�· woo Th6 merdumt Too merchant who I an3·· �-·t thin!< IWJ• can't think or of thing thing to advertise Is adv"l'tise is dead t., a Olle and a dead one a.nd know it don't it. is don't is Hm know funeral . .,, THE WESTHE LEADING AND MOST TWIDELYPIEL OIF.CUI.ATED WEEKLY NEW LEADER funeral time. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR-NO. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, SEPTE 1 12 P&gell'--5 Oent.l N. J. STATE REGENT NEIGHBORING NSTITUTION DAY C ADDRESSES THE TROLLEY CARS TOWN TO HOLD FITTINGLY

D. A. R. MEMBERS · OBSERVED TO RUN STREET fAIR 4% &rvice Railway CompanyAGAIN In Interest Safe F. Public Agrees To Have Cars Mrs. A. Kinch Presides at All Saints Church of Scotch Ho Rufus Franklin Presents on Depoait Firat Meeting of eatfi eld Action Next Monday Morning. W Plains Will Have An All C natitution Not As a Parch· Savings Bosea Chapter Daughters of the Day Affair. ment But Aa Living a American Revolution. Document. FEATURE FAILURE TO DO SO MEANS RECEIVER DANCING A CHANGE IN PLEDGE A 136TH ANNIVERSARY bor t An ela a e street fair Is to be The trolley cars are to run again. tion of the injunction withheld to hdd by All Saints' a Church C nstitutlon Day w s observed by The first meeting of the Westfield Episcop l a Robert M. McCarter, of the Public give the comp ny time to perfect an the the o d n a ublic meeting in The Oldest Banking Institution Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri- a of Sco ch Plains, SaturdaY;, on h l i g of p h Errors. t Service Railway Company, advised appeal to t e Court f As the lane running from the Hall r,esiden e the High School Monday evening. Wal o c can Revolution for the season 1923• Chancellor ker at Tren on yester- Court of Errors will be in session in orth avenue, Fanwood,: to Fan- Thi meeting was ar ranged by the In Westfield 24, was held Friday afternoon, Sept. t N day that the company would resume here both Thursday and Fl'idny of wood Hall. During an elaborate din- WE' !field Chapter, Daug ht.er• of the 14, at the home of Mrs. Frederick . A se vice on its lined next Monday, al· this week it wus not thought prob­ ner cabaret entertainers discovered Amt•rican Revolution. Mr. C. M. K!nch the new regent, who presided. r Memberof Federal Reserve System though by the decree and order p e- able any material delay would esult among the parishioners will the Westfield at the meeting. r r . present Tre naine, president of ttorney . sented by Assistant A Gen- All f th e wor k d b the at- a varied program of songs arid dances Cha lter, Sons of the American Revo· opening ad- 0 one Y · After Mrs. Kinch's eral Newcorn the company was or- torney general and h s assistants Clifford Hall's well-known band will lutic n, presided and introduced the dress llnd the regular business meet- i ye>.• Resources Over (lered "fort· hwith" to operate its terday requ1'red tl1e sanc t'10 of th take charge by instilling into toes ape k!)r, the Hon. Ruford Franklin, ing, Mrs. R. Banks of Plain- n e $3,300,000.00 Chns. lines. This Mr. McCar er stated was ehnncP.Ilor before becoming cffeective. and shoulders an lrresisUble desire to for er Mayor of Summit field, Regent of the State of New t m ; impossible. Chancellor Walker agreed It was the view McCran trip the light fantastic and fox trots, T meeting was begun with the Jersey gave a most interesting talk of that l Mr. 10 and d ecla ed stay of six days was neither the decree nor the mandatory waltzes, and one-steps, will be the sing ng of the National Anthem and on her hopes and alms regarding r n not unrea�onable. injunction, in whatever form these rule until the wee sma' hours of the the salute to tho flag led by upt. many th ngs aspires to do while S · i she fi al y decided morning. Chn ·lee A. Philhower. Mr. Tremaine WESTFIELD, J. holding her office. In granting the extension of time, might be n l upon, re- N. cou t a if trolleys quired any elaborate statement of On the midway from North avenue in p esenting the speaker called at­ Mrs. Banks announced that New the r sserted that the THEExecutor-Adminlatrator- WESTFIELDTruatee-Guardian TRUST CO. ere not in Monday, the facts or conclusions, and in conse- to thn hall will be numN'ous booths. tent on to the need for directing at­ Jer ey is the first in th Union w operation s . state e Att rney General could apply for a quence every effort was made to In one of these, llulllert TenEyck tent on to the Constitution which is whose organizatiOn of the D. A. R. o ­ h f d make them as brief as possible t\- Beurd,ley will tell visltol'S·mOre about the ormation upon which our g9v has sent i a d t I' th , co material assistance to ���P:� ;ou;� e o con fining t he subject matter to the mere hem selves than they themselves ernn1cnt so firmly rests, the principals stricken Japan. The while y : t money disobey::ing �:��the ord;e�r.. essentials considered in hancellor know. He has for four years made n and ideals of which should he re-es· given by the D. A. R. will eventually tempt for C Walker's opinion of yesterday. deep •t.udy of charac er reading and tablished in tho minds and hearts of go through the National Red Cross. Attorney-General McCr nn was t n The action of the court in grant- will, for the first time, . make public our people. It was m ost fitting, he h act cann t b u t h e 1 t p o asked for sta e ent but •ust said suc s o P o r - n t m J ing the mandatory in)' unction to be whut he has found out about the remt rkcd, that the message be m 0 te better 'nter na tlona 1 1re t' "The facts speak for themselves.'' 1 8 10118• followed if nocc�ary, as intimated rcsid�nts of the vicinity. To those brought to Westfield by one so Mrs. Banks recommends a &light :Mr. McCran and his as o iat s in Boulevard Home For Sale s c e by the chancellor, by t he appointment who wish some insight into their worthy as Mr. Franklin who had change in the wordirtg of the "Pledge the state's lega department Prior to the address of f uncc-therefote the Orchestra will on Cook's I arm in Mountainside yes­ the various sub-committees brought the ation, as he obeys the laws of noon a silent tribute was given in � ATTENTION-Westfielders benefit greatly by this addition. terday nftemoon. Wo: tfield scored forth encournging reports from all the , 'tate nne! municipality in which I memory of 1\frs. Arguimba 417 in t sides. The men and women of the he li •es. Grace L. u The support by the people o f W est- aga s 392 Perth Amboy in I who. recently pnssed nwny. Resolu the sl r h>: parish have been working hard for Do not delay on that outside work you desire to have done ­ field is earnestly requested, as to ow fi e sh otmg and W ?stfield Mt. Frnnklitt snid in closin f( thut tions W('re also rend and adopted. so � pn ( some month in •p ration and all I score 285 n 273 n h d this fall •. . be able to bring this high class music d agm st t l e by s a if we the people of the United Stutes, This fine weather will not last many weeks . These will be placed on the minutes Perth Amboy report good progress in their plans h to its door. in the rapid fire match. do c.1tnb!ish t e Constitution in our longer. and a opy sent to Mrs. Arguimbau's c I c Several friends of the police for this benefit for the hurch. maY o will be informed i wit­ lives we n t only be fro!ll " t m.e hearts and family. Y?u nessl'd the mutches. hief James the �rent democracy we were in ... REMEMBER-We do excellent work in Carpentry, Paint· Fifty dollars was voted to be Sent to tm_�e, us to the prog�ess of th1s C · . Hennessey of Cranford and Chief METHODIST "TRAVEL SOCIAL" tend< d to he but mnY also be u ing and Decorating, Plumbing to the American Institute at Wichit orgamzat10n-nnd the first concert and Heating, and Sheet a; Tunison of Perth Amboy were bless war ridd nn Europe und to Kansas, and ten dollars to the fund will be given at the High School The "Travel Sociul" arranged by ng to Metal Work. guests of Chief Rosecruns. The the other nations ofthe world. for Japa se Relief. Tuesday •wenlng, December 11, 1923. Brotherhood the First ne score:• mnde by the teams follow : t.he Men's of Th 1 nwet ng cJmwd with tho sing­ How about M. R Ch rch, will h l tomo painting your house this fall? At the close of the meeting the Slow fire shoot--,Vestfield, Mont· u ' d rrow i he < A me rica. members were guests of inch PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NOTES ('l'hursday) evening nt o'cl ck ing J\.tl"!l. K ross, 10, 7, 8, 8-42-10, 10, 10, 8 o of !1, s Mr. nklin s suggestion who, with committee served dainty 10, 10-50. sharp at the following homes of It wn Fr ' u The Communion of the Lord's Sup­ a refreshments. Ahout forty-five mem­ members: John O.Gnp;r•, 170 Li c l after noticing the feeble wuy in Somcr 8, 19, 7, 8-41-9, 9, n o n b�rs were e per will be observed in this church s- !!, whicl the uurlicnce sang the last pr sent. 9, 4, 4, 7-38. Road; W. A. Corbell, Harriso·n ut the morning service this coming l4fJ The next meeting will be held Ree , Carlton stanz of Star Spangled Ban­ Fri· Sabbath. The service Deter-9, G, 10, 7, ll-41-10, 8, nvenue; Prunk d � HThc Octob 26, at 2.30, a the home ou ncr" th t one item of service to be Carpentry & er preparatory 10-·15. roud; B. F. Martin, GlHS th ave· dny, t Communion will be held Fri­ 808 a Masonry of Mrs. J. S. Foster, of Stanleigh to the 8, 9, nuc. embers livinJ! nearest any of rendered would be to ntemorite that & Heating e g , Nelson-7, 4, 8, 0, 0-25-10, 9, l\l Park. day venin at o'clock when the brfore next Constitution Day. Plumbing . 8 10, 8, 8-45. these homes will go there first and st n & c MODERN SERVICE COMPANY Rev. David S. Chambers, Minister of n z 1 De orating 219 STREET, twenty minutes' entertain· Painting E. BROAD C l\liller-10, 9, !l, 9, 7-41-10, !l, after n the Kilburn Memorial hurch of e Tinnin & Sheetmetal Tel. TO 0, 10, ment will move on to next place, Work BABY PAL�ADE N wi l preach 7-45. lh ST. FAUL'S MEN'S CLUB g 2911 cwnrk, l . Totnl, 417. until ul! four have been v isited. HAVE SPECIAL FEATURES s t FIRST REGULAR MEETING The force of the Sabba h School There will he n di ferent entertain­ Perth Amboy-Bushman-7, 7, 0, l uro returned and everything seems h 0, 8-22-8., !l, 5, 5-34. ment at each place. Cars provided Th< first regular meeting of T e u a in e d forthe Rally Day s ce Incl de Prizes ,for Tw n -Chil r a iness ervi 7, by the transportation committee will Men's Club of St. Paul's Pnrish, will To i ' · Kasprack-9, G, 9, 6, 9-39-G, 10, eara-an!l to be held Sunday, September 20, at convey the ntcmberR, their wives or e at the Parish House, thiR eve­ dren up to Twelve Y !l, 10, be h d 12 o'clock. This coming Sunday the 5-49. friends from place to and after Moot Artistic Vehiel<'. Toolen-7, 9, 8, 9, 0-41-9, 9 , place ning, at s.ao sharp. , ession of the Sabbath School will be nil four places have been visited the The Phonographic Trio, Messrs. 9, 10, 10-88. held at the usual hour, and the hour cars will take the to the social el, We Can Find a Buyer for Your Jorgensen-tO, 10, crowd No Kennedy nnd Whelen-the Further information regarding the for the regular Sunday evening 8, G, 8-7o- ll cntertnin. 9, 5, 5,-32. ha of the church where there will Trio will big baby parade which will be held preaching service is 8 o'clock. , o, rdreshme fnmot s ctor, who 5 Serboth-10, be mass ainging nts will Re . A. Smith, the re on ctober 12, uml"r the auspices 10, 8, 10-47- nnd J. O All the organizations the church 9, be served. At the conclusion of the has j st returner! from oreign th Masonic Club, in n cti n of 10, 10, 10, 8, 9-4 7. f pnrh, .Property con e o hnvc on their winte 's work, affair at the s ial hall nil will be What Have You to a£ e r Total, 392. o will b, present. with the Exposition and Bazaar, have started c nndare meeting at the stated hours. taken to their homes in the cars pro­ The start of the •lwot-Westtleld, Mont· bee public. mid-week service of prayer, Rapid fire vided. n made The ross--t\9 in seconds; 24 parade will be at o clock, nnd it a MUSICAL CLUB 2 ' praise nnd Dible study is held every 24 Somers, The committee in ch rge wishes THE SELL Will consist us fo in 23 3-4 seconds Det.er, 7 5 in Or if you want to buy perhaps we of 3ix sections, l at 8 'clo ; 18 impr s upon mcmhers tho import· T SERIES ­ Wednesday evening o ck !n secondR; Nelson, to c CONCER lows: Orgnnizntlon float�. wi s up 51 in 19 seconds. � have just what you willlt right now. T n the Parish House .. ance of promptness of nrrivnl at the Tot l 'fh< l\h1Bical Club concert sori�s to old. Most rtiRtic a , 285. appointed time for the "travel social" v 12 years n Perth Amboy-I3nchman, 30 in ]lresent., fo• itR lirst conce t, whether want ehicle, children up year will r See you to buy, Hell to s old. to begin, p. so thut h · con­ UR, t a 22 1-2 :.econc!s; Koyere, in 22 I-2 nnmcly, 8.00 m, Sigrid Oncgin, t e distlngttiRhed or rent, Mos unique vehicle, cl;!Idrcn up to DAILIES GET t e no delnY in the BIG l •1!1 bn plan» who will be heurd her<' yenrs d seconds; Too •n, in e on ; her rnny tralto on lhro o . · unique dis­ OUT A < GH 23 1-2 s c d� and that nl the conclusion of the e · lllost PAPER evenifll�, Od. l children l three up .Jorg-PJIRen, in 2fi 1-2 RIJCond�; 0, at 'flte piny, f om to 12 54 twenty minutP!-'1 entertainment in \Vedn �tn1nv iR r Serboth, 7 ·l in 17 seconr!R. I!igh Sch;i!>l. Mine. Onegln n J\lost artistic display, ouch home nil ill IH• rPnrly to move l'<:nrs. children Tot.nl, 273, nntive epent her to rc olm untl from � 12 y ea Pretaman'to Strike Doea Not Deter on to tho next pla e t w mny be of Sln<'.k h There b rs. f'ubli.hera Who luue a Com- w c FO glrllw >d in VUNHlll/l'�.C..,.,U.__�ftR will e n o udverti�ing per· confuf\ion, France. uo l 1\fm ·. Orwuin's conlrnlt voJCP. . in t e parnd<•, which will be DIGEST LAWS o w nnttn•! h hination Edition. ISSUED o( the rnost. l1enutifuJ Applic o he one ;or bt>y v:irls. ati n BY WOMEN VOTERS sn.id t' is descr bed nlanlo, e" mul COAL MINEitS now h<'ard. Ifpr art an be lwd from t.hn Bnhy tL be i ( Oppo:JitePost wp hurl York puper The e .TPrsc•y Lenguc " Wonwn hy Et ropNlJI critics mngnific<·nt, 54 Elm Street, Tel. 407 Cornrnittl��, R N<•w RETURN TO WORK tW Office) Mn onie Club Ye><, a c N w ( euntrol l d this onsisted of its n d over her vorn �;n1·nf��1. nn Bnznar, or frorn morning. it eight Vot(_•rs, thrmt�th committee on n·pot·t;; rep· n mu�elB 110 ·X\H1;-Ht\on combination (Hlition. o is�11Pf1 maRl.PJ'Iy, hr>r inl(•rprd.atiou.• � "--·� ______"___ _ _ -�� ------· nnd G vt.>rnment A.c i r" news phrHseolns;Y of lhe pu1JJishl'd lav:�l, .a f'illrP i1J, evpry i hieh tnusie in J�ent•raf. t•out.nH�t he­ J)p �dfl�-t. GOOD nnd fnJ' wh�·u l •. U1f1:.;t. J'amow; l w tht.•;w in t w I1J�2 wc11�e roln:i if� fm·n\r;hed Brllnllt't' -��,r,oo n\t�mh�:rn nnd �>;h'l'R ttH� nwin rm:h nr w • n United �line Workers llnrJ 1VltH (Jrw�in'n whkh is GOOD STORAGE Space hy the Clwiuhll Yt•:;h·nlnY mnr!\iH�, tmderntnndnhlt', t�vPrydny Eu�dbh. ineJud·� Cnrnn•n-�in Orehe,trn. thP rc;;:'tllllll �· went on a t t e tlw EIJP p expired. od lll­ 11[ unwn nd (�l>Hl f1perators portN1 to IH• :-�t·lJP,nlion ,.--DPJiH, l"1'­ l'P[tnrt !it'd up CV(!ry rrJn• flfty a lhP A f �Ji:t·t•hants 1.�norl d�·mmHl hnok ('rJHtulJ!:-1 pag-t•�1, 1nrai un:on:{ ilwludf' n !.t.rila: and l'raetiPn11y , The Heprt·HPntative:; fl(•rj!{. nwl \V:n:nt·rian olcl vPry of otht•I'H Phone 226 .7. tlw 1\'rpp O Prizn Coupomt tin Y in th•• bi�� dly. '!'he W11lk-out. t.hirt""" lH'I'!f rhajil<'l'fi. rut t l nr�n·t•Hwnt dt·afted pnrt:1. l'Ppt•rfot"y inrl11d1·:� il fw 'P'·ndt diJl'Pr('IH't> iu wngeK p ilit is vt•ry largp ciPtll'. w lld h d for nrd..-in�" .-1 t of ' l•,vl·J',:\-' Hied tt> \Vtq;e rdficial: nnd l;nng J lliny · • nt nnd \'" ·t a and Jlarrif:;hut·g lt•idt•r, lw a tht• • volf'r will WESTFIELD . lhP hflldt•r l'illlditinun. l in }Jy unfnn notJf..;'JlN' in J•'n'JH'h awl lfflliHn, I ,ln'lY,; r 11·-! lH'tt val1111.find it or f.!Tf'llt inlen•Ht. twd TPIH't'/1f!lltnt anti }11!1' a Hi1Jnv 1w1v �::::, workln�� pro('UrNl lv(• of upl!l'ltttJl'H. i\rtH•t·i-: �� ..;(1 1nurlt Cnpit·� mny hr H SJH't'jP.J fpaf!ll'l' ror STORAGE ��(�ld i.',tin nl tlw dnil1•' · •· the .. tlw (•an will ·u IH• d th';lWiiJI>'"!\ fro111 prpsitlPnt. b11 H '!(•h•l'l inu of :;rnwc• � � 1irh h during· tin· rof :ve:rto �rl 1 nIt' ('Plll!H'.wrn. , WI d 1'JMg i till•Mrc:. l , JetolH.'r vnwk AJJVJ•:H';:;·�-��·-;\-;�;�-�J-;::--:-;:;11,; L<'llltll�>, IVw w • . ,\ JlH•rinw j or ( l; t l I lwy T/JH "L(wr1f•r'' by n�n·IPnt j)I'OI'IIrt;d fro1u; H to 1 "-not f':Xlfli\-'llg!lntly, H'' • WAREHOUSES. a. not wnnlnfu11y 1 Will l:Oll O( :�eW 'J J('l\t'L·-i IJIHY ht� al:tt' ln• nn fnr d;••trilmtion nt t;uldl' rnr .tJ! !hi!'! IHflTt�hnudlm' . lm OIVE ANYBODY A'f!"•I hnnd J.'�,r In t n<'xl .J,.r""'{!Y. hu1·galus Mn;, .John .1. Hid,, r.:! ·l f!irrhlruH! Ave IJON"l' "'''t·linr� ,,f the· J.''"J�""• 1 .-·nil thn ad vortlnewl!ntfl r.1Hntu1Jy !lUI'•. f,riO.-----Adv. . flltGl�T.�WJjTt:ffiiiit'!!:i"f{;J1!1t'n!ilLcaveltace J.. J&.�De�J.H r h t l!:verl:'"ou Dreatbh�IUlll1,·tn1 a Longacre-''Little J�le Matlul."e 'l'rrnu�ndoua ClhtUI.&.to a �markable fi!itqry ol r\-dVebtW't,4 LJ'twum--"Llttle MIMa Bluebeard." W ...... · ... !Oc S COMEDY-LIEGE O n . .. . . E N E Childre . . E TFI LD C L Y in Jt:Uiott-'•llaln.'' . . L ·)la:a:lae AY "BLAZES". ....20c H NIU\VS O l\'E.EKLY Orcheatra, Rear . US Auala.11 E LIC"bt Orcheatra, Front ...... 25c THEATR . Jtoru•e�R.e-Y Sl'l�(iJ.-\1, IUDilll� MATINJ�E S TU A a luaai--''Tite, JloliT ltogt"r.t• A D Y t .....35c ELM STREET R , llfoJJ'T. :11 N Loge P I \\riCSLF.:Y DA.RJtY ID materdam-Summer "Zleateld New A o • FoUlH." EveDIDK BOB HAMPTON OF PLACER Wl'l'll RICGULAR SUO'V Got To llave ...... 25c PlaJ'Iaou•f"-'•l\'e''\"e Children •.... Money," Orcheatra, Rear ...... 25c Pro-wlaeetU'"D-''San-Upl' Orchestra, Front .....35c 'Ab�'• lrbh Bo•e·" Bepubii Logeo ...... flOc .,:_. • . JUt.--';[a J.O'Vf' Lowe.» wu• EVENING PRICES ALL DAY Sa� U arri TJae " Gun Gotldf':A." SATURDAYS AND HOLIDAY,S .,_. N. ONE NIGHT ONLY SelW;t'n-''IIelen of' Tro)', T." l • and ode I••" Wednesday, September 24 SJUJbert-"A rt •t at SDth treet •Hollle Fire••" Don't Miss ·It! 8 -' Sqpar-"Tbe Fool." Tlmet1 , va11derbllt-"Two Frrl o-w• and a Girl.'-' l PROpALACECT OF NOR'SEW ARK Winter Gard.ea--"Tbe P•••ln&' S,lllow." I Supreme Vau_d_ev_i_l _le___ _ Under Auspices The Men's League, Firs� Baptist Church RJatto, Co y­ untry MONDA Fair and Circus Broad Sf., Newark l1se J�ove Child." \\'�•iUPid -'" '1"odny nnd tomorrow, Johnny Hines --BEGINNi-NG WA GENHA LS and KEMPER man re­ �·The Love ·Which � in "Luck'; li''rJdny and Sa u rday, WEEK SEPT. 17 Chllil," best ·play, was fl'lrat Anaerlcoau Appt'1lrnnce ar Henri Batatlle's stnnce •j•u tmn.c1go t urduCm1-.)· Saturday, Sept. 22, 1923 I thle "The Realm of Fantaa1e w<>e k, .with matinees PL� YHOUSE-"THE BAT" eatest n JJJt(.. Gr .-\ u e Zlr-gfelll Ji"oUie• with The "Worlds on Wednesday UuJ t r and Saturday coming direct from MIN!\ J.l.'ONS and I!�JGIIT InNG­ Attractions For All a '1'111� f!Ucccsatul engagement, at the J,JSJI and .n Compan George Wagonhalo and Company to Preoenl ll0CKI3::'J'S See Tile lladlana7 ol MANY BEAUTIFUL BOOTHS Theatre. 'l'wt"uty 11f'Oph�. . M.. Cohan il presents movie Play (Not a Picture) With s·ensatiori "The I.JOVC Ch d ' IIALI.. CO. In S Dramatic a. the "'11 wrJIE A.111" Two Circus Shows P. M. and With About the JU I•�N'I'ON1 .: P. M. 11nd tlXtraor(\lnary Original ��.. : li' Jii}&LDS-Many Othere. , 4:00 8:00 triangle. her & three princ pal figures-the woman, Company. i Professional Talent over and 'her lllegltimato aon-tl\e "The Bn.t," the moRt spoctaculnl' AMUSEMENTS. l auc. . author, has Jlo!gnn.ut .and ab­ ever JlreMented woven a C'OSS unn thethe PlaylAnwrl1,��.ne-.p,dS mty, of a Selfish lover d.nd 'tit <·'Whole BROAD THEATRE 1� Jfrlil� wortd, - lhtlt>, ff Fulton leAthe Jove o! a neglected aon. It Js � ln roductfon t-o tJwatr·eAOi'NI, un .. It 1s Broad & Sts. Newark Jove�story-a. s-tory hoao Inter� douUtt:!dly t11e most taJiu•d of tdny e\•er double . D��GINNINOJt, 'I'IJIS MONilAY threads are the love ther. by same pertwns. 11. READE'S the lll1Nitl DA'i1."- IIALJi;'S lU lE.\'1' ;liAS• l>ls �'The Bnt'" written �lnry Holl� 'rlD Rl'lli:CM was hy Vandf"rbllt1-1< "Two Fellowa iC -1< A erts Hl n hn r l Aver·y HotHVoCul. e und "THE LOVE CHILD" . And Alt houg·h both of itR alJthot"H h ave Girt." With carnt!ll undying anw ln worlcl .JAN J.J'I1 Dl�llr )lt'na. "\\' EI·�I{. SEtwl\ 24-"SO 'I'IIIS LON· By MARY ROBERTS RHINEHART and · AVERY ir 11lay, Ft1 1lows A G l," now in its te th weelt of aln,:ore w !'! undereo\nl� from t O ' IS T-· H-E-A-T-R-E n tlw abl(' liHtnil!{(!tnt•nt U DJ•IH'ovnl nt the '!lhcu.trc. Produced N' .PLAINFIELD Vamlerbllt of \\'.a.�.reuhnlt; atlil Kempe,· ""l'he Hnt" HOPWOOD 'l'hero Is h ole ome ntmost•llere of wu,y, OI'F.N ------a w s the <�otmtry, :w ur-' y-o th permenting thla Jilay ltl ilo& hns swc�pt tlnough \ng' phenumt•nal IH!l't't•SH£'H In cltif'-s of cldedlyu l'(•fn•shlng, that In in br�ath HiZP, t H. P. TOWNSEND Played Over 2 Years New York ouc "a vcleae -n the theatre,' n i wt CX]>reAtwd (•\'t•)•yNothing lt•HN .NEXT. ----MONDAYWl'l' H ---- SEPT. 24th n s • �r tho of "'I"Jw UWAJ, EXPJUi:!'» tt. H\leC(•,"!!-1 Hat" tlw a t al rt�cnrtl llA:tdt u11tl .a ;r ur tue a cit)' in tilt� llniiPd HtatL'H DUJ' Night at \\'edrwstla)', 'l'h:-:rsday,. Saturtlny. mnJH•a fo1· Hl'tuallty in the ll1 lo­ Ol'ENJNG PJJ.lY \Yj JJIJ 111<1 eharnch�rN tht· IIH'Il l l'P ul I�XPRTi:BS &. I.I\'�R\" MYSTERY M S R they portra:r, aruJ it IH tlllK skill of In� d;ly ho]il!-i l't'l'Ul'tl nf th.• THE A TE PIECE OF MODERN TIMES TH t·� wlddJ it wn.-1 l'rt'H\· IltPd for ST:\U!..t::S a romanco terprd tlun that tlw l'j'n·ijolfl, �r·oHs hux li:L!IIF.U mtdH•H . "Two And CH rl" .HH�m u1Jk,__. :AJW ST!tt-:Kf of l"·£>11nwR A •uul ltlte u Jmg·c t orn from !'('Ill hire Hff•, !lor"'-"" earring"" to tot "\VHY MEN HOME" "Ltll':f Ids� mnltewup" Wesley A Comedy by ,\ v<•ry Hopwood. 'l'Jll·!A'... l'ltl�-1< -1< plt\fWIUrtJ tlrhe, evonln� ,. hilt or will l'IliCEOI WIJ,J, Barry nnd moot ADJ' trutn, NO'I'BS snld to the Jlttle freckled girl No t A Mo ving Pic�ure E\·enf 'l' lli!JH HE : np,s-Orch • "The Hii-IP ot' Georg·e do'Orignatetl cstrn, at LEAVE1c. Bnlemy, it him in the \Va rn&r Hosie O' HuJlly,'' who plays opp R e uudP.-)}l<.�l:u· i:.. l,J·icc:-;, U:ic nnd 330. M. hun's 1>1 nnd dn nco show o o n Co �; song- pteture, Printor s Devil, after a But a Thrilling 3-Act Sp ke Drama Produced With a SK-\Tt:!Mathtc "'JI,J,e-s .nt whkh tho 'l'rf•Ulont Tlw­ "'l'he ' Ol'<."UJdt-l1 �lihli t dlsal.':;'rrflmeht. lii>Sl"H"Jo:J) HE UN SAM> TllUHSI>AY A. Ill. orhHH th e JHH!I e l h l t en we.olt� Jllny­ lttre f � � �·ou'r£> t• arrdul I won't to.'' Carload of Scenery. Week ot October lst-••J_,,\\\' l<'Uf, J_,.\JtCii:NY." • lng to the Jrwst phcnomo1111l UuHinf•HA "If have shf' Tl'lllh•d o yly, "�hereupon tho on� Bo:ilon h:-t.<.� It Jnunleal <' cvur Hceordt•d tire stwlio stnN' n.n n.b out-fuco un i l winter or �ununer, i t•nd lis did t flhnw, w ll t)l(_l oper·ntton buon per· run nt the on 8nturdHr nvnnlng, Ofleulatory lHul Jfuh fol'lnetl. BENJ. F. ELLENBERGER S('.llt<·rnlter :!:!d, 1\nd junql tHtt-l�t to Painter and Decorator Chkng"o, tt iH rm Whl'l'l• lo h<.ndn t� n MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW n I n (h•rH'g-e Cohun­ "Lender" tho Shopping I g gl' lH: t at the 1\f. Tho is Grnntl Opera lluuse -ou Mondny, Se}'& for all this soct.lon or Now tetnher Gulrlo !!4. In merchnndlso Thla lwt:t�HHltutt•s JorRO)". JPor bargains arrangement iJ{hl rhnugc tho J1la.nt1 for a fo l7 OUMBiiiRLAND ST., �I In Ove1·mnn, who I� tt) Leg-In hJn J;(fLyruw SEAT S NOW SELLING AT The Shoe Repair Shop at NO. 34 PROSPECT ST. now 'llnr SHOE REPAIRINGis in Cohan'.�; nc>w .Anwf'IPan WliJSTFlEl LD. c:nret under new management. COtnNI�·..'l· '"l'hPMr. Mong- N; J HJHI thf.! De roi OJ)P J'U 1Jarw0 ,\f ilii" We use o ly the best grade leather and Rubber heels nt , New t t JlntHH!, ]1(1. RIALTO, WESTFIELD o un MtH!tlay, Ht'J)tPtnlH'I' •• Nrn·nrk, n tr n•ufllhhtgfuu it MJchJ�;:uJ, Snmklug nnd :!tlnrkrf'1'.-1. �fN PRICES-SOc to PLUS TAX. i n work .. 17, '" ith fllH!g'tlg-f!liiPilt� 1,1\HIJo:.� l't•rmlth.. tt, OU!10 n1,1lu•rry our Ohio, lndlllnntwl1s, Ind., ltInJ;rlon, eo1nmb us, 11.\ R!l.I IN �1,\'I'INim IJ!\II,V $2.00 Ohio, MINER'S Clnchuut�l, -other hHJmrtunt Men's, ·Women's and Children's Shoes. and Mltldh!· LEWIS H. MEYERS '\\"(' fltorn Jl01n1R plnrhlt� New \\"J•:EI\, SI·:I4'J'. hL•for,! Our Chm·ges Are Very Reasonable. ork !HIS. 'L\ '1'., ro Dealer in or Chtcngn, Iron, Metal, Paper, Woolen Stock A rovlr waM f,th't)ll uf t'Jld \.\' nr� "N F T 1 E S F 4., 1 204 HUNTERDON ST., w thn l'r('twn 0 l 9 2 ClnMHic, star� UnK S111·h 11,. WARNING-Owing to the lmportance of this Engage­ ncr "'l'lm C1old J)Jg·gorH," �fnu 1-IHIIlJllOn, nh•ndal c, II II.L\' l•'UWI'I•�It "'J l,J. II. CUll.\:\ NEWARK, N. rlng· Houo nt Cn ll� oud nu tlw glowing teportR B EN MEROFF and J. ment we Advise Buying Seats in Advance rornlll, d from His Band Send . ha.vo n•·rl'\·Nl J• JnBt Post Card that OIW �J.\'l'. HI•' Or pholOJilny Ia �xpectomayd �loam luwcJ.; ·Stl · • :\' sgi'T, :.:a. "'1'.\l.l{ l,ender :tbnt tnc tu 'I'H\V.._. Till<� Ofl'lce ( ;• cnro Wo!ftfteld Am ..... Mariano Cinalli



