"v. A.n-SBSB- HAWAIIAN GXZETTE Spsc, Mse.mred'la'XiuVar.U THE t sr I 1 tn 2 n H ; PlTKLlBllED T if 1 3 1 J W Unts U loch-.- ... ..,... l COJ J to 11 Liaee liacb...... 4W-t- M. WHITNEY. :t Uuse 1 lechec;,.., ... 4 W TOO t It By HENRY U. 3lMhn,.... ., S' as It r 4S Llaae4 Isettea .t.... 4 Wi liorf I. c QnartarcfCelania...... 11 w 1JCCI ro m HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. Third of Colarna... i to It w a m FIVE DOLLARS PEE ANNUM HsIfefCelnni. I. GO It u SUl 30 09 it IllJli Corama...... It t It 00 30 OM U TABLE IX ADVAXCE. On. CoJrain...... it ooj U - flO.OO. A WEEKLY TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. 4Ta- BustsMs Csrds .ess .pvtjwt. sr Me trm are rtljrnS:ubifribeTi,IT.OOt JOURNAL, DEWED alleweil a discont fresa these rates, wbleh sre jr trsnsient arblcblncIaJea postages prepaid. adTertleemeats, when peat or hargv4 ejutMty. Jf. dl All fbrstga Mv.rta.ra.ots a,sat V. seeesnpsaleel wit th. pay wh. wdm4 is, t a. aeeiee .111 b. uke. at the new Post Office Building tbeu. The rates of ebsrresar, given the stwv, scales cEIn t. s Honolulu, IT. VOL. Xni.-N- 41.1 i resaituacs. for Sastsr. Aaertcan'.dvetusMsesrls,-erase- Merchant Street, L o. HONOLULU, .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1877. WHOLE No. 665. scripttoo, ssay b. asd. by bank cbKk,cvia er ten resit post ageslsrape.

" e 11 -- J oM-- tit mn a dollar. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTIUliS. BUSINESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. BTCKlt. r. tUAl. FOREIGN NOTICES. jso. a, vtaucck, k. ak aPAUio. ttm. q. ibwix. own lfa, o. .ir.uEi.ia: at co.. CHRISTIAN CERTZ, Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. Insuranoe Notice. Ot. is not enry, mj W3I.. G. V II. IV. SEVERANCE, next drdoor neighbor, IlXWITf CO., s lth f oir Sugar TIHSMITH8 AND PLTJHBEES. A Hs JhZJL far the n.vr.llsa. IsUrfds, AGENT FOR TUB stout of heart, Factors. no. a OAHDXTET lit AOSNT8 C. BBEWEB Jt CO. BlUTISH itBCBiXT, yd ot stfU u be Shipping and Commission Herchants ann.un Street, a BliliS T4 AlSOWsii TO THE TUE Marine Xocraiic Company. (United), has re rioxaiiiiox gbterfaUy ltow UWr' EwpuaiUatlron hnd rail of Tin, Sheet til PCUUCof nonolatu, tlMt h b porcliased eefrad icitrncticrs to reduce tb ef lnsarancw S FEOKT STREET. Ali aoEarrm roa uuilW! - rta new - Iron, and Copperirare, the stock and boslaesaof Boston Board of Underwriters, betvecn Honolnln and Porta in tb and is pre- a - of tsroa. little dabte, - - M riJcn- rofle, ma-I- TM rst kaw. Nealrtm llant&Uon,HawaIL- ' 1 1oor pared tti Uaoe PotlcUa Mtaa. t. GalT-- d ' EH. Hotel Straet. next to EtreJis's Brae at tha Iwrat wttB aabaciat MAX FRANCISCO. been our lingering fcarow. Make Sugar PlanUtlon, ManL Makes Sugar fZ., KanaL lron and Lead Pipe. India Bubber Ho... te Store, and to bosiara wtli by for the Hawaiian Islands, redaction on frefeht per steamers. fata Manl D. that future the beearned oa AGENTS C. BBEWEB k CO. 1 go forth Wt PlaDtatloa. U. Vlda(Cn)ou Mtlla) HawaU. ce.1 hlni tn same TQEO.- - H. DATTES, J tha night S3 w.'ll both Jt im the premise. j. fi OrHtr BkneU'a(nolnr'8lalai.d)CocoanatOil. C O. MlWu a shortt of tie public and ly Kl Afsnt Brit. Tor. Margins. Umlta4 & North Western Life Co- Mr rtrotiAi TRASS-ATLAKTI- C C, ROBERTOH SYKES, XCZb babbler hearts Int. - tfwlu Lloyd Marine Ins Co, I". A. SClIAEITlr. Jc CO.. promHMhU patrons clTllitx. alttatioa aotl ft.od .ualltr debtor Is bot a ibimi faced dot, C53 nonolaln. TI. I. . y for their money. 62& Ir tb Importers & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, the creditor name on hi collar; . X. Commission Merchants op COMMISSION MERCHANTS tnii CATLE. J. 1. ATaCRT05. J. P. COOKE. oSM - 1 NEW ZEALAND a kleg. Queen, Uonololn. Ilw.li.aI,lDd, lusBnta. INS. CO., j Mdrw Ac Xj. way, ixsunrjn on BriT.niMJK. Urerpoal .Cncland. doll 1 CAaSTLK her. for o bo mu a r COOKE. Rbhs and b'nrnttnre, on liberal ternis, by ran SHffPDrO AND C 8. BAHTOIV, CARPENTER AND JOINER reeetred and made, sad tbe y, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Auctioneer. H. HACKFELD & CO., Agenta. Consignments anipmests saw in hla coach Selefrootn on Queen door I per.tistboryeo Street, one from Eaahnmeau HWork Don Prompt jr. MayM, 1I7J. neU-- lr tfc for ariaOeo gtrtn or produce , daughter, IMPORTERS ASD MS FIRE MARINE INSURANCE. faCeat ia sad TC till wife and Wonting Strut. It Shop oa Fort Eiplanadi, opposlu 'Hopper's 'Barrl St.. ESTABLISHED, lilt. 14? sasjiaBKrWrlnc.auatkeU. gy JJ"B to oar eurerlM board, Dealers In Conoral Merchandise, Tactory. CALIFORNIA lr a tup of water ; E. ADAMS. Ib (rut and So. SO Elng Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ialandi. P. C. In your eye, E. TClLlalAJI, INSURANCE COMPANY. A. F. EVERETT, - drop flood Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. OftpitaX: $5,000,000 I.- ibtir HAKDTACTUEEK, DEALER (With unlimited liability or Shareholders.) ""wags triad Jour beat to coocaal It .... AGENTS FOE Qieen Street. Honolulu, II. 1. SK.1t IMPOSTBE AND Forwarding and CeBa4ssleH MertbaBt, l In of ry dMcrlptiun. TTa.sHooius CNDEJISIGNED. AGENTS OP coot reached bttrt, The Union Inturanee Contp.tny of San Franclaco. Tbe New Foraitnrt FnroUnrs la TBE lk ,fct jour Buildlos; Work shop at ths old stand THE Company, have been authorized, to insure rtek. SEE TOT WELL, PROTECT YOURSELF Shekspesr. 40S Street', Clay, Eejlwd Mutual Life Into ranee Company, Boaiun. on and Fr.stt C.rner .f it3 rM could nt help but faal It ; JOUS WOIITH. oa Ilottl Straat, . Cargo, Freight Trea.ure, from Honolulu Tha Ore coo Packet Line. (The Kobala TUntatlou, to all paru of tbe worlj, and vice versa. SAN FRANCISCO. .vowing D9r that ooracaoty fre Anctionetr, and Sealer 634 Orders from tha islands promptly INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. I Dr.Jayua A Son'e Cclebralad The Haiku Plantatiaw, in. Oeaeral MerthandiiB other attended tovpy CM ly II. HACKFELD k CO. k -- S J-- Particular actuation Debt ta CesMlenmaata of I,l.ntl Ui fiwd my f'om be colUr, Medicinea. h aiaiua riantatmn. MO HILO, HAWAII. Cm Of every description ot property may ba effected wltn this mo A WHiod'i Sewinc ILVNUIIKGII-UItUMU- IWnM. Ml ly Ia'-i- -a J l&ub, and brlp shout, Wbealer liamasna IlantatlkHi. iy Oooispaay at moderats rates. 1 Macblnea, ly) we- ova tut luea a dtUsr (tl si. i:. .iici.vtyki: DOMESTIC BftOpUCE. t iinoTiiEit, FIKE IKSTTEA HOE COMPANY. Merchandise, Goods and Freight Inmred atssr a. villus.. ua-l- p. suacxaa. whose hw bu daxxled your ajeaj OEOCJEEYrrBED STOEE and BAEEET; JIM 71. S. GUIOATJ.TI fc CO., By steamers and aalllnc resnsla. Losses can be mads WHiLTAMS. BI.AHCHASD & CO b wretched dbtor; Corner of King "d Fort itreetl, KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION UNDERSIGNED nawlnsr been In j, fcet I1IP0ETEES AND WHOLESALE DEALEES THE Agents of tbe above Company, ar. prepared payable Honolulu. Lin oft from tuy very heart. Honolulu. en NOW 2 py In Fashtonahla Clothinf, Ilata, Cape, Boota. Shore and lj SUUAIt COUISO IV and tor sole lu tolnKirerUh. .csinst lire, on Stone and Brick Build, CAtbTLE ft COOKE. Shipping asd Coamlssloa Mrrchinls, I uh that bU lot were better. Tery variety of Gentlemen' auparlor rurniablDg Good. to suit purchaser, oy lugs, and on Mrrenandl.e stored therein. OT tbe most M for Uooolnlo. a. 6R AFOKG A ly Acents tha oU U tbe eeriest stars allr. Store In MaltaVi Block, Queen Street, Honolulu. II. X. b. mrL a. w. Bean. IF ACHUClf. Cvursble terms. For particulars apply at Ibe cotce ot 2lt Callnsrnla Slrset. Sea Traacbteaw 1. 1oi7.1tJ 33 ly r. A. 6CHAEFER A CO. fir bts dashnc wile and daughter, , FUIEL.JcItIJt.II. In at jle. though rain should oome Pioneer, Mill, tc GEOCEEIES AND PE0VISI0H DEALEES Lahaiha. HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C FOREIGN NOTICES. C0BB1TT & XAC1BAY. a lamb to lb slaughter; ramtl Grocery and Teed j lite Xuaaun Street, Semr Cine Street, Store. CAMI'BKLT. & TCRTOX, PltOPBIETORS. Shipping CobbIssIob Merc&aats, XV Ml ly UI Fort Street, Uot.ol.lo. of snpertor qoailty, now coming In and FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY, and FOSTER ASD DCALEK XX for sale in quantities to suit by debtor'a collar 1 U IS Front 10 and U SL, Portlaad, tA krrlbla General Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods. ea iy H. hackfeld & co. Or HAMBURG. RUPTURE. and St; ftnt a would fire, cjuM ba aay itb C IIAS. 101 SACEAMXSTU Ci, wUt ba ui, Goods, T. UIJEICK. MOlCHA.NDISE. FUHM. THE NO MOItr. MKT A la SAN ntANCISCO OfflCE. STRUT. 1 Gentlemen's Furnishing BrjILniXGS. TRVKHER 1 IVu more Suffer- -I flax ba owl bo ma a Insured agonal Fire on the ..ran to Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Bats, Caps, &ct DtPTitoXlo, 'SPENCER PLANTATION. most tavoruhle terms. it tr from Iron Sloops or Steel asazed, tot I'll tall yon nor ; tc, tc Wotary Sprlucst Bank of British Colombia ...... Pertlaad. Oregoa J(6 660 lyr AND NEW CHOP OF SIGAlt JiOW COXISO IN A. JAECER, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. First Natssoal OOU Baak...... Fan rraadac. fTiila boura I met blm Acent to XAbor for Kale by Messrs. II. llaclf.U k Co ...... Hoswlnl. lo take AcknowledemenU lor 6M GREEN, MACFABLANE k CO,. Agents. riEnccs A w frisbttoad lr, sc. &&7 Massra. Bishop Co.. Baakera... Heaolal. jeiii f k. r. r.iiLKits co., Interior Ofllce, llouolulu. ly Patent' Magnetic Elastic Messrs. Oreea, Mutariaae k Co., Itonolal. Ai C find bd bMt blm ; NOETH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL Truss, yrt fid froua T voctbr - MERCHANDISE. WAIKAPU PLANTATION. ar Conslcnm.iila of Island Prodac. soUcitsd. o. which ti T. CEAWFOED MACDOWELL. INSURANCE OS3T t CO., Is worn with ease and comfort AXT CASH ADVA.NCE3 WILL UK MADE, ly Vboal Bt ltb tl plenra St ore. Fort St., abovrOdd Fellow, Hall. y CROP OP KFUAIt NOW COJIINU IN XIGIIT DATs NEW sale OP LONDON' AND and will perform radical cores whe n all others fall. VftaB called by &m aod furred to atop, for for borne consumption only, by EDINBURGH. i Attorney Law, CM Iteadar, If roptoreti.TItY ONK; yon will ncrer regret It. at A -- ba wmm t 9c Offlce Corner of Fort and Kin, Street., oppo<e OBEE.,.MACFAItLANE C0.,.Ageuts. HENRY K. CUMMINCS & iacfhttaaid not laltiira, IIJ.LIGIIA1 CO., IKS Co., COO ESTABLISHED feend fur Illustrated Boos: and Price List blm ly E. O. ilall & Son. 1809. to jli bali my but note I to I bald Caat, IMFORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE WXXOZBliAXiXl te frl my mc from tba collar; Cutlery, Dry 3ood. Paints sod Oils, and General PUULOA RANCH TANNERY. CAPITAL, 43,000,000 Sfasruetlc Elaatle Trass Co., X MO EDWARD X. O'lIAI.EORAN, (09 1 ab bU band aa prtodly cald : 95, King Street, HonoTnln. ly Accumulated and Invested Fund. 2,838,118 o. Sacramento San Fraudco, California. Fruit Attorney and Solicitor. 'CJoiKASnS tllDI.i; I,EATIIEIt. TAXNEH and Produce Commission House Iowa tioxaan adatUrr Ac taT7 Goat sod heeo Skins, from Ibe above celebrated Ten. WP These Tnuacs are sent by mail to any part nf tbe i;. O. II from AP-- -- . - S(), Ie authorized to lend $200 to 910 000, on Mortgage net.. constantly received and by milE UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN world. vu 2 KSTTABLianiD fjf tba farca of Frechulds at loweat rate, tntereat. fessls POINTED AQENTd for tbe Sandwich Islsnds, snd ara ij itu. a yi Jo IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE of 6M QBEE.V, MACFABLANE CO. f' X3T Ageota In London, and la all parti of Aoetmle. t authorized to insure sgslust Fire upon favorable terms. No. 424 Battery St, cor of Washington, atbatraiblbaT bca repealtazr Dry floods, PaleU, ODs and General Marcbandlia BisVs eu in sny part of the Islands on tVooJea Building. a ddvarifbt bonut baart1 CstVly CornarFortatttl King fit's. Office on Fort Stre.t. fropoaite Ur. Ira RIch.rd.ona snd ni.rcbaudis.tf stored tlierrln, Dwelling Houses end I'urn. Near tb. Omen. SAN FHANCI2CO, CAL. C57 1 Store) Uonolulu. 3ma SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER, lturs, Timber, Ships in tint jMiUa brewt wu bwtlDe Coals. bsrbor with or without csrroes HAZELTON PIANOS li IJ.VVICS, or under repair. 611 ly ED. KorrSCIILAEOER A CO t; awrxw TIJ ri with a c01'" trenbr TIICO. II. Special Attention given to Fruits, Boney r f (Lits Javiov, Gail A Co. J KICKKRTOS. Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins Potatoes, , poultry, t, - y mj JaHy bU; ItlCIIARD F. Xlc MERCHANT, ON HAND SALE, THE iUp, Ia oa bnmbly pray IMPORTER AND COMMISSION ATTOBNEY AND COUHSELOE AT LAW COXSTANTI.V ANDFOB ALSO .... A Tni atteod the Term, of Conrt. on tb. other Iiluid,, vretcbad jxti biUbbor ; A6IIT ro Swiss Lloyd Marine Co. jyrxT Money to lend on Mortgage, of Freehold.. N Walrnen' Tannery, ji p. Parker, Prop'r. Insuranoe Californ la and Oregon Eggs and Dairy Produce t& time wbao all abtll bo fra Lloyd's and Ibe Urerpool Underwriters, zs z aoon irom ur. staDgenwtia'i. H. Lj ranu, OP W1NTERTIIUU. At i JffiJ Foreign Marine Company, and Aiercuaat ntreet. .to into Tannery, P. l'poprlelor. British and loaaraoce CO,', respectfhnr rrsei (ba vattbt of tba dabtaa collar Company. o- - ly lr, AtS.CLEqnOENt Agents. mm W. solicit ronr C&nitrnmnts. Mark Northern Assurance UNDERSIGNED AUTHORIZED all Goods TTbrtlt pxirest fbaU lift op bb, wc and cry, SI. ar. It. ICC.de CO.. 8. F." ...Us ly J. DAVIDSON. . THE 1 no man a d4Ur! IVATEItHOUSE. X,A.-W- ia o JOin'T. ATTOHirar AT HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS ! On Cargo, Freight and IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL Office or.r Mr. tVbltner. Boole Store, formerly occnpled Troasuro PACIFIC IBON WORKS, MERCHANDISE. by Judge Auitin. Honolulu, II. I. 617 Irom Honolulu to .11 p.rU of the world, and upon S.lN FRANCISCO, CAUrOILMA, HuEItllnf; on tUe Sand, eSS Queen Street, Honolulu, II. X. ly 1VIEL.IASI It. CASTI.E. GREY & ! EatahllabllalU2. B. CO., Coasters, ly Special I'ermL.Ion n to woo, "1U wall to wad, A.I. CU0BO1V. . JSO. BX1TBIXS Attorney & Conruellor at Lav & Notary Pnbllc, lm Manufacturers and Dealers In On tbe most favorable term.. Fat sc Iba wld bath A. S. CaLEGlIOItrV & Co., Office on Merchant Street, two door, east of Fort BL, BltATTOJ JL CO., 1ST Honolulu. ro 17 W. IKWIU k CO , JJAXKIX, dcamyrtlM CT rows bUar, IXFOETEU A, DlitXas 0. ALL 'KINDS OF 820-l- Agents fwr the Hswallsn Islsuds. Manonctnr. , A&d marnlng brought tha ana. SOAPS, Gonorol IVlor,oli.cTn rl1siof CECIL. I1ROWIV. Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. Jet baa a care, ye yoonc and fair, Corner Queen and KaabomAtiu Streets, Grand, Square and Upright. Engines, Rollers, and Machinery every Beef Mutton Tallow Wostphallan Lloyd of B amra yon pled with troth ; SiD ly Kncann St., and comer Fort and Hotel St. ATTOEJJEY ASD COUNSELLOR AT LAW. and Oast wanted. Order, end Bills Rhonlsh left at Ira Bleb .rdson's Boot Shoe yoor lore will wear and Store, will meet with Description. trula that NOT ART PUBLIC. prompt attention .2. ly INSURANCE COMPANY, tfca Uyi of youth 1 ' HVallAiV IXKOXIIEIIS, Btysod And for tablog Acknowledgment, of for Particular attention paid to mannfactnr. of SUOAR IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Agent loitrumeDt. OP Jl. GUADBAC1I. Hlicillsh Prussia. lb. I If Too pte not hoart fjr heart, toe uiana oi u.nu. MILLS, VACUUM PASS, Ac. j Clothing. Shoea.and HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, xt e3 as band frr band, In Fashionable Ilata. Cds. Boots. o6 o. 8 Kaabumaun Street, Honolslu, II. L ly IN Tery rariaty of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Snow's Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., BEST THE MARKET! Reference in nonolnra E P.Anasta, Eaa. fiaJ played onviae part, tt3-l- BY RAWLINS. Ms TaC yooa Bonding, MerchnutStreet, Honolulu. f W.J. Limited, lr. ltd 'built opoo tbatd.M JOH.-- II. PATV, The Proprietor of the above Works la prepared to supply lite customers, and the pnblic la central with the test quality of or.AACUUX. ED. IIOFFSCIII'AEGEK CO., NOTARY C0MHIS3I0NER of SEEDS, & Tm wH to aara. 'TU Uhara PUBLIC and Vtllow Soap. Soft Soap al.vays on hand. PRICES LOWER BOOKS STATIONERY. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, U.AI3IS FOR PARTICULAR AVER. A ti;y abare ft pdd, IMPORTERS Foe tbe Sute of CalifoiaU. Offlce at tbe But of BUboo & 19 JAe Ilightit Price Paid for Soap Greau. ly ALI. lined by Good, arriving here, and Insured oS2. .ut Tho Basis Our itCboU enoafb of abloioc itaff, Honolulu. Oabn, H. I. QaQ ly Co., Kubumaou Street, Hoaolnln. ly In tue above Companies, have to, be made with the cog Tnata any other FIrat.Claiuv. Plnnov. of Business. nizance of and certified to by tbe undertlaned, In order to Slaniiiactiare all each Buoks as4 farebarity la Cold. PntSTwTo J.6.D1CKS0X RPBT. LZWEBS, C. V. COOKE . be valid. (ta. ly) J. a GLADE, Agent. FULLY WaHRANTED to stand rJlmiu. HonA can be done here ss wall as elaewhera. and lijjc not all oar hope asd trnat II I1ITCIICOCIX. Waipuolo House, . for Catslosues and Price List. is, thereby dlrecUj basafit oar eaaleavars aad oan4 raa j LAW, - ftvaf the deep ratoa brtnci ; ATTOENEY AT HILO,- HAWAII. Hell Books LTJHBEtt- - LUA, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Is open CIIAS. S. EATON, General Agent, XKCONDTo Bar and aad Uattewerv V caaiwt with yellow dast IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN O03OJ Bills Promptly Collected. Ialauds, so ss to make to Intereat lite ly to the TravCIoflf Public. YoNDON est em 113 Montgomery street, San Francisco. CsL It tha of dealers sad consumers to Taanzed with purer thlDpa, And all kinds of Bundlngilateriala.Fort Street, Honolulu LIVERPOOL GLOBE corns to us Id preference ta sentfing sst. 6S2-l- Horses grained and fed with hay or pastured. and and JUI who ptiea op dart alone, Wa naaurscture and Import deeerfotlen ta- bt DR. RODUERS, Saddle Horses procured at short botce, on' reasonable t3T" everr ef - bare to Az terma. Uoarry. carrying targe stocks of Paper, Kaeelopee and Btask Voftrt itud WlLDIaR CO.. INSURANCE CO. own A Queen R. TRUMBULL, uooss oi our msDUuetare, lake, elates, etc. bia CbSer cheat and own Eureessors to Dowaett Co., Corner Fort and Street FHSSICIAIf uz huhghon TERMS Board and rJsIng1, per day 00 J. Office at Mr. Strehz. Drne Store, corotr fort and Hotel - 12 Orer 1,500 rsrieties of Blank fbrtos kept In Stock. " Ana CO! Single Mgali 80 Assets, Bt built cpoa tbe aaod. Lumber. Painti. Oili, Naili, Salt iitniaing Strceu, llouolulu. 