Established 1914

Volume XIII, Number 44 8th Waning of Kason 1367 ME Monday, 30 May, 2005

Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives * Stability of the State, community peace * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round * Uplift of the morale and morality of and tranquillity, prevalence of law and development of other sectors of the economy as well the entire nation order * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic * Uplift of national prestige and integ- * National reconsolidation system rity and preservation and safeguard- * Emergence of a new enduring State * Development of the economy inviting participation in ing of cultural heritage and national Constitution terms of technical know-how and investments from character * Building of a new modern developed sources inside the country and abroad * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit nation in accord with the new State * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept * Uplift of health, fitness and education Constitution in the hands of the State and the national peoples standards of the entire nation Industry-1 Minister inspects Pakokku Textiles Factory (Project)

YANGON, 29 May—Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung this morning inspected storage of the long staple cotton produced from Aunglan at the shed of the Pakokku Textiles Factory (Project) of Myanma Textiles Industries in Pakkoku, Magway Division. Next, Minister U Aung Thaung looked into progress of installation of the weaving machines and test-run of them. At the briefing hall of the factory, Project Manager U Myint Thein Oo reported to the minis- ter on work carried out and future tasks and Man- aging Director U Oo Thein Maung on other salient points. The minister gave instructions on timely com- pletion of engineering work, growing of shade trees and flowering plants in the environs of the factory. Afterwards, the minister presented a fruit bas- ket to Chinese technicians. The factory is situated on the road leading to Shwetantit Pagoda in Pakokku. Later, the minister proceeded to Salingyi in Sagaing Division where he inspected the Winthuza shop.—MNA Minister U Aung Thaung inspects Pakokku Textiles Factory (Project) in Magway Division. — INDUSTRY-1 Energy Minister checks maintenance of Pyay-Seiktha gas pipes

YANGON, 29 May — Minister for Energy Brig- lines, testing and other related work. Afterwards, Deputy Cement Plant and Myanaung Natural Gas Power Gen Lun Thi, accompanied by Deputy Minister for Trans- Minister U Pe Than gave supplementary reports. Plant. — MNA port U Pe Than and officials from the Ministry of En- Next, the minister and the deputy minister gave ergy and Ministry of Transport, inspected the repair and instructions on preventive measures before the rainy INSIDE maintenance tasks of Pyay-Seiktha 10-inch diameter gas season, long term maintenance tasks, prevention of Health professionals could also play an impor- pipe lines across Ayeyawady River this morning. bank erosion and work to be carried on. tant role of setting health facilities, hospitals and At the briefing hall, General Manager U Than The 10-inch diameter gas pipe lines across workplaces tobacco-free. Most of the health facili- Htut of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and Deputy Ayeyawady River was successfully laid by the Min- ties in prohibited smoking and chewing Director U Salai Yawla of Water Resources and Im- istry of Energy and the Ministry of Transport of betel quid with tobacco within the hospital com- provement of River Water System Department reported through cooperation in November 2004. Now, it pounds. on laying of pipe line across the river, underground pipe pipes 1.5 million cubic feet of gas daily for Kyangin PAGE (7) DR NYO NYO KYAING

Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi and Deputy Minister for Transport U Pe Than inspect laying of natural gas pipe linking Pyay and Seiktha. — ENERGY Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Monday, 30 May, 2005 Enhance socio-economic life * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation of rural people through * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State better transport * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy The State Peace and Development Coun- cil, upholding Our Three Main National Causes, has laid down and is implementing project for Title recipient Sayadaw honoured development of border areas and national races YANGON, 29 May — A ceremony to honour Pagoda Board of Trustees and disciples. and the 24 development zones for the emer- Dhammakathika Vahujanahitadhara title recipient Pre- Yangon Division SNC Chairman Sayadaw gence of a peaceful, modern and developed siding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vayama of Ngadatgyi Bhaddanta Kosalla administered the Five Precepts. nation. Meanwhile, the five rural development Monastery in was held at Taingtaya And, members of the Sangha recited Parittas. tasks have been laid down and work is well Hall of the monastery this morning. The minister, officials and wellwishers donated under way to bring about better transport in Present were Vice-Chairman of State Sangha alms to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vayama and members of rural regions. Maha Nayaka Committee Aungmyebonsan Monas- the Sangha. Projects to provide better transport in ru- tery Sayadaw Bhaddanta Paññindabhivamsa, Chair- Master of ceremonies Daw Khin Moe Oo of ral regions started in 2000-2001 fiscal year, and man of Yangon Division Sangha Nayaka Committee MTRV supplicated on the brief biography of the title 25,341 miles and six furlongs of rural roads Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kosalla and members of the recipient Sayadaw and religious affairs. with 6,655 bridges, and 5,316 miles and one Sangha, Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Next, the Vice-Chairman Sayadaw delivered a furlong of urban roads with 11,065 bridges were Myint Maung and officials, members of Ngadatgyi sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. — MNA constructed up to 2004-2005 fiscal year. Better transport project in rural and ur- Merits shared for completion of Wainayya ban regions has been implemented, and it is incumbent upon officials concerned to strive Thukha Dhammayon together with local people for accelerating the YANGON, 29 May momentum of regional development tasks in — To hail the centenary the coming fiscal year. of Wainayya Thukha Moreover, they must not lose sight of Yegyanzin Association, a their duty to meet the set standards, maintain merit-sharing ceremony such facilities and ensure their durability. for the completion of Relentless efforts are being made for Wainayya Thukha timely completion of village-to-village roads, Dhammayon building was village-to-town roads, town-to-town roads and held in conjunction with a district-to-district roads which are being im- prize-giving ceremony for plemented under the project. photo competition at Secure and smooth transport between Shwedagon Pagoda this towns and villages has been in existence as the morning. government spent K 17,890 million on construc- First, ‘soon’ (dawn tion of roads and bridges across the nation for meal) was offered to nine the purpose, thereby contributing to regional members of the Sangha at development and further strengthening friend- 5.30 am, and State Patron of Wainayya Thukha Yegyanzin Association U Chit Hlaing presents ship among national races. Better transport is Ovadacariya Dhamma- prize to a winner in the association’s centennial photo contest.— MNA a prerequisite for national development. Only yaungchi Monastery when there is better transport will other sec- Sayadaw Bhaddanta Chaukhtetkyi for the construction of Hlaing, U Tun Aung and tors develop. Revata administered the Phayagyi Monastery the Dhammayon build- U Aung Myint, Chairman The majority of the people reside in ru- Five Precepts to the con- Ovadacariya Sasana ing that cost K 25.0 mil- U Kyaw Thaung and ral regions. Fulfilling the requirements of ru- gregation. Next, well- Nuggaha Monastery lion. Vice-Chairmen U Hla ral dwellers amounts to enhancing socio-eco- wishers donated a set of Sayadaw Agga Maha At the prize-presen- Myaing (Ko Hsaung) and nomic life of the entire national people. Only water cooler each and pro- Pandita Bhaddanta tation ceremony for the U Thein Hsaung presented then, will they understand the goodwill of the visions to the Sayadaws Khemindasami delivered a photo contest hailing the awards to the prize win- government, thereby contributing to further ce- and members of the sermon, followed by centenary of the associa- ners. menting Union Spirit among the people. Sangha. sharing of merits gained tion, patrons U Chit MNA That is why the onus is on the staff of the Development Affairs Department, who are en- Symposium held at Traders Hotel gaged in regional development tasks, to be in YANGON, 29 May many took place at Trad- ings on the occasion. Pro- symposium. Scientific oneness with the people wherever they are as- — A symposium on ers Hotel this evening. fessor of Institute of Manager Dr Choo Lay signed to. Hence, concerted efforts are to be Parenteral Nutrition Manager Dr Cao Medicine-1 and Head of Khoon gave talks on con- made to accelerate the momentum of better Therapy of B/Braun Nguyen Thanh of the Department Prof U Saw cepts of substrates usage transport already in place for regional devel- medical company of Ger- company extended greet- Naing presided over the in parenteral nutrition, opment, which the rural people always long for. Prof Tsann Long Hwang on metabolic and nutri- tion for critically ill pa- tients and Dr Daw Phyu Phyu Aung of Nutrition Department, Nutrition Research Division on amino acids: importance and clinical application and replied to the queries raised by those present. The efficacy of Aminoplasmal syrup was also clarified with the audio visual aid. Dr Cao Nguyen Thanh spoke words of thanks. Totalling 150 medi- Manager Dr Cao Nguyen Thanh extends greetings at Symposium on cal professionals attended Parenteral Nutrition at Traders Hotel.— NLM the symposium.—NLM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 3

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Int’l forum on better

 ¥ governance closes in Seoul ¤ SEOUL, 28 May — The Sixth Global Forum on Reinventing Govern- ment, hosted by the United Nations and South Korea, concluded its four- day meeting on Friday afternoon with adoption of the Seoul Declaration. Beijing starts construction The closing ceremony nected and unconnected, delegation to the forum of the annual forum was the declaration recom- and delivered speech in held at the Convention mends developing sound the first session on Tues- on national gymnasium and Exhibition Centre in indicators to accurately day afternoon on “Chi- BEIJING, 28 May — Beijing started on Saturday construction on the southern Seoul Friday af- evaluate government per- na’s effort to reinvent its National Gymnasium that will host artistic gymnastics and handball com- ternoon after four-day in formance and outcomes. government and make it petitions during the 2008 Olympic Games. depth discussions of vari- Some 5,000 repre- more transparent in the ous sub-themes under the sentatives from about 140 process of reform and The National Gymnasium is the sixth The National Gymnasium, which re- main theme “Toward Par- countries, non-govern- opening-up”. new competition venue, after the Na- sembles a traditional Chinese ticipatory and Transpar- ment organizations and Moreover, on the tional Stadium, the National Swim- folding fan, will be turned into a fit- ent Governance”. the United Nations held sidelines of the forum, ming Centre, the Beijing Shooting ness and recreational centre for The “Seoul Declara- in-depth discussions on Ministerial Roundtable Range, the Laoshan Velodrome and Beijing’s citizens. tion” calls nations to take sub-themes, such as and Governors and May- the Wukesong Gymnasium, to be built According to the Beijing Organizing policy measures that will “Changing role of the ors Roundtable provided in the Chinese capital for the 2008 Committee for the 2008 Olympic increase transparent and state in the governance opportunities for senior Olympics. Games (BOCOG), a total of 36 com- participatory governance. paradigm”, at five ple- officials of local govern- The National Gymnasium, located in petition venues will be used for the The declaration also rec- nary sessions of the first ments from across the the projected Olympic Green in north 2008 Olympics, 14 of which will be ommends that govern- two days of the meeting. world to share experi- Beijing, covers a floor area of 68,700 built from scratch. Construction on ments “urgently address Then, in the last two ences of innovation. square metres and will have an nine has already started and the rest challenges of economic days of the forum, a total The Global Forum on 18,000-seat capacity upon its comple- will begin this year. development and social of nine lower-level work- Re-inventing Government tion by the end of 2007. MNA/Xinhua inequity by working in shop sessions for more was first established in cooperation with business detailed talks on ideas 1999 by the United States. firms and civil society”. presented at the plenary The previous four forums Moreover, stressing sessions were held. were hosted by Brazil, the importance of reduc- Hua Jianmin, state Italy, Morocco and ing the growing inequal- councillor and secretary- Mexico. The UN offered ity between rich and poor, general of the State to host the 7th forum in urban and rural, con- Council, lead the Chinese 2006. — MNA/Xinhua

Indonesia to speed up gas network construction JAKARTA, 28 May — The Indonesian Government would provide fiscal and non-fiscal supports for the business community to speed up the construc- tion of an integrated gas transmission network that would link the islands of Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Jakarta Post reported on Friday. After meeting Vice- speed up the project con- sumers in Java and President Jusuf Kalla struction so that we can Sumatra islands. Laos Deputy Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith (R) looks at a giant panda Thursday, Minister of immediately take advan- The projects, which eating bamboo at a giant panda breeding centre in Ya’an, southwest Energy and Mineral Re- tage of this energy are estimated to cost China’s Sichuan Province, on 27 May, 2005.—INTERNET sources Purnomo source,” said Purnomo. some 3 billion US dol- Yusgiantoro said that The government has lars with a combined Japanese hostage died of gunshot wounds supports would include initiated projects, which transmission line of over the exemption of import will distribute gas from 2,000 kilometres, are tax for materials and capi- production points in East expected to be completed after opening fire tal goods needed for gas Kalimantan Province, by 2009. The projects BAGHDAD, 29 May—A Japanese hostage held in Iraq died from wounds he network construction. South Sumatra Province, will all be led by state gas received after opening fire on his captors who had not intended to kill him, “During the meeting, Riau Province and East utility firm PT the militant Sunni group which kidnapped him said in an Internet message. we decided to take nec- Java Province to indus- Perusahaan Gas Negara Relatives and officials Sunna group posted on its back covered in blood and essary steps to help trial and household con- (PGN). — MNA/Xinhua confirmed Saturday that a website Saturday a video a picture of his passport. man shown in a video re- of what it said was the The group, linked to the leased by the Islamic mili- body of Saito, a 44-year- Al-Qaeda terror network, tants in Iraq was missing old former Japanese sol- said Saito died as a result Japanese security contrac- dier taken hostage in Iraq of injuries incurred during tor Akihiko Saito, but about 20 days ago. his capture in Iraq on 8 could not verify the fight- A four-minute video May. It warned people ers’ claim he was dead. message on its Arabic against working with US The Army of Ansar al- website showed the man’s troops. — Internet Brazilian petroleum firm signs 4 agreements with Japan

