Anglo-Canadian Toryism and Anglo-American Conservatism: a Dialogue with Roger Scruton RON DART University of the Fraser Valley

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Anglo-Canadian Toryism and Anglo-American Conservatism: a Dialogue with Roger Scruton RON DART University of the Fraser Valley COSMOS + TAXIS Anglo-Canadian Toryism and Anglo-American Conservatism: A Dialogue with Roger Scruton RON DART University of the Fraser Valley Email: [email protected] Web: If Lockean liberalism is the conservatism of the on conservatism, The Meaning of Conservatism(1980) and English-speaking peoples, what was there in British How to Be a Conservative (2014) position him well to speak conservatism that was not present in the bourgeois about such a tradition. It was, therefore, with much delight thought of Hamilton and Madison? If there was noth- and anticipation that I received Scruton’s most recent com- ing, then the acts of the Loyalists are deprived of all pact missive, Conservatism: An Introduction to the Great moral substance. Many of the American Tories were Tradition (2018), to review—needless to say, there is much Anglicans and knew well that in opposing the revolu- to ponder in such a fast moving overview of conservatism. tion they were opposing Locke. They appealed to the Conservatism: An Introduction to the Great Tradition older political philosophy of Richard Hooker. They is certainly not Scruton’s first attempt to summarize, in a were not, as liberal Canadian historians have often compact and thoughtful manner, the history, principles 59 described them, a mixture of selfish and unfortunate and content of the stages and seasons of the conservative men who chose the wrong side. If there was nothing vision of the good life. In fact, each of Scruton’s multiple valuable in the founders of English-speaking Canada, publications, in either an implicit or explicit manner, delve what makes it valuable for Canadians to continue as a into the conservative way (and what we have lost by ignor- nation today? ing, caricaturing or distorting such a time worthy heritage). – George Grant, Lament for a Nation: The Defeat of The all too sad litany of forgetfulness of the past as a result + TAXIS COSMOS Canadian Nationalism of a progressive notion of human history has clear cut the forest of centuries of wisdom and time tried insight—such It was the rise of Puritanism in late Elizabethan Eng- a reality is, rightly so, called memoricide. We legitimately land, the advancing tide of Calvinist theology and lament the clear cutting of our forests but a much deeper ethics in the last two decades of the 16th century, lament should accompany the clear cutting of the past (and not the Renaissance of the early and middle decades the implications of such a short sighted approach to culture of the century, that marked the real rupture with the and civilization). But, let us turn to Conservatism to get a medieval culture. fix and feel for what Scruton thinks we need to conserve – C. S. Lewis, English Literature in the Sixteenth and who are the saints and worthies of such an ethos and Century, Excluding Drama heritage. Conservatism is divided into the Preface (which sets Roger Scruton is one of the most published, articulate and the stage for the historic drama of sorts), chapter 1. “Pre- probing conservatives in the last few decades. The telling History”, 2. “The Birth of Philosophical Conservatism”, 3. points he raises cannot be ignored and many of the arrows “Conservatism in Germany and France”, 4. “Cultural Con- he shoots hits the bull’s eye well and wisely. There is always servatism”, 5. “The Impact of Socialism”, 6. “Conservatism a need for thoughtful conservatives to counter variations Now” and a handy primer of a reading list and bibliography of trendy liberalism (of various and varied colours, shapes of sorts. The “Pre-History” chapter is, in fact, more modern and sizes) and Scruton speaks his speech well on such a history (mostly 17th century and forward) and the Anglo- stage. The role that Scruton played in the founding and ed- American connection (more Anglo than American) that iting of The Salisbury Review (1982-2001) and his two books makes for a must read to connect essential dots between Anglo-CANADIAN Toryism AND Anglo-American Conservatism: A Dialogue WITH ROGER Scruton what might be called 2nd generation liberalism (Locke, atomistic individuals with little or no sense of community, Smith, Hume, Burke and tribe) and the emergence of 3rd history, ethos, customs, traditions and a common law— generation liberalism (or what we call welfare or social lib- Burke’s “small platoon” and other such metaphors point eralism and not to be equated with socialism or variations the way to a grass roots and bottom up way of approach- of communism). The scampering across the landscape of ing and living a meaningful life. There is, of course, some- Germany