- .[.. WA · 353.1 St2pi tECJrOR.Y 1959 . c.2


;. .

36th. g~ 1959 r----TABLE OF CONTENTS ----..,

PAGE Preface. • . . . . • . . . • . . •. 1

Functions of the Legislature • • •• 2

Senate Roster. • • • • • • • • • •• 4

Senate Biographies • • • • • • • •• 5

House of Representatives Roster. •• 20

House of Representatives Biographies 22

Legislative District Map of Wash... 26

The Press...... • . . . •. 51


This ~Pictorial Directory of 1959 Washington State Legisla­ ture" is designed to provide biographical material about the members of the legislature and the information of the general public.

Many states publish official "Blue Books" containing in­ formation about their public officials. Since lack of funds makes this impossible in Wash­ ington, we offer this smaller volume.

I hope that members of the 36th Legislature will find this a useful reference work and a memento of their service in this body. THE PRESS

The State Legislature BARRETT, Eldon, United Press IntI.

BURT, Lyle, Associated Press

CROCKER, Hyla Yelle, Wash. State-Radio The Legislature is the paramount TV News Bureau branch of American Government. It makes the state laws, con­ CUMMINGS, Robert C., Associated Press ­ trols the expenditures and de­ Radio KGY termines the duties which the CUNNINGHAM, Ross, Times administrative authorities per­ form. FISCHER, Jack, Spokane Spokesman Review

Without action by the state GUTHMAN, Ed, Seattle Times legislature there would be no HANSON, Dwain, United Press IntI. elections, no registration, no public schools and no munici­ HITTLE, Leroy M., Associated Press palities. HUNT, Marshall A., Daily Olympian

It regulates the citizen's civil JOHNS, Charles, Tacoma News-Tribune rights and duties, secures him in the tenure of his property, LAWRENCE, Richard S., Daily Olympian and makes most of the rules that govern his daily movements. LEMON, John J., Spokane Chronicle MURPHY, Ronald A., Wash. State-Radio-TV In presenting this volume, I News Bureau wish to expr~ss my sincere appreciation and thanks to the NELSON, Stub, Seattle Post-Intelligencer following. Hon.John L. O'Brien, Speaker of the House, Hon. OLSEN, Tom, Radio KGY, Wash. State Radio­ TV News Bureau Gerald Dixon, Speaker Pro-Tern of the Senate. S.R. "SiN Hol­ PYlE, Jack, Tacoma News Tribune comb, Chief CLerk of the House and Ward Bowden, Secretary of SCHEAR, Dwight, Seattle Times the Senate for their cooperation SIMS, Virginia, Associated Press in providing information and in arranging for the pictures used SIMS, Ward, Associated Press in this book. VERTREES, Orman, United Press IntI.


ASSOCIATED PRESS Senate Gallery Phone 767

VI CTO R A. MEYERS UN ITED PRESS INTL. House Gallery Phone 470 Secretary of State WASHINGTON STATE RADIO-TV NEWS BUREAU First Floor Phone 769 ,­

VICTOR A. MEYERS. Secretary of State Chief Election Officer, State of Washington


TJi,.:, ~o. CO{;N'I'TE~ 8EX,\'TOR~ HEl'HESF..:\T,\TfVES

DOUKln,.:, Okano/!;m .... H :lilauer (D). . .. HOlOll'th (D), nolo\lllark (D) Pend Url~iIJc. Sl.(l\'cns.. l\Jc'Milian (D) . . RO"enl)(:rg' (D). ,,\yey (D) ~p Oklll1e . purt.. Keefe (D)...... (iulla g llcr, Ilel'llllni (0), HIlI'ICY (D) ~\lokane, Ilurt ... H el'll)lu lJ[1 (D) . Epl()n (n), !lay ( D) HllokaJl(" jlnrt .. C·ooney ( D) .. Clllllld oelJ (D), )lcCormick, W. l.. (D)

~I,okalle, l llll't . . Uuppy ( R ) .. ,\dams ( H ) ..Johnston (TO Cowen (I)l ..... ' .\lurphis ( H), Hani!' (HJ THE SENATE ~1,11':'I~-r~~l.U 'F~~g: ·I".ill('~iil·.·.·· Hnuj.!'u.<:t (H ) . . Moos (H) !I Whlt.man ...... ~ ej[J ( Il ) ...... l-ioli!;,- w(lIthy ( H ) , Huntley ( H ) iO J\.<;. Otill, ('ohlmhia, l~lIrti(>III .. HoulJ CD) .. .. Von()hue (D)

1\ '\'tilla Wulla .. l-'l'f <~e (R) .. ,\hlqll!s t (m, ("oj'p()! awl (10 I:! (']wlan ...... HllIl!ll1 ( D ) ... .. " ,\nder"on, Eva (H), Hrallll ( D ) I:; UTa!!I, Kittitll!;, . wu.-:hing tolt ( D ) .. H oh lJ e~ ( D) , :\IIJlHly (D) I-I rnkilllll, PitTt... Ivy ( 11 ) ...••.. ShoJl~hire (It), MMri.<::-:e.\' (ln, P"m'!; ( H) 1;--, YHkillJU, )1urt.. \\'oodull (It) . ('ulltil;ld (n), ChITk, Cf:i'i! C. (H ) OF THE STATE

11 \ Bt' nton, }'ranklin ...... Jlellry. AI (D) Mel'OrtHllek, .\like (D) . Du)' (D) 17 t'lnrk, jllITt, KJiekitllt , Hkull!:miu ...... ,. l'oli'Y (D) .. llcmy, Mildred (D)

I~ ('owlitz, Wahkillkum ...... ". o. '1'uliey ( D ).. ... Tlun.~cn. Juliu ll11tler l D) , !\Iar.<:h (D) W Pat'ittt; , Grays JIarl1or. part .. Baile}' ( D ) ...... ' J'ill.l!: (D) :.!O I .(~\ \ i." KOl'lkgJist ( H ) . ,. j C hy til (R) , Sikr (10 OF ;!I n;'lIY": Harhor, except If! vn.·<'inr'! ii Elway no ...... :\e\'tl CD). T\~id\\' cil (1) __ 'I hUT!'< lo(l DeGarnw ( 0 ). . Farringwll ( D ), Helldel'~ltot (I» ~:: Kit."tlJl ...... ' ... . Pnr\'is (0) .. . . \,iC'/lOlsOIl (D) , i\lorJ;lI11 (D), WlIllg' (I{) ~ · I ('11111:1111, .J e H'cHioll, Mas on . . SundiSo.lJ ( D). ". Jl c Fatldcn (D), COlllter (D), Hitller (D) :: .1 ]'icrCt'. llart-. .. Kno1!laudl (D) .. flrouilJet (0), ~H\\'ycr (D)

:!ti Pil' T'I 'C , pud ...... Petridl ( D ) ...... Swayze ( H ) , Com for t (11) :!.; J>iefC· C. purl.. Hbrns CD), G leas on ( 1) WASHINGTON '!," l'i(,TI·c. l:art ...... "' r' DIxonJ.'UlJka ((Dn )) ...... HUSlll\l.~SI·1l (1)), ()'('oIlIHJll ( 0) :!~I I' h~I'('(', p:! rl . ... .\JcGut(·hcoll 0) .. Browtl (D), Va!H! ( n) ~;n KinK , part...... Ilofllleister (D). Heierlcin (1), Bi g lcy (0)

:;t Kinl-:,I)H]·t...... HI~ ;: ~ ( D) ...... ,\t'kley (D), .:\leY(il's tn), Wltherhe~ (D; :::: K iIlK. purt... Hll o t\· (l0. Cllirllll)) (I)) Killl-!.Ilart . . ..:::: Ig~~~~~il:;:j(~l)~!. ~.:.:--: . (Y Hricll (D) . GarIng-her. Phil (D ) ::-: J-.:inK, purt ... Tc ~.s l)) (D), \\'cd ekintl (D) :;:, K ing , part . . Hiler (D ) .. U ISt: ll ( 0), Brink (11)

::1, "illl-:. (flirt .. Zt; dnic' k (10 ...... i\loriHr(~' (In, l'ritdwl'd ( n:) ::7 "illg- . part .... ,...... t-;utlli)I'laIJd ( D) .. [:ol'e (V ), :-illliUl ( D) ; :~ Siloholfti.

·IJ Whatf'o]Jl. II/I rt. ... L enllart (R ) ... ". H ood ( H) 'I:: \\'hu11'l1ll!, purt .. !\'urllll1laJ.:I!1' (D) ., Edwards (D) . Kink (D) -t:l killS'. part .. :-;h:lOllon ( H) .. l'Iark, ~ e wll1an (It), E\':ms ( H) ~ 1 "illl-:. Ilurt. .. Kimhall (D) ...... )on1-18.00 (D), l'ajJajani (D) ~.J K ill.l!: , part. . GlltJul-dwr (I) .. .l.itdlllH111 ( D), P erry ( 0 )

·W .Killg-. PII l't'. Hy,ler (In .... Gnrton ([,n. Muhatl'iJ Y ( H ) 17 Kill/-!". IHlri DurkuH ( n ) .. (:arrett (D ), Silecr (I)) -I " J.:ilJ /-!" , ]lull . .. 'I hOillpson ( W ) . . J.chwrl (H), AlHlcl'~ {' Il ••IHIlI C.<: ,.\. ( H) .01:) Clatk, JHllt .. i-!c'hullHle!lcr ( In .. Cl\l'ty (1)), I-'dwdl.'l' (D) , WintleI' ( In


SENATE Members I HOUSE Members

Democrats 66 5 L .oemocrats . Republicans ~14 Republicans 33 Total 49 Total 99 STATE SENATE HOLCOMB, S. R. "SI" (Democrat) Members as of January 12, 1959 Chief Clerk of the House from the (ALPHABETICAL) 48th District of King county. He has been Chief Clerk of the N.\ME ! P . O. ADDRESS HE~(kk~'II'~ ~~~~n ~i(~: I',\RTY House of Representatives for 25 years. Born at Ritzville in 1895. '\Ilj.!'(I-'.-in-"'-'-I'-,-Yn-e-a-.-.-..- .. I.'IOOl F IClllOllt .1\'c., Seattle...... ~inK. pnl't~~ ~-:Ill(wrntit> CD BII ilt!y, Hobert C...... ;:;11 W. F irst St., Soutll Dend ...... ~PI::~i~~'C:r~i;:~;~i , : 1!J J)(>mo1'Tuli(' He is a high school graduate and BUTJ(tCCn, Howard S . ... . 1 :-m ShnrOn(-'rcRt, Everett...... jSnollOmi>:h. pt./ ::S Delllo('TlItk attended the University of Wash. I I ... lund, pu rt .. \ l'c:illlor, Frunk...... 408 ~O th So., Scattle...... Rillg', \lIITt.. :::; Dt'1ll0('Tlltit' for 2 years. Is a Real Estate ® ('OOIlt:y, .Iohn I ...... ~.t . 440;: AttU".lS I;t., Spoknnc...... 'I ~PO .k. 'lIle. pa~t.. lklllot'TlIti(' Broker. Served 2 years in WGrld {'owell, Dll\'id C. . .. ,' S. 2'1;: Coeur d'"\lcne St." Spokane . :-i(JokaIlP, PHlt.. H('lIIo('l'ati(' Q)llefinTlllo, VictorV. War I. Member of Elks and a Past "ViI'" ...... 1 ('upitol .\ III 8. , Olylllllia...... rl'h!lr.~t Oil...... -- D(,IlHWra I iI' Commander of the American Legion. CD t::~~l!II;1 ?~::~(:h\; 'J:~~~.r.r.y.': :~~ ~.~,o.\ ;~ ' I~.~~ ~I:l 1:~;:~~;1~1.' ~1~~1~1.'~ : ~:~l:·~'il::~lrl ... ::: ~~ };;;::~~:~:: ~::: Eh\IIY, Hurry H. , .Ir...... '100 Kurr ~\\"e., Hoquiam ...... i \Oruy:;; H: rhor I:!t Hcpuhlkun Married and they have 3 children. ,pa" ...... \ (Skl1lllllllill .... .1 ~ Foll'Y, .Frank W ...... 39-24 Wauna Vista, Vancouver..... II~.~::~:r~:.I ~:Z;~i::: :j 17 DeJrlOf'Tutit' Q)Frd:-c. Hl'rhert B., .. , .... ~:l;! Frazier Dr.• Walill Wulla. ". Wulill Wul1u ... 11 Hepuhlkull CG :;~~~;~;.:~c,r ',,~M~'~II:: ~J1\ ~:: .. ~·;lt~~~~k~II;·~~:~~;III~~~\ ttle...... " 1 Kil\~. PI:rt...... ,I.. g~:::~::~::: I:: ...... ,ti~'~U~~:~I~ ~!I~'rtt:1 ::u (irei\'c, H. H. (BOh) ... 4!;,,'}. ) l'llIl1u\a Drive, i'l1)alllc.. "'ing', purt .. ;~4 ])clllOl'r:zlil' HYPPA, El.M£R A. (Sergeant-at-Arms) QJ Jillllllllcr, Wl\hllr G .. 1'. Q. Box I;l!)~, Oroville.. Il>ollglu!; ...... / 1 1)clllO<'Tatil' IOkullog-an.... j (Democrat) from the 25th District CDHunlln, H. 11. (.Jerry) "' 1 11 :;0 Silrin/.:'water Ave., Wenutehee .. Chelall...... B DCIlI(wrntl(' of Pierce county served 2 regular and 2 special sessions in the House. Born at Wilkeson in 1919. :~;::~:,;:::,~~::::,~~~, •• " .••••• 1 ~',O~:;~:;:,~:~~~::~~~~~~:':,:e.·.·.·.·.· .. ·• i~~,~FtiLT·::1 :,~ ~~~';.';~'~:~. Hofmeister. Louis E.. 1777 M('H\I~1z Ave., .Enullll'luw. King. part.. . . . ::0 DClll()<'rutit' Graduate of Buckley High School. CDh 'Y. Eugene D...... :nO Lindell 'Vu ), ...... Yaldnw, plIrt .. H Hellul,lknn (l)K('( 'fe. ,JHIllC.'l ··,lillllUY"·· 41 2 W. Glass Ave., Hpokullc ...... 1 S·).lOk II Ill' , PHit.., Dcmoc'rntil' He is a dairy farmer. World War Kimball, Ihlrohl G...... ;-1410 Ballurl'! .\\.'c., i'lcutt.le.... " .... KinK, pu rL .... H J)cmo('rulk (i: !\t!ot']nll(']l, R(~uhcn A... Houte.t, Box L!7, S!lllUH~r ...... Piertt', IHlrt .... :!:j rk~lJlonllti(' II Veteran with the Seabees in the G) Kllpkll. GporKI! W...... t)()1 ~o. ';0" i'lL, TII('oma ...... , ])ien'c , purL . . . 1.7 Dt'lIl(wruli,' South Pacific for 3 years. Be­ (f)l.t'llllurt, ":rlll ! ~t '\.. ... Houte I, Everson ...... Wha\('OlIl, part ~I H(ipuhlkull 0 ,'tIurtin, Fred .1.. Itod:port, Washington .... \Han .Jnan ...... / 40 Dcmocratic longs to the Masons, Grange, Elks,

~\l('nlltdlcOIl, ,!'olm 'I'.. Hos: !iI , StcHlIeoom.. . .. Il~'~l~r~~t.. j.·z;l·l:: :~ ~~l D('ll1ocl'lllil' VFW and is Wash. State Vice-Pres. l!t'l\IilJllft, Dllvid E.. HOllle :l, Colvlllc...... ~~~~~~I;~~ ( :i.I~I ~ .. :: ~ D(!IllOI'rU Iit: of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. 0 :\('ill, ~lilr f.;l1 l11[ .\.. .. . 414 Dcxt('r Ht .. P\lllmun...... WhitlllUll.. 0 Hellllhli!:ulI Married and has 3 sons. (I):\'onhpLl:llIo('!'IIlie Pl'trkh • .Iolln A. ",I "I'k" . l!n5 :\0. Ce( lur, 'r'i(:Olllll...... Picn'c, I;al"t. :!Ii Ilmmwral ie Q; Puni... , Hulph .... :star Houte 1, Box ;t~I, Bremerton.. Kill'i,lp . . .. ;2;] DClllol'ratil' (..\da lll:< . . . l ltunl,;'u"'t,W. C .. Odessa, Wllsilington ...... l _Ferry...... ~ Hepuhlknll l Uneoln.... Hiley, Edwurd F .. !tiN !Itll .\vc.. Scuttlc...... }\llll-', }lllri. .... :;;) DcmoI.'TIlt.i(· C!) RoUII, llowlird.. Star Route I, Asotin ... .. J& ~~)l~:::i)i;I::: ::l]o Delllol'TlI1il' lGarHel,!. .. .J (;:)11 5iilh Ave. :\.E., Seuttle.. .. (~I~~;l1l:/.'~t : :::i 4G HepullJirllo @!'Iulllli1

~ :-i('J!1!lnl!('lter, Henry L.. 701'; Hllodo(h'ndron Drivr., Y tl.JWO IiVer Clark, PliTt.. ,19 R()lllllllif'llll HIIIIllIIOJI, Willilllll D ... .. lBO-Z Parksltle Drive, Senttle.. King, pllr\.. 4:\ Hepuilliran Huthf'rlunfl. PlltriC'k D .. Tlcm(wrutic 0 Tallc)', Don I.. ~~~N~l~g~ l~~I:t~~i;~::" ..... : {~~~~Iit~~l.r.t .. : ::j :t~ DClllocratie /WlIhkiakum .. \ ~1~!:i(~~li~:~~I~~:\~)~~~ ('.. ;Ir. ~~~) 1~~~~ ~:::' I<~~I~~;'~~'.·.·· .... ::::: \~;~l~lt .1~~.r .t: .. :; 1 ~ ~ 5~ :;;~: ,I:~; '~;~ P\:itt.Jtt'f.;. I WOOdll ll , Pern' n. ,,"' .. P. O. Box rm, 'l'oppenish ...... Yakima, purt.. Iii RCPllb1i(' HIl Zellnick. Victor...... I It!!!. oth Ayc. W., Scuttle...... j h:illJ<. ptlrl... ;lti Nellllhli('an

$R Holdover. PII."itioll f.;ulljef'\ to 1!)! lO I"tutc General Elcrt!on. "t) /':11'('(c(\ to llIH!xpired tl'TIII. P08ition ~!Itl.ied to 1!J4,;c) State (,(Jneral EII.'('\iol1. ® Elcelc( i to two·)'l·ar term. POSition suhject to l!XiO Stull' Gencral Elef'lion .

..------~~------~,------WEDEKIND, MAX (Democrat) Repre­ ANGEVINE, WAYNE G. (Democrat) sentative from the 34th District Senator from the 32nd District of of King County. Legislative Ex­ King County. Legislative ex­ perience-1945-47-49-50 Ex.-51 2nd perience - serving his first term Ex -53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at San in the Senate. He was born in Fr"ancisco, Calif. in 1899. He Seattle in 1935. Graduated from attended the Calif. School of Highline High School and has a Mechanical Arts and Mission Col­ B.A. degree in Political Science lege. He is now a labor repre­ from Seattle University. Is em­ sentative. Belongs to Eagl';ls, ployed in Public Relations. He is Moose and Odd Fellows. MarrIed single. and has 1 daughter.

BAILEY, ROBERT C. (BOB) (Democrat) Senator from the 19th District of WINTLER, MISS ELLA (Republican) Pacific County. Legislative Ex­ Representative from the 49th perience-House 1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd District of Clark County (Part). Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55 Senate-57. Born Legislative Experience-1939-43­ at Raymond, Wash. in 1918. Gradu­ 44 Ex.-4~ Ex.-51-51 Ex.-~l 2nd ated from high school and is a Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Bor~ at printer by trade. Served 4~ years Vancouver, Washington. S~e IS a in the Navy during World War II. graduate of the UniversIty of Belongs to Eagles. 40 et 8. Ameri­ Washington with an A.B. and A.M. can Legion. VFW. Military order Degree. of cooties. Masons, Boy Scout District committee. Married and has one son.

WITHERBEE, C. G. (Democrat) Rep~e­ BARGREEN, HOWARD S. (Democrat) sentative from the 31st DistrIct Senator from the 38th Dist.of Is­ of King County. He was appointed land & Snohomish Counties. Legis­ in June 1958 to succeed Ed Munro. lative Experience-House-1949- Ex.­ He was ~lected in November so will 50--Senate-1941-43-Ex.-44-45-51-53 be serving his first term. Born -Ex.-53-55-57. Born at Everett at Frazer, in 1922. He in 1906. Attended the U. of Wash­ has a high school education and Served in the National Guard. is a Business Representative for Owns a coffee roasting and Aeronautical Industrial District restaurant equipment supply co. Lodge No. 751, International Belongs to Elks. Eagles. Sons of Association of Machinists, AFL­ Norway, Masons and Yacht Club. CIO. Member Moose Lodge. He is Married and has four children. married and they have 6 children.

CONNOR, FRANK (Democrat) Senator from the 33rd District of King Co. Legislative Experience-House-1951­ 51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex. 55 was appointed to Senate in 1957. He was elected to the Senate to serve in 1959 Session. Born at Seattle in 1916. Graduate of ~Dea High School. He is Deputy Assessor of King Co. Belongs to the Knights of Columbus. Senator Connor is married. COONEY, JOHN L. (Democrat) Senator ~ from the 5th District of Spokane TWI DWELL, MRS. VI VI EN M. (Demo­ COunty. Legislative Experience­ ~ crat) Representative from the 21st House-1951-51 Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -55­ D~strict of Grays Harbor. This Senate-57. Born at Condon, Ore.in wIll be her second term in the 1915. Graduate of Gonzaga U. with Ho use. B0 r n inAbe r dee n. an LL,B.Degree and is a practicing She has a business education and lawyer. Belongs to Elks, Knights runs a grocery store. Belongs of Columbus and Washington State to the Rebecca's. Married and Grange. He is married and has 4 has two children. children. )

COWEN, DR. DAVI D C. (Democrat) Senator from the 7th Dist. of UHLMAN, WES C. (Democrat) Repre­ Spokane Co. Leg. Experience-House sentative from the 32nd District -1935-37-39-41-Senate-1943 Ex. 44­ of King County. Serving first 45-47-49- Ex. 50-51-53-53 Ex.-55­ term in the Legislature. Born in 57. Senior member of Legislature 1935 at Cashmere, Wash. He at­ with continuous service was born tended Seattle Pacific College; at Portland, Ore. in 1900. Gradu­ graduated from U. of W. with B.A. ated from Ore. U. & is a Dentist. in Political science and is now Vice-Pres. Spokane Planning Comm., in the third year at the U. of W. Dir. of United Crusades, Muscular Law School. He belongs to the Dystrophy and Retarded Childrens following fraternal orders­ Committee & on Public Library Pi Sigma Alpha, Phi Alpha Del ta, Comm. Belongs to Shrine, Mason and & Theta Delta Chi. He is married. Elks. He is single.