Waa and Ia. "Will ;you appraise m.r enrarement riJ1i for me?'' "What kind ot a s on a t e Is thl &U1)o posed to be?" asked the jeweler. "Turkwahs." "TUrk was, maybe, but not This 111 �riasa." Careful Information, air, "l!lxeulle me, but could :ron tell me there Is a m n It a 8ta71nl 1n thl1 hotel with o e named John n eye HardT?'' don't recognise him trom d• NATIONAL BEEF COMPA.NY "I yoar acrlptlon. Do you know the nua• fJf. hla other eye?"

llarfy, Learned Toe "Sbe'a excellent awlmmer lUI ud onl twelve eara old." 7 7 a "Yea, poor dear, She Jhould h ve The Following EXTRA SfECIALS Are Just Another waited few yeara d deprived ASSURED SAVINGS a u not aome mu ot the tun ot teacblnc htr." Example Of The Savings By At A. "NATIONALAssured '' DOllfEIJTIO rurchasing Meats Market. BLI8& Your

theWlt.,.-=-x dear"t • little ..,. today. ��n�=laat HubbY-Tha.t'a Prime Corn-fed Native Beef • Juat like you-al­ tookl111 wayathe torIn· Prime Fancy Flank 1tead dearestthe mod· erattlJ'of prloed. Top & Bottom Steaks You've Llstent�l to and have no Her, I For useWalke r•: Round lhe to MIBIUB Fresh Chopped Theoeone nonoto of p talker& Roasts Beef ·Really Unpleaeant. Mls!J Wellalong-I declare. I lteibl rrow� It'a to teel that I am old. reallJ' unpleasant. . "� Mr. Blunt-It must be, 411J.>eclall tor who on f. ·. ., one baa bun JG11lii 10 l e 35c lb. 20c lb. s. :.�;.� � t /ti., ,;.·� ".National " // ' Best Sirloin Steak . ANDREW KRUP Steak Specials. Best Top Round Steak Ctb. TAILOR } 39 222 EAST BROAD ST; Pork W!lJS'I'FIELD, N. J'. RegularFresh Fresh Jersey Hams 24c lb.