RIO DE JANEIRO, 29 a strategic partnership be- loan for the modernization May — Brazilian state- tween the Brazilian petro- of the Henrique Lage Re- owned petroleum firm leum firm and the Japa- fining Plant, in Sao Paulo PETROBRAS announced nese Bank for Interna- state. The funds will be Friday here the signing of tional Cooperation (JBIC), provided by the JBIC, the four agreements with Ja- which consolidates old ties Nippont Export and In- pan, three on financing between the two institu- vestment (Nexi), Chinese residents wave as they march on a street during an international and one on fuel alcohol tions. Another agreement Sumitomo Bank, Itochu walking festival in Dalian, northeast China’s Liaoning Province exporting. is about the obtainment of Corporation and Mitsui. on 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET The first one establishes a 900-million-US-dollar MNA/Xinhua

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005

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New proposal calling for



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UNITED NATIONS, 28 May — Opponents of the idea to increase the permanent seats on the UN Security  Council circulated a working paper on Friday calling for an increase of 10 non-permanent seats on the body. The proposal would president of the General reelection and rotation of be the basis for a consen- bring to 20 the number of Assembly, and UN Secre- allocated non-permanent sus decision by the 191- non-permanent seats on tary-General Kofi Annan. seats. nation General Assembly the Security Council. Un- The group proposes “Each regional group and the UN Charter could der the proposal, all the 20 that the non-permanent could decide whether it be amended in line with non-permanent members members of the expanded wishes to be represented the decision. on the enlarged Council Council shall be elected continuously, frequently The paper was put for- may have a chance for for a term of two or three or periodically by certain ward just days after the immediate reelection. years. states from their regions,” group and Japan, Ger- “Retiring members According to the pa- the group said, arguing many, Brazil and India — may be eligible for imme- per, the 10 new non-per- that its proposal is more the four aspirants for per- diate reelection subject to manent seats would be flexible and realistic than manent Council seats — the decision of their re- divided among the five the formula to increase failed to reach any agree- spective regional groups,” existing regional groups new permanent seats. ment on the Council’s en- said the paper, prepared within the United Nations, “It can evoke the largement at a meeting by Pakistan, Italy, Alge- with Africa and Asia each ‘broadest possible agree- under the auspices of ria, Mexico and dozens of getting three, Latin ment’ and thus prevent a Annan. — MNA/Xinhua other countries opposed to America gaining two, and political division among the plan to add new per- Western Europe and East- member states on the is- Four killed in manent members to the ern Europe each obtain- sue of Security Council mine blast in Council. ing one. expansion,” the group The group, dubbed The proposal would stressed. Turkey In the paper, the group “Uniting for Consensus”, leave the five regional ANKARA, 28 May — Researchers in Thailand said they had successfully has presented the work- groups to decide criteria also expressed the hope Two Turkish soldiers and bred and raised hundreds of the threatened Archer ing paper to Jean Ping, and arrangements for that their proposal could two citizens were killed in fish, which had never before lived for more than a week a landmine blast in south- after artificial breeding on 27 May, 2005. China pushes economic, trade eastern Turkey on Friday, —INTERNET the semi-official Anatolia news agency reported. cooperation with Uzbekistan Diyarbakir’s Governor Russia, China benefit Office was quoted as saying BEIJING, 28 May — China hopes to substantially carry out cooperation with from bilateral relations Uzbekistan on energy resources, mining, telecommunication and infrastruc- that the four were killed ture, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said here on Thursday. when a tractor carrying them MOSCOW, 28 May — Russian Prime Minister hit a landmine, planted by Mikhail Fradkov said here on Thursday that the “China and Uzbekistan are close city, he said, and the two countries have outlawed Kurdish Workers’ rapidly developing bilateral relations between Rus- neighbours and should take geographi- supported each other on issues concern- Party (PKK) militants, near sia and China brings great benefit to the people of cal advantage to promote economic ing their national sovereignty and terri- Lice Town of Diyarbakir both countries. cooperation, which is in compliance torial integrity and maintained consulta- Province. On Wednesday, The rapid economic growth in Russia and China with the needs of the two countries,” he tions in the international affairs. two soldiers and two village promoted the cooperation and complementarity be- said during his meeting with Uzbek “This lays the political basis for the guards were killed in an am- tween the two countries, Fradkov said when meeting President Islam Karimov. friendly and cooperative partnership bush on a military vehicle in with Li Guixian, who is here to attend a session of the Wen noted that the two countries between the two countries,” Wen said. the southeastern province Sino-Russian Committee on Friendship, Peace and have maintained good momentum for Karimov said the treaty signed of Batman. Development. economic and trade cooperation, the Wednesday is of great significance to The PKK, with 4,000- Fradkov said both Russia and China should seize bilateral trade volumes have increased furthering the relations between 5,000 militants, wants to the opportunity to push forward the mutually benefi- every year and mutual investment has Uzbekistan and China. Uzbekistan will set up a Kurdish state cov- cial cooperation in various fields. also expanded. implement the agreement conscien- ering southeastern Tur- He also said that the Sino-Russian committee should Wen spoke highly of a treaty on tiously and with all its effort and push key, northern Iraq as well play a greater role in deepening mutual understanding friendly and cooperative partnership forward the bilateral ties and coopera- as parts of Iran and Syria. between the Russian and Chinese people as well as signed by the heads of the two states on tion. It launched an armed boosting bilateral economic cooperation. Wednesday. He also said his meeting with campaign against the Turk- Li, who is the co-chairman of the Sino-Russian Sino-Uzbek relations have devel- Chinese President Hu Jintao was “frank” ish Government in 1984, committee and also the vice-chairman of the National oped according to the principles of and “constructive”, and achieved satis- but fighting subdued sig- Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consulta- mutual respect, equality and recipro- factory result. — MNA/Xinhua nificantly after PKK com- tive Conference, said the Sino-Russian strategic part- mander Abdullah Ocalan nership has maintained strong momentum in recent was captured in 1999. years. MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua 1,655 US soldiers killed since beginning of Iraq war