3m $86,740,105,70 U rower. Importer, 11 . . . Vtn4 Lodstnp. per nisht SO Wholesale nut lie U & - v 3 uoara per weeK according to agreement. ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY IN A. L. BANCROFT CO., TW rdUape In Madly cbw, HAVE for the Hawaiian Island., and tbe Sealer lu oMO-I- Sa0 rraaelaeo. Cat Xri aootbe where'er can; Jc J. 31. WniTSEV, M. D., I.D J. For further particulars apply to the undersigned, or noderslgned are prepared to write risks sgsinst joa 1JOCI.KS on the place. FWapaeeh aboald bind Dental Soots, on Port Street, FLOWER, FIELD. THEE AND GARDEN tbe huioaa mind, Chandlers and Commuuon Merckarts. --9 ly 8. K. EMERSON. C251 Corner Hotel, orer Mr. Strehx'a Drug Store, FIRE ON BUILDINGS, 3IERC1IAMSD AND ROBERT XiA lata list: rain and mas. Importers and Dealers in General Mercaandise.QueenStroet ly WILKES & CO., st euy sot at tha xentla worda ; uouoiuiu. iiawaiiBH iuu.. .j DWELLINGS htiSDFACTrjRzaS ft MASUPACTnilEa'S AQE3T3 Let deeda with language dwell CHAM S. fe.lXXR.EDGC. SI. A. W. PFJRCE & CO.. Begs to annonnce that he has returned from California,!.. On favorable terms. Dwelling Risks a Special iMpoatsaa ahd ixpoETiia or lie oce who plUea ttaxf log Urda intend, Detached dwelling for to L. IlICHlir Co.,) and to settle lo llouolulu for the practice of hi. C. WALLER, Proprietor. lly. aod coutents inaured a period EhscU acauer eramba aa welL ' ' (Soecfuort C t profession. All desiring hi. service, will find him at hi of three yenrs, for twu preminma in advance. TwOftaves American, English & European on Iba Kerry that U warm and tree Ship Chandler, and General Commiiiiia Merchant.. residence Nuuanu avenue, next door above tbe lower Itlng Street, (6Mly) ITonolnla. promptly ailjusted aud payable here. nANlTFACTCREX. bridge. nsie ly. msaoi' CO. 31 ot Icod a helping band, ALSO Agnti fir the Fvuioa SaU TTorli. i Supply to deslers tbs largest vari.ty of OeoersI Merthsa- - ly r Uw who talk, yt UU to do, HoBolola. IXawtiUn Itludf. F. II. EIDERS. FIREMAN'S FUND dU, otTsred by any O.Ng IIOOJE IN THE WOBLD. st baOd cpoo tbe tud." FAMILY MARKET! FLOWERINGSEEDSPLANTS Xvsry dealer should have a Catalogue froaa this and BDLB3, FRUITS C. BEEWEE & CO., PHYSICIAU AKD STJEGEOtf, Junction of Hotel and Union Streets; Lions, as soms good, la every Ua r- l INSURANCE COMPANY, AN-- (x. a. - ciana, (SC em ORNAMENTAL TREES, Etc. are supplied Jr. c jojirj. jl, v WAILCEV, MAUI. G. WALLER, Proprietor. OF SAJi PBANCISCO, VARIETY. 3. ) FANOTWIBE BUflt. E. DESIGNS, GAR- All Staple Goods Sold & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SXREIIZ, Marlnoy Guaranteed SHIPPING AND FlroCastb Capital.and old. 300,000. DEN TRELLISES, S, Mt Honolulu, Hawaiian I.land.1 'T AFOTHEOAET DEUOOIST. Toronto, 4S and ta Ton.. stre.t uAivneete near - x ei: inero i miuiooa id ii. Corner Fort and Hotel Street., Honolulu, Osho. ITrellInsr Itlsbs n Speelallty. Detached dwellincs GARDEN Montreal, IM aad 1st, McOlll street; and a period fortwopra-miom- a eo ' r . 3..3 i - II. IIACIFi:l.I & CO., Ctf Keep, open every S.lnrday Evrnlng. o 629Iy Choicest Meats from the Finest Herds cootenu In.ared for of tbreeyears, London, Queen Tictotia street, E. C.; AGENTS, in adraoce. HARDWARE, Sheflsld Beaver Works. OEKEEAL COMMISSIOIT By writiog small lines on carefully selected risks well Oonn Street. Honblalu. H.I. i Comprising the most complete Stock Neve York, 11 Worth Street, and West Broadway.' IIOLLISTEK .t CO., distributed, cfltr eo-ly- r . ; , ere, now," aa,ia & tiiue gin, rumagiog in a Street, t t t llouolulu, . ACIIIICK. So. 6SNuu.ua Fish, Vegetables, dec, ISDK3IX1TY SECOND TO NONE. Ever Offered on the Pacific Coast. APOSO& AKD HIUU IX Poultry, Wholesale ana Betail Dealers ixronrtB. Importers, SnufT. Fnrulsncd to Order. Losses Promptly Adjusted. Prices Unusually Low. jaercnanaise Choice Cigars, Tobacco and INDIA MILL, in lieneral Tuesday, and Thursday. Yeal, BISHOP & CO., Ana Clilna Good,, la the Store, corner of JXTItAS. Trade Price List on application. mother-in-la- Mineral IToferi. ttc 63) for COUN EH or waj cct down hj hla She 3i StrycU. 617 ly Manufacturers of ly Ateuts the Hawaiian Islands. King and oo.na 660 Frldajs Fish. w ..." cawiM. uiu r.uwer usrueu wiu M-- Ir beseutyVrlo.aBCUitoauTS. Ua :tlceeTa with r. Snndaja Ijunb. It contains Instruction, on HISSION & FREKOMT STS., FMHCISCO, C1L w, L.OBxax. en. v aicinuxa r. tixta. iresoeeos, Sin S repetition of tha traditional nUtlttoa . CO. (Unless otherwise ordered.) NORTHWESTERN AlfalU,etc GItEE.-V- M4CPAKLASE CO.. HONOLULU IEON WOEZS R. AHD COMHISSIOJf MEBCHAHTS, The Proprietor having leased the neat and commodious J. TRD1IBPM, IMPORTERS KTEAJI ESGI.VKS, SUGAR MILLS, Mutual Life Insurance Company, M4 em 419 snd 421 Ssnsome Street, San Francisco rjAIIE INDIA RICE MIIX HAVING CNBEB. 1 gid ot in a ipriflg lock trask JL rons Material Improvemuu. la In coq. f casbt Eobtoion'l Boiler., Cooler., Iron, Brae, and Lead Cutlug. VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY MARKET, now MrfKt Queen Street, Honolnln, H. I. MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. dltlon for the .euro roa Machinery of Every Description, Adjoining the Family Meat Market, will be prepared to THE OAKLAND BANK OF SAVINGS. Sheep Saoeh Compear, -- promptly and aatlstactorily AU orders for ererythlna; re the Fnalo. 9-- MadetoOrder. Ett tables A' m b xs !? to , xv, and The Spencer PUnUtloo, ililo. qulslte to furnish the with all the Snbstantlals and 000,000: Hulling Dressing of Paddy tUa cpacd lie. Farticnlar attention paid to Ship'. Blacl.nithing DeUcade the country affords. OAKLAaD, CALIar On.IA, U H. A The W.ltpa PUnUtl, MOST The Kemolo Plantation, Molokal, - notice. o660 ly on lVotlctV'W SVt'CKSSFUI. INSURANCE A3- JOB WOBK executed ou tbe ibortelt CarSblpplupsupplied Short TIIE In the World. INCORPORATED, 1887. Th, OUtgo. and llonolcln Un of Pecteti. Meats, ic, delivered to ali parts of the ciiy vtthont ex- u Jvjt!y bUeadeJ, bat puled off acceptably tra charyre. t34 ly ' G. WALLER. UNCLEANED TUG L4HAI.A STORE. ClIAUTERKD IN 1158. AcrntmiZED capital ai.ooo.ooo RICE. WW. TVEIGIIX, Capll'l paid In In th. Best Possible Manner. TUe Price tor RCLLIKC1 BAIN A. MAUI. . Has the advantar. of Western Ilstes of Interest Never and Ileserre 1'nud 8130,000 and DItXSSISO. PADDY baa SO per L. - U 4 OIL BLACKING. ..a A awe la, 1877. been Bedneed can "tttUToapriT" uEeda wife of ner oni- Its fall, pay Jau'jr 1st. 91.0,000 Walter MnrrayOIbeoo,Propr. Fred H. HaraeWen, Sfana. SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, o.t a dollar of Securities and never to Its A. 8. Cleghrn Jt Co. losses promptly. ar. (lAte Shop on WharC foot of Nauanu StrMt. next to tbe E. SESSIONS, CIIAS. AOHEBX8, ASSOBT-UEST- ot Jndd a rttsidad. Oukicr cuirnzoisraorx3iCTxB OS HAXD A HBPEBIOR Uld uuatom noose, iionomiu, u. a. For psrtlcnlars spply at the Office of as Lumber, and re- siBKCTons : General Merchandlee, w.a.iBwiSdtca, 1 d restela. 619 IT CAHBIAOE DONE. Sessions, cruits for BEPAlIilSa o643 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Islsnds E. C W. A. Aldrlch. Faddy and Hulled Rice beea found in Pblladel- - constantly on and for sale, a good assortment of MlNUFACTtnED Xi W. Bowman, Henry iwcers, fcodclhsiband bu Hs. band -- Will Receive WM. JOHNSON. the Best Bar Iron. THE W. E. MUIer, Wm. Power. Promptand Cartful Attention. Et don't pertalt bit wife to do but Half the W, W, Cameron, W. U. Olaacock. ill nr,lrrrAm the other Islands will be carefnliratteoded WM, M. OBEENWOOO. She pcu cp the canned in aid guar- New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. cornmlaaion fruit lammer, Tailor. to. All work In my Una executed with dlepatth and General Merchant aad Proprietor of Indt Moroliantoppoelte Ithodee' Store. . oSU Deposits any t iawu In winter. Oi Kaihnmenn St.. Mr. 0. It anteed. 'J from portion of tbe TJnlted States. Enrona rue, aim. as. iy G. S. PINKHAM & CO., 0? BOSTON, MASS. or Ibe Hawaiian Islands may be sent by mall or express, tboaa beUa sound alarm of fire Vf laid & INCORPORATED, la cotn or currency, or by draft on any boalneae or bank-lo- c u BISHOP CO., T H O Jl A K.ACK, IS3S. house. A passbook: wlib proper entries wlllbe Im- DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S Successor to John Nelll. mediately returned for tbe same. Remittances lo curren- HILO, HAWAII. Iks Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co.in AKTBLBH.S, Cun Smith cy will be credited in gold at current rates. Tbe slarnature aoxouova,B i t t t islasds, Mnnhlnlst. Lock and the United States. ot tbe depositor should acrompaoy tbe first dtportu 18 THE OBIGIUAL ABD OHLYIGIKUIKX Hawaiian Sewing Machines repaired: Da!.r- In Sporting Goods can any liie initbtbi out world." EXCHANGE OS be made by one, bnt can only be withdrawn . ..DRAW Agentforth.CelebrsMFLOBEh'CESEWINO MACHINES. favorable Terms. by tbe sicnatnre ol tbe Party la wbose name tbe account PODtelC ARK CACTIOXED AGAINST SAK FRAKCISCO My Policie. I.is.d on the nort tk iun, fare eoOQrh." i&U Boaaerton, THE BAH OF ClUFOiUI, : : : : 0,FortStreet,Uonolulu,U.I. Is opened. Married women and minors can make depos- THE staUBsaUfreniestlrB.sAe,(tbat tbe A0ZKT9 W orHon-Forfcllnr- e its In tbelr own names, and may opoo compoaUltsa Is Cietptats w J on a liritticr-ba- r that cUDtea lUal- - ASD TBEia Example Plan, withdraw tbe same, ef Caxoaosrsi knvwa to asd tbe their own receipt., upon de- Cblorodyae INSCEED AGE, W LIFE PLAN tbe same conditions aa otbar Uedical profasaloa. The fet is, wee discovered tori how atxr Sew Tork, BOLLES & Co., Agents, positors. No entrance fee or charge for baa 1c books. and iBTssted by Dr. COLLIS B&afT3(es Army ICedkal ton. JoitiM tbu Boaton, a. jiimDos. 1 J. tt Aonusl premlem coutlnQes Policy 2 years s days in aecanues lor au loans made by tola banK.are SUIT,) aad so named by bits, and It has baSSed all attenpte Li;, onlr had twe either." WHEELWRIGHT, 2 premium Tollcy years 12 u I rluitf PrU, Auckland. BLACKSMITH & Annus! continues dsy. with creat care by tbe Board of Mrectori. and eon. at aaalyals by tbe first Chemists of tbe dsy. Tbe feets? KOLOU, KAUAI. KOXOLCLC. 2 Annual premium continues Policy a run 27 days slat almost exclusively of first class Real Estate wltb and aecrat cf ths prepaxaOn bar a natar a paUiabad. premium Policy 8 yew. 44 it THE 0XIEXT1L BAXI CORPORITIO", : : : LOSDOS wBl be attended to with prornptnen and 4 Anansi costlnse. d.y. urce martins ; united E tales, state. County and City Is obvious, therefore that ssythlng sold (be same, An Island order. premium Policy 10 jearaMday. aa!r ,aM. asd alii: "These retaedwa sut be clren An Tana saaacaa. la dispatch, on the most reasonable terxna. t Annual continue. Bonds, Ac. An stock or other securities of a no.ruin or sare Dr. J.' COLLIS BROWNr fl CliLOBODTS X, It s iparU ly qr fluctoatinj Talues are carefolly excluded. Tbe policy of sue Imitation. otfcidKloremsee." Br all maanl. Olr, the Hons; KonRi s : re- B I Srtlney, and : tbe Bank, beiic to aetata jCrrf, absolute seoarUy for C ACTIO H arxaiior ur w. r. w4 sutea sal -- Ukalt cue chance for hll life. Alelboarae, $ia,soo,ooo turn of tbe principal, IXntaJUr rate of Interest coostst Dr.Collis Browne was uadoubtedly the lof aater of Cblore-- X. BAKER. therewith. Our uuusuaIIt larre and lncreasfns OBolfal dyaa, BnilaeM. CO ly J. ONitovna Losses Paid tbroneb nonolnla ABency, J--i ute rotr aeeond wife better then the And traonet a Oeaeral Baoalnc Practical Architect and Builder, and rescrre mnd no portion ef which can be withdrawn $40.000 ! by stockholders until all demands of depositors bare been iwodseee " Tm," he laid, eolhutaltieallT; al Plan, and epeeineatioas furutibed at reasonable terms A In This IsTSlsable remedr eaiet. refreealsr sleeu. 'he CIXT JI ItKEY, paid fall, taken tn connection with careful and s, Address Office, Honolulu, H. I. Ul ly s reUeree pals, calma tbe system, restores tbe deraagad esoEjh lurch in ihirti t tare me the &. OAT, Pet PROPRIETOR. NEUASC ST.. CASTLE St COOKE, ACENTS manasjement, furnishes to depositor! a guaras- - and stloslates bealthj actios of the aecritiosi ef tse 'a cj THKUJI WAULD, ice ot sbacij as wen as remuoeraurs omaenoa. body, say K Book- - OF CHAPLAIN LANE. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ly Deposits can without creattflg of those Bsreeaat rrwHs at taatchirs J hek." News Dealers and ta POR THE ' under ordinarr cdrrarnetancea ba with taodlag tbe ue c( oplats. OU and jeaag asy Uks U at all Stationers, 1 draw D, as a whole Or In part, without (Instead the old eloelz all G. W. BEOWN. PITIjIVJjJA.H I notice of nours ua vara mviii w. 4DwvaBM ai paraoas iee reyoBdoisc tleklnc MEATS six months notice being required as formerly) as specified iina goed Honolelo. Oettlnr. . All Orders Promptly In tiry to Its BBarvallttae ScU aad weaaWM eeraa, wM utUlmed Chleaeo wife. Blamed Jlerrhant Street, rr Attended. articles 3d and Sth printed conditions of agreement saea 1U most a " vw-.- . oeponwn. xaadical extol Tlrtsee exteaalraly, vs.se it la : aTertnr.uaittrapar FH.IOB, 83001 wua abo rrstocot oeposiuirs who wisa to rraat eeaaUUesfa Its lolkiwlac diseases Caolars. Zrees u hare anything araand me thtt reawaahle tirmi. " ' Civil Engineer, withdraw their deposiu. ore portion thereof, and desire MONTGOMERY SQUARE, HONOLULU, H. I. to same tery, DlarrboM, fXHcs. Coegbe, Asthcsa, Uniuhta, the oan, ha gar, it a tnal lift - Pianos for Sale. hire tbe sent to them br tha Bank, mar da ka TTboopisg Cevgb, Craesp Hysteria, As. jel u CHASE. I INSURANCE NOTICES. subject to the by rending a proper order aocom II. I. ONE SPLENDID CBICKEBIKG by pass book, KXTHACTfl WttQX OPI5I0SS. BOATS, TRAMWATS, panted tt with Instructions as ta Ibe man MfSICAt ner m wnicn iney aestre me money to b Tbe Ulaibt lion. Eart Buuell couuasalntsd tie the Cetlera r aUeopt to WATER WORKS and BRIDGES remitted. Sail Bahn an acitated ronrr man F. A. SCIIAEFEU, remittance however wm be at tbe expense and tlik of tbe of rojakiaa, snd J. T. Davraport, Oast be bad receHed cunian . . tt- - anj &aiir.nniaMtBd Photograph GaUerr. MandW FortSWt. depositor. Blank, orders for this purpose will be rorniasd to the that tbe om reisedy asy asretee Oomopolltan COS8TKUCTEB. . EXT n rem Board ProbaUy the finest Instrument of this celebrated make, by tret f .. of en of Underwriters, ever imported Into this Kingdom. tbe Cashier. Is Cholera was crjLO&ODTO Sa Lmt, 1W. at, 4M4. "eaten end Wanders, and ahe remark!, HonotMU. WATER COURSES ALTERED. AG Aftnt of Dresden Board of Underwriters,' Term deposits remaining three full calandar months, Dr. Lowe, Uedfcal Kfewiary fn Isdu; reports l4) MARSH LANDS DRAINED, '( Aftat of Vienna Board cf Cndanrrlters. wIUbeenOdedtodlTidendsoflntarest. Hald dltidaadla Cholera Dr. fl.. u. wat far tecond wind." Whieh M. X. UOJISEliU. One Superior Thalberg Square Piano, t that la nearly tvery eaa of la whka X OOLUS Jtnt POLISHES, OBSTRUCTIONS REMOVED, Claias aesinat Insaranes Companies within the Jorlsdictloa declared, and payable la January end July of each year, bkuwjcs tuu;&uuiiifi was aosuauiereki, ttve paneat iaei. CABITTET KAKEU ACT TBETCH of tbe above Boards oTlTorfrrttcrs,' wiQ haf to be rerU Lately received. Beth Eastiwrnents are In good condition and If not called for la one month, will be credited to the rwtfTered. &c ebe. account and - - Honolnln. IT. I.t fir dtc 0A U by tte abort treat to make tttm aM. 4ly and tune. Can be shipped to any part of the group. besrlnterest as a deposit fn m date on wblcn Ej tract from MtdicaX Hsui. JasuXXlleWNCblenrfysa .L3n in Kaard er AUiran. wnue ujy asj- Ha. TSrort Strwt. MAPS AKD PROFILES uwj w we ueewm-n- o oiTuoa eompatea o xraeuons or ts prescribed by eeoree ef orthodox soedfeal prec4Hifts4ra. Of dollars or for ttid- - to mpplj new ityl 12 fractions of month. Iftrldends dcared by eaarsa It wnli.aot. tbtu basaaeaUrly psiW It imetition if MahuYacturing: JeweIerI THi Establishment closes at m., on Ibis Bank for the past and prexlons terms, Lars bees at supply a wast sud fiU a plate.' al teemher jot cp and Innocently rt-- ' - Saturdays. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY the rale of IX per cent per annum ; for the present term K i tract frees the Oetteral Board rf BeaHbl tadoa. ae to Sperm Candies, ana ncnBBjtrr wui prvoaoiy net sxceea 9 per cent, Its efficacy la ( are, ef tee the old ocas eiJ-i- Cboterrrt& trebly wsceariaeed .fwcse.alvari fsand TCTotioo. , . , for further particulars see printed cosdlUons ef sgree-me- nt Immeaae esloe af this remedy, that we assist tee tWevblr OF SAX PBANCISCO. r.i CARTOONS. fr nwnT- V "' L VorSalehy with depr(tors which win b eforwsrded to any srr tl etwitf at SAaptlag it f ail ea. tattahel4U." nnliE tJXDEEsiu.rx.-.-r- J. IT. WICKE, BOLLE5 A Co. upon request, a copy of which Is also appended to UAUJUUtf. Jiese geaaise wieaass -- ' ar. -- - XaXoxdsio. each pass book. COLLIS on tbe Ooteresaeat ttaarp.v Orar J aacael utei ese of her leuow noai- the Pahraimeraar. ta ne occnpteil onpoat Md rio tu hr lUOOBPOHATED, 1809? A Ueneral Banking: Bnsltiess TraBSMtett. waalmlag ssedlcal testsaoay seepsslee eaew bcJe. ui lx J, clttK at the breakfait table: Street je tt. Aiaken Stmt. Small Size Manila Rope, Msatslatsrsr . . Oar own exchange on Ynrk, do a, ftett J T. OAVK3POKT. One door below Hotel Street. Sew Jo Frankfort oa 33. 