DeGARMO, V. F. (VI C) (Democrat) VANE, Z. A. (Democrat) Representa­ Senator from the 22nd District of tive from the 29th District of Thurston County. Legislative Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ Experience-this is his second ses­ perience-House-1933-Ex. 33-37-39­ sion in the legislature. Born at 41-43 Ex. 44-45-47-49. Senate­ Staples, Minnesota in 1914. He 1953- Ex. -53. House-1955-57. is a graduate of Olympia High He was born in Wisconsin in 1892. School and served ~ years in the Attended normal school and college Marines. He is associated with and is engaged in a finance busi­ the Olympia Brewing Company. ness. Served in World War 1. Member of Eagles, Moose, Lions Member of the Elks, Knights of American Legion and VFW. He ha~ Columbus and Eagles. He is mar­ one son. ried.

WA NG, ARNOLD S. (Republican) Representative from the 23rd DIXON, GERALD GEORuE (Democrat) District of Kitsap County. Legis­ Senator from the 28th District of lative Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55­ Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ 57. Born at Chicago, Ill. in 1900. perience-House-1935-37-39. Sen­ He graduated from hi~h school ate-1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49-Ex.-50­ also has taken severaC extension 51-53-Ex.53-55-57. Born at courses in real estate law and London, England in 1884. Graduate general procedure in real estate of Public Schools in England and business. Is in real estate and has some special training. Was investment business. Member of a locomotive engineer for 40 Eagles, Elks, Son's of Norway, years. Belongs to the Eagles. Lions, Chamber of C anmerce and Married and has 3 daughters. Wash. Athletic Club. Married and has 3 children. EJ ...IL --

SPEER, JOHN B. (Democrat) Repre~ DURKAN, MARTI NJAMES JR. (Demo­ sentative from the 47th District crat) Senator from the 47th Dis­ of King county. He will be serv­ trict of King County. Legislative ing his first term in the House Experience-House-1957 will be of Representatives. Born in serving his first term in the Sen­ Oklahoma in 1920. He earned ate.Born at Great Falls,Mont. in his B.A. from George Washington 1924. Graduate of the U. of Wash. U. and his LL.B. from the Univer­ Law School and is a practicing sity. He is a lawyer. Married attorney. Veteran of World War II. and they have a son and daughter. Married and has 3 children.

ELWAY, HARRY STEWART, JR. (Repub­ STOCKER, PAUL M. (Democrat) Repre­ lican) Senator from the 21st Dis­ sentative from the 38th District trict of Grays Harbor Co. Legis­ of Island and Snohomish COunties. lative Experience-House-1953-53 Legislative Experience-1953-53 Ex. Ex. -55-57. Will be serving his -55-57. Born at City, Ore. 1st term in the Senate. Born at in 1924. Attended University of Hoquiam in 1920. Attended San Washington and has an LL.B. Francisco Jr. College is now man­ Degree from Willamette Law School. ager of a plumbing supply co. He is an attorney. Served in the Served during World War II. Past Navy Air Corps during World War Commander-Post #5 of the Am. Lee­ II. Member Veterans of Foreign ion. Belongs to the VFW, DAV, Wars, Judge Advocates Association Masons, Elks, Forty et Eight, and American Club. Married and Eagles and the Grange. He is has two sons. married and has 3 children.

FOLEY, FRMIK W. (Democrat) Senator from the 17th District of Clark SWAYZE, MRS. THOMAS A. (FRANCES) County. Serving his 2nd Session­ (Republican) Representative from in the legislature having been the 26th District of Pierce elected in Nov. 1956. Born in County. Legislative Experience­ Spokane in 1913. Received 1953-53 Ex. -55-57. Born at B.A. Degree from Washington State Council Bluffs, Iowa. She has a and a graduate of Gonzaga Uni­ B.A. Degree from the College of versity School of Law with a and is now employed LL.B. Degree. He is a practicing as Dean of Women of the College. attorney. Served in the Army dur­ Belongs to Pi Beta Phi Fraternity ing World War II. Member of Kappa and PEO Sisterhood. She is mar­ Sigma Fraternity and Elks Lodge. ried and has 5 children. Married in 1937

TESlU, JEANETIE (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 34th District FREISE, HERBERT (Republican) Sen­ of King Co. Legislative Exper­ ator from the 11th District of ience-1943-44 Ex.-49-50 Ex.-51-51 Walla Walla County. He will Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -53-53 Ex. -55-57. be serving his 2nd Session in till Born at Pierre, So. Dak. and legislature. Born in Palatine, graduated fram Normal College and Illinois in 1917. Graduate of is employed as a Deputy Sheriff Valparaiso University with a of King County. Member of the B.A. and B.L.C. he is a lawyer. Am. Legion Auxiliary, Eagles, Served in the Navy during World Elks and Business and Professional War II. Married in 1949 they Women, YWCA, Local #987-Deputy have three children. Sheriffs and other numerous organ­ izations. Married and has 3 children.

L HANNA, H. B. (J ERRY) (Democrat) GALLAGHER, MICHAEL J. (Democrat) Senator from the 12th District of Senator frum the 45th District of Chelan County. Legislative Ex­ King Oounty. Legislative Exper­ perience-House-1955. Served in ience-House-1943-Ex.- 44-49-Ex. 50. the Senate in 1957. Born at Senate-1945-51-53-Ex.53-55-57. Wenatchee in 1921. Graduate of Born at Indianapolis, Ind. in 1911. Valpariso University, Indiana, He attended business college and in 1949 with a law degree. He is is now engaged in real estate bus­ an attorney. He served 3~ years iness. He is married. in U.S. Army during World War II. Belongs to the Elks and Kiwanis Club. Sen. Hanna is married and has one daughter.

GI SSBERG, WI LLI A.\1 A. (Democrat) HAPPY, JOHN H. (Republican) Sen­ Senator from the 39th District of ator from the 6th District of Island and Snohomish County. Spokane County. Legislative Ex­ Legislative Experience-1953-Ex. perience-1947-49-Ex. 50-51-53­ 53-55-57. Born at Everett in 1922. 53 Ex. -55-57. Born at Spokane Graduating from University of in 1895. Attended the University Washington wi th B. S. and LL. B. of Washington. Has an Insurance Degrees and he is an attorney. Agency. Served cverseas in World Served in World War II as a War 1. Member cf Del ta Kappa Marine. Belongs to the Elks and Epsilon. Sen. Happy is married Kiwanis. Married and has 2 sons and has one son. and 1 daughter.

GREI VE, R. R. (BOB) (Democrat) Senator from the 34th District of HENRY, AL (Democrat) Senator from King County. Legislative Exper­ the 16th District comprising ience-1947-49-Ex. 50-51-53-Ex.­ Benton & Franklin Counties. 53-55-57. Born at West Seattle Legislative Experience-House-1941­ in 1919. He is a graduate of Law 45-51-51 Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -55­ School at Miami, Florida and has Senate-1957. Born in Ness County attended University of Washington Kansas in 1911. Has taken a busi­ and Seattle University. He is ness course and is a telephone an attorney. Served in the Coast executive. Served in World War II. Guards during WOrld War II. Be­ He is married and they have two longs to Lions, Eagles, American daughters. Legion and Sportsmen. Married and has three children.

HALLAUE~ WILBUR ~ (Democrat) HERRMANN, KARL V. (Democrat) Sen­ Senator from the 1st District of ator from the 4th District of Douglas and Okanogan Counties. Spokane Oounty. He will be serv­ Legislative Experience-House-1949­ ing his second term in the Senate. 50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Born at Granite Falls, Wash. in Ex. -55. Senate-1957. Born at 1915. Attended College of Puget Webster, N. Y. in 1914. Graduate Sound, Washington State College of U. of Wash. He is a factory and graduated from Gonzaga Uni­ manager and a farm and apartment versity with LL.B. Degree and is house owner. He was married in a lawyer. Sen. Herrmann is mar­ 1942 and has two daughters. ried and they have 3 sons and a daughter. HANNA, H. B. (J ERRY) (Democrat) GALLAGHER, MICHAEL J. (Democrat) Senator from the 12th District of Senator frum the 45th District of Chelan County. Legislative Ex­ King Oounty. Legislative Exper­ perience-House-1955. Served in ience-House-1943-Ex.- 44-49-Ex. 50. the Senate in 1957. Born at Senate-1945-51-53-Ex.53-55-57. Wenatchee in 1921. Graduate of Born at Indianapolis, Ind. in 1911. Valpariso University, Indiana, He attended business college and in 1949 with a law degree. He is is now engaged in real estate bus­ an attorney. He served 3~ years iness. He is married. in U.S. Army during World War II. Belongs to the Elks and Kiwanis Club. Sen. Hanna is married and has one daughter.

GI SSBERG, WI LLI A.\1 A. (Democrat) HAPPY, JOHN H. (Republican) Sen­ Senator from the 39th District of ator from the 6th District of Island and Snohomish County. Spokane County. Legislative Ex­ Legislative Experience-1953-Ex. perience-1947-49-Ex. 50-51-53­ 53-55-57. Born at Everett in 1922. 53 Ex. -55-57. Born at Spokane Graduating from University of in 1895. Attended the University Washington wi th B. S. and LL. B. of Washington. Has an Insurance Degrees and he is an attorney. Agency. Served cverseas in World Served in World War II as a War 1. Member cf Del ta Kappa Marine. Belongs to the Elks and Epsilon. Sen. Happy is married Kiwanis. Married and has 2 sons and has one son. and 1 daughter.

GREI VE, R. R. (BOB) (Democrat) Senator from the 34th District of HENRY, AL (Democrat) Senator from King County. Legislative Exper­ the 16th District comprising ience-1947-49-Ex. 50-51-53-Ex.­ Benton & Franklin Counties. 53-55-57. Born at West Seattle Legislative Experience-House-1941­ in 1919. He is a graduate of Law 45-51-51 Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -55­ School at Miami, Florida and has Senate-1957. Born in Ness County attended University of Washington Kansas in 1911. Has taken a busi­ and Seattle University. He is ness course and is a telephone an attorney. Served in the Coast executive. Served in World War II. Guards during WOrld War II. Be­ He is married and they have two longs to Lions, Eagles, American daughters. Legion and Sportsmen. Married and has three children.

HALLAUE~ WILBUR ~ (Democrat) HERRMANN, KARL V. (Democrat) Sen­ Senator from the 1st District of ator from the 4th District of Douglas and Okanogan Counties. Spokane Oounty. He will be serv­ Legislative Experience-House-1949­ ing his second term in the Senate. 50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Born at Granite Falls, Wash. in Ex. -55. Senate-1957. Born at 1915. Attended College of Puget Webster, N. Y. in 1914. Graduate Sound, Washington State College of U. of Wash. He is a factory and graduated from Gonzaga Uni­ manager and a farm and apartment versity with LL.B. Degree and is house owner. He was married in a lawyer. Sen. Herrmann is mar­ 1942 and has two daughters. ried and they have 3 sons and a daughter. HESS, AHDY (Democrat) Senator from the 31st District of King PERRY, ROBERT A. (Democrat) Repre­ County. Legislative Experience­ sentative from the 45th District House-1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53­ of King County. He will be serv­ 53-55. Senate-1957. Born in ing his first term in the Legis­ Abilene, Kansas in 1923. Attended lature. Born in 1921 at New York U. of Wash. and graduated with B.A. City. Is a high school graduate and graduate studies in Economics. and U.S. M.S. school of Engineering. He is a Real Estate Appraiser, He is Business Representative for Broker. Member planning consul­ Local 46, I. B. E. W. He was a tant firm. Served in Pacific, U. Merchant Marine Engineering Of­ S. Navy during World War II. ficer in World War II and the Member Grange, Elks, VFW and Korean Conflict. Married and has AMVETS. Marri ed and has 3 two daughters. ch i 1 dren.

HOFMEI STER, LOU IS E. (Democrat) PRITCHARD, JOEL McFEE (Republican) Senator from the 30th District Representative from the 36th Dis­ of King County. Legislative trict of King County. Serving his Experience-House-1943-44 Ex.-45­ first term. Born at seattle in 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex. 51 2nd Ex.-53­ 1925 he attended Queen Anne High 53 Ex. Senate-1955-57. Born at School and later attended Marietta Portage on Vashon Island in 1893. Co 11 ege in Ohio. He is Vice He is a salesman. Served overseas President of Griffin Envelope during World War I. Past State Company. Served in the Infantry Commander of the Veterans of during World War II. Member of Foreign Wars. Member of the Am. the Kiwanis. He is married and Legion, Moose, Eagles and State they have 4 children. Grange. He is married.

IVY, EUGEH E D. (Republ ican) Sen­ ator from the 14th District of Yakima County. Legislative Ex­ RASMUSSEN, A. L. (Democrat) Repre­ perience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born sentative from the 28th District at Bossburg, Washington in 1897. of Pierce County. Legislative He is an attorney having received Experience-1945-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 his LL.B. Degree from the Univer­ Ex.-52 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. si ty of Washington. Served in Born at Everett, Wash. in 1909. World War I. Bel mgs to Elks, Attended the Public Schools of Eagles, Masonic Bodies, American Tacoma and is a railroad machin­ Legion, Gyro International of ist. He was married in 1940 and Yakima. Widowed in 1936 he they have four children. married again in 1944 and has 2 daughters from his first marriage.

RICKDAL~ RALPH L. (Republican) KEEFE, JAMES EDWARD (Democrat) Representative from the 40th Dis­ Senator from the 3rd District of trict of San Juan and Skagit Coun­ Spokane County. Legislative Ex­ ties. Legislative Experience­ perience-1949-50 Ex.-51-53-53. Ex- will be serving his second term. 55-57. Born at New York City in Born at Burlington in 1911. He 1908. Graduate of Gonzaga High has an LL.B. Degree from the Law School. He is Public Relations School of National U. Washington, and Sales Representative for D. C. He is a berry processor and B-Line Transport Co. in Spokane. fruit grower. Member of the Elks Belopgs to the Elks Club. Married and Moose. He is married and they and they have two sons. have 2 sons. O'CONNELL, W. J. (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 28th District of Pierce County. Serving his KIMBALL, HAROLD G. (Democrat) first term in the House. Born at Senator from the 44th District of Tacoma in 1922. Attended College King County. Legislative Ex­ of Puget Sound graduating with perience-Senate-47 and was elected A.B. and B.E. degrees. He is an again in 1950 and 1958. He' was educator and coach in Tacoma. Was born in Minnesota and is 62 years in the Army Air Force serving as of age. He is publisher of the a pilot. Belongs to the Eagles. Ballard News in Seattle. Is married and has three sons.

OLSEN, RAY (Democrat) Representa­ tive from the 35th District of KNOBLAUCH, REUBEN A. (Democrat) King County. Legislative Exper­ Senator from the 25th District of ience-1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ Ex.-55-57. Born at Baker, Ore. in perience-House-1947-49 Ex.-50 ­ 1904. Member World Fair Com­ 51-51 Ex. -51 2nd. Senate-1953­ mission. Editor of the Allied 53 Ex. -55-57. Born at Sumner in Food & Beverage Magazine for the 1914. Graduate of Sumner High Wash. State Restaurant Assn. Be­ School. He is a farmer. Belongs longs to Elks, Eagles, Washington to the Elks, Grange, Am. Legion Athletic Club, Ad Club and Swedish and VFW. He isn't married. Club. He is married.

PAPAJANI, JOHN (Democrat) Repre­ KUPKA, GEORGE W. (Democrat) Sen­ sentative from the 44th District ator from the 27th District of of King County. Newly elected Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ member of the House. He was born perience-House-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 in Albania in 1912. He is a Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55. graduate of the University of Senate-55-57. Born at South Washington and is now a salesman. Prairie, Washington in 1912. Has Military service retired U.S.N.R. a high school education. He is Belongs to Eagles, Elks, Lions, in the jewelery business. Served VFW and Order of Ahepa. Married in the Navy during World War II. and they have three children. Belongs to the Elks, Eagles, Tacoma Civic Club. He is single.

PENCE, STANLEY (Republican) Rep­ LENNART, ERNEST W. (Republican) resentative from the 14th District Senator from the 41st District of of Yakima County. Will be serving Whatcom County. Legislative Ex­ his first term in the House. Born perience-House-1941-43-Ex. 44-51. in Iowa in 1896. He has a high Senate-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born in school education. Is a farmer Sweden in 1893. Attended college and manager rrf Yakima Dairymen's and is now in the seed business. Assn. Served in the First World Served in World War I. Belongs War and is a member of the Ameri­ to the Masons, Legion, VFW, can Legion. He was married in Grange and Farm Bureau. Married 1921. and has 5 children. MARTIN, FRED J. (Democrat) MUNDY, ROY (Democrat) Represent­ Senator from the 40th District ative from the 13th District of of San Juan and Skagit Counties. Grant and Kittitas Counties. Leg­ Legislative Experience-House­ islative Experience -1953-53 Ex.­ 1935-37-39-41-43-44 Ex. Senate­ 1955-57, Born at Abbeville, S. C. 1957. Born at Rockport, Wash. in in 1912. Attended University of 1897. He has a high school edu­ Washington for two years and is a cation and is a cattle rancher. Real Estate Broker. veteran of Served during World War One, World War II. He belongs to the Member of the Knights of Columbus Elks Club in Ephrata. He is Grange and American Legion. Sen. married. Martin is married and they have two sons.

McCUTCHEON, JOHN T. (Democrat) NEVA, GENE G. (Democrat) Repre­ Senator from the 29th District of sentative from the 21st District Pierce County, Legislative Ex­ of Grays Harbor County. Will be perience - House-1941, Senate­ serving his 2nd term in the Leg­ 1943 Ex.44-45-47-49. Born in islature. Born at Kensal, N. Da­ Tacoma, Wash. March 23, 1892. ko ta in 1924. He maj ored in Rectived his law degree from the forestry engineering. Is employed Indiana University and attended as a civil engineer. Served in the n. of Wash. 1 year. He is a for­ Navy during World War II. Belongs mer mayor of Steilacoom and is to Elks, Eagles, Engineer's As­ a practicing attorney. Belongs sociation and Polish Club. Mar­ to Eagles, Grange & Masons. He ried in 1944 they have 3 children. is married and has 3 children.

McMI LLAN, DAVI D E. (Democrat) NICHOLSON, PAT (Democrat) Repre­ Senator from the 2nd District sentative from the 23rd District which comprises Pend Oreille and of Kitsap County. Legislative Stevens County. He served in the Experience-he will be serving Senate in 1935-37-39 so will be his second term in the House of serving his 5th session. Born at Representatives. Born at Tacoma Colville in 1897. He attended the in 1929. Graduate of University University of Washington. He is and Army General School (Intelli­ a farmer and raises livestock. gence Analyst.) Radio and Tele­ Served in World War 1. Member vision Writer and Broadcaster. Elks, Masons and American Legion. Served in the Army in 1952 to He is married and they have 2 1954. He is single. daughters.

0' BRI EN, JOHN L. (Democrat) Repre­ NEIL~ MARSHALL A. (Republican) sentative from the 33rd District Senator from the 9th District of of King County. Legislative Ex­ Whitman County. Legislative Ex­ perience-1941-43-44 EX.-45-49-50 perience-House-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex. Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -53-53 Ex. -55. He -55-57. Born in Seattle in 1911. will be serving his second session Graduate of the Western Institute in the Senate. Born at Pullman of Professional Accounting, is a in 1914. He has a B.A. Degree Certified Public Accountant and from Washington State and LL.B. has done extension work from the from University of Idah 0 and is U. of Wash. Served in Coast Guard. a lawyer. Served in the U. S. Belongs to Eagles, Knights of Col­ Navy during World War II. Member umbus and Washington Athletic of the Elks and Masonic Order. Club. He was Majority Leader in Married and has 3 children. 1951 and 53. Speaker of the House in 1955-57 and &9. Married and ~has a son and daughter. ~ MORGAN, FRANCES HADDON (Democrat) Representative from the 23rd Dist. ~ NORDQUIST, DALE M. (Republican) of Kitsap County. Born in Brem­ Senator from the 20th District of erton. Very active in Democratic Lewis County. Legi.slative Exper­ Party. Graduate of Business Col­ ience-1953-Ex. 53-55-57. Born near lege, owns & operates a Wel­ Underwood, North Dakota in 1914. coming Service. 1957 appointed Senator Nordquist is a lawyer to Gov. Council for Children & .. and holds B. A. and LL. B. De­ Youth. Member Ladies IT Elks, P. T. grees from the University of A., Soroptimist & Wash. Assn. North Dakota. Was a Naval Aviator Retarded Children. Married and has and served as a Lieutenant Com­ 2 daughters. Mrs. Morgan is fol­ mander during World War II. Be­ lowing in the footsteps of her longs to the Grange and Elks. mother, Lulu D. Haddon who has Married and has 2 children. been a member of the House and Senate.

