Photo Credits:

Eric Allix Rogers: cover and pages 4-5, 7-9 and 12-13 Fredric Stein: president and clergy headshots pages 4-5, and page 13 KAM Isaiah staff and congregants: pages 3-5 and 8 MAX STEIN, PRESIDENT, RABBI FREDERICK REEVES KAM ISAIAH ISRAEL CANTOR DAVID BERGER

This is an exciting moment in our congregation’s created beautiful Jewish music, and with our KAM Isaiah Israel began as a family endeavor. As we strive to be a transformative Reform long history as we embark on a campaign that clergy, fashioned new and unique approaches to Back in 1847 Dilah Kohn emigrated to this Jewish community, KAM Isaiah Israel has made will enable us to continue that history for the next . country from Bavaria to join her son Abraham. supporting the needs of the family – the mishpacha generation and beyond. Mrs. Kohn needed a place to pray on Yom – paramount. A mishpacha supports one another, Building on this distinguished past, we continue Kippur. To provide one, her son and a group explores Judaism together, celebrates occasions As we look forward to what the future holds, we that evolution by looking ahead to a future of Jews formed Kehilat Anshei Ma-arav, the both simple and profound together, and gathers to will also mark two moments in our history that that holds countless opportunities. To take Congregation of the People of the West. address social injustices and mourn together. As have set KAM Isaiah Israel on the path to being a advantage of those opportunities and to meet the family, we all have a place; we all are supported by pillar of the Reform Jewish community that we are unimagined, yet inevitable, challenges, we must Throughout our history, our congregation one another. And when our family needs support, today. In 2021, we celebrate the 50th anniversary work together now to strengthen our congregation. has changed to meet the needs of the families we all contribute. of Isaiah Israel welcoming Kehilat Anshei that are our community. We moved south and Ma-arav into our congregational home to unite To provide our congregation with the strong welcomed other great communities as they Your family’s support of the Mishpacha: Our us as KAM Isaiah Israel. And 2022 will mark the foundation it needs to best meet our future we joined their fate to our own. We combined two Family. Our Future. campaign transcends giving 175th year of our congregation, the first Jewish have launched the Mishpacha: Our Family. congregational families when Isaiah Israel and becomes an act of k’dusha, of holiness. This congregation in . Our Future. campaign to raise $5 million to united with KAM and established our current sacred act will further empower our congregation. enhance the connections in our family and congregation and home. As we changed, our Together, we will honor our history and ensure our Throughout our history, our congregation has revitalize our family home. reliance on one another as family remained an future as a hub of Jewish life, Jewish values, Jewish evolved to meet the needs of the families that are essential part of who we are. participation, Jewish service, and as leaders in our our community. Together, as a congregational We invite you to join us in this important and neighborhood, in Chicago, and in Reform Judaism. family, we have pioneered social justice initiatives, exciting endeavor.

Temple Isaiah and B’nai Sholom KAM and Temple Isaiah Temple Israel merge to form Israel merge, creating KAM Temple Isaiah Israel, in the Isaiah Israel Congregation, Revitalization of KAM newly completed East Hyde Park located in Temple Isaiah Isaiah Israel historic 1847 Boulevard sanctuary 1948 Israel Hyde Park building 1972 sanctuary begins 2021

Kehilat Anshei Ma-arav 1924 Temple Isaiah Israel office 1971 Stone Chapel, Rosenstein 2020 Mishpacha: Our (KAM) founded and school buildings on Memorial Lounge and Family. Our Future. Greenwood completed Vick Hall completed launches

4 5 Why a Campaign and Why Now? Community – Inclusivity – Learning – Prayer - Philanthropy – Repairing the World K’hilah – B’tzelem Elohim – Limud - T’filah – Tz’dakah – Tikkun Olam

These core values define KAM Isaiah Israel. They provide the foundation for why we exist and empower our congregational family to live modern lives that are guided by Jewish values, and they lead us to care for one another as mishpacha, family.

