Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1922-12-03

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1922-12-03 I • ,,,<: ,..! The Daily Iowan oonducta r POCket The Daily Iowan reserves aM silk eo a daily calendar which will mOlley. be rd, special pages for 'IOCitty' .. "lid keep you informed. with cam­ 64 pUB actlvitiea. and 'aporia'. IJ _ 01Bctal Student RewlJ)aper of the t7Il1Tenlty of Iowa _V_Ol=.=xxn===.=N_e_w__ Se_r_ie_8_X_I_I.~ ____________________________I.O=_W=A==C=IT=y~,_I_O_W_A_,_S_U_ND __ A_y~,_D_E __ CE_MB __ E_<R __ ~3,_1_9_2_2 __~~ __~ __-=E_ig=h_t_P_a_gc_S __~~ _____________NU__ MB__ ER___ 6_3 noekl~ec OQ some Whele on return to thi, 81 Eckersall Picks J Hawkeyes For AII=Conference Eleven - ---- --- LOCKE, MINICK I HERE ARE "BIG TEN" HONOR ME1V I T AND THOMPSON er IWIN POSITIONS Badgers Win Three; Six Teams Represented On· First .......... 22 Eleven .......... 20 By WaJter EckersaJl Selecting Illl wcstorll cqnfcrc.lee foot· ball elevens to bo composed of play· ...... 12% crs who ha.vo performed consistontlr ......... .14 throughout the senson, offensively and defensively, the tllsk of choosing the ..... .10 tackles and placing the wealth oi bllck .......... 7 field material in positions where they will be the most aluable are the hard· .......... 14 eat. BERNIE KIRK, GEORGE THOMPSON, JOHN MC¥ILLEN, . RALPH KING, PAUL MINNICK • MARTY BELOW, GUS TEBELL, It is the 1\rat time in many years, ~. pH?.,... ObI_o. Jo" .. l't.coDlill. wllcoDa\D. 5 that the Big Ten has not produced tackles who stand out above all others. 5 In former seasonl there ha.s generally been at least two whol!O right to the 1· .............. PADELFORD TO BEARS OUTCLASS 7 important positions was unquestioned .......... 15 because their playing in overy game was far above that of other warriors GIVE DEDICATION HAWKEYESBY 12 occupying the same positions. 1.. • ........ 15 driving pair of tackles is an abso· .......... 15 lute nOO688ity to the success of any ADDRESS TODAY POINTS --CHANEY football team. Their ,'alue is being ..... 23 emphasized more and more 'as the teams are lenning to the open and running Will Open N ew$32,500 Fonner Iowa Professor styles of attack. They are· now onlled Baptist Student Cen­ Would Have Bruin upon to hurry the passers, help smash ter Parsonage interference and at the same time pro· and All-American tect the holes between guards and tack· Today Teams Identical lllll. On olfense, they Ilre at times made eligible to receive forward pass. The dedication address for the llew "I firmly believe the California et while thir many duties on various $32,500 ;Baptist student center parson· football team to be two touchdowns ofl'ensive plays make them. among the ' agel loonted nt the corner of Nortlt better thq.D the Iowa tootball "telUll. important cogs in any successful foot. OIintcn and Bloomington streets, will Every on of their men Ihfuld be ball machine. be given by the Rov. F. W. Padelford, placed on tho aU·American team", As the running a.ttack developod by D. D., secretary of the board of edu· EARL MA.RTINEAU, ROLLIE WILLIAMS, GORDON LOCKE, HARRY KIPKE. said Prof. Ralph W. Chaney, former­ . N KiDneeoL&. Wt.conaln. 1o".. Mtctu.&n. Miclrigan, Iowa and Wiseonsin along cation of the orthern Baptist con· I _____________________________________....::..-:... ___~ ly of the geology department here a.nd with Minnesota will develop tho abso. vention, in the church o.uditorium at now doing reasearch work at Berkeley, now lute necessity of having guards who 7:30 tonight. At 9 o'clock a brief, ECKERSALL'S ALL CONFERENCE ELEVENS Cal., in nn interesting intervieW' with (Oopyright: 1022:. By Tho Chicago Tribune) C8.n get out of the lead, the interfer. formal ceremony will be held in the an Iowan reporter Friday. "Cali· ence is emphasized. Fortunately there Dew parsonage under the direction of fornia haa four teams praetlcing regu­ are two men of such caliber in the the Rov. G. W. Cassidy, D.D., executive POSITION- rmST TEAM SEOOND TEAM THIRD TEAM larly, anyone of which eould, in my ebnference who have done th.is to per. sccrotary of Iowa Daptist convention. Left end ....... _._.. ___ .. __.. Kirk, :Michigan Kadeslty, Iowa Eklund, Ml.J1nesota estimation, beat the Iowa team. I Left t&.ckie ............. _... _ .. _.. _.. Thompson, Iowa l'Iet;ch1lr, Ohicago Penfield, Northwestern am buing my opinion on my observa· faction aU £0.11, while others will be A h~Ddred representatives fro HI made to do it in the future. The open i>eighboling districts, who wer,) invited Left guard ... _..... _ .. _.. _._... _.McMilleu, minoa Pixley, Ohio State Rohfeld, Northwestern tion of IoW'a '8 football te.m of lut or running attack has so many possi. to participate in the dodiontion exer· Center ......... _.. __... _ .. _....... K1ng, Obicago Heldt, Iowa .Au, Ml.J1neaota (OaPt.) year, which was probably better than Right guard ....... _ .._ ............... M1n1clt, Iowa PondelJ.k, Chicago Meade, Iowa Iowa's team this year, and tho Oali· bilities that the mof'e men who can get cisea, are being entertained by the 10· Muirhead, Micb1gan Petcolf, Ohio State fornia team of this year." out to interfere for the !'IlJlller, cha.nees cal churcll. A recoption was held Fri· Right t&.ckie ... _.......... _.. _........... Below. W1IIc0nain Right end ... _.. _ .. _ ..... _ .. _....... Tebell, Wisconsin Goebel, Michigan (Oapt.) Ranny, lncl1ana of making ground are improved grea~. day night, a sight sceing tour around Grid4ers ~ I..ead1Di Intl1lAlJlCe ly. the University and Iowa City was con· Quarter bKk ........ _._.. _ ... _ ... Willi&llll, W1aconsin Uteritlll, Michigan Ban, Wilconsin Of the interest shown football a.t Left haJf back ...... _ ...... _.......... Martine&U, MinneIIot& Shuttleworth, Iowa Palmer, Northwelltern The abllOlute' neeessity of having 0. ducted yesterday morning, and last California, Prof. Chaney says, "Ev_ Right haJf back .. _.___ ... _ .. _. KipIrAl, l\41cb1gan Pyatt, Ohicage McCreery, lWnIIeIota center who ean p81111 aecnrately and night a minstrel show, under the di· erything a football there. It i8 the Full back .. _ ... __.. __..... Loelta, Iowa (Oapt.) Oappon, Michigan John Thomas, Chicago timely is known to overy c101!O follower rection of W!ilJiam F. Goodell, was main athletic interest in fact it BU­ of football. Complex offensive tactics given in the .church club rooms fol· --------------....,..----------------~=------------.....,:=-- passos any other activity. The great· ul!Od by most coachce onll for shert lowed by a B. Y. P. U. soclaL Ex-King's Brother est thing in the school is the foot· and long pallllos, 80me of which must At 10 :45, in place of the usual morn· SELECT TWO ALL-TIME ELEVENS bo.ll team and tho greatost man ill he slow and others f8st. In fact 8ue. ing sermon, two briefor addresses will Exiled for Life the school is ,Andy Smith, the couh. eess of every play depends largely up. be given by the Rev. G. P. Mitchell, From Native Land Mass moetings of the most rousing lort take place a week before the Oil how fast and suro the ball is fed D. D., and the Revorcnd Oassidy, secro· AND HONOR ROLL FOR OLD GOLD to the man who is called upon to make taries of the Iowa Baptist convention, CBy United Press) games, and aftor the gamll8 the stn· the ground gaining effort. which holds title to the student cen· Buliotin.-Athens Doc., 2.-Prinlle By Dean Wilbur J. Teeters and Prot. James N. Pearce dents celebrate on a much larger seale Qul.rterb&.ck In Name only ter parsonage. Andrew of Greece, brother of the die­ than was shown by Iowa in celebratillg In these days of direct passing, tho This afternoon at 2 :30 open hOU8C posed King Constantine; tonight wu l'IBST TEAM­ SECOND TEAM the Victory over Yale." I repeat, the '. Iowa footbnll team would be uumerci· quarterback in tho old sence is extinct. will be held to which all students of sentenced to lifo·long oxile and military Bert Watters ex '00 R. E. "Cresco" Whito '08 fully cleaned if it plo.yed Califorllia." It is simply tho name of a position. the University and all out·of..town degradation for having disobeyed ar­ Fred Slater '23 R. T. Archie Aleltander '14 He is a back tho same as the oth.ers young peoplo are especially invited. dors during the recent war with T\w Paul D. Minick '23 R. G. Thomas I'Stub" Baron '16 Boollts OaUforn1a. who aTe onlled left, right, or fullQacks At 5: 30 the young people '8 lunchcon key when he had a military command. John Heldt '23 C. Asher W. Ely '01 In speaking of the other activltiee to designate the names of positions will be served as ueual in the church JIlB. M. Brockway '01 L. G. Trickey '15 of the Califorllia university, ProfeAor ueed ever since football was first club rooms. Following thit, the B. Y MOVIES .AT PASTIME Frod Becker '16 L. T. Joseph W. Warner '01 Ohaney says, "Everything is main· playod. The 80.called quarterbaek of P. U. 11'01 give a demonstra.tion of n SHOW OAPTAIN LOOKE Mark Hyland '11 L. E. ,. Max Kadcsky '23 tained on a much larger scal&, prob· today rarely handles the ball to food model young people's devotiono.l meet· lIUlUNG LAST SOOBll Aubrey Devine (C) '22 Q. Maurice Kent '08 (e) ably becanse it a a much larger school it to another back. The old rule of the ing. DiacuIIIIlona will be held for thr John Griffith '01 L. H. W. C. Edson '01 Playa are ataged by every literary ball having to paM through throo IIOts purpose of exchanging ideas with the Another chance to see Captain Gor· Clyde Williams '00 R.
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