Meeting #: 20-007 Date: November 30, 2020 Time: 9:30 a.m. Location: Due to the COVID-19 and the Closure of City Hall - ROOM 264 All electronic meetings can be viewed at: City of Hamilton's Website: committee/council-committee- meetings/meetings-and-agendas City's Youtube Channel: milton

Loren Kolar, Legislative Coordinator (905) 546-2424 ext. 2604


7.2. Heritage Permit Applications - Delegated Approvals

*7.2.f. Heritage Permit Application HP2020-038: Proposed alterati9ns to 25 Mill Street North, Waterdown (Ward 15), a property located within the Mill Street Heritage Conservation District (Bylaw No. 82-81-H)

*7.2.g. Heritage Permit Application HP2020-39:Proposed installation of a security camera at 5 Mill Street South, Waterdown (Ward 15), located within the Mill Street Heritage Conservation District (By-law No. 82-81-H)

*7.2.h. Heritage Permit Application HP2020-040:Proposed tree and shrub removal at 157 Mill Street North, Waterdown (Ward 15), located within the Mill Street Heritage Conservation District (Bylaw No. 82-81-H)

*7.3. Inventory and Research Working Group Meeting Notes - September 28, 2020 (deferred at the October 30, 2020 meeting)

*7.4. Inventory and Research Working Group Meeting Notes - October 26, 2020 *7.5. Inventory and Research Working Group Meeting Notes - November 9, 2020

Inventory & Research Working Group Meeting Notes Monday, September 28, 2020 (6 p.m.) City of Hamilton - Virtual Meeting via Webex

Present: Janice Brown (Chair); Ann Gillespie, Secretary; Alissa Denham- Robinson; Graham Carroll; Lyn Lunsted; Rammy Saini; Carol Priamo Regrets: Joachim Brower; Brian Kowalesicz; Jim Charlton; Chuck Dimitry Also Present: Miranda Brunton and David Addington (City of Hamilton, Cultural Heritage Planners); Alissa Golden (Heritage Project Specialist)

RECOMMENDATION: See Separate Sheet. RE: Register Beasley Heritage Project, dated September 28, 2020.

1. Chair’s Remarks:

Janice indicated that Joachim was unable to join the meeting due to the absence of an Internet connection at home and that she would keep the meeting to a 2- hour limit.

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Review and Approval of Meeting Notes and Recommendations, 24 August 2020 (moved by Graham and seconded by Rammy).

4. Register Beasley Heritage Project (presentation by Carol Priamo, Project Director, with comments from Alissa Golden)

Carol explained that part of the Beasley Neighbourhood had been recently inventoried as part of the Downtown Built Heritage Inventory pilot project but that this only encompassed buildings south of Cannon Street. The area to the north includes the many historic commercial properties on James Street North. Concerned with impending changes to the Ontario Heritage Act (Bill 108), she felt a sense of urgency in recommending properties for listing on the Heritage Register in the area to the north of Cannon. In consultation with Alissa Golden, (Central), 72 commercial buildings on the east side (Beasley) and on the west side (Central) of James Street North have been evaluated, including a Built Heritage Inventory Form, a Preliminary Evaluation and an updated photo:

Carol was commended for her excellent work evaluating the James Street North properties in the defined area. The following recommendation was made (moved by Graham and seconded by Alissa D-R):

That the I & R WG endorse the first batch of recommendations from the Register Beasley Heritage Project, as presented; and,

That the I & R WG advise the HMHC to recommend to Council that the properties of cultural heritage value or interest on James Street North located in the James Street North cultural heritage landscape and the historic neighbourhoods of Beasley and Central, as identified in the attached list presented by the Register Beasley Heritage Project, be added to the Municipal Heritage Register.

Alissa advised that the Heritage Resource Mapping has now been updated for the 72 properties with photos and dates of construction and that letters will be sent to the owners of the affected properties. Carol and her volunteers will continue with the documentation and evaluation of residential properties in the Beasley Neighbourhood, following the current practice adopted for inventorying properties in the City of Hamilton under the direction of Alissa Golden.

