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Page. Page. A. Acts of Queensland Parliament- Accounts, Regulations for keeping, render- Repealing Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, ing , and publishing the Public- No. 39 ...... 1611 of the Colony ...... 738,764738, Small Debts Court Act of 1867, 31 Acts and Regulations, Notices respecting Victoria, No. 29 .. ... 1461 Sale of-vide "Notices." Statute of Frauds and Limitations Acts of Queensland Parliament- Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 22 1407 Act to enable a Grant of Land to be Succession Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, made to the Hon. Louis Hope, No. 24 ...... 1427 31 Victoria, No. 2 .. 1065 Summary Ejectment Act of 1867, 31 Acts Shortening Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 27 . 1447 Victoria, No. 6 .. 1109 Supreme Court Act of 1867, 31 Vic- Aliens Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. toria, No. 23 .. ... 1413 28 ...... 1457 The Amended Registration Act of Bills of Exchange Act of 1867, 31 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 8 ... 1163 Victoria, No. 15 ... 1267 Trustees and Incapacitated Persons Census Act for 1868, 31 Victoria, Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. No. 32 . 1505 19 ...... 1363 Common Law Pleading Act of 1867, Additional Customs Duties Act, Valuators 31 Victoria, No. 5 1097 on behalf of the Government Common Law Practice Act of 1867, appointed under- 31 Victoria, No. 17 1307 Davis, Samuel, appointed Valuator Common Law Process Act of 1867, at .. 938 31 Victoria, No. 4 1075 Dowzer, James,, appointed Valuator Constitution Act of 1867, 31•Victoria, at Maryborough . , ... 1119 No. 38 1597 Hetherington, Richard, appointed Costs Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. Valuator 'at Gladstone ...... 1119 1389 McBryde, John, appointed Valuator Curator of Intestate Estates Act of at Cardwell .. 1119 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 10 .. 1207 Palmer, David, appointed Valuator Customs Regulation Amendment Act at Bowen ...... 1119 of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 25 .. 1443 Paton, Henry 0., appointed Valuator Diseases in Sheep Act of 1867, 31 at Rockhampton...... 899 Victoria, No. 35 ... 1537 Roberts, E. U., appointed Valuator Distress, Replevin, and Ejectment at Cleveland Bay ...... 1119 Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 16 1277 Addresses to, and Replies by, His Excellency District Courts Act of 1867, 31 Vic- Sir George F. Bowen ...... 381, 569 toria, No. 30 1477 Ad Valorem Duties- Elections Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Notice that Original Invoices of Goods No. 37 .. 1581 subject to, must be produced at Electoral Districts Act of 1867, 31 the respective Custom Houses, Victoria, No. 3 .. . 1067 &c. , ...... 4, 34, 49, 87, Equity Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 100, 144, 162, 272, 390 18 1325 Regulations respecting Goods subject Evidence and Discovery Act of 1867, to ...... 776, 802, 820 31 Victoria, No. 13 1239 Agricultural Reserves- Foreign Companies Act of 1867, 31 Landforfeited in,at- Victoria, No. 1 .. 1063 Logan River...... 331, 362, 390, Immigration Act Amendment Act of 401, 421, 461 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 31 .. 1503 Rockhampton ... 494 Impounding Act of 1863 further Lands open for Sale by Selection in- Amendment Act, 31 Victoria, vide Lands." No. 8 1163 Notification of Extension of Time to Interdict Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Purchase Leased Portions in ...565, 577, 589, No. 12 ...... 1231 615, 632, 699, 711, 721, 740, Joinder and Revivor Act of 1867, 31 772, 788, 806, 821, 846, 856, Victoria, No. 14 , , 1257 865, 929, 943, 979, 987, 1007, Jury Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 1021, 1050, 1123, 1150, 1170 34 ...... 1519 Proclamations of, viz.:- Legislative Assembly Act of 1867, 31 Cumkillenbar ...... 386 Victoria, No. 21 ...... 1399 Darling Downs ...... 386 Medical Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, West Moreton ...... 386 No. 33 ... 1513 Aide-de-camp- Mercantile Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Creagh, C. A. F. (Captain of the 50th No. 36 1561 Regiment) Appointed Honorary Oaths Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. -to His Excellency the Governor 397 1231 Albert River Ferry- Probate Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Proclamation of ...... 75, 91 1197 Regulations for Management of- Provisional Registration for Inven- vide " Ferry Regulations." tions Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Tender for Lease of, Accepted ... 820, 628, 691 -No. 26 ... J14 44. off 1445 Aldermen appointed --vide " Municipalities iv. INDEX.

Page. Page, Aldred , Samuel William - Notice that Ac- Assessors for Municipalities, appointed-- counts have been filedin the vide " Municipalities.' Office of the Supreme Court in Atkinson and Forth , Notice of Dissolution the Estate of, &c. ... 1181 of Partnership ... 754 Aldridge, Edgar Thomas - Notices in the Attorney-General- Insolvent Estate of 753, 772 Lilley, The Honorable Charles, Alexander, George-Notices in the Insol- Resignation as-accepted ... 757 vent Estate of .. 753, 789 Pring, The Honorable Radcliffe, Alice Downs appointed a place for holding Appointed . , ...... 758 Courts of Petty Sessions ... 737 Auctioneers' Licenses - List of - vide Aliens Act of 1867 (31 Victoria , No. 28) ... 1457 " Licenses." Allan, Hugh-Notices in the Insolvent Auditor-General- Estate of ...... 726, 915 Buckley, Henry, Resignation of Allen and Co., John-Deed of Assignment Office of-accepted ...... 877 of-Registered in the Supreme Court 825 Darvall, Frederick Orme.s appointed 877 Allora- Auditors for Municipalities, appointed- App6inted a place where Spirits, &c., vide" Municipalities." may be sold in quantities of not Australian Joint Stock Bank v. Bryon-- less than two gallons at a time... 985 Writ of F•., Fa. ... 548 Bullock, Charles Henry-Appointed 228 Poundkeeper at . B. Margetts , `Edmund Harry - Ap- pointed Poundkeeper at , . . 524 Bailey, W. H. L., Notice in the Insolvent Public Pound proclaimed at. 76 Estate of .. 1016 Anderson , Thomas Alexander-Probate of Bailiffs (of Courts of Requests) appointed--- Will applied for in the Estate I Rowland, Hugh, appointed-at Mary- of . ,. 244 borough ...... 482 Annand, Wi lliam-Notices in the Insolvent Conroy, John, appointed-at Surat ... 565 Estateof ... 859, 915 Howard, William, _appointed - at Annand, W. and J: Notices in the Insol- ...... 162 vent Estate of ... 902, 936 Morgan, John W., appointed-at St. Annual Levee - vide " Levee." George ...... 228 Applications to Mortgage , Lease, or Sell, Robinson, Arthur John, appointed- under, the Trustees of Public at Dalby ...... 616 Lands Act-vide " Trustees of Whelan, Warren, appointed - at Public Lands Act." Gavndah ...... 1157 Archer , Archibald - Proclamation declaring- Williamson, John, appointed-at the Election of, to serve in the Roma ... .. 275 Legislative Assembly for the Bailiff's (of Northern District Courts) Electoral District of Rockhamp- appointed- ton, to be valid .. .. 735 Bowland, Hugh, appointed-at Mary- Armstrong , William Henry- Appointed a borough ...... 525 Magistrate of the Territory 1019 Llewelyn, Alex,, appointed-at Bowen 175 Assignment , Deeds of-Registered in the Martyn, Andrew George, appointed Supreme Court, viz.:-- -at Bowen ...... 1157 Allen and Co., John ... - 825 Bailie, John, appointed Trustee for Leyburn Baxter, J. H. 149 Burial Ground ...... 905 Belbridge, W. C. 377 Balances in the Treasury, Statement of-vide Boyce, James ...... 535 " Treasury." Buckley, Henry 946 Balbi, Alexander, Probate of Will applied Buxton, J. W ...... 765 for in the Estate of .. 482 Cameron, Alexander . , . ... 535 Baldwin, Wyner, Letters of Administration Colles, Abraham 317 applied for in the Will of 55 Collins, James... 535 Bale, John, Letters of Administration applied Coxen, Charles ... 946 for in the Goods of ... 592 Ebenston, Joshua ... 256 Ball,John, Letters ofAdministration applied Fogarty, Lancelot ...... 171 for in the Goods of ... 580 Forsyth and Co., John ... 934 Banana-appointed a Polling Place for the Friend, Henry...... 705 Electoral District of Leichhardt 529 Gayler, Alfred Peter ...... 869 Bank of Australasia v. Butler-Writ of Grimaldi, W. B. ... ., 207 Fi. Fa. ... , . ... 203 Hanran, John ...... 783 Bank of Australasia v. Cockerell-Writ of Hassell and Ogg .. , 588 Fi. Fa...... 203 Hegarty, J. C. S. .. 900 Bank of Australasia v. Hood-Writ of Fi. Highfield Steam Saw Mills Company 480 Fa...... 497, 616 Hooper, John B...... , . . 1017 Bank of Australasia v. Ryan-Writ of Kingsford, J. J. ... 946 Fi. Fa...... 203 Limmer, Rees, and Robinson.., ... 1017 Bank of New South Wales v. Bradford- Markwell and Son, John ...... 207 Writ of Fi. Fa...... 481 Munce, W. J. ,.. 54, 59 Bank of New South Wales v. Megahran- McAdam, George . , . , . , 54 Writ of Fi. Fa. , . 277 McDonald, Hunter, and Co..., ... 825 . Banks, General Ab stract of A ssets an d Nesbitt, Pearce, and Co. 524 Liabilities of , ...... 255, 578, 767, O'Mally, Michael 705 822, 1009, 1051 Phillips, Lewis 84 Banks, Statements of Assets and Liabilities Heed, George McCullagh .,. 705 of Robinson and Co., J. G. 480 Australian Joint Stock Bank ... 241, 562, 807, Short, Job ... 996 1171 Smith, Josiah Wilson . , . 765 Bank of Australasia , , ...... 146,146,476,480, Stewart, William ...... 377 966 Stupart, George ...... 203 Bank of New South Wales ... 215, 520, 808 Swyney, Henry George 149 Commerc ial B an ki ng Company of Telford, William ... 1017 Sydney in Queensland ...... 101, 422, 741, The Highfield Steam Saw Mills 961 Company ... 480 Union Bank of Australia ...... 145, 475, 766 Warry, Marsh, and Co. 588 Banning, Andrew, Notices in the Insolvent Younger and McWilliam 265 Estate of ...... ,,, ... 229,260' INDEX. V.

Pnge. Page. Baptist Burial Ground, Brisbane , Trustees Birekbeck , Samuel Bradford , Probate of appointed for-vide " Trustees." Will applied for in the Estate Barnes, Hiram, Notices in the Insolvent of ...... 592 Estateof ... 914, 936 Births, Re ulations respecting the Regis- Baron , William Henry, appointed Acting tration of ...... 129 Draftsman inRegistrar -General's Bishop, T. C., Deed of Composition of- Department ... 598 Registered in Supreme Court ... 725 Bartley, James, appointed Third Landing Bishop of Brisbane , The Right Rev. the, Waiter in Customs Department 584 appointed Trustee of Church lands Baskin , James, Notice that accounts in the in connection with the Church of Estate of- have been filed in the England at Dalby ... .. 583 Supreme Court 17 5 Black, John Melton, appointed Trustee for Bassingthwaite , James, Notices in the Hospital at Townsville ...... 906 Insolvent Estate of .., 438,617 Black and Co., J. M., Notice of Dissolu- Bauer , J. C., appointed- tion of Partnership of ... 549, 567, 580 Line Repairer in charge at Clermont, Blaine, John, appointed Auditor for Munici- in Electric Telegraph Depart- pality of Ipswich : ...... 626 ment ...... 838 BlaxlandandCo., E. J., Notices inthe In- Station Master at Clermont, in solvent Estate of... .. , ... 261, 296, 848 Electric Telegraph Department 1119 Blencowe, Robert Archdale; Letters of Ad- Baxter, James Howard, Deed of Assign- ministrationapplied for in the inent of-Registered in Supreme Estate of ...... 409 Court I49 Bligh, John O'Connell, appointed Police Beach, John Stewart, Notice in the Magistrate at Maryborough .. 719 InsolventEstate of 204 1 Board, charged with administering Out- Beal, James Charles, appointment as Gov- door Relief to Indigent Persons ernment Printer confirmed . 737 within the City of Brisbane, ap- Beardmore and Co., Notices in the Insolvent pointed .. ` ...... 877 Estate of ... 152, 279 Board of General Education- Beattie'v. Henry-Writ of Ri. Fa.... . 81,70 Mackenzie , The Hon. Robert Ram- Becker, John Leigh, admitted as a duly say, appointed Chairman of ... 795 qualified Medical Practitioner... 988 Board of Waterworks- Beddek, Frank Newell, appointed Trustee Douglas,The Hon. John, appointed for Lands granted for Church of Chairman of ... 583 England purposes, Rockhampton 838 The Hon. the Secretary for Public Beenleigh, Notice that a new Post Office has Works, appointed ex officio Chair- been established under the name man of ...... 795 of 721 Bonar, James Young, ... Notices in the Insol- Beg, The Rev. Wazer, M.D., registered vent Estate of ...... 243, 259 under Marriage Act 577 I Bond, Augustus Salmond, appointed- Begge, Joseph Thomas, admitted as duly Clerkin charge ofColonial Stores ... 43 qualified Medical Practitioner-..,. 988 Quartermaster to the Queensland Belbridge, William Charles, Deed of Assign- Volunteer Rifle Brigade ... 598 ment of-Registered in Supreme Bonded Stores appointed- Court ...... 377 Friend's Bonded Store at Gladstone 616,632, 699, Bell, Charles, appointed Trustee for Ley- 714 burn Burial Ground ... 905 Queen's Warehouse, Gladstone 272 Bell, Donald, appointed Trustee for Ken- Store (the property of Hughes and nedy District Hospital ...... 819 Wyllie), Nicholas street, Ipswich 257, 272, 287, Bell, Joshua Peter, The Honorable- 331 Appointedto act as Secretary'for Towns and Black's Store at Townsville 721,739,772, Public Works 457 783, 806 Appointed Trustee of Ipswich Gram- Bonded Stores cancelled- mar School .. 457 Holland's Bond (Brisbane) ... 331, 374, 390, 403 Resignation as Member of Executive Hughes andWyllie's Store, atIpswich 783,806 Council accepted... 758 Bonus on Cotton-vide "Cotton." Resignation as Secretary for Public Booth, Thomas, appointed Sub-Inspector of Lands accepted ...... 757 Distilleries under the Distillation Returned to serve as Member of the from Sugar Act ...... 719 Legislative Assembly for the Borton , Fxlederic, appointed Justice of the Electoral District of West 11Peace under Marriage A ct 1017 Moreton ...... 626 Botting, The Rev. John Thomas, registered, Benevolent Asylum at'Dunwich- under Marriage Act ...... 929 Hobbs, The , Honorable William, Boulton, Martin, Notices in the Insolvent appointed Visiting Surgeon to... 413 Estate of ...... 566, 617, 848 Watson, Richard Henr, appointed Bowen- Officer in charge of' 598 Clarke, Francis, appointed Engineer Benjamin and another v. Ross---Writ of Fi. Surveyor at ... .. 76 Fa. 113 Killer, Frederick, appointed Harbor Bennett, John William, Notices in the "aster at ...... 906 Insolvent Estate of 580,'635 Llewelyn, Alexr., appointed Bailiff, Biggs, George- Northern District Court at ... 175 Notices in the Insolvent Estate of ... 566, 591 Marsh, William, appointed Trustee Notice that-is debarred from enter- for Cemetery at ...... 512 ing into any Government con- Marten, Andrew Geo., appointed tracts for twelve months 964 Bailiff Northern District Court at 1157 Billa Billa Station, appointed a Polling Mathers, William, appointed Ranger Place for the Electoral District of Crown Lands and Inspector of of Western Downs 529 Distilleries for the Police District Bills of Exchange Act of .1867 (31 Vict., of ...... 626 No. 15) 1267 Notice to Mariners respecting En- Billyard, William Whaley, appointed Com- trance to Port of-vide" Notices missioner for Affidavits, &c. 100 to Mariners." V Bingham, Ienry Maynard (Commander Provisions of Hospital Act extended Royal Navy H.M.S. " Virago "), to Kennedy Hospital at ... 557 appointed Magistrate of the Pym, Richd . E., appointed Shipwright Territory ... 1165 Surveyor at ,.. ... ,,. 76 Vi. INDEX.

Page. Page Bowen- Bruce, Alexander Keiller, admitted as duly Regulations for Retirement of Trea- qualified Chemist and Drug- sury Notes , &c., extended to ... 629 gist ...... 547 Rules and Regulations for Manage- Buchanan , James, appointed Commissioner mentofCemeteryat - vide "Ceme- for Affidavits , &c. ... 859 tery." Buckby, John , Notice that Accounts in the Sheridan , It. B., appointed Sub-Col- Wi ll of-have been filed in the lector of Customs and Harbor Supreme Court ...... 816 Master at ...... 719 Buckley , Henry- Appointment cancelled 942 Deed of Assignmentof-Registered in Sub-Collector of Customs as -ap- the Supreme Court ...... 946 pointed Cotton Inspector at 964 Discharged from the office and func- White, James Charles , appointed tions of Magistrate of the Terri- Police Magistrate at 719 tory ...... 838 Bowerman , Frank Sydney , appointed Trus- Notices in the Insolvent Estate of ... 565, 579, 618, tee for Racecourse at Dalby ... 838 937 Bowland, Hugh , appointed- Resignation of Office of Auditor- Bai liff Court of Requests, Mary- General accepted ...... 877 borough •482 Bullen , William , appointed Traffic Manager Bailiff NorthernDistrietCourt , Mary- on the Great Northern Railway 877 borough 525 Bullock , Charles Henry, appointed Pound- Box, Win. Draper , appointed Alderman keeper at Allora ...... 228 for Fortitude Valley Ward, Burdoff, C., elected Trustee of German Brisbane ... 188 Lutheran Church at North Bris - Boyce, James, Deed of Assignment of- bane ...... 319 Registered in Supreme Court .. 535 Burghard , The Rev. William, registered Boyce, Win. Martin , appointed Trustee for under Marriage Act ... 884 Land granted to . the Masonic Burial Grounds - vide "Cemetery." Fraternity , Brisbane . 719 Burketown- Bragg , Joseph, Notice in the Insolvent Appointed a place for the holding of Estateof ... 152 Courts of Petty Sessions 413 Braysher v. Morgan-Writ of Fi.. Fa. 548 Finucane , William , appointed Record- Brick Licenses-vide" Licenses." ing Clerk at... .. 574 Briggs, Spicer Galland, appointed Drafts. Appointed to act as Clerk of' man of 5th Classin the Profes- Petty Sessions at ... 574 sional division of the Civil Service 188 Gough, Benjamin B., appointed Bright and others v. Hood-Writ of Fi. Fa. 497,616 Recording Clerk at...... 76 Brittkn, Wm ., appointed Inspector of Appointed to act as Clerk of Slaughter -houses for the Police Petty Sessions at ...... 469 District of Roma... 598 Burt, Wm. Henry, Letters of Administra- Brisbane- tion applied for in the Goods of 902 Aldermen for Municipality of, Buttanshaw , Henry Reginald , appointed- appointed - vide " Municipali- First Returning Officer for Munici- ties." pality of Roma ...... 557 Assessors for Municipality of, Justice of the Peace under the

appointed -- vide 01 Municipali. Marriage Act ...... 1017 ties." Police Magistrate at Roma ...... 43 Notification respecting Arrears of Buxton, John Woodhead, Deed of Assign- Rates made by the Municipal ment of - Registered in the Council of vide " Municipali. Supreme Court ...... 765 ties." Buzacott , Charles Harden , nominated Persse, Thomas Kirwan, appointed Member of Provincial Council of Land Agent at .. 927 the Province of Clermont 319 Petition complainingof certain alleged Bye-laws of Municipalities - vide " Munici- irregularities at the election for 626 palities." Trustees appointed for Baptist Burial Byrne , Denis J., The Rev. , registered Ground at--vide " Trustees." under the Marriage Act ... 437 Volunteer Rifle Company - vide Byrne, ' T. E. D., appointed Surgeon to " Volunteers." Spring Hill and Fortitude Valley Waterworks-vide " Waterworks." Ri fle Corps ... 511 Brisbane Volunteer Rifle Company--vide " Volunteers." C. BrisbaneWaterworks-vide " Waterworks." Broadfoot, David, Notices in the Insolvent C esarowicz, Iwan Feodoroff de- Estate of 229, 295 Letters of Administration applied for Brooks, William, Probate of Will applied in the Goods of - ...... 297 for in the Estate of ... 466 Notice that an account of the Admin- Brodnitz v. Champion, Writ of Fi. Fa. . 352, 481 istration in the Estate of-has Brown , Gregory, Probate of Will applied been filed in the Supreme Court 636 for in the Estate of ... 261 Cahill, Michael , Letters of Administration Brown, James Edwin, appointed Trustee applied for in the Wi ll of ... 279 for Racecourse Reserve at Cong, Cairns v. Hunter -Writ of Fi. Fa...... 394 North Maryborough .. 511 Cairns v. Lindenberg -Writ of Fi . .Fa.... 634 Brown , James Thorburn, Notices in the Cairns v. Walker-Writof Fi. Fa. 526 Insolvent Estate of 548, 772 Cairns, James , Notice on behalf of- (official Brown , John Walkden, The Rev., registered liquidator of Bank of Queensland under Marriage Act ... 333 to several defendants in an action Brown, Vernon, licensed as a Surveyor brought by the said - to enter qualified to act under Real an appearance, &c...... 1138 Property Act 590 Calliope Range, Turnpike Gate proclaimed Brown and Sherry, Notices in the Insolvent at-vide " Turnpike Gates." Estateof 1138,1194 Cameron, Alexr.- Browne, Henry, appointed Chief Inspector Deed of Assignment of-Registered of Police in the Western Dis- in Supreme Court ...... 535 trict 188 } Notices in the Insolvent Estate of... 498, 591, 773 Browne , John Wesley, Notices in the Insol- Cameron, John, appointed Auditor for the vent Estate of .., ,,, ,,. 1138,1181 Municipality of Ipswich „ f 626 INDEX. vii.

Page. Page. Cameron, John, Notice in the Insolvent Chancellor, William G., appointed Chief Estate of ...... 17 Landing Waiter in Customs De- Cameron, John, senr., Notice in the Insol- partment ... .. 584 vent Estate of ...... 152 Chapple, William Sandy, Probate of Will Cameron, Maria-Probate of Will applied applied for in the Estate of ... 527 for in the Estate of 902 Charleville-- Campbell, The Rev. Henry J.-Registered Appointed a place for establishing, under Marriage Act ... 884 &c., a public pound ... .. 598 Campen, Charles G., Notices in the Insol- Norris, William Osborne, appointed vent Estate of ...... 1016, 1158 Clerk of Petty Sessions at ... 139 Canal Creek Gold Fields v. Talgai ... Charters, William Skelton, Ewbank, Mel- Candiottis, Spiridion, nominated Member bourne-- of Provincial Council of the Appointed a Magistrate of the Terri- Province of Clermont ...... 319 tory ...... 838 Cannan, Kearsey, appointed Justice of the Appointed an Officer for issuing Peace under Marriage Act .. 1017 Miners' Rights, &c...... 838 Cannon, Patrick, Letters of Administration Appointed Gold Commissioner of the applied for in the Goods of ... 717 Cape River Gold Fields...... 838 Cape River Gold Fields- Appointed Police Magistrate of the Charters,W. S. E. AT., appointed Cape River Gold Fields...... 838 Police Magistrate and Gold Com- Chase, William de M., appointed Pound- missioner of .. .. 838 keeper at St. George ... 913 Proclaimed a place where spirits, etc., Chemists and Druggists, admitted as duly may be sold in quantities not less qualified- than 2 gallons at one time ... 963 Bruce, A. K...... 547 Proclamation of the 817, 837 Challinor, William Henry ...... 240 Cardwell- Comley, R. W...... 725 Members of Provincial Council of the Cripps, Charles F...... 352 Province of-appointed ...... 283 General list of ...... 82 Richards, Henry, appointed Acting Hughes, Thomas Henry . ... 240 Police Magistrate at .. .. 25 Kenway, E. L. 547 Carr, Mary, Notices in the InsolventEstate of 834, 982 Palmer, E. F. , . , ...... 988 Carson, Robert John, Notice in the Insolvent Wilson, John ...... 547 Estate of ...... 173 Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands De- Carter, Augustus, appointed Commissioner partment, appointments in- for Affidavits, etc. ... 979 Carter, Charles Claudius, appointed Carter, Charles Claudius, appointed Drafts- Draftsman in ... 43 man in Chief Commissioner of Commissioners of Crown Lands- Crown Lands Department ... 43 vide " Commissioners." Carter, Daniel, appointed Commissioner for Recording Clerks-vide G°Recording Affidavits, etc. ... 1170 Clerks." Carter and Co., T. R., Notices in the Insol- Snelling , Walter Henshaw, appointed vent Estate of .., ...... 590, 590,635,1018 Accountant in ...... 44 Carting Licenses, Notices respecting-vide Childs, James Gascoigne, Letters of Admin- " Notices." istration applied for in the Cassidy, Owen, Notice in the Insolvent Goods of ...... 1158 Estate of . ... 935 Childs, Thomas, Notice in the Insolvent Castors,, Samuel, appointed Assessor for the Estate of ...... 465 Municipality of Gayndah ... 398 Chilton, William, Probate -ofWill applied Cattle- for in the Estate of ... 997 Notification respecting Returns of ... 360, 388, 400, China Grass, Despatch respecting the 416, 459, 473, 492, 516, 532, Manufacture of ...... 573 561, 576, 584 Christie, George, Notice to the next of kin Proclamation removing' prohibition of and Creditors to ...... 261 introduction of-from Europe ... 1147, 1165, Civil Service of India, Despatch transmit. 1185 ting Regulations for Examination Cave, William- of Candidates for the ...... 687 Appointed a Magistrate of the Terri- Civil Service of Queensland- tory ...... 76 List of Officers in ... 119 Appointed to perform the duties of Omission from List of Officers in ... 275 Police Magistrate for the Police Claims against Government Act- District of Taroom 76 The Commissioner for Railways ap- Cemetery- pointed " Nominal Defendant," Regulations for Management of, at- in the matter of Claims against Owen ...... 512 Government, as alleged by A. German Station (near Brisbane ) ... 1166 Fitzgibbon ...... 985, 999 Rockhampton ...... 360, 512 Claims against Government (unsatisfied), Toowoomba ...... 92 Notice that Government will be Trustees appointed for, at- prepared to consider-for labor, Brisbane (Baptist Burial Ground) 707 &c., on Southern and Western German Station (near Brisbane ) ... 795 Railway ...... 987, 1007 Gladstone ...... 458 1020, 1050 Ipswich ...... 964 Clapperton, George, appointed Justice of Leyburn ...... 905 the Peace under Marriage Act... 1017 Census Act for 1868 (31 Viet., No. 32) ... 1505 Clark v. Coutts-Writ of Fi. Fa. 243 Challicombe, James, appointed Trustee for Clark and Another v. Fitzgerald-Writ of Racecourse at Dalby ... .. 838 Fi. Ea...... 498 Challinor, Henry, Approval of Nomination Clark, George, Returned to serve as Member as Trustee of Ipswich Grammar of the Legislative Assembly for School ...... 457 the Electoral Districtof Warwick 598 Challinor, Henry, Returned to serve as Clark, John, Letters of Administration ap- Member of the Legislative As- plied for in the Estate of ... 593 sembly for the Electoral District Clark , John , Notice in the Insolvent of Ipswich ...... 583 Estateof...... 395 Challinor, William Henry, admitted as duly Clark, Richard, Notice to the Heir-at-law of 1022 qualified Chemist and Druggist 240 Clarke, Francis, appointed Engineer Sur- Chambers v. Bonar-Writ of Fi. Fa. , , . 713 veyor for Port Bowen. ... 76 Viii. INDEX.

