The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework Working together to manage fire in communities and the environment Contents

Table of Contents 3

Introduction to IFMP 4

The IFMP Framework 6

How will IFMP work? 10 – State Fire Management Planning Committee 10 – Regional Strategic Fire Management 11 Planning Committees – The Regional Strategic Fire Management Plan 11 – Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees 12 – The Municipal Fire Management Plan 13 – State Fire Management Planning Support Team 13

Appendix 1 14

Information 16

Disclaimer This publication maybe of assistance to you however the State of and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication

Acknowledgements The State Fire Management Planning Support Team acknowledges all those that supplied the images for this publication including the CFA, Tourism Victoria and Darryl Gordon. Design and printed by Courtney -

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 3 Victoria’s rural and urban landscapes are diverse and increasingly changing. Climate change, population Introduction growth, the changing land use and social trends such as increased urbanisation and increasing bushland/urban interface are all impacting on the to IFMP Victorian landscape. These issues require new ways to manage fire across our landscapes that accommodate households, industries, public and private assets including This booklet provides an overview Victoria’s natural environment and infrastructure. of the of the new Integrated Fire Reducing Victoria’s fire risk is a priority of the State Management Planning (IFMP) Government and the agencies and organisations that Framework for Victoria. have legislated responsibilities. It outlines what the Framework is, The Victorian Government, as part of its how it will function, who will be commitment to community safety, has endorsed and involved, how they will be involved funded the Integrated Fire Management Planning Project as it recognises the delivery of integrated and how the process will be services is one of the most important building blocks supported and sustained. for the future of fire management in Victoria.

4 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework The framework known as the Integrated Fire The arrangements for the operation of IFMP will be Management Planning Framework for Victoria included in the Emergency Management Manual was developed through extensive consultation, Victoria (EMMV). Full details of the planning with those who will participate in, and be affected processes and supporting tools will become available by its implementation. Its guiding principles and as the Framework is rolled out across the state. recommendations have been developed and are outlined in this booklet. Critical to the success of IFMP will be building and maintaining relationships across government, The Planning Framework will operate under existing the private sector and the broader community. fire and emergency management legislation and it Participation, support and cooperative decision will be gradually introduced across Victoria. making by all these sectors working in collaboration to develop fire prevention, suppression and recovery This approach does not replace the existing statutory strategies for all types of fire risk, and meeting roles and responsibilities of agencies, it aims to the needs of local communities are all essential to support and enhance them through government and the success of IFMP. The coordinated, whole of agencies working together. government approach used by Victoria provides the best possible capability to deal with emergency IFMP aims to achieve a consistent and effective events of any scale. IFMP will be a critical part of this means for fire management planning within approach and is an important initiative that provides Victoria through a commitment to cooperation, the opportunity to fully engage all sectors to deliver including information sharing and the building of a truly integrated service to and with the community. collective knowledge.

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 5 The IFMP Framework

Framework for the implementation of IFMP is listed in the 22 strategies below. These strategies were supported by the four key Ministries of Police and Emergency Services, Environment, Local Government and Health. This framework is the vehicle for improvement in fire management planning.

Strategies 1 - 6 establish the Integrated Fire Management Planning structure for implementation.

Strategies 7 – 22 direct the implementation of the planning, consistency and continuous improvement processes.

1. That the fire management planning framework be established by the Coordinator in Chief of Emergency Management to create:

• A State Fire Management Planning Committee (SFMPC) • Eight Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committees (RSFMPC) • Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees (MFMPC) for Victorian municipal districts and alpine resorts.

2. That a process for undertaking consistent fire management planning be developed by the SFMPC and inserted, by amendments, into the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV) to account for the new planning arrangements.

