overAid NEWS

Summer ‘16 Google Maps 7/29/16, 2:18 PM

portrait welcome highlights

HoverAid News is about bringing together the stories of our extraordinary community. Helene, 11 We are a community separated by continents, cultures and languages but by sharing in each 04 other’s experiences and gifts we can begin to 10 Years in Fanjakana interact as neighbours. We believe this interaction will transform us.

M Ndria and Mme Flora support their five forethought children with the small profits from their rice paddy on the outskirts of There is no easy route up this mountain we are climbing. Fanjakana. They firmly be- The way is rough and the summit is high; but as we lieve in the importance of celebrate 10 years in it is worth pausing to look 06 education and have made back at the distance we have travelled. And to rejoice in the Witchdoctor many sacrifices in order to hundreds of people who have trodden those miles together send each of their children as part of HoverAid. Woes to school. So have a cup of tea, sit down with this copy of HoverAid Their youngest, Helene, News and take in the view with us. Then come and join in for has just finished year 8 the climb ahead. at Ecole Adventiste in Tanandava. Every weekday What’s new? she walks 5km with her classmates to and from Well funds are still really (really) tight, and we need more staff school. in Madagascar. Working in the bush is hard, it’s tough getting things done especially with rising insecurity in the south. 10 The cover portrait was taken during a Community ... but then we do have some really dedicated volunteers with Workshop Health Project home visit us this year, and there are more coming out. The teams in to M Ndria and Mme Flora. Europe and Madagascar are growing together with a better Wednesdays Helene returned home understanding of our Christian Vision and Humanitarian with her exam results. She Mission, and there are new opportunities emerging from our had passed and was over- work along Madagascar’s river systems. God is good. Yup. flowing with joy. It was infectious; soon everyone present was beaming. 12 Andy Mayo Beyond the Chief Exec Imagery ©2016 TerraMetrics, Map data ©2016 Google 5 km HoverAid Trust Guidebook https://www.google.mg/maps/@-21.6334138,45.2105076,63024m/data=!3m1!1e3PAGE 2 SUMMER ‘16 SUMMER ‘16 PAGE 3 Page 1 of 2 Google Maps 7/29/16, 2:18 PM

action areas Community Health Project (CHP): to Makay 7 Community Action Groups including Massif new CAGs in Fanjakana, Tanandava, HoverAid Celebrates Soutana, Marqaise and Bestastra Mada Medical Safari (MMS): 35 MMSs, over 10,000 patients seen in 18 principal 10 Years in Madagascar locations Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): A closer look at Beroroha 6 pumps installed, regional Bio Sand Filter distribution, PSI education on malaria and clean water Later this summer it will be 10 years since HoverAid first started operating in Madagascar. Since then we have worked with communities all across this vast Buildings: 1 school at Ankazoabokely, 1 country but have a particularly special place in our hearts for Beroroha. As the clinic in Tanandava, reconstruction of site of one of our first field operations, and still visited 10 years on, here’s how the central market in Beroroha Makay River a decade of work breaks down [opposite]. Advocacy: increasing government attention, SALFA running clinic, UNICEF water and vaccination projects, and environmental recognition of the upper Makay

Mangoky River

Beroroha skyline and the sands of the Mangoky

Though its founding and ancient origins are unclear, it is remembered that Beroroha was once the regional centre of trade. Its situation at the strategic crossroads of the North-South running road and the East-West running Mangoky River prompted the Malio River French colonists to designate the town as the District capital almost a century ago. But recent decades of road neglect have virtually severed Beroroha from the outside world. The result is an effectively semi-autonomous region, ignored politically, blighted by bandits and susceptible to famine and epidemics.

