Great Value, Local Entertainment Compass Theatre, Winston & Manor Farm September – December 2014

Box Office 01895 673200 Compass Theatre Compass There’s always plenty going on... Arts and Crafts Coffee Mornings Both the bar at Compass Theatre and Interesting speakers talk fortnightly the Cow Byre at Manor Farm exhibit at Manor Farm. local arts and crafts. Manor Farm’s Visit: , Winston Ch , Winston studios, facing Bury Street, are home to 5 resident artists and craftspeople, Compass Club creating and selling on site. Support your community theatres and save money on booking tickets. Classes Contact: 01895 673200 to join urchill Theatre & and Manor Farm Theatre urchill 360 Youth Theatre Dance Challenge Drama, vocal, film and photography Providing national dance competitions. sessions for ages 13-19. Contact: 0845 5390014 Contact: 01895 465572 [email protected] [email protected] Visit: Visit: Compass Kidz Heritage Saturday drama for ages 4-7. The 16th century Manor Farm House Contact: 01895 673200 hosts the Manor Farm’s visitor centre and historical exhibitions. Contact: 01895 277643 PRSSV [email protected] Weekend Tabla and Kathak for a group tour.

dance classes for children. Visit for more information Visit Contact: 020 8574 1202 Markets [email protected] Duckpond Markets are held twice a month on Sundays at Manor Farm and Srishti on Friday mornings, the Country Weekend Bharatanatyam dance and Markets are held in the Community Hut Karnatic vocal classes for children. in St Martin’s car park. Contact: 020 8420 1076 [email protected] Talking Pictures Promotional, dramatised and music Stars at Knight video productions. Saturday drama classes for ages 7-14. Contact: 0845 6031474 Contact: 020 8841 8940 [email protected] Visit: Tea Dances Tappy Toes Monthly dances for all abilities in the Fun Tuesday morning dance classes Winston Churchill Theatre, with no partner for children. necessary. Admission £3 on the door. Contact: 0776 511 4444 [email protected] Wardrobe Over 3000 items for hire every term- Workers’ Educational Association time Wednesday 8pm to 10pm. A range of week-day courses for adults. Contact: 01895 237256 Contact: 0845 230945 [email protected] Visit: Experience the High Zumba with Meg Definition projection Friday evenings in Compass Studio £5. system at Visit: Compass Theatre 2 Box Office 01895 673200 September Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 33 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre The Stables at Manor Farm Compass Theatre

01923 239424 01923 [email protected] Once a month comedy night event the at Compass Theatre Bar. A selection the of best upcoming comedians working the British circuit are performing monthly with the express providing of intention Great Value Entertainment on a Sunday evening. See website for dates and line-ups. Tickets £5* Award-winning classes for children aged 20 months 4 years. to Rated as ‘OUTSTANDING’ by OFSTED. Fast-paced, high energy classes encompassing an exciting combination of dance, music, creative movement, percussion instruments, activities. singing and P.E. Siblings under20 months come free. trial) Classes (free £5.50 This lively, funny show for children 3 and up is back! Full feathers, of laughter and excitement and featuring original music andlots audience of participation! The Pigeon is very clever and whines, bribes, pleads and even sings a song get his to own way… but will you let him drive the bus? Tickets £8* / £7* Compass Club Members

Sunday September, 8pm 14 Comedy Compass Comedy Borough of Hillingdon presents Hillingdon of London Borough

Dinky Dancers September, 9.45am FridayFrom and 12 10.45am Pre-School Music Dance, and P.E., Creative Movement Classes Saturday and 3pm 6 September, 1pm Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive Let Pigeon theBus The Don’t Big Wooden Horse Theatre Company presents Box Office 01895 673200 4 Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the September phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Uxbridge High Street Compass Theatre Compass Theatre Sunday 28 September, 12pm September, 28 4pm to Sunday BigFest BoroughLondon of Hillingdon presents 2.30pm Sat 7.30pm September, and 27 –Saturday 24 Wednesday Musicality presents Society Musical Hillingdon Tuesday 16 September, 2pm ProducersThe BoroughLondon of Hillingdon presents Tickets £13* /£11*Tickets concs Act Miss Saigon from music and moments soulful dancing, brilliant singing, powerful with ashow is this beyond, and Broadway End, West the from songs Featuring theatre. of musical celebration a for together songs favourite your All Members Club Compass /£3* £5* Tickets flop. asure-fire producing by fortune to make a away upon hit they accounts, the reviews accountant atimid When shows. his to finance ladies old rich to romance forced is producer Wilder. Gene and A theatrical Brooks Mel (1968) film starring original The FREE Stage. Stall Flower the on music live and market games, fairground caricaturist, a salon, literature stilt-walkers, swallowers, World’s Smallest Theatre Travelling the Treasury include will year’s Bigfest This centre. town accessible most borough’s in the performances street and arena dance stage, amusic featuring festival arts street annual 10th council’s The , Newsies We Will Rock You Rock , We Will more. and , jugglers, sword sword , jugglers, , Matilda , The The , Sister Box Office 01895 673200 October Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 5 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre Compass Theatre

