International Journal of Impotence Research (2007) 19, 2–24 & 2007 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0955-9930/07 $30.00

REVIEW replacement therapy for male : Part III. Pharmacologic and clinical profiles, monitoring, safety issues, and potential future agents

A Seftel

Department of Urology, Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, USA

Male hypogonadism is associated with potentially distressing adverse effects on diverse organs and tissues. These include sexual dysfunction, particularly diminished libido, as well as mood disturbances, reduced lean body mass, and increased adipose-tissue mass. A wide range of effective and well-tolerated options exists. These include relatively noninvasive therapies, such as testosterone (T) gels and T patches; slightly more invasive treatments, such as the T buccal system; and invasive therapies, such as intramuscular T injections and subcutaneous depot implants (T pellets). Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be individualized to enhance patient health and well-being. Screening and ongoing monitoring are necessary to ensure both the efficacy and safety of TRT, particularly prostate safety. Investigational agents, including selective receptor modulators, may offer new pharmacodynamic and/or pharmacokinetic properties that enhance outcomes of TRT. International Journal of Impotence Research (2007) 19, 2–24. doi:10.1038/sj.ijir.3901366; published online 29 September 2005

Keywords: efficacy; hypogonadism; ; safety; testosterone; tolerability

Introduction improvements in sexual desire and quality of life, in hypogonadal men receiving adjunctive TRT, includ- Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been ing sildenafil nonresponders.3,4 administered to men with hypogonadism for dec- Contraindications to the use of exogenous testos- ades.1 The fundamental aim of TRT is to restore terone formulations, which are Schedule III con- serum T to eugonadal levels and minimize signs and trolled substances, include prostate cancer (PCa), symptoms of hypogonadism. Sexual dysfunction, cancer, and/or untreated prolactinoma.5 TRT particularly low libido, is among the most readily with any of the modalities described herein should reversible symptoms of male hypogonadism. The be instituted according to the screening and mon- most recent erectile dysfunction (ED) consensus itoring guidelines, which are detailed in this review. guidelines recommend evaluation of the hypotha- lamic–pituitary–gonadal axis, including total T, Topical/ therapies bioavailable T (BT), and free T (FT), ‘in patients with sexual dysfunction and at risk of or suspected Testosterone topical gels (T Gels) of hypogonadism.’2 These guidelines designate Pharmacologic profiles. Two 1% hydroalcoholic testosterone as a second-line therapy. Recent studies T gels have been approved by the US Food and Drug have demonstrated significant short-term improve- Administration (FDA) for male hypogonadism: ments in erectile function, as well as longer-term s AndroGel from UniMed Pharmaceuticals (Deer- field, IL, USA) and Solvay Pharmaceuticals (Mar- ietta, GA, USA), and Testims from Auxilium Pharmaceuticals (Malvern, PA, USA).6,7 Each 5- to Correspondence: Dr A Seftel, Department of Urology, Case Western Reserve University, 11100 Euclid Avenue, 10-g tube or packet of 1% gel contains 50–100 mg of Cleveland, OH 44106-5046, USA. T. Each gel is formulated with a skin-penetration E-mail: [email protected] enhancer and is X67.0% ethanol by volume. After Received 2 March 2005; accepted 7 June 2005; published daily (preferably morning) application of each agent online 29 September 2005 to clean, dry, intact skin of the upper arms or Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 3 shoulders (and/or ), 10% of each dose desire and erectile function following daily treat- (5–10 mg) is absorbed into the systemic circulation ment with topical T gel 5 g of a 1% testosterone over a 24-h period. hydroalcoholic gel daily (AndroGels; Besins Inter- national, Paris, France). Following 3 months of such treatment, the mean serum T was restored to Clinical studies 1013 ng/dl and normalized in all patients. In 31 Pharmacokinetics. T gels provide longer-lasting (63%) of the 49 men, scores on both the sexual elevations of serum T compared with a transdermal desire and erectile function domains of the IIEF patch (T patch).8 In a study involving equivalent were significantly improved compared with base- doses of two T gels,9 Testim treatment was asso- line, with the sexual desire domain more than ciated with significantly higher serum T levels and doubling (from 4 to 8.9; P 0.001) and the erectile than Androgel; the two formulations o function domain nearly doubling (from 15.0 to 26; were not biologically equivalent: both the C and max P 0.001); the final value of 26 has been associated AUC0-24 for T delivered by Testim were 30% higher o with no ED in prior studies.18 than the values for T delivered by Androgel (Table 1). A total of 17 patients did not have significant T delivered by gel formulations undergoes no first- improvements in sexual function following 3 months pass hepatic . of T-gel therapy as determined by negative responses to the Global Assessment Question (GAQ), ‘Has Efficacy. Several multicenter, randomized con- treatment improved your erections?’ However, these trolled trials have demonstrated that restoration patients did experience some improvements, with of serum T levels with T gel was associated with normalization of serum T and BT and an increase in improvements in sexual function,3,10–12 as well as the erectile function domain of the IIEF (from 13.6 to body composition, mood, and/or bone markers11–13 22 following T-gel monotherapy). Following treatment (Table 1). In one study, threshold serum T values with an adjunctive sildenafil (100 mg)-T-gel regimen (Cavg) were identified above which significant im- for a further 3 months, the mean erectile function provements were noted: 500 ng/dl for the frequency score increased to 27, which is consistent with no of sexual intercourse and 600 ng/dl for self-rated ED, and all patients answered the GAQ positively. sexual desire (Figure 1).10 The frequency of night Two patients discontinued treatment because of time erections rose significantly even when serum T urination difficulties. Nine patients reported irritation levels were low-normal (Cavg ¼ 400 ng/dl), suggest- at the T-gel application site, but no patient dis- ing that this androgenic effect may be among the continued therapy.18 earliest to be observed during TRT. Finally, a US group recently reported that treat- The benefits of adjunctive or ‘rescue’ TRT with a T ment of 18 hypogonadal men with depression using gel were shown in studies of hypogonadal men with T gel (5 g of a 1% gel; AndroGels; Unimed refractory depression14 or with moderate-severe ED Pharmaceuticals) for up to 12 weeks significantly nonresponsive to sildenafil3 (Table 1). The results improved scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for from the study of men with ED were particularly Depression compared with baseline but not com- noteworthy because 16% of patients also had pared with a placebo phase of equal duration.19 diabetes mellitus, which frequently renders ED There were no clinically significant changes in more severe, refractory to treatment, and a greater hemoglobin, hematocrit, or prostate-specific antigen burden on quality of life.15,16 (PSA) between the T-gel and placebo phases.19 Three important studies concerning T and both sexual function and depression have been published in 2005. Studying 162 elderly (mean age ¼ 64.1 Tolerability and safety. T gels have been well years) men with ED (mean duration ¼ 45.6 months), tolerated in trials of up to 6 months. According to a Korean group reported that hypogonadism (serum the US product labeling for Testim, adverse events To300 ng/dl) was among the strongest independent (AEs) judged to be possibly, probably, or definitely predictors of a poor response to sildenafil 25–100 mg related to T gel in 0–2% of patients included for 8 weeks. Only poor pretreatment erectile func- , hot flushes, insomnia, increased blood tion (International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) pressure or increased hematocrit or hemoglobin.7 erectile function domain score o17) was a stronger AEs considered to be possibly, probably, or defi- independent prognostic factor (OR ¼ 2.2; 95% nitely related to AndroGel included acne (1–8% of CI ¼ 1.45–7.33).17 patients); headache (up to 4%); as well as emotional Consistent with this report, an Israeli group lability, nervousness, gynecomastia, or mastodynia demonstrated that short-term treatment with (up to 3%).6 Application-site reactions represent the either T gel or adjunctive T gel with sildenafil most frequent complaints with both T gels, occur- has potential clinical benefits in hypogonadal ring in up to 5% of patients.6,7 men (mean age ¼ 60.7 years) with ED.18 In this study With regard to prostate safety, 2.8–18.8% of 106 of 49 hypogonadal men (mean serum T ¼ 378 ng/dl), men receiving T gel (AndroGel) 50–100 mg experi- 31 reported significant improvements in both sexual enced prostate enlargement or elevation in PSA