The above recommendation and supporting documentation will be included as an addendum to the notes to be presented to the HMHC for approval at its next meeting, October 29, 2020.

5. Places of Education Update

Janice commented that she and other members involved with this inventory work have been hindered by the lack of access to the HWDSB Educational Archives, the Local History and Archives section of the Hamilton Public Library, and other local archival facilities. Progress has nevertheless been made in certain wards and will continue or be resumed as archival facilities are opened to the public.

6. Places of Worship Update

It was agreed that special meetings should be held to assess the Built Heritage Inventory and Preliminary Evaluation forms completed by members working on this project. The I & R WG has already partially completed a review of the properties assigned to Jim in Ward 4, to be completed at the first scheduled special meeting. Next to be reviewed are the pre-1967 Places of Worship in Dundas assigned to Ann.

7. I & R Working Group Work Plan 2020 – Discussion

 Places of Education: See item 5.

 Places of Worship Evaluation Plan: See item 6.

 Register Beasley Heritage Project (2020): See item 4.

 Waterdown Built Heritage Inventory: Alissa G. to provide an update at the next I & R WG meeting.

 Ancaster Heritage Project: Janice to provide an update at the next I & R WG meeting.

8. Other Business

 Cataract Power Company, Victoria Avenue North – heritage sign (Jim) Deferred to the next meeting attended by Jim.

 62 Concession Road 6, East Flamborough – house and barn For background see item 7 of I & R WG meeting notes from 24 August 2020. Miranda will assist Lyn in completing a Preliminary Evaluation for a recommendation to add this property to the Heritage Register, to be presented at the next I & R WG meeting.

 Juravinski , 711 Concession Street – Mount Hamilton Hospital Graham expressed concern about the future of the original Mount Hamilton Hospital, which now forms part of the Juravinski Hospital building complex. This was based on a recent newspaper article, which stated that the E, M, and F wings, as well as other older parts of the hospital will be replaced by a modern tower (The Hamilton Spectator, 6 September 2020). The Mount Hamilton Hospital, located at the corner of Upper Sherman and Concession Streets, opened in 1917 to help care for veterans of the First World War. Overlooking the mountain brow, it now stands to the rear of the Juravinski Hospital, which replaced the former Henderson General Hospital and opened in 2010. ( Although there is no imminent threat of demolition, it was agreed that research for listing the original building on the Heritage Register could be started. Graham volunteered to take on this project and contact the Hamilton Mountain Heritage Society for more information.

9. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50. Next meeting: Monday 26 October 2020 (by Webex, at 6 p.m.)

Inventory & Research Working Group MEETING NOTES Monday, October 26, 2020 (6:00 pm) City of Hamilton – Virtual Meeting via Webex

Present: Janice Brown (Chair); Ann Gillespie, Secretary; Alissa Denham- Robinson; Graham Carroll; Lyn Lunsted; Rammy Saini; Jim Charlton; Chuck Dimitry Regrets: Joachim Brower; Brian Kowalesicz Also present: Miranda Brunton and David Addington (City of Hamilton, Cultural Heritage Planners); Alissa Golden (Heritage Project Specialist)

1. Chair’s Remarks welcomed all to the meeting.

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Review and Approval of Meeting Notes, 28 September 2020

The meeting notes were accepted with the revisions proposed by Alissa D-R to the Recommendation of Beasley Batch 1 to include some background from the meeting notes, as this recommendation will be forwarded as a stand-alone agenda item to be approved by the HMHC at its next meeting on October 30. Janice will forward the revised recommendation to Loren Kolar, Legislative Co- ordinator, as soon as Ann had made the approved revisions. The approved meeting notes will follow the regular schedule and go on the agenda of the following HMHC meeting on November 30 as a Consent Item.

4. Update on the Ancaster Inventory of pre-Confederation Buildings

Alissa G. spoke to the progress of the Ancaster Inventory of pre-Confederation buildings in the Village core, undertaken by 20 volunteers co-ordinated by the Ancaster Village Heritage Community president Bob Maton and Shannon Kyles (President, ACO Hamilton Region Branch). A document produced by the AVHC was received, which included photographs of some of the properties inventoried to date. The final recommendations for this project will be presented by the AVHC at a future meeting.