07905 932366 07905

[email protected] Join Argosy as they take you on a theatrical journey guaranteed ignite the to senses as comes alive Tales on stage.The Grimms’ Not for the faint-hearted. Tickets Weds all £8* concs / £10* Thu - Sat £12* £8*/ Compass Members Club only available from: Join the Cat in the Hat on a journey the to fantastical world Dr of Seuss, in a fabulous fun-filled musical featuring the much- loved characters from the famous Dr Seuss books including Horton, the Grinch and more. Suitable for the very young, but all ages will enjoy. concs / £10* Tickets £12* £9* Compass/ Members Club On the stage derelict a of theatre, performers gather reminisce to aboutpast glories and plansmake for the future. As the talk turns to romantic attachments,it seemsnatural to express their feelings usingmusic and lyrics havethat delighted audiences for years. concs / £12 Tickets Thu – Sat Wed £10, £15

Wednesday 7.30pm 8 – Saturday October, 11 The Grimms’The Tales Argosy Players presents

Seussical Musical The Thur 2 - Sat 3pm Thur 4 October, and - Fri 7.30pm, 7.30pm Sat 11am, Encore Theatre Company presents Company Theatre Encore Wed 1 - SatWed and 7.30pm 4 October, Sat 2.30pm A Grand Singing for Night ROS presents Box Office 01895 673200 6 Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the October phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre Winston Churchill Theatre Wednesday 15 – Saturday 18 October, 7.30pm and Sat 2.30pm 18 Sat October, 7.30pm 15 and –Saturday Wednesday Goes Anything presents KLOS 18 October, 7.45pm 15 –Saturday Wednesday Relatively Speaking Ayckbourn’s Alan presents Proscenium 9October, 7.30pm Thursday Guards Scots ofthe The Band Series Concert Corps De Esprit RAF Tickets £12* Tickets classic Ayckbourn early inthis reigns lover. Confusion married middle-aged, to her belongs house the In fact, permission. father’s her to ask inorder home, parental her is assumes he what Ginny, visits so to marry wants Greg online)(package not available £36* Package £15*Tickets /3Concert Association. RAF the and Charity Marines Royal and Navy Royal the Appeal, Pensioners Chelsea to the donated proceeds All bands. military British finest the featuring series, Corps De Esprit inthe concerts of three first The £12 concs, from: available only £14 £14Wed –Sat Thu / /£10 concs, Tickets liner. transatlantic a aboard all and gangsters disguises, tap-dancing, romance, comedy, features musical Porter Cole classic This [email protected] 01895 349521

Box Office 01895 673200 October Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 7 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre , – Sir Tom Jones – Sir Tom

is a collection soul of classics

10 years10 after winning the first X Factor In thisIn year commemorating of the outbreak the of First the Choir World War, presents a powerful and evocative choral programme reflecting the emotions associated with conflict, oppression and freedom. for fight the concs / £10 Tickets £12* Steve Brookstein performs songs from his new album in an acoustic concert accompanied by guitarist Luca Boscagin. Inspired by the David Ruffin song, Forgotten Man recalling the great singers the of past. “Brilliant!” includesTickets a free CD £16* Another fun general knowledge quiz in aid theof restoration of Hall and Compass building Theatre’s and fittings. The bar stays open throughout. Book your places on a table 8. of Tickets include a chip supper - fish, sausage, chicken or a veggie burger. Tickets £12*