International Journal of Impotence Research nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International 4

Table 1 T Gels: pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety

Study Treatment Design Pharmacokinetics Efficacy Safety/tolerability

Pharmacokinetics7efficacy studies 8 Swerdloff (2000) T gel 50 mg Randomized parallel Tmax (h) NA NA T gel 100 mg multidose (N ¼ 227) K T gel: 16–22 T patch 5 mg K T patch: 8–12 Cavg (ng/dl) day 90 K T gel 50 mg: 552 K T gel 100 mg: 791 K T patch: 417 (P ¼ 0.0001 vs T gel 100 mg)

9 therapy replacement Testosterone Marbury (2003) T gel 50 mg as Testim Randomized open- Cmax (ng/dl) NA NA or Androgel label crossover K Testim: 480 (N ¼ 29) K Androgel: 368 AUC0-24 (ng*h/dl) K Testim 5864.5 K Androgel: 4499.1 11 Steidle (2003) T gel 50 mg Multicenter RCT Cavg (ng/dl) day 90 DBL spontaneous erections (%) PSAX4.0 ng/ml T gel 100 mg (N ¼ 406) K T gel 100 mg: 493 K T gel 100 mg: 87.5 K T gel: 1.8–2.9% T patch 5 mg K T patch: 343 K Placebo: 0 (Po0.001) K T patch: 6.6% Seftel A Placebo (Po0.001) DBL in sexual performance (%) K Placebo: 3.2% Cmax (ng/dl) day 90 K T gel 100 mg: 62.5 Worsening DRE K T gel 100 mg: 703 K Placebo: 25 (Po0.05) TRT: 0–3.4% K T patch: 533 DBL in sexual desire (%) Placebo: 4.2% (Po0.001) K T gel 100 mg: 41.7 Treatment-related AEs (mainly skin K Placebo: 23.8 (Po0.01) irritation) DBL in sexual motivation (%) K T patch: 63% K T gel 100 mg: 33.3 K T gel 50 mg: 29% K Placebo: 6.7 (Po0.05) K T gel 100 mg: 37% mLBM (kg) from BL K T gel 100 mg: 1.7 K Placebo: 0.6 (Po0.05) kFat mass (kg) from BL K T gel 100 mg: 0.8 K Placebo: 0.1 (Po0.01) Efficacy studies Seftel (2004)10 T patch 25 mg Multicenter RCT NA mFrequency of nocturnal erections NA T gel 50 mg (N ¼ 406) (%) T gel 100 mg K T gel 100 mg: 51 Placebo K Placebo: 26 (P ¼ 0.0001) mFrequency of intercourse (%) K T gel 100 mg: 39 K T patch: 21 (P ¼ 0.0356) Wang (2000)12 T patch 5 mg Multicenter active- NA Sexual function (sexual motivation, Mean PSA: DBL to 90 days (ng/ml) T gel 50 mg comparator RCT libido) significantly improved from K T gel 100 mg: 0.3 (P ¼ 0.008 T gel 100 mg (N ¼ 227) BL to day 30 with each TRT vs BL) K Enjoyment with partner higher K T gel 50 mg: 0.17 (P ¼ 0.05) with T gel vs T patch (P ¼ 0.0113) K T patch: À0.01 (P ¼ NS) mLBM (kg) from BL to 90 days No. (%) with PSA X4.0 ng/ml K T gel 100 mg: 2.74 K T gel 100 mg: 4 (5.1) Table 1 (Continued) Study Treatment Design Pharmacokinetics Efficacy Safety/tolerability