WASHINGTON, 28 May—As of Satur- deaths; Italy, 21; Ukraine, 18; Poland, day, 28 May, 2005, at least 1,655 mem- 17; Spain, 11; Bulgaria, 10; Slovakia, bers of the US military have died since three; Estonia, Thailand and the Neth- the beginning of the Iraq war in March erlands, two each; and Denmark, El 2003, according to an Associated Press Salvador, Hungary, Kazakhstan and count. At least 1,264 died as a result of Latvia one death each. Since 1 May, hostile action, according to the De- 2003, when President Bush declared fence Department. The figures include that major combat operations in Iraq four military civilians. had ended, 1,517 US military members AP count is eight higher than the have died, according to AP’s count. Defence Department’s tally, last up- That includes at least 1,155 deaths re- dated at 11 am EDT on Friday. sulting from hostile action, according A man is treated in hospital in Fallujah 65 kilometers west of Baghdad in Iraq The British military has reported 88 to the military’s numbers.—Internet on 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 5 Annan regrets at failure of Kenya Airways to start flights to China’s Shanghai in August nuke treaty review conference NAIROBI, 28 May — Kenya’s national carrier, Kenya Airways (KQ), UNITED NATIONS, 28 May —UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan voiced announced here on Friday it will introduce new flights to Shanghai this regret on Friday at the failure of a global conference to agree on ways of August to tap into China’s 15.4-billion-US-dollar tourism market. strengthening the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The KQ Managing Director Titus and an increase in passengers. “The Secretary-Gen- “While the vast majority dations to plug loopholes Naikuni told Xinhua in Nairobi that the Naikuni said the airline was encour- eral very much regrets of NPT states parties rec- of the treaty. airline is finalizing a bilateral service aged by the Chinese Government’s co- that the Review Confer- ognize the treaty’s endur- The statement said agreement between Kenya and China operation, adding that they have ob- ence of the Nuclear Non- ing benefits, the Secre- Annan regarded the Sep- to give KQ the go-ahead to start flights tained permission and was only wait- Proliferation Treaty tary-General warns that tember UN summit as a to China later this year. ing for the operating license to start the closed today without sub- their inability to unique opportunity to re- However, Naikuni said the new flights. stantive agreements,” strengthen their collective new the efforts to flights are subject to obtaining confir- “We are optimistic and have been said a statement issued efforts is bound to strengthen the global col- mation of the operating license approv- encouraged by the support from the by a UN spokesman. weaken the treaty and the lective security system. als and slots at Shanghai airport. Civil Aviation Authority of China “The states parties broader NPT-based re- “He challenges leaders to Kenya Airways announced on Fri- (CAAC) at the recent bilateral discus- missed a vital opportunity gime over time.” use that opportunity to day it has recorded the highest profit sions in Beijing. They have given us to strengthen our collec- After nearly one make bold commitments in its history after its annual after-tax permission and is currently waiting for tive security against the month of discussions, and address the pressing profit tripled to 3.8 billion shillings (50 the license to introduce the new flights,” many nuclear threats to delegations of 187 NPT challenges to which the million dollars) from 1.3 billion (17 Naikuni said. which all states and all states parties on Friday review conference could million dUS ollars) due to cost-cutting MNA/Xinhua peoples are vulnerable,” concluded the conference not provide answers,” it the statement added. without any recommen- said. — MNA/Xinhua China to Zimbabwe launches Bio- issue stamps medical Science, on Danish Technolocy Institute fairy-tale HARARE, 28 May — The Zimbabwean Govern- ment on Thursday launched the African Institute of writer Biomedical Science and Technology (AIBST). WUHAN, 28 May — Minister of Science and Technology Develop- The State Postal Bureau ment, Olivia Muchena, said at the officially launch- of China will publish a ing ceremony that the government would invest in set of stamps in com- the development of science and technology to memoration of the 200th improve and sustain the country’s health delivery birth anniversary of Dan- system through research. AIBST, which is a ish fairy-tale writer Hans brainchild of Zimbabwean scientist, Collen Christian Andersen. Masimirembwa, is a centre for biomedical science, The stamps, which research, education and diagnostic services in are self-adhesive, will Zimbabwe. premiere in Wuhan, capi- It aims to develop drugs, vaccines and diagnos- tal of central China’s tic tools or an improved patient-specific disease Hubei Province, on management and treatment systems. Chinese workers work at a production line at the General Motors Corp’s 1 June, International It also aims to provide infrastructure for effi- new plant in Shanghai,on 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET Children’s Day, accord- cient delivery of affordable high quality health care ing to Zhang Bin, an ex- for all citizens, establish a reliable institute to un- China approves Ford Motor Credit pert with the postal bu- dertake CD4 (a kind of immune cell) counts and reau of Wuhan. viral loads, establish a DNA bank in Zimbabwe Co to commence business A complete set will next year. BEIJING, 28 May —Ford Motor Credit Company won final approval from have five stamps, includ- “To date, competition for provision of similar Chinese authorities Friday to begin business in China and expects to begin ing four 80-fen stamps biomedical services is limited in the subregion and providing auto financing at the beginning of the thirdquarterthis year. and one 60-fen stamp. Africa as a whole. Therefore the sky is the limit for “China has become a growing market that is an integral part of Ford Motor Also in circulation will AIBST’s growth to be a Referral Biomedical Cen- Company’s global strategy,” said Jack Hu, president of Ford Automotive Finance be a miniature sheet, with tre servicing the entire continent,” Muchena said. China Limited (FAFC), the name under which Ford Motor Credit will do busi- a face value of five yuan, MNA/Xinhua ness in China. John Noone, president of International Operations at Ford Motor a booklet with a price tag Credit. “We hope to continue to work with the relevant authorities in the future of 10 yuan, as well as a as they develop rules governing the finance industry.” full sheet with a price of FAFC will initially focus on financing the dealer vehicle inventory needs of the 30.4 yuan. Ford dealers in China. In the meantime, it will also begin a pilot programme for Hans Christian consumer purchases of Ford Motor Company vehicles. Andersen, born in Den- In addition to Ford Motor Company’s one-billion-US-dollar investment, Ford mark in 1805, was a Motor Credit has made a 60-million-US-dollar investment in China. It will invest poor shoemaker’s son. more as its business needs grow. —MNA/Xinhua His high reputation to- day rests on his fairy Australia, PNG to continue talks tales, which were writ- ten between 1835 and in aid programme 1872. Since his stories CANBERRA, 29 May — Australia and Papua New Guinea (PNG) have were introduced to China wound up first round of talks here and will hold further talks in an effort to in 1913, his “Ugly Duck- resume deployment of Australian police in PNG. ling”, the “Emperor’s After the first round of talks, the Broadcasting Corporation radio re- New Clothes” and the foreign ministers of the two countries said ported on Friday. The talks are aimed at “Match Girl” have be- it will take time to resurrect an aid pro- resuming the deployment of Australian come very popular gramme, which is worth more than 620 police in PNG after more than 100 among Chinese. Several million US dollars and involves the place- Australian policemen working in PNG of his stories have even ment of about 300 Australian public ser- returned earlier this month due to a been selected into text- vants and police officers in PNG. PNG Supreme Court ruling, which books in Chinese pri- Further negotiations are expected found their powers and immunity were mary and middle An Iraqi soldier searches a man at a checkpoint to take place over the next two weeks in the unconstitutional. schools. during an anti-guerilla operation in Baghdad on PNG capital, Port Moresby, Australian MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET 6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 Indonesian police tighten security on foreign facilities JAKARTA, 28 May — Indonesian police strengthened security in foreign facilities that possibly targeted by a certain group as they had recently found clues that the group had prepared for attacks in the country, police chief said here on Friday. Police chief General Da’i Bachtiar of US Embassy in Jakarta,... Based on said that the embassies of the United the analysis of intelligence it could be a States, Britain, Australia are among the trick or a lead into astray, it could oc- places under reinforced security. curred. Because it is not a certain those Bachtiar said that the cell from the terrorist will carry out the attack in those group of Azhari, the most dangerous places,” he said. Malaysian fugitive and bomb expert, Meanwhile, spokesman of Jakarta had intensified their activity for prepar- police named only Tjiptiono told Xinhua ing the attacks. that the Jakarta police had tightened Although some of the cell member security of foreign embassy offices, and had been arrested, the group kept re- keep securing the places which possibly Cable cars move above snow capped peaks near the Line of Council, during cruiting new members, he said. targeted, such as mall shopping centres, the inauguration of the cable car at Afarwat in Gulmarg, some 60 kilometres “We strengthened places security hotels and others. (38 miles) west of Srinagar, India, on 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET in places which possibly targeted,” said “We have increased personnel and Bachtiar. equipment,...We patrol every one hour “Based on intelligent analysis there in front of the embassies,... and we keep India tests rocket launcher “Pinaka” have been communications among their pay attention on hotels, mall shopping NEW DELHI, 28 May — India successfully tested the indigenously built groups (members) that we analyze as a centres,” he said. multi-barrel rocket launcher “Pinaka” from a defence range in the eastern preparation to conduct an attack again. The United States has closed all its state of Orissa on Friday, officials said. Our investigation into the group of diplomatic mission offices in Indonesia The rocket launcher (DRDO) at Chandipur in This was the latest in a Azhari, of course it becomes target to be since Thursday because of security threat was test fired from the the coastal district of series of tests of the captured and we still have not been able and the country warns all its citizens that Proof and Experimental Balasore at 12.19 pm, Pinaka, an artillery sys- to arrest them.” the terrorist threat here remains high. Establishment of the De- Indo-Asian News Service tem with a range in excess However the police chief said de- It said that the attacks can occur at fence Research and De- quoted the officials as of 40 kilometres. spite the intelligence had got clues about any time and be directed to any location, velopment Organization saying. MNA/Xinhua a plan to attack foreign embassy in including those frequented by foreign- Jakarta, but he said that it could also be ers as well as the identifiably American Pakistan says centrifuges to IAEA a trick, which could lead the security and other Western facilities or busi- authority pay less attention on other nesses in Indonesia. not to affect security places. Previously the Australian Govern- ISLAMABAD, 28 May — Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman Jalil Abbas “Based on intelligent analysis it ment also issued similar warning. Jilani said on Thursday that sending centrifuges to the International Atomic seems there is a picture that show map MNA/Xinhua Energy Agency (IAEA) would not have any negative impact on national security. Malaysia to host ICO Trade Forum in June Jilani confirmed to the “Pakistani experts Pakistani President local Geo TV channel that would bring back the cen- Pervez Musharraf said last KUALA LUMPUR, 28 May — Malaysia will host the Organization of Islamic Islamabad has sent samples trifuges after the comple- month that Pakistan wants Conference (ICO) Trade Forum on 20-21 June in Putrajaya, in a bid to further of centrifuges to the IAEA. tion of inspection,” Jilani to send parts of centrifuges tap the business potential among member countries, an official statement “Pakistan has only sent said. for the IAEA inspection announced on Friday. used and old centrifuges to IAEA Spokesman to remove suspicions and The forum, to be further strengthen trade of 70 per cent of EU’s glo- the IAEA under some con- Mark Gwozdecky was doubts that Islamabad pro- chaired by Malaysian relations among the ICO bal trade,” MITI said. ditions and guidelines. This quoted on Thursday by the vided centrifuges to Iran Prime Minister Abdullah countries as intra-ICO More than 800 partici- action is part of our coop- BBC Urdu-language and other countries. Ahmad Badawi, would trade accounted for less pants are expected to at- eration with the IAEA to service as saying that the MNA/Xinhua cover a whole range of than 12 per cent of ICO tend the trade forum, in- curb nuclear proliferation,” centrifuges were sent to trade, investment and serv- members global trade cluding members of the Jilani said. the IAEA Headquarters in Egypt Air ices issues, the Ministry of compared with intra- business community, rep- He said that Pakistani Vienna on Tuesday. International Trade and ASEAN trade accounting resentatives from trade and experts themselves gave the He also confirmed purchases 12 Industry (MITI) said in for 23 per cent ASEAN’s investment promotion centrifuges to IAEA and that a Pakistani delega- “Boeing” planes statement released here. global trade and intra-Eu- agencies and government they would also be present tion held talks with IAEA CAIRO, 28 May — “There is potential to ropean Union (EU) trade officials.— MNA/Xinhua during the inspection. officials on Wednesday. EgyptAir holding com- pany, owner of Egypt’s Thailand’s trade deficit puts pressure flag carrier, will purchase 12 Boeing 737/800 planes on economic stability worth 850 million US dol- BANGKOK, 28 May — Thailand’s trade deficit for the fourth consecu- lars to meet the potentially tive month has put pressure on the country’s economic stability and growing flow of passen- needs to be gradually solved from the outset, the Bank of Thailand has gers, the official MENA said. news agency reported Bandid Nijathaworn, stability. fiscal discipline. on Friday. deputy governor of the People have begun to It will help put the Boeing was awarded bank, was quoted Friday overspend. It needs to be trade balance at a proper the contract after the US by the state-run Thai addressed from the out- level and ensure effi- aircraft manufacturer of- News Agency as saying set to prevent any effect ciency of the local invest- fered several advantages, that the continued trade on the economic stabil- ment, particularly in an official of the company deficit stemmed from ity,” he noted. mega projects, and spend- said, without elaborating. many factors including He said the trade defi- ing, he said. Under the deal, the global economic slow- cit could be handled in The third is to attempt planes will be received as down and rising oil prices. three approaches. to allow local fuel prices of mid-2006 until late “The trade deficit for The first is to boost to move by market 2007, said the official, the 4th month in a row saving in the economic mechanism because it adding the 157-seat air- has pressed the economic growth cycle and reduce will help reduce con- craft will be used for stability. It shows the unnecessary spending. sumption and boost sav- flying to European and A female researcher seen in a lab in Tokyo. country’s current spend- And the second approach ing, he noted. Middle East cities. Japan, on 27 May, 2005.—INTERNET ing level has shaken the is to keep a monetary and MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 7 World No-Tobacco Day 2005: Health Professionals against Tobacco Dr Nyo Nyo Kyaing

World Health Organization estimates that cur- ticular from their patients, related to the consequences versus 48% of males in the general population, rently there are 1.3 billion smokers in the world. of tobacco use. They can help encourage their pa- 0.8% of female doctors versus 20% among the Tobacco consumption continues to be the leading tients to stop tobacco use. general population. The study reported that 20% of preventable cause of death and the death toll from In community and clinical settings, health pro- male doctors and only 0.8% of female doctors were tobacco consumption is now 4.9 million people a fessionals are the most knowledgeable in health tobacco users, 12% of registered doctors were year; if present consumption patterns continue, the matters and they are expected to act on the basis of smokers, 4% did not smoke but chewed betel quid number of deaths will increase to 10 million by the this knowledge. In their society and their communi- with tobacco whereas 3% smoked as well as year 2020, 70% of which will occur in developing ties they are expected to be role models for the rest chewed betel quid. About 10.6% answered that they countries. Action must be taken now to prevent of the population including in general, their behav- had successfully quit tobacco use. this from happening. All over the world, govern- iour in health-related matters such as diet, exercise Although almost all of the doctors agreed that ments, anti-tobacco advocates, health profession- and tobacco use. Research has shown that health it is their responsibility to ask their patients about als, scientists, researchers, education personnel, professionals who are smokers are less likely to pro- their tobacco use, it was found that medical doc- media personnel, NGOs and the community are mote smoking cessation or engage in tobacco con- tors did not practice this habit regularly; the major- joining hands to combat against this preventable ity of doctors asked about tobacco use and gave Although almost all of the doctors morbidity and mortality. agreed that it is their responsibility advice to quit only when complaints were related Every year, member countries of World Health to ask their patients about their to- to tobacco. The main constraint among the doctors Organization celebrate World No-Tobacco Day on bacco use, it was found that medical was the time factor. They could not find enough the 31st of May. To encompass various aspects of doctors did not practice this habit time to talk to patients about dangers of tobacco tobacco control, different slogans and themes are regularly; the majority of doctors and to give advice to them to quit. More than 85% selected every year. Examples of the World No- asked about tobacco use and gave agreed that doctors required more training on to- Tobacco Day slogans include Growing up without advice to quit only when complaints bacco cessation. tobacco in 1998, Tobacco kills: Don‘t be duped in were related to tobacco. The main Health professionals could also play an impor- 2000; Second-hand smoke: Let‘s clear the air in constraint among the doctors was the tant role of setting health facilities, hospitals and 2001, Tobacco free sports. Play it clean in 2002, time factor. workplaces tobacco-free. Most of the health facili- Tobacco free film. tobacco free fashion, Action! in trol. More efforts need to be made by health profes- ties in Myanmar prohibited smoking and chewing 2003 and Tobacco Control and Poverty: a vicious sional organizations and health professional schools of betel quid with tobacco within the hospital com- cycle in 2004. The theme of this year’s World No- to assist them in becoming tobacco-free models. pounds. Tobacco Day is “Health Professionals against to- All health professionals in the everyday health- Health professionals could also participate ac- bacco: Be a role model”. This year, World No- care setting need to address tobacco-dependence as tively in anti-tobacco movements, providing evi- Tobacco Day will be celebrated throughout the part of their standard of care practice. Medical and dence-based best practices for decision makers and country with the aim of highlighting the role of paramedical schools teach their students to include at the national level to promote the implementa- health professionals in the area of tobacco control. questions about tobacco use when monitoring vital tion of the WHO Framework Convention on To- Health professionals have a prominent role to signs and at every counter with a patient the health bacco Control. Myamnar is a party to this conven- play in tobacco control. They have the trust of the care provider must assess tobacco use and note it on tion, having ratified the convention on the 20th of people; their voices are heard across a vast range the client’s chart. April, 2004. This Convention had come into force of social and economic arenas. They can contribute A Medical Doctor’s Tobacco Use Survey was since 27 of February of this year. Being a party to to comprehensive tobacco control programmes in- conducted in Myanmar among the registered medi- the Convention, Myanmar is obligated to imple- volving prevention through education, communi- cal doctors in 2003 to identify the prevalence of to- ment the provisions of the Convention. Health cation, informational campaigns that raise aware- bacco use (smoking and smokeless) among the reg- professionals and everyone who knows about the ness about the harmful effects of tobacco on health istered doctors of Myanmar, to find out the behav- negative effects of tobacco use should not only and other demand reduction measures concerning iour pattern of practicing Myanmar medical doctors become role models but also impart their knowl- tobacco dependence and cessation in a significant regarding tobacco use and to find out the knowledge edge to the public, promoting community aware- way. They reach a high percentage of the popula- and attitude of Myanmar medical doctors regarding ness on dangers of tobacco. Many national and tion in the society. Health professionals have the tobacco use. Prevalence of tobacco use among the international NGOs involved in health should also opportunity to help change their behaviour. They medical doctors was less than the general popula- participate in this anti-tobacco movement to save can impart valuable advice, guidance and can an- tion; 10% among the medical doctors versus 31% our people from the health, social and economic swer the questions from the general public, in par- among the general population, 12% of male doctors impacts of tobacco use. 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 Commander attends sapling planting ceremony in Bago Station, inspects Irrigation facilities of Lagunbyin Dam