5. Places of Education Updates

There were no updates from members working on this inventory project.

6. Places of Worship Ward 4 Evaluations – Alissa Golden and Jim Charlton

As Jim was late joining the meeting, this item was moved to the end of the agenda. Due to technical difficulties with his web cam, Jim was only able to communicate by e-mail. Alissa therefore took over the presentation. The I & R Working Group reviewed five properties identified as significant built heritage resources or character-defining resources. The remaining buildings will be reviewed at the special meeting on November 9th.

7. Former Mount Hamilton Hospital (part of the Juravinski complex), 711 Concession Street

For background see Meeting Notes, 26 January 2020, item 8 – Juravinski Hospital. Graham had completed an Inventory Form and Preliminary Evaluation and explained his rationale for classifying the former Mount Hamilton Hospital as a significant built resource, worthy of adding to both the municipal Heritage Register the Heritage and the Designation Work Plan. He showed a number of historical and current photographs, which will be coalesced into a single background document with maps and other written or visual documentation. He will also work on a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value so that a recommendation can be approved by the I & R Working Group at its next meeting.

8. Next Meeting Date Monday November 9, 2020 (special meeting devoted to inventory projects). Inventory & Research Working Group Special Meeting for Places of Worship and Volunteer-Led Inventories

MEETING NOTES Monday, November 9, 2020 (1:30 pm – 4:00 pm) City of Hamilton Webex Virtual Meeting

Present: Janice Brown (Chair); Ann Gillespie, Secretary; Alissa Denham- Robinson; Graham Carroll; Lyn Lunsted; Rammy Saini; Jim Charlton; Chuck Dimitry Regrets: Joachim Brower; Brian Kowalesicz Also present: Miranda Brunton (City of Hamilton, Cultural Heritage Planners) Alissa Golden (Heritage Project Specialist) Carol Priamo (director of the volunteer-led Register Beasley Heritage Project

1. Chair’s Remarks

Janice welcomed all present to this special meeting to deal with various inventory projects.

2. Declarations of Interest

There were none.

3. Register Beasley Heritage Project: Batch 2

Carol gave a brief PowerPoint presentation to introduce the listings, which were primarily residential properties located on John and Hughson Streets north of Cannon. She explained that this batch included only buildings classified as character-defining or character-supporting recommended for listing on the Register, but that further research on certain properties might lead to an upgrade of the status of some to significant built resource (e.g. former Fire Hall) that may be worthy of designation under the Ontario Heritage Act.

Staff advised that the Batch 2 recommendations will proceed to HMHC at a future date, and that an I & R WG recommendation to HMHC to approve the listings is not required at this time.

The Batch 2 recommendations were received by the I & R Working Group, which was supportive of the proposed listings: properties/built-heritage-inventory-strategy#beasley.

4. Places of Worship Review: Remaining Ward 4 Listings (Alissa G. and Jim)

NOTE: The goal is to complete preliminary evaluations for places of worship across the City of Hamilton before compiling and summarizing the documentation and evaluations to bring back to the I & R Working Group for final recommendations. The review of Places of Worship in Ward 4 continued from where the I & R Working Group left off at its last meeting on October 26. Alissa carried the presentation, explaining the rational for the proposed classification of each Place of Worship. This batch included more character-supporting Places of Worship, several of which were elevated to the status of character-defining. All were recommended for listing on the Heritage Register. In addition, there were a number of inventoried properties for which no action was deemed to be required. The I & R Working Group supported the proposed classifications and recommendations for the last batch of properties in Ward 4 (see accompanying document).

5. Places of Worship Review: Dundas Listings (Ann and Alissa G.)

Prior to this meeting, reports containing an inventory form, written and visual documentation and a preliminary evaluation for 6 of the 8 Places of Worship in Dundas were distributed to members along with a summary sheet containing the proposed classifications and recommendations for each property. This batch does not include three churches, which are designated under the OHA as part of the Cross-Melville Heritage Conservation District: St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Knox Presbyterian Church and St. Paul’s United Church. There was only sufficient time remaining for Ann to present two properties: St. James Anglican Church at 137 Melville Street and the former Church of God of Prophesy Church at 69 King Street East. She will continue with the remaining properties at the next special meeting to be scheduled in December.