K T patch: 1.20 (P ¼ 0.0002) K T gel 50 mg: 1 (1.4) kFat mass (kg) from BL to 90 days K T patch: 0 K T gel 100 mg: 1.05 (P ¼ 0.0001 vs No. (%) with skin irritation: BL) K T gel 100 mg: 3 (5.3) K T patch: 0.01 K T gel 50 mg: 3 (5.7) mLeg strength (kg) from BL to 90 K T patch: 50 (65.8) days K T gel 100 mg: 12.7 K T patch: 11.6

‘Rescue’ efficacy studies Pope (2003)14 T gel 100 mg or RCT of hypogonadal NA D rate of change in HAM-D Mean DBL in PSA to week 8 placebo þ men with depression K T gel vs placebo: À0.940; K T gel: 0.11 ng/ml antidepressants (N ¼ 23) (P ¼ 0.0004) K Placebo: 0 (P ¼ 0.38) D rate of change in HAM-D affective Discontinuation because of drug- subscale related adverse events K T gel vs placebo: À0.233 K 1 (8.3%) of 12 T gel patients (P ¼ 0.05) withdrew due to reversible D rate of change in CGI severity difficulty in urinating (possible score exacerbation of BL BPH) K T gel vs placebo: À0.096 (P ¼ 0.04) (decreases ¼ improvement) Shabsigh (2004)3 T gel 50 mg or RCT of hypogonadal NA T gel significantly mintercourse NA placebo þ sildenafil men with moderate- satisfaction, orgasmic function, and Seftel A therapy replacement Testosterone 100 mg severe ED (N ¼ 75) QOL vs placebo DBL IIEF erectile function domain at 4 weeks K T gel: 4.4 K Placebo: 2.1 (P ¼ 0.029) % reporting improved erections at week 4 K T gel: 59 K Placebo: 27 (P ¼ 0.005) % reporting improved erections at week 12 K T gel: 73 K Placebo: 52 (P ¼ 0.049)

AUC, area under the curve; BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; DBL, change from baseline; CGI, Clinical Global Impression scale; Cmax , maximum concentration; DRE, digital rectal examination; ED, erectile dysfunction; HAM-D, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; IIEF, International Index of Erectile Function; LBM, lean body mass; NA, not available; PSA, nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International prostate-specific antigen; QOL, quality of life; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Tmax , time to maximum concentration; TRT, testosterone replacement therapy. 5 Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 6

a Mean Cavg Serum Testosterone Levels and Change from Baseline in Sexual Desire trials, treatment continuation rates with T gels 1.8 1000 typically exceed 90% compared with 65–80% with Mean Change from Baseline in Desire Score* 1.6 900 Mean T Levels the T patch. 800 1.4 *P = 0.25 (0-300 vs. 300-599) T gels need to be applied to large skin surface P = 0.0003 (300-599 vs. 600+) 700 areas. Patients should avoid swimming, bathing, 1.2 P < 0.0001 (0-300 vs. 600+) 600 or activities leading to excessive sweating for 5–6 h 1 Desire Score 6,7 0=None 500 after T gel administration. Skin contact with

7=Very High ng/dL 0.8 others after applying the T gel does not result in 400 20 0.6 significant interpersonal T transfer. Testim has a 300 musky odor that most patients find tolerable. Change in Daily Desire Score 0.4 200 The average wholesale price for a 30-day supply 0.2 100 of T gel 5 g is $199.82 ($6.66 per day) for AndroGel 0 0 21 0-300 (N=121) 300-599 (N=125) 600+ (N=28) and $186.18 ($6.21 per day) for Testim. Day 90 Testosterone Group

a b Mean Cavg Serum Testosterone Levels and Increase in Frequency of Intercouse Testosterone transdermal systems (T patches) 50 1.2 % Subjects With Increased Frequency* Pharmacologic profiles. Across the world, T 45 Mean Change in Frequency of Intercourse patches are available for application to the scrotum 1 s 40 * P = 0.65 (0-300 vs. 300-499) (Testoderm TTS; Alza Corp., Palo Alto, CA, USA) P = 0.0098 (300-499 vs. 500+) 35 s P = 0.0028 (0-300 vs. 500+) 0.8 or to nonscrotal skin (Androderm ; Watson Labora- s 30 tories, Corona, CA, USA; Andropatch , SmithKline- 25 0.6 Beecham, UK). However, the Testoderm scrotal

20 patch is no longer marketed in the United States. % of Subjects 0.4 Testosterone at a starting dose of 5 mg is delivered