• Note " National " Price Pressing and Repairing Neatly Done ing� Suite Made We Ha ve With Us This Even to Order Extraordinary aloe or Guaranteed Perfect Fit LEGS of Genuine V Rachmaninoff-or Levitzki Fresh Spring 37c lb. TELEPHONE 136-M Lanib cofGodowfee is servedsk yoy.ur guest, introduce ;Asaft er-dinner distinguished ·entertainer-the A1npico Finest Milk-Fed Poultry this 1nost Perhaps you have day - dreamed sometime entertaining your Fancy Large of ELITE HOME WINDOW circle of friends with a world-renowned pianist's performance. Rehearsed Dry-Picked Capons 7 lb. with yourself the little words of studied carelessness which will introduce CLEANING CO. 4 c 'him. MURPHY BROWN, & Props. ation ever pictured the pleasure of Outeldo Residence Window Cleaning . Has your imagin A WHOLE Fancy Large PROGRAM of the best pianists---Levitzki, the Minuet of Mirovitch, as Our Specialty he icked Roas�iog Chickens plays himself�--Rachmaninoff's elfin ? carefree snatch a Reduced rataa on nth oontra.cts Dry-P it A 9f mo ly inment dance measme. The ballads older folks adore? Such enterta is TELEPHONE PLAINFIELD 198 Fresh Killed Dry. Picked Broilers afforded by--- OlD co: • lba. each N. 2 2 Yz 336 Dergea St., Pla.lnJleld, J, THE 'AMPICO For further in formation, Fil l out 39ciL. This instrument is a reproducing piano . the Frying Chickens lbs. each below and mall it tod�y. 3 unlike any other. It seems l'o possess the coupon �----· Fresh Killed Dry Picked very soul of the artist who is playing. Close Kindly me full · your eyes and you can the f t ting the L. Hamberger & Co.: !lefld sec of lnfMmntion regarding Gustav A. Neumann performer's fingers the likeys. the Amplco and Tlte across l'lan. MASON Hamberger Deferred l'ayment Fo:ks who love music count Am­ Name AND The ...... •...... •.•...•. pico their most prized possession. And the Boiling, Salada, Sandwichei .•. ..••..•.•..•••....• • ·• · • • ·. ·. •· • · BUILDER Fresh KilledFor Chickens 25cib. price of so much enjoyment is moderate. Address An upright Ampico at 985.00 up, the grand 814 El'IBREF. CRESCENT model at up. turn pianos, and up. 1075.00 And you may in Other 350.00 and up. Westfield, N. J. your old piano in exchange. Play·:� rs, 375.00 on Telephone Oonn'ect.t like, pay h Grawh 595.00 and up. II you on t e BAMBEHGEI� Legs of Milk-Fed Veal 29clh. DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN. lufrwmal Recitals on the Amplco IJailg 0ARPET8 AND RUGS RIX'/ ll Vl.OOll !JLEANED AND SOOUREI> NATIONAL BEEF COMPANY Window Shades, J.lnoleuuuo, and America '' DrAM RodM u Largest Reta ilers of Meats in /I GREENE . L. BAMBERGER & co. J, A. 343-W �1. 130 TEL. WESTFIELD Ulllfl 1061 ROSE STRI!llliT E. BROAD ST. PLAINFmi.U, . N J. j THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1923.

REvisED HIGH;��;-;-.;�_;-�- EoucAToRs coNvt:��-n�- - ·- - THRILLS AND NOVEL ======FEATURE JERSEY IS ANNOUNCED ! CHICAGO NEXT YEAR Tn-=·=-·=··-=-::;·--=- ======jl EVENTS 1923 i TRENTON been made by The annual the depart- TO 1924 FAIR At�nouncement ha::: [I meetit1g of � 1918 of su perintendence the the State Department of Cmuerva- 1 ment of Na- l Four Ni,hto' D a l on Development that the otfi- 1 tional Education Association will be i Firework• i y of ti and 23 China/• Auto -top Highway revision Qf held in Chkagv, February to �'Mystic Auto cial State :Ahip, 1 29. i "Fours" mobile Racet, Horae Rac:ea and now ready for distribution. wr he School u i ulu has been "Sixes" 1923, is I C rr c " J Colo E:r· The • 2 foldmg quarters, Fourteen· allied orgumzatwns, mg a , ccor mg' t great detaiL By m PHONE 2510 'fo You of s t ur d a;y, s ep t . 29 a d o execu J eH rf o k m 421 PARK AVE. . Sec- t e easily reduce d to a handy resentmg sc h oo1 1.'� u:-· ance Colonel Ms;hlon Margerum, map is h l R. • • • dergarten to col_lege, �11! o d t e1r who has announced the com- BIZO.� PLAINFIELD, N. retary, conventions m connectiOn� J. New Jersey 's roads are d1v1 ded m- / annual 1 et' !on of a1 1 preparar I on8 f r the y h the department. to classes according to pe wit superintendence squeak and how it can be obtain mammo t• ° tive t of attle and ed? P th even . y e · I freedom from r a constructiOn and each p d' 1923 Fnir will be contrast t IS IS· bodies The Are you a If Not, rest squarely on the chassis. f�ame,_ not on the i g tinctl� indicated. Concrete nd Subscrlber? debaker from pr ced Trenton e xpositions . :' Stu body and the frame form a ng1d umt that suc­ ; the State lirgh- Not Now-$2.011 v"r body sills. The and b1tu m nous roads of Wby ::!ubscribo the road. since it will ben presented six days ! cessfully resists the rack of s wa ste'? are shown by a h euvy yeRr. gh is o ?' Sy four i t . The Night Fair t m a ------·-----�-­ is year many sohd red lme. Roads of a ad This studebaker bodies are �uilt in St!Jdebaker shops by men, be a giganticn feature by itself, with c , a r e ta MICHEL1.N o have been bUlldmg vehicle bodies for Studebaker for fi e s' gr�vel or o ther less du�able at r�l f whom, one of the world's greatest r work liJg� way i which are par ()� the State h years. vo al attraction. 30 displays liS its t y md1cated by 8 een _buildi�g; S stem are. � a h ea�y Lambert' Taxicab SerJJice has b fine vehi.cle bodies for years This is called "Mysticp China," which, Studebaker . to .7 1. . broken r d !me ; Improved roads bullt makmg Js tradttJonal, datmg back butldtng in­ besides being a colossal exhibition of � Their Coach agenc ther than the State De- coaches for Lincoln and Grant. pyrotechnics entails the services of by ies o augural ' similarly part'?ent are divided and their quality people. . C"Aitl; Hln AJ,J, OCt'iUilO!'iS Studebaker bodies weigh more because of and 1>00 ar� rndJCated by means of llghter You cannot skimp in material and build body that The Fair will be in progress six . . soundness. is a sohd and broken red hnes . Umm- will work of selecte days, from Sept. 24 to 29, inclusive. . . not rattle. 'l'he sturdy frame d Ash. The �roved roads arc marked With black Wlltn1nl(lll'ld ltmtd, :\lnunt aln8lde cws. on their city by a Jlf anchu horde. . Copies of the new map may be ob- Thrilling Auto Polo Contests, to be tamed_ from the State Department played daily In front of the stand, . of Conservatwn and Development, will be another attraction not to be State Office Building, Trenton, for ove�looked. The sp�ed program, 2 cents. comprised of trotting, pacing and 5 - succeeds running horse races, will offer the "'-��-======"'·-==--="'·-·"'··-"-"-"­ ------fastest horses ever seen on the Tren­ "Nothing Telephone ton Fair track, Increased purses at­ 9�b·J like success" tracting the speedier steeds from all Auto- sections of the Clluntry. The FRANK 0. YOUNG which the Michelin The succeJI 1923 Cord mob!Ie. Races are also promised as Radiator and Welding f d baa scored with Its first rie s has brought outdoing all past exhibits of this kind. Plumbing, Tinning dl growing host of new Horse the Bauer's It a i n admirers. racing will be a feature Work ra p y good evidence that you, first four days of the Fair, and Au­ Ln't that pretty and Heatint 425 NORTH AVE. W. coo, · THE STrrDEBAKER SALES COMPANY will llkC thla tire tomobile Racing the closing two the l;, OF NEWARK days. Friday and Saturday. (in rear) There will be a free vaudeville bill Tel, 1263-M. AVt<:ll;l!K' Weatfield Storage a ery Supply Co. ROY A. GUSSMAN, Reaident Manager of unsurpassed excellence. 414 WE!IT THIRD WESTFIELD, N. The J. B tt & · educational features of the to Repaired, Avenue Randolph Arcade Fair have been advanced a point OARWOOU, N, J. Fendera and Bodiea Axlea North "The commendation. 221 Poat Office ia which will not fall of and frame• atralrhtened, Braalnr, Westfield, N. J. Juat Acroaa From Ua" As , exceptional exhibit will be that Lockamith and Blackamltb. the Street of the New Jersey Boys' and Girls' .l Club 1392 Work propram', participated -in T � Phone Westfield --- · --· - -- ' l - · ------· . - -- by hundreds of young folks from all -- . PLUMBING -� be -- . parts of the State. This will Upholsterer "Leader" fress Specializes in Commercial frinting "This Is a Studebaker Year " staged In the New Jersey State ex- Stearn fitt•1 1ng and Tin d n . Rlt1COVEilED RE- The hlbitlon buil i g Ji"urulhlre . ..AJRIUDI work oro b aodand de­ in o I I• The Poultry Show, presented an r/ w rk t•ellflnble, lh••t mnht•rlalb un•eda tor ln­ �------. ,...-• tt'rlor couNtrue-Uun in -.-.--.---..-- enlarged building live-stock exhibit, ., upbulwterlotr;. ..li_ liiwaiiilirtll --ll-111-.-••• -.;; with its unprecedented display of Jf!.y.! Pricea Mo derate SJ�tl• COVICRS, llRAl•JCillln S. -rlb�---.-.--.---.--.- -.-.. - lll�� -- --.-.---..- --immr/;r.;a,. iall!'l -•;· ttil - :� __ · llleys, Holsteins, Herefords, Dur•J�s, AN'l'II\UE8 Jll�l'AII\ED, ', _ · E etc., the FURNI'l' URE CRA'l'ED i -':; - · Berkshlres, and disp pJ,.cY·� in ������ � ;;;;;;;;;;;; agricultural, . art, the. hortleult•IJ;.tll, Joseph Stoltz domestic science anc;f llf nd dairy St. Westfield rrA( nu·facturers' 20 I Elmer products and the � and CHANOR'I'IIRLES A VI�NUE, LE WESTFIELDCHER of­ Tel. 139 !lOU ] merchants' d J!i('tt ments will be .Formerly l"Jdablb•hNI tn York e· ,.· earl. Nen- Olt)' to _ fered gr. ater advantage than ever. 25 . S Good• l"alled tor and promptly dellvered ' It is Midway ' tired that the will I . ICIIthnp.iPII Gh·eu ' iJr be � �r, brighter and more amusing t•hone t ver. With the neww _buildings, 14.27 orth presented to the Mountain Avenue ,( , $200,000, .>; public for the first time last ear, ·· greater interest will attach toy the Garage DAR NOLTEl HENNING D" grounds. There will be u new res­ & M. S. taurant, situated beneath the grnnd­ stand, and a building devoted to High grade auto repalrlng. Electric 'The 'Balan AUTO�IOTIVE, ced Gasol cafeteria purposes. Both features BROWN ine 11nd Acetylene welding ot all kinds ENGINEER will carry every modern device nnd or improvement designed to benefit tho metal. Work Guaranteed. welfare as well as the convenience of Made in Mount�dn Ave, Practlcnl Autmnoblle II�·Iull rlng New Jersey the public. l\lount.alnsl!lc TELEPHONE A. 0. \\'. ADS. lUtiNG HESUL'l'S 585-W Tel. 207-J

----·--� BONNELL .I MOTOR CAR CJke CARL W. ANDERSON co. IHO Rll•LEY AVE:SUE tor Architect and Engineer Distributor Do e Brothers M or dg ot 2."i J

+-+-+-+-+-•1>-+-+-+--i--·'-- '--.o._,._....._...... _..,_. +-+-+-:+-+- I f · Satisfaction in a mot Gradmg La ns, Concre or fuel is no of 'Y e Work, Sidewalkil, Cellar· Digging ensure With B·Jst To o Dnveways, � Worltmaruhi highest longer a matt f chance. It is Nu se y p. quality,t er r r Stock, Barberry and Privet Hedges. heprodtic­ an l established fact with everyone tion of Lee Tt res ia · Gl�OHG li MELINO buys "Stand l , 'Phone 340 M. limited who ard", the bal. ---+-4o-+-+-+-+-+-o!•-+-+;; to 2,000 ��· ,::.:_-;o-+--+-+-.,.-·-� anced gasoline. dally. No straining . . . to get volwne ! t No STANDARD skimping! Nothing OIL COMP'ANY (New Jersey) FA LL BRI but the finest in ThiR hoUI'!t• haH DES nbhln� ln·h.Jal het>nt'nr fllr­· and work· ;- hH11lt'Hhrid1· r.r, material itYt'ilrH. :\lun.r a wlwm W.a q 0111' Jll'lVIlt•l�t� manship ! to w·n·p JllOfIn IH·I'r,·n n-1 long- p11:•tht'lllt• I!-� II H� i.« ';rwh·t•thq{of I h1• JOHN H. TRAYNOR 'Y ho fll!llllHrl• flOW.lit" I' own ht•rt> 'J'hf• 300 North Ave., l' 11/'Nft1 1lt'� ,If •·IO••II!I[\If' 'U!fa:n th·o.f Westfield. Pil ! rtJJH\J.�•· lht� rt•llahiHt�lR · nlt ou1· urt•. /: PTI\Ill1,f l;•n•·!�!;ftll '­ thp O\JI' IHlllt·sly nf our \'a lii••!-!, thr> Oldest, Largest' Jllll• rnl­ · ''Pf!. uszest ful· A!':Yall LI·:Nfl'f tlll·�''' "lt OJ•� 'l'l!\H:! Fairest, ..!'' t.l)lh w !ir. yt•ar:-� tlw S 1 •.,_ uarest hu:;Jni'''� Ulltler tlw h::tnm: tr mahH t! ul llw· l\1 Ulli11H fH miJv FURNITUR� E Of .. OJwn Htllll!'tla;; HIJ.tht 1ur !1. Ho l�'H use in the St·ate ANK MULLJNH, l"I'Ht THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, S EPTEMBER 19, 1923.