Page. Page Clarke, Hodgson , and Co., Notice that the Collector of Customs- business heretofore carried on Notification respecting Lightering under the firm of Wienholt and Licenses-vide " Notices." Co. will henceforth be conducted Notification respecting Goods subject under the firm of ... 245 to Ad Valorem Duties-vide "Ad Cleary, James , appointed Trustee for Hos- Valorem Duties." pital at Maryborough ...... 249 Colles, Abraham, Deed of Assignment of- Clerks of Petty Sessions- Registered in the Supreme Court 317 Dicken, Charles S., appointed-at Collins, James, Deed of Assignment of- Springsure ...... 905 Registered in the Supreme Court 535 Finucane,William, appointed toact Collins, Maurice, Letters of Administration as-at Burketown ...... 574 applied for in the Goods of .. 17 Gough, B. B., appointed to perform Colonial Branch Mint Act of 1866, 29 and 30 the duties of-at Burketown 469 Victoria, cap. r.xv., Despatch re- Norris, William Osbourne, appointed specting ...... 74 -at Charleville ...... 139 Colonial Secretary- Stevens, John Harry, appointed-at Macalister,TheHon. Arthur, Resig- Leyburn ...... 927 nation as, accepted 757 Stowell, Hugh, appointed-at Cler- Palmer, The Hon. Arthur, appointed 758 mont (corrected notification) ... 2 Colonial Stores- Clermont- Bond, Augustus S., appointed Clerk Eliott, Gilbert Wm., appointed Police in charge of 43 Magistrate at ...... 863 Colonial Treasurer- Lambert, C. H., appointed Police Mackenzie,TheHon. Robert Ramsay, Magistrate and Commissioner of appointed .. ... 758 Gold Fields at 985 Stephens, The Hon. Thomas Blacket- McLeod, Angus, appointed Pound- Appointed ...... 485 keeper at ...... 498 Resignation as, accepted ... 757 Members of Provincial Council of the Colonial Treasury Department, Appointments Province of, nominated and re- in-vide " Treasury." moved-vide "Provincial Council" Cowley, Richard Wm., admitted as a duly Pinnock, Philip, appointed Police qualified Chemist and Druggist... 725 Magistrate at ...... 719 Commercial Banking Company of Sydney v. Proclaimed a Municipality 75 Millstead,-Writ of Fi. Fa. ... 847 Proclamation declaring Boundaries of Commission' of the Peace-vide " Magis- Municipality of ...... 75 trates." Proclamation respecting Amended CommissionerforRailrv ays'appointed "Nomi- Boundaries of the Province of ... 74, 91 nal Defendant " in the matter of Provisions of Dog Act extended to ... 737 Claims against Government, as Stowell, Hugh,- alleged by A. Fitzgibbon ... 985, 999 AppointedClerk of Petty Ses- Commissioner of Police, Appointments in sions at ...... 2 the Department of the - vide Appointed First Returning Offi- " Police." cer for Municipality of ... 91 Commissioners for Affidavits, &c., appointed- Cliff; Louis, Notice to the next of kin of . , 438 Billyard, W. W...... 100 Clifton, Aplin, and Co., Notices in the Insol- Buchanan, James . , , ...... 859 vent Estate of ...... 548, 591 Carter, Augustus ...... 979 Clissold, Matthew Henry- Carter, Daniel ...... 1170 Lettersof Administration applied for Crane, William ...... 859 in the Goods, Chattels, and Eliott, Gilbert William ...... 1170 Effects of ...... 1061 Finucanc, William ...... 859 Notice to the next of kin to the late 717 Hiller, R. G...... 100 Clitheroe, John, appointed Poundkeeper at McCarthy, William F...... 979 Dalby ...... 846 Norris, William Osbourne ...... 859 Clohesy, Thomas, appointed Sub-Inspector Perkins, Reginald . , ...... 590 of Police ...... 1019 Rawlins, Frederic ...... 979 Ciune, John, appointed Alderman for Muni- Richards, Henry ...... 258 cipality of Ipswich 188 Spain, Staunton ...... 590 Coates, Thomas , Notice in the Insolvent Stowell, Hugh...... 100 Estate of ...... ,.. ... 231 Taylor, Hamlet ...... 258 Coleman , John, appointed an Officer of Cus- Thompson, R. W...... 100 toms ...... 795 Wheeler, John George ... 258 Coleman , William, Notice in the Insolvent Commissioners of Crown Lands appointed- . Estate of ...... 175 Gregory,Francis Thomas, appointed Collector of Customs- -for Darling Downs District ... 43 Appointments in the Department of Commissioners of Gold Fields-vide " Gold the-vide " Customs." Commissioners." Notice that all Duties to be collected Commissioners of H.M. Customs, Despatch at Sweer 's Island must be paid in conveying Notice issued by- Cash, Notes, or Guaranteed respecting enteredor Orders, &c. 739 requiring to be entered in transit Notice that Captains of Vessels bound from the United Kingdom to the for the Gulf of Carpentaria are British Possessions abroad ... 386 required to report their ships at Commissions appointed- Custom House on Sweer's Island 162, 272, Douglas,The' Hon. John, appointed 390, 482, 565, 632 member of the Scab Commission 44 Notice that no permission will be Common Law Pleading Act of 1867, 31 given to remove Bonded Goods Victoria, No. 5 ... 1097 from one Bonded Warehouse to Common Law Practice Act of 1867, 31 Vic- another in the City of Brisbane... 144, 162, toria, No. 17 ... 1307 194, 272, 390, 482, 565, Common Law Process Act of 1867, 31 Vic- 632, 739, 826, 982, 996 toria, No. 4 . 1075 Notice that no Powder can be Composition, Deeds of-registered 'in the received into the Powder Maga- Supreme Court- zine, Ipswich , until furtherNotice 287, 331 Bishop, T. C...... 725 Notification respecting Carting Li- McIntosh, James ...... 293 censes-vide " Notices." Smith, B. B. 743 .INDEX. ix.

Page. page Condamine- Cribb, Benjamin, Approval of Nomination Cancelled as a Polling Place for the as Trustee of Ipswich Grammar Electoral District of Maranoa... 529 School ...... 457 Moore, John, appointed Inspector of Cribb, Robert,- Slaughter -houses and Ranger of Discharged from the office and func- Crown Lands for Police District tions of Magistrate of the Terri- of ...... 359 tort' .. ... 838 Connell, Peter , Notices in the Insolvent Judgment delivered in the Insolvent Estate of ...... 244, 260 Estate of ...... 953 Connolly , W. J., appointed Shipping Master Noticesinthe Insolvent Estate of... 438,499, 526 at Rockhampton ...... 139 549, 754, 789 Conolly, John , Letters of Administration Cripps, Charles Fisher , admitted as a duly applied for in the Estate of ... 153 qualified Chemist and Druggist 352 Conroy, John , appointed- Croaker, Henry , appointed Harbor Master Bailiff of Court of Requests for Dis- and Pilot at Maryborough ... 719 trict of Surat ...... , . 565 Crook, George , Notice in the Insolvent Poundkeeper at Surat ...... 632 Estate of ...... 153 Consolidated Revenue, Statements of-vide Croshaw, Ambrose , Notice in the Intestate " Revenue." Estate of . , . ... 773 Consolidation Bills, Notification that His Crossing Place of the Fitzroy River and Excellency the Governor has Alligator Creek proclaimed a assented to several ... 1362 Public Ferry- ride " Procla- Constitution Act of 1867, 31 Victoria , No. 38 1597 mations." Consular Posts of Hanover. Hesse, and Cumming,Andrew, appointed Sub-Inspector Frankfort -on-the -Maine, Des- of Distilleries under Distillation patch respecting Abolition of . , . 187 from Sugar Act ...... 719 Consuls, Appointments of, approved of by Cunningham , James D., Notice in the Insol- Her Majesty--- vent Estate of . , . , 981 Webb, Ernest Henry, a3 Consul at Curator of Intestate Estates, Return of all Brisbane for the King of Den- Moneys -received and paid by 148, 786 mark .. , ...... 9-11 Curator of Intestate -Estates Act of 1867, Consuls provisionally recognised- 31 Victoria , No. 10 ...... 1207 Webb, Ernest Henry, as Danish Con- Curnow, Francis, appointed Trustee of sul at Brisbane .. ... 398 Ipswich Cemetery .. 964 Cook, Joseph, Notices in the Insolvent Curphy, Thomas, appointed 4th Landing Estate of ...... 114, 174 Waiter in Customs Department 584 Cooper, James, Notices in the Insolvent Curriwildi , appointed a Po lling Place for Estate of 150, 174 the Electoral District of Maranoa 529 Co-operative Carcass, Shipping, and Family Curriwillinghi, appointed a Polling Place Butchering Company, Dissolu- for the Electoral District of tion of Partnership of ... .. 619 Maranoa .. 529 Copas, The Rev. Frederick, registered under 1 Curry, Daniel, Notices in the Insolvent 1tTa.•riageAct ... 547 Estateof ...... 789,936 Copeland , John Brougham , Letters of Ad- Curry, Jackson, Notices in the Insolvent ministration applied for in the Estate of ...... 526, 617 Goods of ...... 955 Customs Department, Appointments, &c., Copperfield- in- Proclaimed a Municipality ... . , 75 Bartley, James, appointed 3rd Land- Proclamation declaring Boundaries of ing Waiter ...... 584 Municipality of ... .. 75 Chancellor, Wm. G., appointed Chief Stowell, Hugh , appointed First Re- Landing Waiter ... .. ` 584 turning Officer for the Munici- Coleman, John, appointed Officer of pality of ...... 91 Customs .. 795 Corbett , Henry , Notices in the Insolvent Costello, Charles D., Resignation Estate of ...... 278, 295 as Locker in Customs Depart- Corfield v. Groundwater , Writ of Fi. Fa... . 34 ment, Brisbane, accepted 44 Costello, Charles D., Resignation of-as 'Curphy, Thomas, appointed 4th Locker in Customs Department, Landing Waiter ... 584 Brisbane, accepted 44 Elliott, David, appointed 2nd Land- Costs Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. ing Waiter ...... 584 20 ...... 1389 flay, H. S. D., appointed 3rd Locker - 838 Cotton, Regulations respecting the issue of Irving, Wm. Howe, appointed 4th Land Orders as Bonus on ...532, 561, 576, Locker ,...... 838 586 Kilner, Frederick, appointed Sub- Cotton Inspector, Sub-Collector of Customs Collector at Mary borough ... 719 at Bowen, appointed-thereat ... 964 Appointment cancelled . , .942 Courts of Petty Sessions---vide " Petty Shapland, Edmund, appointed to act Sessions." as Locker at Bowen 584 Cozen, Charles- Sheridan, R. B., appointed Sub- Deed of Assignment of-registered Collector at Port Denison 719 in the Supreme Court ...... 946 Appointment cancelled ...... 942 Resignation of Office of Magistrate Valuators under Additional Customs by-accepted ...... 863 Duties Act of 1866, appointed- Crack v. Foote, Writ of Fi. Fe...... 980 vide " Ad valorem Duties." Cramp, Jobn, Notices in the Insolvent Wassail, James D., appointed an Estate of ...... 294, 591, 773 Officer of Customs .. 795 Crane, William, appointed Commissioner for Wilkins, John C., appointed Landing Affidavits, &c...... 859 Waiter at Ipswich ...... 684 Crawford, William, appointed Trustee for Customs Department, Notices issued by- .. Presbyterian Church Lands at Notice respecting rule to be Toowoomba ...... 906 observed for computing the Creagh, C. A. F. (Captain of the 50th Regi- quantity of Cask Spirits ... 692 ment ), appointed honorary Aide- Notices issued by Collector of Cus- de-Camp to His Excellency ... 397 toms-vide " Collector of Cus- Creighton, William, Letters of Administra- toms." tion applied for in the Goods Customs Regula `ion Amendment Act of and Chattels of ... :.. ... 231 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 25 , , ; ' 1443 B X. INDEX.

Page. Pax.. Cuthbert and Clarke, Notice of Dissolution Despatches respecting- of Partnership of ...... 297 Examinationof Candidates forthe Civil Service of India ... . U7 D. Foreigners naturalized in the Colonies likely to travel in Europe to Da Costa, Edwin, appointed Clerk of the provide themselves with some 5th Class in General Post Office 999 official evidence of their identity Dalby-- and description ...... 625 Clitheroe, John, appointed Pound- " Galatea ," H.M.S., under the com- keeper at ... 846 mand of His Royal Hihness Leave granted to Trustees of School the Duke of Edinburgh,' being of Arts at-to mortgage same about to proceed on service, and under Trustees of Public Lands likely to visit Queensland ... 64 Act 157 Instructions (Supplementary) to Macarthur, Patrick, appointed Ranger Officers in British possessions of Crown Lands at 941 abroad relative to Expenses in- Provisions of Dog Act extended to 855 curred by maintaining distressed Robinson, Arthur John, appointed Seamen who have been rescued BailiffofCourt of Requests for and picked up at sea ...... 385 the Police District of ... 616 Manufacture of China Grass ... 573 Trustees appointed for- Notice issued by the Commissioners Church Lands in connection with of H. M. Customs respecting the Church of England at ... 583 Gcods entered or requiring to be Racecourse at ... 838 entered in transit from the Dalby, William, appointed Clerk of 5th United Kingdom to the British Class in General Post Office ... 76 Possessions abroad ... .. 386 Dalrymple, appointed a place for the holding Order of H.M. in Council extending of Courts of Petty Sessions ... 927 to the United States of Columbia Daniell, Win. Jeremiah, appointed Trustee the provisions of the Foreign for Baptist Burial Ground at Deserters Act of 1852 ...... 385 Brisbane ...... 707 Postal arrangements regulating trans- D'Arcy, Frederick Robert, Notices in the mission of letters to Superin- Insolvent Estate of 914, 954 tendents of Mercantile Marine D'Arcy, Michael, appointed Auditor for Officers in the United Kingdom 1045 Municipality of Gayndah 490 Regulations and Conditions of the D'Arcy, The Rev. D. J., registered under Gilchrist Educational Trust ... 1043 Marriage Act 616 Regulations respecting decorations of Darvall, Frederick Orme, appointedAuditor- Foreign Governments to British General of Queensland... 877 subjects residinginHer Majesty's Darvall, F. 0., appointed Teller in the Note Colonies ...... 1044 Issue Branch of the Treasury ... 76 Reply to Petition for the recall of Daveney, Frederick Charles, Notices in the His Excellency ...... 187 Insolvent Estate of ... - ... 870, 915 The Colonial -BranchMint Act of Davidson, John Ewan- 1866, 29 and 30 Vic., Cap. Lxv. 74 Appointed a Magistrate of the Tonnage admeasurement of Steam - Territory ... 838 Ships for registry .. ... 1044 Appointed Member of Provincial Treaty of Friendship , Commerce, Council of the Province of Card- and Navigation with the United well ... 283 ' States of Columbia .. 71 Davidson, Wm. Montgomerie Davenport- Warrant issued under the Royal Appointed Acting Commissioner of Sign Manual, for extending the Mary River Gold Fields 941 Victoria Cross to local Forces Appointed an Officer for issuing which are-, or may hereafter be Miners' Rights, &c. 941 raised in any of Her Majesty's Davis, Coleman, appointed Trustee of Ips- Colonies ...... 397 wich Cemetery ... 964 Dexter, John, Notices in the Insolvent Davis, Samuel, appointed Valuator on behalf Estate of , ...... 1138,1181 of- the Government under Addi- Dieken, Charles S.- tional Customs Duties Act ... 838 Appointed Clerk of Petty Sessions at Day, W. H., appointed Deputy Registrar Springsure ...... 905 of the Metropolitan District Appointed District Registrar of Court at Brisbane during absence Births, Deaths, and Marriages, at of the Registrar ... 410 Springsure .. . , . 929 Dean, William, Probate of Will applied for Dilger, John, Notices in the Insolvent in the Estate of ...... 790 Estate of ...... 701, 726 Deaths, Regulations respectingRegistration of 129 Dillon, John Moore, appointed Justice of Decorations of Foreign Governments to the Peace under Marriage Act... 1017 British Subjects residing in H. Dinte, Herman David, Notices in the M. Colonies-Despatch relating Insolvent Estate of ...... 901, 936 to ... 1044 Diseases in Sheep Act of 1867, 31 Vic., Deeds of Assignment-vide "Assignment." No. 35 , ...... 1537 Deeds of Composilioi -vide "Composition." Dissolution of Legislative Assembly-vide .Denyer, Charles, Notice that Accounts in " Legislative Assembly." the Estate of-have been filed in Distillation from Sugar Act, Notice drawing the Supreme Court 175 the attention of Proprietors of Deshon, Edward, appointed Officer of the Sugar Mills to the provisions 3rd Classin the TreasuryDe- of ...... 331, 374, 390, partment ...... 249 403 Despatches respecting- Distilleries , Inspectors of, appointed-vide Abolitionof Consular Posts of " Inspectors." Kingdom of Hanover, of the Distress , Replevin , and .Ejectment Act of Electorate of Hesse, and of the 1867, 31 Vic., No. 16 ... .. 1277 Free State of Frankfort-on-the- Distressed Seamen, Despatch conveying Maine 187 Supplementary Instructions to Correspondence between the Secre- Officers' in British Possessions tary of Statefor the Colonies abroad, relative to Expenses and Mr. William Henry Walsh 625 incurred by maintaining ... 385 INDEX. Xi.

Page. Page, District Courts- Ebenston, Joshua, Deed of Assignment of- Bailiffs of, appointed - vide "Bailiffs." Registered in the Supreme Court 256 Day, W. H. , appointed Deputy Eckersley, James, appointed Line Inspector Registrar of the - at Brisbane ... 410 of S. and W. Railway, on proba- McMunn, William , appointed Clerk tion for six months 157 and Messenger in the Office of the Eldridge, F., appointed Line Repairer in Metropolitan - at Brisbane ... 689 charge of Bloomsbury, in Electric Notification of Sittings of- Telegraph Department ...... 838 Metropolitan ...... 339,1015, Election- 1029,1059 Notice respecting-for North Bris- Northern ...... 258, 277, 294, bane ...... 526 339, 378, 393, 1015, 1029, 1059, 1137 Notice respecting General . 503 Western ...... 954, 1157, Petition complaining of certain alleged 1170, 1194 irregularities at the late - for Perkins , Reginald , appointed Regis- North Brisbane 626 trar of the Metropolitan-at Petition complaining of certainalleged Ipswich ...... 598 irregularities at the late -- for Rules of Court , General ...... 339 West Moreton . 708 District Courts Act of 1867, 31 Vic ., No. 30 1477 Writs of-vide "Writs." District Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Elections Act of 1867, 31 Vic., No. 37 ... 1581 Marriages , appointed- Election Districts Act of 1867, 31 Vic., No. 3 1067 Dicken, Charles S., appointed-for Electoral Rolls, Courts for Revision of- Springsure ...... 929 vide " Petty Sessions." Norris, William Osbourne , appointed Electric Telegraph Department, Appoint- -for the District of Warrego ... 274 ments in- Rowland, B., appointed - for Prin- Bauer, J. C.- chester .. 929 Appointed Line Repairer in charge Dixon, Thomas , Probate of Will applied for. of Clermont 838 in the Estate of ...... 204 Appointed Station Master, Clermont 1119 Dog Act, Provisions of-extended to- Eldridge F., appointed Line Repairer Clermont ...... 737 in charge of Bloomsbury 838 Dalby ...... 855 Gorton, F. P., appointed Assistant, Gladstone ...... 512 Tenterfield 838 Douglas, John, The Honorable- Higgins, Arthur, appointed Line Appointed Chairman of Board of Repairer, Bowen... 838 Waterworks ...... 583 Langley, Wm. E. (of Sydney), Appointed Member of the Scab Com- appointed Telegraphic Agent for mission ...... 44 the Colony of Queensland .. 689 Appointed Secretary for Public O'Brien, Stephen, appointed Line Works of the Colony of Queens- Repairer, Clermont .. 1.119 land .. ... 485 Panton, W. H., appointed Junior Authorised to sign Treasury Bills ... 25 Clerk, Grandchester 838 Resignation as Member of Executive Rowland, B., appointed Line Repairer Council accepted ...... 758 in charge, Marlborough ... 838 Resignation as Secretary for Public Smith (Assistant Pilot), appointed Works accepted ...... 757 Operator in, charge of Pilot Returned to serve as Member of the Station, Keppel Bay 838 Legislative Assembly for the Young, H. E., appointed Line Re- ElectoralDistrict of Eastern pairer, Gladstone 838 Downs ... . 598 Eliott, Gilbert, Returned to serve as Mem- Douglas, Morton Alfred, Notices in the ber of the Legislative Assembly Insolvent Estate of ... 395, 592, 773 for the Electoral District of Dowzer, James, appointed Customs Valuator Wide Bay...... 583 at Maryborough ... 1119 Eliott, Gilbert William- Doyle and Lyons, Notice of Dissolution of Appointed Commissioner for Affida- Partnership ...... 549 vits, &c...... 1170 Drake, Francis Samuel, Notices in the Appointed Justice of Peace under Insolvent Estate of ...... 35, 150, 297 Marriage Act 1017 Drayton and Toowoomba- Appointed Police Magistrate at- Amended Boundaries of the Police Clermont ... 863 District of ... 92 Drayton and Toowoomba ... 927 Eliott, Gilbert William, appointed Appointed Visiting Justice of Gaol at Police Magistrate at ... 927 Toowoomba ... 941 Kiernan, Michael, appointed Inspec- Elliott, David, appointed 2nd Landing tor of Slaughter-houses and of Waiter in Customs Department 584 Weights and Measures for the Elliott, George, appointed Inspector of Dis- Police District of...... 91 tilleries for Police District of Drew, Charles L., Notices in the Insolvent Rockhampton 511 Estate of ...... 996,1158 Emmerson, Daniel, Notices in the Insolvent Druggists-vide " Chemists" Estate of ...... 772, 914 Drury, Albert Victor, appointed Clerk of Engineer Surveyor- Executive Council ... 1 Clarke, Francis, appointed-for Port Duncan, David Blackether, Notices in the of Bowen .. ... 76 Insolvent Estate of ... 482, 618 Equity Act of 1867, 31 Vic., No.18... 1325 Dunn, Robert, Probate of Will applied for Evans and Casten, Notice of Dissolution of in the Estate of 848 Partnershipof 380 Dunwich, Benevolent Asylum at - vide Evenden v. Kingsford-Writ of Fi. Fa. 996 " Benevolent Asylum." Evidence and Discovery Act of 1867, 31 Durietz, Hugo William, Notices in the Vic., Np. 13 ... 1239 Insolvent Estate of ...... 788, 788,915,1158Executive Council- Duty Stamps, Notification respecting-vide Appointments of Members of- Stamp Duties Act" Lamb, The Honorable Edward William ...... 758 E. Mackenzie, The Honorable Robert Eaton, John, appointed Trustee for Race- Ramsay 758 course Reserve at Cong, North Palmer, The Honorable Arthur

Maryborough ...... 511 Hunter ... C 1. .. 1 4 d 4 758 INDEX,

Page. Page. Executive Council- Fitzsimmons, Charles, Returned to serve as Pring, The Honorable Ratcliffe ... 758 a Member of the Legislative Prior, The Honorable Thomas Assembly for the Electoral Dis- Lodge Murray ...... 758 trict of Clermont ... 689 Stephens, The Honorable Thomas Flynn, Patrick, Notices in the Insolvent Blacket ... 485 Estate of 115, 260 Appointment of Vice-President of- Fogarty, Lancelot, Deed of Assignment of- * Mackenzie, The Honorable Robert Registered in the Supreme Court 171 Ramsay 758 Forbes, Frederick Augustus-Appointed Clerkof- Trustee of the Ipswich Grammar Drury, Albert Victor-Appointed- 1 School .. ... 457 Extracts of Minutes of, respecting- Ford, Michael, Notices in the Insolvent Addresspresented to His Excel- Estate of ...... 465, 59'1,635 lency, praying for discontinuance Foreign Companies Act of 1867 , 31 Vic., of the Construction of the War- No. 1. ... 1063 wick Railway, and the Summon- Foreign Deserters Act of 1852, Despatch ing of the Queensland Parliament 39 conveying order of Her Majesty Losing the Services of Mr. A. W. in Council, extending the Manning, as Clerk of the Exeeu- provisions of the-to the United tive Council ... 1 States of Columbia .. 385 Resignation of Members of, ac- Foreigners Naturalised in the Colonies, cepted, viz.:- Despatch advising - and likely to Bell, The Honorable i-oshua Peter 758 travel in Europe to provide Douglas, The Honorable John ... 758 themselves with some official Gore, The Honorable St. George evidence of their identity and Richard ... 758 description ...... 625 Lilley, The Honorable Charles ... 758 Forfeited Lands in Agricultural Reserves, Macalister, The Honorable Arthur 757 Notifications respecting-vide Stephens, The Honorable Thomas "'Agricultural Reserves." Blacket 758 Forsyth and Co., John, Deed of Assignment Watts, The Honorable John 413 of-registered in the Supreme Resignation of Vice-President of- Court .. .. . , . 934 accepted,viz. :-- Fortitude Valley Rifle Corps- vide " Volun- Macalister, The Honorable Arthur 757 teers." Fowles , John, appointed Associate to His F. Honor A. J . P. Lutwycho 394 Farewe ll Reception , Notice respecting-- Fowles , William Lambert , appointed First vide " Reception." Lieutenant of Spring Hill and Fattorini and Murphy , Notices in the Insol- Fortitude Valley Ri fle Corps .. 511 vent Estate of ...... 173, 279, 549, Foxton, Leith Hay , and Co., Notices in the 847 Insolvent Estate of .. 279, 847 Feez , Sophia, Probate of Will applied for in Francis , Arthur Marley , Returned to serve the Estate of ...... 754 as Member of the Legislative - Ferguson , John, Notices in the Insolvent Assembly for the Electoral Estate of ... 230, 259 District of East Moreton ... 598 Ferguson , Ferguson, and Walker, Notice of Frank , Leonard, Probate of Will applied for Dissolution of Partnership of ... 395, 409, 439 in the Estate of ...... 261 Ferries Proclaimed--vide "Proclamations." Fraser, Richard , Notice in the Insolvent Ferry Regulations of- Estate of ...... 902, 936 Albert River Ferry ...... 78, 94, 140, Fraser, Wi lliam, Notice in the Insolvent 159, 189 Estate of ...... 869, 996 Ferry at Alligator Creek ... .. 907 Friend, Henry- Ferry at Yaamba ...... 907 Appointed Trustee of Public Cemetery Gainsford Crossing ...... 691, 709, 721, at Gladstone ...... 458 738, 764, 775, 802, Deed of Assignment of registered in 820, 842, 856, 864 the Supreme Court ... 705 Logan River Ferry ...... 236, 251, 269, Notice respecting Premises lately 286, 321 erected by - at Gladstone, set Saw Mills Ferry, Logan River ... 1047 apart as a Bonded Store-vide Upper Ferry, Logan River .. - 986, 1000, " Bonded Stores." 1020, 1048, 1122, 1149, 1168 Fuller , Edward, The Reverend , registered Findlater , Robert, appointed Pilot at Port under Marriage Act .. ... 1008 Denison ...... 209 Fu ller, Robert Good , appointed a Com- Finucane , William- missioner for Affidavits , &e. ... 100 AppointedCommissioner for Affida- Furnival , James , Notices in the Insolvent vits, &c. 859 Estate of . , ...... 981, 1157 Appointed Recording Clerk at Burke- town ., ... 574 Appointed to act as Clerk of Petty G. Sessioias at Burketown ...... 574 Fitzgerald , Thomas Henry- Gaden, William Henry, appointed a Appointed Justice of Peace under Magistrate of the Territory ... 838 Marriage Act .. .. 1017 Gainsford- Proclamation declaring the Election Appointed Polling Place for Electoral of,-to serve as a Member of the District of Leicbhardt ... 529 Legislative Assembly, for the Regulations for Management of Electoral District of Kennedy, Crossing at-vide "Ferry Regu- to be valid ... . 819 lations." Returned to serve as Member of the " Galatea," Despatch announcing that Her Legislative Assembly for the, Majesty's Ship-under the com- Electoral District of Rockhampton 598 mand of His Royal Highness Fitzroy and Calliope River Gold Fields, the Duke of Edinburgh, is about Proclamation rescinding the Pro- to proceed on Service, and will clamation of His Excellency the probably visit Queensland ... 687 Governor of New South Wales, Gaols, Notice .respecting applications for dated 17th September, 1858, Situations in the-of the Colony 1029, 1059, respecting the ... 583 1137 INDEX.