Our Vision is to be a transformative Reform through a Jewish lens. We affirm the many paths Jewish communities. KAM Isaiah Israel is a to achieving Jewish connection. Grounded in diverse and active congregation serving the Hyde intentional inclusion and engagement, we work Park and Chicago community, as it has since together to make Reform Judaism accessible establishing organized Jewish life in Chicago and relevant in the lives of each member of our nearly 175 years ago. We are a multi-faceted and congregational family. Campaign Goals multi-generational network of caring individuals, and together we have created a congregational For the Mishpacha: Our Family. Our Future. TO MEET OUR FUTURE, WE WILL ENHANCE THE CONNECTIONS family that seeks to improve ourselves, our campaign to succeed, we are asking for 100% IN OUR FAMILY AND REVITALIZE OUR FAMILY HOME. community, and our world. participation. We look to every family in our community to step forward and pledge generous KAM Isaiah Israel’s congregational family support for this ambitious effort. We recognize builds and strengthens our Jewish community. that this will be different for each member of our Enhanced Connections Revitalized Space KAM Isaiah Israel provides a welcoming congregational family. Please join KAM Isaiah Eliminate barriers and pursue intentional Revitalize our Jewish home and especially community for everyone seeking connection Israel’s leadership, fellow congregants, and friends inclusiveness throughout our community our historic main sanctuary and a sense of belonging. With engaged worship, of KAM Isaiah Israel in giving at a level that is enlightened lifelong learning, and impactful social personally meaningful. Enrich spiritual and other programming, including Ensure our buildings are safe, inviting, justice work, KAM Isaiah Israel provides a Jewish social justice and lifelong learning and inspirational home at every stage of life, and for every generation. Every gift is important to make our vision of a transformative Reform Jewish community Explore and forge strategic partnerships Reimagine a place where all members of our We affirm our commitment to being an a reality. As we continue to navigate an in the Jewish community, on the South Side, family are able to pray, learn, celebrate, and inclusive Reform Jewish community. Guided unpredictable world, now is the time to come and in Chicago connect – today and into the future by creative, devoted clergy and professional staff, together as a community and family to strengthen our active membership and dedicated lay leaders our congregation and ensure KAM Isaiah Israel’s We also hope to create a culture of philanthropy that will help us reach develop and nurture our approach to living life long term sustainability and future success. our vision to be a transformative Reform Jewish Community, while ensuring KAM Isaiah Israel’s long-term vitality.

6 7 MASS FAMILY WISHNICK FAMILY Letter from Our Co-Chairs

Everyone’s Jewish journey is unique, and that KAM Isaiah Israel has been a pillar in our lives, our certainly applies to the three of us. Although our community, and the Reform Jewish movement. backgrounds are different, our personal paths brought us, and our families, together to benefit However, we are also living with a physical spiritually, intellectually, and socially as members structure that is in critical need of revitalization. of KAM Isaiah Israel’s congregational family. The Main Sanctuary, social hall, and other spaces fall short of the expectations and current practices When we were asked to chair the Mishpacha: Our of present and future members. Revitalizing and Family. Our Future. campaign, we were honored modernizing our facilities are vital to KAM Isaiah and excited to have the opportunity to give back Israel’s future stability and sustainability. to the that is a Jewish home for us, our families, and our friends. As individuals, and with our KAM Isaiah Israel’s Mishpacha: Our Family. Our families, we have benefited from and been part of Future. capital and strategic campaign will make transformational moments and acts of service in our certain that the congregation remains blessed with collective Jewish journey with KAM Isaiah Israel. contemporary, welcoming, flexible, and accessible facilities that are so vital to our continued worship, CANEVARO WEINSTEIN FAMILY From our many esteemed rabbis’ spiritual and learning, social justice work, growth, and future intellectual leadership, to the unparalleled Jewish journey. contributions of Max Janowski’s music, to our social justice initiatives that have seen Dr. As co-chairs, we are fully committed to the Martin Luther King speak from our bimah, to our vision of KAM Isaiah Israel as it strives to be a members coming together to support immigrants transformative twenty-first century Reform Jewish and refugees, to our food justice program that has congregation and believe that now is the time taken unused land and put it to use to feed people. to come together to ensure we bring this vision to life. Our Shoresh program’s commitment to teaching Judaism to the next generations on Jewish For KAM Isaiah Israel’s capital campaign to time, travelling with our congregation to Israel, achieve its greatest success, we invite you to join and giving other Reform Jewish congregations us and make a commitment to the Mishpacha: Our essentials such as when we donated a Torah to Family. Our Future. campaign. Karen Or congregation in Lyon, France.