YANGON, 29 May — The sapling planting cer- The commander and wife viewed stoves, sam- emony was held at the local battalion of Bago Sta- ple seeds and documentary photos of sapling nurtur- tion under control of Yangon Command in Bago ing tasks and greening of Bago Yoma mountain range Township, yesterday morning, attended by Chair- displayed by Forest Department and books on agri- man of Yangon Division Peace and Development cultural technology, farming equipment, medicines Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen and samples of quality paddy strains exhibited by Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay. Myanma Agriculture Service. Also present on the occasion were Bago Sta- Next, they sowed the seeds and planted sap- tion Commander Col Thant Swe, Indaing Station lings. Commander Col Bo Lwin, senior military officers, Later, the commander and wife grew teak and No 3 Military Region Commander Col Tint Hsan, star flower saplings in commemoration of the cer- departmental officials, Tatmadawmen of regiments emony. and units and their families. A total of 56,000 saplings and 42,000 seeds of In his address, the commander said that to- perennial, crop, windbreak and flowery plants were day’s sapling planting ceremony is the second time planted at the ceremony in Bago Station. for Bago Station under the instructions of Yangon After that, the commander inspected progress Division. The manageable scale of planting saplings in digging the canal crossing Yangon-Bago Six-lane is to be carried out at the regiment, company and Highway to supply water from Lagunbyin Dam near families respectively. And, the regiments and units Minlwingon Village of Township to 11,000 are to organize participation of the people for setting acres of farmlands in Kyeeganthaik, Saingtigon and up model saplings plots. Yangon Command laid Alantabo Villages. The commander gave instructions down plans to hold seed sowing ceremonies and on water supply tasks to be carried out not only for Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe grows a sapling tree planting ceremonies for welfare of the Tatmadaw agricultural purpose but also for greening the region to mark the sapling planting ceremony of Bago families and greening of the regiments and units. all the year round. Station. —˚YANGON COMMAND Bago Station Commander Col Thant Swe re- Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party oversaw the ported on growing of saplings in the station, pur- main canal of Lagunbyin Dam stretching 10.76 miles. ing of the canal’s embankment to laterite one and pose of holding the tree planting ceremony and Director U Kyaw Thein of Irrigation Department and minimizing of waste water from the dam. — MNA Deputy Director of Bago Division (East) Forest officials conducted the commander round the site. Department U Aye Lwin on collection of seeds and The commander gave instructions on main- Preliminary conference of… saplings and nurturing system. tenance for durability of the main canal, upgrad- (from page 16) members of Central Organizing Committee of Dry day inspection teams discharge duties Myanmar War Veterans Organization Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, Director-Gen- eral of Development Affairs Department Col Myo Myint (Retd), Chairman of Ayeyawady Division War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committee Sec- retary of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Develop- ment Council Lt-Col Thein Hlaing, members of Divi- sion WVO Supervisory Committee, departmental of- ficials and guests. The first session of the conference was presided over by Commander Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung. Next, the commander delivered a speech. Commander Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung and wellwishers presented K 15.5 million donated by Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Coun- cil and companies from the division to Ayeyawady Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and party supervise dry day inspeciton teams.— MNA Division WVO Supervisory Committee. YANGON, 29 May — Dry Day Supervisory main points of Yangon City and so did leader of At the second session, Lt-Col Thein Hlaing deliv- Committee Chairman Minister for Mines Brig-Gen inspection team Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tour- ered a speech. Captain Win Myint (Retd), Captain Ohn Myint, together with leader of the inspection ism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, deputy leader Deputy Maung Aw (Retd) and Captain Tun Yi (Retd) submit- team Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Than Htay and mem- ted a report to the preliminary conference of Ayeyawady and members Director General of Myanmar Police bers Vice-Adjutant General Maj-Gen Hla Shwe, sen- Division WVO (2005). Delegates from Maubin, Force Police Brig-Gen Khin Yi, senior military of- ior military officers and departmental heads in the Hinthada, Pyapon, Myaungmya and Pathein Districts ficers and departmental heads this morning super- evening. The inspection teams checked dry day pass, discussed five sectors in the report. vised dry day inspection teams checking the motor driver’s licence, wheel tax bill and wearing of depart- The chairman reported on five future tasks and vehicles used by Tatmadaw and departments at the mental uniforms and breaking of traffic rules. — MNA resolutions for approval. The preliminary conference ended with chanting of slogans.—MNA Myanmar baseball delegation leaves for Switzerland YANGON, 29 May — At Paper reading session on the invitation of Asia Base- Myanmar ball Federation and Inter- health held national Baseball Federa- baseball YANGON, 29 May — An annual paper reading tion, President of Myanmar delega- session on health organized by the Central Health Baseball Federation U tion seen Education Division of the Health Planning Depart- Aung Myat Oo (Ginvera), ment and NGOs took place at the National Health at the Vice-President Dr Naing Museum in Myaynigon, Sangyoung Township here Win (Panasonic) and Gen- airport on 26 May. eral Secretary U San before Deputy Director of CHED Dr Khin Maung Maung Myint left for Swit- depar- Lwin addressed the session. U Khyin Khant Hlyan zerland to attend the annual of Partner Organization and group leader U Ral ture for conference of ABF and IBF Marjoric read the papers on supply of clean water to be held in Switzerland Switzer- for schools, building of fly-proof latrines and giving from 2 to 4 June. They were land. help in control of HIV/AIDS. Then, they answered seen off at the Yangon In- MBF the queries raised by those present. ternational Airport by the of- Similar paper reading session will be held on ficials of MBF.—MNA 24 June and any one can attend it. — MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 9 Over K 50 billion invested in… tension of the works and production of quality (from page 16) officials explained matters goods, and attended to the Technological Adviser to related to their works. needs. the factory Mr Alistar After hearing the Yangon Division Chaung and officials con- reports, the commander has established industrial ducted them round the instructed them to make zones for the increase of hall. arrangements for more production in the indus- The commander at- distribution of quality trial sector of the State. tended to the require- products to the people. Hlinethaya Industrial ments. At Popular Gar- Zone was set up on 1398 Next, they pro- ment Factory, they viewed acres of plot in 1995. The ceeded to Pearl Garment sewing of T-shirt, sport Industrial Zone is formed Factory on Bhamo shirt, jerkin and garments. with seven parts. A total Atwinwun Road in the Managing Director U Hla of 428 factories of the in- zone-3. They oversaw Win and officials con- dustrial zone have in- making of jerkins and ducted them round the fac- vested K 57,593.235 mil- other garments. Manager tory. Maj-Gen Myint Swe lion in their production. Ministers, deputy ministers and guests visit Pun Hlaing International Hospital. Daw Hla Hla Thein and gave suggestions on ex- MNA (News on page 16) — MNA Self-reliant village libraries put into service in Mudon Township YANGON, 29 May — Council Chairman U Self-reliant libraries were Kyaw Kyaw Maung and opened in Kwamta Vil- Head of Township IPRD lage and Thayagon Vil- Daw Moe Moe Sanda Tun lage in Mudon Township formally opened the librar- on 26 May morning. ies. Next, the books dona- Present on the oc- tion ceremonies followed casions were at the respective libraries. Information and Public Mudon Township PDC Relations Department Chairman U Kyaw Kyaw Assistant Director U Win Maung and Mawlamyine Kyi, local authorities and District IPRD Staff Of- wellwishers. ficer U Tin Tun explained SPA/FMI Group of Companies Chairman U Thein Wai speaking at opening ceremony of Pun Hlaing Mudon Township the purpose of opening the International Hospital. (News on page 16)— MNA Peace and Development libraries. Officials accepted CECmember of USDA Brig-Gen Than Htay attends opening 50 books for Kwamta Vil- lage library donated by ceremony of Kywetalin BEHS (Branch) Mon State IPRD Assist- ant Director U Win Kyi; YANGON, 29 May — Township, Bago Division the Ministry of Education applications of USDA was donated cash for the 50 books by Head of A ceremony to open Basic (West), co-organized by in conjunction with the held at the school yester- school. He also attended Mudon Township IPRD Education High School Shwedaung Township ceremonies to conclude the day morning, attended by the opening ceremony of Daw Moe Moe Sanda (Branch) in Kywetalin vil- Union Solidarity and De- summer courses and Central Executives Com- artesian well in Warle vil- Tun; K 10,000 each by U lage-tract in Shwedaung velopment Association and present the membership mittee for USDA Deputy lage, Yattha village-tract Aung Lun and U Yu Teik; Minister for Energy Brig- and the ceremony of pre- 50 books for Thayagon Gen Than Htay. senting membership ap- Village library by school The deputy minis- plications, organized by Mawlamyine District ter delivered an opening Thegon Township USDA. IPRD Staff Officer U Tin enrolment day ceremony held speech. The Township The CEC member Tun; 60 books by WO-II YANGON, 29 May — Kyauktada cial organizations. Education Officer and the and the chairman of Myo Min Aung; 80 books Township school enrolment day cer- After reporting on the progress of chairman of Shwedaung Thegon Township PDC by writer Tekkatho Nang emony of school-age children was held school enrolment tasks, the deputy mayor Township PDC presented formally opened the arte- Phyu Phyu Tun; 35 books at Kyaukdata Township BEHS this made a speech and donated stationery certificates on basic sum- sian well and made the by Daw Tin Tin Htay; 20 morning, attended by CEC Member and school uniforms to school children. mer course and advanced speeches. The deputy min- books by Daw Nyunt (Yangon Division In Charge) Vice- Afterwards, donations of station- computer course to the ister accepted 3,000 mem- Thein; 35 books by Daw Chairman of Yangon City Development ery, school uniforms and cash contin- trainees. The deputy min- bership applications from Khin Si; 60 books by Daw Committee Vice -Mayor Col Maung Pa, ued. The school children and officials ister then accepted 7,306 Warle, Sabe, Gyokon and San Maw; and 50 books Director U Aung Chein and officials of accepted the donations of wellwishers membership applications Yattha villages and do- by Head of Township No 3 Basic Education Department, including stationery and school uniforms from 11 village-tracts in nated cash for the devel- IPRD Daw Moe Moe Township PDC chairmen, the head of worth of K 760,000 donated by donor Shwedaung Township. opment tasks of the vil- Sanda Tun. township education department and so- U Ohn Shwe. — MNA The CECmember lages.—MNA MNA