15 Mean Days per Week via application of a single patch (total skin contact 10 0.2 surface area ¼ 44 cm2) containing 24.3 mg of T dis- 5 solved in a 15-cm2 hydroalcoholic drug reservoir 0 0 0-300 (N=95) 300-499 (N=71) 500+ (N=42) that also includes permeation-enhancing agents a Partner available at least 4 out of 7 Day 90 Testosterone Group and gelling agents. An adhesive border is applied to the skin. c Mean Cavg Serum Testosterone Levels and Increase in Frequency of Nighttime Erections 50 1.2 After application of a T patch, T is continuously % Subjects With Increased Frequency* 22 45 absorbed over 24 h through a non-rate-limiting Mean Change in Frequency of Nighttime Erections 1 microporous membrane. Androderm T patches are 40 *P = 0.16 (0-300 vs. 300-399) P = 0.25 (300-399 vs. 400+) also available as 2.5 mg T systems containing 12.2 mg 35 P = 0.0027 (0-300 vs. 400+) 2 0.8 of T within a 7.5-cm reservoir. Two 2.5 mg T patches 30 are bioequivalent to a single 5 mg T patch.23 25 0.6


% of Subjects Clinical studies 0.4 15 Mean Days per Week Pharmacokinetics. In a pharmacokinetics study 10 involving hypogonadal men receiving two 2.5 mg 0.2 B 5 T patches, 4–5 mg was absorbed daily from patches applied to the back, thigh, upper arm, or 0 0 0-300 (N=121) 300-399 (N=55) 400+ (N=98) abdomen compared with 3–4 mg for the chest or Day 90 Testosterone Group shin.24 Intrasubject variability in serum T levels 22 Figure 1 Changes in sexual desire in relation to serum ranges from 17 to 26%. Testosterone delivered testosterone levels in hypogonadal patients receiving T gel (a). via T patches does not undergo hepatic first-pass Proportions of T gel-treated patients reporting increased fre- metabolism. quency of intercourse (b) and night time erections (c) in relation to serum testosterone levels. From Seftel et al.10 Efficacy. A meta-analysis determined that 80.9% of men with ED had positive erectile responses during a 12-month open-label extension trial, and to T patch treatment compared with 51.3% of there was one (0.9%) new diagnosis of PCa.6 men receiving intramuscular (i.m.) T and 53.2% of Additional study findings on the effects of T gels those receiving oral T (Po0.001 for each pairwise on PSA levels10,12 are shown in Table 1. comparison vs T patch).25 In an analysis of the effects of a T patch 5 mg User and prescriber considerations. Skin irritation regimen (two Androderm 2.5 mg patches daily) on is approximately 10 times less frequent with T gels erectile function in hypogonadal men treated for up (B5–6%) than T patches (B66%).12 In the smaller to 1 year, patients were observed during (1) a 3-week US clinical trial, 21% of patients receiving a T patch baseline evaluation during which most (490%) men discontinued because of skin irritation.12 In clinical received i.m. T injections; (2) an 8-week washout

International Journal of Impotence Research Table 2 T patch: efficacy and safety findings

Study Treatment Design Efficacy Safety/tolerability

Jain (2000)25 Nonscrotal T patch Meta-analysis (N ¼ 356 % with positive erectile response NA i.m. T or oral T treated with T) K T patch: 80.9 (Po0.001 vs i.m. T and oral T) K i.m. T: 51.3 K oral T: 53.2 Arver (1996)26 Nonscrotal T patch 16-month, open-label, No. of erections per week During 12 months on T patch, there was no 5mg 4-period study I. 7.5 increased frequency of: I. 3-week BL (mostly i.m. TE) II. 2.3 K PSA43.9 ng/ml II. 8-week androgen washout IV. 7.8 (Po0.001 vs II) K Prostate volume 430 ml by TRUS III. 3–4 week Mean % rigidity (RigiScan) base of penis K Other prostate abnormalities by TRUS pharmacokinetics I. 55.7 K Biochemical (lipids, liver enzymes) IV. 12-month efficacy þ safety II. 31.3 abnormalities IV. 57.1 (P ¼ 0.001 vs II) K Hematologic abnormalities Mean % rigidity tip of penis Pruritus þ local mild-moderate erythema at I. 47.2 application site in 15 (44%) of 34 patients II. 22.0 IV. 47.3 (P ¼ 0.001 vs II) Mean no. of erectile events and event duration also significantly higher in period IV (T patch) compared with period II (androgen withdrawal) Self-assessed sexual function (by Watts questionnaire) also significantly higher in period IV vs II for total score, arousal, desire, frequency, and orgasm domains Seftel A therapy replacement Testosterone Arver (1997)27 Nonscrotal T patch 16-month, open-label, Beck Depression Score (lower scores better) Mean prostate volume (ml) by TRUS 5mg 4-period study I. 5.1 I. 16.6 I. 3-week BL (mostly i.m. TE) II. 6.9 II. 14.1 (P ¼ 0.006 vs I) II. 8-week androgen washout IV. 3.9 (Po0.001 vs II) IV. 17.5 (Po0.001 vs II) III. 3–4 week % with klibido Mean PSA (ng/ml) pharmacokinetics I. 21 I. 1.00 IV. 12-month efficacy þ II. 79 II. 0.51 (Po0.001 vs I) safety (N ¼ 34; 29 completed IV. 7 (Po0.001 vs I or II) IV. 0.66 (Po0.001 vs I) study) % with ED No. (%) with skin irritation I. 17 K 19 (56) of 34 patients II. 69 No. (%) discontinuing due to skin reactions IV. 17 (Po0.001 vs II) K 3 (9) % with fatigue No. (%) with burn-like blistering (mostly on bony I. 31 prominences) II. 79 K 6 (18) during period IV or 1 blister per 3,000 T IV. 10 (Po0.001 vs I or II) patch applications % with depression No. (%) with gynecomastia nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International I. 7 I. 19 (65.5) II. 34 II. 19 (65.5) IV. 14 (Po0.021 I vs II; P ¼ 0.109 II vs IV) IV. 11 (37.9) No significant improvements on other psychological evaluations with T patch

