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.ExE ~dsdi ---Is $o Har 1Un ThatHeIS Begging forMoney to ly His Board i Doqbt IfHe- Get His Hand son the Prieles "'irEuasure of The Crown of the I Holy Ron" the Golden I leece" Kaipemor Set with Pollehe i Uncut Coma, the Most he Remarkable and AlliesAwa Historic Object in the Collection for Which the Austrian Republic and th ez.Eu M Are bl The Gloves Wort. by the Emperor as eP Grand Master of the Golden Fleece. "The crucifix." says the catalogue. "is ornamented /t with convex-shaped prec- lous stones, sapphires and pearls, before which the newly appointed kntgbt was required to take tY oath. "On the front there is a , . I.I movable part covering a receptacle in which freg- ments of the true Cross are preserved. Both on the back and front of the base, the coat or arms of the founder of the order is engraved, and on both sides the emblems of the order are reproduced." The badge of the order. which hangs down on thp breast in front of the c- Austria. Karl and Zita, who were lar is a sheep's fleece irr* exiled on the island of Madeira 14 1 diated by a mediaeval Are after HEtheirformerrecentEmperorspectacularandEmpresseffort ofto 1 '1 flint. The sheep's feece crawl back on the throne, are now penni- is of diamonds and the less. Ancient P rint in the rays of the flint are repre. Although ex-Emperor KarI has been Austrian Imperial sented by rubies. awarded by the Allies the priceless Trea lU , The mantle of a knig$t "Treasure of the Golden Fleece" he can- ng A,plate Showing ti e Emperor is - of crimson velvet. 6n not pay his board bill. Even-though he is in Crown, Coronation which the design of the the owner of ninety-four wagon loads of Robes aniI Regalia. fleece and the fire flint are inestimable treasures, Karl and his im- repeated a hundred times. perial wife have been forced to leave the pawned these A historic example belonging to one of the villa he was living in in Fumchal, Ma- jewels In order earliest knights is included in the treasure.' delta, and they have taken an old house to pay for his The treasure contains a great collertion- on the top of the mountain, where the rent recent futile of. of paintings of Spanish and Flemish old is free. The doors and windows ere is fort to metzo the masters, including such famous names' as shaky, the plastering cracked and the and couple sleep in a tiny room, which is the crown of Hun- Velasques Van der Leyden. The total only bedroom safe from the' intrusion of gary. and that value of the treasure has never been esti- the rain. that adventure mated by an expert, but it undoubtedfy Nowhere in the world is there such an is the aewse at runm into many mlltons of dollars. extraordinary anomaly as this penniless The other owner of this priceless treasure which the his present pOY- objects In the Austrian 1m- Austrian Republic is holding onto while erty and not perial Treasury form the most interesting the exiled Emperor and his wife are de- an y unreason- collection of crown jewels in existence. pendant upon charity for the roof over able Chiet among them is the crown their three meals meanness of "the their heads and frugal of Holy Roman the a day. the Gover'- Emperor," title formetly ud borne The Order of the Golden Fleece is one ments . nc nga meat. The ex. by the Austrian rulers as head of of the oldest orders of knighthood in ExEprrKrLokn4 iea Emperor in re- all the German states. Napoleon Bona- Europe, having been founded by Duke ply has declared parte ended the use of this title. The Philip the Good of Burgundy in 1430. In crown is of design and is age it ranks after the English Order of th at he only Bysantine of the Garter and Order of the Bath, but in carried away pure gold adorned with polished uncut preservation of its original treasures and Charles V., the Exiled Emperor's Most Famous what was strict- precious stones in an elaborate filagree its original mediaeval ceremonial the Entering Antwerp, Wearing the Co 11ag of the Wy personal prop, setting. The coronation robes accompany. Golden Fleece surpassed all others. Colden Fleece Over His Armor. erty, but here ig this crown are of eleventh century Most of the famous kings and princes of Saracen Europe for the last five hundred years again the Gov- creation and tremendously valu- have been Knights of the Golden Fleece. Cadwalader, Wlckersham & Taft, a Paris ernent is likely to mettle .the controversy able. Such famous historical characters as the arh.Ahs e tGemn*edt There is a separate crown known as the lawyer. Jacques Lyon, and an English bar- for its own benefit.