0reat EumII aUooeubary. Loedas-Sot- d atla, lath.' 1 Let. iuad 1 a. the main, Betlla sad Paris, lor - -- atrea-ftnab- CASTLE & COOKE," AGENTS and sale. Is Settles 3s. Cd. laraltare of aU .ascription, xusde and repalrsd le SIXTH,BOPS, received per VT. H. Msytr." made proceeds st It. edvis. ' fc' rir i ei v.. iL. ..iTrT eaaiea nim -- Jut " CcCSoai tad remitted at cams, rstrtv tn New Tork. W.H. iastTTtLEt A rates. Best worttmaaahlpcaaranteed. oWl ly "litlld.; Mj-- rorSaieby BOLLXS M CD. Arrets CoaaadXC For lite sr3St-C-a aa nare 5 - Beeanra all down." ISO ntrll fftTH it'l wlssaag. i HV AETHOR1TY. That the exports of American good to the Ton the benefit of oar ltdj retulen we copj SHIPPING. HAWAII AS GAZETTE Hawaiian Islands should, however, within the tbe followimffrom tbe September number of tbe Paris Mode. Startling RevelatioritT first year of the treaty going into operation be J?iir di h For San Francisco. AN INDEPENDENT JOUEXAL, djatirrf, and that the tonnage employed in the "Warti deaUrai, Ut da not ba alarawl, fklr DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. mdtn ; tha eemttat I attad ta will net dirtarb tba Tata A 1 Hawailaxt traffic should in the same time have increased aa-- Bars,.. paea and bapplaau ofaatloai. tbt eomtaUaU f of tlie 1 fifty per cent, ia something, we think, which balar tba ".rob pnocatia bod tbe eomj . Onthel2ttoflastmonUi,two VCnUSIIED AXD EDITED BY eairat--ii a tatb nkio( a bard atntgU for praea SESk K tj. XMjImLi)7 Francisco woro detected in the act of Km K. L. XirMm hae appelated bj even the most enthusiastic friends oi the diMi. Ai tba bal.(raatj stand a aa,al tronn J. EmtMcr bin HEXKY M. VrniTXET. Jt XT. TTOLTEM, Master. IwIUiltftiMiAtitalltiit tor r Oatrtct f treaty could scarcely hare anticipated. Such Bat Titwlaf thin ci wiih aa axperitaetd tjt, I dara under TmM,lttitltMC j tba eoalcst mti Tealt, mi otlm bV(af, io Will have Quick Dispatch for bbToPort Passing Whole Cargoes of Merchandise rra.PdbvlM.tl.J J IAS. OCTOBER 10. 187.. a showicg as this is certainly a very remark Ia a compromUa Injariuai t tb svmt. Fcrmrj. WEDSESDAr. grater mstttr. For Frelarbl ami faaaasr, apply Io V Mi W dlfnttj of Dfatbtr Thtrtjfur repar for all T IMi ii QSro. Bale. STt. S. let. Higiioet--s the Heir Apparent able one, and ought to go very far towards part ess II. IIAOKKKLD A CO., Areata.- Gootia seizfed, nntl Slieriff Noonan offered Oea Aiaat Hek Karal af eombUatUai taaovatioai from th faet Their tvero convincing United States, who aiti at ana ktA Amass tJvwa bnuuiH CWarr. One of tl left for Kanai by tbe schooner Marion on those in the f th i.at.ag riralrj bttB tb two cat., a4 let The San Francisco Market is glutted ai present, our offeror m a Or Ikfim Oat arCl ail ax taetXaart Beerae Monday afternoon, rcceivtnp, on licr depart- have honestly believed that the treaty was a tatcmt4, ptrtiti tot fr tt ttjle mo it breotaiag For Portland, Oregon. Saltaealeia. far th trial a ewaa to tbir rrioos,llr, I prvftr tb prii.ee one-sid-ed arrangement to their own disad Sr. 1 Pnuchbowl Be Oct at Seaaiasa ta tee umar4rrnfnHilllOocn of he. ure the custuniary salute from the rob bcaB U abowt fftk oatlioti of th tgor to THE FAST SA1LIXU DAnEBSTIKK t t of rrrrr Battery. vantage, that their view of the matter has tb most adraatag. Dot, nafoTtaatttlr, it doi nnait inrrraw" r on DoUaJ rttesia-afte- short-sight- not alt , 10 my adrie t Its at It W kMri Trial ed rrr Udli :$2& the ereArty a been one. Cents S te ly ml a and mistaken 42 alwty which Jane Falkinburg, Ot appeal a Perfected, aad wtO be raOed ts art" at TTe find there are those arson? " wlio be- - hf hn, to wtar that ti mat latUb! A. Was Readilj Accepted. The CoHStqacce k ttat tu flfunj. ago, & of llt'BBAhT, Maater. ewch at IS ."dark A. at, aad tbir atjt ftatur." aWraf PP Wxiaaiac liere that the catlse of public morality and Qaick for tha ahoTS Fort weave of ateseaa or ctanaisiel of tbe appeal Q b mad tor Rcsrulxir Correspondence from Will have Biiptteh the bet interests of the community generally, For Frelsnt or raasare, applr to Kan FrnncIco. 7fo 8. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IS ctbTt--K A COOKE. Areola. Sy seder ee the JaaSra H la rtepreea OMR. are to be promoted by calling oar corres EASTERN AUCTION 3XtX E. BAHSaRD, Clark. Sis Faiscisco, SpU 12. 1S7T. GREAT Hi pondents " raj: pickers" and ' gutter snipes. F aalnta toTtecsscr HI avmva," Pound Notice. For Portland, Oregon. TlrT. There is no accounting for tastes. "riiim THERE ABC IMtOUNIED AT THE Ata. B. r.Siiroaa an braa cearataleeloned aa Tex Col Sine my Hit Uttar. bar set bran rtry aamtroax. SMB OoTrrumcot tHind. Kobnlaiu. IlooablUtU, Oafaa, NOW ENABLED TO OFFER J Ut moid mt I"ubUc Atkcttoa. oa The llauRlIan ltertt IS far Neath LataV ru-- a. t of D. K.Fjf- - The Americans have again been victorious Urtl(af or itraDra la tbo world at larre. 7bvod b furaniaj lm Ocu 1.MJ1, at litfdiatk noi. aotl di?crltj as IwUoat : t yttaBKZ)imatci.ifi.Si.lCT. a1 in the International Rifle Match al Creedmoor, Tb death f Btlrbaa Tooor, tb Mormon Prophet, ray bars, bnuul u(X hH3 oTr l.L; 1 rrl bone brmoj 'Mattie Macleay,' DRESS GOODS. I CLOTHING. and tba daatb of TMeri tb tl.Praiideot of tb Uft IndeocribabU 1 1 red hone, brand rlpht IndeMrribabl the score standing aa fullawa : OTorJX. A. B KAAL'KUU. POPR. master. Abenlren Snltinri.. 55e per yd Alpaes snJ linen Coats, at. Hia Kxraaeawy the fteeUrst af the ussed SUM of Frcseb ItefmMie. an Ika tva priactpal rata. IVQadtUMtT. It have Clnick Dispatch for port. Alohalr, Latett Shadai-.- ... SJ Tweed Salts, heavy, Asavrtra. Out (Ml as fraaad, has accredited Bato American Team : : : : 3334 Will abore at Tb war joei oa wltb iaeraaitar, la Qertnaa Popltnets-.- w. 5 Black Frock Coats, pl Jama af. British Team : : : : : 3212 taraftaarx llavtrol tbe sreatrr part of bir carta enrared. at. CS.K .earOrr Ctatrt,Ba nnSaorr In Copartnership Waterproof Ilia Costs, Mk Earop. whila Aariea Preeidaot ilajal U dolor Notice. MARFAALANE Jt CO. H..m...mMr.. Ii bsck at rtasactar a Ulaletrr KaaUntaf the Called Though the margin is not large, this may lie JO.VaTUAV ArKTl.V U A9 BEEN (SI tlllKEN. Dlack Silk, extta heaty..... 1 00 Cottonsdt Psatt, tair.lt roach by bia Tiiit aad ipeechti tp briar, about a a jsmrtuer In th Ooomta and " &3aSaa ra? Asaaraea al Heaatfnla : tal lie recjelre aa Oer MB raakaa Urasa Linen vests., at tt. called a fair and handsome beat. Uncle Sam faaliax af amity and good wiT batweaa t't dinanat llabumtoo. Id tb Pmrlct of UUo. 1IaU, fnaa Jolj 1. Clolh...... , sasSecsa, sad e3 of Oer Gorrrament, to par ID wlU Cwoilocted Delelnet .. Linen Desters, at XWfrtaaaa2i is ahead yet. 1?J7. and tb bastM u ho jUc b. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. i:t caaafmlat to tde peTeoa. Els popectr, aaj hie teetioat of tbit Rapablie. atxler tb nam aad tjl of AUaTIX Jt t V. Orinidlnti...... llantins; Soils, atk W it S. U AUST1X. ear III fTl fall Edxh asd aAraca ftS crcczt ta all is not oar intention that the trumpet of TBS KLECTlOll THE SPIfXMD liTEAIUUIP - " It Wbieb bit jilt le bald ia tbii City and Stata fur HotKdsJsvthle day theUAZTTTE shall sound" Notice to Creditors. Seal at Uul CUT Cf !tlh tt "pre an uncertain OFH1A w. plawri a. r. A, It, X17T. Ji-- maakipal oSccriaad mmbrx of tbo Lcritlatan bas THE XATTER OVTIIE ESTATE Hats. Shoes. r. kAUfcL on any matters of legitimate public interest. IX Uuyat HUbnw Trine WiliUm litt LekWioko. bara tbf absorbing topic of iotcmt to a Dnltitnda of claim ajcalast ihU Kkut. wbetaer 10 Dosea Felt, 0 10 Dosea Gents' Slippers, at. KrtaE:tKaRaasaV On poraoju baTtnc st...... certain question affecting the moral well paopla. It bai paaaad, and tbera an many dUap. ocared br orothrrwiso.are rtqatrttl to frwird 10 " " .. 1 00 10 Ladies' Slippers, a SEX X lUariatrretlVetr Affairs, 4lnterteL acta pMerUctHart Uirrvof, duly TeriflM, to th being of re- ctunn with of YORK 10 " 1 25 Ldtes''Baek1e Ties, al this community and the proper pointed candidal! lyine abant loot, with son baads SiaoW Ktfo. Kal, Admtntstrator of tb CITY NEW - adr.ined. COBB, fomruaatler. 10 , " . I SO Ladiat Rosette Ties, al lations of the law thereto, we hare, bc- - ayes. wax e ramble for fur nU Kutv at, t.L oOttet Kaakopoa, Hooulola, wtthla ui OOcm ire asd It a gnral ofiSc. toaa that Irom th the Qnt paUlcat oa of tbls ad S Dosea Extra Fine. .. 3 00 f oxed boocs, at Ta rrtati rr TTf. HurrX dalor LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SUN FRANCISCO aa -- iciliArpBeatlaaa liere, some tolerably decided opinions "which tb broad tbat tba ofio Of caone tban wa Titls4mrot, or tbey will forevrr barred. WILL 10 Slraw Hau. at . 1 00 Children's Battoa Eld, sL awn Ta Draw Caaaru Oaec." gir. person t are hereby aw aaada ax ta ZatarwrOEafla. Bepablieaa and Dctnoeratio Aad all ludrbted to th ndd Kitat 10 (iiraw Uatt. Ladies', at. 0 75 Children's Ankle Tics, xt t we purpose laying befire the public at no a a ticket, bat than par m th forthwith, - - J. XSJTT S3CXT1I. SCxxtter of Intnier. rqukd ta tb to Hdi.tcord On or about Tuesday, Not- 6th. 3 " Earene, at 1 00 Ladies' Elattia Side, CS wen a gnat uaay tickets brtidoa, aad tba principlaa ttlilON tCAlaU.V O. AAI, at . distant day in the columns of the Gazette. of Kstete of Oaiaaaaaaay.Ocaaaii IX. XZ o'ti-c- --CI Adoilabtratloa the UTt. al k dcoc. of party entered to a th i lllxt-ue- We prefer, rry small deft into IIU n Wm. P. Leleloboko. ! "a aaU aX paaSe aaecaaa. Xa X AtOolaal however, to wait until some of the FOR SYDNEY AUCKLAND at tiat MtxiJara raa of tb context. In tbix city it takes aboot a Pated this 4th da tf Ocioir, 177. W it VIA IUa. taa OorxmraX U - XloAo aa," Eaa,Uavaa. dust which prejndice, personi interests, and fjaiin yrtsafse. ck to coaat tbo ballot! calt at soeb aa election s. Ausx. at. r. aostasov. MtSCELX.AIVEO'Ca. XOTT SCjilatrr n! and social c TUB HPX.EXDID STEAHSHIP I. immi. JaIrtor. party rivalries hare conspired to and ooxtx bit a ballot, to Ltdiet' Chemties, EibroUereJ, at... 0 75 Ladies' Linen Drones. 3 pieces. 'IatarairOeSea.Hoaaala.lsri.II.Ir:. it a aak tba cwnnt. - trait raise, has had a chance to somewhat subside. " Skirts, " 1 25 n v.;. ri ' Xww tbat it arer. diiappointed candidates wba At RoUaaoo's Whert. ! IVJ b CITY OF SYDNEY Drawers, 0 50 . r v .; ti . t TAX CVLXJXTOns roK tST7. ararftf clactad determined on a Scalers la Lumber aai all xiada ot Ball ding " " is quite evident the wen an reooant. DEABBORX. COXXIAXDCB. ' Bloutes. " 1 00 Boys' Lac tai fnTia1aC Xwraeca Xiara baaa ernmtaalonad aa Tax It that Adcertisv is not Paiab, Oils, cbeu, Cipi...... m. Electiont ia San Fraaeiacoeoit a great deal xutirisls. aaib, Lace Capi , cxatar ta cf Sactloa W lit Uw pleased of uooey' On " Blouiet, plsio, at 0 75 Girls' . ,.. 'Oator. rrrawa with our brief editorial on the posi soksts or acaooasas or about Oct 18th, 1877. Q Brown.-Cotts- OrttVaa. Trvbably tbo last election did aot coat lei tban r9t, SCUtUAHC. I nil Cloth, Soil ln 0 12 Children's Shiwl tion of the Attorney General, which appeared For Frrlfht mud RpWT to Lace, per 0 25 t Silk Handke'rahiefTI Oatio. COO. Add tbia to the coat of all elections in Ibis KKICAULCblll, last. yard... iCarwaVa. Gao.IT.LDC in the last number of the As we aCART ttlXEN', tUSlm H.HACKFEtaD A (O.. Agent...... t rcrj a. a nana Gazette. Union and what a yearly expenditun it gires ax on per xvaaaiaiaaai, PAV1III, SWiiood tot shipment iteamer rn now be stored cannot expect to always please everybody, we itcia la tb cost of xelf Gorarnmeat. in the itevneri Tareoousc rreeoratunr. JAIRY QCEEM, . I. aliwaiaal are not surprised that even the candid and a silts V1LAUA. ad.vertisement llaanUL. Ie now tba cheapest cartoney we S100 la ail. New courteous critic of the Advertiser occa- bare. ...,J. V. Xemuoaaaat tales LEAUI, OF ..U ataxaaxaaa sional exception to our re marts. We consider tcr b now worth $99-0- gold. $100 ia greenbacks b ea Baaalala, Hawalhn IaUadi. ly TABLE . W.T.alanla it, however, due not only to ourselves, but now worth $97.00 gold. So silver U earning men aad general " man lata nee. Tbe exebaagas at tbe W. CaofcaU also to our readers, to say that the Advertiser's & . San Frrneueo Clearing Uoqio set fwrtb tbu fact in COOKE r IX . CASTLE r i I iacxdra insinuation of the article in question being M AAT . .j. sr. icej very xtnag light, aad it b cnatiag soma alarm DISCOUNT SALE HUEPUERD, Kit (aal. written or suggested, either in whole or in among bankers and others, last basinets drift too tilt XAtVaaaa .J. Cawrht TsestUr.Oct 18 lIUo &nd retarn a part, by the Attorney General or any other largely la tbat direction. Tbe old silrer dollsr con- AT- GOODS aUXMalCrn."T"IJ - Tharvlajr, Oct 15 ..UrcaU of KaoaJ NEW AT HAND AND EXPEI J.A.Xaaala outside party is entirely uncalled for and tained 412 grains, while tbo two half dollars we . Taan I. a.w.. Ratos of Passage will be nw ut ooaulns only 33$ grains. Nearly all labor S BY Jial.kal satd rauuU. J.A-taar- destitute of any foundation in fact. It is To or fom Kaunakakal. ilolokal f 00 la tbb city paid in silrer, aad laborers bare no AsSaCLEGUORMCQ'S LahAlns, MuLb S 00 EaaaL simply untrue. b Mulaea, T DO Haat. J. Waaa relief, they tbe xilrer or op their MaKena, a oo Kapaxialcaea The " new Editor" has not only written all notttaka tbnw t Steamer nci "7"eaei. From tbe NstholLODas IIawll 10 00 SU P. P. PaaUa titnatioas. them xilrer goet to tbe tradere, KawiJhae, 00 From San Francisco, New York Englanil Eaaal his own editorials thus far, but considers him- " " 10 and J. and in moat linet ol trade competitija It so aetir xaiiua. . 10 00 . f"P. raltkalabl capable FORT ST. STORE! 10 00 self quite of doing so in the luture. compelled to witboat Kaawaloa. Illkaal , A. V.hiW tbat men&anu an take silrer IIllo, " i 50 J. x. CArcra. iCcisur ct num. As for our correspondent who signs himself limit sxtd get area with their cuttbtccn some other " Kau Cout, 15 00 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 1X77. FOR arcalt of Hawaii, RnathlTtip Trriry Ilryajl&gl. bryc 4. wo with ' three as well all way. this aaeatloa .W00 The Genuine Improved stars," as other cor Thai tilrcr b nptcttlag all To or from ur Kauai ... ; a 00 Paris Plow with Boiling Coulter. respondents, they must fight their own battles. ralaes. Jatt bow wo hare abvet a mUien dol'arl Clrctili of K'aiiU. Ituiutl Trip IS 00 STolino Plows, heavy and light Cast iclc Passace, for natlres only...... s 00 Steel, We nothing to do mora lobiidlary silrer coin ta tbe itate tban then is Eaele No. 2. anrt VT nnrl Sanctuary." hare with the matter. T0UEE WEEKS mr No Credit Iter Fautic Xouej Rlwl ... YflV MICUQtmta tuwa, any demand aad If things go oo la tbb wsy w 0LY JUohne I Ta xla Eiitmr fr Tickets at tbe office on! jr. Horso Plows, Cast Steel, No. i7auiaa 7aartU ; b off tbe greenback " .j Ml atir Orxt readers will perhaps remember that in iball toon won than states. No berth will be coosldered aa Uken paMfcj. and2-In- COMMESCIXQ until 2Cot uumvarorF.ux loses ana ox uows.lj.li Ho., Rakes. Shor.ls, Spsdes, Cos fed Sla, Tao laWlwr, of tut Satarlaj wtak, rtTa issue Tbe bollioa raloe of two half diillara b S6 eenta ; tbo respontiDie ror nnmarced Kafg&ge or any Freight or Par ul our of September 26th, we declined to uoleta receipted fur. tfaaa U a caTTWpoodaat. fl, crar tkl lipttin af money vale at tbe brokers b 98 cenb, aad tb raid ci accept, as conclusive, the accounts that had 1 Freight Honoy Due on Demand. Rivet. 4ib.Slbd47iKk"c.nW SaKtaarj cnxieiaaa taa acttaa at taa Tour la trad er labor b 100 cents. Saturday, the 3th inst. recently been received from tbe seat of war, W An effort will be made ta hare tbe Steamer reach 10 and 21 in.: Babbit Metal, heat Am.rl.. n ..J V l . tra..ia J Xrt'a Csrlitlaa AuodatSaa ia taljicr rtticiooi iu-at- a cauroaxia'a canvases. nonolDln on the erealnc of the umr day the leaYeaManl loth: Axe.Ptek.Oo.SM 7.A V .Ti ..Ta," ' r...l sioop Ar.n.t,i,I. to the effect that the Russians had captured ai.. ta tao tirexf tact. Tba writtt of taat artielo I nfer to tbe tmsbtibU clnimao. Cot. Bee, who SAMUEL O. WILDER. Arr-nt- '"''". Plevna and been successful in OfOce with Wilder A Co.. corner of Fort A Queen utreeti A FINE raUcisa ita baitaou." tad talati It taoala other important npmeatod tbe chlseee element befon the CoBgne- - S PER OJEiVT. ASSORTMENT OF HARDWARE AT I0W PRICES. l la ta rlac itt af art far It. ItfMslthat if net decisive operations. We called atten- smbsI Commiaifca which sat ia tbb city a year ago tf VI. n. av. . ... - - . . ft On all Cash Psrchucs of $5.00; uuuouok a uoiiea ana itiff l.idi-- i un. lfnhhok't ! T J ..j wis...... taia twraaa U nilj Iraoraat cfta ertarf" riTaa tion to the fact that the time which had been has ben jntorriewed. lie bas pnpared tbe claims from $5.00 to $10.00, FOR EUROPE VIA NEW YORK lytULariU hit aarraaU. Flrtt of all itaad ttt spent by the Russians in bringing up rein far damages for tbe deitrnctioa of property in tba Go iaU all taa ari J voxli. aai rrMch tha forcements and supplies bad late riott in tbb city. Thet claims exceed tbe sam probably been 10 . DOWNEE'S, DEVOE'S, AND OH) . GaapaS ta trcry erttari.M TUw saliet, tail Imi of $125,000, and be going to present them agalnit PER CENT. PEATT'S KEROSENE equally well improved by their opponents, b SSSM7. Tail far tt.a p0 p!a ta coma UU By 4o tbe United Stales throngh Sir Edward Thornton tb Fna $10.00 to $20.06, liiircs from lbs Munr&etartrf. fiaatoi latM." Wt - Go. aai pnaca." whose transportation facilities were superior TaPAnm r..V. Tlt.-- I Tt L a - . . r Brititb iliattur at Washington. Col. Bee says tbst v.r.i.h iV.lI I. .1 a oa?.r' ?m" f Tea. Uoldsn OsU aad OreralltrSi Ia ta aUaa taaaa taar war taoao Call ta to theirs, and that the net result of the opera- among the poorer ot SO A V ci.. ' ownou nraines; xiiacsinr.rf"Wbllinr, A am SallBatra iU then b gnat saaariog daitet OJEIVT. CliVAIU) CMmot-- A aaaia aaMiaaa aa tit tions then PER LLME. ' Nb of PUhrl Esrllsh Sp "J; i a --Sjl vaiek kara tirr4 ta bttrt being carried on was stUllwna'tter chlnaaaa ben. 11 oltimatei that then an 10,000 Fr.il.. 