Refers to Special Presentation Nation &.1 DetenMl Regular Meeting Defenco nationals .+. September 14, 2009 , Regional Support Unit (Pacific) ,. PO Box 17000 Station Forces ayor's . " Victoria. British Columbia M FILE # i&JO-().'S,/{)f3-L V9A 7N2

111 0-1 (CO) TYPE' ______DEPT: ______1I Much 2009 , , A.T. # The Mayor IOa9-;t7 Comments: Delta Municipall-lall 4500 Clarent.:e Taylor Cr~ sce nl Delta Be V4K 3E2

Your wor~ hip :

The purpose of thi s letter is to bring to your anemion a gro up or your citizens who every week mllke a significant contribution to the development and well being of the youth of your commun ity. They are officers ofthe Canadian Forces Reser" !:: Cadet Instructors. Cadre who lead the youth members, the-, of the Royal Canadian Sea, Arm y, and Air Cadet Organ izations. These cadets are part of 's o ldest youth programme. 2009 marks the "Centennial Year" for the Cadet Instructor Cadre.

These Cadets are sponsored by rhe Canadian Forces and their civilian pal1ners, the Air Cadet, Army Cadet, and Navy Leagues ofCanada. The Leagues are represented in your community by a local volunteer sponsoring committee. You may not be aware, but a single Sea or Army Cadet or an Air Cadet Squadron of just 40 cadets call represent an annual federal in vestment in the youth of your communiry of roughly $ 100,000.

As lJ alt of the celebratio n of not only their Centenary. but also the unique contribution of this Canadi an Forces programme to )'our commu nity, it is my hope and requesl that you would have the ofticers that lead the Cadet Corps and Squadrons in your community attend in council chambers to be recognized for their service. This short and simple gesture would do much to raise the profile of the progra mm~ and the contribution of these men and women who, like all Reserve Force members of the Canadian Forces, are "twice the citi zen" by virtue of making both a c ivilian and a military conlribution to their community.

A representat ive· o f Illy organi zation w jll be contacting you in the coming weeks to confirm your interest and to arrange a suitable occasion. Thank you fOf your consideralion of this initiative.

I have included a brief history of the Cadet lnstructor Cadre for your information.

Yours truly, ~~ Commander Commanding Officer

Enclosure: I Canad'a NiltiQ>;(l1 Defense ;:X;fMico M(IQr.,a'e Pacific Region Cadets




The first cadet instruc\:on; wen; detailed by the Department ofMllitia to support Associations or Companies for Drill in Educational Insrirutions originaUy authorized by General Order 18, July 25" 1879. These Companies were confined to High Schools, Nonn:iJ Schools, CoUeges and Universities. Each institution was required to recommend one suitable person to be appointed Captain, and two suitable persons to be appointed Lieutenants to the Company Those individuals held tlteir rank only as long as they remained active. Eventually, on May, 1, 1909, the '·Corps of Schoo] Cadet Instructors (Militia) was authorized to be composed of qualified male school teachers and that qualifications and promotion would be as laid oOVYll for the Infantry Non-Permanent Active Militia or Reserve. On May 1, 1921 the Corps was disbanded and reorg1!lized and was in 1924 renamed as "The Cadet Services ofCanadiL Followlng the Second World \Vru: an establishment for the Cadet Services of Canada and a Civ1ljan Instructional Cadre wa) organizt.d as the fifth sub-component ofthe Canadian Army to train and Administer Royal Canadian Army Cadets.

In 1900, the Nav}! League of Canada sponsored a youth training program kOO\vl1 as the Boy's Naval Brigade, which, in 1923, was changed to the Navy League Sea Cadets. Similar to the early school appointed officers for the DriB Associations, the first sea cadet ofttcers were not members ofthe Royal Canadian ';\a'0', Regular or Reserve, but civilians in u!lifOfID. That condilionremained until 1941. when sea cadet officers were appointed by Governor General's Warrant

Prior to 1940, the first Cadet Squadrons were in fact Army Cadet CQrps affiliated with Royal CanadHifJ Air Force All Reserve Sq'J?..droTIs whose ofttcers provided leadership. On ~ov, 11, 19d O, an Order-in-Council ~1ab1ished the Air Cade: League of Caeada to \vork b partnership with the ReAP to support the Air Cadet Organization.

"Vha: is now the modem day Canadian Forces Cadet ]nstructors Cadre Branch is the result of the unification of the Canadian :Forces in 1969 <:;nd the subsequent consolidation ofcadet instructors to the Cadet Instructors List. The Cadet Instructors List was renamed the Cadet Instructors Cadre July, 21,1994,

W1Ult began with army cadets in 1879, the Canadian Cadet Organizations, Royal Canadian Sea, Army and Air Cadets are the oldest youth organizations in Canada. They are part of the :national fabric because ofthe dedication and senice ofthousands of adults who took it upon themselves to lead and mentor tbeteenagers oftheir cortl.7tuntty, While each of the Cadet Organizations has 11 different individual history, the sea, land, we ,alr officers of the modem Cadet Instructors Cadre have a great legacy of youth leadership, ~30>