The Hornet Tribune SENIOR STAFF WRITER APPLICATION REVISED JUNE 2016 Job Description for Senior Staff Writer and Investigative Reporter/Writer Job Summary for Senior Staff Writer Senior staff writers are the upper echelon of reporters at the newspaper, marked by the quantity, quality and consistency of their work. Chosen by their respective section editors, these writers have shown excellence, dedication and reliability and are depended upon to take late-breaking stories or those of great importance.

Job responsibilities 1. Comes to office on night story is submitted 2. Receives first pick of story assignments 3. Completes a specified number of stories per week, as specified by the section editor when the individual is promoted 4. Accepts assignments in writing from section editors with the full intentions of completing work to the best of his ability — which includes researching, interviewing, writing, , rewriting and formatting 5. Works in the office during production time and assisting respective section editors 6. Works closely with the editorial staff to generate content consistent with the mission of assigned section. 7. Consultation with an editor is required before researching any story 8. Completes work by deadline specified by section editor 9. Maintains complete responsibility for the fairness, accuracy and clarity of all work accepted and submitted for approval 10. Accepts suggestions for success from members of the editorial leadership 11. Notifies the editor on call in case of a writing problem as soon as possible 12. Attends scheduled staff meetings

Job Summary for Investigative Reporter/Writer An Investigative Reporter will research, develop, write and produce groundbreaking investigative news stories for The Hornet Tribune. Our Investigative Reporter is expected to generate long and short term investigative news projects and content; contribute research and analysis on major breaking news events; and provide investigative content to conceptualize and produce factual, ethical and compelling investigative and regular news content.

Job responsibilities 1. Observe all publication deadlines 2. Follow the recommended procedures, as prescribed by textbooks and professionals, for indepth and investigative reporting. 3. Completes a specified number of stories per week, as specified by the section editor when the individual is promoted 4. Accepts assignments in writing from section editors with the full intentions of completing work to the best of his/her ability — which includes researching, interviewing, writing, editing, rewriting and formatting 5. Works closely with the editorial staff to generate content consistent with the mission of the assigned section. 6. Maintains complete responsibility for the fairness, accuracy and clarity of all work accepted and submitted for approval 7. Accepts suggestions for success from members of the editorial leadership 8. Notifies the editor on call in case of a writing problem as soon as possible 9. Attends scheduled staff meetings

The Hornet Tribune Senior Staff Writer or Investigative Reporter/Writer STAFF APPLICATION

OFFICE USE ONLY Interview 1. ______Grades 2. ______Essay 3. ______Experience/Writing Samples 4. ______Resume’ 5. ______TOTAL ______

Name ______Last First Middle

Gender: ______Male ______Female Classification ______

Phone number(s) where you can be reached easily: ______

Are you a U.S. citizen? ______Yes ______No SID#______

Home/Permanent Address

Address ______Apartment #______

City______State ______Zip Code ______

Telephone ______Cell Phone ______

Email Address______Web Address ______

University Mailing Address

Address ______Apartment #______

City______State ______Zip Code ______

Telephone ______Cell Phone ______

Email Address______Web Address ______

Personal Information

The Hornet Tribune makes a special effort to attract applicants from all racial or ethnic minority groups. Please check one category: ____Caucasian _____Hispanic _____Asian/Pacific Islander ____American Indian/Alaskan Native _____African American Academic Information

List your undergraduate major ______

If you listed /communication, indicate your emphasis or concentration ______Advertising ______Public Relations ______Visual _____ Design ______Broadcasting ______Online ______Multimedia _____ Print

Which of the following courses have you taken or will have completed by the end of the Spring semester? ______Beg. Newswriting ______Inter. Newswriting ______Advanced Newswriting ______Feature Writing ______Opinion Writing ______Sports Writing ______Copy Editing ______Newspaper Design ______Online Editing ______Yearbook Design ______Magazine Design ______Video Editing