'P' 4'"rt"t of ta JtfaartMar'a erttir. as taaa otJaetaJUsar of great uncertainty. ia tbb city dependent upon tbe charity af tbair 'V CJILZ AND EXAMINE OUR Lara bs ta ' aat at coaat wita paUieaas aai I It will be seen from the war news received countrymen. To at Col. Bee's own langasge; h S Established Bat aaU that b wkal CASH CUSTOMERS 1840. ASSORTMENT OF CHANDELIERS. STUDENT AND " Iar aa4 by the ' Bonanza" and says : Tb distress b really great. Large numbers STAND. KEROSENE a Jubat txcy taat "Australia," and publ- sat at fiek. I aa aot witl return to CLina if they can fiod the means, and CniMSBYd OF ALL STYLUS. AND GLOBES, Ete. con x caS taa bat alaaan ta ished in Gazette, that wo were Call rtfltUau rrpataae." then an opening for Chinese labor in Hawaii. Tb and Examine Two Sailings Every Week, Cariat ataJ blaaalf aaoa fully justified in the ground we took at that b b!crr4 Baa bj Hit Tarj Reciprocity Treaty with tbat Kingdom bas adraneed Hit to time. AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES 1 FOR UTEBPOOLt DJIY &OODS VAKIETI jMf Triali rlattn." ciiiwa u the value ef tb sugar plantations 400 par coat. One Il aa liaaara. aai tbar U a otbrr riitn It now appears that the Russians, instead from Nev York every Wednesday, ,ernlmi.D.rt?."i5!Mhdc'lt'. "tics Lanidoa Jinis Amoikesr ssdhk! tui fourth of a plantation was recently sold al tba rata ShMtlnr. Finest Linen Sheettar. aaacjj aaaa, arbartbr taay ta aarai Ttry ocu j of taking .. I111 IMa. ti Plevna, were, after repeated attempts of J55O.000 far tbe whole, and before the Treaty was S. , ""', PUP Victoria Lawn. Silesia and Cam.iw.aM., aajkCTalai hj Saactsaty. GRANT, " From Boston every Saturday, Cotioai W R"i c". of the most desperate and determined charac- pasted this plantation eouid bare been bought for " Mta,"x U4V Arala. tbaa alar en wilt sat to MANAGER. r ttt malar ter, repulsedwith frightful $10,0d0. Chiaamen an wanted to caltirate tbe plan " aawrba aai of taa slaughter. At no fjaarxaa laai. fr tay io tatioos, a&d then is aa opening for 3.500 immedlt A Ilka tao point had they, at the latest accounts, gained RATES OF PASSAGES Larere Assortment of statinnprv set Mtaad nATISU for any advantages atety. They an going thttlerfrom San Frsscbeo." BOl'GIIT AreaU Jajne's Pstent Medicines, a fall line ; Giant Powder Co.. Willcox a taaa" air wita vbkb lb caaetaary" Cbriit-la- which could in any degree eabln S0, tOO anU (130, Ottld, Gibkt', ui Sm SKTTtXMSXT or LASD TITLES. w.cauip fuinpf, cec in ,Bt alaajl taaat taita. Tkty eouelacl of compensate for the tremendous loss they had Saloon and Boarding House DUIll mtjbt Gradually but tbe land titles in this SUte Accordint to Accommodatkiik raHC, rarely IRHr,,.0.S,.?rV.S.,fi and BarG on aai aaaina ta kaov aaat tbay sustained, and should the reported - " - - tbr capture of an becoming settled so that Urge estates caa b par- "OP WO. OX JIEBCIIAXT STBEKT, BErnmf ow I - elD ID4 I 1HC3 abaS it U V aaaai," bat lby. an aot witlUr Shipka Pass by the prove OF wlncarrroa tb oaaiuaaa aa k ihl tickets favohable tekus. Turks true, the titioned and awners feel safe ia making good im- - will aettle all. rinrt,n. Also, liflaa ta tla Psaruaieal pnjari so oftta ofered by '"U W: acoxiau for aaderalnat 8tec race sag Three Pine Pianos, from a Celehrate'd Boston Kanufacti Russian campaign in Bulgaria may be set prvreraealx on what tbey really own. One of the Currency. taaa vk tbaak tkty an aat aa atbar tata. or ' wosa AlIANA. Gi down as a dead failure. largest cases carried " For Information rao ai xbia lizacn. Bat. ia a plan aot crer oa ia any of tbe state ai" farther applr to ttcil!j Marts bas lately beeo decided by Judge Dwiaelle of WIIXIAU3, BLAHCQABD 4 Co.i tbit oxelaaWo lau af raiiriooUU, tie San lanclaco. STILL FURTHER REDUCTION ON MACHI Iteclprocity tbe Fifteenth Dutriet Court. It b knou as tbe JAS. ALEXANDER, SEWING alaaar baa a fra cbaae to call epoa tba Lori wba The Treaty. 99 State Boston, Pablo Beach SL. clcaaa "Saa Suit" aad involrat till to lT.eJS JUST RECEIVED. C. O. FHAJTCKIVYS, & mar xfii ar vkaa Hit cblldrta calL Tba We consider a for con- UASXliiS COOKE it matter sitcere acres of lead ia Contra Coita conaty valued at 4 Bowlint Ureen, 'rv York. n&CiM taat l aa iky of eoataet witk tb wntcbei jt PEB gratulation that the United States Government $3,000,000. Th complaint was filed ten years ago. Can Furnish the aai dapraaoi b a pr aitspla of tbat lor wkleb Vofee to Paseencera from A mtrI!.. v.w 7.l.n.i . m.i Singer New Family Sewing lacW Commission now in session in San Francisco, Th trial oceapied men tbaa a hundred days from Honomla. Th, Canard Line affords more Xattar axblbitai wbca Ha xaoareoi than nanal fa. Prevail . a I tb arkkai HAW. cnuuea c Ia ...-- TTk.Lf . orir has been instructed to inquire into the work- lbs to' time, and tba testimony makes twenty.four BABE "E. C. WYIIE," to tnronsn paaaengers from poru, tbo - j vs.ut..i... Afuamtj larMui misQ.aa, ror V33. Jaaka.aajiar. Hov cftea I bar gatb- - freqoancr of its salUnr predodinr att posslbitlt of delajr vsli ing of the volumes, wbkh, placed oae apon tbe other makes a to Jf ew Yorfc. fi'tay teratber. a Reciprocity Treaty. We trust the Singer Tailor Manufacturing for $551 rbHii ra ai be ratbantb ISO Days lVom Good axommodaUons alwasa reeerved. As nroof of thi Machine, bar eaiekKi investigation will be thorough and exhaustive. pile fear feet high. Th land In dbpnte b Bremen, r ...... v, ... lAUlllJ aoiar fcr alip." Th diitaet, wall, C. O. FRANCKLYJf , faeurers la tba world, diiiusft of it good arable land aad producer Urge crops of M pnt toretber. Also, on hand. potfaaaad taubaa al lb ataaraU. vbleb an aa cftaa We feel very confident that such an examina- IT 4 Bowling Oreen. New York. wheat and barby. Tbe Tillage of Saa Pablo en Sand ie tb cf cbaritj, ibar all Ua plalaly tion will show conclusively to any .fair and b A LARGE ASSORTMENT Jt. uauus iULUiua,uG tlai xt-ars macxiine. tbe ranch, aad tb railroad bow being bnllt from Q-Tj- i, TheMsie.traanlnr.sucplcst aad only noiseless aawanby talr prerlf ta b raakad ia taat unprejudiced mind the a. is. Machine, tb Lsdies favorite, for S0. kr that treaty, instead of Oakland Tha "a. ta btartiaes rnas through the tract. OF BEHBABLE critr cf sabiSty tbat ctabliibt wi.ee Jarai being, as has been DISPATCH LINE FOR SIN FRANCISCO! nl asserted in some quarters, case was SBbaitted ta tbe Court two years ago. The a tawat. ririai biautlf, watar lata a NEW tb pni a one sided contrivance by which a few sugar decbioa lately girea embraced 142 manuscript C. Brewer A Co.-Ace- nts. GOODS. LEGAL NOTICES. baaia aai araabai tb fttt cfHli dUciplo. b la planters in these Islands were to be enriched pages, aad ccuplad a ra tbsa two bears in tbe English, German and French From London. Tin, Sydney. Itianry trat tbat Gad oricni taxaplc tab mm on nipnenia by ibie line. the expense the reading. Tha the tb T a i T Jf CHAMBERS. narcrrirMU1 baSt at of United States, is, on the decbios of Judge sustain! ISVOICK OP Jndldal ef aai iaditatal U Hit rati aai ttrrict, aad 4VEJiy .?EJ5CTHi.tiAn. , ... , . .SCOTC1I. X arcnlt, II. the nusef tt U contrary, a fair ami equitable arrangement for Title, sod mon tbaa doubles tbe valaa of tbo rou " wmLK H.v. r. HE1RI.V n.V.h.l..lIn W..I iMdi oboa it iaa Ui (lory f tb Lord vitl ill tb is qp.m riitaSL On af Xi ditto reedlns and tUln( the appUcatloa the mutual land. Exciiai-- BOSTON AND HONOLULU ditto 8cnp Albnms, wr-o- baaa; UtlaattsiaktbaaxtrcsaattoTsioB caa advantage of the peoplo of both MERCHANDISE, PACKET LINE! IJ taptrior Mertrop. nM.vu, aaniuainur or tne aatsie ot an. f Frpnch Mortl. Lahalna. Maai. ommh uiw taat a Bars .taaiifj a (iafi pauar af Haly Writ, utboartbat countries. And not only so, but that the Jttrel EcIUkopc, be aat for hearlnr clalma aaU XKalaaf KAMELY : fit O. Brewer A Co.-Ago- nts. 1 tt'llnhtilMnkAu.... tfalut Gad Eli praaaae to otbar placu. Vbat aaai business advantages to accrue to the people Sopreame IB tnf th aetaainla of esld Admialairaior, sal t iM of :mrl. Oct. Term. 1877. taaaaBB aavorabie arraacaraeBta can alwaja bexBaarT. CmMblndSSllT 0 mMt"u's. tnvarlona sua sureties be dlscharsed. and the tbrialssiatT " tTbkbar sbaH from asada for Iterate andiklaoaatefOtl, Bora, Wool. fra?rv I tby the United Statas will, to a considerable ex- Cottons. Uldaaaad rrayer acrordtfir Ia law tt Mr. Justic Judd presiding, Linens, Woolens, and Silk. other Verchandlei to Mew Bedrord. Boatoo, Ka7 Tost aad Gooka,Teatamenta. and racket Bibles, IX Ordered, TUESDAY, Sevenkef " If aanai ap lax Hoara tbaa art sh lleavy b that I tbn. tent, be reaped by them in adcaxct of those to rtherEutarn Peril. Advance, made. border Uonrnloc Enrelopea and Pa per o nit Ex. A. 8. Hartweil, Attorney General, for tb Cloths anil Cashmeres. ' in clock a, 1L. al tha Oanrt llooa.laui r l a. WiaiWI ialai. lio. Ur.. If" I be enjoyed Shirts, Towels, m. DKEtvait a co. OI1SPl4r!aB','',tW,,,OMUUMi act as toe tune ana place ror acanac Ufa., Jf by our own people. Crowa. and all DerfJa. In art Wra tab tb viax af tb suraiar aai daall la tb BtUr- - Shawls, Clothing, Hosiery, humi ..Li rataia On thi- point especially we. call attention to Oet--1 Tba King Tl. Piifiilaau Farabbiag Hdkfs, Bibbons, to atteod and aonw cartse. Ifany tbey ksvaetf ! xaot paro of tba - taa, ma tban iball tby baad bold Tried by a natire jury, NEW ma aiiniiiiHirawr inooie f evidence Catlsry, Sheet 'gipc, Tin Plates, Sheet Truth is Mighty and BOOKS. raaJABjej CO. IfI tar tb iarkaaaa iball aarar ma. f.;.V the of air. Severance, the Hawaiian wba nursed a verdict of not guilty on dissenting. Lead, willPrevaU. ABL It. Cxrenlt Jodre, 2d JBdidal laag 'aakook aa Consul in San Francisco. Mr. oc- Cacti Bnwa far tba defendant. Corrugated BooGn, ii tb day." Gad It Ttrywbn. bat, lanly S. having Fence Wire, Hoop Iron, CasaeU'a e, nepfc xj, ISIJ lvi&g Bole World of Wonder, lUnaUated. ' rmooMi casion course Tba vs. Pilipo, lareeey. Tried by a satire Areas of the Wail bam or any other Americas Fictnrea Ta li aiut rtala wban Hit fakbfal in the of his official duties to Centrifugal Linings, Leather, Belting, Watch CO U of En(Utl. Laadaeape. Uloei rated. jury, who reteraed a verdict of aot guilty two db. hot prepared to cell all Walchea, ea-- Wllmolfs Sacred offi'' fn.rlillr ihnA r . . Poetrr. nioatratedj an atngrlkr; vitk tb darkrt of xla. certify all invoices, fcx goods exported era f 1W0 paxri from eeeueg. ucu era tor prvseeuuou, o. a. Dot tor Barlap8,'Tra:-j?'plct:nf- lowest Pvaalble term. To nrore Uema of roetry tar lb piiaaiiiaa praeioca avals H prisoner. tha. he oalr aaka the IMvoU. of Blaodard vfood sf Ut vba ' San Francisco to these Islands is able to give, pobllc to price hi block before psrehaslnt elsewhere. Novels. deMaaed. VI. V. rinehaaa aala Vela"rn One's nonaehooktor GlruC natchJaoo. PeUtloa tor foreclosare. Bbi ealy 2. Tbe King vs. Kelly, IarceBy Can krKta Ea." cot opinions and estimates, but facts. From Saa of cattle. FotUtli Echoes of German boojri. taopnas Coort. ttawallaa lalaads. wTiia-rar- Tried by a jury, wba HaB's Book I aa aa ar Bluiatary " Caatia,'' satire ntarned aunaaimess FURNITURE. Waltlianx TVa.tolies, of rianads. To W. a Parke. Eaq , AUraliAl sf UaBanWf his testimony, before the Commission, re- verdkt of guilty of eabexxtemeat. Sentenced to And many otherZ ium : waaaaxVot-aftbaT.aCC.- bat bar Lvborad as obo w Ajepnir ajreenns I years imprisonment at bard Ubor aad costs $29.80. A 8PECIAL.TT. TOB .r. ,u.nnl k. A.a al tat I ported in another column, Alio, ReceiTed Vmmi, . . . r . u .- .. aaxacc tb lraaraat. tb riciait aai tb fallaa la it appears that the J. M. Davidson for defendaat. STaif (M.ne. . l t ... , - . . . . from Hew Yorr, ... - acrt OKE qOTTAQE PIANO. ' icMMaAa repairei,ana Chtncellor, to soaimoa W. risehasa VesAaW. tbi Uaia. aai ban- tb way briar exports in question for the year ending warraated. Cbarses reasonable. ThatLaaao'Lowrle. a- I la tbia iato Sept, Tbe Klsgvi. Nabecko asd Keikoibaa. gross cheat. ana nutehlsoo.ef Booolalvoesei- ti iariakia!Jra sfCirut It to to tiaoi, lift 1877, will be jits aboat daxble what they were Appeal fna the Police Jastice af Uoaelata. Tried Wattta Crystals Inserted lor 33 Onts. "vtrsm ueiure bus, lAearomaia.BMM. .4 by a Balis jury, who Tojs, Paints and Oils. . i ' . Adrentnre on the Coart Uovua. ts tha Otr of U abaat ap baa tbaptti a" dauraatia. preceding retorted a aaaaUBoat verdict tT.iln. .in,..'!.. il. u, ...... jeweler, z wlftU Se. and Land. aaipttbs for the year. Sesteacod CO am now MIKn oa Friday, the tth day of Soremtef of gaitty. to days each at hard Ubor prepared to maaafactnr aU kioda ef A. 11,10 vbtn tbay eaa aaa tb Hckt tbat tbiaaa aa CalrarTj Almost equally important $22.90 Stationery, Printing and Wrapping Paper. show csnsawby the prsrsref?: and suggestive aad eetts sack. G. B. lUlaukaaa for lb Gold Cartwrllht. TmitM of the estate of BrBT tj. HiO. Aa taat u tb praiirsl caa kaibj to dafaadaats. Jewelry, 8etti, Cltaiiti. cesaed, be iai also iraJhTs connection, is the evidence of 11 r. Saddles. .' loekeU. ooeapUlnant, should sot aTawJ aatafy lit b wiH tut tan ta bis Fatber'i 3. Sicrasca vs Bitcbcock Miara tu oaa aau 01 raenpiaiin M"-- -r . aaftr Henry B. Wflliuns which J. eta!., eontiaatd till Bracelets, Sings, Cuff and Collar Buttons, And have von there lata writ, was baaaa. ItltpataatU arary esa tbat Ua Cbanb is as follows : ctxt term. Powder and Shot. lacs Abba and Seal Rings, ' AdlroodackTrales. jwrprDccesujicaxnareon. -- laorie1 arraiHariTct " There is a large increase of exports to the Tb TTellow" Etc., Etc. Wlf witness th aonorahl A rrsnct of Hccalala bar at tare abl ta King ts. Dehor. Uaaknloa. eabextlement. Jtetal LShSthing and Nails. iiu"?Toon; -- ,( parr " Islands. Registered tonnage to the Tried by a native jury, aad a' verdict or guilty Xoksi Hat Jswolrj aayDssirtd and Tale. 8lSla7 . sj supreme CborL at Hononaa,-- tba eaaaataaity af iaisoraKty. aor laatraet Islands Cement". ia Stjla. Jnly.A.D.inT. Mr. Bkksrtoa. for tbe prisoner, excepted to Portland 8hells moon ted Is Gold or tHIver to Cnatoeaera. BAiai'' Zraa tbair pclplti, tb pwpl wb deal ia qnaa-tiau- " has increaaed ffly per whereas soil J50.E. " eeai, and tbe verdict a&d gave notice of motion for aaw trial, Diamond 8etUns- a epeclaltr. tKlut iHctlonariea. ajaaaaaaaiu." eiiraa-ta- Stockholm Coal rtSoStS Aad If taa o t. tba " vessels previously Lad light and not wbkh VaVei eVeTLcrviTrXs e Ird, Ut and Tar. tireaijjfc aucnoon. trsin" very tuts ul prisoatr priceV ' ' uiahesl I hereby certify that the fortroaaT he oa foroldOold or (saver. La tfapreaf toB trattatxttzi.aai tb porfarteart, ta," an la raUrj watrael t jax SmpriMnmcsl tod totti S&25 't orlaicl tuiamojt filed tbt " valuable cargoes, such as coarse goods, now Baskets. ---sgtr-eAr. as -- Saaataary" - Osflc-- a 17 Marrcjiauit laiatatat, nrdy aotiitj bat tbo they full and Civil Giciks. 8tree I. wttneas wUrrof I tare herecata ie " go the cargoes consist of valu-- " Tallow and Molusea Containers. A. fpititcribLara' wot bar la claaat asd i. Kspclti KavhaBauai, Kusmpiit tor rilam W; I-T- a aeal, this Sd day nfJely, ftSTei prr able merchandise." ti. tt D. CLARK. A OREAT TARlKnr n ttracrtb ta bar! tb Prise sf Zr3 tart bit ef iodi .tft!. Appl froa tit Co art of 0lia. fna Tried ft who Papelerie wtrfaan ban. U bit ewa daBlatcaa wbar The calculation of the friends of the treaty bj bUt jrj, nCsrmtii Tviiiet for WISES, ALES AND Bsxes an, Hew tbtn b pUiAtiff tk sam t $33 wiihit utemt. K. If. SPIRITS. 3J" "7T gutleaerj, waapiar aai araiIar aai raaabisr, taatb." Va in the United States, course was the fr , ArrlTcet Adminlgtrators's - f cf that by Bxktrtx' fr fsUintifl. Cecil, firawa rf defcedxiat. OOOd Jut Kotl jsfl - 4a tkiabr khupbeaiy to Li who ifaa &&, &c, &c Slim v.w ATVVW" aaaaaow avir..aK V sot tt rata tb Uxaaiat; af admission of American goods free their coun- txccpUi U rerdict. For Sal. aa. f tw a, HHITyET S. CASE, at .Walataa. hcioaxtas t lft Gad spoa tbia earaaaat. aad auy Eii Epirit J. K. GUbu rs. Ham Ciihoohali al., vjtct-mcs- t. Bmrk Cevurter and Senr, W. tu. kaae try- would obtain the Tirtsal control of the For Sale by Mrrer. CMiuuaAo. deceased. Also, the u tpaoiBy ti iafaxt ttaabf aaacrr tb ptopla wbaa tbat TrM by n oitiTt Jarj, wto fuond rtrdkt Real Estate Sept. lth. H. "j trade with these Islands, and that the in- fur Ua cVeatUat tv tjiiUttiig. H. for Sale aAl Al AdmlnJatrstor&sje? amraot Cbriiriirs an atririat; ta balp ta btriar J. Dftriiioa wSaJ Sfg i creased profits the Islands would rnaV. from far plavistiT, h ucapUd to tba Trit, Wm B, Osldea Gat Bakcn Extra Floor. WTMA1. VERT groni. Aja. 27 cc. Bratirta, aad ttop aot la year Ua far lCaUaU . H. HACKFELD ft Co. Snpcrane Floor. Caea Bread. BBHMABiE the removal of the duty on their great OS Sm CaaatCracaara.aeerirted.vts; - work af praaabzf aaaaa; tba GaatKct tba staples, ' ,Mar8hal!8.Sars Soda, Oyster, Wafer, Milk, Fancr , Ac, Ac r riabat joi Glial. gar b dbbaartaaai by asd the increased production which such ad- , HWLY RESIDENCES Hay, rlbaa ditional profit would stimulate, would increase Anchors Bales Oat Lime, Rubber Paint. x taa aaaarl aai tt ta wicbai. Gad. ta Eil ova Loado&v AccutSSlh. Tte PthTit. cewrp&per akd Chaias. for oa. bnadred and talrty-al- T. set ' ar9 tba taxraaaa, aad yaa sy their ability and disposition to purchase Tcdeoaete,, alter an cljralc rvriev ol tba Asaaaortaantcf Eshber Palatt la aU Bhades "rilora A paoa, defendant. I hav raai tie, rtra n jat nuai f UtL TO tMa uw and located in dUTerent tvS-r- i kajtW almdr expeciicd oa tbe war, tbe cocci CHAISS, tram to I BOLLEa A CO r .1. rr. rale oa the Sd day of Oaeoer.A..vrr-Ji-t.r7iiig Hit tbnaa wita tasa wba saw American goods to such aa extent as would dnn I H incbes. ..1 tha Dremfaaa- - as VunaBBB. eB 1 I nju an tbxt U tbe war luu till next Aatacio. U will lMSlJf A. V. PEICHE at CU. V' tliAii SSQDeOXJO FbcaJbr f xbssaldS. Apana ts and " rrxpaar ia tba alrtnlxHait af (ana, bat tbaa aball mere than .compensate the United States for cot sot leu roabla. of wblcb T 1 wakS Se3 SSZflQQfi&i 7 a teeonvenlasam tb teaaa of tha land os "ZiJt', aboat araab ta tbat was hire ajmt2j been expesded. To corer A Card. Brim rr.w s years wraa. ya "Bitrj tbalub tlala the less of duties on the comparatively limited ....i,mWAliH which has looser -- tbia tarn, tberc It a reserre of 150,000,000 roaUea. loraBUBT WHira ax sjigsq. tereat and coats be prertoeoty J5 "far lsa.Sbaa biud batk caaaaaad cw frota all ia. Aalothc jOeO. ptper , ..lest Ash Oars. m. mens ae uxnpasuMi. Manila a.nri ITovn. n SrYaJi, jfTTttrrn of Hawaiian .sugar, rice, etc, hereto- rrciilrfcr Boner, of rstary Bead j prtnar tta8 drtS CmTtr." ' wblctf tberc U'alresdf fffifi&j&i rosUes , ,- - ta th erica leluala by ecitr.?Koi.2 nonotela, Aterelt V), 1177. aai i I produced exported to 'Ia A rrxo. nvrryx- fret taat ct iona- bori4Adirtei-,':P.aBoi3- o. fore aid that country. anil be Inccd. IB4,bS, Taa aai has bees poe al 'Uaaokla, Oct. I, UTT. Krxia. SJJ rse above f r ia r I a ur ... v . ' cvmevr J 1. a. ... ra.lttua. ft CO. e3 " - -- FOR THE MAOHWICE .10T1S THE MrEElC - atamared Aofk! aoar' aUlaw jjj5E TABLE W TNYESTIGATINQ THE WORKINGS OF AUCTION SALES. THE EASTERN WAR. Loodctn. Serteml h. DcTNatcbf from B- n- It Jt TT. oS" qtt rVttlt lilt lit II. Mrjrr ehamt inintloD reporla currtot there lut oljcaio, - THE RECIPROCITY TREATY. which By K. Bj- C. H.HARTOH. aij arrirt tna Sao TruclKa lit stxt wnt, serious Crhtlcr around BieU, the retail of I. AD.ISH. &New SouthWales ita Uttrtuwi was unkoown. CrtBritaiE Many It U probable thit Ototxa rxxhx wilt bo mads U.a.tata aaa AncAlttltd. of onr readers are bo doabt awtte that a Sjrxloi BukB. C. yrrtia ll'tdrtrtbed to tall far Govemmeat Crjirahsloa has been tor some time la Minister of War. REGULAR CASH SALE ! ..Eiooria for tee UinSuOUfBl Sa CalcaM. 