Page. Page, Garrick, James F., Returned to serve as Gold Fields- Member of the Legislative Proclamationofthe Cape River ... 817,837 Assembly for the Electoral Dis- Proclamation of the Upper Mary trict of East Moreton .. .. 598 River ...... 961, 963 Gataker, Charles F., Registered as Licensed Reward offered for the discovery of a Surveyor ...... 1022 payable--vide "Rewards." Gates, Notices respecting Applications to Goodua, appointed a Polling place for the put up ...... 1182, 1195 Electoral District of West More- Gayler, Alfred Peter, Deed of Assignment ton... .. 558 of-registered in the Supreme Goods, Notices respecting Sale of- Court 869 Condemned ...... 403, 421 Gayndah- Confiscated ...... 390, 403, 421, Applicationto MortgageLand 463, 1059, 1137, 1150, 1170 granted for a Racecourseat- Overtime 715, 724, 742, vide " Trustees of Public Lands 771, 785, 813, 1175, 1192 Act." Goondiwindi-vide" Gundiwindi." Caston, Samuel , appointed Assessor Gordon, James, appointed Trustee for for the Municipality of . , . 398 Hospital at Townsville ...... 906 D'Arcy, Michael, appointed Auditor Gore, The Honorable St. George Richard- for the Municipality of . ... 490 Resignation as Member of Executive Howard, William, appointed Bailin' Council accepted ...... 758 of Court of Requests at ... 162 Resignation as , Postmaster-General Kemball, A. C., appointed Police accepted ...... 757 Magistrate at ...... 719 Gorman, James, Notice to the Next of Kin McCarthy, Denis, appointed Inspector of ...... 482 of Slaughter-houses for Police Gorton, F. P., appointed Assistant at Tenter- District of ...... 188 field in Electric Telegraphic Pockley, T. F. G., appointed Auditor. Department ...... 838 for the Municipality of ...... 490 Gorton, Richard James, Notices in the Insol- Walker, James, appointed Assessor vent Estate of ...... 935, 982 for the Municipality of ... 398 Gough, Benjamin Bloomfield-. Whelan, Warren, appointed Bailiff Appointed Recording Clerk at Burke- of Court of Requests at ... .. 1159 town ...... 76 Geary, Edward Montague, appointed Justice Appointed to perform the duties of of Peace tinder Marriage Clerk of Petty Sessions at Burke- Act...... 1017 town ... 469 Geddes, Andrew, appointed Poundkeeper Government Gazette-ride Queensland at Yaauiba .. ... 1.194 Government Gazette." General Post Office Department, appoint- Government Life Insurances and Annuities- ments in-vide "Post Office." Notice respecting Proposals for ... 3, 27, 47, 80, German Lutheran Congregation, North 98, 142, 160, 191, 213, 239, 253, Brisbane- 271, 287, 322, 362, 389, 401, Application to Lease Lands granted 416, 460, 474, 494, 517, 532, to-vide " Trustees of Public 561, 576, 586, 600, 630, 693, Lands Act." 711, 721, 739, 765, 776, 806, Authorization to Lease Lands granted 821, 842, 856, 864, 883, 908, to ...... 627 928, 943, 965, 987, 1001, 1021, Resignation and Election of Trustees 1048, 1123, 1149, 1169, 1187 of Notice respecting ...... 319 Government Printer , Notices acknowledging Gibson, Samuel, Notices in the Insolvent Moneys received by the...... 902 , 916, 936, Estate of ...... 526, 618, 773 956, 982, 997, 1018, 1030, 1061, Gilchrist Educational Trust, Despatch - 1139, 1159, 1182, 1195 relating to Regulations and Con- Government Printing Office, Appoint ments ditions of ...... 1043 in- Giles, John, junior, Notice in the Insolvent Beal, James Charles , appointment as Estate of ... 981, 1158 Government Printer confirmed... 737 Gladstone-- Knight, William , appointed Engraver Constituted a WarehousingPort--vide in the Lithographic Branch of "PortCurtis." the...... ,. ... 249 Provisions of Dog Act extended to ... 512 Government Savings Bank- Queen's Warehouse at, appointed a Amended Regulations for ...... 33, 47, 80, 98, Bonded Store ... , .. 272 142, 160, 191, 213 Trustees appointed for Public Ceme- Appointments in --- vide " Savings teryat ...... 458 Bank." Glanville, George W., appointed Post- Notice calling attention of Depositors master at Toowoomba ... 999 to clause 6 of Regulations respect- Glen-Dhu, appointed a place for holding ing Treasury acknowledgements Petty Sessions 964 of deposits...... 1048, 1122, Goertz , Ernest Augustus Morris, appointed 1149, 1169, 1187 Alderman for Kangaroo Point Notice repecting abolishment of Fees Ward, Brisbane ...... 188 for-Pass Books ...... 629, 692, 711 Gold Commissioners appointed-- Notice respectingAdditionalBranches Charters , W. S. E. M.., appointed- of . .. .., 629, 692,111 for the Cape River Gold Notice respecting Branches, &c., of.,. 3, 27, 46, 80, Fields ...... 838 1 98, 143,169, 191, 212, 239, 253, Davidson, Win. M. D., appointed 271, 287, 323, 362, 390, 401, acting-of Mary River Gold /116, 461, 474, 494, 516, 532, Fields ... 941 561, 576, 586, 600, 630, 693, Griffin, Thos. John, appointed-of 711, 721, 739, 764, 777, 806, Rockhampton Gold Fields ... 941 821, 842, 856, 864, 883, 908, King. Henry Edward, appointed-of 928, 943, 965, 987, 1001, 1021, Upper Mary River Gold Fields 1045 1048, 1123, 1149, 1169, 1186 Lambert, C. H. appointed-at Cler- Notice respecting opening of Branch mont ...... 985 of-at Gynapie Creek 1048, 1123 Sinclair, D. Mc D., appointed-of Notice respecting Transmission of Talgai and Canal Creek Gold Pass Books . . . , . , .. 1048, 1123, Fields ...... 1 1119 1149, 1169, 1186 INDEX.

Page. age. Government Steamers, Notice respecting Harbor Masters, appointed- Sale of ... .. Sheridan,Richard B.,appointed-at 413, 458, 469,' 359,387,399,490, 514, 530 Port Denison ...... 719 Graham, John, Notices in the Insolvent Appointment cancelled ... 942 Estate of ... 753, 789 Wyborn, Henry, appointed-for the Greer, Robert, Notices in the Insolvent Port of Moreton Bay ... .. 139 Estate of ... 901, 935 Harden, Henry Scott, nominated Member Greet, Joshua, Notices in the Insolvent of the Provincial Council for the Estate of ...... 548, 617 Province of Clermont ...... 319 Gregory, Francis Thomas, appointed Com- Hardy, Philip, Notices in the Insolvent missioner of Crown Lands for Estate of ...... 229, 353, 619 the Darling Downs District ... 43 Harris and another v. Smith, Writ of Y. Gregory, Frederick, Notices in the Insolvent Fa...... 716 Estateof ... 378, 408 Hart, George, Probate of Will applied for Grieve, Walter, Notices in the Insolvent in the Estate of ...... 499 Estateof ... 35, 174, 354 Harvey, John, Notices in the Insolvent Griffith, Samuel Walter, admitted as an Estate of ... 1138,1181 advocate of the Vice-Admiralty Harvey, Robert, appointed Trustee of Public Court of Queensland ...... 1017 Cemetery at Gladstone ...... 458 Griffin, Thomas John- Hassall, The Rev. J. Samuel, registered Appointed Commissioner of Gold under Marriage Act ... 162 Fieldsin the vicinity of Rock- Hassell and Ogg, Deed of Assignment of- hampton ... 941 Registered in the Supreme Court 588 Appointed Police Magistrate at Hatton, James- Toowoomba 719 Appointed Trustee for Presbyterian Grigg and Co., Daniel, Notices in the Church Lands at Toowoomba ... 906 Insolvent Estate of ...... 259, 379, 717 Corrected appointment ...... 941 Grimaldi , Wynford Beaufort , Deed of Hawthorne, Stuart, appointed Trustee for Assignment of-Registered in Ipswich Cemetery ...... 964 the Supreme Court 207 Hay, Houston Stewart Dalrymple, appointed Groom, Wil liam Henry , returned to serve Third Locker in Customs De- as Member of the Legislative partment, Brisbane 838 Assembly for the Electoral Dis- Haynes, William, Probate of Will applied trict of Drayton and Toowoomba 598 for in the Estate of ...... 773. Guerin, Ellen- Hazel and Hyman, Notice of Dissolution Letters of Administration applied for of Partnership of ...... 566 in the Estate of ...... 1061 Head, Edward A., Notices in the Insolvent Notice in the Intestate Estate of .. 997 Estate of .. .. 580, 635 Gulf of Carpentaria , Notice to Captains of Health Officer-Macdonald, Alexander, Vessels bound for-vide " Col- appointed to discharge tempo- lector of Customs." rarily the duties of-for the Port Gulland, James , appointed Clerk of the of Moreton Bay ...... 398 Fourth Class in the Treasury Hedgeland, J. F., Notice that -- has no Department ...... 76 further authority to draw Orders Gundiwindi- on G. H. Jones or D. M. and Stevens, John Harry, appointed G. H. Jones 17 Police Magistrate at . 927 Hegarty, John Clark Swanton, Deed of Gunn , James, Probate of Will applied for Assignment of-registered in the in the Estate of ... 465 Supreme Court ...... 900 Gunpowder- Helidon, Proclamation rescinding Procla- Notice that no-can be received into mation of 14th September, 1866, Powder Magazine , Ipswich, until declaring-a place where a Turn- further notice-vide " Collector pike Gate should be erected and of Customs." Tolls levied ... 763 Notice to importers and proprietors Hetherington, Richard, appointed Customs of, respecting charges for Rent, Valuator at Gladstone ... 1119 &c. 378, 393, 407 Higgins, Arthur, appointed Line Repairer, 437 Bowen, in Electric Telegraph Gympie Creek Gold Fields, Notice that Department ... 838 Branch Office of Government { Higgins, Patrick, appointed Inspector of Savings Bank will be opened at 1048, 1123 Slaughter-houses for the Police District of Townsville ...... 359 Highfield Steam Saw Mills Company, Deed H. of Assignment of the-registered in the Supreme Court ...... 480 Hacking v. Bowles, Writ of Fi. Fa. ... 1180 Hill, Henry, Notices in the Insolvent Hacking v. Crawley, Writ of Fi. Fa. 725 Estate of .. .. 151, 279 Halloran, Arthur Edward, jun., appointed Hirst, Joseph, Notices in the Insolvent Second Lieutenant of Brisbane Estate of ...... 378, 408 Volunteer Rifle Company ... 457 Hobbs, The Hon. William- Hamilton, Frederick, Notices in the Insol- Appointed Visiting Surgeon to the vent Estate of ...... 834, 914 Hulk " Proserpine," the Penal Handcock, William, Notices in the Insolvent Establishment at St. Helena, and Estate of ...... 151, 353, 379, the Benevolent Asylum at Dun- 465, 636 wich ...... 413 Hann, William, appointed Trustee for Hos- Appointed Visiting Surgeon to the pital at Townsville ...... 906 Penal Establishment at St. Hanran, John, Deed of Assignment of- Helena Island ...... 469 Registered in the Supreme Hodges, Horatio, Notices in the Insolvent Court ...... 783 Estate of ...... 17, 151 Harbor Masters, appointed- Hodgson, Samuel, appointed Lieutenant of Croaker, Henry, appointed -- and No. 2 Company of Queensland Pilot at Maryborough ...... 719 Volunteer Rifles...... 963 Kilner, Frederick, appointed-at Hoffman, Peter, Notice in the Insolvent Bowen ...... 906 Estate of ...... 754 Sheridan, Richard B., appointed-at Hogan, Joseph, Notices in the Insolvent Maryborough ...... 942 Estate of .,, ,.. ... 244, 279 INDEX. xv.

Page. Page. Holder, George, Notice in the Insolvent I. Estate of ...... 1060 Holidays, Notices respecting Public ... 249, 689, 985 Immigration Act Amendment Act of 1867, Holland's Bond Cancelled--vide " Bonded 31 Victoria, No. 31 1503 Stores Cancelled." Immigration Remittances, Notice that De- Holly, Marsh, and Co., Notice respecting posits will be received from Per- Dissolution of Partnership of ... 955 sons desirous of sending for their Holmes, James, Notices in the Insolvent Relatives or Friends ...... 437, 463, 481, Estate of ...... 259, 279 495, 524, 547, 565, Honeyman, James, appointed Returning 577, 589, 616, 630, Officer for the Electoral District 693, 711, 725 of South Brisbane ... 511, 529 Impounding Act of 1863 Further Amendment Honorable, Title of, within the Colony, Act, 31 Victoria , No. 8 ...... 1163 conferred upon the Hon. R. R. Impoundings, Notices of-at- Mackenzie 397 Allora ...... 281, 298, 355, Hood, Thomas Hood Cockburn, Writ of 396, 440, 466, 499, 500, 568, 703, Foreign Attachment against ... 36, 231, 409, 790, 848, 872, 903, 983, 1018, 411 1159 Hood and Douglas , Notice to- that a Caveat Bowen ...... 500, 500,755,1018 has been lodged by Charles Clark Brisbane ...... 263, 872, 917, and Thomas Hanmar, under the 983, 1160 Real Property Act . 1050 Clermont ...... 116, 262, 263, Booker, Thomas Ayerst, Letters of Adminis- 282, 355, 356, 500, 702, 703, 998, tration applied for in the Goods 1062, 1159, 1195, 1196 of 955 Condamine ...... 56, 117, 155, Hooper, John Baker, Deed of Assignment 205, 247, 263, 356, 466, 500, 568, registered in the Supreme Court 1017 755, 774, 816, 938, 957, 1018, Hope, The Hon. Louis, Act to enable a 1031, 1061 Grant of Land to be made to- Dalby ...... 36, 37, 88, 31 Victoria, No. 2 ...... 1065 155, 177, 232, 245, 246, 439, 440, Horen, Michael, Notices in the Insolvent 483, 568, 581, 594, 620, 816, 861, Estate of ...... 174, 296 937, 998, 1031 Hospital at- Gayndah ...... 176, 282, 356, Bowen, Provisions of 19 Victoria, 439, 440, 483, 568, No. 20, extended to 557 581, 594, 620, 790, Maryborough, Trustees appointed for 871, 957, 983 -vide " Trustees." Goondiwindi ... 155, 246, 410, Springsure- 550, 790, 903, 1031 Provisions of 19 Victoria, No. 20, Ipswich ...... 37, 88, 116, extended to ... 837 154, 155, 262, 280, 299, 467, 568, Rules and Regulations for Man- 702, 718, 774, 848, 861, 872, 938, agement of ...... 839 983, 998, 1031, 1139, 1159, 1182, Toowoomba- 1195 Murphy, William, appointed Leyburn 37,57,88, Member of Committee of Man- 116, 155, 176, 177, 206, 232, 247, agement of ...... 76 280, 281, 356, 466, 550, 581, 593, Robinson, E. W., appointed 594, 620, 637, 726, 956, 997 Member of Committee of Man- Rockhampton ...... 36, 57, 232, agement of ...... 1165 281, 356, 483, 593, 594, 718, 861, Townsville- 871, 1018, 1159, 1196 Provisions of 19 Victoria, No. 20, Roma ...... 18, 177, 206, extended to ...... 319 233, 263, 281, 298, 380, 396, 703, Rules and Regulations for Man- 755, 916, 938, 982, 983, 1018, agement of ...... 558 1183, 1196 Trustees appointed for ...... 906 St. George .. ... 116,155, 205, Warwick, Rules and Regulations for 247, 263, 299, 396, 527, 550, 567, Management of ...... 209 581, 703, 726, 816, 902, 957, 998, Hospital Act, 19 Victoria, No. 20, Provisions 1062, 1160, 1182, 1183, 1196 of-extended to- Springsure 57, 116, 176, Burdekin and Flinders Hospital at 232, 263, 356, 440, 500, 567, 594, Townsville .. ... 319 701, 718, 774, 848, 1018, 1159, Kennedy Hospital at Bowen ... 557 1196 Springsure Hospital ...... 837 Surat ...... 718, 790, 816, Howard, William, appointed Bailiff of 849, 872, 903, 917, 938, 956, 957, Court of Requests at Gayndah... 162 983, 1018, 1061, 1139, 1196 Hughes, Thomas Henry, admitted as duly Taroom ...... 176, 205, 298, qualified Chemist and Drug- 380, 567, 637, 816, 834, 871, 983, gist..... 240 1139, 1183 Hughes and Wyllie's Store at Ipswich- Toowoomba 18, 56, 89, Appointed a Bonded Store-vide 117, 154, 247, 262, 263, 281, 299, " Bonded Stores." - 356, 380, 410, 440, 467, 500, 550, Cancelled as a Bonded Store-vide 568, 580, 581, 637, 702, 718, 726, " Bonded Stores." 755, 774, 790, 834, 835, 849, 871, Hunt, Arthur Carew (Ensign of the 50th 903, 917, 938, 956, 997, 1018, Regiment), appointed a Captain 1031, 1062 (unattached) in the Queensland Warwick 36, 37, 38, 56, Volunteer Rifle Brigade...... 398 57, 88, 153, 154, 155, 177, 205, Hunter, William, appointed Trustee for 206, 232, 233, 281, 282, 297, 298, Racecourse Reserve at Roma ,. 511 380, 410, 466, 467, 483, 500, 549, Hunter, Robert Miller, appointed Trustee 550, 5.67, 593, 619, 620, 637, 790, for Church of England Lands at 834, 848, 861, 871, 872, 916, 937, Rockhampton ... 838 938, 997, 1030, 1031, 1061, 1062, Hutchinson, Albert Maxwell, appointed to 1139, 1182, 1183, 1196 discharge, temporarily, the duties Yaamba ...... 1159, 1160, of Police Magistrate at Ipswich 877 1196 Huttersfield, James, notices in the Insol. Increasesunder the Civil Service Act, vent Estate of ...... 935,051 Notice that no--will be paid 49, 77 INDEX.

Page. rage. Insolvent Estates- Insolvent Estates- Applications for Certificates in the Notices of Meetings in the following- Dilger, John 701, 726 following- 901, 936 Beach, J. S.. .., 204 Dinte, H. D. Beardmore and Co., E. J...... 261, 296 Douglas, M. A. 395, 592 Blaxland and Co. 279 Drake, F. S. ... 35, 150 Coates , Thomas 231 Drew, Charles L. 996, 1158 Drake, Francis S. ... 297 Duncan, D. B. 412, 618 Fattorini , Murphy, and Co. ,,. 549 Durietz, Hugo William 788, 915 Foxton, Leith Hay, and Co. 279, 847 Emmerson , D aniel... 772, 914 Grieve, Walter ... 354 Fattorini and Murphy ... 173, 279 Grigg and Co., Daniel ...... 717 Ferguson , John ...... 230,259 Handcock , William ... 353, 379, 465 Flynn , Patrick ...... 115, 260 Hardy, Philip ...... 619 Ford , Michael ...... 465, 591, 635 Hi ll, Henry ...... 279 Fraser, lliebard ... 902, 936 Hoffman, Peter 754 Fraser, William ... 869, 996 Hogan , Joseph ... 244, 279 Furnival , James ... 981, 1157 Horen, Michael ... 296 Gibson, Samuel ...... 526, 618 Larkin, John D. .. 566, 580, 701 Giles, John, junr. ... 981, 1158 Little and Cheesman 789 Gorton, Richard James 935,982 Macleod, J. A. J. 790 Graham, John 753, 789 Macleod, Radcliffe , and Co. ,. 790 Greer, Robert 901, 935 Mazarath , E...... 526, 549, 566, Greet, Joshua ...... 548, 617 754, 997 Gregory , Frederick 378, 408 Metcalfe and Foss ... 439 Grieve, Walter 35, 174 Millar, James 279 Grigg and-Co., Daniel 259, 379 Molison , Black, and Smith -619, 915 Hamilton, Frederick ... 834, 914 Morris, Charles Lee ... 353, 619 Handcock , William 151 McGrath , John .. 261,296 Hardy, Philip ...... 229, 353 McQueen, Alexander ... 175 Harvey, John ... 1138, 1181 Nemeth, Joseph ...... 618 Head, Edward A. 580, 635 Nolan, Charles ...... 1018 Hill, Henry ...... 151 Pengelly, John Henry ... 482 Hirst, Joseph ... 378,408 Pollock, Alexander... 619 Hodges, Horatio ... 17, 151 Portus, John Oxley ... 636 Holder , George ...... 1060 Rea, John 297 Holmes, James ... 259,270 Stabler, Thomas 53 Horen, Michael ... 174 Sweetland , Charles 636 H.uttersfield, James 935, 954 Walker, Charles Edward 915, 1030 Jacobs, John 295,379 Webb, Joseph ... 1030 Jephson, Thomas 151 Wilson and Co., G.... 636 Jewell, M. J...... 229, 261. Younger, L. D. 754, 847 Johnston , Thomas ...... 150, 230 Notices of Meetings in the following- Heating, Jeofl'rey ... 869,935 Aldridge, E. Th. ... 753, 772 Kelly, Alexander ...... 150, 260 Alexander , George ...... 7 53, 789 Kelly, John ...... 295, 353 Allan, Hugh.. ... 726, 915 Kemp, Joseph ... 378, 592 Annand , Willia m ...... 859, 915 Keyser, F.E. ... 258, 279 Annand , W. and J ...... 902, 936 Kim, John ... 230 Bailey , W. H. L. 1016 King, Dixon... .. 114, 174 Banning , Andrew ...... 229, 260 Kingsford, James Jones ...... 1131, 1194 Barnes, Hiram 914, 936 Kinlock, George 716 I3assingthwaite , James ...... 438,617 Knowles and Ford ... 1060, 1181 Beardmore and Co...... 152 Koch, Frederick 174 Bennett , John Wm. 580, 635 Laing, James 1157 Biggs , George ... 566, 591 Larkin, John Davis ... 173, 230 Bonar, J. Y...... 243, 259 Leslie, A. S. 114,174 Boulton, Martin 566, 617 Liddy, Patrick 35, 150 Bragg, Joseph 152 Littleand Cheesman 395, 618 Broadfoot , David ...... 229, 295 Lloyd, Thomas and John . , . 1030 Brown, James Thomas ... 548, 772 Logan, Thomas ...... 277, 353 Brown and Sherry ... 1138, 1194 Loi.grigg, William Robert 204, 260 Browne , John W. ... 1138, 1181 Malalieu,Alfred ... 833, 915 Buckley, Henry ...... 565,579618 illarkell, James ... 152 Cameron, Alexander 498,, 591 IMaskall, James . 34 Cameron, John ... 17 Massarath, Edward ...... 173,23-9 Cameron , John , senior ...... 152 Meldon, Joseph 352, 379 Campen , Chas. G. ... 1016, 1158 Millar, James 151 Carr, Mary ... .. 834, 982 Molison, Black, and Smith 278,295 Carson, Robert John 173 Moller, John George 617,635 Carter and Co., Thos. R. 590, 635 lilollison, Alexander ... 914,936 Cassidy, Owen ... 935 .Monteith, William.., 834x,936 Clifton, Aplin , and Co. 548, 591 Morris, Charles Lee ... 204, 230 Coleman, Wm. 175 Murray, Thomas 352, 379 Connell, Peter ...... 244, 260 McLaren, Daniel .. ... 902,936 Cook, Joseph ... 114, 174 McLeod, James A. J. ... 229, 260 Cooper, James 150,10-4 McLeod, Radcliffe, and Co., ... 229, 259 Corbett, Henry ...... 278, 295 N.J cNa lly, James .. ... 152 Cramp; John ... 295, 591 Nancarrow,William Henry 115 Cribb, Robert ...... 438, 499, 526, Neville, 'homas . , . ... 981,1158 549, 754, 789 Nolan, Charles ...... 635,717 Crook, George ... 153 North, J. B.... 408,501 Cunningham, James D. ... 981 Ogelvy, George D.... 34, 260 Curry, Daniel ...... 788, 936 O'Burne, Edward ...... 1060 Curry, Jackson ... 526, 617 O'Regan, Maurice ...... 772, 915 D'Arcy, Frederick Robert 914, 954 O'Sullivan, John ... 1016,1181 Daveney, Frederick Charles 870, 915 Parkinson, Charles , F. 1 ...... 1180 Dexter, John ,,, 1138, 1181 Parks, John,.. .., ,,. 17,163 INDEX. xvii.

page. Page. Insolvent Estates- Inspectors of Disti lleries appointed--- NoticesofMeetings inthe following- Cumming, Andrew, appointed Sub- Paterson, William ... 859 under Distillation from Sugar Pendleton, James ... 152 Act ...... 719 Phelan, Richard F... . 1016,1158 Elliott , George, appointed - for Police Phillips, Charles Aaron 17,151 District of Rockhampton 511 Pollock, Alexander... 278,353 Mathers , William, appointed - for Porter, Francis ... 204, 259 Police District of Bowen .. 626 Portus, John Oxley 258, 408 McDonald , Alexander , appointed- Powell, Charles Henry 1029, 1194 under Distillation from Sugar Quinn, Hamilton ... 87 Act .. ... 719 Rae, John ...... 173 Sheridan , R. B., appointed - at Mary- Riley, Joseph 53, 152 borough ...... 838 Robertson and Wilson 996, 1157 Inspectors of Police - vide " Police Depart- Robinson, Henry A. 935,1194 ment." - Roggenkamp, M. ... 1016, 1157 Inspectors of Slaughter -houses appointed- Ruxton , John ... 408, 592 Brittain, Wi lliam, appointed - for Ryan , Michael 1029 Police District of Noma ... 598 Ryce, Andrew C. 204, 230 Higgins , Patrick, appointed - for Ryland, John D. 243,260 Police District of Townsville 359 Saunderson , H. T. 465, 646 Kiernan, Michael, appointed - for Schmid , L. C. .. 701, 772 Drayton and Toowoomba ... 91 Searle, Cooper 981, 1158 11leldrum, Alexander , appointed - Seaward , William ... 901,914 for Police District of Springsure 157 Sbapcott, William,. 173,230 Moore, John, appointed-for Police Sharp, J. H. ... 394, 591 District of Condamine ...... 359 Sherry , William ... 1157, 1194 McCarthy, Denis , appointed - for Sinel, Alfred ... 35,175 Police District of Gayndah ... 188 Smith, Thomas 151 O'Hara, Michael, appointed - for Smith, Thomas F...... 278, 295 Police District of Surat ... 598 Smythe , T. F. .. 716, 754 Ware, Richard R., appointed-for Solomon, Simon .. 174 Police District of Maryborough 43 Spofforth , Edward ... 354, 379 Inspectors of Weights and Measures ap- Stone, W. S. 870, 914 pointed- Sweetland , Charles...... 243, 408 Kiernan , Michael, appointed -for Teis, Henry...... 789, 936, 954 Police District of Drayton and Tolman, John ...... 438, 591 Toowoomba ...... 91 Tully , Jos. Wm. ... 230 Interdict Act of 1867, 31 Victoria , No. 12 1231 Vantin, James ...... 981 Intestate Estates- Voysey,George ... 716, 754 Notices in the following- Walker, Chas: Edward ... 635, 716 Cliff, Louis ...... 438 Wamsley, Moses ...... 353 Clissold, Matthew Henry ...... 717 Webb, 'oseph 753,-772 Crowshaw , Ambrose . . . , .. 773 Weissenbourg, Louis 152 Gorman, James ...... 482 Wrells, William ... 150 Guerin, Ellen ...... 997 Welsby, S. P. 151 Mackay, H. S...... 296 White, William ...... 566, 618 O'Brien, William ...... , . 955 Wilcox, Edward ...... 353 Sadler, Henry .. ... 1060 Willson and Co., George ... 527 Notices to Creditors in ...... 87, 244, 261 Wilson, Thomas F. ... 580, 636 379, 465, 618, 701, 789, 955, 1016, 1137 Wilson and Co., G...... 244, 408 Ipswich- Woodman, Win. ... 278, 592 Aldermen for the Municipality of- Younger, L. D. .. 244, 296 appointed ...... 188 Younger , Robert . ... 1015, 1181 Application to Mortgage, &c.- Notices that a Certificate has been Presbyterian Church Lands at--- granted in the following- vide " Trustees of Public Lands Black, John... 982 Act." Blaxland and Co., E. J. 848 Racecourse at- vide " Trustees of Boulton, Martin ...... 848 Public Lands Act." Cameron , Alexander ... 773,1 Auditors for the Municipality of, Carter, Thomas Roe ... 1018 appointed ...... 626 Cramp, John 773 Authorisation to Mortgage, &c.- Douglas , M. A. -773 Presbyterian Church Lands at- Durietz, H. W. 1158 vide" Trusteesof Public'Lands Fattorini , Murphy , and Co. 847 Act." Gibson, Samuel ...... 773 Racecourse at-vide "Trustees of Handeock, '""m. 636 Public Lands Act." Kelly, John . 789 Hutchinson,A.M., appointed todis- Larkin, John D. 773 charge, temporarily, the Duties North , John B. 773 of Police Magistrate at ... 877 Pengelly , John ... 847 Nomination as Trustees for Ipswich Portus, John Oxley ...... 773' Grammar- School approved of , .. 457 Notices that the Judge's Order of Perkins, Reginald, appointed Regis- Adjudication has been annulled trar of the Metropolitan District in the following- Court at ...... 598 Buckley, Henry .. 937 Trustees appointed for- Childs, Thomas . ... 465 Cemetery at...... 964 Notices to Creditors in ... 35, 153, 296 Grammar School at... .. 457 296, 395, 409, 498, Irving, Wm. Howe, appointed 4th Locker 592, 717, 773, 789, in Customs - Department at Bris- 937, 954, 1030, bane ...... 838 1060, 1137 Inspectors of Cotton-vide " Cotton." J. Inspectors of Distilleries appointed Booth, Thomas, appointed Sub- Jackes, James Alex., appointed Member under Distillation from Sugar of Provincial Council for the Pro- C Act ...... 719 vince of Cardwell ... 283 xviii. INDEX.