6. Adjournment and Next Regular Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 4 pm. NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday November 23, 2020 PLACES OF WORSHIP INVENTORY FORM

St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church Address: 1401 Barton Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1973 Architectural Style / Influence: Serb-Byzantine Current Affiliations: Serbian Orthodox

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a representative example of the Serbo-Byzantine architectural style. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship and artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Serbian Orthodox church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Radovan Radovic), builder (Fairwin Construction) and artist (Igor Suhachev, Argyrios Kavroulakis & Co., Fr. Theodore Jurewicz). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located on Barton Street East, an historic transportation corridor. The property is a neighbouhrood landmark.


Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Slovak Byzantine Catholic Church Address: 1406 Barton Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1963 Architectural Style / Influence: Current Affiliations: Byzantine Cahtolic Church

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a unique and rare example of the Contemporary architectural style. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship and artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Byzantine Catholic church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located on Barton Street East, an historic transportation corridor. The property is a neighbouhrood landmark.


Divine Light Awakening Society Address: 1441 Barton Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1964 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Divine Light Awakening Society

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


Good Shepherd's Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre Address: 1475 Barton Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1929 Architectural Style / Influence: Romanesque

Current Affiliations:

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Adaptive Reuse Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Period Revival style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the United and Pentecostal churches. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (McDonnell).

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. Located on the corner of Barton and Weir Streets, the property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings. The property may be considered a neighbourhood landmark.


Hamilton East Seventh-Day Adventist Church Address: 203 Bell Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1983 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular

Current Affiliations: 7th Day Advent

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property has direct associations with a potentially significant theme, belief, activity and organization. The property is affiliated with the 7th Day Adventists.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is functionally and visually linked to its surroundings. It is located adjacent to the Bartonville Cemetery. The property may be considered to be a community landmark in the former historic settlement area of Bartonville.


The House of God Address: 200 Cope Street Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1924 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations:

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the Church of England and the Anglican church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (George T. Evans and J. Bruce Bateman)

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. Located on the corner of Britannia Avenue and Cope Street, the property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings. The property may be considered a neighbourhood landmark.


Delena Neighbourhood Centre; Niwasa Early Learning and Care Centre Address: 93 Delena Avenue North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1951

Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations:

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Adaptive Reuse Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the United church.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in maintaining the character of the area. The property is visually linked to its surroundings.


St. Mark's Syriac Orthodox Church Address: 1202 Dunsmure Road Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1960 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary

Current Affiliations: Syriac Orthodox

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Syrian Orthodox church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property maintains the character of the area. The property is visually and functionally linked to its surroundings.


Roxborough Park Presbyterian Church Address: 20 Eastwood Street Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1957 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Presbyterian

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Prebyterian church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Basil Hall). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is physically linked to its surroundings. (Roxborough Park). The property may be considered a neighbourhood landmark.


St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church Address: 128 Edgemount Street South Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1942 and 1957 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Roman Catholic

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a representative example of the Contemporary or Modern architectural style. The property displays a high degree of artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Roman Catholic church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Frank H. Burcher). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically, visually, functionally and physically linked to its surroundings. The church fronts onto King Street, an historic transportation corridor, at an angle to the street on a gore-shaped property bounded by London Street to the west and Edgemont Street to the east. The propert is comprised of a complex including the St. John the Baptist Church and School (1501 King Street East) and St. John's Rectory (128 Edgemont Street). The property may be considered a neighbourhood landmark.


Restoration Full Gospel Church Address: 80 Ellis Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1960 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Gospel Church

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: None identified.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


Garside Bible Church Address: 47 Garside Avenue North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1950 Architectural Style / Influence: Art Moderne Current Affiliations: Associated Gospel Churches

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a unique and rare example of the Art Moderne architectural style in church architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with Associated Gospel Churches. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located on the corner of Dunsmure and Garside. The property is a neighbouhrood landmark.