15ta. ATIm imcUI w-W eafrwslj TrtaCiteo aaj rroUilj u3 Uthe Snt session la Saa Francisco, lavettlfttlet: TArioaa 5pUmlr Lela A Constant no rde cormtX)Ddc&t tira It It stitrd rttitl tUmitiv ibt RiuiUb tAtisx fat l&At part. marten connected with the remnc, laclsdlns; the sy: Tht f tmp ai PJtv that Ismail pasha has arrired before Rrlnn. la ii (kktaiac tvad frMd tht txivr vf taa pairi-ftiB- j: Rnsalan Armenia, and It about to attack that : : : : OCT. worklrc of the Reciprocity Treaty. Ia the "Saa ha VoriJ. or all 0NTEIBAY, : lata, IxaTB j Kt IT CtT" T6 Unit of X'tXiutnaloa of half not tarttd at plxee. icd Prpckco Francisco CatT' of Sept. 16th, we find tbe lollowlnx Ula, aatl tha lack of taattiij airmajtotoU Tht ON THUSSDAY, - - - OCT. 11th, near HUo. LITEST XEVfS PER AIsTBAUA. At 10 o'clock A. wB W Sold coDtAlnlce 7.C00 terra, were tola At the amotx other eTldeace, taken before tbe CommlsslOB aaoraoat luaf liaevtha eaimataaaat vfthtla it.. X 3aa rraacseco "9 Bombay. Sept. Jilt, l tloa oa Utt, Asd parcoAtcd Mr. C. Ttrttzatat f FUf aa U prouueiac ditntUtsittieD aaioaf ttttU-pa- a 8BnJr bj CtaCS BTBECTTt a. "Daily eerrtapeaitat says t Tha at At S A.M at Salcanram, Atoo;far U.C0a tha wtittr. hw thieh thtj art htUc Tht News" ry Goods. lflj tack oa Pits aa la abandoned. President of tbe California Surar Rraoerr. testified lUachtcml. Thrva aa.ucttfal attaeki vara uaJt FW partkt&trt a vholtialt oar-U- r. aiT" st postit. Bat. D. & Dorvltv. who h ben tpcnjlrit tb la rcjrardtu tbe Llawaiiaa treaty, that d'utin; last oa Taciiax rtaltiaj la evtttiac A Tarkish eBctal report says that Utharatt AH It Clothing, year rd of tbe ImportatiOBS Z pr tcau or tat Tea Kaitiaat IU4 ADAJM, Trt.APT 211 Mar it lutthrrc tsaoogirs, prradicd lut SoaJT ft sarar opcti. Uwtr adraaciar aloer tho rieht haak ftborivor E. 1. Aarcfr. wli to tbe previous years crops. Some U eharz p a glaei M jardt vtlihoat tha itibtit tUaikoIea.. towards Koprla. twtlro miles south oast raoreloj Is Fort ttnrct CbarttL, tail left far Sin new Uo Crocorlea.l n Joty U tajrar are ported front tbe eTtr. Thrta rfcitataU ofthatlrht thaa4 lata t Beila, where tht KutsUa art maastax their loreet. FiAocbca jcttcrvUj by tbc "imtnllA," to Join bit Saatiwlch Islands, aboatoae-lblrdvtt- consump- of tha Foarth Cofpt, h matla aa aiaaatt aatait OIL PAINTINGS two-thir- Newt froea Sumhoal aava tho Porto refaaes to VALUABLE Hoslery, , N. TerA-A- teT S3fS tion, tlhe retnalnioj; ds are lopurtrd from frxjal or rt 5 Aa! ICH'-- I l ftmDr. tat tottta. tat Taraua uat, trt aaarljr MsallA. BitaTia. Centra America. Mexico, Formosa Utl tatthinlo( lhair aaahar eogalst mediation while a siaclo Rasaiaa recaalat la - .Oct to BiSoT Ta hriii Turkey. She will alt- - refoat aay affer ef aa armis- i r 71 5iJ., 0 i t2T" A ccamsurcati.Mi In rrptj to that of "Sane-tttir- r, end Cnlcutta. SorslromthesepIacesarrttutUbir. thiaij vhta h4tta back, Ka prlioatra wcra Ukta Hata, A. . NaT TilN.T OCTOBER U:DC a Thraaxar pltatcrt of the Saaowicb laliudt are oa tha . tice aaless eoaeanaat with peace prvpoaals. ON TUESDAY, 10th, --i ,olnlU. of X. Tt-.I- e'lllac U a Uw JaWrturr of Sex. 2iacU w aithtr fidt. Tha fir Ithltac hat hn I11K priccipallr America at, with A few German and of Sthlpka. cafflhataatt sUATCslt. Mu is cruwactl oat uf werVa Scutch. The Tht eh0vd rait.. At IS e'oloct A. U BOOTS. aHOBS! ju :uh lut Gazxtte. It Island, be thinks, cuttc la direct a uaiaiaaa UJIj btattaf tat ibtir araiai The blikadt aad aombardta; el Pitraa eoatiaatt. aocxp moot Uaae tj. cum petition wltb re a(iat "boxjckxkd rr. AppcArt la ocr of tbe Oner. here. II they continue t Ulifaitublt aaJ a!atv.t itakrtxoabl fam&eatita IT HO. 2 H iRTYRrS NEW STORE. FORT SL. Alt5j to wash their sngar. after rulro; throojb the boil-l-n. SettemWr Casks of f tht Turki. Is reported AU cumpltto jr Bark Anaia Laracr b aVaat dajl eat Ilia oplalua Is that a arasbln; prucess Is es- It that Mthtatt rained a When aCl be sold. lit sentially a process, Iclory at B'ttla. Tht Rassieai i a fared great lots. frant Bartas tbtrrfare rrfiulnx and washed snfars Chlear Septaahar 15lh, Tha Trihoat' Loadoa aal arartj daa. Sbt bat from the blaads' should be subject duty. They - rreaey' to pteialtai: UaUtrproMBt eoailitioat Pltraa ta- Twoatiwteia Isa FreastcWs Oil A Vtriety of Other board 159a tomt atarcKsalist far tbl part. ahoald not be admitted free ue-l- as raw sugars. - p;- Two Magnificent Paintings, Xeiiadi. af oanl aoi ot earriaa ty a -t num. A Kautaa bat. September S3. TTba tba iomt Wllurasdoes not believe Formosa or Maallla scrar talioa a Icpa botfwta & ratiwahl U C. BARTOW. Aaea'r. t tiat Rcctprecirj TreatJ cat VtstSt tbt tx wil PresUeat MaeMahoa's manifesto has cansed na-- ONE. S. "could be mixed with Hawaiian suxsr to aa to es all war frvat its ev-- a Boa taa paopa 7 cape tht fr half or oaart?r casiBcas ia Fracce. eel ect loo. lie tboorbt tbe treaty benrdrlsl If of a milt tu a terriMt fin frva tha riSn of tha Tuiki. Its peoritlost are fairly enforced. The ltlauds are Tht Republican ladlratat aad hare Uaatd a Evening on the White Mountains, Arc oty wtad-trt- bo art IbtU aai if tht Utttr wert taarkt-- art Apr : x.r : ii;xr Tbc Ltkelfte rctDrocd from tcr trip to practically an American colony. Two-third-s iilt. eod star of the mta aw a aiaa out of tho earei wtaii reach tht ceoater maaifeito. tlr the ralnter, tlaher. will iecU to aay hirer For Sate, L on plsotatloBS belong Americans. ICccUQaJ a. I Ja a'-I-J Italy Saailtr moralns. And left oo Tncxiij to of New Jicenery. oae of ber W. Tho 4 Ira UijBtTrjJ ahtttcr tf tht trtaehtt of th $uh aa attack frmdt Oa. Blew Mill. Ots. Blew R.Her, JifCi J a iUT RfAee SiA. It Aftrraoua for Puoiloa tU Kooa. It IU br area To Major Morris. Tbe falllue; off la shipments u thit mait on reJoaht anta of PUvoa. atar otner. lit IT AST 1 Ae 11 tht Ia!T SS4 of snzar Irom Is immense sioec iampl; lafdkOtrjr tLht)ut NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oa Blew rcllaHar. .AS St is1POct It from tb AdTenlacinrat la another colanm tntt the the East tbc treaty aj. owaaauiaa tht Rtutiaa k VIEW HEAR KINGSTON, N. Y.. - -- Jirp UL Came Into force; p 1. ocs Oct IS Oct re Nr rrraUrdar of aallior nntll lortber notice, be batltUbotlucoaaetiueoceoftbe Kew Cab Ve wstked hy head. Ma r he soon Yore Oct Not TX.T II Nerr ItiPrc oa Tttradir lottrmd of cm Aloadar as beretofore. treaty. New plantations arc being laid tmt. and By the iDowned Van Ellis, ta an autama aceao which tt t. LoaieUa. Stpttcohtr 15th.--- A tola-- Sales Roota of . . t 1DC tltare IlUaa 3 tbe IiUndt will ercctaally produce a Treat deal corrttDoaJtat Notice. Cm anot bm aunaaeed fur bouty. a Sr 14 Jmnhf more enpha aa Wltw rrvua Bucbarwt, : C. S. BARTOrT, AaetMBt.r. Jut t IIUu II J JtT" olcarrt. Fatter Ca. bAto btl a Aad tojrar. Sogar it not any lower to tbe FriJa; ai(ht 'I TTIICA.f MVALafllETIXa OFTIaE WAl TheA ralaUnn are tarre ( . TL. 4 tax 3 ft-- I lat, ftiU of t bv the treaty went Into effect. My It tht batUt PUtaa at aoio jMttrilajr, LL'KC Sttl VR m held InMoootuto.lVt . IST7. merit and ssch are rarely ae la tbia etty. AU lovera baaalifc! Acbooatr bailt ia Saa Fraaciaca. wbkb too lft fill btn year , ai ,r ( Oct. 1177 Interested la a t sr plantation. Have Imported Tha tv ToJoabt takff br Satalwlelf TuevJsT . tbe foUowtac Orneere ware elected for the anoeina: or Art wonlvt do well to extvxiuue lt.m, aa they can bo tit Xhi !tr tit X.sta ta-- )T Ioacm for tbu port. Sb is aboat 104 toot HCWMXH) or lo.OJ0.000 pounds since tbe treaty lar vara hald trotr-rA- r hvort. Oa WoJaffdtT II. A. P. CARTES FrealdeaL aeeu till an salt at 3 Mclntyre'a luocfc. tht Secretary batrdcOa baQt passed. Do not think even light scorer I root lla Turks mailt fix aitaaks ftaatlj ix ia lha P. ti jusks Jr aadTrraaarer K. I ADAMS. AiKtsoneer. aa4 taraatbtar after tba nodal af tbc aai obeat JOS. P. COOU, Auditor. ART GALLERT Mario a. TTt bear tbat tba wDt ba placod aa tba Kta conld be passed off as sttftr trou UawaiL ataatef draft him oat. lit thrto eaaatai which Maailla sarar is mixed with eaod Irom tbe mould, ha plaetd in tha Itajkad r. C JOSES. Jr. ruatc, far Kattaala aad Paaalaa direct. rtdoaht. Ut for nrnfirt Sal SWeratary Waltata Co. 11 S.I 4 X aad Is cot tnanipalated with the ccotlifuxal taa BaU atf acal tiiaa, o Lariukj rtfaaod tt Hatae LARGE AUCTION SALE chine. thta, thiaklox UcBtrat fikirhalair ha J taoagh roc a to i 5a--Ul at Hojoa To VfHUot IIo.iob Is Dce. We sad t r r CTIAEUS TJOLZttOOE, hold tht rtduabt. Fiaallj Gcotral KtUvtT, oa hit rx -- wrra mUukro italic; oar but Iteoe tbat tbr Uolbrook, Merrill dc added notblo? new 3KUI la la 0 Uo.. owa r.paathUitjt Mat a rttnaaat of tht trximtDt to; nnn wsmim mm to tbc general verdict of tbe merchants on the uthbtu Kettle Merrill wat chartered bj tbc Gorcrnracot to which bad attaekod tho lowtr radaubt 1 acar FiTaa, VatdeTWJa;net Iulb I ioj a At Sea 5fO AU r at conduct of the Custom House. Tbe trade of wbrMao Tht ., proceed la tearcb of tbe raItB tteaatcr LlkeUke. aad tlfaeiiro tt.cof th waa rtdaccd to 1.000 (?) lUlt at Saw Set. 3 -t r M the firm has increased largely with the Itluida I TbeKcttI ataa ecrced, owa expeoac, bj since treaty came mta nttttij aafit to p lalu hattla. Erta thi li-u- n Just ReceiYe. tram Sm FrmctSM atalt the lato torce. meat frvra tht head of staff to rti uitiiiAuuju Mr. wbo of ttat qairttr tht rtia i I . a m Wtlder. drscrret tbe beartj tbaaltt tbe ncssr 8. wnxtiots. whta (Jtatral Skobdtlcif BEirjriiD pee UT LATE AUUVALS, A sra bia DbcratltT firct hio. xrrtrtd ahtJ irsT A3 sin entire coaaia&ItT for pruoiptoett aad had - JU- Li tbU U"c occur- The Kcclprocitr Treaty Is a great benefit to com- rttnated. Tho lois of thtaa rtdtiohU - la tntttcr. rrrrt tbat tba misuse merce tho BaMidW aa OUR OWN ADVANTAGE!! Arrivals. Largo and Handsome Aaaoztmeat red and arc cheerful make tbe above correctioo. at a tmall cost, and is a benefit to this troaafor attack, it it mi that tha Bark Discovery and late coast that otherswbe we should not hare. A Ka.iL&aj ia pofseaiMa ofthoia twa rtdtmbt, aod CO.UnKltClAU was Tbe Mi.? Steamer AaairaUa. wblcb aa cot reciprocity treaty with the Islands offered with ntica rediiabt. had coaattd apoa rccoamaactor X7 the Aastralisn colonies, and If that bad pane loto tofftasito imaiedtxtaly. ThU is now iLapoaiibla ON TTJESD Y, OCTOBER 16th, At S tht PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS expected notil Taetdij, arrired o'clock oa effect, all the beslness or tbe Islands would bare UDtU al of X. jcnra anrirftl ttrrpwrs Ajt tb4 U : tht arrii riafurcaaati. Whta lift tht SPARE ONE MOM EXT AND BEAD THIS At 10 o'clock A. ., Socb aa aftoa.ee, VetTtt Caat a, TJahra CaiaM, A a. YakAtttior MoodAj tTcalo ioatrad, aad left for Son Francisco goae that war. There Is a large Increase of b4ttltficld all wa.j qowt exctpt a ticht artilltrr firt. frHit Tnftclact ilk (taarml BiTrcBsaJlz 2 Sa at 12 cooa jcatcniiT (TuesdtT). Ce Are lodeblcd to the Islands. Registered tounsge to tbe ThrUoitidUi vert itili la piMttaslon of tho Gririca - Istsndt has Increased fiitv per At No. 2 Mclntyre's Now Store, 3- Brk Xrk too HuIkiUt i& cent, and whereat rtauubt waica wai coallaeed Bra rrom to Mr. Deao, tbe porter, for aiea of Auckland pa pert previously sal-- aorfr htarj OX FORT STRKsTr, A HCo- - Srt UaafMTUn fram Emkm lsi40l the Teasels bad lljtht sad not very " tht Turki. TbU rtdoaht wa visUcd bj Col. WtUe- - NEW SmroTlTimPHS! xotatl to Sept. SBtb ioeloslre. Tbe newt la tlx data later sable cargoes, snch as coarse goods, now A CO. S, fi-- frum abJ Atck they Iej, who aaja it u heaped fail of dead and s CrT Astra SjUt tbaa bj tbc BoaaoAa. Tbe diaoatebca from tbe teat go fall and tbe cargoes consist of valuable Ru.ua. WILL BE SOLD FOR CASH jHiaTKtirc CicAfiild A Co. Iboae) preTtooalr receiv- lalMllUDlial, in Porcelain, -j STMnI to II. Frrecfc of war are coaormatorr to AS KSTIRK 1XV01CK OF SEW Printed ed, asd contain bat little tbat la sear. A dl patch from Shamla : Oamxa Paiha baa Wit. HXSET tari AT jUba Plates, MlCirttarrucHcojMtonUr ficBOoa. diavosd, attacked tha Rotiiaai la tttz9 at Dab ait, oo Portraits in T&cbrif Ma ex. We tbAt frat eWo Accidxjt ox nrzret to letra Confidential clerk for Williams. Blanchard Co., road from Sua a; hxJ forti-fie- d HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE! Styls Introduced IhnaUdiu Y s. m klrnifcl to ! TnaaMca Im tAU tbt Plera to whtrt thte A nevtr beon it 3?c Mrt, wife of Rer. Mr. Haacall. wbo said be was bora la Sandwich tbernfolTta. Tho ba til 23CA. frw Hatcall, tbe the Islands, aad Rai.iaai wert teatea Kanelrt Ahct bt dol trf prWU Wft util Uj j to aay la PTaotO" baa been itoppin- - for tome time put oo ittul, wta lived there 3 years. Trade with the Islands has and thtj hart toat atitral thoaiaai nen, bciidci Aad also brra tbat he prepared u take a3tc km W xcltl Ar 't u; tiXM. V fear to not only increased, bat almost doabled In every aiaa g'utu Comploto Bedroom Sots, rrapaa from Locktta, aad pnidaeo a Picture 1T130, a also csaJSMrrml f aav laUrot As rpvrt. tbroaro tram a borte oae daj Utt week, aad qcslte respect otdy vessels S. 2 whit a wBl be nnwabered by Utmalnlmftoflmtoatmymn aot la goods, bat la which are ASD TaCK VAK, MAGNIN'S, XJCLoiSD WliU waAnauutd. cliaira. a.aala by Weed.. Q aid bela tlareaos. ttc Mr. LoiI um tou W rV AooTpoi7 vvrtaaipI terioctlj lajared. Ko aarxlctl 'atalUble being ballt oa this coast for Hawaii. Supposes that SepUmbar at. vo seven-eight- Chkcaro, lath. A Timet LoaJoo ipo-- Vj AmatnS aosl IX C, pre- hs of the trade It doue with this coast. Blact Walaat marble top SUeboa.nl. Story fiwcmiy wUt fooad at bia XtalkHanneat m I A4CSCO tA Suar U Auk at tbe place wbere tbe aeddeot occurred, tbe - etal : EocLand U dttertataed tbat thU i u The reason prices of tn.-i-r have not been affected It laji carsptia 3 Marble top S. fctoart- - ots-- v, WAS Aka IM Tawtm . ot Mra. Haacairt lnjlrict (which were a ara Asa cite satare that the Hawaiian crop Is only ooe-thl- rd con- ail to4 tbe wr. Ktitiuioos beiar uaat Nuuanu Street. To take aay and all kintU of Pietarei. was o: oar 3 Black Wainat rt tarles, Terj palafal) not tnoarn at tbe cute oar sumption, and besides. Immediately pass- tht rarriioa of Malta, aad thtro haj beta a htavr waa feared, tbat tbe bad alter the hip COX313TISG OF t Blactc Walaat Kotlinc Up OlBee tsk: vn elegtvat article. AUd by Uo aleeaenu aad ta adraatacea eXtuaaa I'OUT UF llOSOLI'l.t. It bowerer. age of tbe treaty, tagars ruse all over the world. meat of war manttioa. to tha fame localitr. Alt aad esUrptlae. OIto Urn a dltlocatloB A trie-to- re 1 I Ofltce Cll, iBtttioed eitlicra of the hip or Seven-eight- of tbe plantations are held by Ameri- joaraalt aaita la tht dtan ad that tha war ihall "eai cas Oral Tt Port, Desk Tea Pars, Immediate ricinitj of AlWtJI. la tbe tbat Joint. cans. Had a treaty been negotiated with the Aus- tth thU leaita. t Fall Front 021c Deak, u, sm A. A.. MONTANA. scArfeAoUwkUoUoU.&lIM. tralian colootes, the principal portion of the trade Tlie XfcelL OpernUoaa PJeTna. Fine Stock of Dry Goods, Cnja ACCtDXST TO THE PlOTllZIK OT TUX LlEXUEE. Am rr ftwiwn, 3IUJr. It Sa rru'co. woold have gone there. The satire population is Landoa. Stpttaiber 15ih. Thtrt u hardlr room Organs, j Sir CuuA. S5L1 KaAIL We rejrrct Likellke bAt lott oae sbootSO.OOO. sod Is dying off very rapidly. Three Parlor XaCAa. JiiaL to learn tnat tbe it The for dvahl that tba week's optratioaa aboat Pit f.wctoi7 O A Co., Ho too) .Sil nAAU. Carta, fro roreign Is from S.0OJ 10,000. Hoao- tba (Frum th cebnttsl of Wil X wTt!I. fr of tbe four bUdca of ber propeller. Tbe accident It population to did aatruaU-- IitotaWj for tha TtaCje flot tastiamenta la perfect order. S"rS rtof lalafni lala has doe woold a RuiiRoaaiaUa art atw Xorioa. OrWUa.Cr.f'oat '.; aaj Vtlavau a harbor, sod It make splen- arm; aj was expected, view tho report from Clothing, Sir tbooxbt to tare ocearrcd tome two weeks ago did naval station. Were Islsads la of 1 Blaclc Walaat talxUnataa Dlntnc Tablca, rA. from amwill. Eaoal. the la tbe hands of RaUa soarce. Tht brief Turkish ballctia aboot . Ar JcVaoaU. Kaaiaao. BTa MxoAa while tbe was Croatia' tbe Hawaii channel. Tbe a foreign power, the effect would bo fatal to Ameri- 1 Black: Walaat Marble Top Centre Table, gcwtat ffiri at Plevna read ; "Since Friday tho Katuliai 5cm ILJa Marrla, KaaloAaaal. from a tbock esder tbe as can commerce. A good maoy laborers are leaving 3 Black W aloat Fane; Top Male TaU, JUta Toaax. AUyat. fnan Caolaa. OaAs. Trtael tsttalsed tarn, tliucb here for art made con Una oaf assaalti. bat bare beta rerais ats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. Etc., Etc., star the Meads. Do not thlak there Is ranch 4 Blaclc Talant Wasrtlrobea, Utfpa. frvai llSa, liawiii. tbe nlgbt Lite bees struck bj a Hoatlsx lo?. At possibility ot Importing Maallla or other foreign ed. Wo hare rteapi a red two rtdoabU on tht Lot its SCf Aiam. aoCaa, frani Kas. which reeeotly rU into tho eaemjr'i hands." JVaVa tbe tame time tbe propeller ttopped for aa lattaat, sugar Into Hawaii and sending it here as Hawtliao rid. One Hew Ladies Parlor Chiir, K3t Taraict. Ball, (not KoloAaL This coalacidea with detailed aarratiet rcceired, Just Imported per Star. Zealindia. Patent UAAa. Sspara. from Wlaowant rurta. wbicr matt bare bees from a eoUltloo witb tbe sugar because the islanders know the importance Very deaJralkle. at cava of the treaty would aad with later Emilia ballet in . The frieadi of tha jlm Lata EarvAa. WaJacc IS fra KaaaboUt. to breaking one of blade And and not wrmlt anything of tZrj EwowrSa 9) aart frva tiaaaa Ulaa4. lor, rctBltlni tbe that nature to jeopardize It. The lice of Hawaii is assia hart reajoo to fear that tha capture, of Griri 4caaee(l daa eacn) beat WeUlOsTon Cbalrs. case Beat LtaiW. 