Call List

Leviticus four cups of wine candies Seder Plate blood of spring lamb Chol HaMoed ten plagues Nisan Seder Korban Pesach 15th Shvi'i shel Pesach gefilte fish passover cake four questions Exodus borsht chrain counting of the Omer Egypt Feast of Unleavened Bread Pharaoh slavery Next year in Jerusalem!

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Chad gefilte Leviticus macaroons Nisan Gadya fish

blood of Seder four cups Fast of the passover spring Korban of wine Firstborn cake lamb Pesach

Chol Free candies HaMoed Space 15th Maror

Passover Echad Mi four Israelites Seder Plate Yodea matzo questions

ten Shvi'i shel Haggadah afikoman charoset plagues Pesach

Created using BINGO

matzah Chad four afikoman slavery brei Gadya questions

Seder Feast of Egypt Korban chrain Unleavened Haggadah Pesach Bread counting Free Shvi'i shel of the Nisan Maror Space Pesach Omer

Exodus charoset Pharaoh Leviticus macaroons

blood of Passover gefilte four cups spring matzo Seder Plate of wine lamb fish

Created using BINGO

Chad gefilte macaroons Egypt 15th Gadya fish

counting blood of Passover Chol Haggadah of the spring Seder Plate HaMoed Omer lamb

Echad Mi Free Fast of the Leviticus Yodea Space Firstborn borsht

four four cups Shvi'i shel Israelites Exodus questions of wine Pesach

Feast of ten matzah Unleavened slavery Nisan Bread plagues brei

Created using BINGO

four Chad gefilte borsht Leviticus questions Gadya fish blood of Maror Israelites chrain 15th spring lamb

Passover Free Shvi'i shel Pharaoh Seder Plate Space Egypt Pesach

matzah charoset macaroons afikoman matzo brei

Seder Echad Mi Nisan Haggadah Korban candies Pesach Yodea

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