A swimmer participating in Myanmar Olympic Committee Chairman’s Cup Treasurer U Han Tun Maung (Seinhlyan) presents prize to a winner in MOC Women’s and Men’s Age-wise Swimming Championship Sunday.— NLM Chairman’s Cup Women’s and Men’s Age-wise Swimming Championship.— NLM 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 China budget funding for Germany, Spain urge France to say re-employment up 31% “yes” to EU Constitution BEIJING, 29 May — China’s central government budget stands at 10.9 PARIS, 29 May — German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Spanish billion yuan (1.32 billion US dollars), up 2.6 billion yuan, or 31 per cent, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero on Friday called for France to year-on-year, officials with the Ministry of Finance said on Friday. say “yes” at the 29 May referendum on the European Union (EU) Constitu- The central govern- urban and rural residents or 54.6 per cent, in 2004, tion. ment also increased show the government’s while local governments As last efforts two- French southwestern city “The ‘no’ is sad and budget funding for em- commitment to a more also made similar arrange- day ahead the referendum of Toulouse alongside pessimistic,” he added. on Sunday, Schroeder and former French minister “We want Europe because ployment training pro- harmonious society, said ments, according to the Zapatero headed for Dominique Strauss-Kahn it means peace, freedom grammes for farmers to the official. ministry. France to insist on the and Zapatero in front of a and solidarity.” 400 million yuan (nearly The Ministry of Fi- Meanwhile, the imperative that France rally of about 3,000 peo- In Toulouse, the Ger- 50 million US dollars), nance will continue its ef- ministry earmarked 14.4 approve the EU constitu- ple in the northern city of man chancellor urged the compared with 150 mil- fort to support efforts to billion yuan (1.75 billion tional treaty, which need Lille hosted by French French to vote “yes” “with lion yuan (about 20 mil- improve social security sys- US dollars) in living al- the approval by all 25 EU Socialist party leader all their heart and their lion US dollars), said an tem in urban China, and to lowance funding for job- member states and aims at Francois Hollande. head” and “clearly say yes official with the ministry. provide basic living allow- less workers, and deliv- simplifying decision- “I ask you for a yes to to the Constitution for Following rapid ance for those laid off by ered 52.4 billion yuan making in the European the European Constitu- which “we are fighting”. growth in budget funding state-owned firms, he said. (6.39 billion US dollars) Union following last tion, a yes in the name of France and Germany for re-employment and The Chinese central in transferred payment for year’s expansion of the the left,” said the Spanish share a great responsibil- social securities, this government increased its pension fund, which bloc to the post-Commu- Prime Minister. ity for Europe to last year’s increased funding allowance for re- employ- helped ensure retirees get nist east and the Mediter- “Spain votes ‘yes’, eternally and must assume arrangements for re-em- ment by 2.225 billion yuan their pension in time and ranean. France votes ‘yes’ and that responsibility for ployment programmes for (271 million US dollars), in full. — MNA/Xinhua The two heads of Europe votes ‘yes’,” said future generations, said government addressed re- Zapatero, adding “Europe Schroeder, to whom both Manufacturer of inferior milk powder spectively for the “yes” needs France, its enthusi- countries are engine of all campaign in link-up, with asm, its culture, its important issues of sentenced in Shenzhou Schroeder in front of a strength and its momen- Europe. HANGZHOU, 29 May — Local court in Shengzhou, a city in east China’s rally of 800 people in the tum.” MNA/Xinhua Zhejiang Province, sentenced a businessman to prison for producing and selling substandard milk powder. Italian President calls for more help The man, named Xu China’s Anhui Province tons of inferior milk pow- Jiedong, was sentenced to died from malnutrition af- der in 13 varieties from for Africa seven years in prison and ter consuming the milk April 2003 to April 2004. ROME, 29 May — Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi on Saturday fined 400,000 yuan (48,193 powder supplied by Xu’s The substandard called for commitment by the international community to projects to help US dollars), according to a company. milk powder was sold for eradicate poverty in Africa. local newspaper. As the legal repre- more than 700,000 yuan In a message to a forging a “solid partner- able divide between north In December 2003, sentative of Shengzhou (84,337 US dollars), the conference promoting Ital- ship” with Africa. and south of the world and two babies in Yingshang Tianbuer Co., Ltd., Xu local newspaper said. ian-African cooperation for The President re- to increase the number of and Linquan counties in east illegally produced 65.22 MNA/Xinhua development, Ciampi said called that in the coming concrete projects which al- Italy and the European weeks and months interna- leviate the suffering of Indonesia not to pay ransom for Union could contribute to tional organizations such as African populations.” the United Nations and the African nations must hostages in Philippines Colombia seeks G8 would be discussing commit themselves to con- development in poor parts solidating democratic in- JAKARTA, 29 May — The Indonesian Government will not pay ransom IDB of the world, Africa in par- stitutions, respecting hu- for the release of three Indonesian citizens who are being held in hostage by presidency a militia group in the southern Philippines, the Vice-President said on ticular. man rights and encourag- BOGOTA, 29 May — Saturday. “I hope that there ing peaceful coexistence, Colombian President “They (the captors) Sulawesi that the govern- napped by a group who emerges a common strat- the President added. Alvaro Uribe will recom- want money. But the gov- ment has sent a team to the called themselves the Jammi egy to reduce the unaccept- MNA/Xinhua mend the country’s am- ernment will never give Philippines to coordinate Al Islamiah on 30 March. bassador to the United them,” Vice-President Jusuf efforts with local authorities Local media reports States Luis Alberto Kalla was quoted by the to seek the release. said the group asked a ran- Morero as candidate to the Detikcom online news ser- Three Indonesian som of some 790, 000 US Presidency of the Inter vice as saying. Kalla said people who worked for a dollars for their release. American Development from his hometown in South Malaysian tugboat were kid- MNA/Xinhua Bank (IDB), the local Uganda farms more coffee exports Press said on Friday. Moreno was ap- in April pointed in 1998 as ambas- KAMPALA, 29 May — Uganda earned 15.3 million US dollars from sador to Washington by exporting coffee in April, representing a 13-per-cent rise compared with ex- president Andres March and 74-per-cent up against April last year, according to a monthly Pastrana and Uribe rati- report from Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA). fied him to stay in the post Uganda exported totalled 1.44 million 2005/06 coupled with in August 2002. a total of 211,388 60- bags valued at 82 mil- the approaching Brazil- The Moreno candi- kilo bags of coffee in lion dollars, represent- ian frost scare period, dacy to the IDB leader- April, while 177,569 ing a nominal drop in which starts in late May ship will be soon proposed bags of coffee worth of volume of 0.5 per cent and continues into Au- by the President, said the 8.8 million dollars in and an increase in value gust”. government in a statement April last year. of 22.8 per cent over a Countries in the released Friday by the The UCDA attributed similar period last year,” European Union were Press. the rise in volume last the report said. the major importers of Incumbent IDB month to “the recovery The report said Uganda coffee repre- President Enrique in coffee prices on the that “world coffee prices senting 90 per cent. Iglesias, from Uruguay, world market that im- continued with the posi- Uganda is a major will retire this year ahead pelled farmers and trad- tive trend observed since coffee producer and ex- of schedule, after 17 years ers to offload coffee beginning of this season, porter in Africa. The na- heading the multilateral stocks in their posses- which is likely to tion projected to export organization. His current KFC Germinal Berschot player Mohamed Camara sion”. continue owing to a sup- 200,000 bags of coffee tenure, the fourth of his, is celebrates with the Trophy after his team won the “Coffee exports in ply deficit of around in May. due in 2008. Belgian soccer Cup against FC Brugge, at the King the past seven months eight million bags in MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua Baudouin stade in Brussels on 28 May, 2005.—INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 11 Ugandan President stresses industrialization in Africa KAMPALA, 29 May — Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has said that Africa’s primary goal is to transform the pre-industrial society to a modern one, according to a Press release issued here by the State House on Saturday. Museveni made the this has been due to the oriented and adding value remarks on Friday mushrooming of small to products. evening when he met a enterprises. The Ugandan Presi- visiting delegation of 14 “There is need for the dent hailed President senior Nigerian Govern- government to intervene Olusegun Obasanjo, the ment and military offic- in certain sectors to government and people ers led by Adamu Fika, stimulate the liberaliza- of Nigeria for preserving who are in Uganda as tion and growth of the the federation of their part of their Africa study economy that can lead to country. Fika highly tour. the transformation of so- commended the strong Madrid’s mayor Alberto Ruiz Gallardon speaks beside a logo of Madrid Museveni said Afri- ciety,” he said.. impact on the people of 2012’s Olympic bid during an interview with Reuters at Madrid’s city hall ca’s goal could be Museveni noted that Uganda made by the po- on 23 May, 2005. Ruiz Gallardon expressed his confidence that Madrid will achieved through educa- other concerns include litical, economic and so- gain victory in Singapore on 6 July to organize the 2012 Olympic Games. INTERNET tion and health for all as political and economic cial sectors. well as liberalization and integration that the East He particularly cited 62 kilos of heroin, 70 kilos of hashish industrialization. African countries Kenya, the fight against the The President pointed Uganda and Tanzania are HIV/AIDS pandemic, seized in Turkey out that although Ugan- striving to achieve, say- saying the people of Ni- ANKARA, 29 May — a truck in the southern city eastern city of Van, and da’s economy has rela- ing that other elements geria are proud to be Turkish security forces of Mersin, said the report, one person was arrested, tively grown by 6.5 per involve having an associated with the peo- seized 62 kilos of heroin adding seven people were the report said. cent of GDP per year, economy that is export ple of Uganda whose and 70 kilos hashish in two detained in the operation Turkey serves as an sustained campaign separate operations re- and an investigation is un- important drug smuggling EU asks for formal consulation against the scourge has cently, the semi-official der way. The hashish was route linking Asia, the generated world-wide Anatolia News Agency re- confiscated from a truck Middle East, the Mediter- with China on textiles admiration. ported Saturday. The near Ovapinar Village in ranean Sea and Europe. MNA/Xinhua heroin was discovered in Muradiye Town of the MNA/Xinhua BRUSSELS, 29 May — The European Union (EU) on Friday asked the Chinese authorities for formal Nigeria’s gas flaring Nigeria to collaborate with foreign consultations on two categories of textiles and cloth- ing products — flax yarn and T-shirts. reduced by 20% since 1999 stakeholders in gas projects The EU’s move would The EU and China PORT HARCOURT (Nigeria), 29 May — Gas flar- ABUJA, 29 May — The Nigerian Government trigger an urgency proce- have already been in close, ing in the Africa’s biggest oil producer has been will collaborate with foreign stakeholders in the dure, which requires high-level contact recently reduced by 20 per cent since 1999 and will be liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) business to meet China to limit exports of to try to find a solution. reduced to zero in 2008, a high-ranking official the increasing demands of the cooking gas, the textile or textile products On Wednesday, the EU from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corpora- official News Agency of Nigeria reported Friday. in these categories to a head office gave green tion said on Saturday. Presidential adviser Onitiri, chairman of the level no greater than 7.5 light to Mandelson to con- Dada Yomi, group managing director of the Nige- on petroleum and energy Nigerian LPG Associa- per cent above the amount tinue informal talks with rian Liquefied Natural Gas, made the remarks at the Edmund Daukoru was tion, massive production, that entered the EU mar- Chinese authorities until weekend at a capacity