Page. Page. Jackson , John, Probate of Wi ll in the Estate King , Dixon , Notice in the Insolvent Estate of, applied for ...... 204 of ... 114, 174 Jacobs,John, Notices in the Insolvent Estate King , Henry Edward- of ... .. 295, 379 Appointed an Officer to issue Miners' Jagg, The Rev . Fred. Charles , Registered Rights , &c...... 1045 under Marriage Act ...... 144 Appointed Commissioner of Gold Jardine, Frank , appointed a Magistrate of Fi elds at th e U pper M ary Ri ver 1045 the Territory ...... - ... 1165 Kingsford , James Jones- Jephson, Thomas , Notice in the Insolvent D eed of A ssignmen t of-reg istered Estate of . ... 151 in the Supreme Court ... .. 946 Jetter, J. F. L., appointed Captain of No. 2 Notices in the Insolvent Estate of ... 1138, 1194 Battery of Queensland Volunteer Kinlock, George , Notice in the Insolvent Artillery ...... 941 Estate of ...... 716 Jewell, Maurice Moses , Notices in the Insol Knight , Wi lliam, appointed -Engraver in vent Estate of ... 229, 261 the Lithographic Branch of the Jimbour, appointed a Po lling Place for the Government Printing Office ... 249 Electoral District of Northern Knipe, The Rev. Joseph Irvine , registered Downs ...... 583 under the ?Marriage Act...... 865 Johnson, Wm ., appointed Trustee for Knowles and Ford , Notices in the Insolvent Leyburn Burial Ground...... 905 Estate of ., ... 1060, 1181 Johnston , Thomas, Notices in the Insolvent Koch, Frederick , Notices in the -Insolvent Estate of ...... 150, 230 Estate of ...... 174 Johnstone , John, appointed Trustee for Kopp, Julius , Notice that accounts in the Ipswich Cemetery ... 964 Estate of-have been filed in the Joinder and Revivor Act of 1867, 31 Supreme Court ...... 861 Vic., No. 14 . .. , ... 1257 Jones, David Frederick Tudor, appointed L. Postal Inspector ...... 413 Jones, George H., Notice that J. F. Hedge- Laing, James, Notice in the Insolvent land has no further authority to Estate of ...... 1157 draw orders on-or the Firm of Lalor, James, appointed Returning Officer D. M. and G. H. Jones.. 17 for the Electoral District of Jones, James, appointed Trustee of Church Maranon ... .. • 529 Lands in connection with Church Lamb, The Honorable Edward William- of England at Dalby ...... 583 Appointed Member of Executive Jones, The Rev. Joshua, registered under Council ...... , 758 MarriageAct ...... 1170 Appointed Secretary for Public Jones and Co., T. H., Notice of Dissolution Lands ...... 758 of Partnership of the Firm of-by Returned to Serve in the Legislative the retirement therefrom of Assembly for the Electoral James McIntosh...... 88, 116, 153 District of Kennedy ... 689 Judgments delivered in Supreme Court-- Lamb and two others (Cockatoo Creek vide " Supreme Court." Station), Notice of Dissolution of Junction Inn, appointed a Polling Place for Partnership of ...... 527 the Electoral District of Leich- Lambert, Charles Henry- hardt ...... 529 AppointedanOfficer toissue Miners' Jury Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 34 ... 1519 Rights, &c...... 985 Justices of the Peace, appointed-vide Appointed Commissioner of Gold " Magistrates." Fields at Clermont ...... 985 Appointed Police Magistrate at Clermont ...... 985 K. Land Agents,Persse, Appointed-Thomas Kirwan, appointed- Keating, Jeoffrey, Notices in the Insolvent at Brisbane ...... 927 Estate of ...... 869, 935 Land Order Office, Notice that-will be open Kelly, Alexander, Notices in the Insolvent between the hours of Eleven and Estate of ...... 150, 260 II One only ...... 34, 49, 87 Kelly, John, Notices in the Insolvent Estate Land Orders, Regulations respecting non- of ...... 295, 353, 789 transferable .. , .. ... 387, 399, 414, Kemball, Arthur Clarke, appointed Police 458, 472, 492, 514, 530 Magistrate at Gayndah ... 719 Land Sales- Kemp, Joseph, Notices in the Insolvent Noticesof Correctionin Procla- Estate of ... .. 378, 592 mations of-to be held at Kenway, Ernest Leslie, admitted as a duly Brisbane ...... 239 qualified Chemist and Druggist 547 Ipswich . , . 214 Kerosine, Reward offered for the discovery Notices that Improvements, &c., will of-vide " Rewards." be charged for to Purchasers at- Keyser, Frederick E., Notices in the to be held at Insolvent Estate of ... 258, 279 Dalby ... 884, 913, 928, Kiernan, Michael, appointed Inspector of 943 Slaughter-houses, andof Weights Drayton ...... 495, 524, 547 and Measures for the Police Goondiwindi ... 615 District of Drayton and Too- Toowoomba ...... 524 woomba ...... 91 Warwick ... 987, 1007 Ki lleen, Anthony, Probate of Will in the Proclamations of-to be held at Estate of- applied for ...... 982 Bowen ...... 184,-730,940 Kilner, Frederick-- Brisbane ...... 61, 179, 441, Appointed Harbor Master at Bowen 906 505, 729, 873 Appointed Sub-Collector of Customs Burketown ...... 23, 508 at Maryborough ...... 718 Cardwell ... 186 Appointment cancelled .. .. 942 Charleville ...... 730 Appointed Trustee for the Kennedy Condamine ... 68, 507 District Hospital...... 819 Dalby ... 66, 182, 553, Kilpatrick , Thomas, Letters of Administra- 940 tion in the Goods of-applied for 1030 Drayton ...... 442, 551, 874 Kim, John, Notice in the Insolvent Estate Gladstone . ... 729 of ...... 230 Goondiwindi ... 183, 507 INDEX. xix,

Page. Page. Land Sales- Legislative Assembly- Proclamationsof-tobe held at Membersreturned to serve in the-- Ipswich ...... 62, 180, 506, viz.- 595, 728, 874, Archer, Archibald, for Rockhamp- 939, 1115 ton...... , 735 Leyburn ...... 442, 939 Bell, The Honorable Joshua Peter, Mackay . ... 442 for West Moreton ... 626 Maryborough ...183, 506, 874, Challinor, Henry, for Ipswich ... 583 875 Clark, George, for Warwick .. 598 Rockhampton ...... 68, 183, 507, Douglas, The Honorable John, for 553, 729, 874, 1141 Eastern Downs ... 598 Roma , . . 1116 Eliott, Gilbert, for Wide Bay ... 583 St. Lawrence 185 Fitzgerald, Thos. Henry, for Ken- Surat...... 68 nedy ...... 819 Taroom ...... 67, 729 Fitzgerald, Thos. Henry, for Rock- Toowoomba ... 65, 181, 442, hampton ...... 598 506, 552 Fitzsimmons, Charles, for Clermont 689 Townsville ...... 444 Francis, Arthur Marley, for East Warwick ... 63, 442, 552 Moreton ...... 598 Lands- Garrick, James F., for East More- Forfeited in Agricultural Reserves-- ton...... 598 vide " Agricultural Reserves." Groom, Wm. Henry, for Drayton Openfor Sale by Selection in the follow- and Toowoomba ... .. 598 ing Agricultural Reserves, viz.:-. Lamb, Edwd. Wm., for Mitchell... 689 Dalby ...... 791, 1144 Lilley,The Honorable Charles, for Darling Downs, at Drayton ... 445 Fortitude Valley...... 575 Darling Downs, at Toowoomba ... 446, 1117 Maealister, The Honorable Arthur, Eight-mile Plains, at Brisbane .., 509 for Ipswich ...... 583 Felton, at Toowoomba ...... 792, 1144 Mackenzie, The Honorable R. R., Gladstone ...... 960 for Burnett ...... 583 Ipswich ...... 70, 509, 555 Miles, William, for Maranoa ... 707 731 Murphy, John, for Ipswich ... 583 King's Creek, at Warwick 793, 1145 Mylne, Graham, for Warrego ... 598 Laidley, at Ipswich ... 70 O'Doherty, Kevin I., for Brisbane 583 Logan, at Brisbane ... 844 O'Sullivan, Patrick, for West Maryborough, No. 1 and No. 2 844, 959, Moreton ...... 626 1117, 1145 Palmer, Arthur H., for Port Curtis 583, 853 Pilton, at Toowoomba ... 689 Pring, The Honorable Ratcliffe, Redcliff, at Brisbane ... 731, 1117 for Burnett ... 583 Tarampa, at Ipswich ... 1143 Pritchard, Alexander Brown, for Toowoomba .. ... 510, 792 Brisbane ...... 583 West Moreton, at Ipswich ... 445, 446, 509, Pugh, Theophilus Parsons, for 554, 876, 959, 1142 Brisbane .. ... 583 Reserved for Public Purposes- Ramsay, Robert, for Western Town Reserve of Roma,Amended Downs ... 575 description of ... 1001 Royds, Edmund M., for Leichhardt 598 Secretary for Public - vide " Public Sandeman , Gordon, for Leichhardt 598 Lands." Stephens, The Honorable T. B., for Withdrawn from Sales proclaimed to South Brisbane ...... 575 be held at- Taylor, James, forWestern Downs 575 Drayton ...... 589, 699 Thorn, Henry, for Northern Downs 626 Warwick .. 699 Thorn, George, junior, for West Landsborough, William , appointed Justice Moreton ...... 626 under Marriage Act 242 Walsh, Wm. Henry, for Marybo- Langebecker , The Rev. Theodore Franz rough 598 Heinrich Johann, registered Notification of Sessions of- vide under Marriage Act ... 481 " Parliament." Langley, William E., of Sydney , appointed I Legislative Assembly Act of 1867, 31 Vic. Telegraphic Agent for the Colony No. 21 ...... 1399 of Queensland . 689 Legislative Council- Lara, Edward , appointed Alderman for Norton,Albert, summoned tothe ... 837 Municipality of Toowoomba ... 268 Prorogation-of...... 501,621 Corrected Notice ... .. 284 Sessions of-vide " Parliament." Larkin, John Davis, Notices in the Insol- Lempriere, Algernon, appointed a Captain vent Estate of ...... 173, 230, 566, (unattached) in the Queensland 580, 701, 773 Volunteer Rifle Brigade... 398 Lather, J., elected Trustee for German Lenehan, Henry Alfred, appointed Clerk in Lutheran Church Lands at North the office of the Engineer-in- Brisbane .. 319 Chief for Railways , Toowoomba 927 Lawless, Paul, Letters of Administration in Leslie, Alexander Smith, Notices in the the Estate of, applied for 816 Insolvent Estate of 114, 174 Leasing Act of 1866- Letters, List of Unclaimed-- ride " Un- List of Payments of Rents due under 1033 claimed Letters." Notice that Land Agents have been Letters of Administration applied for in the instructed to receive Applications following Estates, viz.- to lease unsurveyed Lands in Baldwin, Wynor ...... 55 Agricultural Reserves, in terms of 775, 801, 820 Bale, John . , ...... 592 Notice that Leases under-are ready Ball, John ...... 580 for delivery ...... 523, 533, 563, Blencowe, R. A. . , ...... 409 697, 769, 811, Burt, William Henry...... 902 867, 887, 909, Coesarowicz, I. F. de ...... 297 944, 989, 1174 Cahill, Michael ...... 279 Lee, Archibald, appointed Returning Officer Cannon, Patrick ...... 777 for the Electoral District of Child, James G...... 1158 Maranoa ... 574 Clarke, John ...... 395 593 Legislative Assembly- Clissold, Matthew Henry ...... 1061 Dissolution of 501 Collins, Maurice ...... 17 $a. INDEX.

Page. Page. Letters of Administration applied for in the Lilley, The Honorable Charles- following Estates, viz.-- ResignationasAttorney-General- Connolly, John ... 153 accepted ...... 757 Copeland John B. ... 955 Resignation as Member of Executive Creighton, William ... 231 Council accepted... .. 758 Guerin, Ellen ...... 1061 Returned to serve as Member in the Hooker, Thomas A. , . . 955 Legislative Assembly for the Kilpatrick, Thomas ... 1030 Electoral District of Fortitude Lawless, Paul ...... 816 Valley ...... 575 Mohr, J. F. 499 Limmer, Rees, and Robinson, Deed of McCarthy, C. C. ... 754 Assignment of - Registered in McGrath, John 1181 Supreme Court ...... 1017 McIntosh, James ... 409 Little and Cheesman, Notices in the Insol- McKeon, Joseph ... 592 vent Estate of ...... 395, 618, 789 McPhail, Alexander .. 297 Llewelyn, Alexander, appointed Bailiff Porteous, Lindsay ... 726 Northern District Court at Raymond, Ellen ... 115 Bowen .. 175 Riches, Samuel ... 717, 726 Lloyd, Thomas and John, Notice in the' Sadler, Henry... 245 Insolvent Estate of ... 1030 Sale, John ...... 1194 Lloyd, William, appointed Trustee for Shine, John ...... 1018 Lands granted for Church of Slocombe, James ... 773 England purposes . at Rock- Smith, William ... 549 hampton ...... 838 Smith, William Andrew 499 Logan, Thomas, Notices in the Insolvent Southerland, J. B. ... 549 Estate of ...... 277, 353 Swanson, John ... 870 Logan River Ferry, Regulations for Man- Thorn, John .. ... 860 agement of-vide " Ferry Regu- Upton, William Henry 115 lations." Vyvyan, Charles Edward ... 692 Longrigg, William Robert, Notices in the Walthardt, Gustav Rudolph ... 36 Insolvent Estate of ...... 204, 260 Ward, John ...... 354 Lord, Edward, appointed Alderman for the Ward, N. H...... 717 Municipality of Toowoomba 284 Warren, George ...... 861 Lord, Frederick, registered as Licensed White, James Charles, junr. ... 937 Surveyor under the Real Pro- Wood, John ...... 717 perty Act ...... 929 Young, Andrew .. 773 Lying-in Hospital, Brisbane-Authorisation Levee, Notice respecting Annual .. 457 to the Trustees of the Laud Lewers, The Rev. Robert, Registered granted for a-to lease, &c. ... 44, 77 under Marriage Act ...... 929 Lyons, John Perry, admitted as Proctor of Leyburn- the Vice-Admiralty Court of Stevens, John Harry-Appointed Queensland ...... 1017 Police Magistrate and Clerk of Petty Sessions at ... 927 M. Thomas, Charles - Re-appointed Poundkeeper for Police District of 740 Macalister, The Honorable Arthur- Trustees appointed for Burial Ground Approval of Nomination as Trustee at 905 of the Ipswich Grammar School 457 License Meetings-vide " Petty Sessions." Resignation as Colonial Secretary, Licensed Publicans, Notice to-vide accepted ... 757 " Notices." Resignation as Vice-President and Licenses- Member of Executive Council, Cartina, Notice respecting-vide accepted ...... 757 f9 otices." Returned to serve as Member of the Lightering, Notice respecting-vide Legislative Assembly for the " Notices." Electoral District of Ipswich ... 583 Publicans' General, List of ...... 803 Macarthur, Patrick, appointed Justice under Timber, List of-granted at- .Marriage Act ...... 172 Allora ... 690 Macarthur, Patrick, appointed Ranger of Banana 44 Crown Lands at Dalby ...... 941 Bowen ... 157, 627 Macarthy, Justin, appointed Probationary Charleville ... 76, 690 Clerk of the Fifth Class in the Clermont ... 157 General Post Office ... 999 Condamine ... 709 Mackay, Hugh Sutherland, Notice in the Dalby ...... 139, 690 Intestate Estate of ...... 296 Drayton and Toowoomba ...... 77, 627 Mackenzie, A. G., appointed Poundkeeper Gayndah ...... 45, 690 for the District of Surat ... 806 Gladstone ...... 44, 598 Mackenzie, The Honorable Robert Ramsay- Goondiwindi ... 77, 627 Appointed Chairman of Board of Ipswich ...... 44, 689 General Education ...... 795 Leyburn ... 26, 690 Appointed Vice-President and Mem- Mackay ...... 158, 819 her of the Executive Council, Maryborough 26, 709 and Colonial Treasurer ...... 758 Nanango ...... 26, 598 Returned to serve as Member of the Rockhampton ...... 45, 709 Legislative Assembly for the Roma ... 77, 709 Electoral District of Burnett ... 583 St. Lawrence ...... 45, 690 Title of "Honorable," within the Surat ...... 139, 690 Colony of Queensland, conferred Warwick .. 25, 627 upon ...... 397 Wholesale Wine and Spirit Mer- Magistrates- chants, List of .. . 96 Corrections of List of...... 209, 413, 458, Liddy, Patrick , Notices in the Insolvent 763 Estateof ...... 35, 150 List of ...... 19 Lightering Licenses , Notice respecting- Magistrates of the Territory- vide Notices." Appointed,viz.:- Lilley , The Honorable Charles- Armstron , William ...... 1019 Appointed Captain of Spring Hill Bingham, Henry Maynard ... 1165 and Fortitude Valley Rifle Corps 511 Cave, William ...... 76 INDEX. xxi.

Page. page. Magistrates of the Territory- Maryborough- Appointed, viz.:- Sheridan,Richard Bingham, ap- Charters, W. S. E. M. 838 pointed- Davidson, John E.... 838 Harbor Master at ...... 942 Gaden, William Henry ...... 838 Inspector of Distilleries at 838 Jardine, Frank ... 1165 Treasury Notes, Regulations for Re- Norton, Albert ... 838 tirement of, &c., extended to ... 629 Sandrock, George F. ... 838 Trustees appointed for- Sheridan, B. G. .. .. 838 Hospitalat ...... 249 Stevens, John Harry .. ... 927 Racecourse Reserve at ... 511 Discharged from the office and func- Ware, R. R., appointed Inspector of tions of- Slaughter-houses at ...... 43 Buckley, Henry ... 838 Mary River Gold Fields- Cribb, Hobert 838 Davidson , W. Al. D., appointed Act- McLeod, J. A. J. ; , . 359 ing Gold Commissioner at 941 Seaward, William ...... 927 King, Henry Edward, appointed Gold White, J. C...... 927 Commissioner at ...... 1045 Resigned the Office of- Proclamation of ... 961, 963 Coxen, Charles ...... 863 MVlaskall, James, Notice in the Insolvent Mails, Amended Time Table for Despatch of 740 Estate of ...... 34 Malalieu, Alfred, Notices in the Insolvent Massarath, Edward, Notices in the Insol- Estate of ...... 833, 915 vent Estate of ...... 173, 259, 526, Manning, Arthur Wilcox, Extract of Exe- 549, 566, 754, 997 cutive Minute respecting the loss Mathers, William, appointed Ranger of of the services of-as Clerk of Crown Lands and Inspector of Executive Council 1 Distilleries for the Police District Margetts, Edmund Harry, appointed Pound- of Bowen ...... 626 keeper at Allora ...... 525 Matthews, George- Mariners , Notices to-vide " Notices." Appointed Trustee for Presbyterian Markell, James, Notice in the Insolvent Church Lands at Toowoomba ... 906 Estate of ...... 152 Dismissed from the office of Post- Market Reserve at- master at Toowoomba ...... 999 Brisbane, application to lease, &c.- Maudesleigh Bridge , Turnpike Regulations vide "Trustees of Public Lands for Gates at-vide " Turnpike Act." Regulations." Rockhampton, application to lease, &c. Maughan, Robert , appointed Trustee for --vide "Trustees of Public Lands Hospital at Townsville ... 906 Act." Measurement 'of Steam Ships, Despatch re- Markwell and Son, John, Deed of Assign- lating to ...... 1044 ment of-registered in the Su- Medical Act of 1867, 31 Victoria , No. 33 ... 1513 preme Court 207 Medical Practitioners- Marlborough, appointed a Polling Place for List of duly qualified...... 82 the Electoral District of Port Registered since publication of List- Curtis ...... 529 Becker , John Leigh ...... 988 Marriage Act- Begge, Joseph Thomas ...... 988 Appointments of Justices of the Peace Roach, Win. Augustine ...... 788 under- Smith , H. H. .. .. 725 Borton, Frederick ... 1017 Meldon, Joseph , Notices in the Insolvent Buttanshaw, Henry R. ... 1017 Estate of .. ... 352, 379 Cannan, Kearsey ...... 1017 Meldrum , Alexander - Appointed Inspector Clapperton, George -ft 1017 of Slaughter -housesfor the Police Dillon, J. M...... 1017 District of Springsure ... 157 Eliott, G. W...... 1017 Melville , Andrew Wedderburn-Appointed Fitzgerald, Thomas Henry 1017 Trustee for Hospital at Mary- Geary, E. M...... 1017 borough ...... 249 Landsborough, William ...... 242 Mercantile Act of 1867, 31 Victoria , No. 36 1561 Macarthur, Patrick ...... 172 Metcalfe and Foss, Notice in the Insolvent Nicholls, John ...... 1017 Estate of ...... 439 Reid, John ...... 1017 Meteorological Observations, Summary of, Snell, John C...... 1017 taken at Brisbane ...... 50, 147, 404, Richards, Henry ... 113 423, 477 Stacey,John E. 1017 Miles , William, Returned to serve as Mem- Ministers of Religion registered under ber of the Legislative Assembly --vide " Ministers." for the Electoral District of Marriages , Regulation respecting Registra- Maranoa .. ... 707 tion of ...... 129 Millar, James , Notices in the Insolvent Marsh, William, appointed Trustee for Estate of ...... 151, 279 Bowen Cemetery... 512 Miners ' Rights, Officers for Issuing, &c., Martin, Arthur, appointed Alderman for appointed, viz. Fortitude Valley Ward, Brisbane 188 Charters , W. S. E. M ...... 838 Martin, The Rev. James, registered under Davidson , W. Al. D.,...... 941 Marriage Act 725 King, Henry Edward ...... 1045 Martyn, Andrew George, appointed Bailiff of Lambert, Charls Henry ...... 985 Northern District Court at Bowen 1157 Sinclair , Duncan' McDiarmid ... 1119 Maryborough- - Ministers of Religion registered under Bligh, John O'Connell, appointed Marriage Act, viz. Police Magistrate at . 719 Beg , The Rev. Wazir ...... 577 Bowland, Hugh, appointed Bailiff of Botting, The Rev. John Thomas . , . 929 Court of Requests at .. ... 482 Brown , The Rev . John Wi lliam ... 333 Northern District Court at .. 525 Burghard , The Rev. Wilhelm ... 884 Croaker, Henry, appointed Harbor Byrne , The Rev. Denis J. ... 437 Master and Pilot at 719 Campbell , The Rev. Henry J. ... 884 Kilner, Frederick, appointed Sub- Copas, The Rev. Frederick ...... 547 Collector of Customs at... 719 Corrections of General List of ... 100 Appointment cancelled . 942 D'Arcy, The Rev . D. J...... 616 Notice to Mariners respecting En- Fuller , The Rev. Edward ...... 1008 trance to Port of-vide "Notices," General List of ...... 85 INDEX,

Page. Page. Ministers of Religion registered under Municipalities--- Marriage Act, viz.:-- Aldermen appointed- Hassall, The Rev. James Samuel 162 Box, W. D., appointed--for Forti- Jagg, The Rev. Frederick Charles 144 tude Valley Ward, Brisbane ... 188 Jones, The Rev. Joshua ...... 1170 Clune, John, appointed-for Muni- Knipe, The Rev. Jos. Irvine 865 cipality of Ipswich .. ... 188 Langebecker, The Rev. T. F. H. J. 481 Goertz, E. A. M., appointed-for Lewers, The Rev. Robert ...... 929 Kangaroo Point Ward, Brisbane 188 Martin, The Rev. James 725 Lara, Edward, appointed-for Mu- Orton, The Rev. Richard Watson ... 481 nicipality of Toowoomba ... 268 O'Connnell, The Rev. John.-.. ... 943 Corrected Notice ... 284 O'Reilly, The Rev. John ...... 214 Lord, Edward, appointed-for Mu- Parkinson, The Rev. Matthew Henry 289 nicipality of Toowoomba 284 Rogers, The Rev. James Henry ... 289 Martin, Arthur, appointed - for Ward, The Rev. Frederick William 194 Fortitude Valley Ward, Brisbane 188 Mint Act of 1866, Despatch respecting McAllan, James E., appointed- Colonial Branch-- . 74 forMunicipality of Ipswich ... 188 Minutes of Executive Council -- vide Pritchard, A. B., appointed-for " Executive Council." East Ward, Brisbane ... 188 Moberley, The Rev. Edmund George, Assessors appointed- appointed Trustee of Church I Caston, Samuel, appointed -- for Lands in connection with Church Municipality of Gayndah .. 398 of England at Dalby ... 583 Smith, F. J., appointed-for Valley Moffatt, Adam Robert- Ward, Brisbane ...... 268 AppointedClerk in theOffice ofthe Walker, James, appointed -- for Locomotive Su erintendent of Municipality of Gayndah 398 Southern and Western Railway, Auditors for-appointed- Ipswich 92 Blaine,John, appointed-for Muni- Appointed Second Lieutenant of No. cipality of Ipswich ... 626 2 Battery of Queensland Volun- Cameron, John, appointed - for teer Artillery 941 Municipality of Ipswich ... 626 Moffatt, Mary Isabella, Probate of Will in D'Arcy, Michael, appointed-for the Estate of, applied for 438 Municipality of Gayndah ... 490 Moffatt, Samuel, appointed Trustee for Pockley, Thomas F. G., appointed Racecourse at Dalby 838 -for Municipality of Gayndah 490 Mohr, Joachim Frederick, Letters of Admin- Boundaries declared of-of istration in the Estate of, applied Clermont and Copperfield ... 75 for .. 499 Roma ... .. 489 Molison, Black, and Smith, Notices in the Confirmation of Bye Laws made by Insolvent Estate of ...... 278, 295, 619, the-of 915, 982 Bowen ...... 800 Molle, Geo. Blaxland, appointed Trustee Brisbane ...... 1120 for Racecourse at Dalby 838 Clermont and Copperfield...... 878 Molle and Wright, Notice of Dissolution of Gayndah ...... 840 Partnershipof 701 Ipswich 250, 490, Moller, John Geo., Notices in the Insolvent 627, 882 Estate of .. . 617, 635 Roma 878 Mollison, Alexander, Notices in the Insol- Townsville .. ... 798 vent Estate of 914, 936 Municipalities Constituted- Mollison and Co., Notice of Dissolution of Clermont and Copperfield...... 75 Partnershipof 580 Roma ... w ...... 489 Money Order Offices, Notice respecting Notifications respecting Arrears of Alterations in . 402 Rates made by the-of Money Orders, Amended Rate of Commis- Brisbane ...... 205, 231, 245 sion to be charged on-drawn on Toowoomba ...... 103, 242, 256, the United Kingdom -- vide 276, 290 " Postmaster-General." Returning Officers for-appointed--- Monro, John, appointed Foreman of Works, vide " Returning Officers." S. and W. Railway 413 Rockhampton Municipality- Monteith, Win., Notices in the Insolvent Certain Sections of-declared first Estate of ...... 834,936 class ...... 43 Moore , John, appointed Inspector of Wiseman's Bridge excepted from Slaughter-houses, and Ranger of the control of--vide "Wiseman's Crown Lands, for the Police Bridge." District of Condamine ... 359 Statements of Receipts and Expendi- Moore, William, appointed Trustee for ture of the-of Baptist Burial Ground, Brisbane 707 Bowen ...... 171, 744 Moran , Charles Ignatius, appointed Trustee Brisbane ...... 7, 723 for Racecourse Reserve at Roma 511 Clermont and Copperfield ...... 770 Moreton, The Hon. Berkley Basil, ap- Dalby ...... , . ... 52, 713 ?ointed Trustee for Racecourse Drayton ...... 54, 700 Reserve at Cong, North Mary- Gladstone ...... 171, 724 borough 511 Statements of Receipts and Expendi- Morgan, John W., appointed Bailiff of Court ture of the-of of Requests, St. George 228 Ipswich ...... 51, 715 Morris v. Volp-Writ of Fi. Fa. 114 Maryborough ...... 84,698 Morris, Charles Lee, Notices in the Insol- Rockhampton ...... 86, 699 vent Estate of .,...... 204,353,619 230, TownsvilleToowoomba ...... 172,742 83, 634 Morwitch, Heilbron, and Co., Dissolution Warwick ...... 55, 722 of Partnershipof 115 Murphy, John, returned to serve as a Mem- Moss' Public-house, appointed a Polling- ber of the Legislative Assembly place for the Electoral District for the Electoral District of of Drayton and Toowoomba 574 Ipswich , ...... 583 Munce,Wm. John, Deed of Assignment Murphy, VVilliam, appointed Member of of-registered in the Supreme Committee of Management of Court ,,. 54, 59 Toowoomba, Hospital ... . , . 76 INDEX . xxiii.