3. That the State Fire Management Planning Committee:

• Ensure a consistent, sustainable and integrated approach to fire management planning across Victoria. • Be chaired by an appointee of the Coordinator in Chief, on the recommendation of the Victoria Emergency Management Council, for a period of three years.1

6 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework • Report to the Victoria Emergency Management 5. That the Municipal Fire Management Planning Council. Committees: • Be supported by the State Fire Management Planning Support Team. • Produce the Municipal Fire Management Plan for • Consist of representatives from the following adoption by the municipal council.5 organisations: • Monitor, review and report to the municipal – Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services council and the community through the Board (MFESB) Municipal Emergency Management Planning – Department of Sustainability and Committee and to the Regional Strategic Fire Environment (DSE) Management Planning Committee. – Country Fire Authority (CFA) • Identify and incorporate local needs to the fire – Department for Planning and Community management planning process. Development 2 • Replace existing Municipal Fire Prevention – Municipal Association of Victoria Committees and fulfil the current responsibilities – Department of Primary Industries of the Municipal Fire Prevention Committees. – Department of Human Services • In their planning processes, be managed and – Victoria Police supported with technical expertise by the fire – Department of Transport 3 services. – Regional Development Victoria 4 • Be supported by the State Fire Management – Tourism Victoria Planning Support Team. – Energy Safe Victoria • Determine their own procedures including the – VicRoads election/appointment of a chair subject to the – Parks Victoria guidelines provided by the EMMV. – Victoria State Emergency Service • Consist of representatives from the following – Office of the Emergency Services organisations: Commissioner – The municipality or alpine resort. – Other members nominated by the – MFESB, CFA and DSE (one or more) as Coordinator in Chief. appropriate. – Other members as required. 4. That the Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committees: 6. That integrated state, regional and municipal fire management planning be supported by the • Produce the Regional Strategic Fire Management established fire management networks, as well as Plan. by a multi-agency team of personnel attached to • Report to the State Fire Management Planning the State Fire Management Planning Support Team Committee on fire planning issues. to be managed by CFA on behalf of all stakeholders. • Are managed and supported with technical expertise by the fire services. 7. That the SFMPC establish a consistent format • Be supported by the State Fire Management and life cycle for plans that consists of: Planning Support Team. • Be chaired by member of the committee, elected • Regional Strategic Fire Management Plans subject to the guidelines in the EMMV. (RSFMP) with a ten-year life and a five-year and/ • Consist of representatives from the following or “as necessary” review, and organisations: • Municipal Fire Management Plans outlining a – Local municipal councils (inc. alpine resorts) multi-year program of activities including: – CFA – Implementation of the strategies outlined in – DSE the RSFMP. – MFESB – Annual review, including a review of the – Department of Human Services sustainability of the Municipal Fire – Department of Primary Industries Management Plan with a longer term view. – Parks Victoria – Built in flexibility for a municipal strategic plan. – Rail Authorities – Utilities – VicRoads 1. The State Fire Management Planning Committee has since revised this period to 2 years. – Victoria Police 2. Formally known as the Department of Victorian Communities. – Victoria State Emergency Service 3. Formally known as the Department of Infrastructure and representing Rail Authorities. – Other members as required. 4. Regional Development Victoria and Tourism Victoria although not on the initial committee membership list have since accepted an invitation to join the committee. 5. See section on Municipal Fire Management Planning on page 12.

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 7 8. That the SFMPC ensure a consistent community 19. That the SFMPC promote and facilitate a ‘centre engagement framework for application in the of excellence’ (a process, not necessarily a physical integrated fire management planning process. structure) that will provide opportunities to share and explore good practice and continuous 9. That the SFMPC ensure consistent terminology improvement in fire management across Victoria. for use by fire agencies, municipal councils and other fire stakeholders in the integrated fire 20. That the SFMPC establish a municipal and management planning process. regional recognition program for good practice in fire management. 10. That the SFMPC ensure consistency of the fire risk assessment models to be used within the 21. That the SFMPC investigate opportunities Integrated Fire Management Planning process. for incentive-based recognition for industry, landholders and non-government organisations. 11. That the SFMPC develop and promote the implementation of standard protocols for the 22. That the SFMPC promote the development of a sharing and exchange of data between agencies, Code of Practice for fire management for all land municipal councils and organisations with fire tenure across Victoria.6 management responsibilities.

12. That the SFMPC develop a web-based interface as a tool to allow the community to review 6. The State Fire Management Planning Committee has amended this strategy to replace the reference of “Code of Practice” with “Interim Fire and provide feedback on Regional Strategic Management Strategy” Fire Management Plans and Municipal Fire Management Plans.