building workshop for members quoted as saying that Ni- importation as well as re- ket during the period from 31 May . of the Senate Committee on Gas Matters in Port geria would fully support suscitation of the Exxon- March 2004 to February Earlier last week, Harcourt, south Nigeria. any move to ensure avail- Mobil jetty in Bonny in 2005. Mandelson announced He said gas flaring would be a thing of the past if ability of the commodity Nigeria’s southern state “European Commis- that he would request the the Nigerian Government’s efforts to properly monetize in the interest of consum- of Rivers “will undoubt- sion guidelines invite EU to launch formal con- the nation’s gas reserve began to yield results. ers. “I believe LPG pro- edly force down the un- China to do this within 15 sultations with China over He noted the government’s intention to emphasize duction should be private bearable high cost of the days. However, a mutu- T-shirts and flax yarn. on gas was to enable an alternative source of earning sector driven and I look product”. ally satisfactory agree- Meanwhile, there are for the nation as the oil reserve would not last forever. forward to that,” Daukoru He said ensuring ac- ment between the EU and seven other categories of Nigeria’s proven crude oil reserve is about 34 said. ceptable procedure for China could also be con- textile imports from China billion barrels which is targeted to last for about 33 The Nigerian Gov- common access of LPG cluded through negotia- currently under the EU’s years based on current level of oil production. ernment had set up a depots as well as affect- tion during this period,” investigation. The natural gas reserve on the other hand is 187 technical committee on ing a waiver of import the EU executive Euro- To ease the situation, trillion standard cubic feet, which is calculated to last revival of LPG in col- duty and value added tax pean Commission said in China agreed on 20 May for over 200 years. laboration with the World (VAT) on LPG would a statement. to raise export tariffs on “Many oil producing countries in the world are Bank, he said, adding the also ensure availability “The Chinese Gov- goods in 74 categories by already developing their gas sectors, awaiting the government would wel- and affordability. Onitiri ernment perfectly under- as much as five times. commencement of a viable market in the US billed to come useful suggestions said a waiver of import stands that this procedural However, China says begin in 2009, we also need to be prepared,” he said. that could assist in re- duty and VAT on LPG step does not preclude or that it will scrap recently Acting Chairman of the Senate Committee on Gas moving bottlenecks asso- alone was capable of re- displace the intensive dis- agreed plans to increase Matters Farouk Bunza said the workshop was neces- ciated with LPG produc- ducing the cost of the cussions between China export tariffs on textiles sary owing to the need to diversify the nation’s sources tion. product by about 40 per and the EU,” the statement should the EU and the of income. — MNA/Xinhua According to C. cent. — MNA/Xinhua said. United States also impose The Commission said quotas on imports. G-8 to set no timetable for reducing global warming the request is made after a “If the US and the EU thorough and fruitful tel- formally carry out restric- LONDON, 29 May — preparing to set new tar- timetable for reducing car- which is be held at ephone discussion be- tions on any of these cat- The forthcoming 2005 gets or a timetable to cut bon emissions or any Gleneagles in Scotland tween EU Trade Commis- egories, we will not im- summit of the Group of global warming, the pa- ambitious new targets for from July 6-8, will end sioner Peter Mandelson pose export tariffs on the Eight industrialized na- per said, citing a leaked progress after 2012, said with a joint statement on and Chinese Commerce items in question,” the tions (G-8) will not set a draft communique on cli- the paper. nuclear power. In 2005, Minister Bo Xilai. Chinese Commerce Min- timetable to reduce global mate change for the G-8 According to the Britain becomes the presi- “This will be followed istry said. Under the rules warming, British news summit. draft, talks about “cleaner” dency state of the G-8, the by further contacts on of the World Trade Or- paper The Independent The paper, Draft G-8 technologies will include eight industrialized coun- Monday and in the com- ganization, all quantitative reported on Saturday. Climate Change and Sus- nuclear power, despite tries grouping Britain, ing week, when discus- quotas on textile products The G-8 summit will tainable Energy, which public opposition to ex- France, Japan, Germany, sions can be expected to should be lifted since discuss the role of nuclear outlines the key climate panding the technology Italy, Canada, Russia and intensify at technical and 1 January , 2005. power in reducing cli- change issues for the G-8 in Britain. The draft says the United States. political levels,” it said. MNA/Xinhua mate change, but it is not summit, shows no new that the G-8 summit, MNA/Xinhua 12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 Uganda More Zambian couples use A D V E R T I S E M E N T S trains first family planning methods INVITATION TO TENDER batch LUSAKA, 28 May— The number of Zambian Sealed Tenders are invited by Myanma Petro- of “MIG” couples using family planning methods has in- chemical Enterprise, Ministry of Energy for the supply creased steadily from 15 per cent in 1992 to 34 per of the following plant with complete accessories:- jet fighter cent in 2001-2002, the Central Statistical Office Tender No. & Description Qty. Closing Date/Time pilots (CSO) said on Thursday. Tender No. 47 (T) Urea Plant/MPE/SL/2005-2006 1 Unit 30-6-2005/noon Quoting results from women and 71.7 per cent KAMPALA, 28 May— the Zambia Demographic of men have intention to Urea plant-200 m.ton per day in Sa-Le (B) side A checkout ceremony for and Health Survey, the start using contraceptives Detail Tender Documents are available at the Uganda’s first batch of CSO said the use of mod- in the future. Department of Finance, No. 23 Minye Kyaw Zwa upgraded MIG jet fighter ern contraceptive meth- CSO Deputy Director Road, Yangon, during office hour on payment of one pilots in past 25 years was ods rose from 9 per cent John Kalumbi attributed hundred (100) US$ (or) FEC per set. held at Entebbe Airbase in 1992 and 14 per cent in the increased use of fam- Only bid from tenderer who has purchased on Thursday, reported 1996 to 23 per cent in ily planning methods to tender document officially will be accepted, and to be Radio Uganda on Friday. 2001-2002. economic concerns, as reached the office of Director (Planning) on or before The training now The use of traditional high prevalence of pov- closing date. leaves Uganda Air Force contraceptive methods in- erty are forcing parents to boasting six world class Managing Director creased from 6 per cent in have less children. pilots and sixty techni- 1992 to 12 per cent in According to CSO, the Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise cians, according to the ra- 1996 but has since re- size of an average Zam- dio. The group is expected mained at the same level. bian family has decreased WB to earmark huge to use the acquired skills The survey also show from 6.7 in 1992 to 5.9 in in giving the Air Force that of the married non- 2001-2002. money to ensure road total control over Ugan- users, 69.9 per cent of MNA/Xinhua da’s airspace. safety in Iran Officiating at the cer- Italian Govt allocates state emony, President Yoweri TEHERAN, 28 May— An Iranian transportation Museveni said he was glad official said on Friday that the World Bank has to be part of the revival of funds to boost eco in south planned to earmark 480 million US dollars to help Uganda Air Force which ROME, 28 May— Italian Economy Minister promote the safety of Iran’s roads, the semi-official faced setback in 1970’s. Domenico Siniscalco announced on Friday that 10 Mehr news agency reported. The President called billion euros (12.6 billion US dollars) of state funds “The World Bank has the organization would on the Uganda People’s have been allocated for measures to boost the envisaged to allocate 480 take measures such as pro- Defence Force leadership economy in underdeveloped areas. million US dollars for the posing limited tariffs on to support the fresh pro- The minister said at a ernment of Prime Minister safety plans offered by our imported cars to encour- fessionals in developing Press conference that Silvio Berlusconi has been organization, and the aid age drivers to replace their their skills further and at- about half of the funds under attack lately from will be provided in two obsolete vehicles, a move tending to their welfare so would go on infrastruc- employers and unions over phases,” Mohammad necessary to promote trans- that they can render better ture investments and the the country’s poor eco- Doustdar, official of Iran’s portation security in Iran. services to Uganda. rest on tax breaks and nomic performance. Road Transportation and “Given the fact that He urged the young other business incentives. Some of Berlusconi’s Maintenance Organiza- the average age of 49 per professionals to avoid con- The measures will allies have pressured him tion, was quoted as saying. cent of the vehicles oper- tracting AIDS, which he improve Italy’s GDP by to make helping the south- Issues such as invest- ating in the country’s said would be a terrible 0.2 per cent in 2005, 0.5 ern economy a key plank ments in the Roads Safety cargo fleet is over 25 years disappointment after ac- per cent in 2006 and 1 per in the government’s policy Plan, supporting the Com- and as the result they are quiring this specific and cent when they are fully in the remainder of the mission on the Safety of considered old for safe expensive expertise. in place, Siniscalco said. legislature. the Roads as well as the operation, the organiza- MNA/Xinhua The centre-right gov- MNA/Xinhua Cabinet’s ratifications on tion proposes that in the the matter are top on the current year’s budget bill, agenda of the organization the rate of the tariffs im- Iran says EU N-proposal portrays to cooperate with the posed on truck imports not World Bank in the current exceed more than 5 per new position year, Doustdar said. cent,” Doustdar said. TEHERAN, 28 May—Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Hassan Rowhani said The official said that MNA/Xinhua here Friday that the European Union (EU) had presented a proposal that portrays its new position on Iran’s nuclear programme in the latest round of talks. German-Polish border “I have brought the “The Europeans have on 17 June. EU’s proposal to Iran be- proposed to present a com- The current deadlock cause it portrays a new po- prehensive plan within the came as a result of the EU’s park put on UNESCO sition on the part of the next two months for all-out repeated rejection to Iran’s Europeans, and we must cooperation with Iran in demand of keeping re- World Heritage List make a decision over the different areas including stricted uranium activates. BERLIN, 28 May—The German Government proposal,” Rowhani said, technical and nuclear is- Frustrated Teheran in said on Friday that a park straddling the Neisse quoted by the official IRNA sues,” Rowhani added. late April threatened to River on both sides of the German-Polish border news agency. “Iran would inform the resume its highly sensitive has been put on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Rowhani made the European trio if it has ac- uranium enrichment activi- The 700-hector The park was split be- comments upon his arrival cepted their proposal. If the ties, which it suspended in Muskauer Park was land- tween Poland and former in Teheran after holding a proposal is rejected, Iran last November in ex- scaped by Prince Hermann East Germany after World key round of talks in Ge- will resume the enrichment changed for the economic von Pueckler-Muskau War II and a cooperation neva on Wednesday with activities,” he stressed. and technological incen- from 1815 to 1844. agreement on the park was foreign ministers of the Iran and the EU have tives promised by the EU. A statement by the signed in 1989. European trio of Britain, just prevented the dead- Teheran’s threat was government said the park “Muskauer Park is an France and Germany. locked bilateral nuclear ne- immediately hit back by the is not only one of Europe’s exceptional example of a The negotiator said that gotiations from going fur- EU, which warned of back- most beautiful landscape European landscape park he had informed the Euro- ther to crisis in Wednes- ing a US-proposed referral gardens but also a fine ex- that broke new ground in peans in the talks that Iran day’s talks, during which of Iran’s nuclear case to the ample of cross-border co- terms of development to- could no longer tolerate the the two sides in fact pro- UN Security Council, operation by both nations wards an ideal made-made delaying of the talks and longed the negotiations which might inflict harsh to restore and rebuild a landscape,” UNESCO would resume some ura- to wait for the result of sanctions on the country. garden work of art. said. —MNA/Xinhua nium enrichment activities. Iran’s presidential elections MNA/Xinhua