Page. Page. Murray v. Keating, Writ of Fi . Fa. ... 294 McLeod , James A. J.- Murray, G. P . M., appointed to discharge Discharged from the Office and the duties of Police Magistrate Functions of a Magistrate of the at Springsure 963 Territory 359 Murray, Thomas , Notices in the Insolvent Judgment delivered in the Insol- Estate of ...... 352, 379 vent Estate of ...... 616 Mylne, Graham , returned to serve as Mem- Notices in the Insolvent Estate ber of the Legislative Assembly of ...... , 229, 260, 790 for the Electoral District of McLeod, Radcliffe , and Co., Notices in the Warrego ...... 598 Insolvent Estate of ...... 229, 259, 790, 936 McMaster , John , appointed Trustee of Land X0. granted for a Cemetery at Ger- man Station ... 795 McAdam, George , Deed of Assignment of- Macznaster , Robert , nominated Member of Registered in Supreme Court ... 54 Council for the Province of McA llan, James Edington, appointed Clermont ...... 597 Alderman for Municipality of McMunn, William , appointed Clerk and Ipswich ... 188 Messenger in the Office of the McBryde, John , appointed- Metropolitan District Court, Customs Valuator at Cardwell . 1119 Brisbane ... 689 Member of Provincial Council for McNally, James , Notice in the Insolvent Province of Cardwell . 283 Estate of ...... 152 McCarthy, Charles Cross, Letters of Admin- McPhail, Alexander , Letters of Administra- istration in the Estate of-applied tion in the Goods of-applied for ...... 754, for ...... 297 McCarthy, Denis , appointed Inspector of McQueen, Alex ., Notice in the Insolvent Slaughter -houses within the Estate of .. . , 175 Police District of Gayndah 188 McSweeney, Michael, appointed Trustee for McCarthy, Justin, appointed Probationary Leyburn Burial Ground,.. 905 Clerk of the Fifth Class in Gene- ral Post Office ...... 999 McCarthy , Justin E. D., appointed Officer ITT, of the Fourth Class in the Government Savings Bank 1046 Nancarrow , Wm. Henry, Notice in the McCarthy , Wi lliam Frederick , appointed Insolvent Estate of " ...... 115 Commissioner for Affidavits, Nebo , Proclaimed a Place where Spirits, &c., &c...... 979 may be sold in quantities not McCray, John , appointed Trustee of Public less than Two Gallons at one Cemetery at Gladstone ... . 458 time ...... 283 McCulloch , Edward , appointed Trustee of Nemeth, Joseph , Notice in the Insolvent Public Cemetery at Glad- Estate of 618 stone 458 Nesbitt , Pearce, and Co., Deed of Assignment McDonald and Mitche ll, Notice of Dissolu- of-Registered in the Supreme tion of Partnership of 527 Court ... 524 McDonald, Hunter , and Co., Deed of Neville, Thomas , Notices in the Insolvent Assignment of-registered in the Estate of .. 981, 1158 Supreme Court ...... 825 Newboult and Oldfield , Dissolution of Part- McDonald, Alexander , appointed- nership of , .. 55 Inspector of Distilleries under Newman v. McLoughlin - Writ of Fi . Fa.,.. 954 Distillation f °onnS ugar Act 719 Newton and others v. A'Court - Writ of To discharge , temporarily, the Fi. Fa. , ...... 859 duties of Health Officer for the Newton and others v. Scott and another- Port of Moreton Bay 398 Writ of Fi. Fa. 565 McDonald, John , appointed Superintendent Newton and others v. Watts-Writ of of the Penal Establishment at Fi. Fa . .. . 860, 870 St. Helena Island .. ... 469 Ni choll s, J ohn, appointed J usti ce under McDonne ll, John , appointed First Lieutenant 161arriage Act . , .. ... 1017 of Brisbane Volunteer Rifle Nolan, Charles , Notices in the Insolvent Company ... 457 Estate of ...... 635, 635,717,1018 McDowall, Archibald , appointed- Nominal Defendant Appointed - vide Returning Officer for Electoral " Claims Against Government District of Maranoa .. 558 Act." Trustee for Racecourse Reserve at Non-Transferable Land Orders-vide "Land Roma 511 Orders." McGrath, John- Norris, Maurice Joseph, appointed Clerk of Letters of Administration in the the 4th Class in Government Estate of-applied for 1181 Savings Bank Department ... 626 Notices in the Insolvent Estate of 261, 296 Norris , Wi lliam Osbourne , appointed- McIntosh , James- Clerk of Petty Sessions at Charle- Deed of Composition of registered Ville ...... 139 in the Supreme Court .. 293 Commissioner for Affidavits , &c. ... 859 Letters of Administration in the District Registrar of Births .. Deaths, Estate of- applied for ... 409 and Marriages , for the Warrego Retired from the Firm of T. H. District .. ... 274 Jones and Co. .. 88, 116,153 Recording Clerk for the Warrego McKay, Francis Grant, appointed Pound- District ...... 139 keeper at Roma ... 714 North , John Britty , Notices in the Insolvent McKeon, John Joseph , Letters of Adminis- Estate of ...... 408, 591, 773 tration in the Goods of-applied Norton, Albert- for ... 592 Appointed a Magistrate of the McLaren , Daniel , Notices in the Insolvent Territory ...... 838 Estate of ... 902, 936 Summoned to the Legislative Coun- McLean, John Donald , Probate of Will cil of Queensland ...... 837 applied for in the Estate of .. 56 Note Issue Branch of Treasury-vide McLeod, Angus, appointed Poundkeeper at `"Treasury." Clermont .., ...... 498 Notes - vide " Treasury Notes." xxiv. INDEX. -

Page. Page. Notices- Notices- Acts and Regulations, Notices re- Lost or Stolen- specting Sale of ...... 4, 27, 47, 87, Notices respecting Animals ... 466, 566, 580, 116, 144, 172, 194, 214, 240, 245, 262, 593, 955, 982, 280, 294, 297, 354, 355, 396, 401, 438, 996, 1158 439, 463, 483, 495, 499, 549, 577,593, Notices respecting Rewards offered 600, 619, 636, 714, 754, 774, 816, 826, for Animals, Cheques , &c.-vide 842, 865, 916, 934, 955 " Notices (Rewards)." Ad Valorem Duties- Mariners , Notices to-respecting- Notices respecting Goods subject Beacons at the South Passage, to-vide " Ad Valorem Duties." MoretonBay , having been blown Regulations respecting Goods sub- down ...... 421 et to-vide" Ad Valorem Beacons on East Bank of Inner Duties." Bar, Brisbane River ...... 289, 333, 375, Applications to Mortgage , Lease,&c., 393 under Trustees of Public Lands Change in Channel over Bar of Act - vide " Trustees of Public Hokianga River 271 Lands Act." DirectionsforusingMiddle Channel, Authorisations to Mortgage , Lease, Moreton Bay ...... 393, 403, 421, &c., under Trustees of Public 461, 474, 495, Lands Act---vide " Trustees of 525 Public Lands Act." Entrance to Port Curtis ...... 929, 953, 979, Carting Licenses , Notice respecting 34, 49, 87, 988, 1008, 1022, 100 1050, 1130, 1150, Cattle Returns , Notices, respecting- 1170, 1187 vide " Cattle." Entrance to Port Denison...... 1022, 1050, Cautioning People against Purchasing 1130, 1150 Cattle , &c., belonging to Estate Entrance to Port of Maryborough 929, 953, 979, of P. Mayne ...... 116,153,175, 988, 1008, 1022 205, 231, 245, 262, 280, 297, 354 Entrance to the Albert River ... 375, 393,403, Commission on Money Orders, 421 Notice respecting-vide " Post- Erection of Lighthouse at the master-General." Entrance of Port Natal ... 416 Condemned Goods, Notices respecting Flag and red Light to be exhibited Sale of-vide " Goods." from Dredge " Lytton," below Confiscated Goods, Notices respecting the entrance of Cleveland Boat

Sale of-vide " Goods." Channel ...... 375, 393, 403, Consolidated Bills, Notice that His 421 Excellency has assented to Green Light on East Bank, More- sundry ...... 1361 ton Bay, Brisbane Bar ...... 254, 274 Duty Stamps, Notices respecting-- Green Light on West Bank, More- vide "Stamp Duties Act." ton Bay, Brisbane Bar ... ,...172, 194, 214, Found, Notice respecting horse 955 239 Gaols, Notice respecting Applications Lighthouse on the Bluff at the for Situations in-vide " Gaols." South Side of the entranceof Gates, Notices respecting applica- Port Natal ... 98 tions to erect-vide " Gates." Lights at the entranceof Port Government Gazette, Notice respect- Louis, Mauritius:.. 213 in g-vide " Government." . Point Lonsdale Light , Port Phillip 254 Government Life Insurances, &c., Signals for guidance of Vessels Notice respecting-vide " Gov- passing Dredge , Port Adelaide, ernment." by Balls instead of Flags ... 616 Government Printer, Notices acknow- Signals used on Board the Steam ledging Moneys receivedby--tide Dredge at Port Adelaide, when " Government Printer." working at the Inner Bar ... 692 Government Savings' Bank, Notices Temporary Changes in Buoys and respecting-vide " Government." Beacons at the entrance to South Government Steamers, Notices re- Passage, Moreton Bay _... .. 474, 495 specting Sale of-vide " Govern- Money Orders , Notices respecting ment Steamers." Commission on-vide Postmas- Gunpowder, Notice to Importers of ter-General." -vide " Gunpowder." Municipalities , Notices respecting- Holidays, Notices respecting-vide vide " Municipalities." " Holidays." Official Hours, Notice respecting Immigration Remittances, Notice re- alteration in-of Civil Service ... 1, 250 speeting--vide "Immigration Re- Overtime Goods , Notice respecting mittances." Sale of vide " Goods." Increases under Civil Service Act, Partnerships , Notices of Dissolution Notice respecting - vide " In- of-vide " Partnerships." creases." Poundkeeper , Dalby, Notice that Insolvent Estates, Notices respecting Applications will be received -vide " Insolvent Estates." from Persons willing to fill the Intestate Estates, Notices respecting Appointment of ... .. 725 -vide " Intestate Estates." Pound Sales , Notification respecting Lands, Notices respecting - vide days for holding- vide " Pound " Lands." Sales. " Leasing -Act, Notices under-vide Pre-emptive Purchases approved- " Leasing Act." vide " Pre-emptive Purchases." Levee, Notice respecting Annual- Prison Manufactures , Notice respect- vide " Levee." ing Sale of-vide ". Prison." Licensed Publicans, Notices to-re- Public Holidays , Notices respecting arding payment of License -vide " Holidays." Fee...... 532, 561, 576, Publicans , Notice to-vide "Notices 586 -Licensed Publicans." Lightering Licenses, Notices' respect- Railway Notices- ing-to be produced to Tide- Fares and Rates , S. and W. Rail- waiters ...... 4, 34, 49, 87 way ...... 920 INDEX. xxv.

Page. Page. Notices- Notices- RailwayNotices- Stolen, Notices offering Rewards for Notice inviting Applications from Animals, Cheques, &c. -- vide Agents for sale of Railway Parcel Notices-(Rewards)". Stamps ...... 987, 1007, Supreme Court, Notices respecting- 1020,1050,1123, vide " Supreme Court." 1150, 1170,1187 Tenders accepted-vide " Tenders." Notice that Government will be Tenders extended-vide " Tenders," prepared to consider unsatisfied Tenders invited-vide " Tenders." claims for labor, &c., on S. and W. Transfers of Real Property--ride Railway ...... 987, 1007, " Real Property Act." 1020, 1050 Transfer of Runs-vide " Runs. " Notice that the S. and W. Railway Unclaimed Property (Horses &c.)- is anticipated to be open for traffic Notices respecting sale of ...100, 144, 162, to Jondaryan and Cambooya, in 194, 214, 239, 257, 274, 395, 407, 437, November...... 720, 738, 764, 439, 461, 481, 547, 564, 576, 586, 725, 775, 802 884, 913, 929,1008, 1021, 1050,1187 Notice that the S. and W. Railway Unclaimed property lying at the Lost will be open for general traffic to Property Office of S. and W. Jondaryan Station ... 1050, 1123, Railway, Notice respecting sale of 254, 272, 1150,1170 288, 333 Notification respecting deviation of Nutting, John Bligh, appointed an Inspector Line of Railway at Mihi Creek, of Police ...... , 1019 near Ipswich, being approved of by His Excellency ...... 806, 821, 816, 979, 987, 1008, 1020 0. Parcel Rates (additional), for S. and Oaths Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 12 1231 W. Railway ...... 986, 1,000, 1020, 1048, 1122, Official hours, Notice respecting alteration in 1, 250 1148, 1168, 1185 Ogelvy, George D., Notices in the Insolvent ' Estate of ... Respecting articles lying at the Lost 34, 260 Olivey, William and Henry, Notice of Dis- Property Office, S. and- W. Rail- solution of Partnership of 175 way - vide "Notices - (Un- Orton, The Rev. Richard Watson, registered claimed Property) ". under Marriage Act -... ' .. 481 Reward offered for conviction of persons obstructing Railway Out-door Relief, Board 'appointed for administering-ride " Board." Trains - vide " Notices -(Re- O'Brien, Stephen, appointed Line Repairer wards) ". , ' at Clermont, in Electric Tele- Special Trains, Rates for-required graph department ...... 1119 by private persons in cases of O'Brien, William, Notice in the Insolvent emergency ...... 863, 883, 908, ' 928, 943, 965, Estate of ... .. 955 987, 1001, 1020, O'Burne, Edward, Notice in the Insolvent 1047, 1122, 1148, 1168 Estate of ...... 1060 O'Connell, The Rev. John, registered under Time Tables, S. and W. Railway... 6, 33, 51, 743, 771, 785, 813, 825, 846, 858, MarriageAct ...... 943 869, 890, 913, 919,1053, 1129, O'Doherty, Kevin Izod- 1156, 1173, 1193 Appointed Surgeon of Brisbane Vol- unteer Rifle Brigade .. ... 457 Real Property Act, Notices under-- Returned to serve as Member of the vide " Real Property Act, " Legislative Assembly for the Rewards offered for---- Electoral District of North Bris- Animals, Cheques, &c., lost or bane ...... 583 stolen ...... 36, 116, 153, 175, 205, 231, 245, 262, 280, 297, O'Hara, Michael, appointed Inspector of 354, 409, 499, 527, 593, 1030, 1061 Slaughter-houses for Police District of Surat...... 698 Conviction of person or persons O'Mally, Michael, Deed of Assignment of who interfered with private -registered in the Supreme Court 705 accommodation gates, S. and W. O'Regan, Maurice, Notices in the Insolvent Railway ... .. , ...193, 214, 239, ' 254, 272 Estate of ...... 772, 915 Conviction of person or persons O'Reilly, The Rev. John, registered under who placed obstructions on trains, Marriage Act .. ... 214 S. and W. Railway ...... 190, 212, 238, O'Sullivan, John, Notices in the Insolvent 253, 286, 322, 361 Estate of ...... 1016,1181 Discovery of a payable Gold Field O'Sullivan, Michael, Notice that-has pur- ---vide " Rewards. " chased all Book Debts due to the Discovery of Kerosene----vide " Re- Insolvent Estate of McLeod, " Radcliffe, and Co...... 936 wards. O'Sullivan, Patrick, returned to serve as Roads- Member ofthe Legislative Assem- Closing of-Notices respecting- vide " Roads." bly for the Electoral District of 626 Confirming of-Notices respecting West Moreton ...... -vide " Roads. " Opening of-Notices respecting P. Runs,Vide Notices " Roads. " respecting - vide Palmer , Arthur Hunter, The Honorable- " Runs. " Appointed Colonial Secretary and Sheep Returns, Notices respecting- Secretary for Public Works ... 758 vide " Sheep. " Appointed Member of Executive Stamp Duties Act, Notification Council ...... 758 respecting-vide " Stamp Duties Election of-as Member for Port Act." Curtis declared valid .. 853 Statistical Register, Notice respecting Returned to serve as Member of the -- v?,de " Statistical Register. " Legislative Assembly for the Steamers, Notice respecting Sale of Electoral District of Port Curtis 583 Government -- vide " Govern- Palmer , David, Appointed Customs Valuator ment Steamers." at Bowen , ...... 117,9 XXV1. INDEX.

Page. Page. Palmer , Edward Fielding, admitted as duly Petty Sessions- qualified Chemist and Drug- Noticesthat Petty Sessions willbe gist ... 988 holden for consideration of appli- Palmer, Thomas Wellington, Writ of foreign cations for- attachment against .. 860 Auctioneers' Licenses at Gayndah 884 Palmer and Browne, Notice of Dissolution Hawkers' Licenses at Rock- of Partnership of...... 1139 hampton ...... 525 Panton, William Henry, appointed Junior Publicans' General Licenses at- Clerk, Grandchester, in Electric Banana ...... 274 Telegraph Department ...... 838 Bowen ...... 228 Parbury, Parlkury, and Spry, Notice of Brisbane ...... 239 Dissolution of Partnership of ... 1195 Charleville ...... 228, 240, 258 Parkinson, Charles F. D., Notice in the Condamine ...... 274 Insolvent Estate of .. 1180 Dalby ...... 228, 240 Parkinson, The Rev. Matthew Henry, regis- Gayndah ...... 162 tered under Marriage Act ... 289 Gladstone ...... 257 Parks, John, Notices in the Insolvent Estate Goondiwindi ...... 240 of ...... 17,153 Ipswich...... 275 Parliament- Leyburn ...... 275 Prorogation of...... 187, 487, 621 Maryb orough ...... 275 Sessions of ...... 283, 621 Nanango ...... 258 Speech delivered by His Exce llency Nebo ...... 194, 294 at opening of--vide " Speech." Rockhampton ...... 34,162, 274, Partnerships , Notices of Dissolution of, by- 525,953 Atkinsonand Forth ...... 754 Roma ... 257 Black and Co., J. AT.,_ 549, 567, 580 St. Lawrence ... 257 Cuthbert and Clarke ... 297 Springsure 274 Doyle and Lyons ... 549 Surat ... 257 194 Evans and Castin ...... , 380 Taroom ... , Ferguson, Ferguson, and Walker ... 395, 409, 439 Warwick 228 Hazel and Hyman ...... 566 Woogaroo 240, 257 Holly, Marsh, and Co., .. 955 Notices that Petty Sessions will be Jonesand Co., T. H. (through retire- holden for Revision of Electoral ment of James McIntosh) .. 88, 116, 153 Roll at- Lamb and others (Cockatoo Creek Banana ...... 274 Station) ...... 527 Bowen ...... 275,1157 Molle and Wright ...... 701 Brisbane 239 Mollison and Co...... 580 Charleville 228, 240, 258, Morwitch, Heilbron, and Co. 115 1139 McDonald and Mitchell ...... 527 Dalby ...... 228, 240, 979 Newboult and Oldfield 55 Drayton 294, 333, 378, Olivey, William and Henry... 175 1008 Palmer and Browne ...... 1139 Gayndah ,., 240, 988 Parbury, Parbury, and Spry .. 1195 Gladstone ... 257, 979, 988 Paterson and Jager ...... 115,153,375, Goondiwindi ... 240 205 Ipswich ,.. 294 Paton and Co., H. 0...... 262, 280 Leyburn ... 1059,1130 Robinson and Grimes 790 Maryborough ... 275, 988 The Co-operative Carcass, Shipping, Nebo 194 and Family Butchering Company 619 Rockhampton ... 274,953 The Victoria Cotton Company 466 Roma .., ... 257,1008 Warde and Son ... 499` St. George ... 274, 1059 Warren, Ham, and Knight ... 982 St. Lawrence 228, 934 Wilford, Patterson, and Co.... 175 Springsure 55 Pastoral Leases, Renewals of-vide " Runs." Surat ... p79 Paterson, William, Notice in the Insolvent Tambo ... 257 Estate of ... 859 Taroom... 194 Paterson and Jager, Notice of Dissolution of Toowoomba 294, 333 Partnership of ... 115,153,175, Warwick 257 205 Places appointed for the holding'of Paton, Henry 0., appointed Customs Valua- Petty Sessions-- tor at Rockhampton .. 999 Alice Downs 737 Paton and Co., H. 0., Notice of Dissolution Burketown 413 of Partnership of ...... 262, 280 Dalrymple ... 927 Peacock, Collin, Citation to the next of kin Glen Dhu 964 of ...... 815 Phelan, Richard F., Notices in the Insol- Pendleton, James, Notice in the Insolvent vent Estate of 1016,1158 Estate of ... .. 152 Phillips, Charles Aaron, Notices in the Pengelly, John Henry, Notice in the Insol- Insolvent Estate of 17, 151 vent Estate of ...... 482,847 Phillips, George, appointed a 2nd Class Pentecost's Public-house appointed a Poll- Surveyor in Surveyor-General's ing Place for the Electoral Dis- Department . 92 trict of Drayton and Toowoomba 574 Phillips, Lewis, Deed of Assignment of- Perkins, Reginald- Registered in Supreme Court ... 84 Appointed Commissioner for Affi- Pilots appointed- davits, &c...... 590, Find-later,Robert, appointed-at Port Appointed Registrar Metropolitan Denison 209 District Court at Ipswich ... 598 Seeds, George, appointed-at Port Perry v. Scott and Another--Writ of F7. Fa. 565 Curtis 209 Pershouse, William, Appointed Trustee of Tobin, George-appointed Acting- Public Cemetery at Gladstone ... 458 at the Albert River .. 209 Persse, Thomas Kirwan, Appointed Land Wyborn, Henry-appointed Harbor Agent at Brisbane .. ... 927 Master and Pilot for the Port of Petition, complaining of certain alleged ille- Moreton Bay 139 galities at the Election for- Pimpama Sugar Company- Brisbane...... , 626 NoticeofMeeting ofShareholders WestMoreton.. - ...... 708 i of ... ,...... 636 INDEX. xxvii.

Page. Page Pimpama Sugar Company- Polling places appointed for the Colony of Notice that at an Extraordinary Queensland- Meeting the Shareholders of- Moss' Public-house-appointed for have passed a resolution to wind Electoral district of Drayton and up the Company ... 619 Toowoomba ...... 574 Pinnock, Philip, appointed Police Magis- Pentecost's Public-house-appointed trate at Clermont 719 for Electoral district of Drayton Plews, Henry Taylor, appointed Engineer- and Toowoomba ...... 574 in-Chief of all Railway Lines in St. Lawrence appointed-for Elec- the hands of and under the toral district of Port Curtis 529 charge of the Queensland Govern- Westwood appointed-for Electoral ment . 457 district of Port Curtis ...... 529 Pockley,Thomas Ford Graham, appointed { Polling Places cancelled- Auditor for Municipality of Condamine-for Electoral district of Gavndah ...... 490 Maranoa ... 529 Police Department, Appointments in- Redbank-for Electoral district of Browne, Henry, appointed Chief West Moreton 558 Inspector of Police in the West- Retreat - for Electoral district of ern District 188 Western Downs ...... 529 Clohesy, Thomas, appointed Sub- Pollock, Alexander, Notices in the Insol- Inspector of Police 1019 vent Estate of ...... 278, 353, 619 Nutting, John Bligh, appointed an Port Curtis- Inspector of Police 1019 ! Constituted a Warehousing Port ... 267 Uhr, W. D., appointed Sub-Inspec- Notice to Mariners respecting en- tor of Police . 1165 trance to ...... 929 Wassell, James, appointed Sub-In. Port Denison-vide " Bowen." spector of Water Police 511 Porteous , Lindsay, Letters of Administra- Police Districts-definition of - boundaries tion applied for in the goods of 726 of Police District of- Porter , Chas. Edward, Probate of Wi ll Drayton and Toowoomba ... 92 applied for in the Estate of ... 997 Warwick ...... 92 Porter, Francis , Notices in the Insolvent Police.Magis'trates appointed- Estateof ...... 204, 259 Bligh, John O'Connell, appointed-at Ports of Entry and Clearance established- Maryborough 719 Sweer 's Island...... 267 Buttanshaw, Henry R., appointed- Portus,John Oxley, Notice in the Insolvent at Roma ... 43 Estate of ...... '258,408,636, Cave, Wm.-appointed to perform the 773 duties of-at Taroom 76 Postal Arrangemepts regulating transmis- Charters, W. S. E. M., appointed-of sion of letters to Superintendents the Cape River Gold Fields ... 838 of Mercantile Marine Offices in Eliott, Gilbert Win., appointed-at the United Kingdom, Despatch Clermont ... 863 relating to ...... 1045 Eliott, Gilbert Wm., appointed. - at Postal Conference at Melbourne of the Drayton and Toowoomba ... 927 Representatives of the Colonies Griffin, Thos. John, appointed-at of Victoria, New South Wales, Toowoomba 719 New Zealand, South Australia, Hutchinson, A. M., appointed to dis- Queensland, and Tasmania, Pro- charge, temporarily, the duties ceedings of ... 301 of-at Ipswich 877 Postal Inspector appointed - vide " Post Kemball, Arthur Clark, appointed- Office Department." at Gayndah ... .. 719 Postmaster General- Lambert, C. H., appointed-at Cler- AmendedPostage Rates on Letters mont 985 by the Panama Mail ...... 546 Murray, G. P. M., appointed to dis- Amended Rates of Commission on charge the duties of-at Spring- Money Orders drawn on the sure ... .. 963 United Kingdom 1169 Pinnock, Phillip, appointed-at Cler- Amended Time Table for Despatch mont...... 719 i of Mails-vide " Mails." Richards, Henry, appointed - at Gore, The Honorable St. George Cardwell ...... 25 Richard, Resignation as --- ac- Stevens, John Harry, appointed-at cepted ...... 757 Leyburn and Goondiwindi ... 927 Notice that a New Post Office has White, James Chas., appointed-at been established under the name Bowen ...... 719 of- Police Regulations :- 795, 942 Beenleigh...... 721 Pollingplaces appointed forthe Colony Tingalpa ...... 481 of Queensland-- Notification of Extra Postage charged Banana appointed-for Electoral dis- on letters, &c., for and from trict of Leiphhardt 529 places beyond the Isthmus of Billa Billa Station appointed---for Panama, by Sydney and Panama Electoraldistrict of Western Mail ... .. 47, 81, 98 Downs ...... 529 Prior, The Honorable Thomas Lodge Curriwillinghi appointed-for Elec- Murray, appointed ...... 758 toral district of Maranoa 529 Post Office Department, Appointments, &c.,in--- Curriwildi appointed-for Electoral Da Costa, Edwin, appointed Clerk of district of Maranoa 529 the fifth class ... , . 999 Gainsford appointed-for the +'lec- Dalby, William, appointed Clerk of toral district of Leichhardt ... 1129 the fifth class ...... 76 General List of ...... 503 Glanville. George W., appointed Goodna appointed-for Electoral dis- Postmaster at Toowoomba ... 999 trictof West Moreton 358 Jones, D. F. T., appointed Postal Jimbour appointed -- for Electoral Inspector ...... 413 district of Northern Downs 583 Maearthy, Justin, appointed Proba- Junction Inn appointed-for Elec- tionary Clerk of the 5th class ... 999 toral district of Leichhardt ... 529 Matthews, George, dismissed from the Marlborough appointed - for Elec- Office of Postmaster at Too- toral district of Port Curtis ... 529 woomba ...... - 0.1 999 INDEX.