Practical Journalistic Experience Have you ever worked for a high school, college or professional (newspaper, yearbook or literary magazine)? ______Yes ______No Name of Publication ______

Check duties performed _____ Copy Editing _____ Reporting _____Design _____ HTML Coding _____ Photography _____Proofreader

Check all of the positions that you have held on a staff

_____ Executive Editor _____ ______Copy Desk Chief _____Archivist _____ Content Editor _____ Design Editor ______Photo Editor _____Reporter _____ Feature Writer _____ Art Critic ______Columnist _____Copy Editor

How many hours a week do you plan to devote to this endeavor if you are selected to lead the staff?

_____ 1-5 hours _____ 6-10 hours _____ 11-15 hours _____ 16-20 hours _____ 21-25 hours _____25-30 hours _____ 31-35 hours

Are you serving as a or freelancer for a professional newspaper, magazine or online publication? ______Yes ______No Name of Publication ______

If so, how many stories, on the average are published during a month? ______

Indicate which of the following areas you have better than average skills:

______Proficient in hypertext markup language (HTML) _____ Proficient with graphics and page design ______Proficient in page layout, graphics and design _____ Proficient in computer generated charts ______Proficient in reporting, writing and editing _____ Proficient in photos and photo editing ______Proficient in marketing or telemarketing _____ Proficient in sales and advertising ______Proficient in video and video editing _____ Proficient in public affairs and promotion

Indicate why you believe you would be the best person to fill this position ______Academic Information (Continued)

Junior High School Attended ______

Senior High School Attended ______

University Attended ______

Personal Information

Have you ever been convicted of a crime (other than a traffic violation) or been imprisoned during the last seven years? A conviction will not necessarily bar you from employment. ______Yes ______No If yes, explain: ______

Names of friends or relatives that are employed by The Hornet Tribune ______

Employment History (Begin with most recent employer)

1. Employer ______Dates Employed ______

Address ______Telephone ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Beginning Salary ______Ending Salary ______Position held ______

Reason for Leaving ______

2. Employer ______Dates Employed ______

Address ______Telephone ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Beginning Salary ______Ending Salary ______Position held ______

Reason for Leaving ______

3. Employer ______Dates Employed ______

Address ______Telephone ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Beginning Salary ______Ending Salary ______Position held ______

Reason for Leaving ______Military Service

Branch of Service ______

Dates of Service ______

Duties/Special Training ______

Additional Information

Do you have any disabilities that may require special accommodations on the part of The Hornet Tribune staff in order for you to function efficiently? ______Yes ______No If yes, please elaborate ______

References List the name, title, address, email address, office and home telephone numbers of two people (professors, former high school teachers (no relatives) who are familiar with the abilities that are needed for the job in which you are applying. Be sure to include area codes for telephone numbers and zip codes for addresses. Student Media Board members will call them during the selection process so please be sure they are aware that you have listed them as references. Do not list peers as references.

1. Name ______Title ______

Home Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Home Telephone ______Office Telephone ______

Email Address ______Fax #______

2. Name ______Title ______

Home Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Home Telephone ______Office Telephone ______

Email Address ______Fax #______

Applicant’s Statement (Signature Required)

I have read all of the information pertaining to The Hornet Tribune and if selected by the Student Media Board, I agree to honor my commitment to complete my year as an senior staff writer or investigative report- er/writer unless I become medically disabled. All of the information I have given in this application is true.