8 9 Giving Levels Campaign Overview


Transformative Capital Revitalizing the Historic Enhancing Community Inclusiveness, Campaign - $5M+ Goal Sanctuary and Reimagining Partnerships, Social Justice Impacts, VISIONARY CHAMPION INNOVATOR the KAMII Space and Lifelong Learning $2,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 Thru December 2020. Thru June 2021. Thru January 2022. or more – – $2,499,999 $999,999 • Work with the Lapin Group to • Revitalize the exterior of the Historic • Strategic Task Teams plan and develop and support the campaign Sanctuary and other elements develop community engagement and • Secure and approve a building • Teams: Campaign Executive partnerships, as well as programming renovation loan Committee, House Committee that drives inclusion, engaged worship, and enlightened learning, PIONEER ADVOCATE LEADER BUILDER • Ensure that proper financial oversight impactful outreach $100,000 $50,000 $10,000 up to is in place for the campaign • Teams: Working Committee, – – – • Design a marketing and commu- Campaign Executive Committee, $499,999 $99,999 $49,999 $9,999 PHASE 1 nications plan to support the campaign Board of Directors, Community • Connect with congregational and Partnerships Task Force, leadership for participation in Lifelong Learning Task Force, and the campaign Membership Innovation Task Force • Teams: Working Committee, Campaign Executive Committee, Financial Oversight, Donor Relations, Marketing and Communications

2020 2021 2022 JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND JFMAMJJASOND Thru Dec. 2021. Thru June 2022+. June 2022+.

• Launch the campaign to the full • Revitalizing and Reimagining • KAMII Board of Directors reviews, congregation Task Force considers and provides approves, and implements • Identify community and other recommendations for use of the strategic recommendations For the Mishpacha: Our Family. Our Future. campaign to succeed, non-congregational donors KAMII space (historic sanctuary, • Teams: Campaign Executive we are asking for 100% participation. additional buildings, and grounds) • Ongoing execution of the Committee, Board of Directors, campaign plans • Partnerships Task Force explores Community and Partnerships and identifies potential strategic Oversight Task Force, Lifelong We look to every household and family in our community to step forward • Donor recognition activities partnerships to further maximize the Learning Task Force, and and pledge financial support for this ambitious effort. Please join KAM Isaiah Israel’s • Teams: Working Committee,

PHASE 2 use and support of our spaces Membership Innovation leadership and your fellow congregants in giving generously at a level that is Campaign Executive Committee, • KAMII Board of Directors reviews, Task Force Financial Oversight, Donor personally meaningful to you and your family. approves, and implements strategic Relations, Marketing and recommendations Communications Every gift is important to make our vision of a transformative • Teams: Campaign Executive Reform Jewish community a reality. Committee, Board of Directors, Revitalizing and Reimagining Task Force, Community and Partnerships Task Force

10 11 Capital and Strategic Campaign


THANK YOU To the hardworking and devoted CAMPAIGN EXECUTIVE clergy, staff, and members of the COMMITTEE Mishpacha: Our Family. Our Future. Campaign Working Committee


Rabbi Frederick Reeves


Lauren Reeves

Max Stein


12 13 Thank you for being a valued member of the KAM Isaiah Israel mischpacha. Please contact us for more information at [email protected]

CAMPAIGN CO-CHAIRS Dan Mass Lainey Weinstein Amy Wishnick








1100 E. Hyde Park Boulevard | Chicago, 60615 |