Kenny (2001)28 Nonscrotal T patch 12 month RCT involving DBL femoral-neck BMD at 12 months DBL PSA at 12 months 5 mg or placebo elderly hypogonadal men K T patch: þ 0.3% K T patch: þ 0.62 (P ¼ 0.04 vs BL) K Placebo: À1.6% (P ¼ 0.015) K Placebo: þ 0.3 (P ¼ 0.09 vs BL) 7 nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International 8

Table 2 (Continued)

Study Treatment Design Efficacy Safety/tolerability

(mean age ¼ 76 years) N ¼ 67 DBL LBM at 12 months K T patch vs placebo: P ¼ 0.11 (NS) (N ¼ 44 completers) K T patch: þ 1.0 kg (1.7%; P ¼ 0.001 vs BL) No changes in DRE, urinary retention, IPSS, DBL % body fat at 12 months hematocrit, or hemoglobin between groups K T patch: À6%; (P ¼ 0.001 vs BL) % with rash þ induration DBL Lower-extremity muscle strength at 12 K T patch: 77 months K Placebo: 40 K T patch: þ 32% (P ¼ 0.017 vs BL) Mean itch rating, 4-point scale (1 ¼ none; K Placebo: þ 22% (P ¼ 0.06 vs BL) 4 ¼ persistent) K T patch vs placebo: (P ¼ 0.66, NS) K T patch: 3.2 K Placebo: 2.6 (P ¼ 0.001) (triamcinolone acetonide 0.1%)

used by 75% of men for itching þ rash therapy replacement Testosterone

Snyder (1999)29 Scrotal T patch 36-month RCT in elderly DBL lumbar BMD at 36 months Subjects with prostate events (mainly transient 2.4–6.0 mg hypogonadal men (age ¼ 73 K T patch: þ 4.1% (Po0.001 vs BL) PSA increases by 2.0 ng/ml at any time or by years) N ¼ 108 (54 T patch; 54 K Placebo: þ 2.5% (Po0.001 vs BL; no 1.5 ng/ml per 2 years) placebo) significant D between groups) K T patch: 16 Significant threshold effect – DBL lumbar BMD vs K Placebo: 11 (P ¼ 0.337) placebo with T patch Persistent mPSA

K Pretreatment T ¼ 400 ng/dl: 0.9% K T patch: 3 Seftel A K Pretreatment T ¼ 300 ng/dl 3.4% K Placebo: 1 K Pretreatment T ¼ 200: 5.9% (Po0.01 for T tx Prostate cancer effect) K T patch: 1 No significant DBL in BMD at trochanter, femoral K Placebo: 0 neck, or Ward’s triangle Mean PSA (and hematocrit) increased by a small but statistically significant amount in T patch group at 6 months þ stable thereafter; no change in controls Erythrocytosis (Hg 417.5 g/dl; Ht 452%): K T patch: 3 K Placebo: 0 No DBL in voiding function or respiratory distress index in either group Monga (2002)30 Daily nonscrotal T Analyses of 44 % with improved libido NA patch (TTS) 5 mg retrospectively identified K DPT: 73 (n ¼ 7) men with To180 ng/dl who K TSD: 38 Daily scrotal (TSD) T used TTS, TSD, or DPT K TTS: 86 patch (4–6 mg; n ¼ 22) % with improved energy Depot T (DPT) 400 mg K DPT: 53 i.m. q 2–3 week K TSD: 38 (n ¼ 15) K TTS: 86 Satisfaction with intercourse and confidence in erections significantly superior in patients treated with TTS or DPT compared with TSD

DBL, change from baseline; BMD, bone mineral density; DRE, digital rectal examination; ED, erectile dysfunction; Hg, hemoglobin; Ht, hematocrit; i.m., intramuscular; IPSS, International Prostate Symptom Score; LBM, lean body mass; NA, not available; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TE, ; TRUS, transrectal ultrasonography. Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 9 (‘androgen-withdrawal’) period, during which hypo- especially for patients with poor manual dexterity gonadism recurred (AM serum To250 ng/dl); (3) a who have difficulty opening the package.33 24-h pharmacokinetics study; and (4) a 12-month However, for men who tolerate T patches and find assessment.26 Findings are shown in Table 2. them well suited to their lifestyles, such treatment is The T patch has also been evaluated in other a viable option with a typically favorable reimburse- studies for its effects on sexual function, bone ment profile in the United States. Average US whole- markers, and/or body composition (Table 2).27–30 sale prices for Androderm range from $123.03 to $178.64 per month ($4.10–$5.95 per day).21

