2017 Anglican Missions Board of the Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
[email protected] www.angmissions.org.nz 32 Mulgrave St // PO Box 12012, Thorndon, Wellington 6144, New Zealand Tel // 64 (0)4 473 5172 Fax // 64 (0)4 499 5553 www.facebook.com/AnglicanMissions www.twitter.com/AngMissions Designed by: Marcus Thomas Partners in Prayer is a prayer diary giving intercessions for mission partners overseas and overseas partner churches. The material is in daily form for use through the month. It is designed to be used by individual prayers, and for church intercessions/pew sheets. It is published early each year. Partners in Prayer is also available online at www.angmissions.org.nz/PnP Information about mission projects, programmes and agencies linked with the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is also included. Prayers and quotations from the psalms are copyright material taken from A New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare Aotearoa (used with permission). Other prayers are taken from various sources including the AAW Prayer Book, Prayers Encircling the World (1998) SPCK (used with permission), Psalms Down Under (1996) by Joy Cowley (used with permission of the author), and A Disciple’s Prayer Book, Congregational Ministries Cluster, Native Ministries and Gospel Based Discipleship Office (used with permission of Rev J Robertson). Acknowledgement is also made of other people who kindly contributed prayers for inclusion in this diary. Copyright Anglican Missions – all copyright permissions with one exception is reserved by Anglican Missions. No part of this publication may be reproduced, quoted, published online or in print without the express permission of Anglican Missions.