT Mortgage Pass-Th rough Certifi cates, Drive, Suite 200, Melville, NY 11747 distant ancestors? WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP Plaintiff AGAINST Patsy Carter; et al., AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/ In the last days of his life Moses Th e sages, after all, raised a 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment renews the covenant between similar question about the wilder- AJ; 9/8/15/22/29; of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: God and Israel. Th e entire book of ness generation in the days of Moses January 3, 2017 I, the undersigned KINGS COUNTY U.S. BANK TRUST, Devarim has been an account of who were actually there and did give Notice of formation of 667 HUNTER Referee will sell at public auction at N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER the covenant – how it came about, their assent. Th e Talmud suggests LLC. Articles of Organization fi led the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 PARTICIPATION TRUST; Plaintiff (s) what its terms and conditions are, that they were not entirely free to with the Secretary of State of NY, Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, vs. HYMAN WERZBERGER; et why it is the core of Israel’s identity say No. “Th e Holy One blessed be He SSNY on 07/13/2017. Offi ce located NY 11201 on October 19, 2017 at al; Defendant(s) Attorney (s) for in Richmond County. SSNY has been 2:30PM, premises known as 388 East Plaintiff (s): ROSICKI, ROSICKI & as an am kadosh, a holy people, suspended the mountain over them designated for service of process. 57th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All ASSOCIATES, P.C., 2 Summit Court, and so on. Now comes the moment like a barrel and said: If you say Yes, SSNY shall mail copy of process to: that certain plot piece or parcel of Suite 301, Fishkill, New York, 12524, of renewal itself, a kind of national all will be well, but if you say No, this 667 HUNTER LLC, 421 Home Ave, land, with the buildings and improve- 845.897.1600 Pursuant to judgment referendum as it were. will be your burial-place” (Shabbat Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any ments erected, situate, lying and being of foreclosure and sale granted herein Moses, however, is careful 88b). On this, R. Acha bar Yaakov lawful purpose. in the Borough of Brooklyn, County on or about March 6, 2017, I will sell at not to limit his words to those who said: “Th is constitutes a fundamental AJ; 9/8/15/22/29; 10/6/13 of Kings, City and State of NY, Block Public Auction to the highest bidder in are actually present. About to die, challenge to the legitimacy of the 4767 Lot 15. Approximate amount of Room 224 of Kings County Supreme NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT judgment $599,692.48 plus interest Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, he wants to ensure that no future covenant.” Th e Talmud replies that COUNTY OF Kings, MTGLQ Inves- and costs. Premises will be sold subject New York 11201. On October 19, generation can say, “Moses made a even though the agreement may not tors, L.P., Plaintiff , vs. Merley Alleyne to provisions of fi led Judgment Index# 2017 at 2:30 pm. Premises known covenant with our ancestors but not have been entirely free at the time, a/k/a Merley C. Alleyne, ET AL., 6390/2013. Steven David Cohn, Esq., as 564 WYTHE AVENUE UNIT 8A, with us. We didn’t give our consent. Jews asserted their consent volun- Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC BROOKLYN, NY 11249-6642 Block: We are not bound.” To preclude this tarily in the days of Ahasuerus, as of Foreclosure and Sale duly fi led Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile 02165 Lot: 1131 Th e Condominium he says these words: suggested by the book of Esther. on June 01, 2017, I, the undersigned Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New Unit (the "Unit") known as Unit No. “It is not with you alone that I Th is is not the place to discuss Referee will sell at public auction at the York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Dated: July 8A in the premises (the "Premises") Kings County Supreme Court, Room 27, 2017 47659 known as and by the street number am making this sworn covenant, but this particular passage, but the 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/ 564 Wythe Avenue, Borough of with whoever is standing here with essential point is clear. Th e sages NY on October 12, 2017 at 2:30 p.m., Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and premises known as 9101 Avenue N, NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court State of New York, and being a unit Brooklyn, NY. All that certain plot, County Of Kings Bank of America, of the Condominium plan known as piece or parcel of land, with the build- N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST George S. THE 564-580 PARK PLAZA CONDO- ings and improvements thereon Gabriel, Celine Gabriel, et al, Defen- MINIUM, said Unit being designated erected, situate, lying and being in dant Pursuant to a Judgment of and described as Unit No. 8A in a the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated certain Declaration made pursuant to Kings, City and State of New York, 3/15/2017and entered on 4/10/2017, Article 9-B of the Real Property Law Block 8275 and Lot 9. Approximate I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at of the State of New York (the "Condo- amount of