NUNAMAKER, HOMER O. (Democrat) MORI ARTY, CHARLES P., JR. (Re­ Senator from the 42nd District publican) Representative from the of Whatcom County. Legislative 36th District of King county. He Experience-House-1943-44 Ex.-45­ will be serving his second term. 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex. Born at Seattle in 1927. He has Senate-1955-57. Born at Greenup, his B.A. and LL.B. Degrees from Illinois in 1891. Attended East­ the University of Washington and ern State Normal in Illinois and is practicing law. Belongs to has business administration edu­ Elks, American Legion, Knights of cation. He is a retired grocery­ Columbus. Served with the Judge man. Belongs to Eagles and A.O.O. Advocate General's Corps in -the W. He is married. Army in 1952-53. He is single.

PETRICH, JOHN A. (Democrat) Sen­ MORPHIS, RICHA~D ~ (Republican) ator from the 26th District of Representative from the 7th Dis­ Pierce County. Legislative Ex~ trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ perience-House-1957 so will be tive Experience-he is serving serving his first term in the second term in the House. Born Senate. Born at Tacoma in 1919. at Spokane in 1929. Graduate of Attended U. of Wash., graduated Walla Walla College with a B.A. from U. of Santa Clara and has Degree in Business AdminiRtration. law degree from Georgetown Uni­ He is Business Manager of a Spo­ versity and is a practicing kane Sanitarium. Belongs to the attorney. Served in the Navy Elks and Odd Fellows. Married in in World War II. Belongs to the 1952 they have one son. Elks, Sen. Petrich is married and they have 6 children.

MORRISSEY, ED (Republican) Repre­ sentative from the 14th District of Yakima County. Will be serv­ PURV IS, RALPH (Democrat) Senator ing his first term. Born at Salt from the 23rd District of Kitsap Lake City in 1923. He attended County. Legislative Experience­ St. Martin's College, Seattle House-1953-53 Ex.-55. Senate-55­ University, Graduated from U. of 57. Born at Bremerton in 1909. Wash. with a B.A. in Journalism in Has a Bachelor of Law Degree from 1949. He is Director of Promotion the University of Washington. He -Public Relations for Cascade is an attorney. Served 5 years Broadcasting Co. Served in U.S. in the U.S. Navy. Belongs to Marine Corps during World War II. the Masons. He is married and Member BPOE, Yakima Lodge, 318. they have two children. and Kiwanis Club. Married and has four children. RAUGUST, W. C. (Republican) Senator from the 8th District con­ sisting of Adams, Ferry and Lin­ McCORMICK, W. L. "BILL" (Democrat) coln Counties. Legislative Exper­ Representative from the 5th Dis­ ience-House-1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49. trict of Spokane County. He will Senate-Ex. 1950-51-53-Ex.53-55-57. be serving his second term in the Born in Russia in 1895. Has a Legislature. Born at Waukon business education and is a mer­ Iowa in 1925. He went to schooi chant dealing in farm investments, 12 years and is a machinist. wheat and farm implements Served as a tail gunner in the Served in World War I. Hold~ Air ~orce during World War II. several positions in private i~ MarrIed and has a 5 year old dustries and civic associa­ daughter. t ions. Bel mgs to the Lions and American Legion. Married and has 5 children.

RI LEY, EDWARD F. (Democrat) Sen­ McFADDEN, DR. JAMES L. (Democrat) ator from the 35th District of representative from the 24th Dis­ King County. Legislative Exper­ trict consisting of Clallam, Jef­ ience-House-1939-41-43-Ex. 44-45­ fer~on and Mason Counties. Legis­ 47-49-Ex. 50. Senate-1951-53­ latl~e Experience-1955-57. Born Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Seattle in at VIctoria, B.C., Canada in 1899. 1898. Attended University of Graduate of the University of Washington and is Vice President Tor?nt? in Medicine and Surgery. of Plumbing & Heating Wholesale He IS In general practice of medi­ House. Served in the Army during cine and surgery. Belrngs to the World War 1. Belongs to the Masonic Lodge and Elks. Married Kiwanis Club, American Legion and and has one son. Theta Delta Chi. Married and has two sons.

MEYE RS, VICTOR A. JR. (Democrat) Representative from the 31st Dist ROUP, HOWARD (Democrat) Senator of King Co. is a newly elected mem­ from the 10th District comprising ber of the House . Born at San Asotin, Coillmbia and Garfield Diego, Calif.in 1924. He attended Counties. Legislative Experience­ Iowa State Teachers College, Senate-1937-39-45-47-49-Ex. 50-51­ Seattle U. and U. of Wash. Law 53 Ex.53-55-57. Born in North School. He owns and manages an Carolina in 1884. Graduated from Equipment & Tire Co. Spent 1~ normal College he is now engaged years overseas as Capt. pilot in in farming and raises livestock. the Air Force during World War II. Belongs to Masonic Lodge, Shrine, Member Elks, Knights of Columbus Elks and Moose. Sen. Roup was Am. Legion, VFW and P.T.A. He i~ IItlrried in 1914. married and they have 2 daughters and 2 sons.

MOOS, DO NALD W. (Republican) Representative from the 8th Dist. RYDER, JOHN N. (Republican) Sena­ of Adams, Ferry and Lincoln Coun­ tor from the 46th District of King ties. Serving his first term in County. Legislative Experience­ the Legislature. Was born in 1923 House-1953-Ex. 53 &Senate-55-57. at Spokane and is a graduate of Born at Seattle in 1907. Attended W.S.C. in 1947 with a B.S. degree. University of Washington and is a Served as an infantryman in World graduate of the School of Banking War II. Belongs to Mason, Royal Rutgers University. He is ~ Arch Mason, Knight Templar,Shrine banker. Belongs to the Ravenna Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Zeta' Lodge F. H A.M. Married and has Phi Kappa Phi and Grange. He i~ three children. a farmer. Married and has 2 chil­ dren. -

SA ND I SON, GO RDON (Democrat) ". - Senator from the 24th Dist. Com­ MAHAFFEY, AUDLEY F. (Republican) prising Clallam, Jefferson & Mason Representative from the 46th Dis­ Counties. Leg. Experience-House­ trict. Served in 1945 and 47 so 1949-50 EX.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.­ will be serving his 3rd term. 51-53 Ex. -55. Senate-1955-57. Born at Pawnee, Okla. in 1899. Born at Auburn in 1919. College Has a Masters of Arts in History graduate and two years post grad­ from the U. of Wash. He has uate work, also graduate of taught 35 years. Served in the Hartford Fire Insurance Training Navy during World War I. He is a center, he is an insurance agent. Mason, member I.O. O.F. and Shrine. Served in the Marines during World Married and has 3 living children, War II. Belongs to Elks, Eagles, one son deceased. VFW, Grange and Army-Navy Legion of Valor. Married and they have four children.

MARDESI CH, AUGUST P. (Democrat) Representative from the 38th Dis­ trict, Island and Snohomish SCHUMACHER, DR. HENRY L. (Republi­ Counties. Legislative Experience­ can) Senator from the 49th Dis­ 1950-Ex.-51 EX.-51 2nd EX.-53-53 trict will be serving his first Ex. -55-57. Born at San Pedro, term. Born at Omaha, Nebr. in Calif. in 1920. He has a B.A. and 1912. Graduate of Northern Illi­ LL.B.Degree from the University of nois College and is a practicing Washington is engaged in fish Optometrist. Member Elks Lodge packing and is an attorney. and Rotary International. He Served in the Army during World was married in 1933 and has one War II. Belongs to the Elks, VFW, son and a daughter. and American Legion. Married and has one son and two daughters.

MARSH, SHIRLEY R. (Democrat) Rep­ resentative from the 18th Dist. comprising Cowlitz and Wahkiakum SHANNON, WILLIAM D. (Republican) Counties. He served in the Senate Senator from the 43rd District of in 1941 and 1943. Born at Kelso King County. Legislative Exper­ in 1906. Graduate of the U. of ience-House-47-49. Senate-Ex. 50­ Wash. with an A.B. and LL.B. De­ 51-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Park­ gree and is an attorney. He has ville, New York in 1881. He has served as city councilman, Co. a B.S.Degree in Civil Engineering Prosecuting Atty. and Asst. Atty. from the University of Michigan Gen. Was Lt. Col.in the Infantry and is a consul ting engineer. during World War II. Belongs to Belongs to the F. and A.M. He is Eagles, Masonic Lodge, Columbia married and has three children. River Shrine and Kiwanis Club. He is married.

McCORMACK, MIKE (Democrat) Repre­ SUTHERLAND, PATRICK D. (Democrat) sentative from the 16th Dist. Senator from the 37th District of comprising Benton and Franklin King County. Legislative Exper­ Counties. Will be serving his ience-House-1949-Ex. 50. Senate- second term. Born in Ohio in 1951-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born in 1922 1921. Has a B.S. & M.S. Degree at Hollywood, California. He has from W.S.C. and is a Radio Chem­ attended Notre Dame University and ist at Hanford. Served as a 1st University of Washington. Prac­ Lt. during World War II. Belongs ticing attorney for the past 10 to Am. Legion, Am. Chemical So­ years. Beloogs to Eagles and ciety, Fed. of Am. Scientist, Knights of Columbus. Married in Masonic and Sigma Chi Fraternity. 1948 he has three daughters. Married and has 3 sons. -

TALLEY, DONALD L. (Democrat) KING, CHET (Democrat ) Rep resenta­ Senator from the 18th District t ive from t he 19th Di strict of comprising COwlitz and Wahkiakum Pacific and par t of Grays Ha r bo r COunties. Legislative Experience­ Counties. Legislative Experience­ Senate- 55 so will be serving his 1945-47-49- 50 Ex.- 51 - 51 Ex .-51 second session. He is serving 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Bo rn in his second term as mayor of Kelso. J Doty, Washington in 1901. A high Born at Tacoma in 1918. He has a school gradu a t e. Wo rks as a high school education and runs Boom Man or raf ter . Served three a meat market. Served in the years in U. S. Naval Ai r Corp. Navy during World War II. Be­ Belongs t o t he Eagles, Elks and longs to the Elks. Moose . Masons, Internati onal Woodw orkers of Shrine and American Legion. Sen. Ame r i ca. Married and has t hree Talley is married and they have children. two sons.

KINK , DI CK J. (Democ r at) Repre­ THOMP SON , AL BERT C. JR. (Republi­ s entative f r om t he 42nd Dist. of can) Senator f rom the 48th Dis­ Whatcom county wi l l be serving his trict of King County. He will s econd term. Born at Bellingham be serving his first term. Born in 1921. Served in the Navy in at Tacoma , Wash. in 1919. Grad­ World War I I. He i s a purse uated from Un i ve rs i ty 0 f Wash­ Se iner. Belongs t o the Bellingham ington in pharmacy and now owns Junior Chamber of Commerce, VFW, and operat es his own drug stove. Lions, Amer i can Le gion and Sec.­ Sen. Thompson is married and has Treas . of Drum Seine r Marketing one son and a daughter. Assn. He is mar r ied and they h ave a daughter .

L ELA N~ ALFRED L (Rep ub l i ~a n ) WASHINGTON, NAT (Democrat) Senator Represent ative from the 48th Dl s t . from the 13th District of Grant & of Kin g Co unty. Will be serving Kittitas Counties. Legislativp h is s econd term. Bo r n at st. Experience-House-1949-Ex. 50. Marie Ida. in 19 21. Attended Senate-1951-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Bo r n BOe i ng' School of Aeronauti cs, Oak­ at Coulee city, Washington in I and Cal if. He is in r e tail 1914. He is a graduate of the furnit ure an d appliance business. University of Washington and is Served 5~ years in t he U.S. Ar my an attorney. Served in the Army Air Co rps during Wor l d War II. Air Force for five years. He i s Belongs to Kiwanis, Elks, S ms of a member of the Elks, Grange and Norway , Ch. of Comm. and Wash. Masons. Married and has 2 sons. St a te Goo d Roads Assn. He i s singl e.

WOO DALL, PERRY B. (Re publ i can) LITCHMAN, MARK, JR. (D emocrat) Senator from the 15t h Distr ict of Representative from the 45th Dist. Yakima County. Legislative Ex­ o f Kin g Co. Served t wo regular perience-House-1939-41-43-47-49­ and one special session. Born at 50 Ex 51-Ex. - 5 1-2nd Ex. -51. Seattle in 19 25. He i s an attorney Senate-57. Born at Buena in 1912. having received an A. B. Degree in Graduate of Yakima Valley Junior Cr i minology and So ciology and College and U. of Washington with LL.B. from the U. of Washington. LL.B. Degree he is an attorney. Served in NavY. Wo rld War II. Be­ Served in the Navy during Worl d longs to Ph i Alpha De lta, Am. War II. Member of the American Legion, DAV, Jewish Wa r Vets, Legion, Eagles and Grange. Sen. B'Nai B' r i th and Forty et Eight. Woodall i s married and has two Married and they have 3 children. children. HUNTLEY, ELMER C. (Republican) ~-:. ZEDNICK, VICTOR (Republican) Representative from the 9th Dis­ Senator from the 36th District of trict of Whitman County. Legis­ King County. Legislative Exper­ lative Experience-this will be ience-House-1911-13-15-17. Senate his second term in the House of -1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49-Ex. 50-51­ Representatives. Born at st. John 53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Denver, in 1915. He attended Washington in 1885. Graduate of State College and is now engaged the University of Washington with as a farmer raising grain and A.B. and LL.B. Degrees and is an livestock. Member of the Masonic attorney. Member of the Masons Lodge and Mystic Shrine. He is Shrine, Elks, Moose and Eagles: narried. Married and has 3 daughters

BOWDEN, WARD, (Democrat) Secretary of the Senate from the 39th Dis­ HU RLEY, MRS. JOSEPH E. (Democrat) trict of Snohomish County. Legis­ Representative from the 3rd Dis­ lative Experience-Asst. Chief trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ Clerk of the House-1941:43-51-55. tive Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Will be serving his second time Born in Minnesota. She is a as Secretary of the Senate. Born graduate of a normal school. She at Everett in 1912. He is a News­ is a homemaker. Married and they paper Publisher. Belongs to have 4 children. the Elks, Eagles and Kiwanis. Married and has 5 daughters.

JOHNSTON, ELMER E. (Republican) JOHNSON, CHARLIE (Democrat) Representative from the 6th Dis­ Sergeant-at-Arms in the Senate­ trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ 1957-1959. Served 1 session and tive Experience-1947-49-50 Ex.-51­ 1 special session in the House. 51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. He is from the 22nd Dist~ of Born at Oakesdale, Washington in Thurston County. Born at Elko, 1898. He has a LL.B. and L.M. Wyo. in 1911. He has a high Degree from Notre Dame and George­ school education and is a Whole­ town University. He is an at­ sale Distributing and Manufactur­ torney. Served during World War ing Representative. Member I. Belongs to the Elks and B.P.O.E., Eagles and W.A.C. Mar­ Knights of Columbus. Married and ried and has four children. has two children.

JONSSON, JON MARVIN (Democrat) Representative from the 44th District of King Crunty will be serving his first term. Born in Seattle, Wash. in 1928. He attended the public schools and later went to the University of Wash. where he earned his B.A. in Economics and Business Adminis­ tration and his Law degree from :: . the University Law School. He ; served in the U. S. Marine Corp. He has an eight year-old son. t­ ~ r HENDERSHOT, WILBUR H. (Democrat) Representative from the 22nd Dis­ trict of Thurston Co. He will be serving his first term in the House. Born in November 1911 at Eagle Bend, Minn. and has a high school education. He is Asst. Business Agent and Recording Sec. for Plywood Union which is affil­ iated with the I.W. of America. Member of Eagles, Loyal Order of Moose, Lions, South Bay and Pomona Grange. Married and has 2 children.

HENRY, MILDRED E. (Democrat) Rep­ resentative from the 17th Dist. comprising Klickitat and Skamania and part of Clark county. Serving her second term. Born at Klicki­ tat, she has a business college education. She is a homemaker and has 2 daughters. Member Rebekahs and Eagles Auxiliary.


JOHN A. CHERBERG (Democrat) from the HOLMES, PAUL (Democrat) Represent­ 36th District of King County. ative from the 13th District con­ Elected Lieutenant Governor in 1956 sisting of Grant and Kittitas Counties. He was born at Chilli­ and served as presiding officer of cothe, Ohio in 1921. Graduated from high school and attended the State Senate during the 1957 Metropolitan Business College in Session. Also served as Chairman Seattle. Employed as a log scaler. Served 6 years in U.S. Marines. of the Senate Rules Committee. Born Belongs to the Masons and Grange. in Pensacola, Florida in 1910. Married and they have 3 children. Graduate of University of Washing­ ton. Teacher and athletic coach at Queen Anne High School and Univer­ sity, at present is a television account executive. Belongs to HOOD, JACK C. (Republican) Repre­ Sigma Nu Fraternity, Elks, Eagles sentative from the 41st District of Whatcom County. Serving his and Moose. Married Elizabeth Walker first term in the Legislature. in 1935 and has three children Born in Ferndale, Wash. in 1919. He attended the public schools of Ferndale and later went to Whitman College. He is Vice Pre~. of the 1st National Bank of Ferndale. Served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. Member of the Elks, Married and has 4 children. GOLDSWORTHY, ROBERT F. (Republi­ can) Representative from the 9th District of Whitman County. Legislative Experience-this is his second term. Born at Spokane in 1917. Graduate of WSC and is engaged in farming. Combat veteran of world War II and Korea. Belongs to the Masonic Lodge. Married and has two children.

GORTON, SLADE (Republican) Repre­ sentative from the 46th District of King County. He will be serv­ ing his first term. Born in 1.928 THE HOUSE at Chicago, Ill., he attended Dartmouth College earning ~n A.B. Then he received an LL.B. from columbia U. Belongs to Gamma OF Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Phi. Was in U.S. Army 1946-47 and the Air Force from 1953-56. He is married. REPRESENTATIVES

HANSEN, JULIA BUTLER (Democrat) Representative from the 18th Dist. of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum. Legjg­ lative Experience-1939-41-43-44 Ex.-45-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 EX.-51­ 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at Portland, Ore. Has B.A. Degree from U. of Wash. Chairman of Western Interstate Committee on Highway Policy Program since 1951. Honorary member Delta Kappa Gam­ ma. Is a writer and owns a titIe and abstract co. Married and has a 12-year-old son.

HARR IS, EDWARD F. (Republican) Representative from the 7th Dis­ trict of Spokane County. Legis­ lative Experience-1955-57. Born at Harrison, Idaho in 1909. Has a B.S. Degree from the School of Business, University of Idaho and LL.B. Degree from Gonzaga Univer­ sity and he is a practicing attorney. He is married and has a son and daughter. STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GALLAGHER, PHIL H. (Democrat) Members as of January 12, 1959 Representative from the 33rd Dis­ (ALPHABETICAL) trict of King county. Appointed in 1957 and will be serving his ___ _ N_'~_"l\_I_F.___+ ___ '_'_O_. ._~'_DD__'_"_·: :;_· ~____ :1 ,,- 1\:'i,li:~T~~,~,.:r; ~~ ~~ second term. Born at Anaconda,

.\ckley. NOnllUn B.o. Hi923-.'\ Mur,lewild, :;cllUle.. . .. KinJ:, pal't... 31 DellllWrlltil' Mont. in 1906. Has an A.B. and .\tlMms , Alfred 0 ...... w. ·107 ~W th .-h 'c. , Hpoknne.. :;Ilokaue ,part. . . ti Hcpul,liean LL.B. Degree from Gonzaga U. and .\hlqulst, H. M :mrice.. . Hilltop Hauch, ~ l' ollchet ...... Walla Walla... 11 HPlllll,lkall .\ndcrl'cn.•[lImes A .. . :1008 U.::;t h N.E. , Hellenic.. . Kin~, part.. 48 H Cj>uhlkilll Military-Government from Harvard. .\udCI'son. EVil . 224 :ird St., Chelan..•.. . ChehHl...... ]~ Hepul,jir'all •\\'1:),. Art. . Ke ttle .FItJl!' , Washington.. ~Ve fHl Ureillc ... ~ DCl IlO('tH\k Is an Attorney-at-Law and Insur­ IHtc...cns ...... \ Baf'ki"trolll, Ilf'nry . . Arling-toll ,Wa."hington . . lJCIllOl'rutie ance bus iness. Former state .. )~l~~~:~li;:t~'t ~ ) .t .. ~ :'.0 Treasurer and Asst. Attorney Gen­ BI'if'rl"in, W. J .. 1l:! .Eo Muin St., Auhnrn .. .. I Kin g", j, lIrt ...... ::0 D1'I11.wralh· l \ernetlly, Rol,crt .. Uo t)'· . . . :::iUltHll. Washington. . .. \~nohoIllL"h , lJt.~ ;;!) Delll(wrllli(' eral for 6 years. Belongs to the /I~llll\d. \Hlrt ... \ Big-Icy , John ...... Denlo('rutk Elks, Knights of Columbus, VFW and Bozarth, Horuce W... :: . ~~~~)sA~id~l \~:!~hi:~~;~::::::::::::·.: \~~~~g !!f~'.rt ..:: i :J~ D cmocratic ,Okanog- :lIl. \ American Legion. Married and has ::;;~I~~ 'l · ~·;I\~\~r-.·.·...... '.: ~~ li~ ; fr~l~, s~~'a~l\e~ ~I.l~ ~~ ~:: :::: : :: :: ~l: ~~ I:I~;~~ i ::. .. :~i R~:~~~~~: I:: one son. Ilrou illet, Frank "[lu!"ter' .. I720 uth st. !:l.W., Puyallup...... P ier('e, part.. ~:; D"llIo('rlltic' Brown, Gordon J. .. ·n:) Princeton, Viu'rCl;t, ~ ra c o ma ... j-'ierec, Jlllrt. :"'9 Df'IUo('ratie HlIiJl~, .1 . Bnu·p...... ]~18 So. Ridgewood, 'fucornu..... Pier('e, purl... . "!.7 De lll(wratie ('111111110(.[1, Keith U.... W. 2"'..'04 RoCkwell A "c. , Spoktlne... Spokane,l)art.. ii lklllot"rutie ('antl,'[,I. Danlon R.. Houte 1, G ranger, Washington... Yakima, part .. 1;'1 Ht: j nll,lkall