Tolerability and safety. Application-site reactions, particularly skin irritation, constitute the chief AEs Transbuccal (Buccal T) system with the T patch. Most patients experience transi- ent, mild or moderate erythema at the application 31 Pharmacologic profile site at some time during treatment. AEs include The T buccal system known as Striants (Columbia application-site pruritus in 37% of patients, as well Laboratories, Livingston, NJ, USA) delivers a total T as blistering under the T patch (12%), erythema 31 dose of 30 mg after administration to the inner cheek (7%), vesicle formation (6%), or induration (3%). or gum surfaces (near the incisors).34 Testosterone is Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported in 4% 31 released from the convex buccal tablets as excipi- of T patch recipients. Adhesives, excipients, and ents are slowly hydrated in the mouth. Buccal T is active drug all may serve as contact allergens. Head- administered twice daily. Food or beverage intake ache, depression, rash, and gastrointestinal (GI) 31 does not affect transbuccal T absorption. Testoster- bleeding have been observed in p4% of patients. one administered via the transbuccal route is also Studies have shown that local skin irritation not subject to first-pass hepatic metabolism.34 occurred in 19–66% of T patch users. In clinical trials, 5–10% of patients prematurely discontinued T patch treatment because of skin reactions. Scrotal T patches have been associated with significantly Clinical studies lower frequencies of both skin irritation (5 vs 32%; Pharmacokinetics. The buccal system releases T in Po0.001) and contact allergy (0 vs 12%) compared a pulsatile manner, which is similar to endogenous with nonscrotal T patches.32 In addition, T patch T secretion. Peak T levels are reached rapidly, and treatment for up to 12 months has been associated steady state is achieved by the second dose. The effects are rapidly reversible upon removal, and with significant increases in serum PSA but not to 34 above-normal levels (i.e. 44.0 ng/ml; Table 2). there is no drug accumulation over time. Pharma- cokinetic findings from various trials using the T buccal system35–37 are shown in Table 3. User and prescriber considerations. Patients are advised to apply T patches to clean, dry, nonirri- Efficacy. Findings from a double-blind, rando- tated, intact skin of the abdomen, back, thigh, or mized, placebo-controlled pilot trial demonstrated upper arm. Application to the chest results in more that treatment with buccal T significantly enhanced sexual function compared to placebo across both variable serum T profiles. Although the shin is not a 35 site of high T absorption compared with other objective and subjective measures. Objective test- application sites, skin irritation is lowest when the ing of nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) demon- T patch is applied to the shin, followed by the upper strated that maximum penile rigidity, maximum arm and back.24 penile circumference, and the duration of NPT in T patches should not be applied to body parts men receiving buccal T 10–20 mg for 8 weeks were restored to levels similar to those observed during subjected to prolonged pressure during sitting (e.g. 35 ischial tuberosity, greater trochanter of the femur) or i.m. T injections. Both maximum rigidity and sleeping (i.e. deltoid). The application site should be duration of full NPT were significantly greater in rotated weekly to minimize local reactions. Elderly men receiving the T buccal system compared with men may be particularly prone to skin irritation placebo at treatment week 8 (Pp0.008 for each with T patches. comparison). In a UK survey of men using a T patch, Subjective indices of sexual function also im- approximately 66% found the patch unsatisfactory, proved during buccal T therapy compared with and 60% discontinued treatment between treatment androgen withdrawal (Table 3). weeks 4 and 8 because of skin reactions.33 Patients have reported that T patches sometimes fall off in the shower; leave marks on skin; are visually Tolerability and safety indiscreet, noisy (with body movement) and/or The T buccal system has been well tolerated in trials otherwise socially unacceptable; and may be un- lasting up to 8 weeks. Typically transient, mild or pleasant or difficult to administer or remove, moderate mouth and gum reactions, as well as a

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Table 3 Transbuccal (Buccal T) system: pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety findings

Study Treatment Design Pharmacokinetics Efficacy Safety/tolerability

Dobs (1998)35 i.m. TE  6 Double-blind parallel- Mean T (ng/dl) at BL Mean PSA during i.m. TE treatment weeks group RCT involving K Active: 271.3 K Significantly greater maximum K Active: 0.817 ng/ml Androgen patients with Tp250 ng/ K Placebo: 276.3 rigidity and duration of full nocturnal K Placebo 0.7 ng/ml washout  6 dl (N ¼ 11) 5–7 days post-i.m. penile tumescence in the T buccal T buccal system treatment weeks K Active: 668.5 system group compared with placebo K Active: 0.94 ng/ml Followed by K Placebo: 917.8 (Pp0.008 for group  treatment K Placebo: 0.40 (P ¼ NS between transbuccal End 6-week washout interaction) groups) system K Active: 176.9 K Mean frequency of morning No statistically significant differences 10–20 mg or K Placebo: 166.6 erections was significantly higher after between groups in Hg or Ht placebo  8 þ 0.5 h after T buccal system T buccal system compared with T buccal system at 8 weeks weeks admin. placebo (Po0.05) significantly increased total cholesterol K Active: 2790 K However, frequency of sexual and HDL-C compared with i.m. TE at therapy replacement Testosterone K Placebo: 136.0 thoughts was similar in T buccal day 5–7 (Pp0.045 for each comparison) Treatment week 8 system or placebo compared with All patients reported a tolerable bitter K Active: 183.8 androgen withdrawal period taste (including placebo controls who K Placebo: 186.8 K No significant effects of T buccal received a T buccal pseudoephedrine system on bone markers (PTH, to match bitter taste of T buccal ) compared with placebo system) 36 Dobs (2004) T buccal system 2-week, open-label study % with normal T Cavg NA

60 mg or T gel (N ¼ 28; N ¼ 26 K T buccal system: 92.3 K Mean hematology, chemistry, and Seftel A 50 mg completers) K T gel: 83.3 urinalysis parameters remained (Androgel) Mean T (ng/dl) unchanged during treatment K T buccal system: 480 K No serious AEs or AEs leading to K T gel: 460 treatment discontinuation DBL T/DHT ratio Three patients with drug-related AEs K T buccal system: þ 39% K T buccal system: 1 headache K T gel: approx. À50% K T gel: 1 headache, 1 breast pain T gel increased mean DHT to 95 ng/dl (4ULN) Korbonits T buccal system Parallel-group RCT % of patients with T in physiologic NA No clinically significant changes in (2004)37 60 mg or T involving (N ¼ 67 (57 range (4300 ng/dl) over 24 h mean or median hematology or serum patch 5 mg completers) age B49 K T buccal system: 84.9 chemistry panels years) Â 8 days with K T patch: 54.9 (Po0.001) No. (%) reporting AEs follow-up 2–12 days after Cavg (ng/dl) K T buccal system: 17 (51.5) discontinuation K T buccal system: 540 K T patch: 16 (47.1) K T patch: 350 (Po0.01) No. (%) with application-site disorders T levels were higher and less K T buccal system: 6 (18.2) variable with T buccal system vs T K T patch: 6 (17.6) patch No. (%) with application-site erythema T/DHT ratios similar in T buccal K T buccal system: 2 (6.1) system (8.2) and T patch (9.2) K T patch: 5 (14.7) groups No. (%) discontinuing due to AE Median increase in from K T buccal system: 1 (3) due to gum BL to day 7 (pg/ml) tenderness and blistering K T buccal system: 15.0 K T patch: 0 K T patch: 9.50 (Po0.001)

