Min 25º Max 41º FREE www.kuwaittimes.net NO: 16886- Friday, May 27, 2016 Bike riding Why am I LeBron and Love on the rise always power Cavaliers in Kuwait 7 hungry?23 over43 Raptors See Pages 4-6 Local FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 Local Spotlight Photo of the day Social media cooks By Muna Al-Fuzai
[email protected] ocial media has not only changed traditional rela- tionships between individuals, but it has also given Srise to people who trade in people’s health, espe- cially food vendors. With the advent of the month of Ramadan, food sellers on apps like Instagram and WhatsApp have increased, and prices are high. I am wondering why there is no crackdown on those women and why they are being excluded from the municipality’s supervision regarding the conditions and standards of hygiene and safety, just like those that apply to restaurants and other food merchants. Why don’t they keep business records? I am also wondering why there are no price controls, and no medical exami- nation of workers. There has to be a round of inspec- tions by the municipality, as is the case for restaurants, cafeterias and others. It is a big mess and the municipali- ty and the interior ministry - represented by the cyber- crimes department - have to get involved. If there are cases of food poisoning or filthy and expired foodstuff at registered restaurants, there are cer- tain procedures to be followed. Every other day we hear about a restaurant that is closed for non-compliance with sanitary standards.