Carrllkh!lcl, Wnll r . P. O. Box 7;:0 , E\·cret t .. . ~~noholIli."h, pt.I:; ~ Df'lllol'ralie GARRETT, AVERY (Democrat) Repre­ /If.;]and, part . .. j ( 'a rtr. W. E. . . Uoulr> 1, B ox If!. WdgctJ.e.loI . . ('lnrk, IHlrt.. . c wpy C ...... ,()(l E. Hieh11lollcl , Dayton ...... ~C Ollllll"iH ... .. ~ 11) DCIIlO''!"l lt i,· Member st. Andrews' # 35 F&M, lG urtil'ld ...... J Dorc. Fred H ...... Dl'1110Pflliic' Issaquah Chapter #39 RAM and is E ldrld/,;"f' . Donald "Do n" .. ~in~~,i:d i ~~ . :, ~i~~t~~:~I;O;;"" . . . \~//l~ !;.Tl~:jl:~.t .. . . : .} ~~ Htlluhlkan married and has one son and three ISk n Kit \ l<:]ltOIl, Mr." ..10hn W .. 7 X. Wn)!l1l t Road. RTWkllllf' .. ,. Rpnkllnp,l)a1" I .. 4 n('llHlcrat ir' daughters. I<: Vll II :" , Danit.J ,I.. 7'2 7 HeIlevllc Ave. N., Rea t tle. . King". par t.. .j:j HI'IHlldil'all r-:dW(lr,L", . .\. E ...... 1:loti.~l I .copo!d . Bclling-ham.. Whah'oHl, tunl .I:! Dl'll1(:("fa l it· 1<'11 rrin g\ Oil, ('Ill yton .. .. . :")17 I·: . 1·11 It, O IYll1\dll...... · J'l1! l r ~ton ...... D(.' 111Of'flltit' nalluglu'r, l\1'l"Il ar,1 .1 . . . E. 41 ·\ E1J l1~ il" C .\"e., Rpoka nc. . Rpo k !l n c , j)!lrt.. DC!Ilof'tatif' (jlll1u~l wr. Phil n .. . 4\:!;") Wth Ro., Heilttlc ...... King, pllrt... :':t Il(' l1I 0f"r1lIk (;nrn't j" ,\"4'ry ...... 'I.-i ) T,Hll gst OIl H o an , Renton. . .. Kill!; , part.. H n"lIlo{'rlllic' nlpa>;on, J,Jr~. Mnrinll C.. . lioldlllllrk, .101111 .. L-~~ ~lr 1~'o\;ttc~' J~at:~~~(:l~{:" ...... 1~~l~~~;ltu.rt... :: i :?I g~~~:~~:~:~~\:: /Okallogllll .. .. ~ (;old;:worthy, Ho hert r .. lUlIll /! 2, Ho~n1ia...... Whitman. . . !J RI'Il111,lif'!l1l liort()ll, ~Ill d c ...... H"l'uhlic'llII IllllJ."f'Il, ,JI!1ia nutlcr. . ~~'I~~hlt{:I~ICt~·t~:t; S ~jl~I~~~~:: ...... :: \~~~~l it~ ~I .r::: :: 7 ~~ Df'llJof'ratil- I Wuhkinkllm . . 5 Harri~, Edwnrli F ...... s. ]n :~ ~ l lIple St., RI)okan(! .. Hpoknne, p art.. i R epllhliellll GLEASON, MRS. MARION C. (Democrat) 1I"l1 d N ~hot , Wilbllr "II . . :!iiO.~) Guin Ho:ul, O lym pia .. 'l'h\lr~t OT1 ... [)('Ill{)eral i(' Representative from the 27th Dis­ H~'Jlry, ::\(ildred K . . Hio Vi~t"il, Wllite Sahnon ...... {~::~~~;1I1trt<: lj7 nf"lllof'raiic' trict of Pierce County. This is lSklllllllllin .....J H oIJJlf'~, Puul.. GO:; W. 10th, . Ell~ ;nsllll r J;.. . . IGran t.. . . } 1:{ D Cl1lo('r:liic' her second term in the House. JKH.tHui"...... ··5 Ilood, .1:1 ('k c...... [ ~ '(>J"n dal " • .w a!"ldn~lon...... '''hat('om , "lin .. 1 Ht'lllll,lil';ll1 She was born at Seattle, Washing­ HllIl l lf"Y , Elnwr r ...... " Thornton, Wn ~ lti n~ton...... Whil"l1l11Il...... !) HPIHlI,lil':11l ton. Attended Business College llml4'Y. :\Ir ~..10!"f' jlh J~ ... 1':.7:;0 lloone Ave., ~Jlokllne. . ~pokilrll', part. . Dpilloc'raiil' ,lolll1 ~tOT1, Eh)lpr F ...... \\'. 71 4 141 h Ave., SpOi;UIlC .. . SPQkllllf", !JurI.. I; H"JHll,lif'an and at the present time is a home­ .I()I1~~ol1 •.101L Marvin ...... 7(J[ 2 2·l t l1 N.W., HI'tlttle...... Ring . purl...... " .1 nl'lllul!rlltil' "iug, l'lif'\...... 14:{.:. itll St., R:lymond...... {PUf'iftl', (;ray!") 11) n"1I1o('rli tir' maker. She is married and they ) "fLirhor, purl" \ DI' lIlfWT;l lil' have five children. ~;,!1\7 1;d~ i.:~~f ,::,;i .r...:,:, 1';. :::: ~ :~~. /; :;~ hptt:\ .1~.~n~\~ ~l::~ i. ·I· . · .·.· ~;g~ ~('~:~l;t .~Iart ~ ,~ Hf'j)III.lic·:lI1 I.it('i1man, Mark, .Tr...... 1::7(\{; 2nd N.E. , Scut tle ...... Kin/;",l'lIrt.. .j;j n..'lfJOI ·ralil· :\I lIhu IT~'~', Andh'y F...... N~ n 20th X .E., Scn ttlf' ...... RinK, pflrt...... ·If, Hf'p1l1,1i4':l1l :\rar([f';: kh, t\n J;lJ~ t p ...... UH) Hw'kp1"' .\\"e. , F.n~rett.. .. . ~~no h oHli:"h, pt.) ::8 nl'lLI Qf'l" Hlil' lIr-land. parl". .. \ :\1n r.~h , Shirley R .. . 1:!~ 6 20th .-\\'c. , },olLg"\'ic w. .. { C owlitz ...... / 18 DcnH)C'ratif'

;\\(oC'orlllud: , "Mike . . ~010 E\'Crcst , Rif'lllanr1. . . . . {~~:;ll:~~ I.k.I ~ ~ .. ::~ ]r. D CIII O('rllti,' )Fnlllklin ...... \ :\ld"Ol"l ll i('k, W. "I .. "Bill" . .E . :)~7 Ho("kwl'!1 .>\ w . , ~pokanc .. r ~.r;:~lt ll:;::: .P:.I~~ . i n(,1l1opraiif' :\1(' l-' uII, lf'l1, :ru mf' ." I ,.. 1217 E. 2n fl St., PorI.. .,\nj!ple!" . . . . . g~' :7.:~~~~I. . ~:'.J :!-I D"11104'Tnllf' GOLDMA RK , JOH~ (Democrat) Repre­ :\r4 ' Yf't~, Vidor .\., .fr...... 1 18f: .-I[ 4th S .. W". Reuttle...... hillg-, pa rI" :: 1 D'~lllOf' r(ltf(' sentative from the 1st District . r. \dam~ ...... "1 ... roo~, DOll!lld W.. . Edwn]], " :I."hlllgtOIl . . . .. ··· lG ·,~~~i,;:: ':::: 1 8 Hf'j)uhli(':m of Douglas and Okanogan Counties• Legislative Experience-Second term in the House of Representatives. Born at Scarsdale, New York in 1917. Attended Harvard Law school and Haverford College. He is a rancher and member of the Grange. Was in the Navy during World War II and is a Lieutenant Commander in the Reserves. Married and has two sons.

4­ EPTON, KATHRYN (MRS. JOHN W.) STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Continued Members a s of Janua r y 12, 1959 (Democrat) Representative from the (ALPHABETICAL) 4th District of Spokane County, will be serving her second term COC:\" rtE:;'; Dis. c-:-__-=~,--•._\),_[__E---,,---_ I___ P. O. ADDRESS IR E p nE:-;E~' TEn X o . PART Y in the House. Born at Garwood, ),I of/.rl1n . F rnnceS (~'r!ln ) Idaho. She at tended Washington Hndd on ...... ', ...... l ~ollt c :! . Box 71;7 , TI rrmwrt oll . K it"np ...... ~ ~ n ('lllOf'rut.k ::'oTo riurty . C'hurlC fI P., Jr.. . '00 Big ll lantl Dri\'c , ScItH le ...... KinK, pllrt. . . ;:r; Rcpllhllcuil State College, Gonzaga University, ),lorjlllis, Rirhur d W .. :1 ~.,(H Hiver\'ic\V Dri \· e . Rpo kane ... Rpo kll nc, part.. 7 Rt'Pllhli l' !tIl l\l orri" f:f!Y , Ed . . Hi So. 12th 1\ \'C. , Yukim a ...... Ynldm!l, part J., Re-jl llhlif'a n University of Arizona and Holy )'l1 IIH ly, H oy. 11 8 M odifY Road , ]~phr ::t t a ...... \(jrtlnt. , ...... ) }:\ DentOCfa til' /KittituR...... \ Nam e s college. She is a home­ Xc'V a, C enc 0 . . 50il W l.t, .\.ben lce.n . . .. ,Gl' uyR Ru r hor, / ncmoc-ratil' maker and writer. Belongs to I part ... . . · .. ·S " :\'kholson, Pllt .. . 71 2 P ark HI .• n remerton ...... Klt.ll uP·· . ... . 2~ Drmoerutir Kappa Delta Sorority. Married to O 'Brirn , .10hn T.... . ;,0"" i.ukf' Wu!"'l !. HJvtl. ~., Seattle. Rin!;, JlurL .. .. ;:;: DemolTatl(' O 'Coll lle ll , W . .1 .. . . 0Q!) So. :J Is t , ' 1' [\("011111 • ... . •• . • . . Plcu 'c, l1I1r t . . 2S Demoer utiC' Doctor John W. EPton in 1936 they :\i; Olsen, Hay ...... '''ill Illll) j)eJl J' I!1I'e , Rcut tle.. . Ki n g, pur!. .. ])(>!))Of'r lt t iC' have five children. Papaj un i, ,l ohn . . :~;, I 'l. W. 70th, Rcattle ...... K iTw . Jl!Irt...... H DCll](.('rlttic l'f'Ilt'P , Rt.u nley ...... H Outl ~ Yakim H...... Yu kilmt. pHr l . . l' Rel1ll1.liutll PNry. Holler t .\. " n o h".. 1 :~ OO : l i\It>'.rl(! hm, Scuttle .. Kin g" , par t .. ~., J)muoI'To lir Prlh'hllrd , .Joe] M ...... I: : ~:{:: :!Dth "Vl .. Seattle ...... King . ]l!Irt.. .. :-;n RCP\1 1.1i('un HUIolIJ lu .... sen , A . T" " Slim" .. ", 0:11 Paeitlc Ave. , 'I'aeoma ...... P h ~r('e . Jlur t . :?!" J)(,llIo('ru t ie Hkkdall, HIl Jph L . P. o. Box 307, Burlington ...... iRan .Junn .. i 40 ReJl u bl lc!!.n }SkHgit . . . \ (("Iallam .... EVANS, DANIEL J. (Republ ican) Rep­ Hitncr, R oy H.. 100·, 0 lpnpi(' Hwy ., ~h c lt on . . {.)('iferson. .. 2·1 DemocratiC' IMlllOon ...... 1 resentative f rom thd 43rd Dist. of H o~ellhc r g . K. 0 .. Arld y. Washin gton . . .. . ,Pend Oreille J)e nloerllti(' /Slc\'cm; . . . .. I King county. Serv ing his 2nd HuofT, TIieh llrt1 ...... :;1.l F.. ,17th SeaUle...... KIn g, Jla rt...... ~ '? Repuhlican term and is member of Fact Finding ~ n w y (' r, T.f'onard A. "Len" . 7Hl ,HIl Rt. . R.E. , l)uyallu J1 ...... , . Plerc'e, pllrt .. . 2:i Demo('ratie ~I ' h aefe r, Ro ilf'ft ~L ...... riOl J-l ighl uI1II Dr.• Vitnrou \" cr .. Cl a rk, ]l urL ... ~! ' Dp Hlor ra tic Comm . on Highways. Born at Seattle Shrops;;hire, T,incoln F. .. Houle Rux 26!"1, Yak imu . . . Yu ldma , par t . . 14 Repuhlic!!.n Si h'r, HH rry A...... (~ 1111l 1 11' ', .W il!-;h ington . . . L e w i ~ ...... 20 HC{Juhlira ll in 1925. Has a Bachelor and Master smith, ~allllle l .f. "Slim " . . 1~1 · 1 :nsl i\ve. , Rcnt t.le ...... Kin g, ]l !!.rl.. ::1 J)(omorrntic Sp4)(' r , John B ...... s noq uulm ie , Wus hin g ton ...... King- , 11a r t ...... 47 Df'llloer utie Degrees in Science (Civil Engi­ StO!' kcr, Puul M . . . Houte i;, Box 717, ] ~verc tt ...... (Rn o homiRh, p t ./ 38 Democr ft tie neering) from the U. of Wash. and )I!-; Iund, plirt . .. { ~ wayzf', :\rr.<;i . 'J'llo nJ:l S .\. is a Civil Engineer. Served in (Frll nre!') ...... :!!.llO :\0. 2R th , 'l.' a eolllll .. P ierce. pllrt . 20 RelJllhlk!tn 'l'r !"' !ll, .Jellnette...... :n : ~'" n st R.W., Scuttle...... Ring , lla r t ...... :l-t DcmOl'flltie Navy as Ensign from 43-46 and Lt. 'l'wi llwf'll , Viyirln . . . 11"", Rimp!-;o u , Aberdeen ...... IGrurs Harbor , I :!1 Denlo('rutic I IJ lt rt ...... f from 1952-53. Member Seattle Jr. Uhl nwn, Wcs C .. 2:! 11 ~ o . ::;o t h, Rcu ttle ...... Ring, part .... :U Democratic Chamber of Commerce, Municipal VUrH' . Z . .\ ...... (;01+ :-';0. Warncr, 'l'ttcomu. Pien'c, purt. :'.!"I n CIll Of' ru th' W nD K. Arnold S .. . . 2001 Nipsk , Breln er t on . Ki t ,,!!]) ...... ~. ; Hepuhlicall League, Am. Soc. of Civil Engi­ \\'cdekiJnl, Ma x . : ; 7:~ ' .ro th R.W. , Seatl.le ...... Kin~. pli r t... S-t De mof'T tl t.i c 800 Eo 2·lt h Rt. , V u neou\'er ...... Clllrk, p Hr L .. ~!) Re])u hllcl:I.ll neers, Mountainers, Wash. Athletic ~~~ :~~:~~ . (,~: I ~.. (;. ' :' r'I;~i(;y;;: 102; ;] 1St 11 .-\ Y{l. S .W., !'ielt tllc.. King , pur~ .. . :-; 1 Democr llt.ic Club. He is single.

FARRI NGTON, CLAYTON, (Democrat) Representative fr an the 22nd Dis­ trict of Thurston Co. Legislative Experience-1949 - 50 Ex.-55-57. Born at ottumwa, Iowa in 1899. Graduate of the U. of Mont. with an A.B. and M.A. Degrees. Teaches history at Olympia High. Served in the Army in World War I. Be­ longs to the Grange, Am. Fed. of Teachers and Am. Federation of Musicians. He is married and has a daughter and son.

GALLAGH ER, BERNARD J. (Democrat) Representati ve f rom the 3rd Dis­ trict of Spokane County. Legis­ lative Experience-1941-49-50 Ex­ 51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 EX.-ea­ 57. Born at Prosser in 1912. He graduated from Go nzaga Law School and is an att orney. Served i n the Army during World War I I . Member of the Knights of Columbus and Elks. Married and has a son. ACKLEY, NORMAN B. (Democrat) DONOHUE, DEWEY C. (Democrat) Representative from the 31st Dis­ Representative from the 10th Dis­ trict of King County. Is serving trict consisting of Asotin Col­ his first term in the House. Born ~mbia ,and Garfield Counties.' Leg­ at Vancouver, Wash. in 1920. He IslatIve Experience-1949-50 Ex.­ is a graduate of the U. of Wash. 51-51 Ex.- 51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.­ with a B.S. and LL.B degrees. He 55-57. Born at Dayton, Wash. in is a practising attorney. Served 1897. Attended high school 2 4 years in the Air Corps. Is a ~ears and business college. He member of the Legal Honorary­ IS a farmer. Belongs to the Elks, Phi Alpha Delta. Married and has Masons and Grange, Married and one child. has 3 girls and 2 boys.

DORE, FRED H. (Democrat) Repre­ ADAMS, DR. ALFRED O. (Republican) sentative from the 37th District Representative from the 6th Dis­ of King County. Legislative trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ tive Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born Born in Paola, Kansas in 1897. in Seattle in 1925. He attended Received his M.D. Degree in 1924 Seattle University almost three from Washington University, St. years then he majored in Econom­ Louis, Mo. Is a Physician and ics graduated from Georgetown Surgeon. Served 2 years in World Foreign Service school, Washing­ ton. B.S.F.S. in 1946; graduate War I. Belongs to Masons and is of Georgetown Law School with an a Shriner. Married and they have LL.B. Degree he is a practicing a son. attorney.

EDWARDS, A. E. (Democ r a t) Rep re­ AHLQUIST, H. MAURICE (Republican) sentative from the 42nd District Representative from the 11th Dis­ of Whatcom county . Legislative trict of Walla Walla County. Experience-House-1933-33 EX.-35. Serving his second term. Born at Senate-37-39-41-43-44 Ex.-45-47­ Denver, Colorado in 1Q02. He 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.- 51 2nd Ex.­ has an A. B. Degree from Dartmouth HnnAP-1ASS-S7. Born in Canada in College. He is a farmer and is 1879. Has had 12 years schooling in processing and merchandising and 4 years of navigation aboard business. Belongs to the Elks. ship. He is a farmer. Belongs Married and has 2 children. to Masons, Odd Fellows, Lions, Eagles, Elks and Grange. Married and has 1 son,

ELDRI DGE, DON (Republ ican) Repre­ sentative from the 40th District ANDERSEN, J AMES A. (Republican) of Skagit County. Legislative Representative from the 48th Dis­ Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born trict of King County. Newly in Mount Vernon in 1919. Gradu­ elected member of the House. He ated from Washington College of was born at Auburn in 1924. Has Education. Is a partner in a a B.A. Degree in Political stationery store. Active in Boy Science from the U. of W. also Scout and school activities. an LL.B. and is an attorney. Served in World War II. Belongs Served for three years in the to the Rotary, Junior Chamber of Army during World War II. Belongs Commerce, served as past Vice­ to veterans and community organi­ President of Junior zations. He is married, Chamber of Commerce. He is mar­ ried has 4 children.



..... ­ CAMPBE~L, KEITH H. (Democrat) Rep­ "" - BRINK, DANI EL (Democrat) Repre­ resent~tive from the 5th District sentative from the 35th District of Spokane County. Serving his ? of King County. Will be serving second term. Born at Harlowton, his first term in the Legislature. Mont. in 1920. Holds a B.A. from Born in Minneapolis, Minn. in 1929. U. of Wash. and LL.B. Degree from : Went to the U. of Wash. where he Gonzaga. He is an attorney. Serv­ earned his B. S. and LL. B. Degrees. ed in Air Force during World War He is now an attorney. During II and Korean Conflict. Belongs World War II he served in the Army to Moose, VFW, State Bar Assn. and is now a Reserve Capt. He and several school organizations. belongs to Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Married and has four children. Alpha Delta. He is single.

BROUI LLET, FRANK "BUSTER" (Demo­ CANFI ELD, DAMON R. (Republican) crat) Representative from the 25th Representative from the 15th Dis­ District of Pierce County will be trict of Yakima Co. Legislative serving his second term. Born at Experience-1953-53 Ex. -55-It7. Puyallup in 1928. Attended W.S.C. Born in Arkansas 1897. Educated College of Puget Sound and Uni­ in Seattle's public schools. At­ versity of Montana. Has B. A. in tended U. of Washington, received Economics; B. Ed. and M.A. Is a degree from W.S.C. in 1921. teacher and coach in Puyallup Served in Navy in World War I. High School. Served in the Army Belongs to Am. Legion and Grange. Intelligence Dept. Belongs to the Engaged in fruit and cattle ranch­ Elks, Masons, Grange, Pi Gamma Mu, ing near Granger. Married and has Sigma Chi Fraternity. Married in two children. 1956.

CARMICHAEL, WALLY (Democrat) Rep­ BROWN, GORDOH J. (Democrat) Repre­ resentative from the 38th District sentative from the 29th District of Island and Snohomish Counties. of Pierce County. Legislative Legislative Experience-1949-50 Ex­ Experience-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex. -51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55 -52 2nd Ex.-53-53 EX.-55-57. He. -57. Born at Everett in 1922. He was born at Mankato, Minn.in 1904. attended college one year and is Has a business college education employed by Snohomish County. and is Financial Sec.-Treas. of Served over 5 years in the Army the Hod Carriers Building & Con­ Air Force. Belongs to Eagles, struction Laborers Union. Member Elks, VFW, American Legion and of the Eagles and Fircrest Kiwanis. Masons. Married and has 1 daughter.

BURNS, J. BRUCE (Democrat) Repre­ CARTY, W. E. (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 27th District sentative from the 49th District of Pierce County. Legislative of Clark County. Legislative Ex­ Experience-he will be serving his perience-House-1933-33 Ex.-35-39­ second term in the Legislature. 41-45-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 EX.-51 Born in Tacoma in 1925. Graduate 2nd Ex. -55-57. He was born at of Willamette University with an Ridgefield in 1894. Representa­ LL.B. Degree and is a lawyer. tive Carty is a farmer. He is Served in the Marines during married. World War II. Belongs to the Eagles and Moose. He is married.