St Peter Yu Roman Catholic Church Address: 6 Heath Street Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1964 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary

Current Affiliations:

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Roman Catholic church.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area.


Holy Family Roman Catholic Church Address: 175 Kenilworth Avenue North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1923 and 1948 Architectural Style / Influence: Romanesque Revival

Current Affiliations: Roman Catholic

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Romanesque Revival style of architecture. The property displays or demonstrates a high degree of craftsmanship.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Roman Catholic church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (J.D. Kyles). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically, visually, functionally and physically linked to its surroundings. The church fronts onto Kenilworth Avenue North, an historic transportation corridor, located close to the street at the corner of Kenilworth and Cannon streets. The property is comprised of a complex including Holy Family School, Rectory and Parish offices. The property is a neighbourhood landmark.


Anglican Church of the Nativity Address: 1831 King Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1881 Architectural Style / Influence: Gothic Revival Current Affiliations: Anglican

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Significant Built Resource Recommendation: Add to Designation Work Plan

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is representative of the Gothic Revival architectural style. The property a unique and early example. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship and technical achievement (for the period).

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Anglican Church. The property is associated with Webb's quarry, and early quarry on the edge of the Hamilton escarpment. The original stone portion of the church is believed to be the only building still standing that was constructed with stone from Webb's quarry, with the former County Court House and Hamilton Jail having been demolished. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture. THe property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Mr. Carter) and builder (Mr. Mulligan).

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is visually and historically linked to its surroundings. The property may be considered a landmark in the community.


Holy Cross Croatian Roman Catholic Church Address: 1883 King Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1969 Architectural Style / Influence: Post Modern Current Affiliations: Roman Catholic

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a unique and rare example of the Contemporary architectural style. The property displays a high degree of artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Croatian Roman Catholic church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically, visually, functionally and physically linked to its surroundings. The church fronts onto King Street East, an historic transportation corridor, located close to the street at the terminus of Rosedale Avenue to the south, creating a vista of the church travelling north up Rosedale. The parking lot is accessed from Tragina Avenue to the north. The property is a neighbourhood landmark.


Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Address: 1907 King Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1960 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Lutheran

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Contemporary or Modern style of architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Lutheran church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is visually linked to its surroundings.


Pioneer Memorial United Church Address: 1970 King Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1954-1959 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular

Current Affiliations: United

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the United church and was historically affiliated with the Methodist church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (W.E. Barnett) and builder (Bates Construction).

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is visually linked to its surroundings.


All Nations Full Gospel Chruch Address: 1209 Main Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1930 Architectural Style / Influence: Neo-Gothic

Current Affiliations: All Nations gospel

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is representative of the Neo-Gothic architectural style. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship. .

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is associated with the Presbyterian Church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (W. Riddell).

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is functionally , visually and historically linked to its surroundings. The property may be considered to be a community landmark.


St. Columba Presbyterian Church Address: 1540 Main Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1948 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Presbyterian

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Presbyterian church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (W.B. Riddell) and builder (F.W. Paulin). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is visually and historically linked to its surroundings.


Faith Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ Address: 1855 Main Street East Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1964 Architectural Style / Influence: Current Affiliations: Church of Jesus Christ

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: None identified.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


St. Mary's Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church Address: 8 Mayhurst Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1952-1953 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Armenian Orthodox

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Orthodox church and was historically affiliated with the Baptist church.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


Razvi Islamic Centre Address: 95 Mead Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 2016 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Muslim

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Muslim faith.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Address: 260 Melvin Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1956 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Ukranian Catholic

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Ukranian Catholic church. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


Saint Mina Coptic Orthodox Church Address: 480 Melvin Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1954 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Coptic Orthodox

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Orthodox church and was historically affiliated with the Church of England and the Anglican church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Husband, Robertson & Wallace).

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is visually linked to its surroundings. (Hillcrest School and Hillcrest Park).


Crown Point Community Church Address: 92 Ottawa Street North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1937 Architectural Style / Influence: Art Moderne Current Affiliations:

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a unique and rare example of the Art Moderne architectural style in church architecture.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located at the east side of Ottawa Street North, an historic transportation corridor. The property may be considered a landmark in the community.


