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The Çecretary-Generd of the United Nations presents his com- pliments to the Registrar of the International Court of Justice and has the honour to enclose herein, copies in Engliçh and French of the text of the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at its One hunclred and eighteenth PIenary Meeting held on 17th November 1947 regarding the interpretation of Article 4 of the Charter. In conformity with the terms of the ha1 paragraph of the Reso- lution, twenty copies in English and one copy in French of the records of the Two hundred and fourth, Two hundred and fifth and Two hundred and sixth Meetings of the Çecurity Council will be transmitted to the Registrar under separate cover.

1' II.-TELEGRAM FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL a-..,F. OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO THE REGISTTCAR, i !f FILED IN THE REGISTRY OF THE COURT ON DECEMBER 11th, 1947. d.': . 1947. LI.Ii I 10th December :J 34 Re your 51. Please consider my note 1zo4-6-2IDP of ): 24th November as official notiiication of request by General Assem- P. ; i < bly for adviso~yopinion. Certified copy of Assembly Resolution f oUows.-(Sigwd) TRYGVELIE, Secret ary-General. III.-NOTE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL I OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO THE REGISTRAR, 1 FILED IN THE REGISTRY OF THE COURT ON DECEMBER 12th~1947.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations presents his corn- plirnents to the Registrar of the International Court of Justice and haç the honour to enclose kerein one cestified copy in English and one certified copy in French of the text of the Resolution adoptedbytheGeneralAssembly,atitsrx8thPlen~yMeeting . held on 17th November 1947, regarding the interpretation of Article 4 of the Charter.

IV.-RESOLUTION ADOPTED EY THE GENERAL ASÇEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS ON 17th NOVEMBER 1947. The Ge~erat!Asssmbly, Considering Article 4 of the Charter of the United Nations, Considering the exchange of views which haç taken place in the Security CounciI at its Two hundred and fourth, Two hundred and fifth and Two hundred and sixth Meetings, relating to the admis- sion of certain States to membership In the United Nations, Consideriq Ar ticle 96 of the Char ter, Rquests the Irfternational Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on the following question : 1s a Member of the United Nations which is called upon, in virtue of Article 4 of the Charter, to pronounce itself by its vote, either in the Security Council or in the General Assembly, on the admission of a State to membership in the United Nations, juridically entitled to make its consent to the admission dependent on condirions not expressly provided by paragaph I of the said Article ? In particular, cm such a Member, while it secognizes the conditions set foeh in that . provision to be fulfilled by the State concemed, subject its afkmative vote to the additional condition that other States be admitted to mernbership in the United Nations together with that State ? Xastrücts the Secretary-General to place at the disposa1 of the Court the records of the above-mentioned meetings of the Security Council. SECTION B.-DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED , WITH THE REQUEST.


1. Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council (SI961 Rev. 3. January 27th, 1948). 2.' Rules of Procedure of the General Açsernbly (A1520. Decem- ber ~zth,1947). 3. Rules govesning the admission of new Alembers (Report of the Committee of the Genetal AssembEy) (A/384, !p. 4, Septem- ber 12th 1947). 4. Report by the Executive Committee to the Preparatory Com- mission of the United Nations (PC~EX/II~/R~V.I. Novem- ber ~zth,1945). 5. Report of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations (PC/zo. December ~3rd.1945). 6. Records of the Security Council Cornmittee of Experts Meetings çoncerning the Rules on the admission of new Members :

rg47. S/C.IISR.~~. ,, 96, Corr. I. ,, 101. ,, 102.

I, 103. ii 104. 7. Records of the meetings of the Joint Cornmittees a pointed by the Generd Assernbly and tbe Secutity Councif on Rules governing the admission of new Members : A/AC.II/SR.I. ,, SR.1, Con. I. ,, SR.2. -- ,, SR.2, Rev. I. 1 These documenta are not reproduced in this volume. [Note by the Registrau.] DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED WZTH THE REQUEST TI AlAc.1rlSR.3. ,, SRg, Rev. I. ,; . SR.+ ,, 33.5. ,, SR.6. ,, SR.7. ,, SR.8. ,, SR.8, Con. ,, SR.9. ,, sR.10. ,, SR.rx. Report of the Security Council Cornmittee on the admission of new Members, 1946 (Security ComciZ Oflcial Records, First Year, Second Series, Supplement No. 4, p. 53). 9. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembjy on the admission of new Members, xg46 (A11o8, October 15th, 1946). IO. Records of the Security Council Meetings concerning the admis- sion of new Members, 11346. S~CUY~~Cozlnd OficiaE Records, First Year, Second Series :

No. 1. ,* 2. *, . 3. ,, 4.. ,, 5. ,, 78. ,, 23. ,, 24. ,, 25. , Secwrity Co~ncilJoacrnal, Pirst Year, No, 35. II. Records of the First Committee Meetings of the Second Part of the Fjrst Session of the General Assembly concerning the admission of new Members, 1g46 : Journal 22, Suppl. No. I-AIC.x/zz. ,, 24, >, ,, I-A/C.XI~I. ,, 25, J1 ,, 1-AIC.1137. , 26, ,, ps 3-AICe3143. ,, 27, ,, ,. 1-AIC.1139. ,, 28, , ,, 1-A/C.1141. ,, 29, ,, A-AIP.V.47. ,, ' 37s ,, ,, I-AIC.I/~~. ,, 321 ,> -AlC.1/47. , 371 ,, A-A/P.V.48, , 38, ,, A-A/P.V.49. Recordç of the Plenary Meetings of the Second Part of the First Session of the General Assembly concerning the admission of new Members, 1946. (Journal No. 66, Supplement A-A1P.V. 67.) Report of the Security Council Committee on the admission of new Memberç, 1947. Security Cou~cilOficial Records, Second Year, SpeciaI Çupplement No. 3, Lake Sucçess, New York, 1947. DOGUMENTS TRANSHITTED WITH THE REQUEST 12 14. Reports of the Secvrity Council to the General Assembly on the admission of new Mernbers, 1947 (Al406 October gth, 1947.- A/g15. Novernber zznd, 1947). 15. Records of the Security Councii Meetings concerning the admission of new Members, 1947. Security Coztncil Oficicdl Records, Second 'Year, No. 38 : sIp.V.136. S/P,V.186. sP.v.137. s/P.v.190. S/P.V.151. S/P.V.I~~. S/P.v. 152. s/P.v.204. S/P.V.154. S/P.V.205. slP.v.161. . S/P.V.zob, SIP.V.168. Ç/P.V.zzx. slP.V.178. S/P.V.zzz.

16. Records of the First Cornmittee Meetings of the Second Regular . . Session of the General Assembly concerning the admission of new Members, 1947 : A/C.I/SR. 59. 1 1, 59, Corr. 1. ,, 59, cors. 2. 97. ,, 98. 99. ,, 100. ,, 101. ,, 102. ,, 102, Corr. I. I ,, 102, Corr, 2, 1 ,, 103. , 17. Records of the meetings of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly cancerning the admission of new Members, 1947 : AIP.V.83. A/PmV.8g. ,s 84. ,, 90. I ,, 85. ,, 92. ,a 86. ,, 96. ,, . 87. ,, 1x7. ,, 88. ,, 118.


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