judgment is $365,355.18 public auction at the Kings County minium Act"), establishing a plan plus interest and costs. Premises Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, for condominium ownership of the will be sold subject to provisions of Brooklyn, NY on October 19, 2017 Building and the Land (the "Property") fi led Judgment Index # 510655/2015. at 02:30 PM premises known as 144 upon which Parcel I of the Land, the Jageshwar Sharma, Esq., Referee Sterling Street, Brooklyn, NY 11225. Building is situate (which Land is Knuckles, Komosinski & Manfro, LLP, All that certain plot piece or parcel of more particularly described below), 565 Taxter Road, Ste. 590, Elmsford, land, with the buildings and improve- which Declaration was date October us today before the Lord our God, believed with great force that an NY 10523, Attorneys for Plaintiff ments erected, situate, lying and being 31, 2001 and recorded on January and with whoever is not here with agreement must be free to be AJ; 9/8/15/22/29; in the Borough and County of Kings, 25, 2002 in Reel: 5451 Page 14 of the us today.” (Deut. 29:13-14) binding. Yet we did not agree to City and State of New York, BLOCK: Kings County Offi ce of the Register As the commentators point be Jews. We were, most of us, born Notice of formation of limited liability 1319, LOT: 17. Approximate amount of of Th e City of New York. Th is Unit is out, the phrase “whoever is not Jews. We were not there in Moses’ company (LLC) name: 246 SANILAC judgment is $784,767.21 plus interests also designated as Tax Lot 1131 in here” cannot refer to Israelites day when the agreement was made. REALTY, LLC. Articles of organization and costs. Premises will be sold subject Block 2165 of the Borough of Brooklyn fi led with the secretary of state of New to provisions of fi led Judgment Index # on the Tax Map of the Real Property alive at the time who happened to Continued on Page A7 York (SSNY). On 09/01/2017 . Offi ce 506780/2013. Barry Martin Goldstein, Assessment Department of Th e City be somewhere else. Th at cannot location Richmond County. SSNY Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS of New York and on the Floor Plans be since the entire nation was Continued from Page A9 has been designated as the agent of WEISMAN & GORDON LLP 53 of the Building, certifi ed by Maurice assembled there. It can only mean the LLC upon whom process against Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Brezel, R.A. and fi led with the Real County of Kings, City and State of “generations not yet born.” Th e it may be served. SSNY shall Mail AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/ Property Assessment Department New York, known and designated on copy of the process to: Th e LLC 246 of Th e City of New York as Condo- covenant bound all Jews from that the Tax Map of the City of New York Sanilac street Staten Island, NY 10306. Notice of Formation of PONCHOS minium Plan No. 872. Together with day to this. As the Talmud says: we as Section 6 Block 1713 Lot 22 as Purpose: all lawful activity ROJAS LLC Arts. of Org. fi led with Secy. an undivided 1.358% interest in the are all mushba ve-omed me-har said Map was on October 20, 1965. AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/13/20 of State of NY (SSNY) on 08/28/17. Common Elements (as such term is Sinai, foresworn from Sinai (Yoma As more particularly described in the Offi ce location: Kings County. Princ. defi ned in the Declaration). Parcel judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold 73b, Nedarim 8a). By agreeing to be NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT offi ce of LLC: 300 Greene Ave., I (Lot 102). Parcel II (Lot 105). As subject to all of the terms and condi- God’s people, subject to God’s laws, COUNTY OF KINGS Homebridge Brooklyn, NY 11238. SSNY designated more particularly described in the tions contained in said judgment and our ancestors obligated us. Financial Services, Inc., Plaintiff as agent of LLC upon whom process judgment of foreclosure and sale. Sold terms of sale. Approximate amount of Hence one of the most AGAINST Josianne Valery; et al., against it may be served. SSNY shall subject to all of the terms and condi- judgment $608,434.66 plus interest Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment mail process to the LLC at the addr. of tions contained in said judgment and fundamental facts about Judaism. and costs. INDEX NO. 4719-13 Kecia of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated its princ. offi ce. Purpose: Any lawful terms of sale. Approximate amount Converts excepted, we do not Juanita Weaver, Esq., Referee February 1, 2017 I, the undersigned activity. of judgment $243,813.49 plus interest choose to be Jews. We are born AJ; 9/8/15/22/29; Referee will sell at public auction at AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/13/20 and costs. INDEX NO. 511587/2014 as Jews. We become legal adults, the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Leo Salzman, Esq., Referee NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court subject to the commands and Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/ County Of Kings HSBC Bank USA, responsible for our actions, at the NY 11201 on October 19, 2017 at COURT- COUNTY OF KINGS National Association, as Trustee, in age of twelve for girls, thirteen for 2:30PM, premises known as 871 East WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plain- Notice