30 oart trota IXanboUt. eblpptsif off a piece from another. TbU occurred Carolina rice, and It sells at foor or fire cents. ca redoubt b of Qtich less sijaifieaace than was at ,T-- PLEASE LOOK AT THESE FIGURES, Qolocr Oak Cliair, 1 caaa Ploaeer Wood Cnain, 3 caaet irr Carcjol, IT Jy 4 Cr Spleudld Wood C&alra. s IbCbO,vt aad hoara Sstlja. while oficers were At dinacr, bat no oae tot They export their rice here, and Import Irom here first represented. Ifs9, Osmaa Pasha cuy await HAWAIIAN J ax oCoOitOr. Croat Fact TowaaaatL. tbe tiat propeller bad been broken. Br tbe Japanese or Chinese rice, which they can land at his leiafiirce meats withoit fear of farther Immediate Floe Cattlmeres, tl.25 1 yards. FOl'B ri.NE DRESS with Blnaav. pected tbat tbe three cents. They sell own and moleitxtwo. reinforce meats accvrUInc to their eat our rice. Tbeit art. Cludra Xaoaoaaaal, raaa. tor XaariUaaL Aastrallawbieb, left tbfa port jesterdaj aa order has Sprvckelt last year purchased the principal portion dispatch oa way from Sofia, Silks, tl JO to J 1.75 a yard. Cane back Noralnc Tteoca alrealy tht 1 case Aator Orrctaa Chain, AMERICAN FLAGS, 9cor oaat. aa a new pro- tlr laaaa a.ania been forwarded to Sia FraacUco for of tbe Hawaiian crop ofsogar at a lour rate, aad htaet most of tht reert es hart been seat across American and English Prints, 3 eaaee Walaat Csvao Back Rocklac Cbalra. with archa a--la LA Jaavaa. Fine French, linrd J O'Brka. U rwttau!. a that enabled him to keep his sagar firm, and, to a Balkans. description Cuttakxe CIiAvlrs. braavaoTma. tAaaelUJ, max 2 KAttiai.-Ha.iAt- peller, which I expected berebj retard itramer. tht The followies; of Sale. caaa tcaaeKfiAtlab r iizes, ia lacuat to Va'.lil.torHaaalat.aUja Chinese from 8 to 13 ctt per yards. caaea Oak Din Ctialia, all carroaaAI, Uacta. (or Kahblaal. EaaaL Tbe report tbat tbe new propeller bad been ordered certain extent, to control tbe trade. la Pasha's position, writtto tea days a;o. Is probably 3 lac beat rim, o borers are going Islands ; Chinese 1 Ladies Dialer Cbalra. FEET JMM Xarrta. Craaa. (or LaAaiaa. foundry here, is a mistake. It Is gratifying to tbe lot tbe i til I correct. : Ia tho maia Saleimaa Pasha j army Wster-proo- ls, 73 ctt to $1 per yard. on For tale by otcIwEBST. - at tbe are employed A 3 Hartford Wared Wire Sprier Mattnaset, V. SlIt JcaSJ. Maauwa, ta- SfawlliaCl. Kasai. to know tbat the propeller worts to SAtUfactoriiy not principally. ship load of white iocIaJias: reiaforeemaaU jasl rtctired, kecft ap iu ISA 3m - . emigrants thrce-fuart- TOP CABRIAUE. otarioa, CarUtoaa, tor Ealua aal tb'aiatca. with tbe retaliate; two blades that it will not be left recently. Over of the ortinAl namber or 11.000 men, with ample field ar t CHILD 8 CANOPY Ca SCai. EaTaoUa. tor KaSalai. exports are American. 1 CAKBXAGE. tricar - necessary or interfere with her resalar tillery and mouatain CHILD'S BCGUYTOP V-- itoma. aojaLavaaaL. la- Slotoiai. to toipend fan. Upa nu njbt aad left Kir i. daring; which will elapse before the Ras- - CLOTHS! All new and la perfect order, aad Wire Rope, Wire Seizing. Porto. trips the time he has established sixteea eaas. which the OIL tbe above arteleeare Sao- taaaOAa. Saapaar. lor wiajaanl w. H. TAYLOK, rite cirriu lo loUtoaull. S s AiatraSa. Carrul. tic au ftuoau new propeller arrirei. Of the Bisdoo Iron Works, eald his firm ballt a siaoa an rest nif ht or daj. Although ho eaaaot saf Linen Damaaks, bleach aad cnbleacb. At 75 ctt wUlbe aoU WITHOCT nraEBVL UOOB aDrrl.T. Tar Sal, fcT ficieouy com caaaa road from taw A. W. FKIBCE at CO. We steamer this year foe Hawaii, ana itwifhiaarr to tat Uabrora tat per yard. ' Foe Battxe Piorxcnot or Lrrx. nassiaa nrrraioKcattons to pre rent e. the anotber tteamer It being constructed, ltaatisded their reeetf inr Bed-roo- m second heartily tbe SilMrdxx's saxeatioa Jar same that the treaty hsa girea e stiaialns to oar trade. ho ean aetal Juae aak.Akaow. kTO aay thin hat vv 11 Handsome Oak Set, easy time within their entrench meats, A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF better provision salntt accidents, imoor the There Is no question tbat the treaty is beneficial, an which are BektrainatTttiiinilar.Ct & Co : if overand above the loss or revenue, by reason of the exposed to his murJeroas flaakla; firt that entails tritn Barean, waa a taa a. unaiia, ac, ED. HOFFSCLAEGER ira afoUar, crowd ot teams wtdch collect oa the Esplaaade oo eery heavy loajes. Gcotral Kadetxky cannot break Aa rsf WartaaT iacaarria trade It fosters. Ose Falated Bedroom Set, complete. aataaao Ara&iabaoUaacaaaacaarxiaC. tbe arrival asd departnre of the later-isla- steam- tha ftireo before hua and descead lata tht new patent. rvpa H. w. sitxbaxcx. thnch HK-FDHM- G EflDBS Oat ISew BelMrerator, OITEB rOK BALE i tart ofattia Xaciaar. ciactaoij. er. Twice durlez the past, few weeks express plain, any mora tbaa Salcimaa Pasha can drir him Two Sew Sprint Maltiatsta. laar anri EUriAca. Consul to the HswsHia Government at this port, of hU paiiltioni make a swoop upon Gabroea Oae Dtaiec Table. 1X1 ley hare backed off oat and Vta. warocs, contain passet(rerj, said Hawaii during twelve prao- - Oee BoU N'tw MaUicr. aoiaArooMvA lToUaC.aa- - Gtaaa ZaUaJ. tbe exports to the last aai tat country beyond. b matters wm ia all accident In one Instance v- XATaX. Into the water: the months have exactly dosbled compared with the abtlity rem xis until some important change takes Ladles Linen Dresses, S pieces, well trimmed, a- Goods can be Inspected at anr time daring tbt CrOODS seven-eight- hs prevtoae XEW aaraara liaaWr Cinataif iiT raach. If the antoorUies will tike preceding year. At least of the place in too eiciaity oi caamu ana fieeaa. week to eele. eases S5eacb. in goods sre American. There area few of goods report Hirees arTOrdera from tbe otner Uaada faitafollr attended to. this matter ts hand we feel coa&aeat that tbe sre A safi tho Csarowiteh's hart beta line selected stock of Children'! Dresses, .TI K A.'X will be eqaal to tbat come from the East for Hawaii, and these toe ox A P. AOAStS, Auefr. IIO K 1A. EenultT of oar mecbaalcs foaod principally American goods. From Sept. 1S75. to wtaeoed to rein farce Pier army that they art C arraasemeat by which M hem bo from t3 to Is each. the task of devUinz tome loTo. value of goods exported from San no match fr at All; and thts stems to e. Aaacraoa. Wat. Oa(Ul. Vaatar-Oaa- nd prevented without, at tbe the total earrobAjttted knrt : inch accidents can be Francisco was $517, 4S9. and a tew invoices oal tide by tht Raxsians steadily retro jadinf . Misses' Dresses. at Frvitj SacA Hat, wiEA a Ba&a braesa necessary ate of the OF VALUABLE ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANY ! r'to. naai at f same time Lit eric ring with the of this were not verified. In the last 13 months Un tbe wboie. w&aterer may be tbe rata ot fle.oa, DsmssV; SALE unloading of ert I Lloeo KspUos, from 83 cents to tl aaaaraaaaakArnnnnnadaaWtAa :tAh la. aorhtad water front for the loading acd the exports were f9t0,97s. There wss la additioa Uat Is rapid j tlippiaj away In which the Rassuas aaTaraaItiaalat33a au of tba Sri aad firs Tira asd freight, a good deal of Umber from Northern Califorolan mishtrttnert tbt oftheEaropeaa campaign, per dozen. SUGAR & PASTURE LANDS ARRIVED, D' w, imrju at aacajaaa a a, "hmwj . ports. Ia 1S7S the Talae of this was J150.UJ0, and now as seriously eompromiMl aj tha Asiatis oat. JUST HaiuKorsur. Tasataara,T koara aad XA atlaaUa. At 19 a- - f Am0C the istralsruts Who Arrired here A this year the amount will be tiOO.OOO. That swells to bo onr exports to xl.170.97a. A Urge amoant ot lam. Plevua Bselye!. A splendid Asst. ot Ladies' Shawls. Paget Sound Bacbimt. September ISth The Raislins at SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, ci bwt v? u r!t t A tat- - Atiaoa auaTtkaSXh Hart, were two who prove to be very sapertor ber not nctaded is exported from the exceeds lo Talae red- Pie ma art nioric up mortars and slcga gaoa, and ! a decorative art of a hich ports. That lumber lar the A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF "At 13 o'clock Jfoon. Artltta in fresco, branch of wood. A good many small vessels have been ballt rcceiTicr rtiniorctrraenia oi tniantry. aUomI max fTlubii CktAatr. Crwut tA iMtar taU coacantirelj little tiu bea heretofore known In here, and the number of oar sailing vessels in the lmpsrt--n- t Capture. Ladies' and GcaU Kid Bldius GIotcs, At Sales Boom ef C P. Adams. Qeeea Street, Uoaolnlo, CAM the ZZr. haa and commerce have been we ttiatl Sell for U. Messrs trade doabled. Trade Cctinle. Seotember IStb. In conMnactjee this eontttry. The eentleraen In o.ae.tioo. of the COLOBS. ' benefitted bv treaty, next six years IX ILL ai tc cf tha UUnd ofcvtta oeanac K-- have, since their arrival In the and la the iUirtn(2crof BUek. the Turks mast tno all their tix 2cz and Iederresthert Aa Increase may be hoped SO per cent. La ntJ a for of lapulles br way oi Met. as Bilek entirely com 100 dozen Gent's acd Boj't fine White asd of Honuapo, J" Hoaolala, been ensajed upon the premise, ot Dr. borers are going to the Islandt from this port lo mauda the road from Ragnsx to alt the interior of Ahnpuaa ' Colored at greatly reduced jprices, -- - McGrew, whose parlors they have decorated In A large aambers. Last mouth a vessel cleared with coainern uerztroTiais. Sbirtt, SO I laborers hired at I J) per month. Does not see a. I rjJiS style which we eaa tay from coosldrrahle personal Raialavn Prcpavntlviaa for at TTInter And a great many other eoodt loo numcrout to rTttVEK. ' how cargoes of Manilla togar could be landed on the - famlBarity with sach matters. Is fally op to the island without all the tacts being known to the meatlos. ILI OF KAPUALEI2 7. K3C first-l- ass September h It U repnrtr.1 Gen treat farta Pir staur LlEatiAa. Oct standard of the best work to be seen In residents. Smsgglio? or that description Is next lit thit 8ITCATE X- W S Cast X Taod, J era I TnddIeb;o. defender Sehaitopol. lias re- - Vrtaon. L Aastia. the United Slates. Messrs. K. and It a treAty bad of . -t . - to lmDostible. Haa no doabt tbat pUca the Biitrict of Kan. "fT- who have not vet established themselves la a per concluded America, HawaU would ceired orders to prepare for fortifjlne winter In oee Am. E .Tartar DtfU Eajara. H CorawaO.i Wta aUSar. basinets, prefect be not been with earn pa at jiaicmn, uerxori, ctstora ana sMKopoiia. These lovads ere ediaceot to eecb otner, raaAlec a T aad W aact paaaaaaer. claee of can for the hare had treaties both with Australia aad ew Tract or nhira Mr. Ed- Etnttx, corner If it come to the wont, IS'itupoIlx, where a strong coomssicated with Urouja - Zealand. Four-filt- hs of the merchants here are In r AuctLa-r-ar S Aaatralia. Oct f iCat ItaitAt, UUdupont U to b cs lib Us Led, will be held stall This Large Stock of Goods a w E loOaetaoa. ttr Aaaoa aad At to traaaita. of Fort and Hotel ttreela. favor of the treaty. Is of opiaioei tbst three-Ioart-hs About 2,200 Acres in extent! islands are by haxarda. All freah troop, mean while, are directed - Pa Saa Traaoaua Scatr AaaCraUa. fra Jaa Hyaxaa of the plantatiooa of the owaed wnlcn 1000 Acres, more or less. C. tn ar Umler, Com-mao- lo me ixntraiine. Wss selected by me In San Francisco, Of Iei- H. WYLIE EaJ Dooajalra. Eaa Doaaa aad I tadloa. E Oaaaraa. Caat Katazv The Frerteh Americana and the remsieoer Dy toermans. aotaaaerraat,ooAa TaoaaVf Xort.ataa4vlaa.un raa-a- Puech, arrired on Monday Attersooo. alter Tba Capture of Fort St. Alcttalavs. JEU.0I1 TtrtTiriw, cosBisnio or r ooAaa. Edaia tawa. Daa otaAVary. Jafea Joaaa Londaa. September ISth Fort fit. MchnU. Oano i Wat At AA of S3 days from Eqnicialt- - The Cheap Cash, ASD TTIE nEST asanact. GaAla. C Diasuad, tara, aad U a passace eaDtnred br the Turks, la said to be the ker of the Bought for : Tillaame aad er, la a Hit of ber oScers AMERICAN NEWS. itossiaa poauraa in ibc ccuipax rasa, ana ia coai '"atraaciaoa Tor S C otarray. Oct athv Atraad Gtscnard. and worxa. AND WILL BE GOOD GRAZING ZAND. eaCdm. W T Saodbam. Col San, KeotesaaU; Simon, OrU. minu i&eoi&erirasaun ienerai tudiixxr. Maa SodoU. Zlaary Schmitx, ensizns; Comme, chief tttrjeoa: Denis the ReUeiiAD coram in der. U cacDoed to hare about ntla. tautn Oimirdealoa Award !To. I U B, Aeena II. .aWw, anSoaaaddaachAar, spoa Leeds esplrlec cat the 1st aaxharoua. er. The Iimier carries 8 toat : Victobt or the AxxziCAX Ritle Teim. The uuu men, ana aaicimxa rxanx wjumk Taere Is e fossae taese 3S0 horse-pow- er. And A crew of 160 - I ef iaanary. 1179. Krratdaard Part Tar SOtr LfAaBAe. Oct herecglnes hi result of the Interna Lions! Ride Match At Creed- - by- SOLD THE SAME or ta a reus aara g ieavrl.AC'S Rnelan GanbU Attneked a Tnrklab Tec BSeer part tent tract lata eett.w y . X Br Ajaars. Caaa Wan aad wtta. men. moor, was aa follows : IrooelawdX. tbere la aaalclcot ateattate for caaa erewtec IB. year Cottons, Linens and Woolens, X Soata-- 3 Taneoo-Te- ajeaaai,JCotu(t.Caait. Mix By letters received la this town from ts American 2334. rait X F GrMUrc, F Ekhoaood. 3 score London. Sertraber lSth It ts rerorted that two lnqotre B. DOLE, P, IAaat,J-IoKa- , HioarVrr. was "rer farther particulars, of a. or E. 8 X Dr W rao. liland. we Ieara tbAt EL M. S. Fin tome British score :::::: SM KlUIx - rorl. KllaiIja. J Kasatia irantxmts ia the month of tbe and Hemp Hack. ADA ltd. Charts st Sales Boom. OF IVIXT tTESC3tIPT102r. wlaaa.- raraar. to sail trom Esqaimalt lor Panama, via Eta Fran- ::::::: wen: attacked br a Tarkish Iroaelid. and one ru-n- Cotton r.. u. isaaa.. American over British : : : r 53 so tm COTTOX mott BUtrn. cisco, oa her way to Eotlasd. H. M. S. Atbatros a boat wu hadlj iojared that she had to ae g sTh YARDS DCCK. j. itrorcd. nniaXI (LewIetieelSa.1 lo it, lust received. 8. B. IX1I.E, at Esqaimalt oa the evenlatr of the Kth The following is a brief and reliable account of IIall other arrrralt. Trottets ef tjutaalo CsUte. MeriaWS, IMPORTS. arrived TIepor1l ta baT Captured the Sehip- - ea Callaza, aad Prints, Bciims iutl After a ttormy pasaAze, darinj which tbe diaasterous fire which occurred in New York Tarks S,(KO jot t eonaarr uotua iroca. au Rinarrt, K. r. ADllt.e. Aoetkneer. rwrB.iaaira.OctA, AaaTtfcagoar. Septerater, i,Qoa ttU Hemp Dock, loag Flax aed Merchant ,rTraHctafo- cau Xatt. ataaao- AUa caawrac, rail earpat. 71 Bbia Bate. tSUlO her foremast head, and smashed one on the 3d of September: A destructive fire, all 3 I the tpracj London. September 13th. A tpeclal edition of aacbers. t. J TZ 1 Be ana c . a Fi-Asxru- rATrarBsertv. bkixiji. "U ptj, aardware. ataa atacUaary. PS and daTtts. The Admiral bad not decided sing the loss ct severs! lives asd a large amount the Globe has a Pert dispatch sartor: New I Is re Aiaa, Cetsoa Tens, oottoa Hemp Twine, a c totwaa, ClraBrlrs, XeleatlBS, o pap rrorrriee. pAjt drtura aad topa. t boat S A. W. at CO. W. & CO., II Ict what vessel he would send to the UawtHan Islands. of property, occurred Monday forenoon Sept. 3d ceired At the English Embassy tbst SoIrimAo Pa Fersalebr 1J! A. PEIRCE eraaewAS bm ssaes.rreaaa. '"ata.a aa ceara, Tt pa attrdaca, Hf& aaanttad Admiral at tbe tv aad a V4 aTUataar. There was a rrand ball liven to the on Thirty between Tenth and Eleventh sha earned tbe remaininc ttassua positioos in tbe A Kent, for ce giitlrr; Eint, at which 300 persons sat down Schlpka Pass this morntBsr, lasictiag enormoos Hay. Hay. Area aaarraiot-r- ar S S AaaCraHa. Oat a IW aulaa. avenues, la this City. The lire broke out ia Hile't Clothing, Shirts, IWershirls, pAtaa DO--t to sapper. lots. Tbe drdle is now eulirely in the possession (CXJIOA SJXT. BBAXirS BOMB QMS. Hats, "ata.Saac.Vttrr, I pbar. IS artae. HO bar! turning oat g BAI.I3I CAUroBSIA HAT, EX w. ttaaa aala. 3 boaat suaa, B cutis rope aad low pAS piano factory, a large esublishmenr, ot tbe 1 nru. gf of bepertor QaaBtr, tor tale By aaat ACCXBEXia HoJOltxtr. Daring the past week X Byauaars Bomb Ioanees, at traaaiaa. rj aboat 100 pianos a week, acd this wax entirely London. September ISth. The first detachment W X. W. PEIBCE at CO. BlanxetA. WooleaCeoon ted CsJoa. Ira. Ftaataoldt 5CVCJ It bees two serioos accidents la Honolulu, aar AAla aaraaa. Oct Trk there hare destroyed, together with a Urge saaber ef neigh- cf tbe Bnatian Imperial Goard passed tbroosl Boo Ai Ira Perry Batvla Killer, etc. a auautar, aoa At qstastaa wV say. Pala tsas aptar porta, loata t. neither of them, however, are happy to boring buildings, lacisdlng tesement-boasc-s fdar harest this moraiayt ta Abe seat f war. Geo. la toss of Ele. Oae cay last week Mr. smalt factories, stables, asd shanties occupied by Gonrha accomrMuiIed them. 'Themes presented a Broad Cloths, Tweeds, neonle. haildiBaa were aple&did tppeannce. bat hare teen little serrice. lBOIV PICKETS S"ott while to raise a ladder mer FJxhtr either de , ! Samuel astittinr damaged by tUmea. The los Other rtgitnenu are takus; parallel roadt outside Oil-.- flbawle, Umbrellaa aad traeJLf, EXPORTS. now betas; erected by stroyed or onch the For Sale by OIL, OIL. wrappuc raper ajilast the new briildios ses are aistnonxea as wuo.: nacnaresr. au cooverjinx ea ntmoiixa. toe UArasare. a- npon raa -. r C Varrar. Messrs. Brewer Co., oo tbe corner o tort ana p. Haul at Socu ea beta bqftrnert aad con- - Aeency Basse, commentlcs; tbe arrival of Strained Sperm Oil, KttcAQM. Oajtera. ''-t- 4 Iiaa Sc BaliSrr. a, t5A9 . SSj0o9 Gaard Bostiaa trooos Is Poltad to lt" Axa paddy. 73 betas pala, ES bgs rata, tSS Hotel streets, was lajared In the ana And side of Una . . . . . tbe and other E. O. HALL SON. mrfriaad Stock Itp. af nCo, tot Jana Graaeax at &a, taa: raetorj- BqlMmc ana Mia the army At the seat of war. ststes that these TBT TIIK CASK OB CALLOX, II QtTAJf' which tbe PXT-Ta- fr the seek by the foIBag: of some brieta rsataeoi .. 