But this humanitarian need, coupled with the town’s geographical position at the intersection of Mangoky and its tributaries the Makay and Malio, makeFACT Beroroha a highly strategic base for Hovercraft operations in the region. Beroroha’s people have hosted us now for 10 years and HoverAid has become a trusted name in communities across the district. to to Ranohira Local Militia on patrol

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https://www.google.mg/maps/@-21.6334138,45.2105076,63024m/data=!3m1!1e3 Page 1 of 2 the heart of it Witch Doctor Woes

Modern vs. Traditional Medicine

Across Madagascar there is a growing of Bara territory. It is no more than 5 or 6 respect for modern medicine, but in the houses surrounded by rice paddies. It is home more isolated regions in which HoverAid to the extended family of Mr Fiavia. And is works, the ombiasa (witchdoctor) still one of the many settlements involved in our remains the first point of contact in nearly Beroroha district Community Health Project all medical situations – though the sick may (CHP). also visit a hospital as a last resort, it is often too late. Since 2010 the CHP has promoted health education at a grass roots level through the The Bara ethnic group from Madagascar’s South training given to our Community Health Western plains are famously tough, stubborn Workers (CHWs) Bila and Zauzaule, and passed and proud. Semi-nomadic cattle herders for on to Community Action Groups (CAGs), local centuries, their traditions and taboos are not volunteers who visit homes and host village abandoned lightly. The ombiasa is the spiritual meetings to share their knowledge and answer overseer of these customs. Here it is impossible questions about health and sanitation. As part of Gris gris - magical objects - take many forms to talk about healthcare without talking about the community, the CAGs also check in on people one of the most common [as in this photo] is an amulet the ombiasa. they know need medical assistance to say hello, filled with sacred plants, it is hung around the neck offer FACTadvice, and if necessary, encourage them to to protect against the influences of malign spirits. The tiny village of Ankilitantely lies in the heart attend our clinic during the MMS.

PAGE 6 SUMMER ‘16 SUMMER ‘16 PAGE 7 Zauzaule is in charge of the CHP in the area and is well respected for his passion for health and education that drives his work. Over previous visits to Ankilitantely he has come to know Mr Fiavia and his family, and calling in on a recent visit he noticed a young boy, clearly unwell that he didn’t recognise lying on the floor in the corner of the small mud-built house. Zauzaule enquired after the child, whom he found out is called Kalava and is a nephew of Mr Fiavia’s, taken in as a son after Ankilitantely, a small settlement built in the traditional W. Kalava’s father died. Maladagascar style. The the large awnings provide shade during the A quick examination revealed Kalava’s heat of the day. condition was alternating between high fever and cold sweat. He had been vomiting and complaining of muscle ache, all symptoms of advanced malaria. They are signs our CAGs Kalava gazes after the CHP team after a visit in July to check on his progress. He stayed watching the road till we were out of site. have seen many times before, as are the deadly consequences if left untreated.

Zauzaule advised Mr Fiavia of the danger his Two days later when Zauzaule returned to credit the ombiasa rather than the adopted son was in if he did not see a doctor to the house he found the child in a quinine with his adoptive son’s recovery. immediately. Mr Fiavia responded, equally truly grave state. Unable to persuade Mr sincerely, that there was no use in taking Fiavia, Zauzaule confided in his wife his This division within a family is typical Kalava to a doctor. He explained that he had frustrations at having to watch a child of the mindset of this region. The Bara left the matter in the hands of an ombiasa who die. attitude is slowly changing – often would communicate with the spirits on the along generational lines. But changing boy’s behalf in return for one zebu (bull) from It emerged that both Zauzaule and Mr attitudes and visible successes of Mr Fiavia has since started the Mr Fiavia’s small herd. The price had already Fiavia’s wives are distantly related giving modern healthcare are a threat to process of initiation to become been paid and the witchdoctor had revealed Zauzaule and his wife a small degree of the ombiasa’s position of power. a witch doctor himself. that’s Kalava’s illness was the child’s dead authority in family matters. The wives Greater conflict is likely in the future father claiming Kalava back for himself and conferred and suggested an immediate and a strategy will be needed to bring there was little anyone could do. family meeting to decide the issue and these healer’s on side. But for now we word was sent to all family members. celebrate a life saved. Though Zauzaule attempted to explain the medical facts of the matter to the family, Mr Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, Note: Fiavia was bound by agreement and by belief in cousins and elder siblings discussed the It may be culturally insensitive to write the authority of a man who claims to know the merits of the ombiasa’s words against about ancient and revered practice in will of the dead. Zauzaule’s council. Over several hours a negative light - especially when the Kalava’s fate was decided not by his dead Christian priesthood has been guilty of In traditional Malagasy communities the ancestors but by his living family. With so many of the same exploitations of the ombiasa fulfils the dual role of healer/diviner. the exception of Mr Fiavia, they chose reverence in which it is held. There is Their practice is learned through a long to trust in the hope offered by modern certainly a position for an establishment apprenticeship covering medicinal plants, medicine and the confidence they placed upholding traditions in the face of sacred places, sacred objects and the sacrifices in our Community Health Worker. globalisation. But exercise of ombiasa and rituals involved in communicating with power is so often measured in human spirits. The ombiasa exist as part of a wider After 3 days in hospital with the correct lives and families’ savings. It is up to Though without mother or culture of ancestor worship in which the dead pharmacological interventions the child the Bara to choose whether to leave father, Kalava sits surrounded by affect the physical world in order to guide the recovered his strength and returned behind this practice in its current form. his extended family. It is common living. The ombiasa’s monopoly on interpreting to Ankilitantely. But though the family As followers of Jesus, humanitarians and in Malagasy culture to take the spiritualFACT origins of physical events gives is full of gratitude to Zauzaule and his doctors, we believe that our work in this responsibility for relations. them enormous power in the community. wife’s intervention, Mr Fiavia still prefers region will help inform that choice.