-- imperial crown. Emperor Charles V., Charles the Bold of onesoadpanth N ean san P. Fisher Williams. After Austrian This is extraor'- Burgundy, King Philip II. of Spain, the rieter, nearly a A pending lawsuit show. that the ex- disarily rich in jewels. It is mainly orna-- cruel Duke of Alva, King Louis XIV. of VeZa. wonn.TheEmperor year's investigation, during which they Emperor pledged the jewel. he carrie& mented with diamonds, pearls and rubies. France, Caesar Borgia and scores of delved into historical records running hack away with a Swiss bank and that at pres- Upon its summit is the finest sapphire in have worn grea quatityof mgAicn~aestr.' for 500 egistence. It is recorded that this crown ethers its badge. AoutNme. years, they decided that the treas- ent he is penniless. cost thalers 350 The Duke Philip the Good of Burgundy, ure of the Golden Fleece passed by the The precious Objects in the collection -700,000 years ago. who founded the order, was a great sov- Theproesionofninety-our wagons, Among the most remarkable objects in universally recognized laws of inheritance called "the treasure of the Golden Fleece"' the Imperial are ereign whose territories included Bur- stared f o aonsisand ostu roewes Treasury a piece of the gundy and the Low Countries-Belgium to the head of the Hapeburg family, now would need a volume to describe them table cloth used at the Last Supper, a and Holland. He ordained that the offiee represented by ex-Emperor Karl,'and that fully. One of the most. valuable objects is, piece of the Holy Apron used by the S- of Grand Master of the Order of the Gold- a*ahn bamor arnchr onats the collar or "potence" of th, herald of the ntor when washing the feet of the there was no ground for awarding the order, which bears enameled medallions Apostles, a fragment of Christ's en Fleece should be hereditary in his de- That was in19.Sneoten thcraurie treasure madger scendants. With the death of Charles the to Belgium. emblasoned with the arms of the original and a tooth of St. John the Baptist. of theorder asbee asul iguarded a But the tribunal made no attempt to knights. This is aot only valuable on so- It is significant that in an official Bold, Duke of Burgundy, in 1477, the male Vienna, gam ee of cata, line of Burgundy came to an end. His of the rue rcossb restore the treasure to en-Emperor IC'ari. oount the great amount of gold and logue issued before the war it is stated. heiress, Mary, married the Mai- toEthernrs Kr, oing it ke aner ject wee kptn whthe i ghTsar That was preOtene atones its oeatalnb, but because that the Austrian imperial crown and a Emperor left as am Austrian internal af- tiaAe So dohart 'ot the number of other jewels are "the milian of Austria and Germany, ad with fair, to be settled between the new Aus- en,.et private her passed the possession of Belgium and thos. utghtemideo the slgtedae mighenma they coultab settrn inad. The wtere property of the imperial house," The jew-. Holland and the office of Grand Master of object, such a ls ton andscais of triea Governmaent and its former monarch. this objeat saystio o els hurried away by ex-Emperor Karl in Will he ever get the treasure or any "This Iahtaltosbt i6id ebain, style4 the his baggage came from this section of the the Order of the Golde. Fleee. But at credr too peants aburg famil dned gth kntity pitue maror, tapestries of its value? doee not pMe this time the treasure of the Golden Fleee aruh in ths eath lineaansd thecfanyo It seemn probable, 1 treasury. remained in ad of ort war ln thd dchaptouse of although there is no doubt that he will ochef her a he O'et the ld Conspicuous among these family jewels Belgium. tonte sian Epeor, then cralldu "thd make every effort to do se, s esee( ho or thOeofidlal *f is tje diamond," The order was the most prised deoore, tHeol omn tho orer, wherei tihe tesperor pridd bt especially she great "Florentine which tion of the richest civilstion in Europe w~met or."hi Telod thtadadbionbninLabr, oftof the nigho jewes,rlts. wereJt he is reported to be reduced to abeolute aoo d'Or) at festivals eltebrated by ihe Is n6w set in the form of a hat buokle. It at that time. the wonderful art of To he Sbsuen ter.s Then the poverty. eider. It was worn round the'moulters, -qighs' 138% carats and is one of thes All wp'ih theg wamen 7g theno the greatui The new Austrian Government is some- the Golden Fleece itself resting on the ldrgest in extitenee.