13t tacts are tameieat reply to tae rumors ot peace JCttT WHOM. jlm sueau ami, aa tea oweatratea. AC cooper shop o HAVING I of the ladder bad detaxehed from the top E Connelly, .. and An Armistice circulates By certain jocrnals. AUSO. opper end raalaJt Wafar. cBarcoal Tarrl SJM4 APleSvrio F'Oirt&m Jl--- is con Seed to the boose . Air. 34th. A deerea President Jfee-a- W et the watt. Mr. "ott ttHl looee ea Cua XX tesoeveats eestraTea . isoan Fart St. WIeJielaa oat tjake.. Polar and Walrus oil. S befit oil. DoBs. ef TBoMO A Supply of these Pickets, Artificial Flowen, kas Was issaed eanla raid maaal care Dr. McGrew. Lost ea the 11 itables da.tr3Tet ConstsntlaoDle. SeDtember IStb An 'oSeia! de-- Falat OIL Aaeroserte oil. etc rriaf a seder the of teeemeats camaged ... 1ZOAA) Vft pleaaara ta oCertrff taera to tna pottle aa lie Braldi, xtat tha American was Lessen the It tpateh published here denies the correctness of the take ror Sals by RMont, FrMnp, ueateeeat Faaier, eeBataadar af On Monday, while a henvy piece ot esaua Lajas on But traces sea wasona. ec . .. memt , w. reoata.. at saj. ' ' fix, thip FtAbody ia aijrooifcl Xtm ramort that the Bostlans had completely eracaated set lyr A. jtKiharpi, aad SUtL far tartar tha Fruta At foundry. U escaped ta some way Lata ea the four ttztfiries ..... ORNAMENTAL AND DVKAVUE, Srau Atattattppi riTer. beinz moved the Lots ea tba IS a&aatlaa destroyed S,SM Scaipka Pats. It ststes, on the contrary, tbat tbe were tat from the eootrctofthe men wbo aaaotms it. Leas ee SAW aoaiwltahl geasce eC Sal finfrtrs two Tarkish brigades which cantered Fort St. Ni Aad at tb raTTT t&nt tn eneapeat auteiial of wiJcft ! UatCET BXtTTaVCX. natlTe. beraed eat...... SOoaU cholas retired their positions, for strat- e- lAtldafwa. A fsroce ef tlus aJoTe acatertal caa be A Very Musical InstrxuseHts, Jewelry and fen on . ta former aal mO town. Full Assortment rfs, Septtmler Coal tta-- rracttuiag: sis uuitu, a,:"- Taa. aa Hut Geeset Teat . . sricai reasons, occsptea the tort ior six aeeaea a from ISth. ill, II oo.. U Lees ea the Are eaaine destroyed ... UaA tner canes twa picketa to a toot of fendof, asd tner can aada. 117 iaccnSg his lef,site 'Xteasively. soars. It retviiTts ; Erie, U. of Dr.McKl- b- Outre losses net aamaerated ... MOO b pet op In a rarietj" ef ware. Oil Paintings, nVriTte HcpUal nader the are A letter desnateh from aaa, September IStho Tfca efballioa .. Indoa. SestemberlSth. Ansent tuu. who experts w wooa j EttimterT leases.., err frfl CoottABtinople says the BasslAss In Schipka Pats UIZm t. O. HALL BOX. the Baak efEazUad oa talaace y, t At ut,mr Otto Plltaacker. ose of the employes la the Lave been reloiorced. m GROCERIES! la r.iano faetorT. kiBed the third Gen. Badltzkv's accosst the rhtloe w Interested ramctaffronx oSdal Tioee of readers who art wis br cf WILDER, im rrtaA rraoen TeOta rtoa, KarAUea. af aad qr Baa. aaJm, Septamber IStb Saver oir re tort, waa occupied by SAM'L G. im S4I. baUdicg. does ever kt Charches win story window of the It was ported, not admit that the ASD ataanxeosaa. rrttoaa, tayaara, oa the wdlAre of ortr h'tlive Protestant a time, large of ueaays are days' oomnara aa'tro. eerfoei, Septamler hardeaiac; aad beilered for that a number the IbeTantA. that alter Jtaretat ror tbe Hawaiian Islands, Assorted STeeea mils le ssaaa. IJth. Cation, no doubt oe pleased to tears that the Trunin workmen had been baried la the rains, bat only meat the Tarts, at S o'clock la the morals, mads iT'A. H OrleaAA. f Ml. Saias. IZOTOS) Beit. Pastors, eommooly kno et ts the loar persons empioyed la the factory bare teen re- a sadden attack oa the tort. The attack tsbse- - 0l Tni CHANDLERY, aaiac CalitWrmta, avcrag ahalt, lis Sd School for Satire wbole was SHIP SJa;' Setniuary, was opesied far the year, ca ported mlssisg, aad It It not certain that they were qaenlir extended aloes; tbe line, anil re Sfcae; Sad 10a 4d(g ITl 11 ; Bad Tleolcjkxl wun sees 1 a sea Cunaaivdar ami Wtar. ,pnr. care of aUIlea. polaea esormoos to tee ares, eiier Mutual Life Insurance Co. ALWAYS OA Il&ItD. CaBfornta. Clab. lis lUffiKs T.aadsT the lad last, snder the Err. a perated Brht which lasted stoe tours. I Be ttas-si-s. ti XovleeA. Uae ataavd Blaatater, --- --oa 1 aw woa. teozi Crtstt stall wss 19 tQO wounded and B&TSLTEB8 . aoajBooa so. tar aa at M- Hyde D. D. The opening eiemsea loss odlcers aad sun All AMJffllTItl. "...w - Aag. 90. All the woended of the IQOkined. STEW TO Slat. Also,lTialeBoata and Bout Btock xTsT" wiaai alAnaa; taa past urn aya teetare ef the taatitatloa ano Dcs Molaes. Prince Mcstehesskr.tn 07 S3M lUrteri t Aatarkaa IIJIM. placeU the rood Plilrrad accident yesterda who were brovgbt of the Cast, was kfllcd. The ratter despatch Is da-- . Hair 03, Pomatum, 'tlr .fta-- he a rjjBStderabU ratberUe of the doing well, and phyitciaca arc confident Largest, lafest'and Most Aawl 111111147 Utsst-- atatataaL. t hern tie rtra. atwka with trar PAatora wDX dead bodies Were hroazht here -0 ttl..l.l.t.' Mess, cfthe stadenU, toSetiex recoTer. The oay. 1- It BALE BT Cal Ires A. Try FaSBCE ak CO rI.tf. dreaseaVautd seat PlTTaarelr'ajid sveraafast Qarches UHotwlala aad the tier. but night, and wished, pat la Andraasy. ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. - " oaaa. - Several were forwarded this afternoon to GeOnJIl IAU IA' OOLOtaTl! , at) ,S tznsol tor eu eaaniar, ' rHihop and D.'S-- Etodl c' Batrol nfffea foncrden. ISth. The latCTriew be J,ABea to.h.h-.,- . hreasrs. Btidwia, of the wreck sy BXaliwaaraB amrc their friends. Tbe work dearie .Andrss-- read aa openiaj addrtsa tween BUrnarex and Andrsssy wis due to , Saadwiea Islasa Basra .ael ataaaetaaa CailessT. Syria. tcDr, Hjie where It was driven deep Into the, mad and toft wish to welcome Ksmarrdtoa jtEitriaa terri- UT TO WOULD! gtafe To-c- oy rWlAaZwar FIXCHAW t2E Aovclasxi SeTad rTettAraUeaa. r- - aaairolsaT the work cfthe terra, aad earth tt r&iog oa. two bodies are known eaa III lerUKrsii Twlaa. . . - xr.s,- tory. AlthoarhlheexeharrTtCrl id miy probably ta. ror ifal List at Frrefika-facst- tun raraotptory PertJ-S- Ll to net la sad It feared four otters, as that i ertart bare hees reeasTad At followed front other rmttanen- - There It It iadaecce the fatnre policy of Acstrit srrd Germany AssetsOS7G)$80,000,000 oa toSjitaer Btassa Cenet, Rex , aMa Bast Aae.ra.hsvauat AUpoat. Car addresses number tataaettarerA are atul mletiaz. It was A. atcstloa F6rta ae lraa amae atafad araaiztahins TrioaBB . k ceCOHar BenM cf there It bo sppaieat Intention of catenae; Into say C W-- a. atowa rarar a X. Flowers Wiscocsin sad bo! JtSVsy O. Price a. r. S. elar Stew Artt;1" Bie; u ready far see by liejerihof ef tarsal serialises rrrardlcff the East era cucttiotr. T.T. OaraUSEC. -4 t1 cf CracTBixtl whose body was round last irigr.r. x- l. la aioaatad thaTHaoinit wLI nnMrm Lna Xo one ten: snppoaes that Aodnsty to Sa!- ! 1 OS Coventry Silk. Market Prices -- -,-- tt be aided la BBTE wius any scneme aao, srvn taos Good Time to Insure At Lowest " sia ranis. r r7 tr." . LortbeDresent. cniwiaT tnnttaiirm. How is a aty. . r , r t - lia- - . j".. K-- lra. L. Smith. Park- recent drU denials by the German semi official KECEZTza rKsiX xew tork, I -- IStA--T- Ute Maads '. Eariiarplamter ie wttUy atalaartat aad Urma'iMe ateek ataiAa. CoT Drden frtau ttaar yrmt1 tm.did Celrlemlloa XoUat. JD7. Baldwin. soehtU tf Bros of rrnoriA eacxxTBiria; medialian. there Suae hat FInK3aas Eiikt Takes, Jntr Beaaitsol tm Maid trotted tha Iaeerial Bask ef CarstAay sheas aa it gratia la yronld seem Utile of Rttmtrra" mahlar aay to seuasae tor tanAwosy aaeseeie. Saint "'Aarae. Aarut St?, ZfwSSlwt bia TalBAbU serrtos chioCa tea H. At.,a";-ti-WHirTlCT'a.l MerrsbHfiaEasa' ? a liSlK, iJlV. SJBL &ae wis not poaaed fpeeiaef aiajaa rurta. taa prapcaai. O FTICZ WtTta WIXatEsa Cm. is. c. rf ETBi, it tract WAS roOd.aai3 IVobicb In India. TUcTurkl.h .UlnUteur ol War. H. H & CO. GAZETTE THE FINE RITISH SHIP 1QH AS. 61E C. BREWER CO. ACKFELD HAWAIIAN A writer ia Cmtll' Xagulne (London) The Pasha of Bagdad is the despotic ruler orm a dark picture of the social condition of of the largest and meat important province in AX IXDtTEXnSST JOCSXAX, liniti A-- raiMJBTmt A.ta --Vt-i"j.a-o OFFER rcmea ia IudU : " Tbere can be no more Turkey. Uo hat the command of a large army ,' iSnlo ro t DEVOTED TQ HAAYAIIAX PROGRESS. object which is stationed at Bardad and other towns ' ot bnvolent raterjirits than AisBON lor -r !t,mm-,- t I iA. "TT1 2Ev ! the improvement of the social coodition of the within his paslialic, which 11 bounded on the RKQISTKR. I)eaIcr-Wirtes- O S .A. ID 910 TOSS Ji L rumjsuKii and KPim bt Kromen of India. The estimation in which the east and south by tho Persian frontier and the AMcncaa Bark Amy Inner native Indian woman U held ia well brawn bjr Gulf. More than once, ambitions men holding AN INVOICE OF HE.VRY il, WHITXE'r. from the home Govern- Eoglisbtaen how jbe ia compelled to under- - this position, so remote GROMART. XAlTEKi Ko 5 Kcrciant Street, ment, have been suspected of designs to ren- OCTOBER 10. 1ST7. ENGLISH, GERMAN nDEiDAl. ,uinJ 0f husband ; while the lord and mas der themselves independent sovereigns a de- ,- Mm-ibs- : successfully accomplished in HAVIXOVIIOROrCHI.T8TirT- Tte Assortment ter enwrs his life to the utmost, workrd for, sign which was wwU can lb. nt.oOoa of tii Mm4tSa, AND waited on, and looted up to bjr his wife and 1SJ0. by Mohammed Ali, Pasha of Egypt. At HAS AEEIVED! ? Tbcee Cossacks have some very nrioat cut-tor- slave. The wretched existence of these wo- the time of my visit to Bagdad, the Governor aS Ro-d- WITH A SPLKSDID They are comparatively youa; men. men has been described pretty clearly in a sin- was the present Turkish Miuistor of War, if FRENCH GOODS and near!; all of courte married to young wives. gle sentence: 'She is unwelcomed at her Pasha, a successful General and a man of MERCHANDISE It cftea happens, as in the present lastaace, unquestioned energy and ability., Once while CHOICE cutxrcu-- r birth, nntaasht in her childhood, enslaved LIQ til they are awr from h joe doru a war for when married, accorded as a widow, and often I was in Bagdad, lie had an opportunity to of Goods, TT"" MTDKX TO STXAH ruAI. cae or eves natural Assortment three or four years, and the on show as a despotic ruler, and he act- JL Selected for this Market, calamented at her death." tady Anna his power result is that eunj of the wites left behind do has been recently visiting and ed with a nerve and energy worthy of all praise. tw Cos- India, not Jwsys prove to Lucretias. Th has taken much pains to acquaint herself with The Tigris, which had been on the rampage Comrristac a Larg Aisortaant of sacks are qaiU awire of this, and many of them for two months, last broke through the dikes : Keceired Hav. Bark 'Ka 31o!,' the manners and customs of the natives, es- at Just Ptr ttartiag home buy a white scarf or lundker-eaie- f. cc pecially in the sooth of India. Indian chil- some ten miles above the city, and the torrent Cs-- Beston Card Matches which they take with thea. Upon WOOLLENS, , eater (weeping down with irresistible force, did LINENS, COTTONS. incun dren, she inform married Sromon. lug their vtliajvs the whole popalalioa women, ns, are at eisht Irom years of age. Kative consider great damage to tho crops, and in a single day aamtratcd btViw, oM oea and children to meet fathers it a wak "SJLDIAXT" SESOSZKE OIL, girt. coae cat disgrace ta have single in famil v, and turned the broad plain back oftlie city into an v PRINTS, them, iceladinsr. of course, the of the girls the ss ASSORTMENT OF wives endeavor to get them immense lake. The water was onlr kept from wsndrrers. Now. of wives married in childhood ; HE OFFERS FOR THE AND StTKIVED DUN IMS, thew the when fiou ing into the city by an embankment out- NEXT 91 KU'C who cave been uataithf si their of which but married they do not always go at Mr HEAVY Mrs. Sat i TVlla. to lirds. once side the walls, which in many places was out Clothing, and Ship Chandlery, cwttm Cca. aaa caaon, there usaalty a cocsiderahle sprinkling, go to their husbands' home. Although bat Shirts, fenl Stbtbs 3rm is money of repair. Great fear was felt of snch an in- TtbtKniliRKUo' LtcC1t, fcrwtrd to thetr hatbands, kneel down before little is laid out ia clothes or education "Iter, Jk3 (kaM kwcH Turner lid. the marriages are very ejpenive, as there is undation as occurred in 1631 the year of tho Broad Cloth, iwnn . Cssxia Uwa BsSu23. thea the road, their fices the dast, WtSiX. i X. tOKlaul sart!. al in pal ia plague when seven thousand houses fell in a asd place their hatband's foot upon their necks. a great deal of teasting: indeed many families REDUCED K. - single day. Here was an emergency calling . UaT IV u w Thrs is a cocfesstoa of guilt, and the same have been impoverished for years by the ex- PHICH at for prompt action. The Pasha issued an order Tweeds, . line a prayer for f.pvenes. If the husband pense of marriages. Infanticide is not so pre- I ! - closing all the and shops, and for four PLANTATION STORES Votrfmt Grjc Valet- fftwt his wife's valent now as it was a few years ago, and Gov- knurs then covers head wits the white scaH. days impressed the whole malo population it mesas that he forgives her. no question ernment has done a great deal to put it down. . uk (foreigners excepted) to work on the dikes. CHAMPAGNES: ssr rc sad obliterate the Ia thi case no one The marriages are generally arranged by the cns.Ls. BLACK DOESKIXS. pis:. Half the force was Bent up the river, and the RANSOMS. SIMS A HEAD'S has a right ever to reproach the wife with her old women, who go from family to family to balance set to work to the embankments jES.2TS inconstancy, sad if asy ooe should be rash discover suitable matches; The men in India repair SUUrj Ucknckox. CfcUiWfr aT m xa nm.Plowssww nm. are to a great exteitt ruled by the women, who around the city. rode out in that direction ia a. urit. tkl to do so he woatd with I Coulters! eoooh hae tocoint morning, and witnessed a lively scene. Steel Ploughs and (qujLrtt and puts.) SO--3 AMD . Oishx&trt JHa$o2jbt etc the hasbaad. who is the of las wife's are very conservative', and have decided ob- one cua.TK.raCE SUI. prelector work, and house. It cs the contrary, the white handker. jections to anrioprnvyHent in their customs. Several thousand men were at the The lower-cla- ss women work vcrr hard, mil Pasha liimslf was on the spot, surrounded by Has nil Huslugr, D R Y TteT"1 SQwrk. sf Ouonhl chief is not produced, the woman returns straight BRANDIES: GOODS, 00. to her Cither house without train eateriuj her ling stone rollers, cutting; grass, and helping a brilliantly uniformed staff, superintending :sx (Mn Hrr.rctxiV their husbands brick-layin- g, Widows the operations. These energetic measures Oilcloth, Velvet Itu.i, "-- ls Oksj csbsds dweiiief . and a divorce is proaouaced. in are lltantxsj. "i - -- Zm " 'i',rr' a -J oc-- treated saved the city. The break in the dyka up the r Umirea.' s Tftr CtttaaTikSwckS&r u4 i. AHhozjh there is generally a cocsidenbte by the natives very badly; their a, prinklicz of women who forward to kneel clothes and jewels are taken from them, and river was stopped, and tho water gradually :tei naaca 3 Casa-- 3 ah coe subsided. PIANO FORTES, "Mm 11 limit M II dowaaed pet their faces la the dost, it rarely they are made as miserable as possible. iurdhBatt Asst. of Shawls, Umbrellas Parasols Con- WHISKIES: 'Nothing says Lady Anna n, As there are no American Ministers or happeas that they are cot forgiTeo. A very Bass Mt, J. It. Cottar, " O IT," KtntDckr r.rartt. scene, howerer. is related ta which the ' is more painful than to see the vacant, hope- sular Agents in this part of the world, before trxxal -- reverse place. A returning Cossack was less, melancholy faces of the adult women; leaving Cairo I had inclosed a letter of intro- Blood Wolfe & Co's Ale, OPC- Sowataia, SCALES, t.k Constantinople, fh).l Large Asst. of Superior Clothing informed by a malicious neighbor before he and nothing' is more wanted than lady doctor, duction to our Minister at with uclaith-fs- suffer-rin- g.' the request that he would forwad to me at Bag- 4 reached tus come that his wife'had been l. who might save Indian women much Comat Ale, without wsitwr to see whether the guilty SirSalar Jung exerted himself some dad such credentials to the Pasha as might be GINS: AMurcarac E G service in any excursion I desired to make GROCERIES aou,Twia tM it. woman would come forward and confess her sins. time back to secure a lady doctor for India. of Pig Brand Stout. ScaltJanucba JaatTar (la JataJ OUToaCbrial Nw wewt Cttt cIa Crvtx. The comrades of tie Coack perceived that he He had to send to America for .one, and to Babylon or other places of interest in Meso- FETE ASST. OF SADDLES, had of a siddea she has cow large na- potamia. Upon reaching Bagdad found alt taken to drink and dissipa- a practice among the ' I Kct-- rrrac C.Mtii, althocgh he was tive women." awaiting me a firman from the Turkish Govern- 1 tion, cat i man giien to iheee Oilmen's Stores. x Ownte. Sa, U Siac vices. When he reached his viUse his wit, as ment addressed to the Pasha, and commending WINES he feared, forwsrd, knelt dowu. and TUc Jlost Keiunrknlilc the American traveler in the strongest terms California Hock, Sherry, , T X" uae pat Face in Glrrrr TT 1 C3."W 1 , her face 13 the das: his feet. Kaasluud.' to his hospitality and protection. pen my Wines anil Spirits, Alcohol, spattuoc Hoc a. Port. Provisions,Xm -- C AS. TTT?B& ftsci. at The scecUtor. I aana. SmLa. saw htm entrance to the audience room of the alucal. Saba, w. tcck at her as she Uy la the dost for a DisraelTs appearaace : I here hangs from the Pasha I AasuaUaa, Use- him long - Two or three Uiues he put his haad crown of the head a single curl of dark hair, " a found seated at the further eud of the CELEBRATED NAPOLEON' Oils ia his breast lor the white hanckerctisf. as if he cart which you caaaot look at withoat feeliag a apartment, near a large table covered with pa- and c. Wtx. Uswp Into, SJvtts, were going; ta the woman's head pers, and as I enters i he rose and advanced to- Fac cuter repeatast touch of pathos ia your inmost heart, for il is the ALES: two oc thnw the was ward me, shook hands, and courteously mo- Champagne and Red Bar Claret1 Usws moteaeat only thing about the worn and silent man Blood, Wol A Ca. IntCoopaACa. Iron and Metals, Finally, as if dnieo by a suAIu im. yua of the brilliant youth of 'Vtvisa tioned me to a seat beside liitn. lie is a large JcSlUa, rottariT ' pulse, aii at occe drew his and tall and por-ly-, perhaps forty-fiv- e TaantDt's. XcEnaV a -. . Pip, te with Grey. The face below tfcis solitary lock is very man, quite atxi- i.'