Access World A comprehensive full-text database with sources from 172 countries and 50 U.S. states

Quick Facts Search or browse more than 528 million current and archived articles from 172 countries and more than 5,900 news sources Offers extensive coverage and differing viewpoints from international, national, regional and sources Includes electronic editions of thousands of news sources from around the globe, large and small, many available only through NewsBank

“Users can pinpoint information, compare diverse views, and track subjects geographically and over time with the deepest archives available.”

Overview The most comprehensive collection of full-text globally, Access World News provides extensive coverage at every level—international, national, regional, state and local. This fully searchable Web-based resource features news content from all 50 U.S. states as well as more than 5,900 international news sources from 172 countries. News content may be included in its original published language or translated into English.

News can happen anywhere When news breaks in small towns or large cities across the U.S. and around the globe, Access World News helps patrons and librarians gain valuable local perspectives by zeroing in on the sources closest to the events. Updated daily, Access World News fully supports patrons’ diverse needs with more than 528 million current and archived news articles. Users can pinpoint information, compare diverse views, and track subjects geographically and over time with the deepest newspaper archives available.

One click access to global perspectives Access World News features an intuitive, map-based interface—developed in partnership with librarians—which can be customized to highlight specific newspapers and to meet the unique needs of communities, staff and patrons. Without training, users can easily select and search a single or multiple news sources across a state, region or country, or choose to search all the sources in the database.

Enhanced interface improves search results NewsBank’s interface helps users pinpoint useful information as well as navigate quickly and efficiently through millions of articles and video clips. Access World News also supports OpenURLs, so librarians can use persistent links in materials such as reading lists, and MARC records, so patrons can link directly from the OPAC to the search page for a news . Users can easily browse, print and email articles.

For more information on NewsBank solutions, call 800.762.8182, email [email protected] or visit

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