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August 26th-29th – Greenbelt Festival, Kettering September 10th - Rutland Day, Rutland Water 27th-29th May – Big Church Day Out DIY gods and goddesses, pilots, plumbers and anyone up for a hands-on Wednesday. 3rd & 4th June – Isle of Wight Bike Ride September 24th – Rockingham Castle, Corby We need YOU! 14th and 15th July – The 3 Peaks Challenge September 25th – Milton Country Park, Cambr. It’s taken blood, sweat and tears but our Workshop Team has transformed a barn in East Sussex into a hovercraft hanger and workshop. 2016 2017 letters The next challenge is getting our largest hovercraft, the Griffon 1500, fixed up and out to Madagascar.

That will take a huge range of skill sets and there is a role for everyone. Talented tea makers, prospective hovercraft pilots, compulsive cleaners and eminent Volunteering with HA electricians; join our Workshop Teams one Wednesday this month and see if you don’t come back for more. I was first attracted to HoverAid with previous MMSs. We built the If you like the practical, hands-on end of charity then get involved, bring your a number of years ago at New school in cooperation with the mates, bring your parents, bring your youth group, or your colleagues. Wine. It wasn’t the hovercraft or community and with the help of It is amazing what change we can make with a full workshop. the specific work they did that got some local builders. By the end me hooked, it was the passion it really felt like a big team effort Every Wednesday at Whitesmith Farm, Lewes, BN8 6HA (unless stated otherwise) and belief of the people on the and these relationship led to stand that they really could make further community projects in the Sign up at meetup.com/HoverAid or get in touch at [email protected] a difference to the Malagasy village.

Workshop Wednesdays Workshop people, and that they did this through relationships. Since then On the back of these trips I now I’ve had the privilege to go out regularly volunteer at events and to Madagascar twice to help with love that in the UK HoverAid is event report projects in the field. Through this also built on relationships. I have seen the impact of these Whether I’m cycling around the relationships. Isle of Wight or helping with hovercraft rides I always have fun Hovercraft On the first trip we were helping because the people involved are a local man called Franklin to set amazing and I have made some in the Park up a business selling Bio Sand wonderful friends. Filters (BSF). The BSFs are heavily With RR308 in tow, we attended our subsidised by HoverAid but by I now fully understand what first two Cambridge public events distributing them in this way “Reaching the Unreachable” Peter tests out the this summer; on Parkers Piece as the Malagasy people firstly see means. The people HoverAid new Canzee pump part of Town and Country show and someone who understands their work with are isolated not just in Ankazoabokely at Milton Country Park as part of culture explaining what the BSFs by where they live but also as a Parklife. are for, and secondly by making result of their cultures, languages a contribution to the cost, the and beliefs. HoverAid use Jointly these events raised nearly families will look after them and hovercraft to navigate the rivers £3000 for HoverAid and we are so will benefit from safe clean water but it is their attitude of respect thankful for everyone that enabled for years to come. and love for the communities in us to be there, including Jezo’s which they work that allows them events and those that came to On the second trip I was involved to come alongside local people support us and gave donations. in building a school. HoverAid and truly reach the unreachable. knew the community had lost Pilot training - stage 1 its previous school in a cyclone Peter Edwards We’re back at Milton Country Park in September because they had visited the area