Thursday 23 8pm October, Forgotten Man Steve BrooksteinSteve

Comrades Arms in 3.30pm October, Sunday 19 Harrow presents Apollo Choir Male Sunday 19 October, 7pm October, Sunday 19 Quiz ‘n’ Chips Quiz ‘n’ Friends of presents Hall Ickenham of Friends Box Office 01895 673200 8 Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the Half term events phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre Compass Theatre Compass Theatre Thursday 30 October, 11am 30 1pmThursday and Kipling’sRudyard So Stories Just presents Company Theatre Apollo 1pm October, 10am and 29 Wednesday Jolly Workshops Holiday BoroughLondon of Hillingdon presents October, 11amTuesday 28 Poppins Mary BoroughLondon of Hillingdon presents Places £5* per child, per workshop per child, per £5* Places to both! come and lunch your bring or to one come so 2hours last Sessions afternoon. and morning inthe run Both workshops. Performance or Craft the from Term.5 to inHalf 11 Choose busy olds year to keep workshops inspired Poppins Mary Members Club Compass /£3* £5* Tickets (Dick Dyke). Van Bert sweep chimney as such characters unforgettable some with 1964 inthis film adventure whimsical into day a every and into agame chore every turns magically she as Andrews) (Julie Mary perfect practically Join Tickets £8* / £7* Compass Club Members Club Compass /£7* £8* Tickets “a fast-moving and engaging production.” as, Times Primary by Described ages. all for treat term half hour-long inan of magic bit alittle and puppetry movement, spectacular using tales classic of Kipling’s version musical new A dazzling Box Office 01895 673200 October – November Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 9 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre Compass Theatre Compass Theatre show band band show

All is not well Saucy at Jack’s... The evil shadow looms over cabaret the bar; acts are being killed off one by one, found stabbed by the heel a sequinned of shoe. concsTickets / £10* / £13* Groups £7 of 10+ The holiday destination with sun, sea and suspicion! Find the killer among the shady suspects seat 8, Tables so in theCafé Bar. book your own team 8 or of join others on upthe a team 8. make of night to Tickets includechip a supper - fish, sausage, chicken or a veggie burger. Proceeds the to fund for restoration of Hall.Ickenham Tickets £12* Blues Brothers Blues The No1 UK’s bring a spooky flavour the to energetic andsoulful songs from the movies, PLUS a selected assortment ghostly of goings on with and Jake Elwood and their LIVE 12 Piece Blues Brothers Band. Perfect family fun! concs and / £14 CompassTickets £16* MembersClub

Wednesday 5 – Saturday 7.30pm 8 November, Saucy Vixens and Jack Purple Theatre Company presents

Murder on PLeisure Island PLeisure Murder on Sunday 7.30pm 2 November, Murder Most and Fun Friends of Ickenham Hall present Friday 7.30pm October, 31 Blues Brothers Halloween Experience Blues Brothers Experience presents 10 Box Office 01895 673200 Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the November phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre Wed 19 - Sat 22 November, 7.45pm and Sat 2.30pm Sat November,Wed 19 22 and 7.45pm -Sat Superstar Christ Jesus 2presents Players 15 2.30pm 12 November, Sat 7.30pm and –Saturday Wednesday Manilow by Barry Copacabana presents WOS Productions 3pm 15 Sat 12 November,and 8pm –Saturday Wednesday Transition: of Dance ACelebration presents Magic Hat Productions Tickets only available from: only available Tickets costumes. fabulous and dancing much songs, well-known contains show The kidnappers. and gangsters with Cuba Castro pre- York and of New nightclubs inthe set Tony Lola, and between of love tale A musical Contacts of dance. explosion exciting and energetic an for ready Get more. and ballroom street, contemporary, tap, hop, lindy the Enjoy songs. 50 of over soundtrack a with of dance of years 100 A celebration Compass Club Members Compass £14*Tickets /£12 for /£1 off concs time. of all story famous most the life to brings show spectacular This Nazareth. of of Jesus days seven last of the story the telling musical rock ground-breaking Webber’s Lloyd Andrew and Rice Tim service charge for phone bookings incl postage. postage. incl bookings phone for charge service +a£1.50 £11Wed £14 available concs Thu-Sat Club Members £12* Compass and Tickets /£10* concs 0333 666 3366 (info 07983 103444) 07983 (info 3366 666 0333

Box Office 01895 673200

November Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 11 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre Compass Theatre

01895 675343

The traditional Christmas concert with songs, readings and sketches from our community local of musicians and actors of all ages. With a free mince pie and a stocking this is the perfect full cheer, of way warm to up for Christmas. Tickets £8* / £6.50* concs “Christmas comes but once a year” which is probably just as well judging by the chaos it causes in this hilarious Ayckbourn comedy. Start your preparations for the big day with this festive treat that shows the many hazards a family of Christmas! concs. / £10* Tickets £11* Wed-Thu Tickets Fri-Sat all £11* Also available from RDS Box Office: The second three of concerts in the Esprit De Corps series, featuring the finest British military bands. All proceeds donated the to Chelsea Pensioners Appeal, the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity and the RAF Association. / 3 ConcertTickets £15* Package £36* available not (package online)

Sunday 4pm 30 November, Compass Christmas! Friends of Ickenham Hall presents Hall Ickenham of Friends

