Our Choices for the State Senate THEBMLY VJPPTQTFD Viet Cong
Today: Our Choices for the State Senate -SEE EDITORIAL PAGE 6_ Weather Mostly cloudy today, high around HOME JO. Cloudy tonight, low in lower 50s. Cloudy tomorrow with rain THEBMLY VJPPTQTFD likely late in day or night, high In lower 60s. Friday's outlook, FINAL fair with little temperature "sis" i liuWlDl Jjfi. change. * y : DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS VOL. 90, NO. 90 j RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Thte Big Topic in Atlantic Highlands Urban By LEE STARNES possible for the borough. We are Robert Paddack, 45 East High- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - at the crossroads. It is either up- lands Ave., a building contractor, A random survey of borough res- hill or dowrmill from, here." said he was against urban re- idents yesterday indicated a ma- Mrs. William Hogan, Asbury newal. jority are in favor of urban re- Ave* said: ""Because my shop is located newal here, "I am for it. The only thing on First Ave., to make me move Although many persons refused that is going, to help the town would cost me money." Mr. Pad to tell The Daily Register how is urban renewal. Nothing has dack said. they felt about the controversial been done before." subject, an overwhelming num- "Mrs. William Connell, 111 Bay ber voiced the opinion that ur- Ave., was positive about her feel-. than what they would give mejo ban renewal was the only* hope ings toward the proposal. the town. But I am against the for the borough.
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