Signature ______Date ______The Selection Process for the Senior Staff Writer or Investigative Reporter/Writer To be selected as a senior staff writer or THE ESSAY: The essay of each finalist is an investigative reporter/writer for The Hornet read, graded and averaged by the Selection Tribune is a step up from an entry level staff re- Committee members. It usually receives special porter/writer. Any student chosen to work as a attention in the final evaluation. The purpose of senior staff writer or an investigative reporter/ the essay is three-fold: (1) to get an idea of how writer must work for at least one year on a me- the applicant writes and develops a story; (2) to dia staff or support unit before he or she can be take a look at the applicant’s critical thinking considered for this position unless waived by the and analysis skills and (3) to measure the unique- editor-in-chief. ness of his or her responses. The Selection Committee is made up of After all criteria are considered, the Selec- the editor-in-chief, managing editor, staff adviser, tion Committee determines which finalist to inter- coordinator for Student Expression and Multime- view by telephone or in person. That decision dia. All applications will be screened first to en- is made by re-evaluating all parts of each final- sure that all necessary qualifications have been ist’s application and includes telephone calls to met. Once the screening is completed, the pro- teachers and others listed as references on the cess is divided into preliminary and final stages application form. Two references are required. unless the number of applications received is INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: Here are some of very low. the interview questions that have been asked in Selection of finalists for the section editor the past of candidates who applied for the se- or the content editor is based upon these crite- nior staff writer or investigative reporter/writer po- ria: sition. Why do you want to be senior staff writer STUDENT’S JOURNALISTIC BACKGROUND or investigative reporter/writer for The Hornet AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE (OPTIONAL): This Tribune? What do you believe you can bring to rating illustrates the candidate’s commitment to the position in terms of skills attitude and goals? scholarship. It consists of a look at the courses the What have you done in the past that demon- applicant has taken and the grades earned in strates you would be an asset to this publication, high school. List the courses taken in high school and if selected, what will you do to move it for- and college (journalism) on a separate sheet of ward? paper and submit them with this application. In Each applicant should prepare well; as addition, the Selection Committee would like to your responses will weigh heavily on the decision review any articles or submissions that were au- made for the position being sought. thored by you at Alabma State University, high RESUME: The resume’ will be carefully school or any other university publication. analyzed to determine how much time and ef- PRIOR EXPERIENCE: Every potential can- fort has been given to its preparation. Remem- didate should have experience as a reporter or ber, first impressions are lasting and in a situation writer before they can advance to serve in those where several people are competing for a posi- roles. Therefore, samples of the candidates work tion, your resume’ may be the deciding factor. will be reviewed after the interview and weight Therefore, please include previous journalism ex- will be given to those students who have excep- periences as well as employment experiences tional writing skills. These reporting and writing while attending both high school and college. experiences can be gained in high school or col- We wish you much success. lege. QUALIFICATIONS 1. Must be a full time student 4. Must have attended editing workshops 2. Must have and maintain a 2.5 grade 5. Must have attended writing workshops point average 6. Must have good character, never been 3. Must have served on a media staff for convicted of a crime, or have a crime one year as a reporter/writer. pending. CHECKLIST

The following materials must be submitted in order for you to be considered for a staff reporter/writer position on any of the aforementioned staffs:

______1. Senior Staff Writer or Investigative Reporter/Writer Staff Application

______2. A typed resume’ listing all colleges you have attended, all major jobs you have held since junior high school. We will look for the name, address and telephone numbers of the company that employed you, the name of your supervisor, the type of work you performed and the dates you were employed.

______3. A high school or college transcript or a typed list of all of your journalism courses with grades will also suffice.

______4. A 500-word Essay. This two-page essay must be typed and double spaced.

______5. Prior Experience (Writing Samples)

Please make duplicants of all hard copies that you submit

Your Essay . . . An Important Part of the Student Media Board’s Decision Your 500-word essay must be typed in an easy-to-read typewriter or com- puter print font. It is permissible to make minor editing marks, should you spot errors while proofreading.

Often, panelists read and re-read an essay when deciding which students will advance to the finalist’ stage. Therefore, it is important to write a well- organized, straightforward piece.

TOPIC: Write an essay regarding how we can improve the statistic that says that there is nearly a 70% chance that an African American man without a high school diploma will be imprisoned before he is 40. BE SURE TO TYPE YOUR FULL NAME AT THE TOP OF EACH PAGE OF YOUR ESSAY.

Please staple the essay to this page