Season’s Greetings Season’s Wednesday 26 – Saturday 7.45pm 29 November, Ruislip Dramatic Society presents Alan Ayckbourn’s Wednesday 19 November, 7.30pm Wednesday November, 19 The Band of HM Royal Marines, Band Royal The HM of Collingwood RAF Esprit De CorpsConcert Series 12 Box Office 01895 673200 Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the December phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Winston Churchill Theatre Winston Churchill Theatre Compass Theatre Wednesday 17 December, 7.30pmWednesday Royal ofthe Force Band Air The Central Series Concert Corps De Esprit RAF 6December, 11amSaturday 1pm and The Night Before Christmas present Dome Brighton The and Company Theatre Horse Wooden Big 6December, 7.30pm 4-Sat Thu Horrors Shop of Little Youth360 Theatre presents Tickets £8* / £7* Compass Club Members Club Compass /£7* £8* Tickets 3to 7. aged children with families for Suitable presents. get humans only why can’t understand mouse little a corner inthe while morning, the for waits and teddy her hugs window, of the out stares Emily Christmas before night the On £7* door the On concs. /£3* £5* advance in Tickets out! night afun to be promises musical to? go he thrilling will This lengths what But thirst. its to quench needs Seymour - day every hungrier gets and blood, needs -it to grow sunshine and water doesn’t use that plant unidentified odd, an finds he When of town. side poor the on shop inaflower works Seymour Lonely (package not available online)(package not available £36* Package £15*Tickets / 3Concert Association. RAF the and Charity Marines Royal and Navy Royal the Appeal, Pensioners Chelsea to the donated proceeds All bands. military British finest the featuring series, Corps De Esprit inthe concerts of three last The Box Office 01895 673200

Months Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking of £1.25 online and £1.75 over the 13 phone or counter, unless paid with cash or by a Compass Club Member.

Compass Theatre £14.50* / £10* under£14.50* 16s / £10* about

last year's pantomime, Aladdin. All Tickets £8* Peak Shows Compass off Members Club £1 Off-Peak Shows each ofFamily Four / Groups £10* each (not£10* available online) School Shows Time School Groups £8* each Over 60s Groups £8* each available(not online) Tickets marked * incur a fee per booking over the phone online andof £1.25 £1.75 unless paid withor counter, cash or by a Member. Club Compass Tickets Discounts Preview Show Once upon a time friends andfamily celebrategather to the birth the of but not King daughter, and Queen’s everyoneis the in mood for celebrating. The Wicked Fairy (who wasn’t invited) arrives announce to a terrible curse - one day the Princess will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall asleep for a hundred years! Full laugh-out-loud of jokes, great songs, larger-than-life characters and enchanting, scenery! animated ‘This show is definite value for money and I would recommend others!’ show this to Thursday 11 December 2014 December 2014 Thursday 11 4 January– Sunday 2015

Text Tickets Contacts 1.00pm 1.00pm 1.00pm 7.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm 5.00pm and 7.30pm and 7.00pm and 5.00pm 7.00pm 4.30pm 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 10.30am and 10.30am and 10.30am and 4.00pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 3.30pm 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm 1.30pm and 1.30pm and 1.30pm and

11 Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Dec 14 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 Dec 19 20 Dec Dec21 23 Dec 24 Dec 26 Dec 27 Dec 28 Dec 29 Dec 30 Dec 02 Jan 03 Jan 04 Jan

Date and time Title Presents Thu Fri Sat Sun Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Tue Wed Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue

Fri Sat Sun 14 Venuei nformation and hire car parking bays for blue badge holders. holders. badge blue for bays parking car three and auditorium inthe wheelchairs two for space has accessible, wheelchair is Theatre Compass Access You can book online at: online You book can Office. Box Hillingdon the through booked be can here listed events most for Tickets Box Hillingdon Office via Tickets Team Administration Theatres Hillingdon the Contact 7QL HA4 Ruislip Way Pinn Barn Great The and Theatre Churchill Winston including Manor Farm 8PD UB10 Ickenham Avenue Glebe Box Office Hillingdon including Theatre Compass Hillingdon. of residents the for spaces inTheatre arts Ickenham community and Manor Farm in Ruislip offers the sites, Compass two across entertainment local great value, Providing Information phone: the over book You also can ticket). per not booking, £1.25 (per costs which anytime, to 4pm 10.30am Saturday, to 5pm, 9am –Friday, Monday [email protected] 01895 673200 277643 01895

use your tickets. tickets. your use can’t you if refunds to offer unable are we theatres, most Like cash. with pay and come you or Member Club aCompass are you unless ticket) per £1.75 not cost booking, (per counter bookings the over or Phone 10am toand 1pm Saturdays. on to Friday Monday to 5pm 10.30am from Theatre at Compass inperson Or S bays for blue badge holders. holders. badge blue for bays parking 5car and auditorium in the 4wheelchairs for space has accessible, wheelchair is Theatre Churchill Winston