of formation of limited liability trust for the registered holders of ACE 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. All tiff , AGAINST CLAYTON GREENE, company (LLC) Name: LEE'S MEALS boys. But we are part of the covenant Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan that certain plot piece or parcel of land, MERLIN GREENE, et al. Defendant(s) ON WHEELS,LLC. Articles of organi- from birth. A bat or bar mitzvah Trust, Series 2006-FM2, Asset Backed with the buildings and improvements Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure zation fi led with the secretary of state is not a “confi rmation.” It involves Pass-Th rough Certifi cates, Plaintiff erected, situate, lying and being in the and sale duly entered May 9, 2017 I of New York (SSNY) on 06/05/2017. no voluntary acceptance of Jewish AGAINST Brenda Robbins, et al, Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, the undersigned Referee will sell at Offi ce location kings county. SSNY Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment identity. Th at choice took place City and State of NY, Block 4980 Lot public auction at the Room 224, Kings has been designated as the agent of of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated more than three thousand years ago 51. Approximate amount of judgment County Supreme Court, 360 Adams the LLC upon whom process against it 1/3/2017and entered on 1/31/2017, when Moses said “It is not with you $405,534.36 plus interest and costs. Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on October may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at Premises will be sold subject to 19, 2017 at 2:30 PM premises known as of the process to C/O United states alone that I am making this sworn public auction at the Kings County provisions of fi led Judgment Index# 1064 E 105TH STREET, BROOKLYN, corporation agents,Inc. 7014 13th covenant, but with … whoever is Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, 501049/2014. Joseph Defelice, Esq., NY 11236-3002 All that certain plot Ave. Suite 202 Brooklyn, NY 11228. not here with us today,” meaning all Brooklyn, NY on October 12, 2017 Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC piece or parcel of land, with the build- Purpose: all lawful activity future generations including us. at 02:30 PM premises known as 773 Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile ings and improvements thereon AJ; 9/15/22/29; 10/6/13/20 Logan Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208. But how can this be so? Surely Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New erected, situate, lying and being in the a fundamental principle of Judaism All that certain plot piece or parcel of | FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 A11 Social.

Algemeiner Set to Unveil New ‘J100’ List at Annual New York City Gala


Th e Algemeiner will recognize the “top 100 people positively infl uencing Jewish life” at its fourth annual “J100” Gala in New York City on September 18. Th e much-anticipated event — which is being held at Cipriani’s 25 Broadway location and hosted by TV personality S.E. Cupp — will be attended by numerous prominent community leaders, celebrities A scene from the Israeli fi lm “Foxtrot.”Photo: Screenshot/YouTube. and cultural icons. Past honorees and participants have included , Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, , Bernard- Israeli Movie ‘Foxtrot’ Is Frontrunner Henri Lévy, Michael Gove and Joan Rivers, among others. for Top Prize at Venice Film Festival In addition to the unveiling of the “J100” list, Czech President Milos Zeman and renowned Israeli artist Yaacov Agam will be receiving Th e Algemeiner’s prestigious “Warrior for Truth” award at this year’s BY JNS.ORG tion of the IDF and the eff ect that decades of confl ict have gathering. Philanthropists David and Mona Sterling had on the Israeli population. will also be honored. Th e Israeli fi lm “Foxtrot” is a frontrunner at the Venice “I could create a [story of] horrible crime in the Israeli Stuart and Robbi Force — the parents of the late Film Festival to win the Golden Lion award, the event’s top police and nobody would say [anything],” said Maoz, Taylor Force, the US Army veteran murdered in a prize. according to Th e Associated Press. “But if you touch the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv last year for whom a proposed Th e fi lm, which is partially infl uenced by director army, this is very, very sensitive.” bill seeking to restrict American aid to the Palestinian Samuel Maoz’s own military experience in the IDF, details Foxtrot’s nomination for the fi lm festival’s top prize Authority was named after — will speak at the dinner. the story of an affl uent Tel Aviv couple that is informed its comes eight years after Maoz’s debut feature fi lm, the criti- Other guests will include Israeli Consul General young son, a soldier, has been killed in the line of duty at an cally acclaimed “Lebanon,” won the Golden Lion award. in New York Dani Dayan, Czech Foreign Minister isolated roadblock in Israel’s Negev desert. Foxtrot premiered at the Venice Film Festival on Sept. 2 Lubomir Zaoralek and former US Ambassador to Critics at the Italian festival have praised “Foxtrot,” and will be screened at the Toronto International Film Israel Daniel Shapiro. while in Israel, Maoz has been reproached for his depic- Festival on Sept. 7. Lévy will be the evening’s honorary chairman.