13. That the SFMPC, in partnership with the Emergency Management Training Committee, lead the development of an integrated training and exercising policy and process.

14. That the SFMPC develop a process of performance monitoring and review, for all stakeholders with responsibility for fire management planning, to track the progress of the Regional Strategic Fire Management Plans and the Municipal Fire Management Plans.

15. That the SFMPC establish an audit process and appoint an auditor with consideration of resources, expertise, independence and alignment with the emergency management audit process.

16. That the SFMPC establish a dispute resolution process.

17. That the SFMPC establish a process to resolve issues of non-participation relating to all aspects of Integrated Fire Management Planning.

18. That the SFMPC work with other state or national peak bodies, such as the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC), Emergency Management (EMA) and the Bushfire Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), to influence and source research and development funding and investigate national/international programs for continuous improvement in fire management.

8 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework Integrated Fire Management Planning recognises and builds on the many good practices and existing networks already involved in fire planning across Victoria.

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 9 The Framework will be supported by the following structural entities, established by the Coordinator in Chief of Emergency How will Management (Minister for Police and Emergency Services) using powers enabled by the Emergency Management Act 1986:

IFMP Work? • A State Fire Management Planning Committee (SFMPC). • Eight Regional Strategic Fire Management The IFMP Framework will provide Planning Committees (RSFMPC). the mechanisms and networks • Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees (MFMPC) for Victorian municipal to integrate planning while districts and alpine resorts. acknowledging the legislative The roles, responsibilities and processes of these responsibilities of all stakeholders. committees are described below.

State Fire Management Planning Committee

The State Fire Management Planning Committee has been created to establish, enable and monitor the implementation of the IFMP Framework, ensuring its consistency and sustainability. The Committee provides policies and direction to facilitate an integrated approach to fire management planning across Victoria.

The Chair of the Committee will be appointed by the Coordinator in Chief of Emergency Management. The Committee will report to the Victoria Emergency Management Council on issues relating to fire management planning. This will include performance, non-participation, legislative reform and other matters of significance relating to fire that may impact on effective emergency management. Participants will attend regular meetings to review and authorise policies, processes and tools to support the integrated fire management planning process.

10 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committees

Eight Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committees will be established across the state based on the “A Fairer Victoria: creating opportunity and addressing disadvantage” (2005) report (see Appendix 1 for regional maps). Committee members will work collaboratively to produce a Regional Strategic Fire Management Plan, meeting at appropriate intervals and sharing planning information.

Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committees will provide a critical link between municipal and state fire management planning. Reporting to the State Fire Management Planning Committee, Regional Committees will draw together state and regionally based stakeholders to integrate planning. This will occur both within and across regions, to enhance planning for fire risks that cross boundaries and enhance coordination for incidents that are beyond a municipal scale. Regional Strategic Flexibility in membership will exist to allow other agencies, organisations or specific interest Fire Management groups to participate at this level, as required. As functioning committees, each will elect from Planning Committees within its membership a suitable person to chair the will provide a meetings. The chairperson will be asked to arrange administrative support for the committee. A member critical link between of the IFMP State Fire Management Planning Support Team (SFMPST) will provide executive support (see municipal and state more detail later in this section). fire management Relationships with Divisional Emergency Response Planning Committees and Regional Recovery planning. Committees will need to be established. This will enable the flow of information and knowledge to enhance emergency management planning at this level.

The Regional Strategic Fire Management Plan

Each Regional Strategic Fire Management Planning Committee will work collaboratively to develop their own regional plan as outlined in Part 5 of the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV).

The Regional Strategic Fire Management Plan will be risk-based and consider the needs of the region as a whole. This plan will guide the development of each municipal level plan within the region and will include advice on various treatment options, which may be considered in municipal level planning.

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 11 The Municipal Municipal Fire Management Planning Fire Management Committees The Municipal Fire Management Planning Planning Committee Committee will be a sub-committee of the Municipal will be responsible for Emergency Management Planning Committee and will determine its own procedures subject to the integrated planning guidelines provided in the Emergency Management at the municipal and Manual Victoria. Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees local level. will replace the existing Municipal Fire Prevention Committees within the country area of Victoria.7 Existing requirements for municipal councils to make statutory appointments of a Municipal Emergency Resource Officer and a Municipal Fire Prevention Officer will not alter under this Framework.

Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees will be responsible for integrated planning at the municipal and local level. Committee members will work collaboratively, meet at appropriate intervals, share planning information and produce a Municipal Fire Management Plan.

The integrated fire management planning process will be managed and supported with the technical expertise of the relevant fire services.

The Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees will be responsible for writing the Municipal Fire Management Plan, ensuring implementation of the actions detailed in the plan, and monitoring the effectiveness of those actions.

7. Country area of Victoria is defined in Section 3 of the CFA Act 1958.

12 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework The committee members will review and report fire recovery programs are consistent and holistic. The management planning actions to the Municipal plan will be risk-based, having regard for the social, Emergency Management Planning Committee. economic, built and natural environment aspects of This committee will in turn report to the municipal fire, and function as a guide for participants involved council and other stakeholder agencies with in fire management planning activities. The plan accountabilities in the plan, and raise matters to will also contain appropriate reference to other the Regional Fire Management Planning Committee applications of fire, including ecological and cultural. when required. The Municipal Fire Management Planning The implementation of the IFMP Framework will be Committee will endorse the plan prior to submitting an incremental process, developed with stakeholders it through the Municipal Emergency Management to ensure that the transition occurs smoothly, Planning Committee for endorsement by the without loss of current knowledge or planning input. municipal council and other stakeholders with The pace of change will be determined locally to accountabilities in the plan. meet the needs of all stakeholders. An audit process will be undertaken that will consider the development and implementation of The Municipal Fire Management Plan the plan. This audit will be aligned to the municipal emergency management planning audit, to Municipal Fire Management Planning Committees streamline the activity. will produce a Municipal Fire Management Plan. Requirements in accordance with the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 for municipal fire prevention State Fire Management Planning planning will continue to be met through this new Support Team process. Ministerial Guidelines for municipal fire management planning will be published in part 6 The implementation of the IFMP Framework will of the Emergency Management Manual Victoria be facilitated and supported by the State Fire in accordance with S. 21(5) of the Emergency Management Planning Support Team. This team Management Act 1986. comprises a manager, administration officer and eight fire network planning managers. One fire The Municipal Fire Management Plan will be network planning manager is located within prepared and maintained as a sub-plan to the each planning region and will be responsible for Municipal Emergency Management Plan to ensure providing support and assistance to integrated fire that the linkages across fire prevention, response and management planning within the region.

The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework 13 Appendix 1

Moreland Banyule Integrated Fire Management Moonee Darebin Whittlesea Valley Manningham Nillumbik Planning Boundaries Maribyrnong Melton Yarra Yarra Manningham Ranges Docklands Boroondara Wyndham Knox Hobsons Port Bay Phillip Greater Greater Stonnington Geelong Dandenong Cardinia Frankston Casey Queenscliffe Glen Monash Eira Mildura Mornington Bayside Peninsula Bass Swan Hill Kingston Coast

Inner Metro Greater Melbourne

Wangaratta Rural City Falls Creek Yarriambiack Alpine Resort


Mount Hotham Alpine Resort Alpine Resort Hindmarsh Buloke Moira Wodonga Campaspe Mansfield Shire Indigo Greater Towong Loddon Shepparton Benalla Wangaratta Alpine Resort

Yarra Wellington Shire West Greater Ranges Wimmera Bendigo Strathbogie Shire Horsham Northern Alpine Baw Baw Shire Mount Central Alexander Mitchell Goldfields Mansfield Alpine Resort Murrindindi Latrobe Macedon Hepburn Alpine Resorts Ranges East Southern Ararat Ballarat Grampians Moorabool Yarra Ranges Wellington Legend

Golden MUNICPAL LEVEL AREA Glenelg Plains Baw Baw BARWON SOUTH WESTERN Moyne EASTERN METRO Corangamite Surf Latrobe Coast Colac GIPPSLAND Warrnambool Otway GRAMPIANS