-'­ Ol~

c ~ : (""NO) r'" ~£Il a I L _ i \ ® HALLAUER. ~ GOLOMARK • i, BOZARTH • , (OK"NOM,v) ®M~MILLAN~ \ D I ROSEN8ER I m AVEY D \ ~ ~ (D I \ (SPOj(~N£) :





..... ­ CAMPBE~L, KEITH H. (Democrat) Rep­ "" - BRINK, DANI EL (Democrat) Repre­ resent~tive from the 5th District sentative from the 35th District of Spokane County. Serving his ? of King County. Will be serving second term. Born at Harlowton, his first term in the Legislature. Mont. in 1920. Holds a B.A. from Born in Minneapolis, Minn. in 1929. U. of Wash. and LL.B. Degree from : Went to the U. of Wash. where he Gonzaga. He is an attorney. Serv­ earned his B. S. and LL. B. Degrees. ed in Air Force during World War He is now an attorney. During II and Korean Conflict. Belongs World War II he served in the Army to Moose, VFW, State Bar Assn. and is now a Reserve Capt. He and several school organizations. belongs to Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Married and has four children. Alpha Delta. He is single.

BROUI LLET, FRANK "BUSTER" (Demo­ CANFI ELD, DAMON R. (Republican) crat) Representative from the 25th Representative from the 15th Dis­ District of Pierce County will be trict of Yakima Co. Legislative serving his second term. Born at Experience-1953-53 Ex. -55-It7. Puyallup in 1928. Attended W.S.C. Born in Arkansas 1897. Educated College of Puget Sound and Uni­ in Seattle's public schools. At­ versity of Montana. Has B. A. in tended U. of Washington, received Economics; B. Ed. and M.A. Is a degree from W.S.C. in 1921. teacher and coach in Puyallup Served in Navy in World War I. High School. Served in the Army Belongs to Am. Legion and Grange. Intelligence Dept. Belongs to the Engaged in fruit and cattle ranch­ Elks, Masons, Grange, Pi Gamma Mu, ing near Granger. Married and has Sigma Chi Fraternity. Married in two children. 1956.

CARMICHAEL, WALLY (Democrat) Rep­ BROWN, GORDOH J. (Democrat) Repre­ resentative from the 38th District sentative from the 29th District of Island and Snohomish Counties. of Pierce County. Legislative Legislative Experience-1949-50 Ex­ Experience-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex. -51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55 -52 2nd Ex.-53-53 EX.-55-57. He. -57. Born at Everett in 1922. He was born at Mankato, Minn.in 1904. attended college one year and is Has a business college education employed by Snohomish County. and is Financial Sec.-Treas. of Served over 5 years in the Army the Hod Carriers Building & Con­ Air Force. Belongs to Eagles, struction Laborers Union. Member Elks, VFW, American Legion and of the Eagles and Fircrest Kiwanis. Masons. Married and has 1 daughter.

BURNS, J. BRUCE (Democrat) Repre­ CARTY, W. E. (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 27th District sentative from the 49th District of Pierce County. Legislative of Clark County. Legislative Ex­ Experience-he will be serving his perience-House-1933-33 Ex.-35-39­ second term in the Legislature. 41-45-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 EX.-51 Born in Tacoma in 1925. Graduate 2nd Ex. -55-57. He was born at of Willamette University with an Ridgefield in 1894. Representa­ LL.B. Degree and is a lawyer. tive Carty is a farmer. He is Served in the Marines during married. World War II. Belongs to the Eagles and Moose. He is married.


ACKLEY, NORMAN B. (Democrat) DONOHUE, DEWEY C. (Democrat) Representative from the 31st Dis­ Representative from the 10th Dis­ trict of King County. Is serving trict consisting of Asotin Col­ his first term in the House. Born ~mbia ,and Garfield Counties.' Leg­ at Vancouver, Wash. in 1920. He IslatIve Experience-1949-50 Ex.­ is a graduate of the U. of Wash. 51-51 Ex.- 51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.­ with a B.S. and LL.B degrees. He 55-57. Born at Dayton, Wash. in is a practising attorney. Served 1897. Attended high school 2 4 years in the Air Corps. Is a ~ears and business college. He member of the Legal Honorary­ IS a farmer. Belongs to the Elks, Phi Alpha Delta. Married and has Masons and Grange, Married and one child. has 3 girls and 2 boys.

DORE, FRED H. (Democrat) Repre­ ADAMS, DR. ALFRED O. (Republican) sentative from the 37th District Representative from the 6th Dis­ of King County. Legislative trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ tive Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born Born in Paola, Kansas in 1897. in Seattle in 1925. He attended Received his M.D. Degree in 1924 Seattle University almost three from Washington University, St. years then he majored in Econom­ Louis, Mo. Is a Physician and ics graduated from Georgetown Surgeon. Served 2 years in World Foreign Service school, Washing­ ton. B.S.F.S. in 1946; graduate War I. Belongs to Masons and is of Georgetown Law School with an a Shriner. Married and they have LL.B. Degree he is a practicing a son. attorney.

EDWARDS, A. E. (Democ r a t) Rep re­ AHLQUIST, H. MAURICE (Republican) sentative from the 42nd District Representative from the 11th Dis­ of Whatcom county . Legislative trict of Walla Walla County. Experience-House-1933-33 EX.-35. Serving his second term. Born at Senate-37-39-41-43-44 Ex.-45-47­ Denver, Colorado in 1Q02. He 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.- 51 2nd Ex.­ has an A. B. Degree from Dartmouth HnnAP-1ASS-S7. Born in Canada in College. He is a farmer and is 1879. Has had 12 years schooling in processing and merchandising and 4 years of navigation aboard business. Belongs to the Elks. ship. He is a farmer. Belongs Married and has 2 children. to Masons, Odd Fellows, Lions, Eagles, Elks and Grange. Married and has 1 son,

ELDRI DGE, DON (Republ ican) Repre­ sentative from the 40th District ANDERSEN, J AMES A. (Republican) of Skagit County. Legislative Representative from the 48th Dis­ Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born trict of King County. Newly in Mount Vernon in 1919. Gradu­ elected member of the House. He ated from Washington College of was born at Auburn in 1924. Has Education. Is a partner in a a B.A. Degree in Political stationery store. Active in Boy Science from the U. of W. also Scout and school activities. an LL.B. and is an attorney. Served in World War II. Belongs Served for three years in the to the Rotary, Junior Chamber of Army during World War II. Belongs Commerce, served as past Vice­ to veterans and community organi­ President of United States Junior zations. He is married, Chamber of Commerce. He is mar­ ried has 4 children.

-~- EPTON, KATHRYN (MRS. JOHN W.) STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Continued Members a s of Janua r y 12, 1959 (Democrat) Representative from the (ALPHABETICAL) 4th District of Spokane County, will be serving her second term COC:\" rtE:;'; Dis. c-:-__-=~,--•._\),_[__E---,,---_ I___ P. O. ADDRESS IR E p nE:-;E~' TEn X o . PART Y in the House. Born at Garwood, ),I of/.rl1n . F rnnceS (~'r!ln ) Idaho. She at tended Washington Hndd on ...... ', ...... l ~ollt c :! . Box 71;7 , TI rrmwrt oll . K it"np ...... ~ ~ n ('lllOf'rut.k ::'oTo riurty . C'hurlC fI P., Jr.. . '00 Big ll lantl Dri\'c , ScItH le ...... KinK, pllrt. . . ;:r; Rcpllhllcuil State College, Gonzaga University, ),lorjlllis, Rirhur d W .. :1 ~.,(H Hiver\'ic\V Dri \· e . Rpo kane ... Rpo kll nc, part.. 7 Rt'Pllhli l' !tIl l\l orri" f:f!Y , Ed . . Hi So. 12th 1\ \'C. , Yukim a ...... Ynldm!l, part J., Re-jl llhlif'a n University of Arizona and Holy )'l1 IIH ly, H oy. 11 8 M odifY Road , ]~phr ::t t a ...... \(jrtlnt. , ...... ) }:\ DentOCfa til' /KittituR...... \ Nam e s college. She is a home­ Xc'V a, C enc 0 . . 50il W l.t, .\.ben lce.n . . .. ,Gl' uyR Ru r hor, / ncmoc-ratil' maker and writer. Belongs to I part ... . . · .. ·S " :\'kholson, Pllt .. . 71 2 P ark HI .• n remerton ...... Klt.ll uP·· . ... . 2~ Drmoerutir Kappa Delta Sorority. Married to O 'Brirn , .10hn T.... . ;,0"" i.ukf' Wu!"'l !. HJvtl. ~., Seattle. Rin!;, JlurL .. .. ;:;: DemolTatl(' O 'Coll lle ll , W . .1 .. . . 0Q!) So. :J Is t , ' 1' [\("011111 • ... . •• . • . . Plcu 'c, l1I1r t . . 2S Demoer utiC' Doctor John W. EPton in 1936 they :\i; Olsen, Hay ...... '''ill Illll) j)eJl J' I!1I'e , Rcut tle.. . Ki n g, pur!. .. ])(>!))Of'r lt t iC' have five children. Papaj un i, ,l ohn . . :~;, I 'l. W. 70th, Rcattle ...... K iTw . Jl!Irt...... H DCll](.('rlttic l'f'Ilt'P , Rt.u nley ...... H Outl ~ Yakim H...... Yu kilmt. pHr l . . l' Rel1ll1.liutll PNry. Holler t .\. " n o h".. 1 :~ OO : l i\It>'.rl(! hm, Scuttle .. Kin g" , par t .. ~., J)muoI'To lir Prlh'hllrd , .Joe] M ...... I: : ~:{:: :!Dth "Vl .. Seattle ...... King . ]l!Irt.. .. :-;n RCP\1 1.1i('un HUIolIJ lu .... sen , A . T" " Slim" .. ", 0:11 Paeitlc Ave. , 'I'aeoma ...... P h ~r('e . Jlur t . :?!" J)(,llIo('ru t ie Hkkdall, HIl Jph L . P. o. Box 307, Burlington ...... iRan .Junn .. i 40 ReJl u bl lc!!.n }SkHgit . . . \ (("Iallam .... EVANS, DANIEL J. (Republ ican) Rep­ Hitncr, R oy H.. 100·, 0 lpnpi(' Hwy ., ~h c lt on . . {.)('iferson. .. 2·1 DemocratiC' IMlllOon ...... 1 resentative f rom thd 43rd Dist. of H o~ellhc r g . K. 0 .. Arld y. Washin gton . . .. . ,Pend Oreille J)e nloerllti(' /Slc\'cm; . . . .. I King county. Serv ing his 2nd HuofT, TIieh llrt1 ...... :;1.l F.. ,17th SeaUle...... KIn g, Jla rt...... ~ '? Repuhlican term and is member of Fact Finding ~ n w y (' r, T.f'onard A. "Len" . 7Hl ,HIl Rt. . R.E. , l)uyallu J1 ...... , . Plerc'e, pllrt .. . 2:i Demo('ratie ~I ' h aefe r, Ro ilf'ft ~L ...... riOl J-l ighl uI1II Dr.• Vitnrou \" cr .. Cl a rk, ]l urL ... ~! ' Dp Hlor ra tic Comm . on Highways. Born at Seattle Shrops;;hire, T,incoln F. .. Houle Rux 26!"1, Yak imu . . . Yu ldma , par t . . 14 Repuhlic!!.n Si h'r, HH rry A...... (~ 1111l 1 11' ', .W il!-;h ington . . . L e w i ~ ...... 20 HC{Juhlira ll in 1925. Has a Bachelor and Master smith, ~allllle l .f. "Slim " . . 1~1 · 1 :nsl i\ve. , Rcnt t.le ...... Kin g, ]l !!.rl.. ::1 J)(omorrntic Sp4)(' r , John B ...... s noq uulm ie , Wus hin g ton ...... King- , 11a r t ...... 47 Df'llloer utie Degrees in Science (Civil Engi­ StO!' kcr, Puul M . . . Houte i;, Box 717, ] ~verc tt ...... (Rn o homiRh, p t ./ 38 Democr ft tie neering) from the U. of Wash. and )I!-; Iund, plirt . .. { ~ wayzf', :\rr.<;i . 'J'llo nJ:l S .\. is a Civil Engineer. Served in (Frll nre!') ...... :!!.llO :\0. 2R th , 'l.' a eolllll .. P ierce. pllrt . 20 RelJllhlk!tn 'l'r !"' !ll, .Jellnette...... :n : ~'" n st R.W., Scuttle...... Ring , lla r t ...... :l-t DcmOl'flltie Navy as Ensign from 43-46 and Lt. 'l'wi llwf'll , Viyirln . . . 11"", Rimp!-;o u , Aberdeen ...... IGrurs Harbor , I :!1 Denlo('rutic I IJ lt rt ...... f from 1952-53. Member Seattle Jr. Uhl nwn, Wcs C .. 2:! 11 ~ o . ::;o t h, Rcu ttle ...... Ring, part .... :U Democratic Chamber of Commerce, Municipal VUrH' . Z . .\ ...... (;01+ :-';0. Warncr, 'l'ttcomu. Pien'c, purt. :'.!"I n CIll Of' ru th' W nD K. Arnold S .. . . 2001 Nipsk , Breln er t on . Ki t ,,!!]) ...... ~. ; Hepuhlicall League, Am. Soc. of Civil Engi­ \\'cdekiJnl, Ma x . : ; 7:~ ' .ro th R.W. , Seatl.le ...... Kin~. pli r t... S-t De mof'T tl t.i c 800 Eo 2·lt h Rt. , V u neou\'er ...... Clllrk, p Hr L .. ~!) Re])u hllcl:I.ll neers, Mountainers, Wash. Athletic ~~~ :~~:~~ . (,~: I ~.. (;. ' :' r'I;~i(;y;;: 102; ;] 1St 11 .-\ Y{l. S .W., !'ielt tllc.. King , pur~ .. . :-; 1 Democr llt.ic Club. He is single.

FARRI NGTON, CLAYTON, (Democrat) Representative fr an the 22nd Dis­ trict of Thurston Co. Legislative Experience-1949 - 50 Ex.-55-57. Born at ottumwa, Iowa in 1899. Graduate of the U. of Mont. with an A.B. and M.A. Degrees. Teaches history at Olympia High. Served in the Army in World War I. Be­ longs to the Grange, Am. Fed. of Teachers and Am. Federation of Musicians. He is married and has a daughter and son.

GALLAGH ER, BERNARD J. (Democrat) Representati ve f rom the 3rd Dis­ trict of Spokane County. Legis­ lative Experience-1941-49-50 Ex­ 51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 EX.-ea­ 57. Born at Prosser in 1912. He graduated from Go nzaga Law School and is an att orney. Served i n the Army during World War I I . Member of the Knights of Columbus and Elks. Married and has a son. STATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GALLAGHER, PHIL H. (Democrat) Members as of January 12, 1959 Representative from the 33rd Dis­ (ALPHABETICAL) trict of King county. Appointed in 1957 and will be serving his ___ _ N_'~_"l\_I_F.___+ ___ '_'_O_. ._~'_DD__'_"_·: :;_· ~____ :1 ,,- 1\:'i,li:~T~~,~,.:r; ~~ ~~ second term. Born at Anaconda,

.\ckley. NOnllUn B.o. Hi923-.'\ Mur,lewild, :;cllUle.. . .. KinJ:, pal't... 31 DellllWrlltil' Mont. in 1906. Has an A.B. and .\tlMms , Alfred 0 ...... w. ·107 ~W th .-h 'c. , Hpoknne.. :;Ilokaue ,part. . . ti Hcpul,liean LL.B. Degree from Gonzaga U. and .\hlqulst, H. M :mrice.. . Hilltop Hauch, ~ l' ollchet ...... Walla Walla... 11 HPlllll,lkall .\ndcrl'cn.•[lImes A .. . :1008 U.::;t h N.E. , Hellenic.. . Kin~, part.. 48 H Cj>uhlkilll Military-Government from Harvard. .\udCI'son. EVil . 224 :ird St., Chelan..•.. . ChehHl...... ]~ Hepul,jir'all •\\'1:),. Art. . Ke ttle .FItJl!' , Washington.. ~Ve fHl Ureillc ... ~ DCl IlO('tH\k Is an Attorney-at-Law and Insur­ IHtc...cns ...... \ Baf'ki"trolll, Ilf'nry . . Arling-toll ,Wa."hington . . lJCIllOl'rutie ance bus iness. Former state .. )~l~~~:~li;:t~'t ~ ) .t .. ~ :'.0 Treasurer and Asst. Attorney Gen­ BI'if'rl"in, W. J .. 1l:! .Eo Muin St., Auhnrn .. .. I Kin g", j, lIrt ...... ::0 D1'I11.wralh· l \ernetlly, Rol,crt .. Uo t)'· . . . :::iUltHll. Washington. . .. \~nohoIllL"h , lJt.~ ;;!) Delll(wrllli(' eral for 6 years. Belongs to the /I~llll\d. \Hlrt ... \ Big-Icy , John ...... Denlo('rutk Elks, Knights of Columbus, VFW and Bozarth, Horuce W... :: . ~~~~)sA~id~l \~:!~hi:~~;~::::::::::::·.: \~~~~g !!f~'.rt ..:: i :J~ D cmocratic ,Okanog- :lIl. \ American Legion. Married and has ::;;~I~~ 'l · ~·;I\~\~r-.·.·...... '.: ~~ li~ ; fr~l~, s~~'a~l\e~ ~I.l~ ~~ ~:: :::: : :: :: ~l: ~~ I:I~;~~ i ::. .. :~i R~:~~~~~: I:: one son. Ilrou illet, Frank "[lu!"ter' .. I720 uth st. !:l.W., Puyallup...... P ier('e, part.. ~:; D"llIo('rlltic' Brown, Gordon J. .. ·n:) Princeton, Viu'rCl;t, ~ ra c o ma ... j-'ierec, Jlllrt. :"'9 Df'IUo('ratie HlIiJl~, .1 . Bnu·p...... ]~18 So. Ridgewood, 'fucornu..... Pier('e, purl... . "!.7 De lll(wratie ('111111110(.[1, Keith U.... W. 2"'..'04 RoCkwell A "c. , Spoktlne... Spokane,l)art.. ii lklllot"rutie ('antl,'[,I. Danlon R.. Houte 1, G ranger, Washington... Yakima, part .. 1;'1 Ht: j nll,lkall

Carrllkh!lcl, Wnll r . P. O. Box 7;:0 , E\·cret t .. . ~~noholIli."h, pt.I:; ~ Df'lllol'ralie GARRETT, AVERY (Democrat) Repre­ /If.;]and, part . .. j ( 'a rtr. W. E. . . Uoulr> 1, B ox If!. WdgctJ.e.loI . . ('lnrk, IHlrt.. . c wpy C ...... ,()(l E. Hieh11lollcl , Dayton ...... ~C Ollllll"iH ... .. ~ 11) DCIIlO''!"l lt i,· Member st. Andrews' # 35 F&M, lG urtil'ld ...... J Dorc. Fred H ...... Dl'1110Pflliic' Issaquah Chapter #39 RAM and is E ldrld/,;"f' . Donald "Do n" .. ~in~~,i:d i ~~ . :, ~i~~t~~:~I;O;;"" . . . \~//l~ !;.Tl~:jl:~.t .. . . : .} ~~ Htlluhlkan married and has one son and three ISk n Kit \ l<:]ltOIl, Mr." ..10hn W .. 7 X. Wn)!l1l t Road. RTWkllllf' .. ,. Rpnkllnp,l)a1" I .. 4 n('llHlcrat ir' daughters. I<: Vll II :" , Danit.J ,I.. 7'2 7 HeIlevllc Ave. N., Rea t tle. . King". par t.. .j:j HI'IHlldil'all r-:dW(lr,L", . .\. E ...... 1:loti.~l I .copo!d . Bclling-ham.. Whah'oHl, tunl .I:! Dl'll1(:("fa l it· 1<'11 rrin g\ Oil, ('Ill yton .. .. . :")17 I·: . 1·11 It, O IYll1\dll...... · J'l1! l r ~ton ...... D(.' 111Of'flltit' nalluglu'r, l\1'l"Il ar,1 .1 . . . E. 41 ·\ E1J l1~ il" C .\"e., Rpoka nc. . Rpo k !l n c , j)!lrt.. DC!Ilof'tatif' (jlll1u~l wr. Phil n .. . 4\:!;") Wth Ro., Heilttlc ...... King, pllrt... :':t Il(' l1I 0f"r1lIk (;nrn't j" ,\"4'ry ...... 'I.-i ) T,Hll gst OIl H o an , Renton. . .. Kill!; , part.. H n"lIlo{'rlllic' nlpa>;on, J,Jr~. Mnrinll C.. . lioldlllllrk, .101111 .. L-~~ ~lr 1~'o\;ttc~' J~at:~~~(:l~{:" ...... 1~~l~~~;ltu.rt... :: i :?I g~~~:~~:~:~~\:: /Okallogllll .. .. ~ (;old;:worthy, Ho hert r .. lUlIll /! 2, Ho~n1ia...... Whitman. . . !J RI'Il111,lif'!l1l liort()ll, ~Ill d c ...... H"l'uhlic'llII IllllJ."f'Il, ,JI!1ia nutlcr. . ~~'I~~hlt{:I~ICt~·t~:t; S ~jl~I~~~~:: ...... :: \~~~~l it~ ~I .r::: :: 7 ~~ Df'llJof'ratil- I Wuhkinkllm . . 5 Harri~, Edwnrli F ...... s. ]n :~ ~ l lIple St., RI)okan(! .. Hpoknne, p art.. i R epllhliellll GLEASON, MRS. MARION C. (Democrat) 1I"l1 d N ~hot , Wilbllr "II . . :!iiO.~) Guin Ho:ul, O lym pia .. 'l'h\lr~t OT1 ... [)('Ill{)eral i(' Representative from the 27th Dis­ H~'Jlry, ::\(ildred K . . Hio Vi~t"il, Wllite Sahnon ...... {~::~~~;1I1trt<: lj7 nf"lllof'raiic' trict of Pierce County. This is lSklllllllllin .....J H oIJJlf'~, Puul.. GO:; W. 10th, . Ell~ ;nsllll r J;.. . . IGran t.. . . } 1:{ D Cl1lo('r:liic' her second term in the House. JKH.tHui"...... ··5 Ilood, .1:1 ('k c...... [ ~ '(>J"n dal " • .w a!"ldn~lon...... '''hat('om , "lin .. 1 Ht'lllll,lil';ll1 She was born at Seattle, Washing­ HllIl l lf"Y , Elnwr r ...... " Thornton, Wn ~ lti n~ton...... Whil"l1l11Il...... !) HPIHlI,lil':11l ton. Attended Business College llml4'Y. :\Ir ~..10!"f' jlh J~ ... 1':.7:;0 lloone Ave., ~Jlokllne. . ~pokilrll', part. . Dpilloc'raiil' ,lolll1 ~tOT1, Eh)lpr F ...... \\'. 71 4 141 h Ave., SpOi;UIlC .. . SPQkllllf", !JurI.. I; H"JHll,lif'an and at the present time is a home­ .I()I1~~ol1 •.101L Marvin ...... 7(J[ 2 2·l t l1 N.W., HI'tlttle...... Ring . purl...... " .1 nl'lllul!rlltil' "iug, l'lif'\...... 14:{.:. itll St., R:lymond...... {PUf'iftl', (;ray!") 11) n"1I1o('rli tir' maker. She is married and they ) "fLirhor, purl" \ DI' lIlfWT;l lil' have five children. ~;,!1\7 1;d~ i.:~~f ,::,;i .r...:,:, 1';. :::: ~ :~~. /; :;~ hptt:\ .1~.~n~\~ ~l::~ i. ·I· . · .·.· ~;g~ ~('~:~l;t .~Iart ~ ,~ Hf'j)III.lic·:lI1 I.it('i1man, Mark, .Tr...... 1::7(\{; 2nd N.E. , Scut tle ...... Kin/;",l'lIrt.. .j;j n..'lfJOI ·ralil· :\I lIhu IT~'~', Andh'y F...... N~ n 20th X .E., Scn ttlf' ...... RinK, pflrt...... ·If, Hf'p1l1,1i4':l1l :\rar([f';: kh, t\n J;lJ~ t p ...... UH) Hw'kp1"' .\\"e. , F.n~rett.. .. . ~~no h oHli:"h, pt.) ::8 nl'lLI Qf'l" Hlil' lIr-land. parl". .. \ :\1n r.~h , Shirley R .. . 1:!~ 6 20th .-\\'c. , },olLg"\'ic w. .. { C owlitz ...... / 18 DcnH)C'ratif'

;\\(oC'orlllud: , "Mike . . ~010 E\'Crcst , Rif'lllanr1. . . . . {~~:;ll:~~ I.k.I ~ ~ .. ::~ ]r. D CIII O('rllti,' )Fnlllklin ...... \ :\ld"Ol"l ll i('k, W. "I .. "Bill" . .E . :)~7 Ho("kwl'!1 .>\ w . , ~pokanc .. r ~.r;:~lt ll:;::: .P:.I~~ . i n(,1l1opraiif' :\1(' l-' uII, lf'l1, :ru mf' ." I ,.. 1217 E. 2n fl St., PorI.. .,\nj!ple!" . . . . . g~' :7.:~~~~I. . ~:'.J :!-I D"11104'Tnllf' GOLDMA RK , JOH~ (Democrat) Repre­ :\r4 ' Yf't~, Vidor .\., .fr...... 1 18f: .-I[ 4th S .. W". Reuttle...... hillg-, pa rI" :: 1 D'~lllOf' r(ltf(' sentative from the 1st District . r. \dam~ ...... "1 ... roo~, DOll!lld W.. . Edwn]], " :I."hlllgtOIl . . . .. ··· lG ·,~~~i,;:: ':::: 1 8 Hf'j)uhli(':m of Douglas and Okanogan Counties• Legislative Experience-Second term in the House of Representatives. Born at Scarsdale, New York in 1917. Attended Harvard Law school and Haverford College. He is a rancher and member of the Grange. Was in the Navy during World War II and is a Lieutenant Commander in the Reserves. Married and has two sons.

4­ GOLDSWORTHY, ROBERT F. (Republi­ can) Representative from the 9th District of Whitman County. Legislative Experience-this is his second term. Born at Spokane in 1917. Graduate of WSC and is engaged in farming. Combat veteran of world War II and Korea. Belongs to the Masonic Lodge. Married and has two children.

GORTON, SLADE (Republican) Repre­ sentative from the 46th District of King County. He will be serv­ ing his first term. Born in 1.928 THE HOUSE at Chicago, Ill., he attended Dartmouth College earning ~n A.B. Then he received an LL.B. from columbia U. Belongs to Gamma OF Delta Chi, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Phi. Was in U.S. Army 1946-47 and the Air Force from 1953-56. He is married. REPRESENTATIVES

HANSEN, JULIA BUTLER (Democrat) Representative from the 18th Dist. of Cowlitz and Wahkiakum. Legjg­ lative Experience-1939-41-43-44 Ex.-45-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 EX.-51­ 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at Portland, Ore. Has B.A. Degree from U. of Wash. Chairman of Western Interstate Committee on Highway Policy Program since 1951. Honorary member Delta Kappa Gam­ ma. Is a writer and owns a titIe and abstract co. Married and has a 12-year-old son.

HARR IS, EDWARD F. (Republican) Representative from the 7th Dis­ trict of Spokane County. Legis­ lative Experience-1955-57. Born at Harrison, Idaho in 1909. Has a B.S. Degree from the School of Business, University of Idaho and LL.B. Degree from Gonzaga Univer­ sity and he is a practicing attorney. He is married and has a son and daughter. t­ ~ r HENDERSHOT, WILBUR H. (Democrat) Representative from the 22nd Dis­ trict of Thurston Co. He will be serving his first term in the House. Born in November 1911 at Eagle Bend, Minn. and has a high school education. He is Asst. Business Agent and Recording Sec. for Plywood Union which is affil­ iated with the I.W. of America. Member of Eagles, Loyal Order of Moose, Lions, South Bay and Pomona Grange. Married and has 2 children.

HENRY, MILDRED E. (Democrat) Rep­ resentative from the 17th Dist. comprising Klickitat and Skamania and part of Clark county. Serving her second term. Born at Klicki­ tat, she has a business college education. She is a homemaker and has 2 daughters. Member Rebekahs and Eagles Auxiliary.


JOHN A. CHERBERG (Democrat) from the HOLMES, PAUL (Democrat) Represent­ 36th District of King County. ative from the 13th District con­ Elected Lieutenant Governor in 1956 sisting of Grant and Kittitas Counties. He was born at Chilli­ and served as presiding officer of cothe, Ohio in 1921. Graduated from high school and attended the State Senate during the 1957 Metropolitan Business College in Session. Also served as Chairman Seattle. Employed as a log scaler. Served 6 years in U.S. Marines. of the Senate Rules Committee. Born Belongs to the Masons and Grange. in Pensacola, Florida in 1910. Married and they have 3 children. Graduate of University of Washing­ ton. Teacher and athletic coach at Queen Anne High School and Univer­ sity, at present is a television account executive. Belongs to HOOD, JACK C. (Republican) Repre­ Sigma Nu Fraternity, Elks, Eagles sentative from the 41st District of Whatcom County. Serving his and Moose. Married Elizabeth Walker first term in the Legislature. in 1935 and has three children Born in Ferndale, Wash. in 1919. He attended the public schools of Ferndale and later went to Whitman College. He is Vice Pre~. of the 1st National Bank of Ferndale. Served in the U. S. Navy during World War II. Member of the Elks, Married and has 4 children. HUNTLEY, ELMER C. (Republican) ~-:. ZEDNICK, VICTOR (Republican) Representative from the 9th Dis­ Senator from the 36th District of trict of Whitman County. Legis­ King County. Legislative Exper­ lative Experience-this will be ience-House-1911-13-15-17. Senate his second term in the House of -1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49-Ex. 50-51­ Representatives. Born at st. John 53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Denver, in 1915. He attended Washington Colorado in 1885. Graduate of State College and is now engaged the University of Washington with as a farmer raising grain and A.B. and LL.B. Degrees and is an livestock. Member of the Masonic attorney. Member of the Masons Lodge and Mystic Shrine. He is Shrine, Elks, Moose and Eagles: narried. Married and has 3 daughters

BOWDEN, WARD, (Democrat) Secretary of the Senate from the 39th Dis­ HU RLEY, MRS. JOSEPH E. (Democrat) trict of Snohomish County. Legis­ Representative from the 3rd Dis­ lative Experience-Asst. Chief trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ Clerk of the House-1941:43-51-55. tive Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Will be serving his second time Born in Minnesota. She is a as Secretary of the Senate. Born graduate of a normal school. She at Everett in 1912. He is a News­ is a homemaker. Married and they paper Publisher. Belongs to have 4 children. the Elks, Eagles and Kiwanis. Married and has 5 daughters.

JOHNSTON, ELMER E. (Republican) JOHNSON, CHARLIE (Democrat) Representative from the 6th Dis­ Sergeant-at-Arms in the Senate­ trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ 1957-1959. Served 1 session and tive Experience-1947-49-50 Ex.-51­ 1 special session in the House. 51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. He is from the 22nd Dist~ of Born at Oakesdale, Washington in Thurston County. Born at Elko, 1898. He has a LL.B. and L.M. Wyo. in 1911. He has a high Degree from Notre Dame and George­ school education and is a Whole­ town University. He is an at­ sale Distributing and Manufactur­ torney. Served during World War ing Representative. Member I. Belongs to the Elks and B.P.O.E., Eagles and W.A.C. Mar­ Knights of Columbus. Married and ried and has four children. has two children.

JONSSON, JON MARVIN (Democrat) Representative from the 44th District of King Crunty will be serving his first term. Born in Seattle, Wash. in 1928. He attended the public schools and later went to the University of Wash. where he earned his B.A. in Economics and Business Adminis­ tration and his Law degree from :: . the University Law School. He ; served in the U. S. Marine Corp. He has an eight year-old son. -

TALLEY, DONALD L. (Democrat) KING, CHET (Democrat ) Rep resenta­ Senator from the 18th District t ive from t he 19th Di strict of comprising COwlitz and Wahkiakum Pacific and par t of Grays Ha r bo r COunties. Legislative Experience­ Counties. Legislative Experience­ Senate- 55 so will be serving his 1945-47-49- 50 Ex.- 51 - 51 Ex .-51 second session. He is serving 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Bo rn in his second term as mayor of Kelso. J Doty, Washington in 1901. A high Born at Tacoma in 1918. He has a school gradu a t e. Wo rks as a high school education and runs Boom Man or raf ter . Served three a meat market. Served in the years in U. S. Naval Ai r Corp. Navy during World War II. Be­ Belongs t o t he Eagles, Elks and longs to the Elks. Moose . Masons, Internati onal Woodw orkers of Shrine and American Legion. Sen. Ame r i ca. Married and has t hree Talley is married and they have children. two sons.

KINK , DI CK J. (Democ r at) Repre­ THOMP SON , AL BERT C. JR. (Republi­ s entative f r om t he 42nd Dist. of can) Senator f rom the 48th Dis­ Whatcom county wi l l be serving his trict of King County. He will s econd term. Born at Bellingham be serving his first term. Born in 1921. Served in the Navy in at Tacoma , Wash. in 1919. Grad­ World War I I. He i s a purse uated from Un i ve rs i ty 0 f Wash­ Se iner. Belongs t o the Bellingham ington in pharmacy and now owns Junior Chamber of Commerce, VFW, and operat es his own drug stove. Lions, Amer i can Le gion and Sec.­ Sen. Thompson is married and has Treas . of Drum Seine r Marketing one son and a daughter. Assn. He is mar r ied and they h ave a daughter .

L ELA N~ ALFRED L (Rep ub l i ~a n ) WASHINGTON, NAT (Democrat) Senator Represent ative from the 48th Dl s t . from the 13th District of Grant & of Kin g Co unty. Will be serving Kittitas Counties. Legislativp h is s econd term. Bo r n at st. Experience-House-1949-Ex. 50. Marie Ida. in 19 21. Attended Senate-1951-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Bo r n BOe i ng' School of Aeronauti cs, Oak­ at Coulee city, Washington in I and Cal if. He is in r e tail 1914. He is a graduate of the furnit ure an d appliance business. University of Washington and is Served 5~ years in t he U.S. Ar my an attorney. Served in the Army Air Co rps during Wor l d War II. Air Force for five years. He i s Belongs to Kiwanis, Elks, S ms of a member of the Elks, Grange and Norway , Ch. of Comm. and Wash. Masons. Married and has 2 sons. St a te Goo d Roads Assn. He i s singl e.

WOO DALL, PERRY B. (Re publ i can) LITCHMAN, MARK, JR. (D emocrat) Senator from the 15t h Distr ict of Representative from the 45th Dist. Yakima County. Legislative Ex­ o f Kin g Co. Served t wo regular perience-House-1939-41-43-47-49­ and one special session. Born at 50 Ex 51-Ex. - 5 1-2nd Ex. -51. Seattle in 19 25. He i s an attorney Senate-57. Born at Buena in 1912. having received an A. B. Degree in Graduate of Yakima Valley Junior Cr i minology and So ciology and College and U. of Washington with LL.B. from the U. of Washington. LL.B. Degree he is an attorney. Served in NavY. Wo rld War II. Be­ Served in the Navy during Worl d longs to Ph i Alpha De lta, Am. War II. Member of the American Legion, DAV, Jewish Wa r Vets, Legion, Eagles and Grange. Sen. B'Nai B' r i th and Forty et Eight. Woodall i s married and has two Married and they have 3 children. children. -

SA ND I SON, GO RDON (Democrat) ". - Senator from the 24th Dist. Com­ MAHAFFEY, AUDLEY F. (Republican) prising Clallam, Jefferson & Mason Representative from the 46th Dis­ Counties. Leg. Experience-House­ trict. Served in 1945 and 47 so 1949-50 EX.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.­ will be serving his 3rd term. 51-53 Ex. -55. Senate-1955-57. Born at Pawnee, Okla. in 1899. Born at Auburn in 1919. College Has a Masters of Arts in History graduate and two years post grad­ from the U. of Wash. He has uate work, also graduate of taught 35 years. Served in the Hartford Fire Insurance Training Navy during World War I. He is a center, he is an insurance agent. Mason, member I.O. O.F. and Shrine. Served in the Marines during World Married and has 3 living children, War II. Belongs to Elks, Eagles, one son deceased. VFW, Grange and Army-Navy Legion of Valor. Married and they have four children.

MARDESI CH, AUGUST P. (Democrat) Representative from the 38th Dis­ trict, Island and Snohomish SCHUMACHER, DR. HENRY L. (Republi­ Counties. Legislative Experience­ can) Senator from the 49th Dis­ 1950-Ex.-51 EX.-51 2nd EX.-53-53 trict will be serving his first Ex. -55-57. Born at San Pedro, term. Born at Omaha, Nebr. in Calif. in 1920. He has a B.A. and 1912. Graduate of Northern Illi­ LL.B.Degree from the University of nois College and is a practicing Washington is engaged in fish Optometrist. Member Elks Lodge packing and is an attorney. and Rotary International. He Served in the Army during World was married in 1933 and has one War II. Belongs to the Elks, VFW, son and a daughter. and American Legion. Married and has one son and two daughters.

MARSH, SHIRLEY R. (Democrat) Rep­ resentative from the 18th Dist. comprising Cowlitz and Wahkiakum SHANNON, WILLIAM D. (Republican) Counties. He served in the Senate Senator from the 43rd District of in 1941 and 1943. Born at Kelso King County. Legislative Exper­ in 1906. Graduate of the U. of ience-House-47-49. Senate-Ex. 50­ Wash. with an A.B. and LL.B. De­ 51-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Park­ gree and is an attorney. He has ville, New York in 1881. He has served as city councilman, Co. a B.S.Degree in Civil Engineering Prosecuting Atty. and Asst. Atty. from the University of Michigan Gen. Was Lt. Col.in the Infantry and is a consul ting engineer. during World War II. Belongs to Belongs to the F. and A.M. He is Eagles, Masonic Lodge, Columbia married and has three children. River Shrine and Kiwanis Club. He is married.

McCORMACK, MIKE (Democrat) Repre­ SUTHERLAND, PATRICK D. (Democrat) sentative from the 16th Dist. Senator from the 37th District of comprising Benton and Franklin King County. Legislative Exper­ Counties. Will be serving his ience-House-1949-Ex. 50. Senate- second term. Born in Ohio in 1951-53-Ex. 53-55-57. Born in 1922 1921. Has a B.S. & M.S. Degree at Hollywood, California. He has from W.S.C. and is a Radio Chem­ attended Notre Dame University and ist at Hanford. Served as a 1st University of Washington. Prac­ Lt. during World War II. Belongs ticing attorney for the past 10 to Am. Legion, Am. Chemical So­ years. Beloogs to Eagles and ciety, Fed. of Am. Scientist, Knights of Columbus. Married in Masonic and Sigma Chi Fraternity. 1948 he has three daughters. Married and has 3 sons. RAUGUST, W. C. (Republican) Senator from the 8th District con­ sisting of Adams, Ferry and Lin­ McCORMICK, W. L. "BILL" (Democrat) coln Counties. Legislative Exper­ Representative from the 5th Dis­ ience-House-1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49. trict of Spokane County. He will Senate-Ex. 1950-51-53-Ex.53-55-57. be serving his second term in the Born in Russia in 1895. Has a Legislature. Born at Waukon business education and is a mer­ Iowa in 1925. He went to schooi chant dealing in farm investments, 12 years and is a machinist. wheat and farm implements Served as a tail gunner in the Served in World War I. Hold~ Air ~orce during World War II. several positions in private i~ MarrIed and has a 5 year old dustries and civic associa­ daughter. t ions. Bel mgs to the Lions and American Legion. Married and has 5 children.

RI LEY, EDWARD F. (Democrat) Sen­ McFADDEN, DR. JAMES L. (Democrat) ator from the 35th District of representative from the 24th Dis­ King County. Legislative Exper­ trict consisting of Clallam, Jef­ ience-House-1939-41-43-Ex. 44-45­ fer~on and Mason Counties. Legis­ 47-49-Ex. 50. Senate-1951-53­ latl~e Experience-1955-57. Born Ex. 53-55-57. Born at Seattle in at VIctoria, B.C., Canada in 1899. 1898. Attended University of Graduate of the University of Washington and is Vice President Tor?nt? in Medicine and Surgery. of Plumbing & Heating Wholesale He IS In general practice of medi­ House. Served in the Army during cine and surgery. Belrngs to the World War 1. Belongs to the Masonic Lodge and Elks. Married Kiwanis Club, American Legion and and has one son. Theta Delta Chi. Married and has two sons.

MEYE RS, VICTOR A. JR. (Democrat) Representative from the 31st Dist ROUP, HOWARD (Democrat) Senator of King Co. is a newly elected mem­ from the 10th District comprising ber of the House . Born at San Asotin, Coillmbia and Garfield Diego, Calif.in 1924. He attended Counties. Legislative Experience­ Iowa State Teachers College, Senate-1937-39-45-47-49-Ex. 50-51­ Seattle U. and U. of Wash. Law 53 Ex.53-55-57. Born in North School. He owns and manages an Carolina in 1884. Graduated from Equipment & Tire Co. Spent 1~ normal College he is now engaged years overseas as Capt. pilot in in farming and raises livestock. the Air Force during World War II. Belongs to Masonic Lodge, Shrine, Member Elks, Knights of Columbus Elks and Moose. Sen. Roup was Am. Legion, VFW and P.T.A. He i~ IItlrried in 1914. married and they have 2 daughters and 2 sons.

MOOS, DO NALD W. (Republican) Representative from the 8th Dist. RYDER, JOHN N. (Republican) Sena­ of Adams, Ferry and Lincoln Coun­ tor from the 46th District of King ties. Serving his first term in County. Legislative Experience­ the Legislature. Was born in 1923 House-1953-Ex. 53 &Senate-55-57. at Spokane and is a graduate of Born at Seattle in 1907. Attended W.S.C. in 1947 with a B.S. degree. University of Washington and is a Served as an infantryman in World graduate of the School of Banking War II. Belongs to Mason, Royal Rutgers University. He is ~ Arch Mason, Knight Templar,Shrine banker. Belongs to the Ravenna Lambda Chi Alpha, Alpha Zeta' Lodge F. H A.M. Married and has Phi Kappa Phi and Grange. He i~ three children. a farmer. Married and has 2 chil­ dren. MORGAN, FRANCES HADDON (Democrat) Representative from the 23rd Dist. ~ NORDQUIST, DALE M. (Republican) of Kitsap County. Born in Brem­ Senator from the 20th District of erton. Very active in Democratic Lewis County. Legi.slative Exper­ Party. Graduate of Business Col­ ience-1953-Ex. 53-55-57. Born near lege, owns & operates a Wel­ Underwood, North Dakota in 1914. coming Service. 1957 appointed Senator Nordquist is a lawyer to Gov. Council for Children & .. and holds B. A. and LL. B. De­ Youth. Member Ladies IT Elks, P. T. grees from the University of A., Soroptimist & Wash. Assn. North Dakota. Was a Naval Aviator Retarded Children. Married and has and served as a Lieutenant Com­ 2 daughters. Mrs. Morgan is fol­ mander during World War II. Be­ lowing in the footsteps of her longs to the Grange and Elks. mother, Lulu D. Haddon who has Married and has 2 children. been a member of the House and Senate.

NUNAMAKER, HOMER O. (Democrat) MORI ARTY, CHARLES P., JR. (Re­ Senator from the 42nd District publican) Representative from the of Whatcom County. Legislative 36th District of King county. He Experience-House-1943-44 Ex.-45­ will be serving his second term. 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex. Born at Seattle in 1927. He has Senate-1955-57. Born at Greenup, his B.A. and LL.B. Degrees from Illinois in 1891. Attended East­ the University of Washington and ern State Normal in Illinois and is practicing law. Belongs to has business administration edu­ Elks, American Legion, Knights of cation. He is a retired grocery­ Columbus. Served with the Judge man. Belongs to Eagles and A.O.O. Advocate General's Corps in -the W. He is married. Army in 1952-53. He is single.

PETRICH, JOHN A. (Democrat) Sen­ MORPHIS, RICHA~D ~ (Republican) ator from the 26th District of Representative from the 7th Dis­ Pierce County. Legislative Ex~ trict of Spokane County. Legisla­ perience-House-1957 so will be tive Experience-he is serving serving his first term in the second term in the House. Born Senate. Born at Tacoma in 1919. at Spokane in 1929. Graduate of Attended U. of Wash., graduated Walla Walla College with a B.A. from U. of Santa Clara and has Degree in Business AdminiRtration. law degree from Georgetown Uni­ He is Business Manager of a Spo­ versity and is a practicing kane Sanitarium. Belongs to the attorney. Served in the Navy Elks and Odd Fellows. Married in in World War II. Belongs to the 1952 they have one son. Elks, Sen. Petrich is married and they have 6 children.

MORRISSEY, ED (Republican) Repre­ sentative from the 14th District of Yakima County. Will be serv­ PURV IS, RALPH (Democrat) Senator ing his first term. Born at Salt from the 23rd District of Kitsap Lake City in 1923. He attended County. Legislative Experience­ St. Martin's College, Seattle House-1953-53 Ex.-55. Senate-55­ University, Graduated from U. of 57. Born at Bremerton in 1909. Wash. with a B.A. in Journalism in Has a Bachelor of Law Degree from 1949. He is Director of Promotion the University of Washington. He -Public Relations for Cascade is an attorney. Served 5 years Broadcasting Co. Served in U.S. in the U.S. Navy. Belongs to Marine Corps during World War II. the Masons. He is married and Member BPOE, Yakima Lodge, 318. they have two children. and Kiwanis Club. Married and has four children. MARTIN, FRED J. (Democrat) MUNDY, ROY (Democrat) Represent­ Senator from the 40th District ative from the 13th District of of San Juan and Skagit Counties. Grant and Kittitas Counties. Leg­ Legislative Experience-House­ islative Experience -1953-53 Ex.­ 1935-37-39-41-43-44 Ex. Senate­ 1955-57, Born at Abbeville, S. C. 1957. Born at Rockport, Wash. in in 1912. Attended University of 1897. He has a high school edu­ Washington for two years and is a cation and is a cattle rancher. Real Estate Broker. veteran of Served during World War One, World War II. He belongs to the Member of the Knights of Columbus Elks Club in Ephrata. He is Grange and American Legion. Sen. married. Martin is married and they have two sons.

McCUTCHEON, JOHN T. (Democrat) NEVA, GENE G. (Democrat) Repre­ Senator from the 29th District of sentative from the 21st District Pierce County, Legislative Ex­ of Grays Harbor County. Will be perience - House-1941, Senate­ serving his 2nd term in the Leg­ 1943 Ex.44-45-47-49. Born in islature. Born at Kensal, N. Da­ Tacoma, Wash. March 23, 1892. ko ta in 1924. He maj ored in Rectived his law degree from the forestry engineering. Is employed Indiana University and attended as a civil engineer. Served in the n. of Wash. 1 year. He is a for­ Navy during World War II. Belongs mer mayor of Steilacoom and is to Elks, Eagles, Engineer's As­ a practicing attorney. Belongs sociation and Polish Club. Mar­ to Eagles, Grange & Masons. He ried in 1944 they have 3 children. is married and has 3 children.

McMI LLAN, DAVI D E. (Democrat) NICHOLSON, PAT (Democrat) Repre­ Senator from the 2nd District sentative from the 23rd District which comprises Pend Oreille and of Kitsap County. Legislative Stevens County. He served in the Experience-he will be serving Senate in 1935-37-39 so will be his second term in the House of serving his 5th session. Born at Representatives. Born at Tacoma Colville in 1897. He attended the in 1929. Graduate of University University of Washington. He is and Army General School (Intelli­ a farmer and raises livestock. gence Analyst.) Radio and Tele­ Served in World War 1. Member vision Writer and Broadcaster. Elks, Masons and American Legion. Served in the Army in 1952 to He is married and they have 2 1954. He is single. daughters.

0' BRI EN, JOHN L. (Democrat) Repre­ NEIL~ MARSHALL A. (Republican) sentative from the 33rd District Senator from the 9th District of of King County. Legislative Ex­ Whitman County. Legislative Ex­ perience-1941-43-44 EX.-45-49-50 perience-House-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex. Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -53-53 Ex. -55. He -55-57. Born in Seattle in 1911. will be serving his second session Graduate of the Western Institute in the Senate. Born at Pullman of Professional Accounting, is a in 1914. He has a B.A. Degree Certified Public Accountant and from Washington State and LL.B. has done extension work from the from University of Idah 0 and is U. of Wash. Served in Coast Guard. a lawyer. Served in the U. S. Belongs to Eagles, Knights of Col­ Navy during World War II. Member umbus and Washington Athletic of the Elks and Masonic Order. Club. He was Majority Leader in Married and has 3 children. 1951 and 53. Speaker of the House in 1955-57 and &9. Married and ~has a son and daughter. ~ O'CONNELL, W. J. (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 28th District of Pierce County. Serving his KIMBALL, HAROLD G. (Democrat) first term in the House. Born at Senator from the 44th District of Tacoma in 1922. Attended College King County. Legislative Ex­ of Puget Sound graduating with perience-Senate-47 and was elected A.B. and B.E. degrees. He is an again in 1950 and 1958. He' was educator and coach in Tacoma. Was born in Minnesota and is 62 years in the Army Air Force serving as of age. He is publisher of the a pilot. Belongs to the Eagles. Ballard News in Seattle. Is married and has three sons.

OLSEN, RAY (Democrat) Representa­ tive from the 35th District of KNOBLAUCH, REUBEN A. (Democrat) King County. Legislative Exper­ Senator from the 25th District of ience-1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ Ex.-55-57. Born at Baker, Ore. in perience-House-1947-49 Ex.-50 ­ 1904. Member World Fair Com­ 51-51 Ex. -51 2nd. Senate-1953­ mission. Editor of the Allied 53 Ex. -55-57. Born at Sumner in Food & Beverage Magazine for the 1914. Graduate of Sumner High Wash. State Restaurant Assn. Be­ School. He is a farmer. Belongs longs to Elks, Eagles, Washington to the Elks, Grange, Am. Legion Athletic Club, Ad Club and Swedish and VFW. He isn't married. Club. He is married.

PAPAJANI, JOHN (Democrat) Repre­ KUPKA, GEORGE W. (Democrat) Sen­ sentative from the 44th District ator from the 27th District of of King County. Newly elected Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ member of the House. He was born perience-House-1949-50 Ex.-51-51 in Albania in 1912. He is a Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55. graduate of the University of Senate-55-57. Born at South Washington and is now a salesman. Prairie, Washington in 1912. Has Military service retired U.S.N.R. a high school education. He is Belongs to Eagles, Elks, Lions, in the jewelery business. Served VFW and Order of Ahepa. Married in the Navy during World War II. and they have three children. Belongs to the Elks, Eagles, Tacoma Civic Club. He is single.

PENCE, STANLEY (Republican) Rep­ LENNART, ERNEST W. (Republican) resentative from the 14th District Senator from the 41st District of of Yakima County. Will be serving Whatcom County. Legislative Ex­ his first term in the House. Born perience-House-1941-43-Ex. 44-51. in Iowa in 1896. He has a high Senate-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born in school education. Is a farmer Sweden in 1893. Attended college and manager rrf Yakima Dairymen's and is now in the seed business. Assn. Served in the First World Served in World War I. Belongs War and is a member of the Ameri­ to the Masons, Legion, VFW, can Legion. He was married in Grange and Farm Bureau. Married 1921. and has 5 children. HESS, AHDY (Democrat) Senator from the 31st District of King PERRY, ROBERT A. (Democrat) Repre­ County. Legislative Experience­ sentative from the 45th District House-1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53­ of King County. He will be serv­ 53-55. Senate-1957. Born in ing his first term in the Legis­ Abilene, Kansas in 1923. Attended lature. Born in 1921 at New York U. of Wash. and graduated with B.A. City. Is a high school graduate and graduate studies in Economics. and U.S. M.S. school of Engineering. He is a Real Estate Appraiser, He is Business Representative for Broker. Member planning consul­ Local 46, I. B. E. W. He was a tant firm. Served in Pacific, U. Merchant Marine Engineering Of­ S. Navy during World War II. ficer in World War II and the Member Grange, Elks, VFW and Korean Conflict. Married and has AMVETS. Marri ed and has 3 two daughters. ch i 1 dren.

HOFMEI STER, LOU IS E. (Democrat) PRITCHARD, JOEL McFEE (Republican) Senator from the 30th District Representative from the 36th Dis­ of King County. Legislative trict of King County. Serving his Experience-House-1943-44 Ex.-45­ first term. Born at seattle in 49-50 Ex.-51-51 Ex. 51 2nd Ex.-53­ 1925 he attended Queen Anne High 53 Ex. Senate-1955-57. Born at School and later attended Marietta Portage on Vashon Island in 1893. Co 11 ege in Ohio. He is Vice He is a salesman. Served overseas President of Griffin Envelope during World War I. Past State Company. Served in the Infantry Commander of the Veterans of during World War II. Member of Foreign Wars. Member of the Am. the Kiwanis. He is married and Legion, Moose, Eagles and State they have 4 children. Grange. He is married.

IVY, EUGEH E D. (Republ ican) Sen­ ator from the 14th District of Yakima County. Legislative Ex­ RASMUSSEN, A. L. (Democrat) Repre­ perience-1953-53 Ex.-55-57. Born sentative from the 28th District at Bossburg, Washington in 1897. of Pierce County. Legislative He is an attorney having received Experience-1945-47-49-50 Ex.-51-51 his LL.B. Degree from the Univer­ Ex.-52 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. si ty of Washington. Served in Born at Everett, Wash. in 1909. World War I. Bel mgs to Elks, Attended the Public Schools of Eagles, Masonic Bodies, American Tacoma and is a railroad machin­ Legion, Gyro International of ist. He was married in 1940 and Yakima. Widowed in 1936 he they have four children. married again in 1944 and has 2 daughters from his first marriage.

RICKDAL~ RALPH L. (Republican) KEEFE, JAMES EDWARD (Democrat) Representative from the 40th Dis­ Senator from the 3rd District of trict of San Juan and Skagit Coun­ Spokane County. Legislative Ex­ ties. Legislative Experience­ perience-1949-50 Ex.-51-53-53. Ex- will be serving his second term. 55-57. Born at New York City in Born at Burlington in 1911. He 1908. Graduate of Gonzaga High has an LL.B. Degree from the Law School. He is Public Relations School of National U. Washington, and Sales Representative for D. C. He is a berry processor and B-Line Transport Co. in Spokane. fruit grower. Member of the Elks Belopgs to the Elks Club. Married and Moose. He is married and they and they have two sons. have 2 sons. ...,

RITNER, ROY R. (Democrat) Repre­ SCHAEFER, ROBERT M. (Democrat) sentative from the 24th District -Representative from the 49th consisting of Clallam, Mason and District of Clark County. Will Jefferson Counties. Will be be serving his first term. Born serving his first term. Born in in Seattle in lS30. He is a 1911 at Montesano. Is a high graduate of Clark College, Wil­ school graduate and is now a lamette University and Willa­ restaurant owner. Is in the mette Law School . He is a lawyer. National Guard Reserve. Belongs Served 2 years in the Army. Be­ to the Elks. Married and has 3 longs to Phi Delta Phi and Phi children. Delta Theta. He is married.

SHROPSH IRE, LI NCOLN E. (Republi­ can) Representative from the 14th ROSENBERG, K. O. (Democrat) Repre­ District of Yakima County. Legis­ sentative from the 2nd District lative Experience-1953-53 EX.-55 ­ of Stevens and Pend Oreille Coun­ 57. Born at South Bend, Wash. in ties. Legislative Experience-1949 1900. Graduate of Wash. state -50 Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born in College and University of Idaho Spokane in 1920. High school ed­ Law School. Is an attorney and ucation he is a farmer and logger. veteran of World War I. Belongs Served 4 years in the Navy during to Yakima Kiwanis Club, Masonic World War II. Belongs to the Lodge, Eagles, Elks, Scottish Grange and Eagles. Married and Rite, Phi Alpha Delta Law Frater­ has three children. nity and Afifi Temple. Married and has one son.

RUOFF, RICHARD (Republican) R~p­ SILER, HARRY A. (Republican) Rep­ resentative from the 32nd DIS­ resentative from the 20th District trict of King County. Legisla­ of Lewis County. Legislative Ex­ tive Experience-1953-53 EX.-55-57. perience-1950 EX.-51-51 EX.-51 Born at Seattle in 1921. Attended 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at the University of Washington for Winlock, Wash. in 1898. He is a two years he is engaged in the graduate of Washington State Col­ insurance bus~ness. Served in lege and is now engaged in farm­ the U. S. Marines from 1942 to ing. He is married and they have 1945. He is married. one son.

~ITH, SAt-1UEL J. (Democrat) Repre­ SAWYER, LEONARD A. (Democrat) sentative from the 37th District Representative from the 25th Dis­ of King Co. Will be serving his trict of Pierce County. Legisla­ first term. Born near Gibsland. tive Experience-1955- 57. Born at Louisiana in 1922. Graduate of Puyallup in 1925. Holds a B. S. Se a ttl e U. wi th Bachelor of Degree from College of Puget Social Science, graduate of U. of Sound and LL . B. Degree from the W. with B.A. in Economics and University of Washington and is a Graduate Studies U. of W. in practicing attorney. Has served Economics. Employed by Boeing as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Aircraft Co. Served as a War­ of Pierce County. Served 3 years rant Officer During World War II. in the Navy. Belongs to Elks, Affiliated with Phi Beta Sigma American Legion and VFW. Married fraternity and member VFW. He is and has 4 little girls. marriedo and has 5 children. ...,

RITNER, ROY R. (Democrat) Repre­ SCHAEFER, ROBERT M. (Democrat) sentative from the 24th District -Representative from the 49th consisting of Clallam, Mason and District of Clark County. Will Jefferson Counties. Will be be serving his first term. Born serving his first term. Born in in Seattle in lS30. He is a 1911 at Montesano. Is a high graduate of Clark College, Wil­ school graduate and is now a lamette University and Willa­ restaurant owner. Is in the mette Law School . He is a lawyer. National Guard Reserve. Belongs Served 2 years in the Army. Be­ to the Elks. Married and has 3 longs to Phi Delta Phi and Phi children. Delta Theta. He is married.

SHROPSH IRE, LI NCOLN E. (Republi­ can) Representative from the 14th ROSENBERG, K. O. (Democrat) Repre­ District of Yakima County. Legis­ sentative from the 2nd District lative Experience-1953-53 EX.-55 ­ of Stevens and Pend Oreille Coun­ 57. Born at South Bend, Wash. in ties. Legislative Experience-1949 1900. Graduate of Wash. state -50 Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born in College and University of Idaho Spokane in 1920. High school ed­ Law School. Is an attorney and ucation he is a farmer and logger. veteran of World War I. Belongs Served 4 years in the Navy during to Yakima Kiwanis Club, Masonic World War II. Belongs to the Lodge, Eagles, Elks, Scottish Grange and Eagles. Married and Rite, Phi Alpha Delta Law Frater­ has three children. nity and Afifi Temple. Married and has one son.

RUOFF, RICHARD (Republican) R~p­ SILER, HARRY A. (Republican) Rep­ resentative from the 32nd DIS­ resentative from the 20th District trict of King County. Legisla­ of Lewis County. Legislative Ex­ tive Experience-1953-53 EX.-55-57. perience-1950 EX.-51-51 EX.-51 Born at Seattle in 1921. Attended 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at the University of Washington for Winlock, Wash. in 1898. He is a two years he is engaged in the graduate of Washington State Col­ insurance bus~ness. Served in lege and is now engaged in farm­ the U. S. Marines from 1942 to ing. He is married and they have 1945. He is married. one son.

~ITH, SAt-1UEL J. (Democrat) Repre­ SAWYER, LEONARD A. (Democrat) sentative from the 37th District Representative from the 25th Dis­ of King Co. Will be serving his trict of Pierce County. Legisla­ first term. Born near Gibsland. tive Experience-1955- 57. Born at Louisiana in 1922. Graduate of Puyallup in 1925. Holds a B. S. Se a ttl e U. wi th Bachelor of Degree from College of Puget Social Science, graduate of U. of Sound and LL . B. Degree from the W. with B.A. in Economics and University of Washington and is a Graduate Studies U. of W. in practicing attorney. Has served Economics. Employed by Boeing as Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Aircraft Co. Served as a War­ of Pierce County. Served 3 years rant Officer During World War II. in the Navy. Belongs to Elks, Affiliated with Phi Beta Sigma American Legion and VFW. Married fraternity and member VFW. He is and has 4 little girls. marriedo and has 5 children. --

SPEER, JOHN B. (Democrat) Repre~ DURKAN, MARTI NJAMES JR. (Demo­ sentative from the 47th District crat) Senator from the 47th Dis­ of King county. He will be serv­ trict of King County. Legislative ing his first term in the House Experience-House-1957 will be of Representatives. Born in serving his first term in the Sen­ Oklahoma in 1920. He earned ate.Born at Great Falls,Mont. in his B.A. from George Washington 1924. Graduate of the U. of Wash. U. and his LL.B. from the Univer­ Law School and is a practicing sity. He is a lawyer. Married attorney. Veteran of World War II. and they have a son and daughter. Married and has 3 children.

ELWAY, HARRY STEWART, JR. (Repub­ STOCKER, PAUL M. (Democrat) Repre­ lican) Senator from the 21st Dis­ sentative from the 38th District trict of Grays Harbor Co. Legis­ of Island and Snohomish COunties. lative Experience-House-1953-53 Legislative Experience-1953-53 Ex. Ex. -55-57. Will be serving his -55-57. Born at Oregon City, Ore. 1st term in the Senate. Born at in 1924. Attended University of Hoquiam in 1920. Attended San Washington and has an LL.B. Francisco Jr. College is now man­ Degree from Willamette Law School. ager of a plumbing supply co. He is an attorney. Served in the Served during World War II. Past Navy Air Corps during World War Commander-Post #5 of the Am. Lee­ II. Member Veterans of Foreign ion. Belongs to the VFW, DAV, Wars, Judge Advocates Association Masons, Elks, Forty et Eight, and American Club. Married and Eagles and the Grange. He is has two sons. married and has 3 children.

FOLEY, FRMIK W. (Democrat) Senator from the 17th District of Clark SWAYZE, MRS. THOMAS A. (FRANCES) County. Serving his 2nd Session­ (Republican) Representative from in the legislature having been the 26th District of Pierce elected in Nov. 1956. Born in County. Legislative Experience­ Spokane in 1913. Received 1953-53 Ex. -55-57. Born at B.A. Degree from Washington State Council Bluffs, Iowa. She has a and a graduate of Gonzaga Uni­ B.A. Degree from the College of versity School of Law with a Puget Sound and is now employed LL.B. Degree. He is a practicing as Dean of Women of the College. attorney. Served in the Army dur­ Belongs to Pi Beta Phi Fraternity ing World War II. Member of Kappa and PEO Sisterhood. She is mar­ Sigma Fraternity and Elks Lodge. ried and has 5 children. Married in 1937

TESlU, JEANETIE (Democrat) Repre­ sentative from the 34th District FREISE, HERBERT (Republican) Sen­ of King Co. Legislative Exper­ ator from the 11th District of ience-1943-44 Ex.-49-50 Ex.-51-51 Walla Walla County. He will Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -53-53 Ex. -55-57. be serving his 2nd Session in till Born at Pierre, So. Dak. and legislature. Born in Palatine, graduated fram Normal College and Illinois in 1917. Graduate of is employed as a Deputy Sheriff Valparaiso University with a of King County. Member of the B.A. and B.L.C. he is a lawyer. Am. Legion Auxiliary, Eagles, Served in the Navy during World Elks and Business and Professional War II. Married in 1949 they Women, YWCA, Local #987-Deputy have three children. Sheriffs and other numerous organ­ izations. Married and has 3 children.

L COONEY, JOHN L. (Democrat) Senator ~ from the 5th District of Spokane TWI DWELL, MRS. VI VI EN M. (Demo­ COunty. Legislative Experience­ ~ crat) Representative from the 21st House-1951-51 Ex. -51 2nd Ex. -55­ D~strict of Grays Harbor. This Senate-57. Born at Condon, Ore.in wIll be her second term in the 1915. Graduate of Gonzaga U. with Ho use. B0 r n inAbe r dee n. an LL,B.Degree and is a practicing She has a business education and lawyer. Belongs to Elks, Knights runs a grocery store. Belongs of Columbus and Washington State to the Rebecca's. Married and Grange. He is married and has 4 has two children. children. )

COWEN, DR. DAVI D C. (Democrat) Senator from the 7th Dist. of UHLMAN, WES C. (Democrat) Repre­ Spokane Co. Leg. Experience-House sentative from the 32nd District -1935-37-39-41-Senate-1943 Ex. 44­ of King County. Serving first 45-47-49- Ex. 50-51-53-53 Ex.-55­ term in the Legislature. Born in 57. Senior member of Legislature 1935 at Cashmere, Wash. He at­ with continuous service was born tended Seattle Pacific College; at Portland, Ore. in 1900. Gradu­ graduated from U. of W. with B.A. ated from Ore. U. & is a Dentist. in Political science and is now Vice-Pres. Spokane Planning Comm., in the third year at the U. of W. Dir. of United Crusades, Muscular Law School. He belongs to the Dystrophy and Retarded Childrens following fraternal orders­ Committee & on Public Library Pi Sigma Alpha, Phi Alpha Del ta, Comm. Belongs to Shrine, Mason and & Theta Delta Chi. He is married. Elks. He is single.

DeGARMO, V. F. (VI C) (Democrat) VANE, Z. A. (Democrat) Representa­ Senator from the 22nd District of tive from the 29th District of Thurston County. Legislative Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ Experience-this is his second ses­ perience-House-1933-Ex. 33-37-39­ sion in the legislature. Born at 41-43 Ex. 44-45-47-49. Senate­ Staples, Minnesota in 1914. He 1953- Ex. -53. House-1955-57. is a graduate of Olympia High He was born in Wisconsin in 1892. School and served ~ years in the Attended normal school and college Marines. He is associated with and is engaged in a finance busi­ the Olympia Brewing Company. ness. Served in World War 1. Member of Eagles, Moose, Lions Member of the Elks, Knights of American Legion and VFW. He ha~ Columbus and Eagles. He is mar­ one son. ried.

WA NG, ARNOLD S. (Republican) Representative from the 23rd DIXON, GERALD GEORuE (Democrat) District of Kitsap County. Legis­ Senator from the 28th District of lative Experience-1953-53 Ex.-55­ Pierce County. Legislative Ex­ 57. Born at Chicago, Ill. in 1900. perience-House-1935-37-39. Sen­ He graduated from hi~h school ate-1943-Ex. 44-45-47-49-Ex.-50­ also has taken severaC extension 51-53-Ex.53-55-57. Born at courses in real estate law and London, England in 1884. Graduate general procedure in real estate of Public Schools in England and business. Is in real estate and has some special training. Was investment business. Member of a locomotive engineer for 40 Eagles, Elks, Son's of Norway, years. Belongs to the Eagles. Lions, Chamber of C anmerce and Married and has 3 daughters. Wash. Athletic Club. Married and has 3 children. EJ ...IL WEDEKIND, MAX (Democrat) Repre­ ANGEVINE, WAYNE G. (Democrat) sentative from the 34th District Senator from the 32nd District of of King County. Legislative Ex­ King County. Legislative ex­ perience-1945-47-49-50 Ex.-51 2nd perience - serving his first term Ex -53-53 Ex.-55-57. Born at San in the Senate. He was born in Fr"ancisco, Calif. in 1899. He Seattle in 1935. Graduated from attended the Calif. School of Highline High School and has a Mechanical Arts and Mission Col­ B.A. degree in Political Science lege. He is now a labor repre­ from Seattle University. Is em­ sentative. Belongs to Eagl';ls, ployed in Public Relations. He is Moose and Odd Fellows. MarrIed single. and has 1 daughter.

BAILEY, ROBERT C. (BOB) (Democrat) Senator from the 19th District of WINTLER, MISS ELLA (Republican) Pacific County. Legislative Ex­ Representative from the 49th perience-House 1951-51 Ex.-51 2nd District of Clark County (Part). Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55 Senate-57. Born Legislative Experience-1939-43­ at Raymond, Wash. in 1918. Gradu­ 44 Ex.-4~ Ex.-51-51 Ex.-~l 2nd ated from high school and is a Ex.-53-53 Ex.-55-57. Bor~ at printer by trade. Served 4~ years Vancouver, Washington. S~e IS a in the Navy during World War II. graduate of the UniversIty of Belongs to Eagles. 40 et 8. Ameri­ Washington with an A.B. and A.M. can Legion. VFW. Military order Degree. of cooties. Masons, Boy Scout District committee. Married and has one son.

WITHERBEE, C. G. (Democrat) Rep~e­ BARGREEN, HOWARD S. (Democrat) sentative from the 31st DistrIct Senator from the 38th Dist.of Is­ of King County. He was appointed land & Snohomish Counties. Legis­ in June 1958 to succeed Ed Munro. lative Experience-House-1949- Ex.­ He was ~lected in November so will 50--Senate-1941-43-Ex.-44-45-51-53 be serving his first term. Born -Ex.-53-55-57. Born at Everett at Frazer, Montana in 1922. He in 1906. Attended the U. of Wash­ has a high school education and Served in the National Guard. is a Business Representative for Owns a coffee roasting and Aeronautical Industrial District restaurant equipment supply co. Lodge No. 751, International Belongs to Elks. Eagles. Sons of Association of Machinists, AFL­ Norway, Masons and Yacht Club. CIO. Member Moose Lodge. He is Married and has four children. married and they have 6 children.

CONNOR, FRANK (Democrat) Senator from the 33rd District of King Co. Legislative Experience-House-1951­ 51 Ex.-51 2nd Ex.-53-53 Ex. 55 was appointed to Senate in 1957. He was elected to the Senate to serve in 1959 Session. Born at Seattle in 1916. Graduate of ~Dea High School. He is Deputy Assessor of King Co. Belongs to the Knights of Columbus. Senator Connor is married. STATE SENATE HOLCOMB, S. R. "SI" (Democrat) Members as of January 12, 1959 Chief Clerk of the House from the (ALPHABETICAL) 48th District of King county. He has been Chief Clerk of the N.\ME ! P . O. ADDRESS HE~(kk~'II'~ ~~~~n ~i(~: I',\RTY House of Representatives for 25 years. Born at Ritzville in 1895. '\Ilj.!'(I-'.-in-"'-'-I'-,-Yn-e-a-.-.-..- .. I.'IOOl F IClllOllt .1\'c., Seattle...... ~inK. pnl't~~ ~-:Ill(wrntit> CD BII ilt!y, Hobert C...... ;:;11 W. F irst St., Soutll Dend ...... ~PI::~i~~'C:r~i;:~;~i , : 1!J J)(>mo1'Tuli(' He is a high school graduate and BUTJ(tCCn, Howard S . ... . 1 :-m ShnrOn(-'rcRt, Everett...... jSnollOmi>:h. pt./ ::S Delllo('TlItk attended the University of Wash. I I ... lund, pu rt .. \ l'c:illlor, Frunk...... 408 ~O th So., Scattle...... Rillg', \lIITt.. :::; Dt'1ll0('Tlltit' for 2 years. Is a Real Estate ® ('OOIlt:y, .Iohn I ...... ~.t . 440;: AttU".lS I;t., Spoknnc...... 'I ~PO .k. 'lIle. pa~t.. lklllot'TlIti(' Broker. Served 2 years in WGrld {'owell, Dll\'id C. . .. ,' S. 2'1;: Coeur d'"\lcne St." Spokane . :-i(JokaIlP, PHlt.. H('lIIo('l'ati(' Q)llefinTlllo, VictorV. War I. Member of Elks and a Past "ViI'" ...... 1 ('upitol .\ III 8. , Olylllllia...... rl'h!lr.~t Oil...... -- D(,IlHWra I iI' Commander of the American Legion. CD t::~~l!II;1 ?~::~(:h\; 'J:~~~.r.r.y.': :~~ ~.~,o.\ ;~ ' I~.~~ ~I:l 1:~;:~~;1~1.' ~1~~1~1.'~ : ~:~l:·~'il::~lrl ... ::: ~~ };;;::~~:~:: ~::: Eh\IIY, Hurry H. , .Ir...... '100 Kurr ~\\"e., Hoquiam ...... i \Oruy:;; H: rhor I:!t Hcpuhlkun Married and they have 3 children. ,pa" ...... \ (Skl1lllllllill .... .1 ~ Foll'Y, .Frank W ...... 39-24 Wauna Vista, Vancouver..... II~.~::~:r~:.I ~:Z;~i::: :j 17 DeJrlOf'Tutit' Q)Frd:-c. Hl'rhert B., .. , .... ~:l;! Frazier Dr.• Walill Wulla. ". Wulill Wul1u ... 11 Hepuhlkull CG :;~~~;~;.:~c,r ',,~M~'~II:: ~J1\ ~:: .. ~·;lt~~~~k~II;·~~:~~;III~~~\ ttle...... " 1 Kil\~. PI:rt...... ,I.. g~:::~::~::: I:: ...... ,ti~'~U~~:~I~ ~!I~'rtt:1 ::u (irei\'c, H. H. (BOh) ... 4!;,,'}. ) l'llIl1u\a Drive, i'l1)alllc.. "'ing', purt .. ;~4 ])clllOl'r:zlil' HYPPA, El.M£R A. (Sergeant-at-Arms) QJ Jillllllllcr, Wl\hllr G .. 1'. Q. Box I;l!)~, Oroville.. Il>ollglu!; ...... / 1 1)clllO<'Tatil' IOkullog-an.... j (Democrat) from the 25th District CDHunlln, H. 11. (.Jerry) "' 1 11 :;0 Silrin/.:'water Ave., Wenutehee .. Chelall...... B DCIlI(wrntl(' of Pierce county served 2 regular and 2 special sessions in the House. Born at Wilkeson in 1919. :~;::~:,;:::,~~::::,~~~, •• " .••••• 1 ~',O~:;~:;:,~:~~~::~~~~~~:':,:e.·.·.·.·.· .. ·• i~~,~FtiLT·::1 :,~ ~~~';.';~'~:~. Hofmeister. Louis E.. 1777 M('H\I~1z Ave., .Enullll'luw. King. part.. . . . ::0 DClll()<'rutit' Graduate of Buckley High School. CDh 'Y. Eugene D...... :nO Lindell 'Vu ), ...... Yaldnw, plIrt .. H Hellul,lknn (l)K('( 'fe. ,JHIllC.'l ··,lillllUY"·· 41 2 W. Glass Ave., Hpokullc ...... 1 S·).lOk II Ill' , PHit.., Dcmoc'rntil' He is a dairy farmer. World War Kimball, Ihlrohl G...... ;-1410 Ballurl'! .\\.'c., i'lcutt.le.... " .... KinK, pu rL .... H J)cmo('rulk (i: !\t!ot']nll(']l, R(~uhcn A... Houte.t, Box L!7, S!lllUH~r ...... Piertt', IHlrt .... :!:j rk~lJlonllti(' II Veteran with the Seabees in the G) Kllpkll. GporKI! W...... t)()1 ~o. ';0" i'lL, TII('oma ...... , ])ien'c , purL . . . 1.7 Dt'lIl(wruli,' South Pacific for 3 years. Be­ (f)l.t'llllurt, ":rlll ! ~t '\.. ... Houte I, Everson ...... Wha\('OlIl, part ~I H(ipuhlkull 0 ,'tIurtin, Fred .1.. Itod:port, Washington .... \Han .Jnan ...... / 40 Dcmocratic longs to the Masons, Grange, Elks,

~\l('nlltdlcOIl, ,!'olm 'I'.. Hos: !iI , StcHlIeoom.. . .. Il~'~l~r~~t.. j.·z;l·l:: :~ ~~l D('ll1ocl'lllil' VFW and is Wash. State Vice-Pres. l!t'l\IilJllft, Dllvid E.. HOllle :l, Colvlllc...... ~~~~~~I;~~ ( :i.I~I ~ .. :: ~ D(!IllOI'rU Iit: of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. 0 :\('ill, ~lilr f.;l1 l11[ .\.. .. . 414 Dcxt('r Ht .. P\lllmun...... WhitlllUll.. 0 Hellllhli!:ulI Married and has 3 sons. (I):\'onhpLl:llIo('!'IIlie Pl'trkh • .Iolln A. ",I "I'k" . l!n5 :\0. Ce( lur, 'r'i(:Olllll...... Picn'c, I;al"t. :!Ii Ilmmwral ie Q; Puni... , Hulph .... :star Houte 1, Box ;t~I, Bremerton.. Kill'i,lp . . .. ;2;] DClllol'ratil' (..\da lll:< . . . l ltunl,;'u"'t,W. C .. Odessa, Wllsilington ...... l _Ferry...... ~ Hepuhlknll l Uneoln.... Hiley, Edwurd F .. !tiN !Itll .\vc.. Scuttlc...... }\llll-', }lllri. .... :;;) DcmoI.'TIlt.i(· C!) RoUII, llowlird.. Star Route I, Asotin ... .. J& ~~)l~:::i)i;I::: ::l]o Delllol'TlI1il' lGarHel,!. .. .J (;:)11 5iilh Ave. :\.E., Seuttle.. .. (~I~~;l1l:/.'~t : :::i 4G HepullJirllo @!'Iulllli1

~ :-i('J!1!lnl!('lter, Henry L.. 701'; Hllodo(h'ndron Drivr., Y tl.JWO IiVer Clark, PliTt.. ,19 R()lllllllif'llll HIIIIllIIOJI, Willilllll D ... .. lBO-Z Parksltle Drive, Senttle.. King, pllr\.. 4:\ Hepuilliran Huthf'rlunfl. PlltriC'k D .. Tlcm(wrutic 0 Tallc)', Don I.. ~~~N~l~g~ l~~I:t~~i;~::" ..... : {~~~~Iit~~l.r.t .. : ::j :t~ DClllocratie /WlIhkiakum .. \ ~1~!:i(~~li~:~~I~~:\~)~~~ ('.. ;Ir. ~~~) 1~~~~ ~:::' I<~~I~~;'~~'.·.·· .... ::::: \~;~l~lt .1~~.r .t: .. :; 1 ~ ~ 5~ :;;~: ,I:~; '~;~ P\:itt.Jtt'f.;. I WOOdll ll , Pern' n. ,,"' .. P. O. Box rm, 'l'oppenish ...... Yakima, purt.. Iii RCPllb1i(' HIl Zellnick. Victor...... I It!!!. oth Ayc. W., Scuttle...... j h:illJ<. ptlrl... ;lti Nellllhli('an

$R Holdover. PII."itioll f.;ulljef'\ to 1!)! lO I"tutc General Elcrt!on. "t) /':11'('(c(\ to llIH!xpired tl'TIII. P08ition ~!Itl.ied to 1!J4,;c) State (,(Jneral EII.'('\iol1. ® Elcelc( i to two·)'l·ar term. POSition suhject to l!XiO Stull' Gencral Elef'lion .


VICTOR A. MEYERS. Secretary of State Chief Election Officer, State of Washington


TJi,.:, ~o. CO{;N'I'TE~ 8EX,\'TOR~ HEl'HESF..:\T,\TfVES

DOUKln,.:, Okano/!;m .... H :lilauer (D). . .. HOlOll'th (D), nolo\lllark (D) Pend Url~iIJc. Sl.(l\'cns.. l\Jc'Milian (D) . . RO"enl)(:rg' (D). ,,\yey (D) ~p Oklll1e . purt.. Keefe (D)...... (iulla g llcr, Ilel'llllni (0), HIlI'ICY (D) ~\lokane, Ilurt ... H el'll)lu lJ[1 (D) . Epl()n (n), !lay ( D) HllokaJl(" jlnrt .. C·ooney ( D) .. Clllllld oelJ (D), )lcCormick, W. l.. (D)

~I,okalle, l llll't . . Uuppy ( R ) .. ,\dams ( H ) ..Johnston (TO Cowen (I)l ..... ' .\lurphis ( H), Hani!' (HJ THE SENATE ~1,11':'I~-r~~l.U 'F~~g: ·I".ill('~iil·.·.·· Hnuj.!'u.<:t (H ) . . Moos (H) !I Whlt.man ...... ~ ej[J ( Il ) ...... l-ioli!;,- w(lIthy ( H ) , Huntley ( H ) iO J\.<;. Otill, ('ohlmhia, l~lIrti(>III .. HoulJ CD) .. .. Von()hue (D)

1\ '\'tilla Wulla .. l-'l'f <~e (R) .. ,\hlqll!s t (m, ("oj'p()! awl (10 I:! (']wlan ...... HllIl!ll1 ( D ) ... .. " ,\nder"on, Eva (H), Hrallll ( D ) I:; UTa!!I, Kittitll!;, . wu.-:hing tolt ( D ) .. H oh lJ e~ ( D) , :\IIJlHly (D) I-I rnkilllll, PitTt... Ivy ( 11 ) ...••.. ShoJl~hire (It), MMri.<::-:e.\' (ln, P"m'!; ( H) 1;--, YHkillJU, )1urt.. \\'oodull (It) . ('ulltil;ld (n), ChITk, Cf:i'i! C. (H ) OF THE STATE

11 \ Bt' nton, }'ranklin ...... Jlellry. AI (D) Mel'OrtHllek, .\like (D) . Du)' (D) 17 t'lnrk, jllITt, KJiekitllt , Hkull!:miu ...... ,. l'oli'Y (D) .. llcmy, Mildred (D)

I~ ('owlitz, Wahkillkum ...... ". o. '1'uliey ( D ).. ... Tlun.~cn. Juliu ll11tler l D) , !\Iar.<:h (D) W Pat'ittt; , Grays JIarl1or. part .. Baile}' ( D ) ...... ' J'ill.l!: (D) :.!O I .(~\ \ i." KOl'lkgJist ( H ) . ,. j C hy til (R) , Sikr (10 OF ;!I n;'lIY": Harhor, except If! vn.·<'inr'! ii Elway no ...... :\e\'tl CD). T\~id\\' cil (1) __ 'I hUT!'< lo(l DeGarnw ( 0 ). . Farringwll ( D ), Helldel'~ltot (I» ~:: Kit."tlJl ...... ' ... . Pnr\'is (0) .. . . \,iC'/lOlsOIl (D) , i\lorJ;lI11 (D), WlIllg' (I{) ~ · I ('11111:1111, .J e H'cHioll, Mas on . . SundiSo.lJ ( D). ". Jl c Fatldcn (D), COlllter (D), Hitller (D) :: .1 ]'icrCt'. llart-. .. Kno1!laudl (D) .. flrouilJet (0), ~H\\'ycr (D)

:!ti Pil' T'I 'C , pud ...... Petridl ( D ) ...... Swayze ( H ) , Com for t (11) :!.; J>iefC· C. purl.. Hbrns CD), G leas on ( 1) WASHINGTON '!," l'i(,TI·c. l:art ...... "' r' DIxonJ.'UlJka ((Dn )) ...... HUSlll\l.~SI·1l (1)), ()'('oIlIHJll ( 0) :!~I I' h~I'('(', p:! rl . ... .\JcGut(·hcoll 0) .. Browtl (D), Va!H! ( n) ~;n KinK , part...... Ilofllleister (D). Heierlcin (1), Bi g lcy (0)

:;t Kinl-:,I)H]·t...... HI~ ;: ~ ( D) ...... ,\t'kley (D), .:\leY(il's tn), Wltherhe~ (D; :::: K iIlK. purt... Hll o t\· (l0. Cllirllll)) (I)) Killl-!.Ilart . . ..:::: Ig~~~~~il:;:j(~l)~!. ~.:.:--: . (Y Hricll (D) . GarIng-her. Phil (D ) ::-: J-.:inK, purt ... Tc ~.s l)) (D), \\'cd ekintl (D) :;:, K ing , part . . Hiler (D ) .. U ISt: ll ( 0), Brink (11)

::1, "illl-:. (flirt .. Zt; dnic' k (10 ...... i\loriHr(~' (In, l'ritdwl'd ( n:) ::7 "illg- . part .... ,...... t-;utlli)I'laIJd ( D) .. [:ol'e (V ), :-illliUl ( D) ; :~ Siloholfti.

·IJ Whatf'o]Jl. II/I rt. ... L enllart (R ) ... ". H ood ( H) 'I:: \\'hu11'l1ll!, purt .. !\'urllll1laJ.:I!1' (D) ., Edwards (D) . Kink (D) -t:l killS'. part .. :-;h:lOllon ( H) .. l'Iark, ~ e wll1an (It), E\':ms ( H) ~ 1 "illl-:. Ilurt. .. Kimhall (D) ...... )on1-18.00 (D), l'ajJajani (D) ~.J K ill.l!: , part. . GlltJul-dwr (I) .. .l.itdlllH111 ( D), P erry ( 0 )

·W .Killg-. PII l't'. Hy,ler (In .... Gnrton ([,n. Muhatl'iJ Y ( H ) 17 Kill/-!". IHlri DurkuH ( n ) .. (:arrett (D ), Silecr (I)) -I " J.:ilJ /-!" , ]lull . .. 'I hOillpson ( W ) . . J.chwrl (H), AlHlcl'~ {' Il ••IHIlI C.<: ,.\. ( H) .01:) Clatk, JHllt .. i-!c'hullHle!lcr ( In .. Cl\l'ty (1)), I-'dwdl.'l' (D) , WintleI' ( In


SENATE Members I HOUSE Members

Democrats 66 5 L .oemocrats . Republicans ~14 Republicans 33 Total 49 Total 99 THE PRESS

The State Legislature BARRETT, Eldon, United Press IntI.

BURT, Lyle, Associated Press

CROCKER, Hyla Yelle, Wash. State-Radio The Legislature is the paramount TV News Bureau branch of American Government. It makes the state laws, con­ CUMMINGS, Robert C., Associated Press ­ trols the expenditures and de­ Radio KGY termines the duties which the CUNNINGHAM, Ross, Seattle Times administrative authorities per­ form. FISCHER, Jack, Spokane Spokesman Review

Without action by the state GUTHMAN, Ed, Seattle Times legislature there would be no HANSON, Dwain, United Press IntI. elections, no registration, no public schools and no munici­ HITTLE, Leroy M., Associated Press palities. HUNT, Marshall A., Daily Olympian

It regulates the citizen's civil JOHNS, Charles, Tacoma News-Tribune rights and duties, secures him in the tenure of his property, LAWRENCE, Richard S., Daily Olympian and makes most of the rules that govern his daily movements. LEMON, John J., Spokane Chronicle MURPHY, Ronald A., Wash. State-Radio-TV In presenting this volume, I News Bureau wish to expr~ss my sincere appreciation and thanks to the NELSON, Stub, Seattle Post-Intelligencer following. Hon.John L. O'Brien, Speaker of the House, Hon. OLSEN, Tom, Radio KGY, Wash. State Radio­ TV News Bureau Gerald Dixon, Speaker Pro-Tern of the Senate. S.R. "SiN Hol­ PYlE, Jack, Tacoma News Tribune comb, Chief CLerk of the House and Ward Bowden, Secretary of SCHEAR, Dwight, Seattle Times the Senate for their cooperation SIMS, Virginia, Associated Press in providing information and in arranging for the pictures used SIMS, Ward, Associated Press in this book. VERTREES, Orman, United Press IntI.


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