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our partners or for our medical in the region, helping local and developmental projects, people to benefit from their in ways that will generate local biodiversity assets, and funds to support more work in releasing HoverAid to move Madagascar, and provide a way forward to other remote for local people to benefit. communities.

Enabling tourists and scientists In offering transport for to access the remote corners research and tourism purposes of these river systems would we will not only provide the create another means of opportunity for others to Black and White sharing the needs of the witness first hand both the Ruffed Lemur regions in which we work. beauty and hardships in the region, but also the knowledge This advocacy is a vital stage to understand it and , crucially, in HoverAid’s overall mission: a framework to engage with it. bringing attention to forgotten regions encourages others – Discussions are in their early NGOs, churches, government, stages and we will keep you private investment, etc. – to posted as we move forward. recognise and engage with the Please do get in touch if you people, problems, possibilities would like to tell us what you and opportunities that have think, or express interest at gone ignored. New connections [email protected]. will generate beneficial growth Beyond the Guidebook Expanding our advocacy work to new audiences

Madagascar’s unique and extraordinary animals not far behind – the opportunity to work and plants draw tourists and scientists from all together arises. over the world. In the remote regions where we work, the biodiversity is exceptionally high. And HoverAid are considering the possibility of as researchers reach the edges of our zones of putting our hovercraft and local logistical Hovercraft or not there’s always occasion operation – with a few highly intrepid tourists expertise to use when they are not needed by for negotiating rivers the old-fashioned way

PAGE 12 SUMMER ‘16 SUMMER ‘16 PAGE 13 When Ravandrika first walked 100km from to the government hospital with her family she was turned away.

There was neither the equipment nor expertise necessary to treat her cleft palate. But while in Beroroha, the family learned about HoverAid’s medical programme and arranged a return there to coincide with our next mission.

Two months later she attended our clinic and received the simple but life transforming surgery that would have otherwise been denied.

Our aim in HoverAid News is to enable you to be a part of a community that stretches from Mandronarivo in Madagascar to your home. If your response to your place in this community is to give monetary support then thank you.

We are a small charity with no statutory funding. You make it possible to send our doctors to towns like Beroroha.

Please support us with a regular donation by completing and returning the form opposite, by visiting our website uk.hoveraid.org or by contacting Andy at [email protected].

Together we will go further. PAGE 14 SUMMER ‘16 SUMMER ‘16 PAGE 15 Help Us Reach Further Praying.

In Madagascar it is customary to receive a gift with two cupped hands. This gesture shows Volunteering gratefulness and humility. in the Cambridge Office, We know that we are only able to do what we do because of the grace of the community the Sussex workshop and around us; those who share their time, money, resources and contacts; those who support for our events. us with words or prayers and spread our message; and those whose hearts are inspired by the forgotten parts of our world.

To you we extend both hands in gratefulness and humility. Spreading the word.

Booking our Hovercraft This year we are celebrating the and team to come to extraordinary work of the entire HA Team and Supporters as we mark a your event! decade in Madagascar.

Together we have brought medical intervention and dignity to over 1000 Please contact people so far this year, and many thousands more in the previous [email protected] decade. But there is so much more to if you are in a position be done. Take action! Be a part of it! to help.

The HoverAid Trust: registered charity number 1005977 | Registered in England and Wales number 02661888 | Limited by guarantee | Registered Office Unit 2, Chalk Farm, High St, Babraham, CB22 3AG | 020 8144 2338