-· - ======------·-----=· -----=------=--=· · ------�-- ···=--=- PROFESSIONAL TALENT ·=--=-�- ·=·=--· ---=·=-·--��=-� -;;-·=-; -=-=-=-=·=-=·=-= ·=-�=-=---=--=--======The bride wore grey Canton crepe, . M w r r.- --:-=·· ::;::; ======Stoneleigb k an ert em o tiac, ichigan, Th e e ! '), THE COUNTRY with hat to match, -ilb � P � ur��y, TO BE AT and carried brid� of ;.:Mr. and·; Mrs. E. �!H. Clem- held Sunday at Mystic, Conn. roses and lilies-of ds, scm FAIR AND CIRCUS -the-valley. The ets of Wt>stfield, took plnce in he Mrs. Saunders was born My.;­ maid of honor wore t in I tan Canton home of the bride s parenL,. Rev. E. ovember 13, and to crepe, with hat to match, and carried ' tic, N 1885, cam,• Everyone who attends the Country J. Holden officiated. Wes-. ueld in 1906, where she r,•:;ided pink place in the in Eu clid avenue, and W<>ll Fall Has Launched Her Modes Fair and Circus, to be given under rose�. The ceremon�· tuuk was : The bride has been in the employ living oo whkh went to very I the auspices of the Men's League of r m was prettily decor- known here. She Puntiue, In of the Hall Switch and Signal Com­ ated with , palllls, ferns the First Baptist Church on Saturday, and roses. Mich., in 9 . pany, at Garwood, as stenographer Mi 1 19 Evening Dresses Sept. 22, re to have a good t m . ss si•ter of the She i s survived by is s i for some Edna Piercey, a three som, W al­ u e time. She is a member bride m id honor and Gurdon ter E. Elmer and Sta11l•·y, For weeks the gen.,ral committee of was a of S., Dr. all Court Trinity, C tholic Daughters of Hurlburt of Brooklyn, was best a man. of Pon iac. eal more if you under the direction of Chairman America. t You will enjoy hearing Chaliapin a great d The groom is in the ac­ Fullerton's orchestra, of Plainfield, Fred Colby has labored to make plans counting department of the Central supplied the wedding music. pouesa the confidence that you are correctly apparelled. that wil� insure making the Country Railroad in Jersey City. Bruns, of we e the DAVID H. VALENTINE JO air and Circus a never-to-be-forgot­ New Brunswick, r caterers at a reception which fol­ Gowns of Silk, Crepe, Lace and Velvet, embellished in won. ten oc casion. Funeral services for David Val­ LEE-BURN lowed the ceremony. !!. When the Fair opens at 3 o clock entine who died Wednesday we1·e held derful ways, are here awaiting your choice. ' The young couple left on their wed­ on Saturday the church grounds will A pretty home wedding took pl ce at his late home, 223 Prospect reet, a ding trip by autom obile to the New •t re nt mo t attractive appearance. Saturday evening at the home of iday. Trimmed in contrasting colors of ribbon in design or ruf. p se a s E ngland States. Upon heir return Fr night the illumination will be mo Mrs. I. E. Holli ter West eld t Val ntine was born in Lnrust At st s , 692 fi they will reside here. Mr. e fled effects. 'l'wo-tone radium silk made in basque effect with striking. avenue, when Miss Emily Susan Yalley, L. I., Novembe 9, nnd The bride's wedding gown was of r 185!!. full flare skirt, while others are in pleated models. Black The l die have been working most Burn, daughter of William Burn, of resided in this town for the 5 a s white satin. She wore a whi e satin past Georgette, trimmed in gold or silver lace. Colored Georgette, earnestly to have their part of the Bayonne, and niece of Mrs. Hol­ t years. He was a the a turban with orange blossoms and car­ member of silver lace trimmed.. Fall brings the new style note on many The many unique booths lister, became th e bride of William Church and had been Fair ready. ried a bouq et of bride roses. The Presbyterian models. Embroidered velvet, embroidered in silver lace. that they will preside over will attract Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. James u engaged for many years in the rolton J. maid of honor wore tangerine chiffon Radio blue crepe in beaded design. Shown in new shades of the attention of all. Lee of Bayonne. Rev. M. Y. Bovard and produce business. He is sur­ with silver and a turban o f angerine maize, conal, radio blue, tangerine, tan, rose, grey, orchid, The booths will include fancy work, f ew York, friend of the bride t v ved by his wife, Mrs. Mary o N a silver and carried bouquet of i It Val­ officiated. and a three daughters, the Mi se jade, light blue, white and black. Japanese food, aprons, candy, Chin­ buttery roses. entine s s ese Laundry, peanuts and pop corn, Miss :Maid Flreeland, of Bayonne, Flore e ll ary E., and Evelyn, a The bride Is a grad ate of Bing­ n'c l\1., Such are word pictures of the remarkable and charming also Rebecca at the Well and a "Hot a cousin of the bride, was mai of u d three sons, He ry Joseph W. d hamton High School and of Centen­ an n D. dresses for evening and formal wear in our stocks- honor, and little :Miss Virginia Ruhl, and Edwward R. Valentine, all Maule" stand. ary Collegiate acketts­ of this There will be two perform­ of Bay nne, a niece of the bride, was Institute, ut H town. o town, The bridegroom is connected M ances at P. . and P. flower girl. Thomas G. Lee, of Bay­ with the Carnation Milk Compun>·· 4 8 1\f. o b UP TO Professional talent has been engaged nne, ·a brother of the ridegroom in New .York. $24.95 79.5 e MRS. EVELYN R. L'HEUREAUX $ 0 for the· occasion and with the usual was best man. The w dding music wns played by Mrs. Henry W. Rub!, Funeral services for Mrs. En>lyn features including peanuts and pink lemonade it l . of Bayonne, sister of the bride­ R. Heure ux, died on Fri­ wil be a real sh ow a. , OBITUARY L' a who At 6 o'clock a o st beef dinner groom. The bouse was decorated day, were held Sunday afternoon at Fashion-right Dresses for Afternoon, Street Wear t· a MRS. FANNIE will be served in t h church' by the with Madam Butterfly roses, palms, 3 o'clock at the home Mrs. G. II. e RATHBURN SAUNDERS of and ferns, the color scheme bein L e e u , stree , crepe, romaine ladies and everyone who has sampled g '!I ur a x 550 Clark t' with Beautifully materia led of satin black, crepe, captivant ·satin of e will e ­ green and white. n e nmd her cre e, canton crepe, crepe de chine. Long and short sleeves-the long ones being one th se dinners want to n Funeral sHvices for Mrs. Fa ni whom the deceased had e p joy this one. The bride wore white crepe satin Rathburn Saunders, w idow of the home. She is by daughter the wide flowing style. survived n tulle veil with orange blossoms. E. S n e , died four years old, Her late E. au d rs who in bouquet was of bride Ornamented with beads trimmed in contrasting roses and lilie ______:..______materials. Styles featured s- __,,.--=---- are OJ' 'FAMILY IN AUTO of-the-valley. The maid of honor the surplice waist, draped side effect, straight line, offset, with panels or pleatings llllllllll••ll!lllllllii!IIIW wore canary yellow crepe satin and IIIIlllllllllllllliiiiii•RiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiUmBIIIIIIHII!IIIiiWmDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUII-IIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIImilm" or waist-line effects. Silk and wool em-broidery, l arge sashes of contrasting rib ACCIDENT RECOVERING ­ cnrried Madam Buttelfly roses, The bon, beaded in self or contrasting colors, blacl<, navy, kit fox tan, brown and grey- flower girl was gowned in blue crepe Mrt. Campbell and Family En Route de chine and carried a basket of J. c. TOBIN UP TO to New Hampshire Have garden flowers. Following the wed­ $24.95 $ 110.00 Seriouo Wreck. ding a reception was held. Guests J:LEOTRIOAL OON'IT.AOTOB were present from Bayonne, Phila­ _SPECIAL $18.95 Mrs. Alice T Campbell of delphia, New York, Jersey Cit y, . 811 A line of dresses for stre t or evening ear. Satin, Canton and Crepe Grandview avenue, who was seriously Trenton, West Hoboken and West- 'WmiNO FIXTURES MOTORI A..PPLIAKOM de Chine. · Navy, brown �nd black, � y , injured a week ago in an automobile field. Very choice values accident nenr Meriden Conn., is still Following wedding trip to the e , a Phonea a pati nt in the Meriden Hospital. Pocono Mou nt ins, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Word rece ived here by 1\frs. R. J. n will reside at 256 Hazel avenue. 18 :aLII ITJl:IZT 387 -UM $18.95 Campbell, Jr., indicates that llfr. The bride wns formerly a t eacher Coats, very soft materials, in the new stripes and plaids, also plain colors Campbell, Sr., though steadily im­ in the Roosevelt School, in Bayonne, proving, is still in a critical condi­ and hns been rl'sident of Westfield 11 r tion. to ' since June. The bridegroom served $18.95 $75.00 .Mrs. Campb�ll was with her hus­ in the A. E. F. In the World War. ��;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;:;;;;;;� Women'a Outer Apparel-Teppera'-Thlrd Floor band, 1\fr. R. J. Campbell, Sr., Mr. Robert Campbell, Jr., and lllr. and CLEMENTS- IERCY YOUR FURS and their two !' And our ability to faa ion them up-to-date, ought to 1\frs. W. 0. Reynolds , Call Westfield 1208 for Direct Connection daughters. The party were motoring Snturday, at noon, the wedding of prove profitable for both of us. Come early for your own to New Hampshire. Miss Cyrena B. Piercy, daughter of The accident occurred on the state Mr. and Mrs. N. S. H. Piercey of benefit. highway at Yalesville, when the Campbell car left the rond and over­ D. DRY SON & SON turned in trying to avoid hitting an­ PRACTICAL FU:RRIERS other car. Send Your Boy to the WEST BROAD ST., Tel. 1078 WESTFIELD, N. The rest of the party, with the 130 J, exception ·of :Mr. Campbell, Sr., who sustained only minor injuries, have since returned home. Wardlaw School ,... PLAINFIELD, N. J. "GOODFRIEND FOR GOOD WOR , ' . BAND CONCERT This is the time to have your Plumbin!l', Heating, --- SEASON CLOSES A country day school where Gutters and Leaders taken care of. the best in boys i s develo ped. � Why wait. Excellent Program and Te or Solo· � A large staff of college bred Prompt and proper attention given to all work. lot Receive ,Well Deaerved Ap· nnd women trained espe­ , men plauoe at Final Concert. cially for this work. Small The band concert held Friday eve­ classes of much individual in­ Henry Goodfriend ning brought to cl ose a successful dividual nttention. W. BROAD ST. Tel. WESTFIELD T a 43 . seas�n. The ocal band is certainly 407 ' l Large s nn gymnasium, deserving of a great den! of praise u y skating ink , · tenn s c'ourts, for the work they nccornplished and r i for the programs which they put on two athletic fields. Perlmutter during the summer. M. We take cnre our boy This season concerts proba ly had of y Plainfield's 's b for the whole day. a larger crowd in attendance than Exclusive ever before. J. S. IRVING CO. -- Bartow is C. D. WARDLAW, Prin. LADIES' TAILOR Director William N. Dealora in largely respon ible for the excellent Tel Plninfield 880 and 924 I work of the hand.s e est to know that Mr. It is of int r ) Bartow also directed the Bund of Plainfield, through a Libertyseason .� - public concerts to a ver success- ���;;���;;�;;�;;��� c of y THE INITIAL SHOWING OF ful conclusion. I I 'ANNOUNCES IF JJS oa I ' Lumber and ARR A PLEY sPoRT suPPLIEs F - P J\-liss Ruth G. Appley, daughter of URN TO an l Mrs. C. H. Apple of Law 'I' Mr. y · renee avenue and William C. Farr Av. < BuildOFFICE nd YARDiler's: Central nr.Sup It.11. Oroulnlfpli.. Wll&TJ'IJIIJles Fall and Winter of Bayonne, were married Snturday nfternoon nt 5.30 o'clock at the home BUCK and BENNY .of the bride's parents. Rev. James Phone 19 PLAINFIELD'S LEAD ING A. Smith, rector of St. Paul's Epis­ SPORTING GOODS STORE copal Church, officiated. Style Suggestion West Front St. ll!iss Beatrice l'urdy of Croton 127 ll m a d of h onor and Chnrles Fa s wns i PHONE 1059 PLAINFI£0 � Setel of Newark, wns best mnn. The Misses Ethel and Josephine NEW AND ENLARGED Appley, si ters of thq bride, were WALDE�IAR COOPER s the wed- SPORTING GOODS · hridesmnids. The scene of F. 1 Featuring d in a color ' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ing was prettily decorated DEPARTMENT COVImS scheme of orchid and yellow. The Complete Listings IRRESPONSIBLE REPRODUCTIONS OF PARISIAN bride wore white moire with embroid­ EVERY WISH MODELS THAT TELL A TALE OF CHARMING ery and pearls tulle veil with IN WEST BROAD ST., WESTFIELD , nand 101 orange blossoms, curried bou­ EXCLUSIVENESS COATS 11 SHOES Phone 1275 of bride roses, and lilies-of-the qul'tvalley. The mnid of h nor wore pale o FOOTBALL CLO'l'IIES green chiffon a�d carried n bouquet Ophelia roses. The bridesmaids FOOTBALLS AND of wore r ca ed satin with lace trim­ COATS b o d S a Sl'Olt'l'ING GOOD ru ing and rnrried houfJUetr,f n�teni. , After wedding trip to New Y rlc n o OF ALL SUITS State, hnd Mrs. Fnrr will KINDS Mr. reside la ALWAYS IlEASONAI\I.Y ut R2:! C rk street. CLOTH DRESSES l'RTCgD AND HERRMANN-O'NEILL FOUR HUNDRED T I Y-SIX ::llisn Lillian daughter of H RT O'Nl'ill, Mr. nd Mr,, lich nel O'Neill of AVENUE a Jl 21H WATCHUNG >;trPet, Herrmann Elmt•1· nnd .T ohn C. o.f nuer F�trcet, Plaiufidd, werf' mar· nt• f>a r _y nftern,nn Holy d tu dn at Trin­ t;atholie Church, Ity by Jtev. Henry ,J . \\ all.enwn . t, f .!\fi�'! Gra;·u Tiohr·rL,, th of honor. i:i lnwn, \rn s rnaitl Pluinfl<:ld, �T (•t'PIHinh 1'. Bur� l('r or \\'I.IHhr>ld hf'tll. illHII. A r-t!('Pptinu wn�t nt. Uu.� Jwuw of tht' ln·idatft•te�s part•fltH. with a \VNJdintr f.�lJlfl Hied by in� tllHHt>t·, r·dntivPs h'1 frit:Hdn, The housP 11nd llt( l wus dt�cor� with r •iH:s, palnH1, ;� � untl smilax . . 1 h e coupln will WJih the hritle'n make th theo fact that ear r of the ne :; rJJFJ work mak- h has o ht h is / ormed day's t e ao;pirants s ug AND l"t'RMsmN<; ('uMP-4d¥Y perf a / WHEN YOU ing one delivery and may LEE, J. llldltor and Pr••ld•nt h notAll j goal.T re howeYer, a feeling '1'\lAl,TER .. be ent ou ain at day. he NEY ..• s t ag WANT MO c s. r.EFJ Secretary and •rr.ao urer t is, overtime is forbidden t r ughout the land that Sir AN INDI'OPEN»EN'J' NEWMI'APIOR pay h o e prese nt regulatio ns. un- Th mas and William Jennings QUICKLY d r 1 o ine one two ta d e or satisfaction it is to nFFrer���';- 1��· Imag if can make shoul d s n asid f the bal- What a comfort and l a in the delivery of anc ' f ir a fund to your da s' de I e o time . Racing with S know that you have reserve uo•01•nu oF �';8JIOU�LDN'rASNtun& y y pec delivery mail. Sounds Thom s s l s its novelty of W estfield s ial / a ha o t credit at the National Bank rh aps, but ts. oo•:)1;�!n::;, �Z!!�ooo exaggerated, pe and listening to William Jen- ever ready to your requiremen aud . meet .. .. e t eld res1d nts_ assert that the past, why W fi nl'ngs has become a tremend- If you have not been saving in tttll