.TW, Huhk. oae stroke severed her head from old, with full FXCE iriXE, her tody. Th deeply marked with furrows left by "care's plough-shir- e; years a face, brown beard and . V '. - - - puaishmeat for the crime was two months eyes sharp and piercing, his was entirely . Fine Asst. of Rhine Wine, the ae dark eyes look 'downward; the dress T.1.. faj.a. ta white the mahmous who CORRUGATED IROX ROOFIXG, X3 neighbor mouth is closej with a nrmcess that says more European, except the fcr, without even a but- had taken the trouble tfefcrehaad to inform him man's wilt ton to indicate his rank. His countenance in- w'-i-a- forth tenacity of than pages of PORTERS: HARDWARE, i3a &CMJ, a. b cycs. of hi wife's oiseacdsct was sentenced Siberia buta. K;r ta eulcgy wouU do ; but what suites you more dicates energy and firmness, and his manners BAR IROX, HOOP IROX, Elood. Wolf .a Sdcatt Sdvrte CS three vears. Oa. Abbot- -. EA VASA GESJLtX CJGARS tit than anything else is the utter lack of expres- are courteous and pleasing. Several c (Seers McEw&a", (pints aatlqairiij sion upon the countenance. Xo one lookin; of rank standing near were presented to me, HOLLOW-WAR- E, rray gr Ofl. 3 So?, grssiio sag COciW. lausUlerIu Cattle wills Dyna. at 1 mf SETS F SCKLE RIKXESSES, mtie. the fice, though bet for a moment, could fill but no one was seated except the Pasha and A SMALL KTOIGB OF JEWELRY into the error of supposing- that expression and myself. As he spoke only Turkish and Ara- HARDWARE, BITTERS: oviarswacEiuco. The Loodoa PaH Mali Gixelte of July 24 Mtt: intelligence are not here ; they are there, but ia bic, Mr. Stanno, a Levantine in the service of Srnu BUaco. Voa nomboWt, VV O 3C interesting wxperiment made week coccealaeat." The fsce shaven, and an the Government, was summoned to act as in- LEA TOER-BELT1X- AiiCttstarm, llMiUx O "WAIIE. "it wis last is deaa tfcaombrr, Toys at a hcrje slatrhtencr estib&haeut at Dadley. utter clank the face of a sphinx "tie must terpreter. Oar conversation was necessarily noitki. and Fancy Goods, &c with the views of tesucza new system of slaoga-tenu- g- reaurkaUs face ia Kniand." slow, bnt the questions and replies were very EARTHEXWARE. ElSTrEl SiHSELS D SHQQKS cattle by aeons' of dynamite, and readily translated, and I felt quite, at my ease. rflE XVmmecrmsc t5c this Cirfs. pctrii out of existence speedily and A Terrible I found the Pasha very intelligent as to the & tha mote Title. CLAR1FIERS FROM W. A. H'ONIE. MaWucMno, Beet oca. with fct suferioj: than ty the ordinary poSe-ax- geography and government foreign coun- Carte, lla'seoctl rttea iJ rint The following are a list of the Cxar's titles of VcrmoaUi, AUlattt. Two large, powerfil horses aad a donkey (dis- tries, and he seemed fully ta comprehend that Dccanur cordials, which are appended to his imperial ukases and 33vT3or-ratox- r . abled fee wurkere ranged in a line abjii England and America were two distinct and Owfci.TwyE&MAXtaa'at, Sect. uv half other oCciii deeds : Alexander ScnwwIIs ructv ntac vw CftTi. a yard apart, under a saed. the donkey beisg th ciecoad. seperate countries. He offered me every faci- atTn-HM.ri-- vuxs&drac Emperor, autocrat of all Rassias. of Moscow. Ifrwi POSrLi-V- D CKYFXT, pliced ia the centre. A primer dsna-nit- e. lity for seeing Bagdad, and said as was And Weston's Centrifugals, saaS of Kiew, Visdimir. aad Novogurod ; Tsar of Casaa that, I as 3TJ3I or with electric fuse attached, the, only American who had ever visited him, yrUITE in wis then and Astrakaa; Iser of Siberia ; Isar of Chelov BROTHERS, fhced oc each cf foreheads asd ; he hoped would receive favorable impres- FROM illRLEES, TAIT A WATSOS, cXrrxys Tresli Oysters, their fasteaed lord cf Psfcn5 ; prince of Smofcask, Lithuania, I a WHALEBONE, ANCHORS, Taav& SArrvZa. ta positiOQ by a piece cr stria? under sion of the country. Scribner for September. Srrri. larpty 5jt9 thejsw. Esiho-c- W Volhjcia. Podolia. aad Finland prince of E The wires were then coupled up in circuit, aad TOB SA1JE TO ABBIa-- Boats, Walrsa Livonia. CohrUad of Byastock. a. Itstt, attached to 'he electric which : Perm. HoasxnxsH roa ilroax . In IST5, the VaTlta. OaaaaadCaicA iSSL S!52! FliffijlS i machine, stood BaTgaria tafes about ve yards fruct. and sereral other countries ; lord horse butcheries cf Paris famished, for public av i rca tub. ll ia The handle of the and pnece iwwWtr Xisrlar, nim machine being thea tamed, of Tehernigoff. consumption, 9Jbo3 horses, asses and males ; in aa eieetrx current Eeixaa, Polotsk. Hostov. Jaroslay, Uiwiera jki was Cbcharzed which exploded the taree Vitepek; 1ST5 Ihey furnished 9,751, giving 1,63.40 kil- Camphor VoodTraaka, Vta ar. t nau corczB satis All Goods at Lowest Market Sates eiarzes docuaitor hyprboreua regions; lord cl THEO. H. DAVIES. Vlirlala Max Tobacco, BauAaEatna. JL JLm mt sinsaitaaeously, and the animal instantly f?Q ogramme c" i At Lront. the cam. 485 Clean, SOSKlrtS iriwial SXSDLXS. Armenia lord of AU-k- a tord and bul In nin Matrnk Aw M LIXnU X4Xt. dead without a smgte. The whole wu ; ; herediur her has diminished from 1.265 in 1ST5 to 1.0S3 stocamsa. ta aur sovereign oltae prracely Tcherkesees. cf the ia 1575. " 12 two minutes, aad the -- Oa the 1st of January there were iS 7 Ccn te emr Isjfts Jrvdtlr otr experxount appears oouataia princes' and SBwnikeMM. n ,aa. ta hare ceea a perfect success. others; heir to the butcheries ia Pans and only seven in Lyons. It wis kingdom of Norway ; dake of Slaealt-Hotstei- a forXobeTjEx-ploatt- ; At its meeticg, on January 9ih, the committee Mr.Jshasaa. ajeat s dake of Ofcleaburg." EememDer WILDER CO., S 3 S O Cccpaay, aid put this de la viands d ckeral awarded a lilf er medal to GSow. aseied by Nr. aS 00 the ecrdope wtea you write Aleck a Harris, cue of. the dyaamite ustrictorsJ By M. Petard, who has nine butcheries in Pans, as THE THALBERG Tiie Best in the Market tetter. a reward for Importers and Dealers in UNOERCIGNED this ceaas, it is stated, any number, eiea a hun- his enterprise. PI, dred or more, THE wtt ba- -i Ion hn fHt of aro4 fi 4HE caulemay iasuatly be kilted by Sunrise on the Himalayas. Xtano, UtU waal tbi rua 1 ATLANTIC. the same current ef electricity. There caaaot rfacd Intornttnts market an4 tb patiooun t Ar MM I be a cocbt that the present system ci slaoxter We reached the summit cf Jckha long before CONSTANTLY ON HAND tMtvMiuf nucitxi. Tkm ar sad mm i STA A DA KIl. COLLIN'S, and eg cattle is opea to the eharje of tein cruel dajlnak. aad anxiously awaited the dawn. The A GEHEBAL assosmt of LUMBER ARRIVE ! and barbarous, and the sSzhtest waat of ikiU sky appeared aa enormous dome ot the richest F FOR SKI TO SHAWMUT ca Full Seven Octave Soli. Irw the part of the sitsjhterer cfies sahjects the un- massy sapphire orerhaaginr the lofty pinnacles Ship Chandlery and Ship Stores : happy of the Ueaxlays.which OTERSTRCXO 1 Koasdmi beasts ta horrible torture. Any attsmpt weracf iadescnbafcly deep - But Carral i extinguish fife paialessTy hues, aad strangely Iialjstic forms. length, Far Sale bj- HOLI.ES CO. BUILDING MATERIALS ! aara. Sarpaatlna Moatdtncs a&4 PooVf li.'i I l to is t in the At wool caaaa rtnUwd with CLEABTEM a WHITE LEAD! right 5rectai3. cotocJy as regards cattle, but Sve vast beaming shadows sprang upwards from BIllLIISSsITUXE. BEACTT aCataSass A lit AXExicsjr i also as regards criminals sentenced ta capital t hah peaks, as though the giant day had SMALL CHAINS! or I.I. KIXDS. xirrjicrvKt. pcarshaucs. whose case eqtaSy deserves cos--, grxsped the raijhty barrier to raise himself, lark FBOH I- -t To 2 IXCII. IX OCAS. Mateil lattle laclear. BIT aw ' saferaco.' while ia the same instant the Ezht rolled ia SUES to Most Celebrated 2pBjjroC3rCE rXXSTTXS TO nit. BKrinlftt'Ciu.' -f- ISm ka I cesse narrfitg volume through the broad saow-- JUST RECEIVED PCBCIIASEBA mar tat ort srar BOWLES CO- - hhih .iwnacwK. ii nca ia nuj yiow The Indian Famine. talfeys between them, aad sooa the glorious orb I EX Uvtaa utnMa will t.. -- . - i Superior so say Lead Imported arose with Minding- splendor over the Yaaa. aad '300 Co"s I,e'w' Bedford Cordage, Coaranta, ip tadaca mtata aulba ittt It fcii.i-n- i . . r . foraacb parpoaca aat alao la Oanjaiaa awtttw seieirim irsa r. i i- -a Sbroei esrfiMsd Oregon, a law will rfirw wnca opKiar uAw,asi.i i a vviirrrn sura. rrm i t 1 1.3 intti taclr r.mmra Aea moment these rising Kjfitsdes flaw off their S cmls Sew HsOrorl WhalcUa. CtttSar FtUa. aU, BARK "ATALANTA"! It b aUtd kaw It la posit la a F3&SAIX.ST . &TOTfdIi&j4ipst(i,t( A ur tasr tf AaxustlWt tottetsii. Itsays. miiht y rarmenu cf purest biWaad stood Wanaaud PIAXOUaaoatoaaaairtaaamS ' Ia Maoras the A XI) cAarsrd. Taaaaaw ar Tatt anaaa i W1IDEE Ji CO. sitaatjea ts not imsnved any- - m reb1 cf purest white. The iaterme- - EXPECTED lapa. -- ,ti aw . w .nv . I, U af AMKUMI W ?L!"m- date mountains cai their &joiatd. dark broad Ration Groceries, BoxpBarrtraTtUlDct ntatopar TSraatcaal SZZ'vJZZ??. where to PaaOe arkw. SSLS. OF EXTRA ,- Salenv, 9U.77L are shxiows acros the swelhaz raaaes below, the -- co n I S G A." forrM tOrrt Uo at loiaxa FLOUR!- jfii i? gratait-- urmediat plains were 2Iaiahaid.a!Igorseoas, PEB CsMraod WmO. UwVl FVk!. ta caO- - EX VICTOR.! lilf cos relief. Mysore the crop ca as4 Hatfanaa Jan. Ia prospects ire ail tie mefaUe variety of earth Ca uwm, TWO A Piano Every FmSj Cliff t. i: 1 won. and showers fcss becioe duunct. Qui, orstm voiimi'i for g J frequent ; H3 are cc Ii dav. aad the vakeles soul of the - Cases tacntx iwm Cm ta tot antcl Is ih e the wcrks ccrecetvias; graaitoaj re2f. More iu aiarttt snAix PRerrr wafSssicfcrwdEaaa. ? li'n smiSat. Cum ajwinl Manned URGE AND jj" favnracfe accounts coctrcae cf tie ccocStion cf Ttriuaia. Soa;a. Tua CARGOES TFifA -- ; r SoaXacKTimMMtpa, Large Salu, 5 act!. 4 crspa ta iae sxaenj presuiescy. Uwicr ta re- "rrxa will I. out of fear cf th world, with- ST! rovSaUtT BOLUS I Co. cent rains ia the scrth west provinces tie aa-ta- draw the eoosolatioa cf my friendship from ijjl-i- l 5; aay Saloon. CASH' St crop ra the tSvisioos ef Aira aid Jhsasi ace who has iaaacsently incarred Iu baa. and Pilot Bread. CHEAP FOR - ilirj- - is nearly lost aad ta the Aiakxcai aad Becares cever vS I a3ow mjseif ta be guidni ia my JS CASES AMD QCABTKR CS9ICS, kmlTrtl 'Gainst Dear oa Credit it is critxa. Then has a toward him false rarSskr civsuks bea rood by the appearaacss which BOLUS Sto, THE aaelal points oCadTaaUaa IWfcl 8z na ta Meerut aad Holuteaad. The crops ia determine ethers, instead of by what I know mt liber, JIEXT AKEHCAHO.-E- D MATZBIALISI cocdi-tic- WorfcmaAahlD. CellOi ran ss - ei Qreh are esieriaa; from hot winds. Tie a myseK sad by what I myself have expenecced. asttr. iii.iilltilr"! - Pacific Eubber Paint Company' IM E. a cf Beefiaa- Is critical sod that ef Girahcr. my friend has been mi nuuEHATK rxil 3- CO -1- - If Ira ta m. I have ao Sampln o( rau r Si? 0 Reakhataca taeat m as4 f n Frara- I SI aad Hydenhad tui. There is right aad it is cruet la believe that he win be ALL THE USUAL STOCK SIZES tala4 Crra H X V3K I macs ensss ta the scuta cf aams domiaioas. base to ethers, aa! I hare ether evidences PAINTS! S (.01 af taa Taatbart PUaoa fcr IS Baalalal -- Por Uw Taw iMccan; is improved, aad prospect are good lhaa the say-s- c( tho who may be prejadked. ttaaoa of IITZ UaTaaEIMra PVookcS! ABTICTX ix at io caaa pnea or C mini i if oeccaa, twroeaa ami ia the central or Uiaded be their passions. ftUU IS rot SALE BT prariaces cf Berar, Isdcce SCAKTLlTtQ, fcrw!TiwW aaHSasae.isIh&s, C and Batlaa. 130LI.ES & 05i!i- - s5illt I Iris said that cf ItJXO British trocja Co. 350! Cesnsaar L sro. Fax. The Core t d Para, ti TIMBETB, PLAHK, BOARDS, Bat ta lis of th laaua --jal it aaitaw who partiapated ia recent cia-eevi- i St ta his recent cc -- ti rtti t;d ami On.third Orlarra.t.tlx AfraWrJfl Bcres sf Dried Herrings, wrk lie EeheSoa. says : A aader th Coeamaader- - FEHCIKQ aaa a444, m.ttea wnaoal - il I. ti cf Ta Sabter la ATO PICKETS t at twsa'l carious . . r . , . . rabt jaa nlttnlH, tanaabx I ria- ercaaistaac sreuccced la tie cCcfal' w-.- f is t. - I r ini jiarsaai a. a. u. in LMJK. 01 aav ft ila trial I trtCfinthntlllnnMltalCll aaccuats cf th battle cf GeUysijarz, which was "i"nim,iii itm UiUr X. B. ram rtstsiait aafaCimo I"J2 epea I 00 wtr d ?5?J!!Ljn.?s".a' w"t-fp-J nan er u laitmotatt r fewctt rrouad ccmparaavtry weeded, completely ALSO, OiV IIVIS'D pucanow.ntiomiu shows ta what en Beth L exuat. sale, the aSUry Ehntaeats 'Tjra which they Botxxs a o. A Kort a tt2EU?"' Complete Stock of r cf tie caased tee ' 5 ccect ri wers called apco U tirvre. The naestics caw who acsas-tase- amcss sdditrs a been d wuuil b ! Labor Contracts. (or some hewmaay r4out ef ssch a fare if i.ifaT LIGHT! Ccdsr Shingle's, time takaadas their arcs. had perform sralstio-- lC,00 ZtMO ,t u iu s ia lis tic ef a havk nr DRY rXnERHIO-- E HATE Hl jfil Aacca badad aakeu picked up ta- -r Basa-- 'Ht '---. jrsr REDWOOD! u Bifdy cf as. -- B,lcoTEv THE ay 8wB raadoolca SeU "h,,V. vatw on. m ' -- 0CVDa.. eacap.ttai ni Mtaonr.",! jttWajg PHILADELPHIA ti cf hatUe. cc4oarth cciy 1ST i s nrVnrara t ta - Xaatrrasl itmir 5waiiSrs Swc, r rt.rwiir laaaea , i.iAT.u cceumeii esca a Scaailiif , flaur, wrfacej ttd h tan kiarSaas, BOOT AMD dechfe charge, SHOE STORE! and ti ether ka!f from three The Undersigned Ext--. aad TloarJ, rtxaglt $ llaak f IiWr ta tea chases la sec there were ea.1s Met Jts Brtxd. ir5cl tai natUtu, Fomi Clt six ta bscv irroimi) Oaxxir- - rra "loiustr.- - Rnlt.M. r.. . n ,J . It I Ccrr:er Fcrt Jl Merchant Sta. a charrs cf pewcer . ethers sotr accxts stec ceacaiaed aATc ra.S)vtawaa:iiartacuanaMr AV tre:4av- lic.U,na,Ue,TtUc, Cspboar.., tt a.aiftec wh earsradge. ca th tap cf th t wor a uia mttar ttfrt stt. t ctir. withcat r aara laal art ta -"! a53 l.r mr Imt tta W- tbs szr ta;. hanac- ceea cpeced , twraty-thr- s " . AtAO, IJf HTOCK, It wr pat urala arltk IS laat trftrV tbiacn. MILLER. STREWAT & Cos twt.a ta4 --trraat. THE UKDERSICEND cccpiete charge reculiriy wor Htr iaserad. sad aaSy. Ptfi lit R. C. Wylra from Bremen rrota t-- Hf ? hukm V rrrir( is ti barrel ef a sa$t casist lien wert A FINE ' ..! XAS JTST UCEVD ASSORTMT OF WAIL PAPER "1 Crac7yjtm6id tcttier, twtnty-tw- o US, a bcek-sia- BOURBON RYE - stxty-tw- witi a pra'pcrtlaat eaaao-tyfpcw- WHISKIES . F.T."i"SS- I T rr Ti.ru. -r- -- The sauvecsrs ef ti baai ad -C- W-acSraaa M wr- i mrnmrn iimmmvuv! M.m MACFASXAN-- RST Cw?H7t I5SZS7KIT CF , nwvlla V- - iui. CKXK, & Co. IS surahiy depict cocmsaac caa-c- " ' SAILS, ti ; caa easily s -- Ca.tfu. n- lp tOCXS. Aa to pKssr - lr icif.er succiac te lead is wha !. utaitiRti--i. m asratr Htuaaco, Ls4fes and ChiMrea's ti ra T'aniniaihfwt Ear aw,n.Tn aaa. X . ta w auMCaw fees its camcaawas ar iiraaeia, aad Vna l ef htlutaawn-, SOTTS, HIKOES, aiHCTT4 Unit U ft! - FLOSIftA WATER. stepptnx ta rrcot aoa CC Ms flABM AM9RTBB TS nKTr- Era? piee. A Sffisfi BOLTS. y ta i "WaSer wia-pc- a liroca ef SCREWS, fcte St ii tperatoco cf Soadtaj aatS th tese WMsfes, . rail.rmt m jtrsa d&2 hecnaes a kia ar .r-Jn.-av iqt-- at iif sst tastrxsat ia haaJ WakhwHWotn-i- ii Ara-t- itaaaw, ratawaas aa a ro. P-I- CmMaMit4ltf)lmllat. 'N' Boots Slioes fcet we sicte'd snt nt and WhltevVash nm mtM arrvt pi nm'j critzts ti Aaeri-- 1 Brufthes - Aa4 a ttatTlatwrtt SIw ISA RICHftWOSOW. caa souutr m. iu lmwnrl, tor a Jf that ""9 TRtTT. tXXTt, t aamaatfyji f lie taa ttd cf tfel Criasa , , rxM-- crftaua "JlwWraBajBawhaawjfcjfc, UTt. KttVakZ wk LaXKsX THwf ffw. - katMkWt-l4lHKMr- att. T ICUMSCO. HTrK gar KSiiarroa&s.'' - wi xixr. s"at Iianaaltanka-iia- -- "'. If2z S3raf . Fresenrea Meats. - aya ta t iTitv.ii aaaUot AIT OIU J-1- '. iceT M ?l73 aapa in A iio ti g ti a. ' I As army tar TaaTCA TTt Cslo-- 1 x a..,-!, I- -t. XrIvm ani n Rs tvrasa WATCI Cfl Poket Till aiiilwiilliwi wiaui.7 Wjim - !.:. ,n n. WiLTUM 'nri r.iif -- ill jmr -- SCe,lin'4,B' rada heed ts iarratata- hiawff .! i my b suxx. a ca. ar, ttw .hr.J aaleao- -i iscriiunMaiUaniniai atxwr..aa-cr.-i iOTiiuc aicsjl e sen ia la--ac eiaoa ..... mm a rr tv asva!ar oj ..a in smi rita a. rtw oat ra r: . m - t--.-, " ireseiTcu Meats . u. Glass, af rcaVrtiaff fcr it La r effrrtd. CHrt-- t Maa-ialtta- r1 orywiart 3ar SSL ATXTI- -, , rt rtsriif -.- . ST. I aaJ c' sawa basizM. A e- .ttutCa -- actXawtJtt Brt bit, rrasTt rw - u S VJ- alt, SwafAlwotaicC aaasSuaate. pacca rrpen ia c3sa -- DricL Smoked, taai t mcra . u Lm Tl Mti SetttMt ajiamiii ri ili m ' ar.ia K-- T Tw.a:rsftri - an! nckkoos .as, .JiIU as 3 --- Flrcwsod, irTTtttj"iTr imrmnif irVriii js Landsoaes. f? - -- wwaaa Tn -- .aa Th Bticwlatiea mnin--aiinwtti.- -. a JS4MW t aMal ra- ar iia". -i w , STHJ5 tEfuaat hnyhim a mem mmrmw tTiS IF tSOWi KEF. aa arriei DOORS, SASH, VHM.kbMkffjM & w aewaaa. ay Uc32a. wi4 i detascs. U ti Xmr w BLINDS, A.Haa4 iltraa-- juum Ghu-- s- nzws op " - Itso r1?!LT TtilL w .Bca. f Pa. 0 te etiar day a 3 bovsbs. esoups, cs ?STT M ' alntl. fcsf XrWw9rm3T AS3SS- - wrx - atUIM lT TAX. U aaJ Aawraa -- Ati tnai. , jjl , - a'n- - r. a. St Ca. a oar &a 0VTD008 PmTOG&lPBS . awt,Mwitiai altar - a3 --- -- S3d wtth Cofaesda hweckev fcewti was aot w a, f Swraa-- ay A. w. SI CO. .wat cd a irrat aain.tjjT. . Rattam and w5I SaUly Sated & a ear. -- e.iffornU Maka. sail luffosad ta hat -- wi ; aaa-i- Baas ai awaaa jw-t- OSS. wet new a caa in a saa CYntry SHk. cafwdfresB asiari--f ac. AsMriawa-t-at i ami wt Wt 8IU W H1ST1T1BI Ci-r- T T.?wl:Tia-W3-tt-- ntraia -- lack aCASK. ZZT" Tt SWT, tj at secdlaf ta fcw "a wr, runs ir-- kL a.1 ra - ASD AT L2?!tiw-- LI II aBBBST . CTaVi awws M twage Par aM iey wbi Brrfrs a ia uArr- -r OOal (Jycart fw "pjajcwr lbaVHMI.ni sram ikmi aa , atH- as m- -. E,ttl' rmm .w-.x- aecAXs aca l a. ac i a nukwaUaneiHa,r---.tr -r r3 ex. a.o- tm - L,mi A"aa euseo. W( S2T- "rX5I