Page. Page. Post Offices established at- Proclamations- Beenleigh...... 721 Appointing First Returning Officer Tingalpa ...... 481 for the Municipality of Clermont Poundkeepers appointed-- and Copperfield ...... 91 Bullock, Charles Henry, appointed- Archer, Archibald, Proclamation de- at Allora ...... 228 claring the election of-to serve Chase, William de M., appointed-at in the Legislative Assembly to St. George ...... 913 be valid ...... 735 Clitheroe, John, appointed-at Dalby 846 Cape River Gold Fields proclaimed a Conroy, John, appointed-at Surat... 632 place where Spirits, &c., may be Geddes, Andrew, appointed - at sold in quantities not less than Yaamba ...... 1194 two gallons at one time... .. 283 Margetts , Edward Harry, appointed Constituting the Municipalities of- -at Allora ...... 525 Clermont and Copperfield...... 75 McKay, Francis Grant, appointed-- Roma ...... 489 at Roma ...... 714 Declaring Certain Sections of Rock- McKenzie, A. G., appointed - at hampton to be of the first class Surat ...... 806 for the purposes of the Municipal McLeod, Angus, appoints l-at Cler- Institutions Act of 1864...... 43 mont ...... 498. Declaring the boundaries of the Thomas, Charles, re-appointed - at Municipalities of- Leyburn ...... 740 Clermont and Copperfield ...... 75 Young, Frank Harry, appointed-at Roma ...... 489 Rockhampton ...... 274 Dissolution of Legislative Assembly- Pound Sales , Notification appointing days Proclamationrespecting-vide for holding .. ... 745 " Legislative Assembly." Pounds (Public) proclaimed at- Excepting " Wiseman's Bridge" from A llora ...... 76 the control of the Municipal Charleville ...... 598 Council of Rockhampton-vide Surat ...... 398 "Wiseman'sBridge." Townsville ...... 964 Ferries, Proclamations of-viz.:-- Yaamba ...... 413 Crossing places of the Fitzroy Powder Ma azine, Ipswich, Notice that no River at Yaamba and Alligator Powder can be received into the Creek ...... 707 -until further Notice -- vide Ferry over Albert River, at the " Collector of Customs." crossing of the road from Pim- Powe, John S., appointed Trustee of Public pama to Brisbane ... .. 75, 91 Cemetery at Gladstone ... .. 458 Ferry over Logan River, at the Powell, Charles Henry, Notices in the crossing of the road from Pim- Insolvent Estate of ... 1029, 1194 pama to Brisbane .. • ... 235 Pre-emptive Purchases approved of .. 33, 824, 1027 Saw Mills Ferry, Logan River ... 1045 Presbyterian Church Lands at Toowoomba, Fitzgerald, Thomas Henry-Pro- Trustees appointed for - vide clamation declaring the Election " Trustees." of-to serve as Member of the Princhester- Legislative Assembly, to be valid 819 Rowland, B., appointed District Gold Fields-Proclamation of-vide Registrar of Births, Deaths, and " Gold Fields." Marriages, at ...... 929 Legalising introduction of Sheep, Pring, The Hon. Ratcliffe- Wool, &c., from Queensland into Appointed Attorney-General ... 758 New South Wales, for six months 97 Appointed Captain of Brisbane Volun- Nebo proclaimed a place where teer Rifle Company ...... 457 Spirits, &c., may be sold in Appointed Member. of Executive quantities not less than two Council ...... :. 758 gallons at a time... 283 Returned to serve as Member of the Nominating Members of Provincial Legislative Assembly for the Councils--vide "Provincial Councils." Electoral District of Burnett ... 583 Ports of Entry and Clearance pro- Prior, The Hon. Thomas Lodge Murray- claimed-vide " Ports of Entry." Appointed Member of Executive Prohibiting introduction of Sheep, Council ...... 758 Wool, &c., from Victoria into Appointed Postmaster-General ... 1 758 New South Wales ... 97 Prison Manufactures, Notice that-will be Prorogation of Parliament-Procla- sold at Public Auction by A. mation respecting-vide " Par- Martin ...... 999, 1020, liament." 1046, 1119 Prorogation of Legislative Council, Pritchard, Alexander Brown- Proclamation respecting-vide AppointedAlderman forEast Ward, `° Legislative Council." Brisbane ...... 188 Provisions of 19th Victoria, No. 20, Returned to serve as Member of the extended to Hospital at- Legislative Assembly for the Bowen ...... 557 Electoral District of Brisbane ... 583 Springsnre ...... 837 Probate Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 9 1197 Townsville ...... 319 Probate of Wills applied for -- vide r Reducing the term of Quarantine of " Wi lls." Sheep, brought by sea from other Proclamations- colonies, to three months 249,267 Agricultural Reserves, Proclamations Removing Members of Provincial of-vide "Agricultural Reserves." Councils - vide " Provincial Allora proclaimed a place where Councils." Spirits, &c., may be sold in Rescinding Proclamation of- quantities not less than two Fourteenth September,. 1866, de- gallons at one time ...... 985 claring Helidon a place for a Amended Boundaries of Province of Turnpike'Gate 763 Clermont ... 74, 91 Seventeenth September, 1858, by Appointing crossing Places for the His Excellency the Governor of introduction of Sheep into New New South Wales, respecting the South Wales from adjacent Fitzroy and Calliope River Gold Colonies 444 do$ .., 97 Fields .., 0 ,. ,., 944 BOB INDEX. xxix.

Page. Page. Proclamations- Pym, Richard E., appointed Shipwright Rescinding Proclamation of Surveyor for Port of Bowen ... 76 Sixteenth December, 1866,prohibit- ing the introduction of Sheep Q. and Cattle from Europe...... 1147, 1165, 1185 Queensland Acclimatization Society, Runs, Proclamations respecting-- Authorisation to the Trustees of vide " Runs." the land granted to the-to mot- St. Helena proclaimed a place whereat gage same 2 offenders, under sentence of hard Gazette- labor or penal servitude, may be Notice respecting subscriptions to- detained 469 and advertisements in- 4, 88, 116, Sessions of Parliament, Proclamations 153, 176, 194, 214, 240, 261, respecting-vide " Parli'aments." 279, 289, 354, 380, 396, 410, Stowell, Hugh, Proclamation appoint- 420, 465, 499, 517, 547, 564, ing-first Returning Officer for 616, 632, 826, 834, 847, 861, Municipality of Clermont and 865, 884, 899, 901, 913, 934, Copperfield .. 91 937, 980, 988, 1017, 1029, 1060 Tambo proclaimed a place where' Spirits, &c., may be sold in Notice that persons indebted for sub- quantities not less than two scriptions, &c., are required to pay gallons at one time 855 forthwith, &c...... 826, 847, Towns Police Act, Proclamation ex- 861, 865, 899, 915, 937, 953, tending the provisions of the-to 955, 1001, 1029, 1050, 1123, sundry towns-vide " Towns 1149,1180,1187 Police Act." Queensland Government Savings Bank-vide Turnpike Gates proclaimed-vide " Government Savings Bank." " Turnpike Gates." Queensland Volunteer Artillery- Warehousing Ports proclaimed-vide Seymour, David Thompson, appointed " Warehousing Ports." Captain Commandant of...... 458 Property, Notices respecting sale of un- Queensland Volunteer Artillery (No. 1 Bri- claimed-vide" Notices (un- gade)- claimed)." Seymour David Thompson, appointed Prorogation of- Captain of ...... 457 Legislative Council--vide " Legisla- Queensland Volunteer Artillery (No. 2 tive Council." Brigade)- Parliament-vide " Parliament." Jetter,J.F. L., appointed Captain of 941 " Proserpine" (Prison Hulk)- Moffatt, A. R., appointed 2nd Lieu- Hobbs, The Honorable William, ap- tenant of ...... 941 pointed Visiting Surgeon to 413 Watson, F. C., appointed 1st Lieu- 941 Province of Clermont, Corrected Boundaries tenant of ...... of ...... 74, 91 Corrected appointment ...... 999 Provincial Councils- Queensland Volunteer Rifle Brigade- Members of-appointed for the Bond,Augustus Salmond, appointed provinceof Quartermaster to the ...... 698 Cardwell ...... 283 Brisbane Volunteer Rifle Company- Clermont .. 319, 597 vide " Volunteers." Members of-removed from the office Hunt, Arthur Carew, (Ensign 50th of Councillors for the Province Regiment) appointed Captain (un- of Clermont 597 attached) in the ...... 398 Provisional 1?egistration for Inventions Act Lempriere, Algernon, appointed Cap- of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 26 1445 tain (unattached) in the ...... 398 Pruden, Samuel-Citation to widow and next Queensland Volunteer Rifles (No. 2 Com- of kin of ... 187 pany) Hodgson, Samuel, ap- Public Accounts, Regulation for keeping, pointed Lieutenant of ...... 963 rendering, and publishing the- Quinn, Hamilton, Notice in the Insolvent of the'colony-vide " Accounts." Estate of ...... 87 Public Holidays-vide "° Holidays." Public Lands, Secretary for- R. Douglas, the Honorable John, resig- Rae, Augustus James, appointed Trustee for nation as-accepted- 757 Racecourse Reserve at Roma 511 Lamb,the Honorable Edward Wm., Rae, John, Notice in the Insolvent Estate of 173 aupointed ... 758 Railway Department, appointments in- Public Pounds-vide " Pounds." Bullen, Wm., appointed Traffic Mana- Public Works, Secretary for- ger on the G. N. Railway ... 877 Appointed ex-officio Chairman of Eckersley, James, appointed Line Board of Waterworks ., 795 Inspector on S. and W. Railway, Bell, The Honorable Joshua Peter, on probation ... 157 appointedto act as 457 Lenehan, Henry Alfred, appointed Douglas, The Honorable John- Clerk in the office of the Engineer- Appointed- ...... 485 in-Chief of Railways, Toowoomba 927 Resignation as-accepted ... 757 Moffatt, AdamRobert, appointed Clerk Palmer, The Honorable Arthur in the office of the Locomotive Hunter, appointed- 758 Superintendent of the S. and W. Watts,The Honorable John, resigna- Railway, Ipswich...... 92 tion as-accepted 413 Monro, John, appointed Foreman of Publicans, Notice to Licensed --- vide Works S. and W. Railway ... 413 " Notices." Plews, Henry Taylor, appointed En- Publicans' General Licenses -- vide gineer-in-Chief of all Railway " Licenses." Lines in the hands, and under the Pugh, Theophilus Parsons- charge, of the Queensland Govern- Appointed 2nd Lieutenant of Spring ment Hill and Fortitude Valley Rifle Stanley, Henry Charles, appointed Corps 511 Resident Engineer S. and W. Retur-4ed to serve as Member of the Railway Legislative Assembly, for the Stephens, Richard D., appointed Resi- Electoral District of Brisbane 583 dent Engineer S. and W, Railway a=. INDEX.

Page Page. Railway Notices - vide Notices." Registration Act of 1867, The Amended- Ramsay, Robert , returned fo serve as Member 3]. Victoria, No. 7 .. - 1161 of the Legislative Assembly for Registration of Births, Deaths, and Mar- the Electoral District of Western riages-Regulations respecting 129 Downs ...... 575 Regulations- Rangers of-Crown Lands appointed- For computing quantities of Cask Macarthur, Patrick appointed -- at Spirits--vide " Customs." Dalby ...... 941 For keeping, rendering, and publish- Mathers , William, appointed -- for ing the -Public Accounts of the Police District of Bowen ... .. 626 Colony-vide " Accounts." Moore, John, appointed - for Police For Managing Cemeteries - vide District of Condamine ... 359 " Cemeteries." Ware, Richard R., appointed-for For Managing" Hospitals -- vide Police Distriat of Wide Bay ... 689 " Hospitals. Rawlins Frederick- Of Penal Establishment at St. Helena Appointed Commissioner for Affidavits, Island ...... 470 &c...... 979 Police Regulations-vide " Police." AppointedRegistrar -General of Queens- Respecting Ferries -=-vide " Ferry . land ... .. 877 Regulations." Raymond , E llen, Letters of Administration Respecting Goods subject to Ad applied for in the Goods and Tlalorem Duties-vide " Ad • 'Va- Chattels of...... 115 lorem Duties." Rea, John, Notice in the Insolvent Estate of 297 Respecting Issue of Land Orders Real Property Act- as Bonuses on Cotton-vide Notice that Caveat has been lodged `c Cotton." under the provisions of the 1050 Respecting Non-transferable Land Notice to the heir-at -law of Richard Clark 1022 Orders-vide " Land Orders." Notices of Transfers under ...... 6, 49, 84, Respecting Registration of Births, 102,166, 198, 216, 242, 256, 276, Deaths, and Marriages ...... 129 293, 377, 392, 425, 480, 497, Respecting Retirement of Treasury 524, 547, 579, 586, 605, 633, Notes, &c. - vide " Treasury 696, 712, 743, 770, 786, 815, Notes." 824, 845, 858, 868, 888, 912, Under Stamp Duties Act - vide 934, 945, 972, 990, 1014, 1028, " Stamp Duties Act." 1053, 1129, 1156, 1175, 1193 Volunteer Regulations-vide " Vo- Notices that applications are lying at lunteers." the Office of the Registrar- Reid, John, appointed Justice under JI-ar- General awaiting correction and riage Act ...... 1017 completion ...... 292,337 Removal of Bonded Goods, Notice respecting Notices that C rtificates of Title are -vide " Collector of Customs." lying in the Office of the Registrar. Renewals of Pastoral Leases-vide " Runs." General , awaiting delivery ... 163, 195 Repealing Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 39 1611 Notices that documents are lying at Reserved Lands, Notice respecting - vide the Office of the Registrar- " Lands." General, awaiting correction and Retreat, cancelled as a Polling Place for the completion ...... 167, 199 Electoral District of Western Notices that Production of Certifi- Downs ...... 529 cates of Title will be dispensed Returning Officers appointed- with ...... 464,783, Honeyman, James, appointed-for, 846, 1021, 1150 the Electoral District of South Notices that Provisional Certificates Brisbane ...... 511, 529 of Title will issue ...... 100, 865, Lalor, James, appointed-for the 929, 1008 Electoral District of Maranoa ... 529 Reception , Notification' respecting a General Lee, Archibald, appointed-for the Farewell - by Sir George and Electoral District of Maranoa... 574 Lady Bowen ...... 1147, 1361 McDowall, Archibald, appointed-for Recording Clerks appointed- the Electoral District of Maranoa 658 Finucane , William, appointed - for the Smith, Rich. Joseph, appointed-for Burke District ...... 574 the Electoral District of West Gough, Benjamin Bloomfield, ap- Moreton ... .. 398 pointed - at Burketown 76 Trundle, Charles Joseph, appointed- Norris, Wm . Osborne, appointed-of for the Electoral District of For- . Warrego District ...... 139 titude Valley 511 Wi lliams, Francis , Y., appointed- Returning Officers for Municipalities ap- for South Kennedy District .. 249 pointed--- Redbank, Cancelled as a Polling Place for Buttanshaw, H. R., appointed first- the Electoral District of West for Municipality of Roma 557 Moreton ,. , .. ; ... 558 Stowell, Hugh, appointed first-for Reddacliffe v. Andrews -Writ of Fi. Fa. 617 Municipality of Clermont and Reed; Geo. McCulloch , Deed of Assign- Copperfield • ...... 91 ment of -registered in the Revenue, Statements of Consolidated-and Supreme Court ...... 705 Special Funds paid into the Registrar-General- Treasury ...... 28, 30, 334, Rawlins, Frederick , appointed -of 601, 885 Queensland .. .. 877 Revision of Electoral Rolls, Courts to be Registrar-General's Department , appoint- held for--vide " Petty Sessions." ments' ifi-- Rewards Offered for- Baron, Wm. Henry, appointed acting Animals,Cheques, etc.,lost or stolen draftsman ...... 598 -vide "Notices." District Registrars , appointed -vide Conviction of Offenders, &c.----vide " District Registrars." " Notices." Somerset , Fitzroy , appointed Clerk of 'Discov'ery of a payable Gold Field 25,45, 78, 93, 4th class in .. ... 319 140, 158, 190, 211, 237, 252, Thompson, James Henry, appointed 270, 285, 322, 361, 389, 400, Clerk of 5th class in .. ... 76 415, 460, 473, 493, 515, 531, Willcocks, W. S., appointed drafts- 560, 575, 585, 599, 628, 691, man in ... 838 710, 720,738 INDEX.

Page. Page. Rewards Offered for-- Rolands, Thomas, appointed Trustee of the Discovery of Kerosene ...416, 460, 474, Ipswich Grammar School ... X57 494, 516, 532, 561, 576, 586, Rolfe, James, removed from the Office of 600, 943, 965, 987, 1001, Councillor for the Province of 1021 Clermont ... 597 Reynolds, William, Probate of Will, applied Roma- for in the Estate of 566 Amended Description ofTownReserve Richards, Henry- of ...... 1001 Appointed Acting Police Magistrate Boundaries of Municipality of- at Cardwell 25 declared ...... _ 489 AppointedCommissioner for Affi- Brittain, Wijliam, appointed Inspec- davits, &c, ... .. 258 tor of Slaughter-houses for Appointed Justice under Marriage Act 113 Police District of ...... 598 Riches, Samuel, Letters -of Administration, Buttanshaw, Henry Reginald- applied for in the- Goods of ... 717, 726 AppointedfirstReturni,ug Officer Riley, Joseph, Notices. in the Insolvent for Municipality of ...... 557 Estate of ... 53, 152 Appointed Police Magistrate at ... 43 Ring v. Brown-Writ of Fi. Fa. 113, 172 Constituted a Municipality ... .. 489 Ring v. Ellwood-Writ of -Pi. Fa.... 579 McKay, Francis Grant, appointed Roach, William Augustine, admitted n,s a Poundkeeper at ...... 714 duly qualified Medical ' Practi- Trustees appointed for Racecourse tioner 788 Reserve at ... 511 Roads, Notices respecting- Williamson, John, appointed Bailiff ClosingofAccommodation ... .. 722 of Court of Requests for the Confirming of New ... .189, 211, 237, Police District of 275 252, 268, 284, 320, 472, 492, Rowland, B.-' 514, 530, 560, 576, 584, 906, Appointed District Registrar of 928, 942, 964, 986, 1000 Births, Deaths, and Marriages at Opening of New .. . 49, 83, 102, Princhester ... 929 149, 170, 202, 275, 290, 338, Appointed Line Repairer in Charge, 377, 391, 405, 492, 514, 530, Marlborough, in Electric Tele- 560, 765, 788, 812, 824, 845, graph Department ...... 838 858, 1046, 1054, ,1124, 1151, Rowley, Samuel, Probate of Will applied for 1172, 1192 in the Estate of ...... 231 Roberts, Emmanuel U., appointed Customs Royds, Edmund M., returned to serve as a Valuator at Cleveland Bay 1119 Member in the Legislative As- Robertson, George Wyndham, Probate of sembly for the Electoral District Will applied for in the Estate of 17 of Leichhardt ...... 698 Robertson and Wilson, Notices in the Rules and Regulations - vide " Regula- Insolvent Estate of 996, 1157, tiops." Robinson, Arthur John, appointed Bailiff of Runs- Small Debts Court for the Police Awards of Umpire to adjust disputed District of Dalby ... 616 Boundaries of Runs approved of Robinson, Edward Woodward, appointed by His Excellency ...... ,V00, 846 Member of Committee of Too- List of Runs subject to' Forfeiture for woomba Hospital 1165 non-payment of Rent ...... 930, 947, 968, Robinson, Henry A., Notices in the Insol- 991, 1010, 1014, 1023, 1027, 1054, vent Estate of 935, 1194 1055, 1124, 1125, 1151, 1152, 1173, Robinson, Thos. G., Notice in the Assigned 1176, 1188, 1193 Estate of .., 982 List of Runs, together with Rent and Robinson and Another v. Coutts-Writ of Assessmentpayable- ineach case 639 Fi. Fa...... 816 Notice respecting payment of Rent Robinson and Co., T. G., Deed of Assign- and Assessment on Runs ...629, 693, 711, ment of-registered in the Su- 721, 739, 764, 777, 805, 820, 842, preme Court ...... 480 856, 864 Robinson and Grimes, Notice of Dissolution Notice that a complete List of Runs, of Partnership of ...... 790 with amount of Rents due, will Robottom, John, Probate of Will applied be published ...... 629, 693, 710, for in the Estate of .. ... 726 721, 789, 765, 776, 806, 821, 842, Roche, Frederick William, appointedTrustee 856, 864 of Church Lands in connection Notice that Rents and Assessments with the Church of England at may be paid at the Union Bank, Dalby ...... 583 Rockhampton ...... 842, 856, 864 Rockhampton-- Renewals of Pastoral Leases, Notices Certain Sections of-declared to be respecting-forDistrictof More- of the first-class for the purposes ton...... 522, 534 of the Municipal Institutions Act Rents of Runs appraised for renewed of 1864 .. 43 Leases under Pastoral Leases Connolly, W. J., appointed Shipping Act of 1863, in the District of- Master for ...... 139 Burnett ...... 810, 910 Elliott, George, appointed Inspector Darling Downs ...... 102, 588 of Distilleries for Police District Maranoa ...... 587 of ...... 511 Moreton ...... 425,-463, 479, Regulatious for Management of Ce- 579, 946 metery,at-vide " Cemetery." Port Curtis ...... 723, 810 Trustees appointed for Lands granted Sale of unexpired Term of Leases of for Church of England Purposes forfeited Runs, Notices respect- at .. ... 838 ing- ...... 589, 603, 633 Wiseman's Bridge, excepted from the . 696, 71i Control of the Municipal Council Survey of Runs-vide "'Survey." at-vide " Wiseman's Bridge." Transfer of Runs ...... 5, 6, 290, 406, Young, Frank Harry, appointed 603, 604, 900, 911, 912 Pouudkeeper at .,...... 274 Ruthning, F. _L., elected Trustee of German Rogers, The Rev. James Henry, registered Lutheran Church Lands, North under Marriage Act ... .. 289 Brisbane .. ... 319 Roggenkamp, Martin, Notices in the Insol- Buxton, John, Notices in the Insolvent vent Estate of ...... 1016,1157. Estate of ...... 408,59S INDEX.

Page. Page Ryan, Michael, Notice in the Insolvent Secretary for Finance and Trade-vide "Co- Estate of ...... 1029 lonial Treasurer." Ryce, Andrew Crawford, Notices in the In- Secretary for Pub lic Lands - vide " Public solvent Estate of...... 204, 230 Lands." Ryland, John Dent, Notices in the Insolvent Secretary for Public Works-vide " Public Estate of ...... 243, 260 Works." Seeds, George, appointed Pilot at Port Curtis ...... 209 S. Seymour, David Thompson- Sadler, Henry- Appointed Captain Commandant of Lettersof Administrationis the the Queensland Volunteer Artil- Matter of the Personal Estate of lery ...... 458 -appliedfor ... 245 Appointed Captain of No. 1 Battery Notice in the Intestate Estate of ... 1060 of Queensland Volunteer Artil- St. George-- & • lery ...... 457 Chase, William de M., appointed Shapeott, Wm., Notices in the Insolvent Poundkeeper at .. 913- Estate of ...... 173, 230 Morgan, John W., appointed Bailiff Shapland, Edmund, appointed to act as of Court of Requests for the Locker at Bowen, in Customs Police District of 228 Department ...... 584 St. Helena Island, Penal Establishment at- Sharp v. Bryson-Writ of Fi. Fa...... 548 General Regalations of ...... 470 Sharp, John Howard, Notices in the In- Hobbs, The Honorable William, ap- solvent Estate of...... 394, 591 pointed Visiting Surgeon of 413, 469 Shaw, George Bornsly, appointed Trustee for ,McDonald, John, appointed Superin- Land granted for Church of tendent of 469 England purposes, Rockhampton. 838 Proclaimed a Place whereat offenders Sheep- under sentence of hard labor or Notifications respecting Returns of...360, 388, 400, penal servitude may be detained 469 416, 459, 473, 492, 516, 532, Thornton, The Honorable William, 561, 576, 585 appointed Visiting Justice of ... 469 Proclamation annulling prohibition St. Lawrence appointed a Polling-place for to import-from Europe ... 1147, 1165, the Electoral District of Port 1185 Curtis ...... 529 Proclamation reducing the Term of " Salamander," Communication from G. S. Quarantine for-brought by sea Naves, of H.M.S. "Salamander," from other Colonies to Three respectingComplaints made by the Months ...... 249, 267 Natives of Bet Island, in Torres' Sheridan, Brinsley Guise, appointed Magis- Straits, of the treatment received trate of the Territory ...... 838 at the hands of a Ship's Crew ; Sheridan, Richard B.- and also repecting newly-disco- Appointed Harbor Master at Mary- vered Dangers on the North-east borough 942 Coast of Australia 590 Appointed Inspector of Distilleries at Sale, John, Letters of Administration ap- Maryborough ...... 838 plied for in the Goods of 1194 Appointed Sub-Collector of Customs Sandeman, Gordon, returned to serve as and Harbor Master at Port Member-ofthe Legislative As- Denison ...... 719 sembly for the Electoral District Appointment cancelled ...... 942 of Leichhardt ... 598 Sheriff, Notices respecting Applications to- Sandrock, George Frederick, appointed a for Situations in the Gaols of the Magistrate of the Territory 838 Colony-vide " Gaols." Satge, Henry de, nominated Member of Sherry, William, Notices in the Insolvent Provincial Council of the Pro- Estate of 1157, 1194 vince of Clermont 319 Shimmin, John Norris, Probate of Will Saunderson, Henry Thellusson, Notices in applied for in the Estate of .. 701 the Insolvent Estate of ... 465,636 Shine, John, Letters of Administration Savings Bank, Notices respecting-vide applied for in the Estate of ... 1016 " Government Savings' Bank." Shipping Master appointed- Savings Bank Department, Appointments Conolly, W.J., appointed - for Rock- in- hampton ...... 139 McCarthy, J. E. D., appointed Clerk Shipwright Surveyor appointed- of the 4th Class in- 1046 Pym, Richard E., appointed-for Norris,Maurice Joseph, appointed Bowen ...... 76 Clerk of the 4th Class in- 626 Short , Job, Deed of Assignment of- Wells, Thomas, appointed Clerk of Registered in the Supreme Court 906 the 4th Class in-- 76 Simmons , John Taylor, Probate of Will Saxby, Joseph, appointed Trustee of Public applied for in the Estate of ... 245 Cemetery at Gladstone ... 458 Sinclair , Duncan McDiarmid- Scab Commission-vide " Cofhmissions." Appointed Gold Commissioner of Scarr,William, appointed a Draftsman of Talgai and Canal Creek Gold the 3rd Class in the Surveyor- Fields 1119 General's Department .. 92 Appointed Officer to issue Miners' Schmid, Edward Conrad, Notices in the In- Rights, &c...... 1119 solvent Estate of... 701, 772 Sinel, Alfred, Notices in the Insolvent Scott V. O'Connor, Writ of Fi. Fa..., 980 Estate of ...... 35, 175 Scott, Charles James, appointed Member of Skelton, James, appointed Trustee of Church Provincial Council of Province of Lands in connection with Church Cardwell ...... 283 of England at Dalby ...... 583 Scott, Charles Jervoise, appointed Trustee Slocombe, James, Letters of Adninstration of Hospital at Townsville ... 906 applied for in the Personal Searle, Cooper, Notices in the Insolvent Estate of ... ' ... 773 Estate of ...... 981, 1158 Small Debts Court Act of 1867, 31 Vic- Seaward, William- toria, No. 29 .. 1461 Discharged from the Office and Func- Smith (assistant pilot) appointed Operator tions of a Magistrate of the Ter- in Charge of Electric Telegraph ritory ...... 927 Office at Pilot Station, Keppel Notices in the Insolvent Estate of , . . 901, 914 Bad ... 838 INDEX.