� Jil .... ncJ�a c•: d s er e ��f·! 0 p f ·� _ nd f n mit Au rey Fo t tl: est 11hs� S : Miss _o W -' Primnr a l a ge attendance is 11� Phlladelphla.u avenue, ! fie d Trust Compan v D 0 l y, <'ll)oy1ng a r ' · y l "a - '" vmtm g 1n , 1S a ant lclpllt d Al , ndl' dates �"rt• · - ALL vaca FRESH two we tion. e , ex 1 The- Dahlia which is to be ek ·s to be on hand and a real l ively Show, pePted fil AND DELICIOUS held by Garden Club, l!�dward S. We ch has rl'tumed the Westfield l meeting assured. ....tl2 today, tuke plal'e the Lib•·al'Y· from his vacation spent at Manasquan - - - j will at each. LOYAL ASSOCIATION r4 Miss May Rowland Spring B PEOPLES BANK CO. of � & TRUST is home in Mr. and Mrs. Edward W�lch cele- MEET TOMORROW NIGHT stted, FR UI TS from a vacation - P:l Boston. brated t heir twenty fifth we ding an- Union Council Loyal Association OF WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY d 11<1 niversa.ry on Saturday laH\. will meet tomorrow night in Arcanum Dr. J.'. B. of S mmit ave­ Ingersoll u Hall. Councillor Chus. Tice would E-1 nue, has returned a va ation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred VEGETABLES from c Kirkendall, like to see all the officers and a good z 'Member of F\'deral Reserve System spent at Atlantic City, of A ustin street, have returned from attenda ce of members as he has o t- fil a two weeks' vacation at Bethlehem, n u The Sch ol mem- li ned the work o Welfare Council N. for the next quarter. hers have planned a picnic for local H. the Grand Councillor of New MEA TS t ach Septe ber - Mr. Insley Blair Smith t Oct. 18 e ers on m 27. spen Jerser, will be pr sent with his staff h aunt, lllrH. the e Elm week-end with is Hankin· of officers. street, r Horace E. Baker, of of Walnut st eet ---�--- left on Monda;v for Dart outh Col- 1011 . GliOCERIES m FIRESIDE COUNCIL lege, Hanover, N. IL A special meeting of the Westfield Democratic Club will be he d J.'ri ny HELD LIVELY MEETING son has arrived at he home of l d A t ni in Tuttle on o t Mr. nd ght Dros. S u h LAST WEEK a Mrs. Ray E. l\IayhanJ of 414 office LenoJ< avenue. Mr<. Marion Denman Mowery will Fireside Council Royal Arcanum reopen her classes in dancing ed- h d ver enthusiastic meeti g last Mrs. Marion inney, Fir t W el a y n K of s nesdny, October 24, and Thu sday, T ursday evevning and for al­ street, . has return ed home from a r h the h October 25, at the of the e Real vacat.lon spent at the Delaware W at r Westfield S dn WINDFELDT ·coMBINATION Security e '!' ennis ance year Orator i y MARKET Not only is our Safe Deposit Department Cl b. d d e · 1Gap. u Schaefer has planne goo ent rtuln Everything for the Table o The new The Weesttleld Merchant>! Asso- me.nt f r every meeting. 20 the la rgut and most complete in this ;vicni­ Mr. and Mrs. H. Wester­ hi Frank Yes! We have no papers, was the payment plans were explained w h velt, St., of imbal ttvenue, have c l cry of the newsdealers yesterday and offer m any added benefits f r its 1 j st o ity, hut it also tn}oys lowest msuranct returned home fr a vacation members and the u om this morning-due to the pressmen's certificates can now be spent a A sb y ark. · Broad St. t ur taken up five thousand dollars. Westfield, rate, whtch attests the character tilesecu rity P strike in New York City. to 120 E. N. J. of Next Tuesday is Primary D y, the After the business Bunco was a A Mazolu Luncheon will be given Phone 402 second day which pla ed and John Dushanek proved ho our patrons m} oy. of registration at for the of the adi s' Aid of y which everyo ne should register for the No­ benefit L e could twirl the dice as he scored the M. E. Church Se . 359 vember election. Wednesday, pt points nnd carried prize. at P. T ckets muy he oft'first 26, 1 111. J ob­ Thursday evening, St'pt. the Mr. and Mrs. II. II. McFarlane and tained by lephoning o n 27, te �h-s. J h Council members and friends of family, of Sinclair ace re­ BNTERPRISE COFFEE pl have Gage, 7 54-J. Westfield will be entertained by Mr. �--,------turned from a months' vacntion at �------­ The services the First Baptist Edward Snnvyed representative of Manasquan. of Church Sunday morning, Sept. 23, the Commercial Department of the l P. D. Collins and family of Acad­ will be conducted by Dr •. Ch rles New York Te eph ne Co. wi h n lec­ ELM a K o t AT THE CORNER OF ST. AND NORTH AVE. emy place, returned Th rs ay from . N. J. ture with views on the History of u d Goodall executive Sect of Bap· Point oods I., where they o e t evening v Communication. 0'\V , L. tisl C nv ntion. In he Re . (One Minute from the Train) spent the summer. A The Council room will be ope S. rthur Devon of the First Bnptist n to Church, Plainfield, N. prea h our visitors at. o'clock and Arca um The Blu Bird class of th Presby­ J., will c . 9 n Open Monda-y Evenings Until Eight-Thirty e e Hall should bE> crowded. terian Church will hold their first meeting of th e fall se so tomorrow a n WASHINGTON SCHOOL P. A. RETURN afternoon at the home of 1\liss Wini­ T. TO COLLEGES fred Doane, 227 Walnut street. On T uesday, Sept. 18, Washi gton n Many of the Youn11er Element Leave Conservative In stitution fo r Conservative People School T. A. held Its first regular A The Westfield Meerchants' As•o­ P. Thi• Week for Place• of 1 mt•eting of the yeur with n large ciation will ho d a lu ncheon ut Cundle LearnlnJI. l number in attendance. - Inn tomorrow ut noon at which time Arter a short business meeti g Among those returning to school movie demonstration will be given n Established 1903 a Meyers the president introduced and college this week are Roswell illustrating how the merch nts can Mrs, EAST W. Sec.-Treas. a Mr. Smith of Washington School . Nichols, Horace Baker and Dow Mills 178 FRONT ST., N. GRAY, Preat. F. H. GRAY, , boom the town. PLAINFIELD, N. J. l\lr. Smith welcomed the m embers to Dartmouth ; Edward Edwards, The Westfield Federated Relief of lhe asso, iatio and then gave Gordon Stewart and Edwin Jones to c n Association will meet in the Town •ome interesting fact.'ll about the con­ Rutgers ; Robert Dlll'by nnd Halsey Hall Tuesday, Oct. 2, at o clock. ditions in the buil ng tl1is He Cook to Prin eton, Walter nnd Frank 3 ' di year. c SMART FA LL HA TS All organizations pledged to the sup­ saicl t hat there is an enrollment of Savoye to Cornell, Paul Anderson Funeral Director• and Embalmer• port of the· Federated Relief will 630 pupils which means that nil and H. Sampson to Lehigh Kathryn ; GRAY 'l'elepbon., payment at their earliest rooms nre taxed to cnpacity with Vnrlenden, Dorothy Cooper nnd Sweaters BROAD STREET please make Hosiery 2�8 H. J41J r d Muriel Lee to Wellesley convenience as funds a e nee ed. three classes in the auditorium and ; Frnnces Cranford New York City one class using a room in the base­ Smitley to Connecticut College ; Mrs. L. H. Johnson had charge of Union Eaat 39th ment two hours each day. Charles Cubbison , Currnn and o Irving 106 Tel. Ave. 14 St. the September mee ting ef the W m­ Tel. Miss Cordun who the next Sprague Talbot to Blair; Carl Darsh 92 Murray HUI 8341 an's Foreign Missionary Society of Wll-'1 speaker, talked about preventions of Tome; Wynunt Cole to Bethlehem the First M. hur day to E. Church T s illness among children. One of the Preparatory; Jack De eau ·to Mer­ . afternoon. She told of the mission­ V m ost important, means of preventing cersburg nnd Charles Kimball to Cui· ary conference at W esttield. vcr Military demy. illness, she nnid was to keep a child Aca Surrogate and Mrs. Charles N. at hom e when he waa below par , Codding f the Bo evard have re­ o :-:=::::=====::::::::::::::::::::::� ul for that one dny nt home might save t rned from trip to Europe, whi h c the chill! ntracti u n from co ng a disease 1>1\. C'lmS'fl�lt ll. I.OSE� included a motor trip through Scot­ which would mean an illness of two nn. �MllY uu,J,J" J,mu:w land and nglund, nd tour of E �< a the or three week� bttttletield. . Osteopathic Physicians 1\!rs. Meyers announced thnt the Jlldg., \\'I!Htflcltl, ANNOUNCEMENT program at Wllt<•r Co. N.J. Fred P. Condit of 408 Summit the October meeting ,.,s nvenue, was t would be tnk"Uh·hl elec ed vice-president of of by the teach II our• the Americ n Association of Title ers. ' b,. :\ IJimlntrueut a "::=:::::::::::::::==::::::_-=:---:::-:-::-::-: Jllen at the seventeenth an nual con· The meeti n then ad e g journ d for · ven ion he assodution in Omaha, u 1 t of t the usual soclul h o r with its oppor­ r THE OTTO WURST nt . t th" t he STIJDIO ece ly tuni to met!t eac s and dis· y r Nebraska,Thursdr ly afternoon the Woman's cuss individual problems. Ho e Missionary Society of the ·is Open Season I m First th� eongngiltlonal £hurcb Church held its fall meet­ Now for the l\1. E. first A FRANK STATEMENT - ing. After the busin ess on ha d was E:lmer St eet D ro d Wllllam W, Coe, n "You can r n your business with­ r near a A, I transacted, n soc al hour with re­ u Services, Sundays, 10:30 i out advertising just as you can run Minister. M., freshments was enj oyed. S nd y Schoo! at l\l!dweek Mayonnaise u a 12:00, Service, your cnr without gasoline--if it is The recipe from which e es y d d , The opening meeting of the Lin­ going do n hil " Make _Your Appointment NOW , at 8:00, \V n a evenings delicious dressing is coln Parent-Teacher AHsociation will w L thillmade brought fame to the be held Wednesday afternoon, Sep­ , Hotel Hewlings dinnen�. methodist Episcopal �burch tember !at 3.15 o'c ock in the Lin­ Buck & Benny Plainfield's lead­ 2fj l e e The wonderful flavor and tb� oln SchooL Mr. Charles A. Phil­ ing Sporting Goods Rtor , 127 W st West B o d Street. Charles W. Wright, Min­ Front St., Plainfield, ure showing goodnesH of this dressing r a hower, superv!Slng \l tincipal of n ster. Servi es, Su ndays, 10.30 A. M. and Westfield i c 7.45 schoo s, will be the speaker of the lin e of the Witchelk oot Balls nt will bring perfection to P. Ch rch School at 12 l F Te lephone 569 l\1. �1. E worth afternoon. prices thnt nre worth while investi­ your own mealH. e gu P.u Midweek Services, Wednes·p L a e, 7 l\1. gating.-Adv. evenings at The first meeti g of the day 8 o'clock. n Washing­ Also Ask For ton Sch ool Parent-Teacher Associa- Mrs. Hewling's Famous tion for the present season, wns held r;======� and �burch yesterday afternoon. Mrs. William SAUCE TART ARE t.M Prubvmtan rendered several pleasing vocnl Established RUSSIAN DRESSING S t ee and Mountain Avenue, Orr 1887 Broad M. IC selections nnd ll!iss Corduu, the school r t Services, 10:30 They're Delicious. ney, Minister, Sundays, nurse, gave n tnlk. McKinan Sunday School nt 00, A, d 12: W. A- LI PPINCOTT 111. 8:00 P, M. Wed Monday evening at 8.30 n dele­ Y. P. S. �!, �l !dweek Service, _­ C, E., 7 I'. Council nesdny eve ings 00. gation from Fireside hended Metropolitan Sales Manager. 8: n at by Grand Deputy Frnnk Wmhburn STYLISH SHOES 1 Netherwood Ave. journeye to Summit. The delegation 148 FUR NITURE d INDEX YOUR PLAINFIELD, N. J. BETTER THAN EVER Promtant Episcopal £burch moloretl over. Next Thursday even­ St. Paul's g Both Price and Quality i n , Sept. 27, l\lr. Sawyer will prese nt in Street an illustmtcd lect re on the working AUTUMN COSTUME Broad and St. Paul's Place, .lames A. u LIVING ROOM DINING ROOM Smltb, Rector, Sttndays, Holy Corn­ of the telephone, to council members l ooking fram Suri'ICeJ, "She is smart BED ROOM munloa 7:30 A. M. Morning w!tb Ser­ and frie d . applies l'rayer n s her hend her toes," RUTGERS mon 1 1 A. Sun y School at The first fall meeting of the Wom­ to Preparatory School LIBRARY KITCHEN 1\f. da 9..15. definitP the pre•­ vigor to en's Missionary Society of the T'res­ with cas· ent sh e 5tyles. Woman's cxcol11mt1tJ5Hh year. prepnrotory Glvea hoya an t n Church l held Thurs­ o by eri n wil be omplete without tlou at utlnlmurn cUueufi ltlng.. tum nc coHt. day, September nt 3 o'clock in c i" i thorfJugh\y lor 20, p oper footwenr, One is pnrt lht•m Omduatc:!i ndmtany ttedcola . r the Pnrish House An intl'l'esting wJtl)(•gt.J,lou t t.•x:Hilllnntlon to the Smnrt shoes sp�nke hns been the all of other. ith (�Ol}('�I!H tl1nt IICC'l!Jil t�lUUt!ll\9 r secured nml should he selected w !'Xtreme u11 meeting will be one of speciHI inter· cerflllcnte, to of s st le, nwn"'d tlntl OIH•ro.t"d( t cnre n� nuthentirity y e . a itv of leat.lwr>i value by ltuhtt"rA :oUr,;e Court , No. Ind e qu nnd nR 'I' lw �-:tinn Seienee HPnding Huom, opeu p a nil hn� iJWfl n. thlntlcl week to the to local lo qUltltllt!flt, jl flfi iW JIIIfltlO tWi'lO. from until the h comlng frorn here nro lHt�, It hH!t ODD CHft.JRS BEDS P, i\1. 4 I', l\1. winter campaign for new righL Perhnps thnt fi plPn(lhnltwl rll�• prvJi:;gun 2 nlwnys' Is of tlF� and ami rntlmM 11 tfJJetJC' fal'JJ1tiP!J ll!nntr}thn' SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES Th� campa gn is being eon­ why we ,n)ov shoo berH. i the lnrgc•t lfl\'lllJ{ lt udvant{ot lgPH I'O}�ur­ - dut't<·d in connection with the Uoltll•n J'l·ndt in town. dlnnrllv)Pf;''-!, tt111 a RUGS l.I NOLEUM _ �PH ht·�·orHI of �K!r:����-_-::::::·::::,::::-::::.·:·::::::::::::-::·:::::::·:·:·:·:·::_::�·-:::: the onler, busint .• HOW ,J ubilllldHclndN' C!JtJrt!! . the l' hunw nvn llahl,�.tr;u; h. 'I'he fire wus calle out M COU P !: �: department d l1oeah'�l tHlf' ASONIC BAZAAR NS hotlr frrun Nnw O FREE 7estordny mornin" .lhorlly before un tlw D A I R Y. in \' oJ k 1'. H. H. h1 Uw E C H 0 L A K E noon to exti ngu i h grmm d1 11·f i'lltJcallnrJot n• nt1•r nf �IELD ROAU ;; n tiro RPltlNOl Westfield near Mountain !h•) Hint•-. l 1\NI) omM�i l�lt0:\1 nmm-HAIH!C!l �·ows th" Gardens A.NORTH R. AVE.MA X"'iPROSPECTNELL lllllol\ avenue, 'rh•f'�-tlou'C!.f� Evenings Proprietors u on prop- VAN ARSDAl E'S and I r which H•·rvtcr' ('nttdlsllul tW F J N K ERTY, erty nnrl c eated blaze I DOUGH quite a ] 27 E. front Street nr auy hor·r. In ll•;»h+n•Hl - the flremen hnforu --··- -- �T;;;·"'�t ;ep:;;h;; o; n;.;o;. ft;;,;.I ;.I .J---�������� was out hv tu t-1 l\-'" f'11ll ft1r�.•n!wU(m �/) � - -- � put iii ------. ,-.. ,---,.---, d }H>�l5fhlH li,dr!JOS, ('llfitnlal!;y .,.,....._------,______- any amngc ld, N. J. rcsullNl. H wan nino Plainfie how to f.• lirH J1,-QfJIJ ht ln�tt , _:___:::_:_ 1-o pnt c l Sunday morning Ht·hu1n-ruh1))!� :l� B-ntgct;1. r, l otl 011\. _ I Oshorn HVt.'ntH' !Jrldg<', '"I'll(' (}entrn of tlw IJu I out n I .>\!fldnf'llll Cuhdvg... Kn !lt>IUl "'·Y if�k. N. J. d r A e Result Getters pns;r, ; axatio; of bank S1 houh lw sides . a i en- so badly d -, ('" • ;'IZ;J .,x�lueivc Benral n F. E. Waldrun, a hy dr ul c I n e h � S {•r ff of · was born $4,070,- ju ior teams have schedules -. gon orr.e a �0> llfr. . I th('y have h i �mon trust %�,m�an� etock, 16 I €f)& Tl1 e Vanity Shoppe LeR'JOll th1s .• "' l und of repute Wlll upon feated _ nder assistant coaches. gineer speak I team. took i Westfield. N 1 , Oct. 10, 1 R85, nnd 17 an 3:J,. ;,b" t , n t in the 'comp eted 841_4 48' inc�t!aseof $�7:; ,3 u "Westfield's Wa er ine in o The l his l'uhli1· :'irhool cduca- t .aa.0 rump e11rly sen•on · 1 J:/22. 1 MARCEL WAVING etin of Le gue a d did it ai lust Saturday at lio , li"O 'J 7 : t· t· bles 01-e1 R WESTFlELDER e a n n grndu- � nppeals FO M ER � g the of ag n in Went field und later 0,�e t £!!:?. SHAMPOOING nextWumen m Park Nntional 0 t"impo rtant MANICURING Voters. T will ba held at 1eation of 14 toRee- 4. l1 atcd Busi- ' 1 ore 1ra h i to the tune from ('.,]em an'" e 1�th e � oe 1 ' as- SUICIDE IW. ·, . • sB< ar I 1· moln·rl COMMITS 't!J:i .o'clock nex It. was 1er . 'tl es con 1 h f S� tnta nt � � the ratl srnrt s i est, neHH College, N1 � N J o wu tcri'ro Tokunosuke .I<' AC IAL MASSAGE at a. 3 Supply"aft ernoon, Monday ) . ewn� scssments n Inouye, h Town Hall. Ali wtth considerable loose oa Tux Assessor 1n. . railroad and Japanese 't.lP September 24, 1n t e playmg a � · ' He was ded�d r �rt Y 111 u 1."'� n l unty � u / Westfield h p �.P- � C f�rnwr rebident of Westfield, our persons interested nre cordially in- both error col m mount· ! in of t r"e H h and Try HAIR TOR li!ETHOD or l!ermauently removlug sides, the n · 1 !. Jl!· J fur a tPrm coun t h • committed suicide needles. This I Ig rs i ,�,d t e hrgest • he No d m ted to atten d · � use wo am d h ,, ssex � 8 0'" Fridav when sup?rftuus 1lair. method vi . hi h . 'fl �e '!'' t ! y<·ar�, 1 uppmnte 1 . l o sucre<• ., - increase in net valuation ls excI use n th' s h op. wg g � J l for W23_ a e fi teen stories fro his office us :'t.lf)' problem of our ate p ly the twtrler, Heiliger self u ' e p d I ve I d Y I Is The p . i pitchers,. i 111 the �ame posll)(>!J y 1, 1\! �3, th t 1 t t of '$'!So f)04 I f m w '.r su IS first o t ' ' in d so!u.10n t 1e so I a o .. WI a a ne l'C u rtl . N"w Yc·rk. �" ,_,_, beyon · ou f . d PUOLe was t k en t'i for un•·tli<'l' term ()>rec yem s. 1 Mil l for a citizen. i for experts to and Ilruzzie subgtit.uted. Bruzzie r t al 110 col. arc ",.·th $B7'I B7l! it He w s over the u cer- It s ! He js a wemlwr of two f n ern 1" l v; • n;•xt w h n 119 WA'fCHUNG AVE. � average a" i w s h better but the game and OI·gunizations. 1 C ta nt his family in deeide, and is one in hieh even did o e at two HIZ2 �f 1 u ! '1 .l y f worried the recent ' ' . • ex- m w soda! . a to t' l net va ua o 2 ,;,,!)' 175 o · . . r u alreudy b Side. w. t 1 a ct wn;, n yf ' d'sas' r In J and 't th ough t pf,AINFIELD N J perts dis gree. The o o y to had een won. d 1 lh t • .•�" iota! ' · ,.e . � pp t m� 0 n our . He has associate l I.ns F a er a Passni coun third apan 1 IS an u . ball p ay r, l Feed and MaRon Ma- nd , with a this was the cause. � 1t discussed by a thonty that clever l e the Coa , hear IS Pfeiffer, was m t et r that sh ould ttract something of to most of I tari11! business the twenty r u n c f 76!1· 720 Inouye, who th e head of the . therefore one a l 11" ° $ ' · Will'! puzzler for past '«J!f'®''®''®''®''!W't!P'dtl..®..Qh.Db..Db..db..OO. .'�'®"<�>"t�· a ---30- �- accounting department Mitsui :!b. .llh.lih.®.tll:l..db..®.dl2.dl:l._ �.$.1. ..QIQ..cl!:ull>.---':::::.\ every householder; while the visitora - of & for the except catcher Weber, years , now inco>·porntod under the c question of supplynnd d mand who starred the bat and made Sons Inc., FOlt NEWS Co., had tried every hanne of -- � at e may sev- finn name of P. Traynor & AKil ]•'ACTS Ud., l the established information it ut avail �- - be on for acientis s to settle, that of era! good d�ives. th side of tlrBt in 1876 ho to learn e : . 0:' � . which W1!S : READ lCVJ�ItY I' AGE w d conservatiOn for th Legion spectal mentiOn due Lieut. Should a n r u c e ed how his wife and c ildren fared in ·use an o s r c I l h • 1s one e IS h Mr. Tr y l d A' LBERT E STORR consumer. The meeting wiwll be Miller of the pol ice squ.ad, w o securing the nomination he will be the earthquake an fire.. CONTRAUTOit ho first m1m RUTGERS PREPARATORY conducted on the open forum method, showed snappy player is the Westfield, how- DRIVEWAYS SIDEWALKS what a from EN Are you '"'dGARAGES J,t>wn Work giving the audie ce opportunity at al He played well the important olfice OP n an times. second ever, wHh of SCHOOL NOW a Subscriber? It Not, Grading !-leedlng. B10tbnates Given un Any Outtdde.. l o Not ask questions which the speaker and all over the field he Sheriff. The Rutger� Pr�pamtory Scho l A;


Little Peter was of an lnqulr\ni tuno The Advantage Here Offer Every Facility in ot wind. he asked one da7, Our Line and the Work is Turned Out upaddy,u ••ta to- tomorrow Promptly and Satisfactorily. 4ay r' ••Nv, my son, of course lt isn't to­ AUTOMOBILE BLACKSMITHING morrow," was the reply. "But you said It was," murmured OXY-ACETYLENE and ELEOTRIO WELDING l'eter. SPRING WORK "When I ay today was omor­ Springa did s t Agents Amerioa.n er. for rowT' asked fath ''Yesterday," answered Peter. was. Today was tomoP. J. H. GERMERSHAUSEN uw.,n, It EAST THIRD STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J. y o a , 233 row yesterda , but to day Is t d y ye ter ay was today juat as ,. d yestPrday, Phone 2250 but !B J,sterday today, and tomorrow -will be today tomorrow, h ch makea � w i today yesterday and tomorrow all at -once. Now run along 11nd play." � � CADILLAC ESSEX Different Now. HUDSON CHEVROLET understand your wi e wouldn't •t f 'Phone, 364-M permit you to carry a latchkey when Westfield on you first married." were SALES AND SERVICE "That's over with," replied llfr. Grip theRoad � all .Meekton. "H.,nrletta doesn't care l "The Cars of Qualtyu 'Bt�ick CJour"'wheel 1Jmkes whether I latchkey or not. Ptlcoaof all give uick twice the have a Colllffi

In turning, Buick four-wheel brake construction automat· nlw":'s ic r is outs d or guiding front higlu;:;t in qual­ ically releases wh heve the i e ity, Goodyear Tires wheel instantly responsive to the steering mechanism. so it is nreHOt:�H never high �� Buick four . wheel b ake construction distributes braking priced, chart r T friction over four drums and four wheels. This reduces shows.as Seethis how wear on brake linings and tires thereby assuring theirlonger Goodyear , Tire life and greate:r efficiency with fewer adjustments. prices for years have , , h Friend-When she gets lllllf'Y with kept under the av­ Buick four - wheel brakes on all odels together er husband she resorts to her club. Motors Motors Motors [ m ] with erage price level ARMATURE REWINDING MOTOR REPAIRS o n e features of Old Lady--Dear me. you'd ev r for c u tl ss other distinctive the 1924 cars further n e all commodities. establish Buick as Standard of Comparison. her suc l'lolence to look the suspecther. ot h Today, the best tires at Good�·ear ever built MOTORS - DYNAMOS Tip to Brldegroomo. sell for37% le athan your w!te 1920 ; 30%s less Althou�rhMay not be very brlrht, in A.t I u l than in . T r t� � �r ayo 1914. This UNION COUNTY BUICK COMPANY :: ; : r!rrhL is a good time to 431 North Avenue Phone 1217 Weiltlield, N. J. buy Goodyears. Slight Misunderstanding, .t..lttle Waldo (home !rom visit A• Service Station a o Dea/e.raCoodyeor •ell and recorn• ARE Ohrlst1an t we BROWN MOTOR WHEN BETfER AUTOMOBILES BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD 1HEM hla aunt)-Marnma, do peo­ mend the n«W Gooclyeut IJie eat each other like the heathellll Cord• Witll th• bcveleJ All.. ELECTRIC CO. We ather Tr cod ond boclr ELIZABETH RAHWAY do? them With .tandarJ Mothe!�Why, aldo, GoUpody f!!:tr Serllice Cheapest Place in the State to Buy W what mak� Moton you think such nonsense? WaldlUe have Reetor Jones dinner A gotnr to for rile 60-62 Street, High Street;o We-ElmJ��tffeld Street Gara t��• Division Corner "'!". -, tomorrow ! 13G Real A Pirate. Hlo Dealre. Tel. Elizabeth ELIZABETH, N. J, Johnny-Mother, when 6295 I ifr<>W up I want to be a mlnlster. Jllother--Ob, you dear, 11ood boy l And why? Johnny-'Oause I .was reading that boys never grow up to be what they want to be.