South Gippsland HUME LODDON NORTH AND WEST METRO SOUTHERN METRO Produced by CFA GIS 0 50 100 200 Kilometers Date Prepared: 27/01/2009 Job ID: 20080611000

14 The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework Moreland Banyule Integrated Fire Management Moonee Darebin Whittlesea Valley Manningham Hume

Moreland NDiallruembibnik Banyule Whittlesea PlanningI nBtoeugnrdaatreieds Fire Management Maribyrnong Yarra MoMoneelteon Valley Yarra Manningham Melbourne Manningham Ranges Hume Docklands Boroondara Nillumbik Planning Boundaries Maribyrnong Wyndham Knox Melton Yarra Hobsons Port Yarra Bay Phillip Greater Melbourne Greater Manningham Ranges Geelong Dandenong Stonnington Docklands BCoarrodoindiaara Frankston Wyndham Casey Knox Port Hobsons Queenscliffe Bay Phillip Greater Greater Glen Monash Eira Geelong Dandenong SFtroennncinhgton Island Mildura Mornington Cardinia Bayside Peninsula Frankston Bass Casey Swan Hill Coast Kingston Queenscliffe Glen Monash Inner Metro Greater Melbourne Eira French Mildura Mornington Island Bayside Peninsula Wangaratta Bass Rural City Falls Creek Yarriambiack Alpine Resort Swan Hill Kingston Coast Gannawarra Alpine Shire Inner Metro Greater Melbourne Mount Buller Alpine Resort Alpine Resort Hindmarsh Buloke Moira Wodonga Mansfield Shire Campaspe Wangaratta Rural City Falls Creek Yarriambiack Indigo Greater Towong Alpine Resort Loddon Shepparton Benalla Gannawarra Wangaratta Lake Mountain Alpine Shire Alpine Resort Mount Hotham Yarra Wellington Shire Alpine Resort West Greater Ranges Mount Buller Wimmera Strathbogie Shire Bendigo Moira Alpine Resort Horsham NoHrtihnedrmn arsh Buloke Alpine Baw Baw Shire Grampians Wodonga Mount Central Mansfield Shire Alexander Mitchell Campaspe Goldfields Mount Baw Baw Mansfield Indigo Alpine Resort Murrindindi Greater Towong Latrobe Macedon Loddon Pyrenees Hepburn Shepparton Benalla Alpine Resorts Ranges East Wangaratta Lake Mountain Gippsland Alpine Resort Southern Ararat Ballarat Grampians Moorabool Yarra Wellington Shire West Greater Ranges Wimmera Bendigo Wellington Strathbogie Legend Horsham Northern Alpine Baw Baw Shire GoldenGrampians MUNICPAL LEVEL AREA Glenelg Plains Mount Central AleBxaawn Bdaewr Mitchell BARWON SOUTH WESTERN Moyne Goldfields Mount Baw Baw Mansfield EASTERN METRO Alpine Resort Surf Latrobe Murrindindi Latrobe Corangamite Macedon Coast Pyrenees Hepburn GIPPSLAND Alpine Resorts Colac Ranges East Warrnambool Otway GRGAMipPpsIAlaNnSd Southern Ararat Ballarat Grampians South Gippsland HUME Moorabool LODDON MALLEE Yarra Ranges Wellington NORTH AND WEST METRO Legend Golden SOUTHERN METRO MUNICPAL LEVEL AREA Glenelg Plains Produced by CFA GIS 0 50 100 200 Kilometers Baw Baw BARWON SOUTH WESTERN Moyne Date Prepared: 27/01/2009 Job ID: 20080611000 EASTERN METRO Corangamite Surf Latrobe Coast Colac GIPPSLAND Warrnambool Otway GRAMPIANS

South Gippsland HUME LODDON MALLEE The Integrated Fire Management Planning Framework NORTH AND WEST METRO 15 SOUTHERN METRO Produced by CFA GIS 0 50 100 200 Kilometers Date Prepared: 27/01/2009 Job ID: 20080611000 For more information go to:

You will find your local contact on the State Fire Management Planning Support Team here. or

Telephone: (03) 9262 8469 Email: [email protected]