and France, ever mining for conservative lean- thing quite admirable about such a way of being and anar- ings, widens the reach and stretch of Scruton’s sense of the chists on the left and libertarians on the right share some broader conservative epic tale of the “Great Tradition”. of these worthy tendencies. Scruton went the extra mile to What, though, is this “Great Tradition” that Scruton so highlight how Jefferson in the USA and those who penned ably and nimbly describes from within the historic Eng- The Federalist Papers were suspicious of a too centralized lish, American, French and German contexts and are there government, hence a commitment to decentralize levels of other ways of interpreting such a Tradition without bow- authority and power. Such a notion of freedom when fur- ing the knee to a trendy and politically correct liberalism in ther extended can and often does lead to laissez-faire eco- the culture wars? I must admit, by way of a brief comment, nomics, lighter taxes, competitive market and a minimal that Scruton is more like the proverbial fox than hedge- state. Needless to say, there are serious tensions that exist hog in this fast moving overview of conservatism, then and when trying to preserve stable and historic communities now. But, this should not be seen as a fault. There are fox- in an age and ethos in which human and natural resources like books that cover much terrain and do not dig deep, are but commodities to be bartered, trucked and traded on and much can be learned from them (such is this missive). the ledger of profit and loss. There is no doubt Scruton is There are, also, hedgehog books in which much depth is acutely aware of this troubling and trying dilemma as he 60 the name of the intellectual probes but a certain breadth is astutely observes: “belief in a free economy and free trade COSMOS + TAXIS COSMOS missing. Conservatism traverses much historic and contem- inevitably clashes with local attachments and community porary landscape and this is the beauty and bounty of the protection” (p. 4). The language of liberty and freedom, as book—those looking for depth will be disappointed in such conservatives understand it, must be defined by something a general overview, but the obvious purpose of the primer deeper than merely free un-historic or a-historic individu- is to point to such places where the deep wells and mother als entering contractual relationships that are disconnected lodes can be found—such are the pointers in the bibliogra- from the legal and communal prejudices (not to be equated phy. So, Conservatism is a fox like approach to the conser- with being prejudiced) of the past. There is, in short, pub- vative way and should be read as such and, as a corrective lic customs, social membership, law, institutions, family, to the illness of memoricide and amnesia, it is good medi- religion and many other associations that shape and clar- cine to take and inwardly digest (to mix a metaphor). ify what freedom and liberty mean in a more mature way The question that never fails to interest me when books and manner. There is no doubt Scruton, rightly so, is com- are written and published on conservatism, liberalism, so- mitted to the notion of liberty and freedom but is wary of cial democracy, democratic socialism, socialism, commu- how such language has become distorted and emptied of nism, populism, nationalism, fascism and Nazism to name any meaningful content. There is an obvious juggling act but a few ideologies is what do people mean by such terms at work and some impressive balls are kept in thoughtful and the use of such language? Since this is a book about harmony. There is, though, again and again, a certain sus- conservatism, what is meant by the term, what is being con- picion of the state that Scruton brings to the fore in a nega- served and why? And, are there others ways of interpreting tive way-this either-or tendency can be rather troubling. Is the pathways of the conservative ethos and history? But, let it necessary to pit society against the state, bottom up pol- us heed and hear how Scruton does the deed, then we can itics contra top down politics? This sort of dualism is not reflect on whether the tale can be told in other ways while really worthy of a good conservative much less a historic holding high the “Great Tradition” of conservatism. Tory. Needless to say, both society and the state have much I mentioned above that Scruton points to Locke, Smith, to contribute and both have their limitations. But, let us Burke, Hume and clan as seed planters of conservatism. move on. The language of liberty for such thinkers factors significant Scruton does linger long, though, in his chapter on “The in such a tradition and such a notion of liberty can collide Birth of Philosophical Conservatism” on Smith’s Sinai like with the state.
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