Bucket-Shop Methods. Vl<or-What's up? Had a ·b ad day? �' tnancler--Yes. I've lost oVt'.r and the worst that £5,000, of It Is £20 or wa own It s my money.-Passlnl' BUYfrom regular YO dealersUR -a ndTIR get dresES Show (Lonllon). ol reputation lor quality and service SPELLBOUND

Usted among the blgbestquaUty TiresOL are DFIELmanu•D lactured. You get them lrom us a c:aa nd be sure T OUBLE age satlslactlon dealer-service. ol real mUe , and

'l'e«cher-Wby don't you spell the wo rd, James? Are yo In trance? isn't in your oiloU''· u a Hp(•llbound, Cornp«Te thue Un u•ually LowPrice• with tha -.-lled Tirti "Bar•abu" The fleet Boss knew the Jnmes--1-l'm ma'um ; VERHEATING? sat­ t algh 'tiRES wasn't to blame, fll_- it was givln!!,entire that's s r t, isfOaction in all cars. :Matter of fact, "999" the other the Wake Up, ou're Dreaming. $ 7.40 11carly worn out and the Y 30 x 3 Fabric water pump was th�se enough, .. radi­ "Ot up. Drivers marvel tool laws we've had "999" • l Remarked old :Mister' Dawes, 9.45 ator part y dogt;cd at the a 30 x 3� Fabric unfailing accuracy Fleet "I Tothink paaa 'twou aomeltl tool-pmeet root'gren.ter laws." need of the Boss' • • " ndvice. 30 x 3� .Cord • • 11.25 It's ju11t long experience and common sense," Only a Scent. ClruH • Got little f�llow, lcnow," writes • • • • he tells them "A I M. 31 x4 Cord 20.80 thislive "wns l K., dil gent y sweep!� orr hls Polarinc is the oil you can today, i • • • • finest get he­ n<'i;;hbor's walk uud 1 stopped and 32 x4 Cord 21.95 /• it have through hi what he wus ge ti g for hls asked t n extJerience cause the rncn who make been m • • • • ,, { aml lon[( (:xpcricncc. work. 33 x4 Cord 20.90 the �chool of COtllmon fiC!16C SfOld, "l\Ir. Conley p o i ed unfnilin[.( <)uality of the "Oh," he r m s , • • • • You a oil would Jet sm!'ll his when c n trmt th e he roo flowers 34 x4 Cord 21.80 they Po larinc regularly give you. 1( you 1wc lgM llirou�� 1· • • • • , ' about your 33 x4� Cord 27.80 Say you re sum of QIH.: thin!( car -the oil Evade Punlohment. quantity produc­ To • • • • Is RIGHT. Experience has, in Bohby--Onn't my name 34 x4�. Cord 28.90 I clumge t(!· tion anti cffidcnt distribution, kept it moder� dny, rna? • • • "Polarine" Mother-Whut do you 36x4� Cord In the world 29.65 -not In price, too. to chnnge ju.�t wnnt your nnme 1-0r? • • • • llohby- he will whip 'Cau,... p 33 x5 Cord 33.90 ·\_. n Raid "a qtUnt of oil" STANDAHD OIL COMPANY • • • Wt- when h� gf'ts homo wn sure ns 35 x5 Cord • 34.90 (Nnv Jersey) my Illune's ltohert. 37 x5 Cord • • Wanted More. 36.70 , • • • • ·, Th� lAtWV-e-r�·I hUY•\ HUCCPeC]etl In �f!ttleuwnt your 36x 6 Cord 59.80 rnulll think only AlL!;rican tire I ycara-··the only �et of to, Oldfield is th.c Frenchto Grnnd�t:tr win thehc-¥the fnmott.'l "l)(:cd event.oflicbl in three on ft'C01't of ow.r 34,000 tni1Q; Extrem•ly lttU'OpeMl Road Rnce, tho rn'·k� highwt•Y l So. ooly tire to win and hold in every lH•f\,re the f• rst tire-o I!»Vt· 'duy, you the record3 notnhl·� J ...ou 1sP.--N(,�\' that ure cnguged aren't I hnppy, G\:c<.:fts f':!IJlf"HlfH� YOll nrf! you, These derful Tires llc-w WhH;: Oar are Fresla rl r.nr? Buy Woa Loi11-- Not li'<'� (\1M�· JUafim;�r to Sef!"VeY�, The Polnrinc Ch:trt fwil'ld�l\\t1 ycnra of t'Xf:O�dcnce \"' h!t CVfl:t""-'j and Sizes Cornplete. Let Us Dem�r�st!l"n retontuH.'t\Lho � \' <1nlt.,, ,l nek Is so un· khul of Ci\r und t!u.. rl�tht cun�i"'<'"• t·f Pofarin" "'nR yttur unn!Jiy J"nlnns. Why he even for your8. Cu1uult ft at dc�dt:t''b� Want• m � er ft womnn ua. -· lnl t to marry ];AC�� WASHBURN BROS. ron�No ------429 North Ave. Westfie,Jd, N. J. n.mAD lllVIDRY PAGE R THE WESTFIELD LE,ADER, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBE 19, 19Z3.

. t e thence tho e several rict long the S<>�tb �\ v., ue-tv c n r of LOCALGOL F CLUB SULTS The in l i i R>><>Ud Street;�tr£-Bt . a ccn- 1 tc esUler <>! ld n RE where. 1,Jace>; tllB d s 8 lt·r the . venue. . Boa rds d! vf Haymond t-o cs-nh•r ot \.Y A J<'i rst thl''"'"'lll said ot R<-rg-h1try an t_he __1 1�t �Jt:t---- � we.e t as tollowa: -t.:l1eHtn�t esu·eet; .thenue along wn� l"OURTH �..- .AHJJ. � n h E:Jt�(i"''J H,;.;T'thm \YAHlt, J<' iJ'i!lare_ VIMtrkt -'l'uwn j .h . t t Str-eet to center of inttt m.; dlv U of n the Beg nning at tlw {Jf t ( ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CL B tcr Btrc.f:: et.»; u ce t.er f i of .Avenue e alQng the -o e.e n te r line Nurth ift · 1 l'l·m3peet Stn�t-L t Ottk t;t rt'et thcn'-�e ;t m I Tow thL·ncc alongu� Ibd!.l'�irflt 1� , ot u Cl Ch \\'ard. J)lnt rict-R es the �,;enter- tn l n t � }� secot1d I Oak to e r 1 a Ct!U.\.\' tsterJter y .Nort h lAvne:dl. Uc tu t hc Pla�a u.b •mptcDah "1P• Park. ven m: ; thence .along the c n te of � F'lr t .Mindowa�:�kln 1· •\ .AveJJue t_;1 Put- ·I thence t he to SATURDAY. Hooms Building, nnm the of hr·oug-h t he Pisti'ld�Town e to �(·nte.r n Gar.fieahl, t 1'/az;� _ '!.!\tcr \\·.anl TldrdStr eet. oi\Vt:n � c.t: t£'t: ot G r .. suction t . llll�·s o_f u th nee .alon� th�te of h'\e .:;!ttieldC>'.:�:l l !::·l' , tht·:�uU<.t h F defeated HaF'l ll,r o:;1�t 1 l'ro�J-!t-d l Jistrkt-Mra. ..,\ venuee c-en r e .AH:llUL"" , . � A-t D. axon Bro- the of d d J. E. \\- ;nd. F-tOtt,urthrage awrellt:e Jhtld to he \\ uo laJl Avenl gu aud South Avt:n U� to d d "'Stoll s · • .. t a te uf e.nd efeate ' n o he ctmter Str�d ; tht.• ncu tJ l•J�ltlH.g "''lwo�iur• e &3.1 I Avenue ; tll(• ce .alongto th e cent{'r�ln ofe ; ce nte kaw, 5 4; Ralph Childs ·t I Town r f de- VJstriet -:.S teutJr� Wood la-nd 11_ venuE li�te s - n o .BJ·u11..QB oad the ·es � up; .. .c\, - along the ln a w e t r St r �· t to �� ce F'i n;t the ce nter of e rvi C� L� Voorhees, 1 H� Bass t t>nee "f uwn ; Se \V \Y.u rtl, h d!recuon , erly Tow,u ine; henct: th lic \.J,����-�� i '.s r sout11erlY l t e n Pub f t • • G M ttl h d Toll n �J{l�l� n • • t ne Elec� e y and foll<)w.ir g t u ea ed H e ' 2 a 1 R C n,;�t'i & n EJlnPlumbi H rP t.g u.ud ltr;l varioU.H t.:o urses e cen e U a northf:rly -ihn.:ctlou /0t"t •e ke If th n Ma ac ; t e avers u-ical t or n r-S W. Shop, 17 See-on !Jis rict--Grant o i A Labo E d t ric .. t e ect 7 al n Vf:nut.. El Miller Griffin , and JjrJg wooU theT1Ce o g �l ce�1ter o North defeated R"-•cund \\'anL ht .J� vehnue ; d en f aurn e f ted A • of Brig tw� A v �e o t .. Seeontl DlH�rlct-- • • LeeJ �choul. . (· enter . t \Y AH.D, a;.. Augus t B d ea J 1 d li''lrSt. � n te Stree , ence alongH! .li"OURtH inte rs�dwn of· Thir l.Jls� r f t th at thl� , the up; defeute.cl ,\.ard,ln and 8f'C01ld ct o Prm;p-e<.'t1-'TO MJ!CCt t-o BeginnJng and \\ est· r ncts-Lin<'o ntcr of de t C(' the h Or Kayser h e Street u me i11 Q Ho Samuel f ur H. C. cent Yo e-r. Jine-s S Set Hehool. l ue to .•. e . Ave trr Easy Weaterhill, JHstr ct-Geor�e Av n fi-eld o t Jl iongn the ee� and Robinson- F·r.1_n1h \VJtt·nlt-I . matC • S p, C ml..H!l' a ·;<-�f,N P t a: o • • F k h post d i 660 _ S J \VAHD,at f o! "\V est-field Avcl>Ut.!alnng to 1h£> f red eriC -pone , , intl• rgeetion o the l<, l r t t h e N C ! SlfFo eet.r t IJi strlct-hd- H�·J4itmtr1i g thth�f: r d St etot; eth�n c y.c nt c_r of u h �ec()nd , ·n �. t' l B l ge and F rss r Your I \\-"unl. S t t e HI. l'la..t� r i t Strt:ol or I \\rilllf.....e a long the of Bro k defeated I North Avenue o r Eucli a tht! cente� Mee er to the (;en ter line d ce l ng t e e South AV('nue; thence 5 and a· Edward of r then o ot to h thecent C(>nterr of of Sou th A to Si e e thence along gt e-er'· • he o the Plaz v u W• • dJ d 3 • W • B M hl lbe cer1ter r to al-ong B an " .Broadof f at ; Bro ad 'street cotm ter f a d Avl:'nue.en e W'oo 4 e line B o Street to the center lJne B l the center of 'est.tiel J. r d further\\ iv menta. 3 Mountain Avenue ; thence alon g the d AHIJ-Ilec nd Notic g n that absentee Kendrigan, and Q • W o e e defeated C. jr., of in the ��c.'j�·[) Dlstr!ct- Is e qualified to amoot H ld B tt d f t d center e o Mvuntaln Avenue to n erSt•ction th eJectors who a vote n l f H.ig-hlan-? Avenue; tbence lleg·iu n · • 1 ec't -ot e r who a.re i t ind 1 ; aro enne e ca e Jo h cf-nler l ine nl g a t Ht and Union reg: �:J ntre- tlnlsh&d P. defeated t he .or Hlghland of t t r � tr Eucli Count y and Tyner, Maras along center line of Ave- J in�� D � h Qd for th G A J!;Jectl n may make 4 and 3; E. l'enter· long t e center f e ener l o S to ct:nter line of Ave venue e or lnder • • h ff t • ue th u l - A : e ��lc -e c· r tit> ringfield RJlplScatlon on October r up n ue; e D d ey H!'oa d St e th ente �f before 2 3, Is as G L e e l thence along the center line of r 0 the to the County Board of safe place Avt o 0 Jersey· •r own fabrics date her-eof, in ceft..ain where- nf. n.d Street · thence c nt r of the C.::entral 1 <>1 1 r u..u.?,1 1 poroo­ a cause r o alo g the e ' D ated August R p lt 'e , l n ro n g th t line f th een 28, 1923 as a. obert F. 1!111e-T 1& et lon and J B d' Street to Sprtn gfleld Ave- the nce alon e en ':{ cen: .. .. tn e of a trul a i of e th� s io-10�3�17�24 31 ·laln t b. )�O U are '·equh·ed11 nue : thence along the c n er line of R lro ad, Ne� c�� ( �0 ------u r1 0o�p-. att;,� daetendpa..::�.q,oy��. .,._ r d Sp ingfield e t • ,hence along p 1 n8 we r o 0m r r to the Town r ot l'..lmer ree hand· e r nd Avenue line. te Itnet t t e t petl tlonero o.: tore t h� a n Town t he en er llne tree h The '! p0 etl tlon on or 1n and lo g the line In te c H .t g 1 ��' 1 day .....h f ....., d direction, a. we•coursesrl)• center line t ence ot h N \VARD,al e both are Llgbt.s o' evening. rtage betWeen you an the d e .. AVenue; thhence along the center ot th the P�aza. cleanaed In sa.J n e u Beginning center of n and Vestibule• the Thor. begin to glow tl<>ne�. Avenue to tho ce t r f ' t d the center line of the C - l'ranklln o l - Bri ge and o New e Fireplaces, Porcbes pur· HENU.Y CARLESS,n nam Avenue; thence along the center l H U f Jersey; henc� Consider ! During September you Petitio er. ral a road 0t may Solicitor of t A r c r t attractive terms. Ad r , 9 1 t t TILING cbaae on Lamps give t to s on J!1r� �Y 0. d e s Clint St., Newark, �)�tk ;,'i;t��� ; th�r;,�: ��·o�;a tti!"�e nt�� �l���� f u.Jtc ��\� 0fn eai�e�fy H. ROSS, the Thc:>r these toucb winter P. t o ot : n be , Individual N. 1923. of Oak Street the center C e - ·d lrectlon easterly Town� l i e; THOMAS group the Pa.t&d, J. p , to {)( h s to ththe homes. Select from ur charming e t t center ot e e in out o S 121 nut Street ; thence along he th nc ulong 'l' uwn line & a h · ffillcrest ____ ....., e e di i n s 1 In with your Cfwetnut to center of l and westerly ect o U n 383 A venue, · DOWN lamps tbat ·wll best tit home ______o_ - 1_9_·_4_t • Street the- Ray- r y B r v d to · mo d Street ; thence long center the oule a $2 i a � n a the e sec l w i r extendehd ; .., PLAINFIELD, �oTIOJil OR R"GISTRY t he center of t r t on th center line o f and a year to pay Ideals of Haymond Street to thence along the t e &81. 3367 N. J will be Mou n n atio ot opportunity extra9rdtaary open TowJI OJerk'• Ollce,AND ELEV'rJON ntain Ave ue: thence along the llouJovnrd and a direct conti u n Tbia Hall t en- l n n esterly rection Towaa (• enter of Mountain Avenue o the c that l n l a. orthw di daring September only can the • of Du l t o e venue You see 'l'owa of Weatfteltt. .J� ter d y Avenue; h n e along t he e of South A ;. . Boudoir, and N e e e u ey e c t cent r Itne h 1111lendld 'Mlor demonstrated at &ny Reading lampa Au&'• 2H, 19:13. nt r D l the cen- ence along t he center llne of Sout deak the cof of d Avenue to th • • washer "fit h 1h" of ter Highland Avenue: thence along e u the center ltne of Plaza.; ' PabHc Elbctrlc Company's re, or novelty atylea .. inQ. 0c 1o ne totr m1 1 tty , p! ovl s81ons H Av n e to 106 Prospect St. Westfield N J n e An Act ,.. an the center of ig la d to the cen er Plaza to the center Servtce sto up n 1 d t am nd h n n e c n o u $12.50 Act e titled 'An Act r gula elec ... Mountain Avenue; t r...e along t th n e .l n gCentr the l R o New y Floor atylea Some pric.ed aa low tlons n(Revlalon ot 1920)'to ,"e te of h the e the a ail of In )'OUr bome, If o wish. e Jlin ot r ad 1920, pa.ssed May Center of Mountain Avenue e rsay. up ..�s the e rna to th"' can- 6, and amendments r to, notice ler at d l Dlstrlct- De aura to order your Thor, today. Jl' ve D Street. WAHD, seoonl of $25 hereby l n FIRST D r t- TlllHD e ion the Js that- WARD--Th lNl ist ic t le inters ct L. THORPE Tueaday, the 2·6 th da:Jo' -at of eDeglnnlng at i We t· Septembtlr Beginning at the nter lines of south Avenue and s t North v e .Intersection c v 1 nu and the westerly Town fi d Avenue : thence along tho center CARPENTER BUILDER o t;v g � ;;1:)� A e uele :��i�c"' :r.�� (ba�f1��� rn:- line: thence al-ong tho t r of North n or \V estfi eld Avenue to the center bo r s will for the cen e u y u e the ruwera.l via d meeto Avenue the center line ot D l n F s t street: thence along the r ing o rrectlng the to d e of i r Pura>oae ·of e t s .and Avenue: thence along the center Une of li' lrst Street e egi er y or ud l Avenue Une ce te Ave to tl1 origtnat r s b adding erasing or D y to the center Une of n r New Yo nue; thence ALTERATIONS o P p e center line of r v naiPeas thertf i b t 1923 ros ct Street; thence .along 'the cen .. c n .tu line okf e r e ue d o ttl h th e alon g the e t · N w YQ k A .. o!'� an ter or Prospect Street the cen- il P rl Street eral b & ;. l•::nc d �e : :er� l lne to n e to the center line o! a t ; JOBBING AND REPAIRS ll et m l ter llne or Brll{htwood .Avenue: thence en er line Park session from one o"clock to nine o'clock e thence along the c t of t 1 along the c nt r of Brightwood Ave- s e• the ce nter line Hahway Cant-a-Wurds d me ) to and e h tr t to ot Result Getters--"Leader" P. M. (.,�tan at· d .revlso nue to the we•tcrly enc e e nlong the center l e T<>wn line; t Av nu · thence ine ES IMA ES F RNISHED rg�r��mte�6 lre�;::��a e e line T T U . ���: on the To wn line to th center o y to the ------· - - ;; · al of h ----· ;; ;;�;;;;;;;� ;;�; - g o n ;;==��-� ; ; - · - t .. -�� ; a��tf1: 0[0 na Wa. v nue ; �� ;; ;;;;;- �� -- -- ·------·- --· · · · ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;; ;;; �; · ;· A t ���� · ; ;;--;;; ; ;· t d h · -· - -; ;·· ;;; ;;·; · North e c e nn · - · ------· - - · -· · ------a.t the General Election venue. t along the rr 9wn line inrr w e a - - · · - · ------· · · ··-· ------· . -· . A e n e ot s e N I r th PIRST 'I'I'ARD Fourth District- r y dlrectlon to the "enter th ; ; ; 1 h ld l ext-endP.d; ;;;;;;;; 11 th t ;;;;;· 1 ra ;; � thence along the BeglnnJng the Intersection the BOuhwnrd Bo�;ewt1t :{15 o e:it.gu!��ee...!"t .{e :� c er at ot -of Boul ar ot and ent line of Prospect and Dud· center llne the ev d and 0• seven o'cl-ock'SA. vA-I. n'ine o'clock AvenUei Streetthe i that Jlne In h t ln ) Tu ley thence along ce ter of d rect contlnun.tl(m ()f e a ; P .M (DayU Tlrn n a. the p e !J dl y Avenue to the ce un - northwesterly direction t h � r -n-r= to� u nter M to en di..Y Sept. 1923, 0 ':- a ·�i u eAvenue• ot o It' i c, ot�n ondu gzlf. a Primary El t � tu n thence along the lrs t \Vard, F t Dlstrlct-r w c ctin ec l t th l center So-uth Aven ue: rs �:nd��ata: or Mountath Av nue to of thence along t:h-e cc.n· nontinn.Uon or election of e the center ot tor the omces hereinafter mentl{lned,b NEWARK a:nd ftnally on TUesday, Nove NEWARK m er 6th, between the hours .of six. o'clock 1983, (Stand­ A. !If. a.nd seven o'clock P. l\1, ard tJme) f-or the purpose I · tows: 1 Phone 331-R A M e e the mb r State Senate of New Jersey, ot Four M.etnber• >Of the Generlll As .. High class SPlddle Horses and Ponies for hire. Special atten­ ·of .Jeraey. aenlbly Ne.w tion given to women and children. A Bbertn: tor the C unty of Union, -----��------Heglster o r A of Deeds and Mortgages classes. . •; the Union. Come and join club plan, afternoon and evening for County or tmr Coroner tor the County Union. A o ot Reasonable rates. n d :tor a.;vear I te7.:. Chose · Freehol er• Snddle Horses boarded. One M l one a e and Fetnale Member Republlcan Horses, Ponies, Saddles, Bridles, etc., for sale and exchange. ot the and Democratic County Committee&. On e Oouncllmnn each J i s from. Ward. �'COURTESY TO ALL" ust c of the Pea�e tor 5-yenr· terms. e 'RUGS ; TumRight-- Turn J Left- To the right or to the left, upstairs or d()wn• stairs, you'll find mer· · chandise values of unusual charactt:r in the Hahne &. Co. sto re all through Septem�er. Following are some of the bargains that make our 65th Anniversary Sale one of the best value-giving events New· ark has ever had:

-Featured in Our Men's $5 Soft Hats � $3 $1 Men's Neckties � .59

65tLikeh other Anniver of the 75 departments participating in sary Sale $53 Seller's our 65th Anniversary Sale, the carpet and rug Kitchen sec­ Cabinets $47 .SO tion is offering standard merchandise of known quality substantially $2.50Waffi.e lrons $1.98 The Wrenchings below regular prices. All of the rugs advertised below, for example, have been of an. Earthquake carefully selected from the best designs in the 95c Boys' Tom are in the Frost! Autumn lines of America's best rug manufactuters. Sawyer Blouses • • 7 4 The comparative prices tell the story. icy grip tears apart the stronr.- $12.98 Boys' Suits JTS joints, forces , "W $9. er.t ond a thousand Sum! .. llron Ru�s in Desirable Axmln•ter Rugs, 75 openings in for min all-overP�rainn b"autilul famow for •• nd their weariJlll qualilles, Deep the wood. and rot rose, blue Chin�&� grounds.pw.uerns pile, enter. Its freezing starts on taupe, to clutch and tan �lch tolou. certain ruin in un red secret Site RtguU.r!y Sale Price $17.50 Mattresses a h d $105.00 Sit�' RtgitlaTfy Sale 9 X 12 {t, in yo r home. 36 17.00 $8�.00 p� · places u "6}in. 15.50 $48.95 9 x 12 tr. $-fl.OO $12.49 Prevent thiB destruction. Shut 10 ft. 6 4U5 38.50 l'lu.h Rugo; ret>to­ 6 ft. J X the ductSeomle.,loru occurote 7 3:S.95 31.15 out the fury of elements of high Wilto ft. 6x9 ft. $58.50 Bow Beds with th� erode n rug•; opptoprlare ptactiCJilly 28.75 . 0 wall of fat any 6x 9 ft. 14 5 $38.98 magic paint. Use Devoe rO

a·--·-··�----···-·a·-··· -= held tloe the one he uut cocoon, 'drh<>way�"rwrhnps, nf1or bait pluelr 4oetur of!' p a b all, when the : tbe girl hti anrl " dozen ll'<:>re , gone • wny and might u it," with hlld out ot the • to ll<•H•hl had gone ; 1 ch�;er Wm tmd come and w "You prl'p, g ow g h slekro<>m I ot leis u u cu!UJJJ. are �li>> sd1c"'L o d l i er gallop own the ball, stl!l Cocoons for t�H.lrse. res�mblan.._.e the-n totnJ:wd Tile l piau! was ' cheek,; n from _ raJ•\d passed d I I �<:W�Hr� of e r lP�.-; and d Mard;r wu Th only R� H ess ' she bore d of s d g hntJ ln.st WHY DO SO MANY BUY I p;u �nd Douald l lu�r O htUe otrerlng tan in there. Her cb-etJk• PEOPLE I t•H\\ t·t.•JJ- lg ph!('e. cocoons to tbe �er ig Donald s:rik�t:g frequently , ;�:u·d sutut.twr Then ' l their h h \.-" 'lor and I had wit the- ep Ms arge ro_om '"·be-re. there were- tears ;n :-;·�a· Pi IJunahfs fJ :P�dH puller a.!!d !'Omt: [h.·nu.id's inJu h k t long er abe spoke dve­ I ry, 1 brother ngU of Wfnttng 1n h Y-otee yo:;r IJ H.-n later th t · u to the • e.xc-H t-tJWnt, at tb� m�•mr·ut unexpe('ted n•mnlit."""'uli1• s a I >luy n and dil:romf-ort. ,.I bapp-eoe-a to tlnd tor. MEA T, FISH and POULTRY the rt-sea�t.: unt:t' is _ for : t ese/-- she told handi really s�rik.ing. threatellf•;1 to m,;ke htn1 a invalid h him, t e "rm aorry I she &aid By JANE OSBO N to carry H!e n ng him h fo-r wtat am14" I R I ask Yt•u the-se to tht>< ht•y- .. qui� i1 branebes rnore h FROM US 1 your br·=-..rher-·aS and tin':'tl•H 'hH� had t•rdt>r�i With e lhnplf. want to t-ell you how muc ' in the The old embarrassmr nt ..I a fan:.r to u H!"':ltq;t>r r-tl si-de-nt'e t.tla.n sb� bad ever f\i lt bt" Hfe. The arprecte.te wha I fc•r wh<>m, apparently, ynu bou$e bud ,·ountry. t for ft - ·-·-·-···-·····--·-·· -ttI f ; b tn 1 JOU have do-ne · llan' little bt a o o s r n t -rve BECAUSE-Every sel} dou't '<:'n ""'•!'•ned, t•orpa y' pale face bad br!gl>tt·upe<'t-alld to engaged, Dounld \1 ad been e<�ger bonds beeu t pound we i$ Xe\upa.per Synd.tcue.) if you ohjo:><•t t!1e sen·ants and tr as- t at great for it. ) that you ' roochl'd <•nt tor the e vel!n h ;r n. lu rdy Dawson was de-t.'(•ption, transporte-d in the car-e of urt; and mind g o the Doetllr Turn· penny they pay along f yo r &' lJ bruught tia•Hl th!t!.iH hou d ake ttm-e to riding o own acc-ord." nur>l'S. two i and the alert eyes weNl br1dge, s l t u still work Identi ng gather know good u ' sklllful Mr. Da\H<• at fyi little cocoons 'ust were too "' BECAUSE-People Iliad; l> J.lardy Dawson -e ainly UH,Bnt ro his aPar n re- ; enrh or the becallSe meat, etc.. when d< road lnr h6 preoc� upled c r t we venuittlug ht orse h t f>llnt>d went in the dt)', but ; gray cocoo a abo\lt had lnvotl,his c uusa eaustte, certainly ,, spe �, an ho r sl•ter beN the .. th m a sce ery : ho c ul spare tlie brood· hall u hllranJrUed ''Ole€ almost broke but te ll n of mf> th hl('( b better.n behind w eel of Tum J:uropeanr ltrip wltl• 12u mon ths' •tudy to k hl>J seul h studies hapa you had t g orldge. w "Per· and ? h o ld a e rid o the his I town-her caree soemen a broth· ! suggemed to Mardy. d doctor's qnlte h Without t at amazed a SC>lemn t in an e eady wbe be repl ed l atrulg t on he , own her not !>lardy l�ft, t n i "That'a a l , - - at the o e notletn�: cnr her eonl'uslon, ml•fortune lnterlore ; ppomisin�; to k : side r t11 road or the your1g hor e a d, rei ner b..., great <'ill!IH>, 1 t ," then ust He estate on hUl. pro,·!d�d <'Verytl•lng, It tile boy rooutha, and a ap ntl I n n the Dawson til t Pr's bad to , j wben Donll!d '��=�"======w s pare y ntent o doi g so e h wealth ealiE'd wa1 read7 to � out again _:: = = m&- During t i her. "EI'en = her ch d ood and h life- h<"r, t wl�t•n he hus ======a il h sel'm�d to ha to t a l d n t with nearly = = = thing to to bur litt e n ======young i d r that e o mi d-he's f e vt1;0 d te == ===��: l h t ee , or her m t e t ha t rould he nN'ded : I ' orm r r e rm ed to w c erry i o h I d been their etreet ljls compl ete r<'<'overy n : hla sbe in t me r . re l ar at the year-round es 1 gu prtn('(!. p pon uropean trip lndeJinlte- 6rewh up !rom theI wayside d te r iden Then "But perhaps- she ho g t aa !!he o e E e su c ed n d l h.to tBurk : ce. bul!fness t h th.. hall Mnrdy as e to id that o c eed olnr a e ha kept " u : In stood i dec ing t miUT)' a man Uke enorll!l mous In w father more and more l!�'"alti d let It, eaps t e car,u i : d her nl[_ ffiebrated_ •l'•�•:ltlllst , om was even l va ll confined !o ,!!tt_!ler.l!l>rsewl� JrO�'!' j tl!• [In><, H e Turnbrle wonderful boslneas the y un : - · · - i more and serloua o g tree. he rt re· 9 • will be ae that 1 The or the ttmlltors wns NOT SELECT YOUR OWN PLANTS? he w not In serious distress-for the c•�;�� �o��mn��;, WHYBLUE SfRUCES ETC -who your grocer? T"r· expreSIIloD on his good-looklnl nmm€nded on County o PEACH coal ? r ads PLAIN we face rhanges In t:" ontrac..t with ' FI LD #' -where shall get the was tens and he looked harassed. E 'I �', URSERY., Scotch Plains, S il e li,.'t;�,n�;�roDe�.a::i•;;,.;;t' •n approved hy N. J. - t l abe COUld not, o d!d 'Phone-1439 FANWOOD -whQ can repair this broken chair? r not, stltle re...�fhP.·omr nc:ndtdt�ornmtttee on �-�-�������'F� IIINUM� ��� �����-�" �t' �T: �'P� -and find a little gtggla T ere was something: L1ntlen hrid�of's -- I�'�-��-�-��· �I�I�P ����=��� CREAM h I improvementsLinden to ln·ldfes � �L4�� lutlltrous about his ef· n cost 1,· unmlatakably �Sol o ulverts l at ot ICE you need 'W-indow they r ally amounted � -that shades forts-whatever e I 1 e i:�n �\�\;: "'None Better" l:��ilt�l n r �ABLIBBED TELEPHON'H Iii -and electric to. m;�!fed iJnnnte tu�·�o��; lMO M light bulbs The p ed llurn Sanatorium at Je ng &topp PrN·ted nt -'and a l young man str('t-t t-.a�lns in pait1t lea ing, looked at the girl, ut co��n�� �;\���/'gr a can p b rBorou �h new CANDIES OF ALL KINDS of Hos lll>' was EDWAUD N. BRO'WN lhowed no signs ot sh ring e nt cr-4st ur �100.00 you a her amuse. a1,�r-�,�-� e t _ t;acl tor Funeral Director-Embalmer -if have lnent in the situation. lfandy t l that nUt Rosf'lli?'lmprov<'ment.._ Park, of Clw�t­ -and had h�en tude. ufr�et. wn.s_ awarded KLM you pich•J up perhaps abe w Joseph I'. tor $22.4;�.10. lp you-at w t ve Hurk•• l LADY A8818'tAN'f 47 ITJ\IllET "Could I he ha e r arfS0�1�� :te - .. .. 1Hrc.::tC1ry are trying to do?" llhe Bilked. It re��j��dts ------a t::krlwn.: you counr.· engln�e1·, Sl!pervlsJ�nor�� r�m1'i't::, -.., .,.... _,.,=- - - -..,-=..,.., Westfield - ,...-_-_-_- _ Xitchen Is o ·- _--, - OU "Why, yes-tlmnks l nd or Hoads,rln - =· �.,-.,-,..,-""-:_- _- _--:,_ awlul y.u a :\����u�:��e - _ Candy Y fo und the I�OG\\'t:f there was a look of hope on the r ���������t�f \{!'!'f�::r!d:.,;� -to p &- as (,;======--:...:.:., Hf�So lllt'ions ali your '! U�Et•ms dejeeted countenance. "You \V eJ'f> adopted follows: W11tlitlll'• OIJe.t Candy vlousl1y ���.u rtrg1 ��Jht; �/ '��"i� �� ���er ,t��}i� I' -in the see, m tr-ying to got that tblug-tbat ,r . . I We�tfiel- 1( ,rlcane l on Manufatluring alpht!bctic:Jl there. the sap- authOt'IZed to bridge cocoon up If I bend .:-ections 'lng down Gr<"'" street at cost of1 $1e 00.00. Eslabluhment -and ch"ltisified I haven't at11 to get t.llt�o'R�.. 1 r3���r: l d · ,�3� ;t Buyers Guide. on know hhan s e �t��!b�{2��� 0 0 � at t d t muc about t os · BENJAMINh� 1 KING, t.I -of this l . I ' h butterfifes lllld Clerk. tellow11, moths and Pl'etty certain s William P. Steuernagel Tel. Business Man : thlnp but I'm It' a Phone Street 755 Mr. welcome th.e #'New• rare Now, do you suppose y u d HS 17 Elm , o�e. o ' I they't·e an·•dous buy-let them cnn -tha WESTFIELD comes" - �o mind seeing It you rllacb It t __ w t t Inconveniencing you sel know who you adverti&e in the Tele­ i o r f I · Ia h u a I II are -- scaring your or SIIJ'Ihlng7 lot or horse phone Directory•. know all bo t I dars say a u cocoon• � Investigate and you'li tnvest you e n · and things-" at g a thing," laug ed � Plumbing -H i Tinning , "Not blessed h P A Prices Paid For Hardy. "But I can get easily­ HlglH�st Call Elizabetlt Official 50 It DR ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY :fO . Old take orr straight b e .OPTOMETRIST A. BERMAN ltags, shall I It or r ak ATTENDE I TSpbon,Yn Paper,eAL Aut<1tnohllcJQ .. ami a..'lk for Mr. Reedy some of e Itt" Jil Sboes ott , th brnncb with EYESIGHT . SPECIALIST ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVE* With bat abe hod turned her horae, t 8119 Routl• A•"· \v.,..uJold, N. J. taken the small ditch ith blm located at dettly W is now New York Telephone Company and the gre test Front St., Plainfield wtth n ease plucked the that tbe 141 E. branch bore co eted One Flight JOHN v i Up L. MILLER cocoon. Expert Optical Service­ "Thank• awtully," said the yo ng ·--'" S!\NITARY u I Examined, man eart ly. an a antage that Glasses PLUMBI NG h i dv I 'Eyes "That's Fitted - Lenses Replaced comea fro rldlnr a horse n tead of Steam, Hot m BeI s Water one ot those contrnptlons." motioned ythi g Opti al. and f!l>t Air -Ever n c across the oad hls a r wbere roadster w � I to Phone 842-J a ed and Mnrd)• noticed for the flrat, Office Hours:-9 t<. m. 6 p. Heating, Tin Roofing, Etc. p rk m. Evenings by appointmenL time that a whose high !j Telephone � It wns car 2180. made of mark on price It an object li ESTIMATES FURNISHED any highway. LEADER you collect as d Mardy, Telephone 278 '"Do tltem?"' ke WANT ADS. drawing her horse Into the road. PHILADELPHIA. PAY back PROSPECT S., Westfield, N, ••nutterllles, I mean." lS J. i "Not mud!, or•IY there's youn a g· the road, a boy ught to .. WARREN GROFF ater. up that o 11•��� Piano Tuner be playing football nnd -bot NEXT UN .• $3.00 Reconditioned In his room­ S I'Jainfi(')d,& OCT. 7 & OCT. 21 he's sltUng off thpre .. Player-Pianos The young man grated his Ll-•av 8.34 A. ,M. erlppled."' 1 Orders Following Places Prompt t eth at the word and did not notice Left at W!U Uccc\ve Attention e MAUCH CHUNK REGER SEn'IUED'S the elfect h!s speech having I W. T. MUSIC SHOP wtia on rrospoot the you g horFewoman beside blm. ! St. E. Broad St. n .. GALrTS PHARMACY "He's turned his mind to but\erlllel FIUJNCH'S un'd 40 1 and Broad and moth!l-and I promised to get H•turn El m St. Nortb Ave. K Bt. cocoons or him-nobody lse Post Buil Cc:ol HtWlnlsum·<•r. bo�t, � thot Genially _ b they'd do If ""·.nrm tn up there on the hi llootled n1rr. menl. a time when room ll the ronlent wns It's rn!lge for . Coming right at rno�t worne11 are w� cldnv, a now nnd wlnter Wllh hotH! !nsp!rntlon, cut coat this slon tln(J I'rof�· 'l' he Newport !j down the tune exlmordinary inlereHt all. �nil al WOI'k­ must nnws iH of to 'l'hmugh 11 purchase \\'(); entertai er onee n your tnnid spend in the n yon or tlH• }ttblll� of 1• very sp�cwl pooh It h�1t1!'e� • - · 1,. ARTISTIC CONTRAST kitdwn. £'n.Rt"5 are en aI J I !�< I {J Off'"•• \'"'"ll l£'"-� t'mt• PI'<' 1w ldorn• hcmd of t1t the hcgl. rtllll!g of the ::;etwn. tlw • , , "Well, I you'ro th n AN rt nffords ct�uvemt•nce will find 111 'm ame more a krepin�. You the moHl faah ionable nt lcB !.he moRt po uhtr fabrtcs for fulL lllnrdy, e brenlh roml!lll ' both coal JHHI Rll.!"i rn ri).{t.l:i, y p frnnk," anhl h r l>lnt'k white stonl' is th!J "f. of "hut huppN!B the in ntH! f(1r. you i See tlw K"wport ut your ,j.,nl­ qUtt>kly, 11 thllt DnW· m. i r for de�crt, ptive Overplaid;;, PolaireK, Knotted 'rwee1TCJ(•l;\ or 1;port co11ts with st>lf collnm or of Wolf cull to t \V(• rnr1 ai:•o prod i sound 1f you pn:- � You pnycho\ogy for nrhmce. in vndow� rnl<>t"t•dMt•l{ 't't!lt(). th'llfrom BOYNTON FURNACE COMPANY lh0 , Strnig-htline, or l>louse-l>!tck elfecb. Tbay ore �nt!rely S!!tl�fl"