AEs, adverse events; DBL, change from baseline; DHT, ; Hg, hemoglobin; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Ht, hematocrit; i.m., intramuscular; NA, not available; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; PTH, parathyroid ; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TE, testosterone enanthate; ULN, upper limit of normal. Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 11 bitter taste or other forms of dysgeusia, are the chief complaints of men treated with the T buccal system. Other AEs possibly related to buccal T therapy include dry mouth, stinging of the lips, toothache,

gum erythema, stomatitis, and anxiety. Safety find- 0.01 vs placebo) ¼

ings from the pilot trials are shown in Table 3. P Frequencies of application-site reactions have been similar in men receiving either the T buccal system (18.2%) or T patch (17.6%). Application-site erythema occurred in 6.1% of men using buccal T 37

compared with 14.7% of those using the T patch. noate. Gum irritation tends to resolve within the first week.34

User and prescriber considerations Some patients find the T buccal treatment unwieldy or are concerned about the system shifting out of place or interpersonal T transfer to sexual partners via the saliva. Others may object to twice-daily dosing. The average wholesale price of a 30-day supply of 30 mg T buccal tablets for twice daily 21

dosing is $190.30, or approximately $6.34 per day. a Only 6 (27%) menSexual experienced function a was positive completely erectile restored response in to 2 oral (9%) MeT men Complete response, including improvement in erection andResponse ability in to sexual penetrate interestRemainder only had was no observed improvements Improvements in in 5 frequency (22%) and men self-rated excitement of sexual thoughts were 0.005 vs placebo for each) and sexual arousability (two-tailed o K K K K K K the vagina, was observed in 10 (39%) men observed in 14 (61%) men Oral TU significantly increasedsexual the thoughts, number and of frequencyP sexual of acts, sexual ejaculations, excitement, frequency sexual of enjoyment (one-tailed Oral therapies

Overview Clinical trials evaluating oral T therapies for the

treatment of low libido and/or ED associated with 259 ng/dl in 4

38 o 0.05) hypogonadism date back approximately 20 years. 0.0001 vs BL) o o P However, hepatotoxicity represents a major concern P with oral TRT, including the use of 17a-alkylated derivatives such as (MeT), which was designed to reduce hepatic first-pass metabolism. Owing to the concerns about potential hepatotoxicity, oral MeT treatment is considered obsolete in the United States. 0.05) BL: 265.1 30 days: 1368.9 BL: 270.0 30 days: 1302.6 BL: 60.5 30 days: 34.6 T at 4 h after dosing, but to o P Estradiol increased to 18.5( pg/ml after 30 days Free T increased to 118.1 ng/dl after 30 days ( T level increased to 340.1 ng/dl after 30 days ( Mean T Group 1 (ng/dl) TU significantly m K K K K K K Group 2 (ng/dl) Free T Group 2 (ng/dl) subjects; TU significantly increased DHT Efficacy In a study of men with ED, diminished libido, and 331 ng/dl total T levels o331 ng/dl, 27% experienced a 56 years) 331 ng/dl o ¼ positive response with oral T, but only 9% reported o complete restoration of sexual function.39 In other studies, improvements in sexual function have been reported40,41 (Table 4). 23; mean age 22) 12) ¼ ¼ ¼ N N N ( Men with ED, diminished libido, and total T ( Double-blind crossover study ( Open-label study involving men with ED, reducedhypogonadism libido, T

Tolerability and safety 1 2 2  Stimulatory effects of oral T on hepatic microsomal  X enzyme systems have been observed in vitro for  decades, as has the development of peliosis hepatis

or hepatocellular carcinoma in patients taking oral Oral MeT 30 mg (tablets (group 1) or -pellets (group 2)) month Oral TU 160 mg or placebo or no treatment months Oral TU 120 mg months (e.g. MeT).42–45 Further evidence for direct androgenic effects of oral T (TU; testosterone Efficacy of oral therapies

undecanoate) on the liver include significant, 39 40 41 persistent suppression of sex hormone binding

46 No safety data available in these studies. DHT, dihydrotestosterone; ED, erectile dysfunction; MeT, methyltestosterone; TU, testosterone undeca Table 4 StudyMorales (1994) Treatment Design Hormone levelsa Efficacy Skakkebaek (1981) globulin (SHBG). Morales (1997)