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 13



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  Scholars from Japan, China, Greece PM promises free access S Korea publish history textbook to Internet for top students TOKYO, 28 May — Scholars and civic organizations from Japan, China ATHENS, 28 May — Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis promised on and South Korea have published a history textbook based on a common Friday that free Internet would be provided to students who have distinguished recognition of the past history of their countries. themselves in their studies within the framework of the government’s objective In a news conference Nanjing. scholars of China, Japan to create conditions so that young people have easy access to the highways of new held Friday evening to The committee had and South Korea have knowledge. announce the publication held 10 meetings to solve joined forces in writing a In a speech on Friday Internet for the whole aca- of 15 euros a month com- of “History to Open the controversies before the common history book, ac- night in Thessaloniki, demic year. pared to the existing price Future”, the joint commit- publication of the history cording to the committee. northern Greece, at an Karamanlis said that of 85 euros. Touching on tee for the publication said textbook for middle The Korean-version event marking the 50th an- from the next academic the educational system, he their work to publish such school students, written in copies of the textbook niversary of the founda- year OTE will offer to pre- said that “it must acquire a history textbook began Japanese, Chinese and were officially published tion of the local Polytech- graduate and postgraduate stability, not to change in March 2002 in the east- Korean. in South Korea on Thurs- nic School, the Prime Min- students of the universities from minister to minister ern Chinese city of It is the first time the day. —MNA/Xinhua ister noted the need to and technical institutes a and from government to cover, as soon as possible special reduced price of government, to have flex- the “digital gap” separat- five euros per month for ibility of adjustment to con- ing Greece from the ADSL access (today it is tinuous changing facts so world’s most developed 36 euros), while it will of- as to respond to the de- countries. fer a reduced by 50 per mands of modern era”. He said that within cent activation fee. “The aim and ambi- this framework, and with At the same time, the tion of our policy in educa- understanding with the existing Internet services tion is to meet the modern Hellenic Telecommunica- have agreed with OTE to facts, the increased de- tions Organization (OTE), offer students a special mands of the modern era, from the next academic product from the service the needs of the social year the top student each of the speedy Internet at a whole, the expectations year in every school will considerably lower price. and the visions of the new have the right of free ac- Therefore, the entire serv- generation,” Karamanlis cess to ADSL and speedy ice will be offered at a price said.— MNA/Xinhua Smart solid-state lighting sources will save energy for world LOS ANGELES, 28 May — Humans can cut the electricity used for lighting in half by adopting solid-state light sources, which convert electricity to light People surf the Internet in Jinan, China recently. with greater efficiency than incandescent or fluorescent lights, US researchers INTERNET projected on Thursday. “Smart” solid-state and Jong Kyu Kim of cific environments and light sources now being Rensselaer Polytechnic requirements and to un- Clinton, Patil discuss ways to developed will also ben- Institute described current dertake entirely new func- efit people all over the research to transform tions that are not possible improve tsunami relief work world after being applied lighting into “smart” light- with incandescent or fluo- in transportation, commu- ing. rescent lighting, they said. NEW DELHI, 28 May — Appreciating the Indian Government’s work in the aftermath of the tsunami tragedy, UN Special Envoy for Tsunami Relief nication, agriculture and The ability to control For example, “smart” and former US president Bill Clinton on Thursday discussed with Home medicine, said a paper basic light properties, in- solid-state light sources Minister Shivraj Patil and senior officers means to improve and hasten published in the 27 May cluding spectral power have the potential to ad- rehabilitation efforts. issue of the journal Sci- distribution, polarization, just human circadian Patil had a half-hour munity and the Indian day), talk to people to ence. and colour temperature, rhythms to match chang- meeting with Clinton at a Government “has been know their ideas how to In this article, re- will allow “smart” light ing work schedules, to hotel here where the very good working with involve local people in searchers Fred Schubert sources to adjust to spe- allow an automobile to im- former US President is us (the UN, but) everyone populations that are often perceptibly communicate staying. Home Secretary knows this is the most dif- left out (on the basis of) Washington to assist with the car behind it, or V K Duggal and other ficult period (for rehabili- class, gender, etc,” to economically grow out- senior officials of the tation work)”. Clinton said. Pakistan’s social sectors of-season strawberries in northern climates. Solid- ministry were also pre- The former US Presi- He said the devas- ISLAMABAD, 28 May — The United States will sent. dent, on his third visit to tated economy in tsunami- provide an assistance of 147.6 million US dollars to state lighting sources such Duggal and other of- India, said the government hit areas had to be brought Pakistan for improving its social sectors including as light-emitting diodes ficials briefed Clinton on had done a “great job in back on the rails. “But it is education, health, employment creation, economic (LEDs) already offer en- the post-tsunami relief and the aftermath of the tsu- easy to talk, hard to do opportunities and electoral and legislative process. ergy savings and environ- rehabilitation efforts for nami. There was no out- anywhere in the world,” A memorandum of understanding in this connec- mental benefits compared nearly an hour after Patil’s break of disease, no star- he added. tion was signed by visiting US Assistant Secretary of to traditional incandescent departure. vation and you had no- Clinton later called State for South Asian Affairs Christina Rocca and or fluorescent lamps. “What we were able body dying of contami- on former prime minister Pakistani Minister of State on Economic Affairs Hina Fundamental princi- to talk about here is what nated water. Within a year Atal Bihari Vajpayee at Rabbani Khar here on Thursday. ples of physics place far we can do to do a better or so, we had great long- his residence here. Party After performing the signing ceremony, Rocca greater limits on the effi- job (on rehabilitation) term rehabilitation sources described it as a said the US Agency for International Development ciency of incandescent more quickly,” Clinton projects”. Clinton said he “courtesy call”. (USAID) is proud of expanding its cooperation with and fluorescent lights than told reporters later. was “eager” to meet tsu- The former US presi- Pakistan in education, health, economic growth and on solid-state lights. In He said money had nami-affected people dent will also meet Prime governance. theory, solid-state devices already been committed when he tours Minister Manmohan She said the USAID is providing the fund to with perfect materials and by the international com- Nagapattinam District in Singh and United Progres- improve the quality of Pakistan’s education and health designs would require southern Indian state of sive Alliance Chairperson services, help create employment and economic op- only 3 watts to generate Tamil Nadu on Friday. Sonia Gandhi before leav- portunities and improve electoral and legislative pro- the light obtained from a Drive safely “I am eager to go to ing for Tamil Nadu. cesses. 60-watt incandescent bulb. the sites tomorrow (Fri- MNA/PTI MNA/Xinhua MNA/Xinhua 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 Sharapova leads Russian charge at French Open S P O R T S PARIS, 29 May— Australian Open champion Marat Safin and Wimbledon winner Maria Sharavopa led the Russian charge into the last 16 Saturday at the Almost no Asian countries train football French Open. Safin, seeded third, ex- second set went with serve draining. But it's what it's talents systematically celled in his victory over until she served out to win all about and that's how QINGDAO (China), 29 May— Mohamed Hammam, president of Asian Foot- friend Juan Carlos Ferrero the match. the best are the best." ball Confederation (AFC), on Saturday said all Asian countries, except Japan, of Spain, clinching the third "I thought I got to a re- The 2003 winner Henin had failed to pick up and train their talented young players in an organized round match 7-6 (7-5), ally good start and I was in had a shaky start, making manner, a key factor deterring football development in the region. 7-5, 1-6 and 7-6 (7-2). control from the first game. five double faults and 22 "I have no doubt that of football, unfortunately should be placed on dis- Second seed Sharapova, I felt like it was a pretty unforced errors in the first immense football talents the products are still bur- covering young talents and in her quest for a second tough first game but after set before losing 6-4 un- exist in Asia," said ied underground," training them properly. He Grand Slam title, brushed that I was pretty much in der the blazing mid-after- Mohamed in a Press con- Velappan said, "through said AFC had urged Chi- aside fellow countrywoman control," said Sharapova. noon sun on Court One. ference at eastern coastal the city leagues we are na's Football Association Anna Chakvetadze 6-1, 6- "I think as the rounds Tenth seed Henin set city of Qingdao in China, going to bring it up, to to forge long-term partner- 4 in the third round where go on, it's going to be a lot up a fourth round clash adding that, however, many polish it, and market it." ship with Education Min- sixth seed Svetlana tougher than it is right against 19-year-old of the talented were undis- Zhang Jilong, AFC istry in training young foot- Kuznetsova and Nadia now. So I know that as the Kuznetsova on Sunday. covered for the lack of sys- vice-president, stressed ball players. Petrova, seeded seventh, matches go on, I have to The US Open winner sent tematic talent-training strat- that the focus of city league MNA/Xinhua also made successful raise my level another American Marissa Irin egies in the country. progress. Former French notch," she said. "Mentally packing, winning 6-1, "The strategies change Open champion Justine and physically, it's more 2-6, 6-0.—MNA/Xinhua as the president of national Henin-Hardenne over- football associations came an error-strewn start Women’s World Floorball change," he said. to edge unseeded Spanish Championship starts in Singapore Anabel Medina Garrigues Peter Velappan, gen- SINGAPORE, 29 May— The 5th Women's World 4-6, 6-2, 6-3 in the clay- eral secretary of AFC, said Floorball Championship started here on Saturday with court showpiece event. without a consistent strat- the participation of over 700 athletes from 18 coun- The 18-year-old egy to develop young tal- tries and regions. Sharapova was met with a ents, Asian countries can- This is the first time the bi-annual tournament is little trouble in fending off not really make progress being held outside Europe and also in Singapore, two games points before in football. "What China whose team, the Singapore Orchids, is taking part in taking her service game on has achieved is by chance; the Division B competition. the second game point at What Malaysia has During the nine-day competition, the 18 participat- the start of the first set. achieved is by accident," ing teams are divided into two divisions with top eight But the Siberian was he said. teams in Division A and the remaining 10 in Division soon to find her rhythm as Mohamed said AFC B. The teams will be competing for the honour of she raced to break her 56th- had pledged to assist its championship in their respective divisions. But at the ranked opponent in the sec- member countries to tackle end of each championship, the top team from Division ond and fourth games. this problem as a priority Kuwait's Muhammad Husain (R) of Al Kuwait fights B gets promoted to Division A while the bottom team Sharapova broke in the next few years. for the ball against Qatar club Al Sadd's Wesam of Division A is relegated to Division B. Chakvetadze, also at 18, in About 20 AFC offi- Rizk during their AFC Champions League match in The Singapore women's team consisting of 23 the opening game and the cials, together with 30 of- Doha City on 25 May, 2005.—INTERNET players, founded in 1999, aim to finish among the top ficials of national associa- three teams in Division B, which also includes Aus- tions in Asia had come to England beats United States 2-1 in friendly tralia, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Malay- China for the official inau- WASHINGTON, 29 May— Manchester United winger Kieran Richardson sia, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. guration of Vision Asia this scored twice in his international debut to give England a 2-1 victory over the The Singapore women's team has done very well by Friday. The 10-year pro- United States on Saturday in a national televised friendly meeting in Chicago, finishing fifth in Division B in the last championship gramme was aimed at up- Illinois. held in Switzerland in 2003 and came in second in last grading Asian countries' Richardson, who helped West Brom straight back at David Dempsey, who year's Asia Pacific Floorball Championship. football level from the escape Premiership relegation while on headed it in. Division A includes the Czech Republic, Japan, grassroots. loan this season, scored on a free kick in England played a largely second- Finland, Latvia, Norway, Russia, Sweden and Swit- It included launching a the fourth minute and off a pass from choice lineup with Joe Cole, Ashley zerland, with Finland and Sweden being believed to be community-based, semi- Chelsea midfielder Joe Cole in the 44th Cole and Sol Campbell the only regulars. this year's top two teams competing for the top honour. professional city league in minute. David Beckham and Michael Owen are Floorball, first introduced in Sweden in the mid- two Chinese cities — the The Americans finally scored in the expected to join the team for Tuesday's 1970s, grew quickly in Europe. Over the years, it made coastal Qingdao and the 79th minute, when Landon Donovan game against Colombia in New Jersey. sense to grow the game outside Europe and with Asia central Wuhan. The league took a free kick and Carlos Bocanegra The United States was not at full being the latest hotbed for rising sporting stars. would be kicked off on Sat- flicked it while sliding in front of the strength, either, likely due to its World The floorball world championships are played every urday and Sunday. goal. England goalie David James made Cup qualifiers June 4 and June 8 against year, in even years for men and in odd years for "China is a gold mine a nice kick save, but the ball caromed Costa Rica and Panama.—MNA/Xinhua women. —MNA/Xinhua Answers to yesterday’s New Ugandan soccer body Crossword Puzzle to be instituted by October KAMPALA, 29 May— A new assembly of the JAMAICA8HAPPY Federation of Uganda Football Associations (FUFA) A8O8C8L8I8A8I will be in place in October this year to elect a new FUFA executive in December, local Press reported on NOISE8LASAGNE Saturday. U 8S8N8E8T8A8L Ugandan Government in February this year sus- SITTING8OWNED pended former FUFA president Denis Obua and his executive, accusing them of mismanaging football. 88E888E8R888E Obua was sent to Luzira Prison in March after he MANTLE8BYWORD appeared in court following an arrest warrant issued by U888I8B888V88 a local court. In its efforts to re-organize the Ugandan soccer SATAN8ATTRACT body, the world soccer governing body FIFA ap- I8I8E8L8R8T8R pointed a normalization committee which included Mexico’s national women's team's Veronica CURTAIL8AGILE former FUFA treasure Patrick Isiagi and other offi- Charlin, left, controls the ball against Spain Barce- lona's Ana Fuertes at the Universitary stadium in A8E8G8E8I8O8S cials. However, the appointment was rejected by the Ugandan Government. Toluca, Mexico, on 28 May , 2005, during a friendly LEDGE8TALENTS MNA/Xinhua soccer game.— INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 30 May, 2005 15 mui;U^;k¥N˙c\. mui;raq^t∑c\ ®Ps\p∑a;tt\eqa World server market revenue

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@ IDC said on Friday.




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G IDC, a US high-tech quarter.

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M market research firm, said IBM held on to its top

7 O 7 O 7



D 9D 9 HD 9D E]


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\ worldwide server unit ranking as HP moved into




H; HD ^8 D 8 D EJD 8 `AD JE TU8 9; 9



6 shipment grew 13.5 per a statistical tie for number

_ _ 7



D ; 98 ; 9; 9]D E D ; 9D 9AD ; 9

<<< <

@> @YIX@YG>@Y6? Y6M@

@cent in the first quarter, 1 in the worldwide server


b c c

D 9 8 D 9 D D ; 99dED 9


< <

66 LS L@S@L@VQ6=?FZYFLL@S6=?

7 but the growth rate was systems market with 28.3 B



D D EJD 9^D EJ9HD 9 D HD D eD HD 9E]

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C the lowest in two years. per cent and 27.6 per cent

R ff

8 99HD 9 TU; D D ; 99



L?@Z5 Z>?@L?F6SQF@6=?

7 7 O P


R IDC found that Linux factory revenue share re-




7 7


R servers posted their 11th spectively.







f consecutive quarter of Dell and Sun tied for



7 K O


c double-digit growth, with third place in factory rev-

8 D D D eD 9D 9J9HD 9 D D eD 9D AD TUAD D 9

< <

>S@>6SIZ5 =@>6XL IV

7 PO _ P PO _ O P


R year over year revenue enue with 10.8 per cent

D 9E9D ; AD D 8 D ED TU

< <





R growth of 35.2 per cent and 9.9 per cent share re-

9D 9HD 9


C and unit shipments up 31.1 spectively.



< <<<

j5F? Q?=@ZGG?II>?M6=? G?II

7 7 P7 7


R per cent. This is the third con-

9 D eHD 9 D 9A8 D AD 9 D A9; 98 D D HD E]

N kN

<< < <<<

L I=XZ6? ? ?[X6SGL

K O O 7 P 7


f “Customers continue secutive quarter that Dell

8 9ED D JD


_ to expand the role of Linux and Sun have been within

D J 8 99HD 9ED ] TUD D ; 99


< <<

:I5 L?@Z6>? F6SQF@6=?

7 7 O O O P


R servers into an ever in- one point of market share

D J 8 D HD 99HD 9ED ] TUD 99


< <

:I5 6[6ZL?@Z6>? Z?L?6=?

7 7 O O P


f creasing array of work- as Dell experienced 16.6

8 D 8 D 8 D 9D D E]99 U9]D 99


<<<< <<

=F6@l6=?XFSLF6=? ML?L?

7 P_ 7 O


R loads in both the commer- per cent year over year

D J D 9D eD HD 9ED ] D 9

< <

:I5 66LILZ6>? LS


B CC c

R Sunday, 29 May, 2005

D 9E98 HD eEJ U8 8 A8 e 8 9AD 9

T cial and technical seg- revenue growth while


=6?>F@IS?GVIY i666@?LF

PP 7 7


D D 9J

8 ments of the market,” IDC Sun’s revenues increased Summary of observations recorded at 09:30


< <


7 P7



TUAD 8 D D D eD 9E98 8 D ED J

D said in a statement. 2.7 per cent. hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has

<<< <

L>S@>>MlIQ?[?> I5

7 7 PO 7 m7 P



UE8 8 `D ^ED J

T Microsoft Windows In terms of unit ship- been partly cloudy in and rain or thunder-


L>=Z= @?I5


TUAD AD D eD 9D ; 9D 998

N servers also showed strong ments, HP maintained its showers have been widespread in Mon State and



PO O O 7



E9E9D AD 99J

N growth, as revenues and number one position Taninthayi Division, scattered in Bago Division,



K K m 7


U; AE9EHD 98 A8 8 J

T unit shipments grew 12.3 worldwide with 30.4 per



n Kachin and Shan States and isolated in the remain-

7 K 7 O



UAD D 9D D eD 9E9D D 9D HD D 8 D D 9E9

T per cent and 10.7 per cent cent server shipment


=IV=@>>QIXZY X6>

L ing areas. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall re-



R f

D D 998 8 `99E9HD HD 8 D 9D 9EJD 9

< respectively year over share, followed by Dell I6=?F6=@?>F6GVVLI

Q corded were Dawei (2.16) inches, Yay (1.18) inches,

7 P7 7 P7






[ year. with 24.5 per cent share. TadaU and Pyarpon (0.98) inch each. Day tempera-


TUEJAD 8 `98 `9HD 9e JD 9E98 e

N kN



S But Unix servers rev- MNA/Xinhua tures were (3˚C) to (4˚C) above normal in Yangon



HD 9AD 98 eJ



F enue growth slowed down

P7 7

C Division, Rakhine and Kayah States, (5˚C) to (6˚C)

TU8 D J; 9E9E9D 9E998 e 8 D ;




p to 2.8 per cent while unit

PP7 7 P

7 above normal in Kachin and Shan States, Sagaing,

9ED H D E9 J




@ shipment growth rate was

7 _ K B

f Mandalay, Ayeyawady and Bago Divisions, (8˚C)

D D 9E9D D ]; ; 9

D 9E9D ]; 9

D D 9E9D D ]; ; 9





= at 5 per cent in the first



PPP P above normal in Magway Division and about nor- mal in the remaining areas. The significant day tem- peratures were Monywa (43˚C), Shwebo, Myingyan, 8:45 am 5:55 pm Nyaungoo, Minbu, Magway and Pakokku (42˚C) 9. Grammar made easy 10. Musical programme each. 4:00 pm (The Radio Myanmar Monday, 30 May Maximum temperature on 28-5-2005 was 95°F. 1. Martial song Modern Music Troupe) Tune in today: Minimum temperature on 29-5-2005 was 72°F. Rela- 4:15 pm 6:05 pm 8.30 am Brief news tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 29-5-2005 was 11. Discovery 2. Songs to uphold 8.35 am Music: Have you 75%. Total sunshine hours on 28-5-2005 was (8.3)