l· of a public bulldlng. They were knee / - the rulddle of ------·-"· lng In the vast expunee . �lr tloorlug rcpalrl.n JJliJ il the mosaic ) of and c lo ed r- ut ���:.; -�with!�� :�;�:�; min e ;lleces of o stone,&i care!ully llttlng them · , toretller In a i I gant puzzle. r lc jigsabusinessw the under- It was a malden / :. .nood perfectly. o Atler two or tllree minutes ne of the men lltt,_d pi ce of stune ,q.,...· a small e i ---t,.- - I tllat wRll not quite the r g j ht slu, placed on all block and began 8J..IGHTLY NERVOUS It a m =::::;:;....:;;..;;==== -==="-==-- to the edge. The child aston· cblp was !abed such breach of the I Engllsh barrister, atter at a s rulea ot An a par- the game. tlculnlJ tr:Jing day, came home with look !'' she edge, and at once aou h "Ob, mummy, erled. uerves on cheating." Ida ga t "Be'l retuge bls own study, well aw y I from theIn noises of the household ------ma- ACTED GUIDE Aa chJnery.sat down b)' and wu Be hla liredown when cra!lunll)" getting calmed which ad been sitting there tlu1 cat h up slow!)" and walked acros1 too, JIOt the room. The mnster turned on her and aald bldlgnantly : "Now, wbat are JOU her fo ltluJ:Iplng around e r1'' Checkmated. u nd y dear, !bey Scheming H sba -M tell me that thia It wiU the "Be year be called on her and a!Jnpl;y tuhlon to w a haiL 111U Puts Life Into e lllflt Bellll!>ti'S there lost In aflmlratlon." Wlte-How have N. A. BARNETT Resident Salesman GJ;NI�It.H, llOOJI'JNG dellgbtful l You CllN•rRACTORS, ' "What did abe do!" t..:lli!:.N �Y fJUO NOGJlAl'llS have been shingle!!, roll complallled ot my belna too roofings, alwa11 r owed him the ou r lJrtt>-YOU nre eordwiJy Asphalt uduetl t·o a faalllonable, and eaJl "Fin.all;v 1h wa:r out." lnvHed to in h r this llcau� ���.ati1 e the Homes now for once I UCuJ come and e(!abinet 1�utfca0 rsi5 ���� fn if::Pl· ai ou A��n··� Haven't some fine photos :rou lltrfectl:r b;r belnlt t AdVIce, inatruinent-rtne work n��l ;la1 ft�/� .?idl•J'1� nes, you pleaaefu l of Medloal jn l>es1gna. $10.00 1 1 � \ ;,tfi , h on. "Tbtrmometer• •u�tnnertrme theetU!)' l'triud month. Uowt1 I B-2Ht scenes you to have IIayments ca.ch S y­ or never" oucfn t buy; andfried's e wish husband (In a puszled Music t;4hoJl, 221 Wast Uroa..tl Schtmllll 'l'boy'reYou lower In hthtoe wintertime," �treet. \VtJsUleld. L_w_ a_n_l_a-1>-lu-c e-to-1-,c-lp--w-1 -th-h-o -uso framed ? tone)-B:r being out of Sal!• 9-19�tf G-' J_R__ care for c i dren Pnone tatblon! l ct or h l As you through Wlte-Yes, dear, ro downtoli'JI or. l!lna Spry. FLINT SERVICE AT PLAZA GARAGE e llrun;�;wick 691'��- . go the home ru CO!JBHonora Jn a.nd1Jhonograyh e yout or thta and order Aaklng at Deal, and the Winter down now.ea h montn..J10.UO ma ke cash in sprucing it attemoon the lovell811t a a .. lCxperlenced Up for aew th!IIJ ln spring hat'" "lDvecybody obould .know and ea.a r vanuents c 1mu.take WAN'I'netm-To orders. months aren't there Some s ll o how to %� Y£�1���8 sl[����t diwp, \Vcstlieh? ..1} !>h , alna 'The Star Spangled Banner.' " -fi r r et. frames need our attention ? ����J �f;·eci;c�,�.?.1'tfo l��· k m. ARTICLil ''That's replied llOJ)UI� 100 A RA.RI!. right in theory,'' llunabout, 1920. A good buy Senator Sorghum, a $276. 1\'oatlleld .Motor l:!ules Co., I'RIU�s wm gtven "1 How about Pictures for the ".&. matter ot foJ"250 North e u . "a��mk<;��l� A time c o gJven. l t Ston·, lnaton St r. tra l , A K I•lwne Open l•:ventngs.Also flne furnJ- Phone a cun \\'cstHeJLI, N, J. tur·c. · 1707 126J, U-5-tf c I ng Cauae of H Bravery, eXr"t>llent condt .. rl elfgf,?t.. 7'���: �;·:o a Ia I�'OIUl COIJrI'J<:-l !J23;Must f.or s le. new ai t1o11: cord seen to try reaidences a '¥�;.:,s �d .���� Sbe-I Kava popper a p of UJIJH'llciateU.Ur eN.\\ 'estflcld be JJe .\I 1'ew bargains be had, bedroom sUpper� ; oh they're so soft ::\I.uto Stdea. ways n securesto Art.·s· ' ' N t r title. ts Mat • Avenue. Utlell to Paintings and Engraving&erl· als and nice. , 250il o h even!ngs wherel•' or prices$1,500 andf3,600 other details, see r t l 9,3 , 'I'. II. & N. l� . ItEYNOLDS. ul l'- a Timid S o l be 'em 0 fur­ R t B fl'ot ou ltEN'l'-l')eusant homelike R l ' Cleaned and estored 11,0il r pl'lvate ln � 41 nished ln huu.se ·wi th � �:'ll::.. ZIOW! room o �u���tlnJr, She-Y·:rea. small ndult family, c nv n nt ! J'allrou.d li 'o1· e ie to !'hone lOJO, .stat1on. particulars B·B·lO I Timid Sultol'-Dnrlln', give me a phone 16�.1, 9�1 2-H t I ltotb-Oome n, fellows, here'l JS I'IJlo;IUD who can prove o a Ida-and, darn It, don t he ' someone not Stu balfe yenr. Applyth� 1 coat I ' care It l"Oll llEN'l'-Furntshed ouse r nal WOOl I hears Ha.ndolphthis is Arcade.a de I lt. wtntcr nt 245 WalnUth tl etfor. 'l'theel. ----- � 'e AI Boya Think. 246-W. Ji"I Ol�D-Pa intel' und } fi}lCt'��, the That'a Different. J. hanger;H. .. joLlllng pr-om ptlv att�ntleLl I 'ft'h&t little maCe S to. , 648 t ee t � Tele-phone s are glrla :ma.d$ ot of, Foreign Vls!tor (proutlly)-In m:r 1 fi })ownAr What are gltlo 1 FOi\RIZN;;::..Oct.?;;;roon1s Ut��1 t-r�UeU­;;; . little mt'do ough the sendl nuts are combined into the Oct. rent private house, FO� most clelightfulr 1; moderate126 : ve bath; the SA.ltE the firm Central nu cor- eholee•t out ll g ealeSJDen.'� food confection you ever tasted. Eat some A e, Se't'erdl In portion• of U.em a. tra ve n �����uJ�{fi;... (01'\'ll• The League of every day. Con•ult 'V A.LTER l' .at C'larlt A Pirate Real Dealre. JU-<.:�'1'-Uurag EJ.m Ll'!l1:1Stre('t. Hie J•'Oit October 2381. l 'lw w GO l .Jo hnny-Mother. when grow up Stret!L Avnila.Ule r want I I Women Voters -54- ··!1.- · I o minister. Expect Their -- . t be a l•'()Jt lU�N'l'-G------aJ'nge space gar� n���d I . t llother-Oh, you dear good bo:r private w i l "�o!����:�N �f classs������ �!��·,-;music�\u8 ��eaehl�; Community Calendar ti fia l!.llm l'hont• lOli·t. It'J'lUnl cy n duc a of I .u�r-. Str·cc�. t at I'<}Shl�nce of ..t..Dd why ? ��!��\n�·hnfte-rnoon1�1sWJ;�n!3� the· JohnnY-:-'Oause was reading that To Be for the Public by trun IU<��'l'-Do\\bl� 1 e rnlvate tnmilY,ro-om, nic{'\ytable fur­ for ca;�.¥.sp l��r I Ucudy oru�niHJt e,] ln tlonal Info mation 1 fi��(i,lf: lloJo• never rrow up to be what they October the or two rt•flnc•(.) gentlt'lllcn�:;ui or· busl­ r l I llen. l 1274-\Y Dun­ want to be. First. tH•J.JR to e !1 -1!!-H eouphin �.nsidentlal Thi'Ce rninute�· flt>lAhUor ·hnotl.�tu4 wt.:-;;.;nke MRS. F. H. HERZSCH, tiun, · every hit or eull sn •��nnons-�fo!:'lt 1'1wne 589-lt, I� homer. 1 t is as natural for The Window Display. 406 \\'Pstll�ld n at AVt•U\Ie. R(>elter to loo1< Maxwl?ll's Everson Place honwn "' understand thut puwnbrokera 428 POll - fur ttun� us thP ht In • -_ -1 -' r-lvatt• d to�f taurek{' buyingsug-nl' hertt 1. s Plttabargh are liable to arrest If they 1. 41211 ·-•. ,Su...•• mmit g·at'Ui{e, O(·tuher l'hont� hri t� ht l. coOppnfft_ftH'•p, I - �\ vt• mw. 7o: \\'i'sttlt!lt L {'� t>, • that dlllpla:v blackJacks brass knuckles." pQE!!�ll �1�hr;�.I'�����A��� . k and l•'UH lU..: :\':'1'-:-..t lel'l�· '\'e'r• 1he fol,,·ant yourcan beadJmJ.ted trnate4 "That Is should be. removes . lCE · CREAM. duulllt> fttrnlslwdh or wi l'OOll18,thout ear aa lt It I l·dn,.de o1· wll IN thf'! tlrnf' to "'h(•o yuu the suggeatlon of summary venreance mea lH. HU I•'Jrst :-;tre('t.. lllit - Ntnvfor fall nntl yourancl proru�rti('N rentnlN The one thing that we have o bu:r all , l;(,UJtt.;.:\��:-.:_}.l 1�·:;��ho�·ith \duh•r ��tnlea for sale is service-satisfac­ on the people wh .;:. Son,9-l�t-tf ltH'. the business - giving "Green Elm" lG!i. T CIJUJCI.;•rn a :!iH':IIOOI,� 'I'ROLJ,EY, ETC. man re­ fll��'l'-'l'hrf•e I'OO!TIR lnqulr·e NEIGUIIO IIOOU, businesslike Boal"d Rooms I•�CtU R a big and Rtrrc-r. .56� Con•ult J LF.:t�, turn - Pown"r --· ·----- !i �l!l-21 \VA ..Tt�R J. for his money. If ----S\A,J·!-llouse, �6 STI\EBT. your cm·'s all down we 404 ELM ST., field, N. IJJL�I run ,j,onPI'OVt'lll t•cr1 t�; �urn.�c.ti ronm!l,57:\ nil lm­ J. 10-11-tf can restore its mechanical l)o\\'nfl -�t(•r WESTFIELD Sti'N' I. !f� 1 ambition We are muster P --" .1-1 �.,.-,_·-:><-:,.,-a�l -c --- -. - -__t n_e- : H It o a t . , k u n-1 < 1 rh n d . l' CU�nnahh•. motor mechanics. Tel. 12-M 1\P\\'1:'8{ �t!>·h�, \'('l'Y 'l't•l. 36��1. Fmt;"\I.I•)- Fu�1't•n-�� ll�l l'�allL �1�� \\.t;1r�uf�Vt�· �rPat Phouf' he a flowing h nd "Baa a r• SOUTK dear, he just lettera rooms llnth and "H:r floolla hie I�======------i�()R-;.\J.i�l{�;;�� 523 AVE. BMBLI!:TON. !.tupt·nv(•nH;-ntR; h()t wutPr lwat. with love l" nll . £1HTATN OR HOBml'l' 635 ltnh'\\'ay PHONE o e lnqu1n� l'urauunt})et�('lU4Ctl. to the rd ot ICS Avrnw•. , N. CO li\JlNG, CJI.:\IUCuunt:;.. t•, on an�1 nt1jmaabl� Night 821 Utopia. Union, tnudeSunh on thegll-h' stwontecnth or tht• h gh S.\tchair;,Ji� Gn-cartbo th tolopbone trlrl never- falll i n The c&-11 ot e dny � I fir:-:�t-elnsR eondi­ c r r !�r t n h·f's� Box 254 n• to undentand: Own1"r, P. ll. , • gete time �{l:ut� �.�n�t 'th\� 1�n.t;;:/g���� � i:t ISh• th number rll"ht 1\rot eeutorM Qf aa.\d de-c:eaaed,;� ��: \t In Movie Un4. o-t the estnto to tho t10fC'f• Ia ht•reiJy given (· rr-dJtor.s Hair Rhtoring Teatlmonll'l. ��rrC��s � ! SIGNS-SIGNS-SIGNS AND. "' don't whe er to pnblt.h al nn<\�����ee :atdg 6:1�R/;rr!-�ttns h&:: t'hs ��; �� �� �\ ����::I � f��� � !_ ��f�: SAND GRAVEL till• testlmoknow i th d � v t l 1 m HOUSE FOR Rtm•r alal," sa d the lnnntor of from the •nhl

e«n Tlt �J• car- hr. o6min#d lltrouglt Fard W•drly Purc"d'< Pl<�n. YOUat the 1924 CA SpringNNOT Elections VOTE With­ 1/oo out the annoyance of an affidavit Westfield Plotor Sales Co. Opposite Depot fi:!H :'\III!TII 1\ \'1-:. \V. UNLESS you register at the

\\',•.,tlleld, .• Primaries this September 25th N J•

• HAMILTON F. KEAN · J't•pllbUcllD Natlenal Committeemen L..£..�Rs T�uc��s.: TRA"cTol\..s �-- ��----��� ��� ��- ..;;! .� ··:il.-i:-�-�· ,(ii' ' �· -lll�:i'Jliiili.il�fa ol New Jereey These new will 1.dw wn 11(; thP Mocltd l• 'ordH bP Union-Midcl l!•­ sex FannPr�· A:�Hud nlion l•;xhihitinn 'l'hui·: