Tennyson and Aestheticism
>4 Art for Art C\, containscan escapethe scandalouspreciosiry of beingeven containable. Yet, though the bowl may be cracked,the pot broken, the urn smashed, to break through all the conditions of comely form, the shapewhich remains,even if just'shards',will continue to express recovering,touch by touch, a loveliness... the senseof music, or beauty,set againstthe hard truth. Celan'sPoetry lVaher Pater may increasingly,after 'Todesfuge]have consisted of 'musicalfragments', broken bits of a vision which it can hardly bearto recall,but the music The only aristocraryis neverto touch ... does not thereforestop. The cello comes in behind pain, just as, in that early, bitterly beautiful, guilry poem, 'Todesfugelthe death fugue FernandoPessoa goeson and on, the playersunable to do anythingelse except 'sing now and play'. 3 Touchitg Forms: Tennyson and Aestheticism 'Art for Art's sake! Hail, truest Lord of Hell!' (III. 12. l)t Ten- nyson's uninspired squib is a rare outburst on a subject which engrossedmany of his contemporaries.Berween Victorian aestheti- cism and Victoria's Laureate there is a marked stand-off, a silence broken only here and there by skirmisheson both sides.Tennyson never refersto Pater in his letters,owned none of his books, though he certainly read and marked some of his essaysin journals.2Pa- ter, for his part, is oddly circumspectabout Tennyson. In the essay on 'Sryle' he praisesthe poet's eclectic mix of 'savoursome'Latin and 'Racy Saxon monosyllables' which are, significantly, 'close ro us as touch and sight'.3 Otherwise, quotations from Tennyson are dropped anonymously. 'The blot upon the brain lThat will show it- self without', from 'Maud', turns up unacknowledgedin the essay I All quotations from Tennyson's poetry are taken from The Poemsof Tennyson,ed.
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