Monday, 30 May National Spirit 6:10 pm ever seen the rain

y y x x š š x x x x š š

Œ Œ | | w w ƒƒ ‡ ‡ € € y € € x š ˆˆ w w € € x ww } } „„ w w x š ¢ ¢

Œ | w ƒ ‡ € y y € x x š š ˆ w € x x w } „ w x x š š ¢

Œ | | w w ƒƒ ‡ ‡ € € € € ˆˆ w w € € ww } } „„ w w ¢ ¢

Πhours Approx. Rainfalls on 29-5-2005 were nil at

vvttž ž t

vvttž t

vvttž ž t

v 8.40 am Perspectives

{ {

{ {

View on today: 4:30 pm 12. {

y y

„„   € € y w w „ „ w w ‡ ‡ ˆˆ w w œœ w w Ž Ž ~ ~ | | w w ” ”

„  € y y w „ w ‡ ˆ w œ w Ž ~ | w ”

„  € w w „ „ w w ‡ ‡ ˆˆ w w œœ w w Ž Ž ~ ~ | | w w ” ”

„  € Yangon Airport, Kaba-Aye and central Yangon. To-

rvts’ ’ tqvt

rvts’ tqvt

rvts’ ’ tqvt

Š £ £ ¤ ¤

Š 8.45 am Music: Waiting Š £ ¤

Š Š £ £ ¤ ¤

™ ™

™ { { { {

™ ™ { {

{ { {

7:00 am 3. Demonstratoin Exer- { for tonight tal rainfalls since 1-1-2005 were (8.27 inches) at




© 6:30 pm


¡¢£¤£¦¨ ¨£¡ £ ¦

¡¢£¤£¦¨ ¨£¡ £ ¦

¢£¤£¦¨ ¨£ £ ¦




¥cises For Correct

1. 8.50 am National news/ Yangon Airport, (7.64 inches) at Kaba-Aye and (3.78




 13. Evening news





Pronunciation Slogan inches) at central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at





 7:00 pm


¡¡¢ £ ¨!¢ "

¡¡¢ £ ¨!¢ "

¢ £ ¨!¢ "

9.00 am Music: Aisy

4:45 pm

Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (18) mph from West at

 14. Weather report Waisy

#¤ ¦$%&#¤

#¤ ¦$%&#¤

#¤ ¦$%&#¤

 (15:05) hours MST on 28-5-2005. 

 4. Musical programme

 7:05 pm 

 9.05 am International

% ( ¤¡

% ( ¤¡

% ( ¤

š š y y y y

• • } } | | ~~ w w • • š y ww • • ˆˆ w w ¥ ¥ y   w w

• } | ~ w • š š y y w • ˆ w ¥ y y  w

• } } | | ~~ w w • • ww • • ˆˆ w w ¥ ¥   w w

• Bay inference: Monsoon is weak in the Andaman

')* '5:00 pm



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qrstuv u ur t r t

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{ {

{ {

{ Sea and South Bay and weather is party cloudy in


* 5.


*   vt ˜ ˜ trvrt

 vt ˜ trvrt

 vt ˜ ˜ trvrt

 9.10 am Music:

y y

~ w ƒ „ ~ w ƒ „ w w y € € w w ‡ ‡ ˆˆ w w € €

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~ w ƒ „ ~ w ƒ „ w w € € w w ‡ ‡ ˆˆ w w € €

† †


† †




‚ ‚ vutuvt‰ ‰

‚ vutuvt‰

‚ ‚ vutuvt‰ ‰





{ elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. {

{ {




. -What About?

x x x x

x x | | ‹ ‹ ŒŒ   w w Ž Ž ‡‡   € € ƒƒ ~ ~ ““ ” ”

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| | ‹ ‹ ŒŒ   w w Ž Ž ‡‡   € € ƒƒ ~ ~ ““ ” ” 

 




 ‰ ‰ uq‘ ‘ ’ ’ t

 ‰ uq‘ ’ t

 ‰ ‰ uq‘ ‘ ’ ’ t







 1.30 pm News/Slogan Forecast valid until evening of 30-5-2005: Rain

16. Musical programme

Ž Ž ‡‡   € € ” ”

Ž ‡   € ”

Ž Ž ‡‡   € € ” ”

 


u u u 1.40 pm Lunch time or thundershowers are likely to be widespread in 7:25 am 7:35 pm music Mon State and Taninthayi Division, scattered in Shan 2. To be healthy exercise 5:15 pm 17. Industrial Achieve- -Cassablanca- State and Bago Division and isolated in Kachin, 7:30 am 6. Dance Variety ment Bertie Higgins Rakhine, Kayin and Kayah States, upper Sagaing,

3. Morning news 5:30 pm 8:00 pm -Wonderful life

y y y y x x x x

} } y ww • • ww – – y „„ w w ~ ~ x x

} y y w • w – y y „ w ~ x x x x

} ww • • ww – – „„ w w ~ ~

} Mandalay, Yangon and Ayeyawady Divisions and

vtrt—— ˜ ˜ rt

vtrt— ˜ rt

vtrt—— ˜ ˜ rt 7. v 18. News black 7:40 am weather will be partly cloudy in the remaining areas. 4. Nice and sweet song 5:40 pm 19. International news 9.00 pm Spotlight on the Star Degree of certainty is (60%).

7:55 am 8. Song and dance of 20. Weather report

8 8 D D H9AD D D D 9A

8 D H9AD D 9A

8 8 D D H9AD D D D 9A


N State of the sea: Seas will be slight in Myanmar N


X Z?n?Q6

X ?n?Q6

Z “The Corrs” X Z?n?Q6

7 7


7 7 CCB

CCB B c c

c c

5. Song of national national races 21. c

E D E ED 9dD D ¨ D E D 9dD D ¨

¦ ¦ E D E D 9dD D ¨

E D E ED 9dD D ¨ D E D 9dD D ¨ ¦

¦ ¦


N waters. N N

N -Breathless

§ §

6? [? 6?Z=L@L: [? § Z=L@L:

§ § 6? [? Z=L@L:

6? [? 6?Z=L@L: [? Z=L@L:




races 5:45 pm C

T8 8 D D 9U

T8 D 9U

T8 8 D D 9U

T 9.10 pm Article Outlook for subsequent two days: Thundery

y y y y š š

• • } } | | ~~ w w y w w y š € € Œ Œ ~ ~   € €

y y y y š š • } | ~ w w € Œ ~  €

• • } } | | ~~ w w w w € € Œ Œ ~ ~   € €




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© ©




7 7

7 C

7 7 C


™ ™

™ { {

™ ™ { {

8:10 am 9. { 9.20 pm Woman Affair’s

y y š š x x y y

„ „ w w y š ˆˆ w w • • € € x €€ w w ª ª € € « y «

„ w y y š š ˆ w • € x x € w ª € y « y

„ w w ˆˆ w w • • € € €€ w w ª ª € € « «

„ conditions in the lower Myanmar areas. Fore-

y y

y „ „ € € œ œ

y y „ € œ

vtt  r  t˜ ˜ t „ „ € € œ œ

vtt r t˜ t

vtt  r  t˜ ˜ t

{ {

{ {

22. {

› ›

› ›

› -Mottos high-

xx ¬ ¬

| | | | x ¬ € € € € ª ª | | ­ ­ ~~ w w

| | xx ¬ ¬ € € ª | ­ ~ w

| | | € € € € ª ª | | ­ ­ ~~ w w

6. Cute little dancers | cast for Yangon and neighbouring area for 30-5-

˜ ˜ ts‰ ‰ u  suq 

˜ ts‰ u suq

˜ ˜ ts‰ ‰ u  suq  š š y y š š

} } š w w „„ | | „ „ w w „ „ €€ w w y š ˆˆ w w € € ˆ ˆ   w w

} š š w „ | „ w „ € w y y š š ˆ w € ˆ  w

} } w w „„ | | „ „ w w „ „ €€ w w ˆˆ w w € € ˆ ˆ   w w

vt  vtrt  ž ž  

vt vtrt ž 

vt  vtrt  ž ž  

v lighting maternal

{ {


{ {

y y xx ¬ ¬

• • ‹ ‹ w w „ „   y w w ŒŒ   € € „ „ x ¬ € € ª ª € € ˆ ˆ € €

• ‹ w „  y y w Œ  € „ xx ¬ ¬ € ª € ˆ €

• ‹ ‹ w w „ „   w w ŒŒ   € € „ „ € € ª ª € € ˆ ˆ € €

8:20 am • 2005: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.




y y y y x x

y w w y € € w w | | ƒƒ „ „ x w w ˆ ˆ ŒŒ Ÿ Ÿ € €

y y w y y € w | ƒ „ x x w ˆ Œ Ÿ €

w w € € w w | | ƒƒ „ „ w w ˆ ˆ ŒŒ Ÿ Ÿ € €

3© 3©


3© 3©


  vtrv  ‰ ‰ t 

v & Child health vtrv ‰ t

vtrv  ‰ ‰ t 

 "¨"  "¨"


 "¨"  "¨"

{ {


{ {


  š š x x x x

~ ~ š € € „„   € € ƒƒ ‡ ‡ w w x € € x €€ w w

~ š š € „  € ƒ ‡ w x x € x x € w

~ € € „„   € € ƒƒ ‡ ‡ w w € € €€ w w

7. ~ Degree of certainty is (60%).

ttvt  tr

ttvt tr

ttvt  tr

y x y x

y x  w } ¢ – } ¢ – }  } w –  w } ¢ – } ¢ – }  } w –

 w } ¢ – } ¢ – }  } w – y x y x

 w } ¢ – } ¢ – }  } w –  w } ¢ – } ¢ –  } w –

} -Kantharyar † †


† †

˜ t q ¡ ˜ v ˜ t q ¡ ˜ v

˜ t q ¡ ˜ v

˜ t q ¡ ˜ v ˜ t ¡ ˜ v

8:30 am q 9.45 pm News/Slogan Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area

š š

„ w ~ „ w ~ š

š š „ w ~

„ w ~ „ w ~

23. The next day’s

— t — t

— t

— t — t

{ {

{ { 8. International news { 10.00 pm PEL for 30-5-2005: Possibility of isolated rain or thun- programme dershowers. Degree of certainty is (40%). R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 8th Waning of Kason 1367 ME Monday, 30 May, 2005 Over K 50 billion invested in factories in Hlinethaya Industrial Zone Commander inspects import-substitute products, export items of factories

YANGON, 29 May — Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chair- man of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council and Commander of Yangon Command, made an inspection tour of Hlinethaya Industrial Zone in Hlinethaya Township, Yangon North District, this morning. On arrival at Tokyo Pipe and Tokyo Plastics Factory of Myanmar Pipe and Accessories Co Ltd at the industrial zone-1, Managing Director U Thein Han reported on production process of import-substitute goods. The commander gave instructions on arrange- ments to be made to meet local market demands and produce quality export items. The commander and party viewed various kinds of products of the factory displayed in the hall. (See page 9) Noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded (29-5-2005) Dawei 2.16 inches Yay 1.18 inches Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspects Tokyo Pipe, Tokyo Plastics in Hlaingthaya Industrial Zone-1. TadaU and Pyapon 0.98 Inches YANGON COMMAND Preliminary conference of Ayeyawady Division WVO (2005) held

YANGON, 29 May — The preliminary confer- ence of Ayeyawady Divi- sion War Veterans Or- ganization (2005) was held at the city hall in Pathein this morning. Present were Patron of Ayeyawady Division War Veterans Organization Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and De- velopment Council Com- mander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Thura Myint Aung delivers an address at preliminary meeting of Ayeyawady Division Thura Myint Aung, WVO for 2005. — MNA (See page 8) Pun Hlaing International Hospital inaugurated

YANGON, 29 May Serg Pun & Asso- livery rooms, two Cae- give medical treatment. ister at the hospital for organizations, district/ — Pun Hlaing Interna- ciates-SPA (Myanmar) sarean sections, nine in- Out-Patient De- medical checks as of 29 township Peace and De- tional Hospital built at Ltd invested $ 21 million tensive care rooms, one partment of the hospital May. velopment Councils, Pun Hlaing Golf Course in the hospital which laboratory and others. will be opened on 8 June Deputy ministers, members of Myanmar in Hlaingthaya Township meets international The 95-bed hospi- and wards, intensive care departmental heads, offi- Foreign Correspondents was inaugurated this standard. tal will be extended up units, operation rooms cials of embassies in Club and staff of the hos- morning in the presence The four-storey to 350-bed facility and and emergency unit will Myanmar, resident repre- pital were also present at of Minister for Education hospital comprises six over 150 specialists at be opened on 10 June. Ex- sentatives of UN agen- the opening ceremony. U Than Aung, Minister operation rooms, four de- home and abroad will pectant mothers may reg- cies, members of social MNA for Health Dr Kyaw Myint, Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Yangon Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin. U Thein Wai of SPA/FMI Group of Com- panies first made an opening address and Brig-Gen Aung Thein Linn, U Thein Wai and Prof Sinn Anuras of Group Medical Director of Thailand formally opened the hospital. Pun Hlaing International Hospital being inaugurated by Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin and officials. — MNA