Delta United Church Address: 47 Ottawa Street South Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1928-1929 Architectural Style / Influence: Neo-Gothic

Current Affiliations: United

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Significant Built Resource Recommendation: Add to Designation Work Plan

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a representative example of the Neo-Gothic architectural style. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship and artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the United church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (George T. Evans) and builder (Mitchell, Riddell & Whitelaw; W.H. Cooper Construction). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically, visually, functionally and physically linked to its surroundings. The church fronts onto Ottawa Street South, an historic transportation corridor, with a moderate setback from the street and mature trees flanking either side of the central steps and entrance. The building also fronts onto Maple Avenue, spanning between Ottawa and London Streets, with mature trees along Maple Avenue and a one-storey rear addition at the corner of Maple and London that transitions into the adjacent residential properties. The property is a neighbourhood landmark.


Little Bethel Community Church Address: 320 Paling Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1906 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Baptist

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property reflects a modest vernacular design including a front gable roof and an enclosed front entrance. The property demonstrates the unique use of pointed segmental window openings with brick voussoirs, keystones ad stone lug sills. The original hu

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Baptist church. The property has direct associations with a potentially significant person (J. Walter Gage). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings (Pipeline Trail).


Faith Baptist Church Address: 92 Parkdale Avenue North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1975 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary Current Affiliations: Baptist

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Baptist church.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


St. Eugene's Catholic Church Address: 232 Queenston Road Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1961-1962 Architectural Style / Influence: Contemporary

Current Affiliations: Roman Catholic

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Significant Built Resource Recommendation: Add to Designation Work Plan

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a representative example of Modern or Contemporary architecture. The property displays a high degree of craftsmanship and artistic merit.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Roman Catholic church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant architect (Taylor, Lenz and Souter). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically, visually, functionally and physically linked to its surroundings. The church is located at the prominent corner of Queenston Road and Parkdale Avenue, both historic transportation corridors. The property is part of an institutional complex including the St. Helen's and St. Eugene's schools, Knights of Columbus Hall, rectory and office building. The property is a community landmark.


Umar Mosque Address: 734 Rennie Street Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1962 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Muslim

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: None identified.

Preliminary Contextual Value: None identified.


Buddhist Temple of Hamilton Address: 671 Tate Avenue Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1954 Architectural Style / Influence: Vernacular Current Affiliations: Buddhist

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Adaptive Reuse Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Inventory Property Recommendation: No Action Required

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: None identified.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property was historically affiliated with the Christian Alliance church and Buddhism. The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property maintains the character of the area. The property is visually and functionally linked to its surroundings located adjacent to the Pipleline Trail.


St. Paul's United Church Address: 42 Tragina Avenue North Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1926-1927 Architectural Style / Influence: Neo-Gothic Current Affiliations: United

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Modified Classification: Character-Supporting Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property is a representative example of the Neo-Gothic architectural style.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the United church and was historically affiliated with the Methodist church. The property demonstrates or reflects the work of a potentially significant builder (W.H. Cooper Construction Company). The property yields, or has the potential to yield, information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in supporting the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located at the corner of Tragina and Dunsmure across the street from the W.H. Ballard Public School constructed circa 1922.


Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church Address: 15 Wexford Avenue South Community: Hamilton Heritage Status: Inventoried Planning Area: Urban Construction Date: 1928 Architectural Style / Influence: Neo-Gothic Current Affiliations: Lutheran

Inventory Update and Preliminary Evaluation:

Property Use (Observed): Place of Worship Design Integrity: Preserved - Intact Classification: Character-Defining Resource Recommendation: Include in Register (Non-designated)

Preliminary Design/Physical Value: The property's design is influenced by the Neo-Gothic style of architecture. Notable building features include the two-storey tower with decorated parapet and pointed window and louvre openings.

Preliminary Historical/Associative Value: The property is affiliated with the Lutheran church.

Preliminary Contextual Value: The property is important in defining the character of the area. The property is historically and visually linked to its surroundings, located at the east side of Wexford Avenue across the street from Delta Secondary School, constructed circa 1924.

IRWG Review Date: 11/9/2020