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Can fit 40, up to includes kitchen and toilets. Perfect for functions, meetings or classes. Can fit 400 standing / 346 seated theatre- style, 200 cabaret- style with or 150 dance floor. Can fit 200 up to - perfect for weddings, functions and ceremonies.   [email protected]

The StablesThe at Farm Manor The Great BarnThe at Farm Manor Winston Churchill Theatre

01895 27764301895

With sprung floor, mirrored wall, dance barre, green screen and can fit 40 people. can be found to accommodate between 5 and 30 - perfect for meetings or classes. Can fit 300 standing / 158 seated theatre- style or 80 cabaret style

All hire rates, booking forms and details can be found under HIRE at: or contact the team: Rooms at bothRooms sites

Compass Studio Compass Theatre

Compass GreatTheatre, Barn. Winston the and Theatre, Farm Manor Churchill If youwant hire to one of our spaces, the same team now manage the presentations, training performance… and presentations, Ceremonies, functions, classes, private film screenings, meetings, meetings, screenings, film functions,Ceremonies, classes, private Space hire Space September 23 Tea Dance Winston Churchill Theatre 17 Aug–21 Sep Farms and Farming Exhibition Manor Farm House 23 Steve Brookstein Compass Theatre 1–6 Hillingdon Artists Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 24 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 5 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 28 Mary Poppins (U) Compass Theatre 6 Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive… Compass Theatre 29 Jolly Holiday Workshops Compass Theatre 7–20 Graham Pellow Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 30 Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories Compass Theatre 7 Duckpond Farmers Market Manor Farm 31 Blues Brothers Halloween Compass Theatre 10 WEA Coffee Morning Compass Bar November 12 Band Night Compass Theatre 2 Murder on PLeisure Island Compass Cafe Bar 12 Dinky Dancers The Stables 2–8 Free and Easel Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 13 Ruislip Horticultural Show Great Barn 2 Duckpond Farmers Market Manor Farm 14 Comedy Compass Compass Café Bar 5–8 Saucy Jack & the Space Vixens Compass Theatre 16 The Producers (PG) Compass Theatre 7 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 19 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 9–15 Woodturners Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 20–21 Open House Tours Manor Farm House 12–15 Copacabana Winston Churchill Theatre

21 Duckpond Artisan Market Manor Farm 2014 11943 July 12–15 Transition: Celebration of Dance Compass Theatre 21–4 Ickenham Artists Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 15–16 Duckpond Artisan Market Manor Farm 24–27 Musicality Compass Theatre 16–23 RAF Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 25 Tea Dance Winston Churchill Theatre 19 HM Royal Marines, Collingwood Winston Churchill Theatre 28 Big Fest High St 19–22 Jesus Christ Superstar Compass Theatre October 20 Tea Dance Winston Churchill Theatre 1–4 A Grand Night for Singing Winston Churchill Theatre 21 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 2–4 Seussical the Musical Compass Theatre 26–29 Season’s Greetings Compass Theatre 5 Duckpond Farmers Market Manor Farm 29–6 Warren Poppiti Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 5–18 Ruislip Artists Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 30 Compass Christmas! Compass Theatre 8–11 The Grimms’ Tales Compass Theatre December 9 Band of the Scots Guards Winston Churchill Theatre 4–6 Little Shop of Horrors Compass Theatre 10 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 6 The Night Before Christmas Winston Churchill Theatre 15–18 Relatively Speaking Compass Theatre 7 Duckpond Farmers Market Manor Farm 15–18 Anything Goes Winston Churchill Theatre 11–4 Jan Sleeping Beauty Compass Theatre 19 Quiz ‘n’ Chips Compass Theatre 12 Coffee Morning Winston Churchill Lounge 19 Duckpond Artisan Market Manor Farm 17 Central Band of the RAF Winston Churchill Theatre 19 Comrades in Arms Winston Churchill Theatre 18 Tea Dance Winston Churchill Theatre 19–1 Photographic Exhibition Cow Byre Gallery 20–21 Duckpond Artisan Market Manor Farm

We have listed as many events as possible in this brochure, with the information that was available at the time of publication. Please visit to find more.

At a glance of Hillingdon by the London Borough Produced