English-language readers to discover the richness of Israeli culture. Israeli Novel ‘Three Floors Up’ Th ird fl oor On the third fl oor, Devora — a retired judge — leaves a parting phone message for her late husband Gives English Readers a Page-Turner on the old answering machine that she discovers while cleaning out his study. Mulling the unfortunate events that left her estranged from her son, Devora describes a bizarre journey to Tel Aviv to participate in a protest. BY JEFFREY BARKEN /JNS.ORG “Remember when the concrete blocks started raining Th ere, she encounters Avner Ashdot, a charming older down on us? And that moron couldn’t put the vehicle in man with a secretive past. Avner cleverly convinces “A wonderful fact to refl ect upon … when I enter reverse?” Arnon asks, refl ecting on his experience as a Devora to join him on a revelatory trip south, where a great city by night, [is] that every one of those darkly soldier during the Palestinian Intifada. “Take that and discovers a surprising secret. clustered houses encloses its own secret.” So Charles multiply it by 10. By a hundred. A thousand. In Hebron, I Readers may fi nd this sequence slightly too reliant Dickens muses in the 19th-century classic, A Tale of Two was pretty calm. I had a feeling we’d get out in one piece.” on coincidence to advance the plot, and the character Cities. Th is same contemplative voyeurism inspires Israeli Th e scene rattles readers in part because they fear for little development is somewhat predictable. But Nevo has author Eshkol Nevo’s popular novel, Th ree Floors Up, Ofri, who has gone missing — but also because Nevo has noticeably switched gears here, embracing a philo- which will be available in English this October. vividly depicted the post-traumatic stress that underlies sophical tangent as he contemplates the nature of fate Behind the cold, steel-reinforced doors that separate the Israeli experience. as a means to connect the novel. Fittingly, Devora off ers the living spaces in Nevo’s imaginary Israeli apartment Second fl oor a resounding verdict justifying the majority of human building, three loosely connected, fi rst-person confes- On the second fl oor, the improperly nicknamed behavior: “Th ere is no such thing as a normal person. Or sional narratives unfold. “widow” that Arnon and Ayelet observe, turns out to be normal actions. Th ere are only actions that a particular Collectively, the novella-length chapters off er a Hani. Married and the mother of two, Hani has penned person, at a particular time ,must do.” compelling critique of Israeli society. But Nevo’s chief an emotional letter to her friend in America, detailing Th is is the mark of an author who understands strength lies in his ability to fashion wonderfully relatable her dissatisfaction and growing resentment for her aloof, that essential character faults — in fi ction, as in life — characters whose troubled voices, as well as mysterious though fi nancially successful, husband. Her account takes are actually the source of human liberty, informing our and impulsive moods, render the work a page-turner. an unexpected turn when her fugitive brother-in-law, ability to seize the day and abruptly change course. First fl oor Eviatar, appears at her door. Having embezzled a fortune, Excessive details are at times disruptive throughout On the fi rst fl oor, we meet Arnon– a retired army Eviatar seeks refuge from loan sharks — and the police. the book. Likewise, the recurring congenital defect (six offi cer living with his wife Ayelet, and his daughter, Ofri. Hani resolves to help him, if only to spark new passion toes) that Devora observes on her daughter-in-law’s foot Despite clear warnings that their neighbor, Herman — in her life. “Without Enrique … there was a better than likely — and then again on her grandchild — is unnecessary, if an elderly German man — is either showing signs of chance I would have gone into the army a virgin,” Hani not a stretch to imagine. dementia or playing devious games with Ofri, Arnon refl ects. She later recounts previous sexual experiences, Yet none of these distractions will slow down the carelessly leaves his daughter with Herman one afternoon including relationships that she had with a psychologist and reader. On the contrary, Nevo’s talent for embedding to avoid being late to his spinning class. Ensuing events an Orthodox man. character traits and cultural anecdotes through quick throw Arnon’s entire marriage into crisis, and lead him to Nevo’s prose details Israelis’ unique exposure to one-liners is perhaps his greatest asset. Th e prose sings in confi de in an old friend. diff erent sects within their society, presenting a portal for places, which makes Th ree Floors Up diffi cult to put down.