AP ART HISTORY Summer Homework

Due the first AP class in September! Be sure to have all components of these assignments completed on time! Please note, this is a demanding course in which you are required to be responsible and dedicated to your artwork.

Your summer work consists of 3 parts (A-C below)

Part A: Purchase the Following Items • (1) Barron’s AP Art History 4th Edition (Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, ISBN-10: 1438011032) • (2) One 3 inch Binder, 2 packages of loose leaf, at least 10 dividers • (3) At least 300 5x8” Index Cards (it might be useful to purchase a sturdy pouch/pencil case to store them in) ______Part B: Global Prehistory Compare and Contrast Essay 1. Choose two works from the following list. a. Great Hall of the Bulls. Lascaux, France. Paleolithic Europe. 15,000- 13,000 B.C.E. Rock painting.

b. Running Horned Woman. Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria. 6,000-4,000 B.C.E. Pigment on rock.

c. The Ambum Stone. Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea. 1,500 B.C.E. Greywacke.

d. Tlatilco Female Figurine. Central Mexico, site of Tlatilco. 1,200-900 B.C.E. Ceramic.

e. Stonehenge. Wiltshire, UK. Neolithic Europe. C. 2,500-1,600 B.C.E. Sandstone.

f. White Temple and its Ziggurat. Uruk (modern Warka, Iraq). Summerian. C. 3,500-3,000 B.C.E. Mud brick.

2. Write one paragraph describing the historical context of each of the two works that you have chosen (two paragraphs total). Include information about the time, place, and culture in which each work of art was created, as well as information about how humans may have interacted with the work, its purpose/function and its possible impact on later cultures. 3. Write one paragraph comparing the similarities between the two works (visual similarities and historical similarities). Consider the materials the artwork was made from, the method of production, the size of the artwork, its function etc. 4. Write one paragraph comparing the differences between the two works (visual differences and historical differences). 5. Write one final paragraph giving your personal critique of the two works; This is your judgment/opinion. Are there aspects of the work that you find to be visually compelling or powerful? Do you like the work? Provide specific reasons why or why not.

Part C: Visit a NYC Museum/Gallery and Create a creative ‘Review’

(1) Visit one of the following Museums/Galleries in NYC The Whitney Museum of American Art, The MET, The Guggenheim, The Museum of America Folk Art, The , The Jewish Museum, MoMA PS1, The , , The Museum of Arts and Design, The , The , The Bronx Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum, Queens Museum, , The Noguchi Museum, The Hispanic Society of America, The , The Shed

(2) Once at the museum, take a about 15-30 minutes to observe and enjoy the art. Then select a work that you would like to create a Review about. Answer the following questions below about your chosen work of art (10 questions total). You may answer them in any format that you like. Look up Art Mind Maps in Google Images, it might be interesting to answer these questions in this format. You can create your review digitally or in a more creative format BUT you need to hand in a physical version on the first day of class.

Question #1 What is the Title, Date, Medium, Artist of the work? (Do not read the full description yet). Question #2 Describe the colors you see? Question #3 Is there repetition in the work? Question #4 What textures do you notice? Questions # 5 Is the work of art balanced? Describe why or why not. Question # 6 Who or what is the primary subject in the work of art, and why do you think so? Question #7 Does the label or title provide any additional insight as to what this work is about? Question #8 Compare this work of art to another one near enough to see. How are they similar? How are they different? Question # 9 Can you personally relate to this work of art? Why or why not? Question # 10 Do you like this work of art? Why or why not?

(3) Please turn in your printed/physical ‘Review’ with dated museum ticket stub OR printed ‘Selfie’ in front of the museum/gallery or artwork