Page. Page. Smith v. Collister-Writ of Fi•. Fa. 525 Stanley, Henry Charles, appointed Resident Smith v. Hayselden-Writ of -M. Fa. 277 Engineer S. and W. Railway ... 44 Smith, Benjamin Britten, Deed of Composi- Stanmore, John- tion of-Registered in the Probate of Will applied for in the Supreme Court ... 743 Estate of ... 354 Smith, Chas. Frederic, Probate of Will Notice that Accounts in the Estate of, applied for in the Estate of ... 482 -have been filed in the Supreme Smith, Frederick J., appointed Assessor for Court ...... 774 Valley Ward of the Municipality Statistical Register-Notice respecting 1, 26, 45, 78, of Brisb ane ...... 268 93 Smith, Hugh Hutchinson, admitted as a Statute of Frauds and Limitations Act of duly qualified Medical Prac- 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 22 ... 1407 titioner ...... 725 Steamers-vide " Government Steamers." Smith, Josiah Wilson, Deed of Assignment Stephens, Richard D., appointed Resident of-Registered in the Supreme Engineer Southern and Western Court ... 765 Railway ...... 413 Smith, Richard Joseph, appointed Return- Stephens, Samuel George, appointed Alder- ing Officer for the Electoral Dis- man for the Municipality of trict of West Moreton ... 398 Toowoomba .. ... 268 Smith Thomas, Notice in the Insolvent Stephens, The Hon. Thomas Blacket- Estate of ...... 151 AppointedMember of Executive Smith, Thomas F., N otices in the Insolvent Council ...... 485 Estate of ...... 278, 295 Appointed Treasurer and Secretary Smith, William, Letters of Administration for Finance and Trade for the applied for in the Goods of ... 549 Colony of Queensland ...... 485 Smith, William Andrew, Letters of Ad- Resignation as Colonial Treasurer ministration applied for in the accepted ...... 757 Estate of ... 499 Resignation as Member of Executive Smythe, Thos. Fitzarthur, Notices in the Council accepted...... 758 Insolvent Estate of ... 716, 754 Returned to serve as Member of the Snell, John Cooke, appointed Justice under Le gislati ve A ssem bly for th e the Marriage Act ... 1017 Electoral District of South Bris- Snelling, Walter Renshaw, appointed bane ...... 575 Accountant in Chief Com- Stevens, John Harry- missioner of Crown Lands Appointed a Magistrate of the Terri- Department ...... 44 tory ...... 927 Soloman, Simon, Notice in the Insolvent Appointed Police Magistrate and Estate of ...... 174 Clerk of Petty Sessions at Ley- Somerset, Fitz-Roy, appointed Officer of burn ...... 927 the 4th Class in Registrar Appointed Police Magistrate at Gundi- General's Department ...... 319 windi ... .. 927 Southerland , John Brown, Letters of Ad- Stewart, William, Deed of Assignment of- ministration applied for in the Registered in the Supreme Court 377, Goods of ... 549 Stone, Wm. Spencer, Notices in the Insol- Spain, Staunton , appointed Commissioner vent Estate of ...... 870, 914 for Affidavits, &c. ... 590 Stores-vide " Colonial Stores." Special Funds, Statement of paid into the Stowell, Hugh- Treasury-vide " Revenue" Appointed a Commissioner for Affi- Special Trains-vide "Railway Notices." davits, &c...... 100 Speech delivered by His Excellency at Appointed Clerk of Petty Sessions at Opening Parliament . , 451,733 Clermont (corrected notification) 2 Spencer's Gap, Turnpike Gate Proclaimed Appointed First Returning Officer for at-vide " Turnpike Gates." the Municipality of Clermont and Spofforth, Edward, Notices in the Insolvent Copperfield ...... 91 Estate of ... 354, 379 Stuart, Clarendon, registered as Licensed Springhill and Fortitude Valley Rifle Surveyor under Real Property Corps-vide " Volunteers." Act ... . , 929 Springsure-- Stupart, George, Deed of Assignment of- Dicken, Charles S.- registered in the Supreme Court 203 Appointed Clerk of Petty Sub-Collectors of Customs--vide " Customs Sessions at ... 905 Department." Appointed -District Registrar Sub-Inspectors of Distilleries - vide " In- of Births, Deaths, and Mar- spectors." riages at ...... 929 Sub-Inspectors of Police-vide " Police Meldrum, Alexander, appointed In- Department." spector of Slaughter-houses for Succession Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 24 1427 Police District of... .. 157 Sugar-Notification referring to distillation Murray, G. P. Al., appointed to Dis- from-vide " Distillation." charge the Duties of Police Summary .Ejectment Act of 1867, 31 Vic- Magistrate at ... 963 toria, No. 27 ...... 1447 Provisions of 19 Victoria, No. 20, ex- Supreme Court- tended to Hospital at ...... 837 Citation to Widow or Next of Kin Stabler, Thomas, Notices in the Insolvent of- Estate of ...... 53 Peacock, Collin ...... 815 Stacey, J. E., appointed Justice under Mar- Pruden, Samuel .. 87 riage Act ...... 1017 Commissioners for Affidavits appointed Stamp Duties Act- -vide " Commissioners." AlterationofRegulations under ...271,286, 323, Deeds of Assignment registered-vide 362, 390 " Assignment." Notice respecting a Statutory Deeds of Composition registered-vide Declaration to be demanded " Composition." from parties tendering Deeds District Courts Act-Notices respect- and Documents for Registra- ing-vide " Distfiet Courts Act." tion ...... 46, 80, 96 Fowles, John-appointed Associate to Notification that Stamps will no His Honor Judge'Lutwyche 394 longer be supplied on Credit to Insolvent Estates-Notices in-vide certaiu Postmasters .. ... 142 " Insolvent Estates." E INDEX.

Page. Page. Supreme Court- Swyney, Henry George, Deed of Assign- IntestateEstates-Notices in-vide ment of -- registered in the " Intestate Estates." Supreme Court, ... 149 Judgments delivered in re---- Symes, Henry, appointed Trustee for Ley- Insolvent Estate of Tames A. J. burn Burial Ground ...... 905 McLeod ...... 616 Insolvent Estate of Robert Cribb... 953 Webb and another v. Fisher ... 4 T. Magistrates appointed Justices under Marriage Act--vide " Marriage Talgai and Canal Creek Gold Fields- Act." Sinclair , D. McD., appointed Gold Notices that Accounts have been filed Commissioner of...... 1119 in the Estates of- Tambo proclaimed a Place where Spirits, Aland, Samuel Wm...... 1181 &c., may be sold in quantities Baskin, James ...... 175 not less than two gallons, at a Buckby, John ...... 816 time ...... 855 Coesarowicz, Iwan F. de ...... 636 Taroom-- Denver, Charles ...... 175 Cave, William, appointed to perform Kopp, Julius ...... 861 the duties of Police Magistrate Stanmore , John ... 774 at ...... 76 Notice to Creditors in the Estate of Provisions of Towns Police Act ex- Abraham Thacker ...... 847 tended to ...... 597 Notices in Equity ...... 261 Taylor, Hamlet, appointed Commissioner for Regulae Generales ...... 900, 901, 988, Affidavits, &c...... 258 1180 Taylor, James, Returned to serve as Mem- Sittings in Matrimonial Causes Juris- ber of the Legislative Assembly diction-Notices of ...... 1137, 1180 for the Electoral District of Writs of Fi. Fa.-vide 10Writs." Western Downs ...... 575 Writs of Foreign- Attachment-vide Teis, Henry, Notices in the Insolvent " Writs." Estate of ...... 789, 936, 954 Supreme Court Act of 1867, 31 Victoria, Telford, William, Deed of Assignment of- No. 23 ...... 1413 registered in the Supreme Court 1017 Surat Tenders accepted for- Appointed a place for establishing, etc., Conveyance of Mails ...... 951 a Public Pound ...... 398 Flood Waterways, Walloon— 964 Conroy, John- Gate Houses (2) between Highfield Appointed Bailiff of Court of and Toowoomba ...... 964 Requests at ...... 565 Goods Shed at- Appointed Poundkeeper at .. 632 Jondaryan ...... 964 Mackenzie, A. G.-appointed Pound- Oakey Creek ...... 964 keeper for the District of ... 806 Lease of- O'Hara, Michael-appointed Inspec- New Ferry at the Albert River. ... 320, 628, 691 tor, of Slaughter-houses'for Upper Ferry, Logan River ... 1121 Police District of ...... 598 Repair Shops, Toowoomba ...... 986 Survey of Runs- Station House, &c., at- Description of Boundaries of Runs Jondaryan ...... 964 surveyed, Prepared for insertion Oakey Creek 964 in the Leases .. ...192, 323, 363, Supplies for the Colonial Service 1019 402, 417, 420, 517, 777, 1002 (Full particulars) ...... 1052 Lists of Payments required to be Tenders (Time for-) extended- made for ...... 336, 376, 391, Bustard Head Light-house, Erection 392, 405, 406, 424, 426, 462, of ... . 460, 474, 494, 464, 478, 479, 496, 497, 521, 517, 585, 600, 629, 693 522, 534, 564, 768, 784, 809, Tenders invited for- 823, 843, 857, 866, 889 AdditionsandAlterations atGeneral Surveyor - General's Department-Appoint- Post O1ce ... • 414 ments in-- Additions and Alterations to Railway Phillips, George-appointed a second Office, Ipswich ...... 1121, 1148, class Surveyor 92 1167 Scarr, William-appointed a Drafts- Alterations and Repairs to North man of the 3rd Class ... 92 Abutment of Bremer Bridge ... 254 Surveyors Licensed as qualified to act under Buildings,LunaticAsylum,Woogaroo 1000, 1020, the Provisions and for the pur- 1046 poses of the Real Property Act Clearing and Fencing portion of of 1861- General Cemetery ...... 236, 250, 269, Brown Vernon...... 590 285, 320 Gataker, Charles P. , ...... 1022 Completion of Bridge, Roma ... 1000, 1020, Lord, Frederick ...... 929 1046, 1122, 1148, 1168, 1186 Stuart, Clarendon ...... 929 Construction of Railway Line (Devia- Watson, George Chale ...... 1170 tion at Mihi Creek, near Ipswich) 942, 965,•986 Wood, Arthur Francis ...... 577 Conveyance of Mails ...... 3, 27, 47, Swan , Hugh-appointed Trustee for Pres- 787, 814, 995, 1015, 1022, byterian Church Lands at Too- 1028, 1049, 1123, 1150, woomba ...... 906 1169, ;187 Corrected Notification ... 941 Electric Telegraph Extension from Swan, James-appointed Trustee for Baptist Nebo to Clermont, Completion of 271, 272, 287, Burial Ground, Brisbane .. 707 323, 362 Swanson, John-Letters of Administration Electric Telegraph Line (2nd wire) from- applied for in the Chattels of ... 870 IpswichtoToowoomba ...... 883, 913, 928, Sweer's Island- 943, 978 Notice respecting Duties to be col- Toowoomba to Dalby. ... 1049, 1123, lectedat - vide " Collectorof 1150, 1169 Customs." Erection of Iron Lighthouse, Bustard Port of established a Port of Entry Head . , ...... 416, 460, 474, and Clearance .. 5 ' 494, 517, 585, 600, 629, 693 Sweetland, firewood, S: and W, Bai.1wa. , , , 519, 547, 564, CharlyeNs, Not(7ices in the Insol- Dent Estate of ... e r . . .. 24%4081688 783, 806, 82l INDEX. xxxv.

Page., Page. Tenders invited for- Thorne, James---Appointed Member of Pro- Flood Waterways on First Section vincial Council, of the Province S. and W. Railway ...... 856, 864 of Cardwell ...... 283 Gatekeepers' Cottages on- Thornton, The Honorable William--Ap- GreatNorthern Railway :.. ... 95, 141 pointed Visiting Justice of the Southern and Western Railway ... 863, 883 Penal Establishment at St. Goods Shed at- Helena Island 469 Dalby ...... 1167, 1186 Thornton's Gap, Cleveland Bay-Turnpike Westwood Station, Great Northern Gate at -- proclaimed - vide Railway ...... 388, 400 "Turnpike Gates." Horse and Carriage Loading Bank, Timber Licenses-vide " Licenses." Great Northern Railway .. 473, 494, 516 Time Table of `Mails-vide " Postmaster- Iron Station at Toowoomba, Erection General." of ... . , ...... 141,159,190, Time Tables of Southern and Western Rail- 212, 238 way-vide " Railway Notices." Lease of- Tingalpa-Notice respecting, establishment Ferry over Albert River ...... 94, 140, 158, of Post Office at ...... 481 189 Title of Honorable-vide "Honorable." Ferry over Logan River ... 236,20-1,269, Tobin, George-Appointed Acting Pilot at 285, 321 the Albert River... .. 209 Saw Mills Ferry, Logan River ... 1046, 1121, Toll Bar, Main Range, Drayton, Notice that 1148 Lease of-for one year will be Upper Ferry , Logan River ...942, 964, 986, put up to Auction at Police Office, 1001 Toowoomba ...... 585, 600, 629 New Houses of Parliament, Certain Tolman; John-Notices in the Insolvent Works required at ...... 882, 908, 928, Estate of ...... 438, 591 942 Toowoomba- Purchase of Government Steamer Alderman appointed for Municipality Hawk "... .. , ...... 1048, 1122, of-vide " Municipality," 1149, 1169, 1187 Application to MortgageLand granted Repair Shops at Toowoomba ... 883, 908 for a Racecourse at-vide " Trus- Roadside Station at- tees of Public Lands Act." Stanwell (Great Northern Railway) 46, 79, 9.5 Authorisation to Mortgage Land Westwood (Great Northern Rail- granted for a Racecourseat- way) ...... 46, 80, 95 vide "Trustees of Public Lands Station Buildings, &c., at--- Act." Dalby ...... 1148, 1168, Eliott, Gilbert Wm. - Appointed 1186 Visiting Justice of the Goal at... 941 Murphy's Creek ...... 46, 80 Glanville, Geo. W.--Appointed Post- Oakey Creek ...... 855, 864 master at .. ... 999 Stores, &c., required for the use of- Griffin, Thos. John--Appointed Police Great Northern Railway, at Rock- Magistrate at ...... 719 hampton ...... 48, 51, 99, Matthews, Geo. -- Dismissed from 143, 161, 193, 273, 288, 331, 374 office of Postmaster at ... .. 999 Southern and Western Railway, at Murphy, Wm.-Appointed Member Ipswich ...... 630, 694 of Committee of Management Supplies for the Colonial Service ... 851, 863, 877, of Hospital at ... .. 76 906, 927, 942, 964, Notification respecting Rates due in 1019, 1046, 1119, the Municipalityof-vide "Muni- 1147, 1167 cipalities." Survey, &c., of Crown Lands in- Regulations for management of Ceme- DarlingDowns District ...... 188,211, 238, tery at ...... 92 252, 268, 269, 284, 320, 361, 388 Robinson, E. W.-Appointed Mem- Moreton District ...... 2, 26, 45, 79, ber of Committee of Hospital at 1165 93 Trusteesappointed for Presbyterian Winding and Keeping in Order the Church Lands at...... 906 Clocks in the Several Govern- Town Reserves-vide " Lands reserved for ment Departments .. 1185 Public Purposes." Thacker, Abraham, Notice to Creditors in Towns and Black's Store, established a the Estate of the late .. ... 847 Bonded Store-vide " Bonded The Highfield Steam Saw Mills Company, Stores." Deed of Assignment of-regis- Towns Police Act-Provisions of, extended tered in Supreme Court 480 to Taroom ...... 597 The Victoria Cotton Company, Dissolution Townsville- of Partnership of ... 466 Higgins, Patk.-Appointed Inspector Thomas, Charles, re-appointed Poundkeeper of Slaughter-houses for Police for the Police District of Ley- District of ...... 359 burn ...... 740 provisions of 19 Victoria, No. 20, ex- Thompson, James Henry, appointed Officer tended to Hospital at - vide of the 5th Class in Registrar- " Hospitals." General's Department ...... 76 Public Pound proclaimed at ... 964 Thompson, Richard W., appointed a Com- Towns and Black's Store at-Estab- missioner for Affidavits, &c. ... ' 100 lished a Bonded Store-vide Thorn, George, junior, Returned to serve " Bonded Stores." as Member of the Legislative Trustees appointed for Hospital at ... 906 Assembly for the Electoral Dis- Transfers of Real Property - vide " Real trictof West Moreton ...... 626 Property Act." Thorn, Henry- Transfers of Runs - vide "Runs." Appointed Trustee for Racecourse at Treasurer - vide " Colonial Treasurer." Dalby ...... 838 Treasury- Returned to serve as Member of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities Legislative Assembly for the of the Note Issue Branch of the 96, 212, 287, Electoral District of Northern 401, 516, 586, 709, 802, Downs 626 865, 965, 1048, 1186 "thorn, John-Letters of Administration Statementof Balancesin the 82 lied for in the personal Estate Statements of Revenue, &c, ,, -vide " S! CrC: i,/ i4J Pen 0: P+9 Reyep-110- xxxvi. INDEX.

Page. Page Treasury Bills--Notice that the Honorable Trustees of Public Lands Act- John Douglas is authorised to Authorisation to Lease, &c., granted sign ...... 25 to Trustees of- Treasury Department, appointments in- Lying-in Hospital, Brisbane ... 44, 77 Darvall, F. O.-Appointed Teller in Market Reserve at Brisbane ... 250, 906 the Note Issue Branch ...... 76 Presbyterian Church Lands, Ips- Deshon, Edward-Appointed Officer wich ...... 720 of 3rd Class in .. ... 249 Queensland Acclimatization Society 2 Gulland, James-Appointed Officer Racecourse, Ipswich ...... 490 of the 4th Class in ... 76 Racecourse, Toowoomba ... 737 Treasury Notes- School of Arts, Dalby ... 157 Notice that Regulations respecting School of Arts, North Brisbane ... 250 retirement of, &c., at Rockhamp- Tully, Joseph Wm.-Notice in the Insol- ton, shall be extended to Mary- vent Estate of ...... 230 borough and Bowen ... 629, 693, 711 Turnpike Gates proclaimed at- Regulations respecting the retirement CalliopeRange, Gladstone ...... 905 of-and payment of Government Spencer's Gap, Port Mackay 905 Cheques, &c., at Rockham pton ... 142, 160, 191 Thornton's Gap, Cleveland Bay ... 905 212, 238, 253 Turnpike-Regulations for- Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navi- Calliope Range, Gladstone ... 906 gation, with the United States of Maudesleigh Bridge, near Rock- Columbia-Despatch respecting 71 hampton ...... 2 Trundle, Charles Joseph- Appointed Re- Spencer's Gap, Port Mackay 906 turning Officer for the Electoral Thornton's Gap, Cleveland Bay ... 906 District of Fortitude Valley ... 511 Wiseman's Bridge, near Rockhamp- Trustees appointed for- ton...... 2 Burial Ground at- Turnpike-Regulations cancelled for- Brisbane (Baptist) ...... 707 Helidon Turnpike Gate 763 Leyburn ...... 905 Tutty, Edward--Probate of Will applied Cemetery at- for in the Estate of ... 526 Bowen ...... 512 German Station ...... 795 Gladstone ...... 458 U. Ipswich ...... 964 ... Uhr, *W. D.-Appointed Sub-Inspector of Church Lands at- Police .. ... 1165 Dalby (Church of England) ... 583 Unclaimed Letters-List of ...... 7, 103, 216, Rockhampton (Church of England) 838 339, 426, 535, 605, 744, North Brisbane (German Lutheran) 319 826, 890, 972, 1130 Toowoomba (Presbyterian) ... 906, 941 Unclaimed Property-Notices respecting Hospitals at- Sale of-vide " ° Notices (Un- Bowen (Kennedy District Hospital) 819 claimed Property)." Maryborough ...... 249 United States of Columbia- Nebo Creek... 235 Despatch respecting Extension of Townsville (Burdekin and Flinder's District Hospital) ...... 906 Foreign Deserters Act of 1852 to 385 Despatch respecting Treaty of Friend- Ipswich Grammar School .. ... 457 ship, &c., with ... . Land granted to Masonic Fraternity, 71 Upton, Wm. Henry, Letters of Adminis- Brisbane ... 719 tration applied for in the Goods Racecourse Reserve at- and Chattels of ...... 115 Dalby ... 838 North Maryborough (Cong) ... 511 Roma . 511 V. Trustees, Nomination of-Approved of for Ipswich Grammar School ... 457 Vantin, James, Notice in the Insolvent Trustees and Incapacitated Persons Act of Estate of ...... 981 1867, 31 Victoria, No. 19 ... 1363 Vice-Admiralty Court of Queensland- Trustees of Public Lands Act- Adjournments of ...... 438, 525, 714, Applications to Lease, Mortgage, &c., 846, 884, 1180 under---by Trustees of- Griffith, S. Walker-Admitted as German Lutheran Congregation Advocate of ... 1017 Church Lands, North Brisbane ... 209, 235, 250, Lyons, J. P.-Admitted as Proctor of 1017 268, 284, 320, 360, 387, Minutes of Proceedings of ...... 242,242,407,1017 398, 414, 458, 471, 491 Notifications of Sittings of ...... 53, 407, 482, Market Reserve at Brisbane ... 559, 575, 584, 565, 634, 725, 815, 599, 628, 691, 709, 720, 859, 988, 1137 737, 763, 775, 801, 820 Victoria Cotton Company-Dissolution of Market Reserve at Rockhampton 942, 964, 986, Partnership of the ... .. 466 989, 1019, 1046, 1119, Victoria Cross - Despatch respecting 1147, 1165, 1185 Warrant issued under the Royal Presbyterian Church Lands, Ips- Sign Manual for extending the- wich ...... 359, 387, 398, to local Forces which are or may 414, 458, 471, 492, 514, 529, hereafter be raised in any of Her 560, 575, 584, 599, 628, 601 Majesty's Colonies ... 397 Racecourse at- Visiting Justices appointed- Gayndah 599, 628, 691, Eliott, G. W., appointed-of Gaol at 709, 720, 737, 763, 775, 801, Toowoomba ...... 941 819, 842, 855, 863 Thornton, The Honorable William, Ipswich...... 92, 140, 158, appointed-of Penal Establish- 188, 211, 235, 250, 268, 284, ment, St. Helena ...... 469 320, 359, 387, 398 Visiting Surgeon- Toowoomba ...... 398, 414, 458, Hobbs, The Honorable William, 471, 491, 514, 530, 559, 575, appointed-to Penal Establish- 584, 599, 623, 691, 709 meat, St. Helena .. 413, 469 Authorisation to Lease, &c., granted VolunteerArtillery-vide" Queensland Vol- to Trustees of- unteer Artillery." German Lutheran Church Lands, Volunteer Rifle Brigade-vide " Queensland North Brisbane ...... 627 Rifle Brigade." INDEX. xxxvii.

Page. Page. Volunteer Rifle Company (Brisbane)-- Warwick- Halloran , Arthur Edward, junr.--- Rules and Regulations for Manage- appointed 2nd Lieutenant of... 457 ment of the Hospital at ... 209 McDonne ll, John-appointed 1st Wassall,_James W., appointed an Officer of Lieutenant of ... 457 Customs ,., 795 O'Doherty , K. I.-appointed Surgeon Wassell, James, appointed Sub-Inspector of of . , ... 457 Water Police ,,, 511 Pring, the Honorable Ratcliffe- Water Police-vide "Police." appointed Captain of ... 457 Waterworks (Brisbane)- Regulations made by-and approved Board of--vide " Board." of by His Excellency the Governor 796 Notices to Owners of Tenements to Services of-accepted .. 284 cause Service Pipes to be laid ... 4, 34, 53, 1155, Volunteer Ri fle Corps (Spring Hi ll and 144, 162, 240, 257, 274, 407, Fortitude Valley)- 437, 464, 916, 935, 953, 979 Byrne, T.E. D.-appointed Surgeon of Watson V. Hamson, Writ of Fi..Fa. ... 114 Fowles, Wm. Lambert - appointed Watson, F. C., appointed 1st Lieutenant 1st Lieutenant of ... • 511 No. 2 Battery of Queensland Lilley, The Honorable Charles-- Volunteer Artillery ...... 941 appointed Captain of .. 511 Corrected Appointment ...... 999 Pugh, Theophilus P.-appointed 2nd Watson, George C.- Lieutenant of ...... 511 Appointed 1st Lieutenant No. 2 Regulations made by - and approved Battery Queensland Volunteer of, by His Excellency the Gov- Artillery ...... 999 ernor ...... 797 Registered as Licensed Surveyor Services of-accepted ...... 511 under Real Property Act of 1861 1170 Volunteer Rifles (No. 2 Company)-vide Watson, Richard Henry, appointed Officer °L Queensland Volunteer Rifles." in charge of Benevolent Asylum Voysey, George-Notices in the Insolvent at Dunwich ...... 598 Estate of ...... f ... 716, 754 Watts, The Honorable John- Vyvyan, Charles Edward-Letters of Ad- Resignation as Member of Executive ministration applied for in the Council accepted... 413 Goods of ...... 619 Resignation as Secretary for Public Works accepted ...... 413 W. Webb and Another v. Fisher, Judgment Wakefield v. Watson and Stewart-Writ of delivered in re ...... 4 Fi. Fa...... 498 Webb, Ernest Harry- Walker, Charles Edward-Notices in the Appointment as Consul at Brisbane Insolvent Estate of ...... 635, 716, 915, forthe King of Denmark, approved . 1030 by Her Majesty The Queen 941 Walker, James-appointed Assessor for the Provisionally recognized as Danish Municipality of Gayndah ... 398 Consul at Brisbane ... 398 Walker, James Thomas-appointed Trustee Webb, Joseph, Notices in the Insolvent for Presbyterian Church Lands Estate of ...... 753, 772,1030 at Toowoomba ...... 906 Weisse, Gustavus, appointed Trustee for Wallace and another v. Hart and another- Ipswich Cemetery ...... 864 Writ of Fi Fa ...... 149 Weissenbourg, Louis, Notice in the Insol- Walsh, William Henry- vent Estate of ... 152 Despatch respecting Correspondence Wells, Thomas W., appointed Clerk of the between - and the Secretary of 4th Class in Government'Savings State for the Colonies .., ... 625 Bank Department ...... 76 Returned to serve as Member of the Wells,William, Notice in the InsolventEstateof 150 Legislative Assembly for the Welsby, Samuel P., Notice in the Insolvent Electoral District of Marybor- Estate of ...... 151 ough ... 598 West Moreton, Petition complaining of cer- Walthardt, i u,tav Rudolph-Letters of tain alleged illegalities at the Administration applied for in Election for ...... 708 the Goods of ...... 36 Westwood, appointed a Polling Place for the Wanisley, Moses, Notice in the Insolvent Electoral District of Port Curtis 529 Estate of ... 353 Wheeler, 3 ohn George, appointed a Coin- Ward, The kiev . Frederic Wi lliam, regis- missioaer for Allidavits, &c. .. 258 tered under il1ae ricc e Act ... 194 Whelan,Warren, appointed Bailiff of Ward, John, Letters of Administration ap- Court of Requests at Gayndah 1157 plied for in th e Good s of 354 White, James Charles-- Ward, Nevill floulton, Letters of Admin- Appointed Police Magistrate at Bowen 719 istration applied for in the mat- Discharged from the Office and ter of the Personal Estate of 717 Functions of a Magistrate of the Warde and Son, Notice of Dissolution of Territory .. .. , 927 Partnership of ... 499 White, James Charles, jun., Letters of Ad- Ware, Richard R.- ministration applied for in the Appointed Inspector of Slauryhter- Estate of ...... 937 houses for the Police District of White, Robert .Noddle Driburgh, appointed Ma •yborough .. ... 43 Trustee for Lands granted for Appointed Ranger of Crown Lands Church of England purposes at for the Police District of Wide Rockhampton ...... 838 Bay ... 689 White, William, Notices in the Insolvent Warehousing Port, Port Curtis constituted a 267 Estate of ...... 566, 618 Warrego District- Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, List Norris,William Osbourne, appointed of-vide " Licenses." RecordingClerk for ...... 139 Wide Bay- Warren, George, Letters of Administration Ware, Richard R., appointed Ranger applied for in the Will of 861 of Crown Lands for Police ... 689 Warren, Ham, and Knight, Notice of Dis- Districtof solution of Partnership of ... 982 Wienholt and Co., Notice that the Business Warry, Marsh, and Co., Deed of Assign- heretofore carried on under the ment of -- registered in the Firm of - will henceforth be 588 Supreme Court ...... conducted under the Firm of 245 Warwick- Clarke, Hodgson, and Co. . Amended Boundaries of Police Dis- Wilcox, Edward, Notice in the Insolvent 353 trictof ...... /2 Estate of ...... 73

ARTICLE XVI. ARTICLE XX. The subjects and citizens of each of the contracting Any ship of war or merchant vessel of either of the parties in the dominions and possessions of the other contracting parties which may be compelled by stress of shall be exempted from all compulsory military service weather, or by accident, to take shelter in a port of the whatever, whether in the army, navy, or national guard other, shall be at liberty to refit therein, to procure all or militia. They shall be equally exempted from all necessary stores, and to put to sea again, without paying judicial and municipal functions whatever, as well as any dues other than such as would be payable in a similar from all contributions, whether pecuniary or in kind, case by a national vessel In case, however, the master imposed as a compensation for personal service ; and, of a merchant vessel should be under the necessity of finally, from forced loans and military exactions or disposing of a part of his merchandise in order to defray requisitions. his expenses, he shall be bound to conform to the regu- ARTICLE XVII. lations and tariffs of the place to which he may have come. The subjects and citizens of each of the contracting If- any ship of war or merchant vessel of one of the parties in the dominions and possessions of the other contracting parties should run aground or be wrecked shall be at full liberty to acquire, possess, and dispose of upon the coasts of the other, such ship or vessel and all every description of property which the laws of the parts thereof, and all furniture and appurtenances country may permit any foreigners, of whatsoever nation, belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandise saved to acquire and possess. They may acquire and dispose therefrom, including any which may have been cast into of the same, whether by purchase, sale, donation, the sea, or the proceeds thereof if sold, as well as all exchange, marriage, testament, succession ab intestato, papers found on board such stranded or wrecked ship or or in any other manner, under the same conditions as vessel, shall be given up to the owners or their agents are established by the laws of the ' country for all when claimed by them. If there are no such owners or foreigners. Their heirs and representatives may succeed agents on the spot, then the same shall be delivered to to and take possession of such property, -either in person the British or Columbian consul-general, consul, or or by agents acting on their behalf, in the same manner, vice-consul, in whose district the wreck or stranding and in the same legal forms ds subjects or citizens of the may have taken place, upon being claimed by him within country. In the absence of heirs and representatives, the period fixed by the laws of the country ; and such the property shall be treated in the same manner as the consuls, owners, or agents shall pay only the expenses like property belonging to a subject or citizen of the incurredin the preservationof the property,together country under similar circumstances. with the salvage or other expenses which would have In none of these respects shall they pay upon the been payable in the like case of a wreck of a national valueof such property any other or higher impost, duty, vessel. or charge than is payable by subjects or citizens of the The goods and merchandise saved from the wreck country. In every case the subjects or citizens of the shall be exempt from all d cities of Customs, unless cleared contracting parties shall be permitted to export their for consumption, in which case they shall pay the same property, or the proceeds thereof, if sold, freely, and rate of duty as if they had been imported in a national without being subjected on such exportation to pay any vessel. duty as foreigners, or any other or higher duties than In the case either of a vessel being driven in by stress those to which subjects or citizens of the country are of weather, run aground, or wiecked, the respective liable under similar circumstances. consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls, and consular ARTICLE XVIII. agents shall, if the owner or master or other agent of the The dwellings, manufactories, warehouses, and shops owner is not present, or is present and requires it, be of the subjects or citizens of each of the contracting authorised to interpose in order to afford the necessary parties in the dominions and possessions of the other, assistance to their fellow-countrymen. and all premises appertaining thereto, destined for pur- ARTICLE X'XI. poses of residence or commerce, shall be respected. If The consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls, and there should be occasion to make a search .of, or a consular agents of each of the contracting parties, domiciliary visit to, such dwellings and premises, or to residing in the dominions and possessions of the other, examine or inspect books, papers, or accounts, such shall receive from the local authorities such assistance as measure shall be executed only in conformity with the can by law be given to them for the recovery of deserters legal warrant or order in writing of a tribunal, or of the from the vessels of their respective countries. competent authority. ARTICLE XXII. The subjects or citizens of each of the two contracting The present Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, when parties in the dominions and possessions of the other ratified, shall, so far as regards the United States of shall have free access to the courts of justice for the Columbia, be substituted for the treaty between His prosecution and defence of their rights. they shall enjoy Britannic Majesty and the State of Columbia, signed at in this respect the same rights and privileges as subjects Bogota, on the 18th of April, 1825, and shall remain in or citizens of the country, and shall, like them, be at force for ten years from the date of the exchange of the liberty to employ, in all causes, their advocates, attorneys, ratifications, and further until the expiration of twelve or agents from among the persons admitted to the months after either of the contracting parties shall have exercise of those professions according to the laws of the given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the country. same; each of the contracting parties being at liberty ARTICLE XIX. to give such notice to the other at the expiration of the For the better security of commerce between the first nine years, or at any time afterwards. subjects and citizens of the two high contracting parties, ARTICLE XXIII. it is agreed that if at any time any rupture, or any inter- The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifica- ruption of friendly intercourse, should unfortunately tions shall be exchanged at London, in twelve months, or take place between the two contracting parties, the sooner if possible. subjects or citizens of either of them, established in the In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries territories of the other, who may reside upon the coasts, have signed the same, and have affixed thereto their shall be allowed six months, and those who may reside in respective seals. the interior a whole year, to wind up their accounts and Done at London, the sixteenth day of February, in the to dispose of their property ; and a safe conduct shall be year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty- given to them to embark at the port which they them- six. selves shall select. The subjects or citizens of either of CLARENDON. the two contracting parties who may be established in the dominions or territories of the other, in the exercise THOS. MILNER GIBSON. of any trade or other occupation or employment, shall be [L.s.] T. C. DE MOSQLTERA. allowed to remain and continue in the exercise of the said trade or occupation, notwithstanding the interrup- II. tion of friendship between the two countries, in the free [CIRCULAR.] enjoyment of their personal liberty and property, so long (Queensland .) Downing street, as they behave peaceably and observe the laws ; and their 30th October, 1866. goods and effects, of whatever description they may be, whether in their own custody or entrusted to individuals SIR, or to the State, shall not be liable to seizure or sequestra- I have the honor to transmit to you for your tion, or to any other charges or demands than those information a copy of an Act which has been Cap.65 cf 0 Pict. which may be made upon the like effects or property passed in the late session of Parliament " to belonging to native subjects or citizens. In the same enable Her Majesty to declare gold coins to be case, or in case of domestic troubles, debts between indi- issued from Her Majesty' s Colonial Branch viduals, public funds, and the shares of companies shall Mints a legal tender for payments ; and for never be confiscated, sequestered, or detained. other purposes relating thereto." 41 122



Date Name. Office. of appointment Salary. to Class.

Bourne, Robert Orton ...... Accountant, Telegraph Department ,,, 1 Jan., 1866 300 Rundle, Matthew Sandoe .,. Harbor Master ... 1 Jan., 1866 ... 300 Dudgeon, Thomas Vokes . , . ,,. Clerk, Customs ... ,,. 1 Jan., 1866 ... 300 Clay, Charles Thomas . ... Clerk, Railways , „ .., 14 June, 1866... 300 Geary, Godfrey Nairne Benjamin .., Chief Clerk, Crown Lands 25 Oct., 1866 ... 375 Kirchner, William Charles Ludwig , . , Stamp Officer ... . , , 25 Oct., 1866 ... 350 Pugh, John William Edford ...... Accountant, Public Works 25 Oct., 1866 ... 300 Sandrock,George Frederick .,, Sub-Coll ector, Customs ... ,,, ,.. 1 Jan., 1867 325 Richards, Henry Sub-Collector, Customs ...... 1 Jan., 1867 , .. I 300

FOURTH CLASS-ORDINARY DIVISION. Airey Matthew...... , .. Clerk of Petty Sessions ... , , . 20 Oct., 1859 ... 1 260 Beddek, Frank Newell .., ... Clerk of Petty Sessions ... .., 18 May, 1859 ... 280 Wood, Arthur Hill .,, „. ... Foreman of Works ... 1 Jan., 1862 .., 280 Cooling, John ...... Clerk, Gaol ... 1 Jan., 1862 ... 260 Elliot, David Third Landing Waiter, Customs... 1 March, 1862 260 Stevens, John Harry Clerk of Petty Sessions ...... 1 Jan., 1863 ... 260 Matthews, George . , , , , , .., Postmaster ... 1 Jan., 1863 ... 280 Hinton, Frederick ... . , , .., Clerk, General Post Office .., 14 `arch, 1863 260 Daly, James Edwin Owen ...... Clerk, General Post Office .., 8 April, 1863... 280 Dodwell, George William ... Clerk of Petty Sessions .,. ... 28 July, 1863 ... 280 Gosset, Arthur Percy ,., ,., Clerk, Northern Roads Department 7 Sept., 1863... 260 King, Thomas Mulhall ...... Second Officer, Customs ...... 23 Sept., 1863... 260 Bartley, James ... .. , Fourth Landing Waiter, Customs 1 Jan., 1864 ... 260 Henzell, Thomas Smith Clerk, Roads Department 1 Jan., 1864 ... 210 D'Arcy, George Lindesay , . , ,.. Clerk, Colonial Secretary 's Office 1 March, 1864 270 Scott, Robert Townley ,., .. . , , Clerk , General Post Office ... 6 March, 1864 240 Carter, Charles Claudius Draftsman, Crown Lands .., 18 March, 1864 240 Taylor, Walter Samuel Clerk, Commissioner for Railways 18 March, 1861 2,10 Gerahty, Digby...... Gaoler 21 May, 1864 ... 240 Murphy, William , . , Gaoler 1 June, 1864... 240 Sabine, John Randolph ... , , . Land Agent 24 Aug., 1864 . . . 270 Rich, Charles William...... Second Officer, Customs ... .. 11 Oct., 1864 ... 240 McClintock, Walter ...... Clerk of Petty Sessions ,,, ... 1 Nov., 1864 ... 280 Robertson, James Halcro ... .., Postmaster...... 1 Jan., 1865 ... 270 Boyce, John Alexander Clerk, Police Department 1 Jan., 1865 ... 220 Watts, James ,,, ,,, Foreman of Works, Roads Department... 1 Jan., 1865 ... 270 Farley, William .,. Clerk, Railways ...... 15 March, 1865 250 Scorra, John .,, .,. Station Master , Ipswich...... 15 March, 1865 250 Cave, William Clerk of Petty Sessions , &c. ... 1 April, 1865,., 250 Thistlewayte, Francis Charles Norrie... Recording Clerk ... . , , ...... 1 May, 1865 ... 220 Johnson, Ralph Cholmondely Godschall , , , I Recording Clerk ...... 1 June, 1865 . . , 220 Darvall, Frederick Orme F. Clerk, Savings Bank ...... 17 June, 1865... 220 Deshon, Edward ... ,.. .., Clerk, Savings Bank 1 July, 1865 ... 270 Lawry, John Worden • ...... Clerk, General Post Office 1 July, 1865 ... 220 Jackson, Henry William , , . Inspector, Railways ,,, 17 Aug., 1860'... 200 Lukin, Gresley ... ,.. ,.. ... Recording Clerk ...... , 4 Sept., 1865... 200 B ulgin, Arthur...... Recording Clerk ...... 1 Nov., 1865... 220 Tippler, William Storekeeper, Railways ...... 1 Nov., 1865 ... 200 Lenehan, Henry Alfred , . . Clerk, Railways ...... 3 Nov., 1865 ... 200 Connolly, William Joseph ...... Second Officer, Customs .., ... 1. Jan., 1866 . . . 260 Day, David Allan Postmaster...... 1 Jan., 1866 ... 1 250 Gardner, William Gordon Anderson,.. Clerk, Registiar-General's Office ... 1 Jan., 1866 ... 200 Gray, Robert ...... Clerk, Colonial Secretary's Office 1 Jan., 1866 . . . 200 Nettleton, Sydney Whiteford ...... Locker, Customs ... 1 Jan., 1866 ... 200 Wodehouse, Charles Edward ... .., Land Agent 1 Jan., 1866 ... 200 Patrick, Alfred March... .., ,., Clerk, Lunatic Asylum 1 Jan., 1866 ... 200 Curnow, Francis R. Storekeeper, Railways 1 June, 1866... 250 Campbell, Alexander Duncan...... Clerk , Railways ... 1 June, 1866... 200 Heeney, Francis Xavier Land Agent 16 June, 1866. . . 200 Robertson, Robert , , , , , , Clerk, Public Works 31 July, 1866 ... 220 Burke, Francis Thomas Clerk, Stamps .. 25 Oct., 1866 ... 225 Nicol, Henry Hedger ,...... Officer in Charge, Benevolent Station „• 1 Nov., 1866 ... 225 ySm,.ith, Richard Joseph ... , . , Land Agent ... 8 Nov., 1866 ,., 250 V ells,Thomas William ... ,. , Clerk, Savings Bank .., 16 Nov., 1866 ... 200 Somerset, Henry St. John ,,, ,,, Clerk, Customs 1 Dec., 1866 ... 200 Hamersley, Edward ,,, Clerk, Registrar-General... 6 Dec., 1866 ... 200 Day, George ... Stamper, Stamp Office ... 14 Dec., 1866 ... 225 Gulland, James...... Clerk, Treasury ...... 1 Jan., 1867 ... 250 Norris, William Osborne .., Recording Clerk , . 1 Jan., 1867 ... 280 Stowell, Hugh ...... Clerk of Petty Sessions ,,, 1 Jan., 1867 ... 240 Bond, Augustus Salmon ... Clerk in Charge, Stores ... 1 Jan., 1867 .., 220 Smythe, Thomas Fitzarthur ... Clerk, Registrar -General ... .. , 1 Jan., 1867 ... 200 Hill, Stanley Grantham Clerk, Police Department .,. 1 Jan., 1867 ... 200 Snelling, Walter Henshawe Accountant, Crown Lands ... 1 Jan., 1867 ... 200 Halloran, Arthur Edward Clerk, Sheriff .,, ... 1 Jan., 1867 ... 200 Gough, Benjamin Bloomfield .., Recording Clerk ... ,., ,,, 1 Jan., 1867 ... 200 126

LIST OF PERSONS PERMANENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE GOVERNMENT, to whom certain of the Provisions of the Civil Service Act of 1863 are extended by the Amended Civil Service Act of 1864.

Date of Salary. Name. Office. First Appointment.

Hartley, Peter ...... Messenger, Customs 18 Aug., 1846 ... 120 Morphy, Sophia ...... , Matron, Depot ...... 1 Oct., 1849 ... 100 Tredenick, James Turnkey, Gaol . . . 1 Feb., 1851 ,., 118 Bakey , Patrick ...... ,,, Light-keeper .., 1 Aug., 1852 .,. 108 Lacy, William ...... ,.. Boatman, Pilot Service ,.. ... 20 Oct., 1852 ... 96 Armstrong , Edward ,., Principal Turnkey, Gaol ... 17 Dec., 1853 ... 170 Bradley , Patrick .. Turnkey, Gaol ... 1 Jan., 1854 ,,, 118 Goodwin, John .... , .. ... Coxswain, Customs ...... 1 July, 1854 ... 120 Bragg, Charles ...... , .. , . , ... Turnkey, Gaol , . , ... I Nov., 1854 ... 118 Seeds, George ...... Acting Pilot ... , . . 11 March, 1855- 120 Simpson, John ...... , . , , . , Light-keeper 1 Jan., 1856 ... 108 Claybourn , William ...... Turnkey, Gaol ... 1 July, 1857 .,, 100 Dickens, Thomas ... .,. ,., Messenger, Registrar. General ... 1 Sept., 1858 .. , 150 Roberts, Alfred , .. , .. .. . Assistant River Pilot ... 1 Nov, 1858 ... 180 Evans, John ...... Letter Carrier ...... 1 Nov., 1858 ... 120 Haynes, Charles ...... , , ... River Pilot ... 1 June, 1859 ... 200 Sholl, Richard Henry ...... ,,, ... Senior Pilot . 1. Oct., 1859 ... 280 Brown, William...... ,, Station-keeper, Pilot Service 1 Oct., 1859 ... 108 Burford John ...... ,,. 't'urnkey, Gaol ...... 19 Oct., 1859 .,. 118 Sneyd, Margaret ...... Matron, Gaol ... .. 25 Nov., 1859 , , , 42 Kearney, Thomas ... .., Light- keeper ...... 1 Dec., 1859 ,,, 96 Kelly, John ... Letter Sorter ...... 1 Jan., 1860 ... 130 Evans, John ,,. .., .., Coxswain, Pilot Service ...... 1 Jan., 1860 ... 120 Cox, Henry Turnkey, Gaol ...... ,.. 20 Feb., 1860 .,, 118 Ramsay, James ...... Messenger, Portmaster ... 2 Nov., 1860 ... 100 Philips, John Warder, Lunatic Asylum 4 Nov., 1860 , , , 100 Robinson , George Turnkey, Gaol , .. ... , . . 5 Nov., 1860 ... 118 Clark, George ...... Coxswain, Customs ...... 10 Nov., 1860 ... 120 McCu llough , William ...... Letter Sorter ...... 1 Jan., 1861 .,, 130 O'Kee ffe, Thomas ...... Messenger, Attorney-General 3 April, 1861 ... 100 Mackenzie, Alexander ...... Boatman, Pilot Service ...... 1 Sept, 1861 ... 96 Mills, Samuel Howard ...... Boatman, Customs 15 Oct., 1861 ,., 96 Brosnan, John ...... Warder, Lunatic Asylum 23 Dec., 1861 .., 100 Walker, John ,.. Messenger, Colonial Secretary .. 1 Jan., 1862 , . , 100 Hutton, John ...... Executioner :: 1 Feb., 1862 , . . 118 Evans, Benjamin ... Boatman, Customs .. . 23 March. 1862 96 Poole, Thomas ...... Messenger, Works Department... 1 April, 1862 ... 100 Jaggard , Josiah ...... Coxswain, Customs ... 9 June, 1862 .., 120 Findlater , Robert ... . , . Pilot I Aug., 1862 ,.. 150 96 Watson, John ...... Boatman, Customs 1 Aug., 1862 ... Roughan, Daniel ...... Storeman , Colonial Stores ... 11 Aug., 1862 ... 130 Brown , John ... Boatman, Pilot Service ... ,., 1. Oct., 1862 ... 96 Don, Alexander ... Assistant Pilot ...... 3 Oct,, 1862 ... 180 Cramer, Ernest ...... Messenger , Treasury 3 Oct., 1862 ... 100 Birrell; Henry . ... Coxswain , Pilot Service ...... 16Oct., 1862 .,. 108 Cavanagh, Martin Boatman , Customs ... .., 21 Oct., 1862 , . . 96 Montgomery , Joseph River Pilot ... 1 Nov., 1862 ... 180 Jones, Daniel ,.. Acting Pilot . , ...... 1 Nov., 1862 ... 120 Burke, Peter ... Light-keeper .., .., 1 Dec., 1862 ... 96 Murray, Peter ...... LetterCarrier ... 1 Jan., 1863 ... 105 Doheny, Patrick Boatman, Customs 1 Jan., 1863 ... 96 Poole, Helen Office-keeper ...... 1 Jan., 1863 ... 48 Proliaski , Gottfried Ferdinand Boatman, Pilot Service ...... 1 Feb., 1863 .., 96 Williams, David ...... Coxswain, Portmaster ...... 1 March, 1863 120 Taylor, G core, ...... Turnkey, Gaol 16 March, 1863 118 Wray, Thomas .. , ... , .. Letter Carrier . , , 8 April, 1.863 , , , 120 Woods, William ... ,,. River Pilot ... 9 April, 1863... 200 Casey, John Brandretli ...... Acting Pilot 1 July, 1863 , . , 120 York, John Boatman, Pilot Service ... 1 July, 1863 .., 96 Symes , Mary Mackenzie ,., Matron, Lunatic Asylum ... 1. July, 1863 ,,, 90 Warner, Isaac Johnson ... Sea Pilot ...... ,,, 20 Aug.,1863 ,.. 265 Hardie, Peter ...... Coxswain, Pilot Service ...... I Sept., 1863 .,, 120 Wright, John ,...... ,., Boatman, Portmaster ... 7 Sept., 1863 ,., 96 Gillespie , Benjamin ... Letter Carrier .. 10 Sept., 1863 ... 120 Croaker, Henry ...... Pilot 1 Oct., 1863 ... 240 Smith, Alexander Dudgeon ...... Assistant Pilot .. ... 19 Oct., 1863 ,., 180 Nei ll, Arthur ...... Master, Light Ship . , . 31 Oct., 1863 ,,, 120 Cooper, Richard...... Sea Pilot ... 1 Nov., 1863 ... 265 Thorn, George ...... Boatman, Pilot Service .. , . , , 1 Nov., 1863 ,,, 96 Beach, Henr y ...... Boatman, Portmaster ...... 1 Nov., 1863 ... 96 Walsh, John ...... Turnkey, Gaol ... 14 Nov., 1863 ... 118 Graham, Jane ...... Matron, Depot , , , . , . 4 Dee., 1863 .., 50 Howe, James ...... Sea Pilot ...... 1 Jan., 1864 ... 265 Sang, John . , , Assistant River Pilot ... I Jan., 1864 ... 180 Gorman , Daniel , . . ... Boatman, Pilot Service ...... I Jan., 1864 96 Philips , Mary Anne Nurse, Lunatic Asylum ...... 1 Jan., 1864 ... 42 Telford, Ann .. Nurse, Immigration Depot . , , 1 Jan., 1864 ... 26 Ragio , Frederick William Robert Light-keeper ... 1 Feb., 1864 ,., 120 Dalgleish, George ...... ,., Letter Carrier ... 1 April, 1864 . , , 120 Lee, James J...... , , , Principal Turnkey ...... 1 May,1864 ... 120 Blaney, Henry ...... Turnkey, Gaol ...... I May, 1864. , , 100 Johnston , Jane ,,, ... Nurse, Gaol 1 May, 1864 ... 30 O'Brien, William ... Boatman, Customs ...... ,,. 10 May, 1864 .,. 96 Baker, Henry , ...... Turnkey, Gaol ... .,. ,,. 12 May, 1864 ... 100 Sloane , William...... , , , Boatman, Pilot Service ... , , ,,, 17 May, 1864 ,.. 96 907

such lessee, shall not be in attendance at all times by During the dark nights, and in the absence of moon day and by night at the place at which he is stationed, light, there shall be lights kept burning and properly or ought to be; or shall demand and take greater dues trimmed on both sides of the ferry, the lessee, &c., as from any person or persons who shall be exempt from aforesaid, to provide the same. payment thereof, and who shall,claim such exemption ; The ferry rates and charges shall be in accordance with or shall, under color of his office as collector, wilfully the annexed schedule (A.), and they are to be painted on a extort from any person or persons any sum of money or board in a conspicuous position on one side of the thing of value whatsoever, as and for or in -1i of ferry. payment of dues ; or shall refuse to permit and . uffei any person or persons to read, or shall in any manner All persons crossing the ferry, with the following hinder or prevent any person or persons from reading exceptions, shall pay the charges fixed in the Schedule the inscription on such boards ; or shall refuse to tell The Governor, and any person in actual attendance upon his Christian and surname to any person or persons him, and any horses or carriages of or belonging to him, who , shall demand to know the same, on being paid the ministers of religion, officers in Her Majesty's service, said dues or any of them, or shall in answer give a police troopers and constables on actual duty, and any false name or names ; or upon legal dues being tendered prisoners in their charge. or paid, shall detain or wilfully obstruct, hinder, or The lessee shall find two responsible persons as delay any passenger or passengers from passing through sureties, who agree to be answerable for the due per- the turnpike; or if such collector shall make use of any formance of the contract in the event of the tender being scurrilous or abusive language to any traveller or passen- accepted, and undertaking in that event that they will ger ;-then and in each and every such case the said severally execute and deliver at the office of the Engineer lessee shall forfeit and pay for every such offence any of Roads, N.D., within seven days from the acceptance sum not exceeding five pounds, tribe recovered before any of the tender, a bond to Her Majesty of double the two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace. amount of rent per annum. 9. If any person liable to the payment of any dues The rent is to be paid in equal monthly instalments, under these regulations shall, after demand, neglect or payable in advance to the Engineer of Toads, N. D., and refuse to pay the same, or any part thereof, it shall be in default lease to be forfeited, if rent not paid within lawful for any person duly authorised to collect the same, fourteen days after the same becomes due. to prevent such person or persons from passing through the turnpike until the dues demandable and payable by No sub-letting of the ferry will be allowed. such person or persons so refusing to pay the same be paid and discharged. PENAL CLAUSES. 10. Any person who shall intentionally evade the pay- If the lessee, or person in charge, should infringe ulion, ment of the aforesaid dues shall, on conviction, be subject or act contrary to any clause or condition specified, he to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. shall, on conviction before two Justices of the Peace, be subject to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. 11. The lessee shall not sub-let, or in any way dispose of the turnpike, without the express sanction of the In the event of two convictions within one month Government. against the lessee, &c., as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the Government to annul the contract entered into with such lessee, &c., as aforesaid, and to resume the ferry if deemed requisite. SCHEDULE A. Turnpike dues and charges. If the lessee or collector of ferry dues shall neglect to put up themtable of ferry dues as aforesaid ; or if any col- s. d. lector, boatman, or ferryman shall not be in attendance Single horse, with or without rider ... .. 0 6 at all times at the place at which he is stationed, or ought Light cart, gig, buggy, or carriage, drawn by to be ; or shall demand to take greater dues from any one horse ... :. 0 9 Light cart, gig, buggy, or carriage, drawn by person or persons than he shall be authorised to do ; or shall demand and take ferry dues from any person or two horses ...... 1 0 persons who shall be exempt from payment thereof, and Coach or carriage, drawn by three or four horses • ...... 1 6 who shall claim such exemption ; or shall, under color of his . Two-wheeled dray or waggon, drawn by two office as collector, boatman, or ferryman, wilfully hoi ses ...... 2 0 extort from any person or persons any sum of money or Two-wheeled dray or waggon, drawn by three thing of value whatsoever, as and for, and in lieu of pay- or four horses, or four bullocks ... .. 3 0 ment of dues ; or shall refuse to permit and suffer any For every additional horse or draught animal 0 6 person or persons reading the inscription on such boards, or the name or names so fixed as aforesaid, or shall Four-wheeled dray or waggon drawn by two refuse to tell his christian and surname to any person or horses or bullocks ...... 1 6 Four-wheeled dray or waggon drawn by three persons who shall demand to know the same, on being or four horses or four bullocks ... .. 2 0 paid the said dues, or any of them, or shall, in answer, give a-false name or names ; or upon the legal dues being For every additional horse or other draught tendered or paid, shall unnecessarily detain or wilfully animal ...... 0 4 hinder or delay any passenger or passengers from passing Goods. over such ferry ; or if such collector, boatman, or ferry- For all loading of any description above ten man shall make use of any scurrilous or abusive cwt., per cwt...... 0 3 language to any traveller or passenger ;-then, and in each case, the said lessee shall forfeit and pay for every such offence any sum not exceeding fiv6 pounds sterling, Department of Public Works, to be recovered before any two of Her Majesty's Justices . Brisbane, 10th October, 1867. of the Peace. Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the If any person, liable to the payment of any dues under -TTIS these bye-laws, shall, after demand, neglect or refuse to Executive Council, has been pleased to establish JEL pay the same or any part thereof, it shall be lawful for the following Regulations for the Ferries at Yaamba and any person, duly authorised to collect the same, to Alligator Creek, Fitzroy River, in accordance- with the prevent such person or persons from passing over such provisions of the Acts 2 William IV., No. 12, and 14 Vic- ferry, until the dues demandable and payable by such toria,No. 5. - person or persons so refusing to pay the same be paid and By His Excellency's Command, discharged. A. H. PALMER. Any person who shall intentionally evade the payment of the aforesaid dues shall, on conviction, be subject to a penalty not exceeding five pounds. REGULATIONS TOE FERRIES ON THE FITZROY. DIVER, If objected to by other passengers, no person or per- AT YAAMBA AND ALLIGATOR CREEK. sons in a state of intoxication, unless under charge of The Government shall be empowered to lease the the police, shall be permitted to cross over on the punt ferries by tender or otherwise, or to make such arrange- or any of the ferry boats. ments for collecting the dues and charges leviable thereat, as may be deemed best. Any party plying for hire within the distance of one The lessee, or person in charge, shall keep in good mile from the ferries on the Fitzroy River, at Yaamba repair and proper working condition, the punt, working or Alligator Creek, up and down the river, other than the gear, and approaches, subject to the approval and lessee of the ferries, shall, on conviction before any two satisfaction of the Engineer of Roads, N. D., or his of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, be liable to A superintending officer, pa•ualty not exceecthig five pounds, Getting around this CD

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TIPS FOR SEARCHING AND GETTING MORE FROM THE CD BOOKS • update to Adobe Reader 6 for more versatile searching options, including the ability to bring up a list of all instances of the word you are searching for — across multiple files on a single CD in a single search request. • enter the MINIMUM number of characters needed to bring up the search results required. • use Adobe Reader 6 to do some trial searches to try to identify the characters that may be misread. These can show up in the extra text in the search results list (Adobe 6 only). A few minutes trial will help you to avoid using characters that are more prone to being misread, e.g. try entering "rederi" if you want "Frederick", but find that the letters "F" "c" and "k" are sometimes misread. • use the "Match whole word" option to eliminate unnecessary items in your results list, e.g. to eliminate all the blacksmiths and tinsmiths etc when you only want the name Smith • use the "Match case" option when you want to eliminate all the occupations "smith" if you only want the name "Smith" • Don’t just search for names. Search the book for other names, places and subjects of interest: - look for others of the same name - look for others who lived in the same place or street - who was the postmaster or police officer in the town? - how often and at what time did the coach arrive in town? - what churches were there and what time were services held? - what other activities were there in the community? - look for others who had the same occupation of other interests • All of this and more may be available in a seemingly mundane book such as a directory. You could learn or write much of the background of life at the time, even if your ancestor is not listed there.