International Journal of Impotence Research Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 12 Although the intact ester of TU is absorbed by the and other barometers of sexual function, as well as lymphatics, most of the oral dose is hydrolyzed in body composition and/or mood53–59 (Table 5). the wall of the gut, and metabolites are absorbed into the portal circulation. During oral TU treatment, Tolerability and safety about 40% of patients report and/or other GI Injection–site reactions are common with i.m. complaints. T injections. In the 24-week pharmacokinetics trial, On the other hand, a 10-y safety study found that 33% of men reported one or more local reactions liver function test results were normal in men 47 following i.m. TE, although no patient discontinued receiving oral TU 80–200 mg. Mean values for 51 treatment because of such effects. Other AEs bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogen- 51 included headache (9.1%) and pruritus (3.0%). ase, and aminotransferases were within normal Safety/tolerability results from studies of oral T are limits during this time frame. Mean PSA levels, shown in Table 5. measured over the last 2 years of the study, also Gynecomastia occurs in one-quarter to one-third remained within normal limits.47 of patients within the first few days of i.m. T therapy, when T levels are highest (often supra- User and prescriber considerations physiologic) and subject to substantial aromatiza- Treatment with either oral MeT or TU necessitates tion to estradiol. Gynecomastia may be less readily multiple daily dosing with meals. Despite a high reversible in men receiving i.m. T injections com- hepatic load, GI intolerance, frequent dosing, and pared with T patches.51 Increased appetite has also relatively high cost, oral TRT (e.g. oral TU) repre- been reported by men receiving i.m. TU injections.52 sents a potential treatment option, particularly US prescribing information for Delatestryl recom- when i.m. T is poorly tolerated or undesirable.48 mends discontinuing TRT in the event of cholestatic hepatitis with jaundice or abnormal liver function tests.60 Biochemical tests of liver function are often Intramuscular injections (i.m. T) normal in cases of androgen-dependent hepatoma associated with i.m. T therapy. Other signs poten- Pharmacologic profiles tially suggestive of hepatic tumor include hepato- Formulations of T for i.m. injection include testoster- megaly, abdominal mass, jaundice, and/or s one enanthate (TE; Delatestryl ; BTG Pharmaceuti- abdominal discomfort.61 cals, Iselin, NJ, USA) and (TC; Depos-Testosterone; Pfizer, New York, NY, USA).49 User and prescriber considerations Injectable TU is available in certain non-US markets. Intermittent i.m. T injections represent the most is used infrequently. cost-effective and often the most readily reimbursed form of TRT. These considerations are important to Clinical studies many elderly hypogonadal men with limited in- Pharmacokinetics. Intramuscular T injections are comes. Given recommended doses of 50–400 mg of TE or TC every 2 to 4 weeks and average wholesale associated with the most variable pharmacokinetics 21 of all forms of TRT. Wide fluctuations in circulating pricing in the US, the price of a daily i.m. dose T levels, with supraphysiologic T levels in the first of TE or TC ranges from about $0.21 to $3.34. As few days after administration and subphysiologic recently as 2000, consensus guidelines have recom- mended i.m. injection of T esters as first-line forms levels toward the end of the dosing interval, may 48 result in unfavorable variations in the patient’s of TRT. mood, energy level, sense of well-being, or sexual On the other hand, pricing disparities between function. Termed ‘roller-coaster’ effects, these parenteral therapies and other, at-home treatments changes are potentially distressing to both hypogo- lessen when taking into account fees for office visits nadal patients and their loved-ones.50 to receive the i.m. injections. Commercially avail- In a 24-week, multicenter, randomized active- able prefilled syringes often have long (1.5-in) comparator trial, the percent of time during the 20-gauge needles, and some patients experience dosing interval that T was within the normal range discomfort or concerns about this. (PTNR) was significantly lower in men receiving i.m. TE injections (72%) compared with a nonscrotal T Subcutaneous testosterone implants patch (82%; P ¼ 0.05).51 In a different trial, the PTNR (T Pellets/Depot T) was 450% for up to 60 days after a single injection of TU (500–1000 mg) in men with primary hypogo- 52 Pharmacologic profile nadism. Mean serum T reached supraphysiologic Testosterone has also been formulated as fused levels of 1378–1562 ng/dl on postinjection days 5–7. cylindrical crystalline implants for TRT (Testopels, Bartor Pharmaceuticals, Rye, New York). Efficacy. Intramuscular T injections have been T pellets serve as a nearly ideal depot, maintain- associated with favorable clinical effects on libido ing normal serum levels of T for months. Once

International Journal of Impotence Research Table 5 Intramuscular T injections: efficacy and safety findings

Study Treatment Design Hormone Levels Efficacy Safety/tolerability

Salmimies i.m. TE 25–250 mg Placebo-controlled NA Frequency of erections correlated with average T NA (1982)53 5-period study (N ¼ 15) level (r ¼ 0.436; Po0.05) on treatment. Compared with placebo, only i.m. TE 100– 250 mg significantly increased sexual drive. However, in all patients with T o200 ng/dl at baseline, i.m. TE significantly increased self- rated sexual drive. Patients with low BL frequencies of erection/ ejaculation benefited from i.m. TE 50–250 mg, whereas those with high frequencies did not. Lower threshold below which sexual function was impaired ranged from 200 to 450 ng/dl. i.m. TE did not significantly alter self-rated mood compared with placebo. Wang (1996)54 i.m. TE 200 mg q Open-label study of men Significant DBL mDHT with i.m. TE TRT caused significant DBL (reductions) to day NA 20 days compared with T o250 ng/dl 60 in self-rated with sublingual T (N ¼ 51) K sad/blue feelings K nervousness K tiredness TE did not affect self-rated anger, irritability

Significant correlations between BL T (AUC) and self-rated friendliness (r ¼ 0.29; Po0.05) and sense of well-being (r ¼ 0.27; Po0.05) Nieschlag (1999)55 i.m. TU 1000 mg 30-week phase I study of Serum T (ng/dl) No. of self-reported morning erections per week Prostate volume by TRUS (ml) in castor oil q 6 13 hypogonadal men K BL: 152.7 K BL: 2.7 K BL: 13.6 weeks (ages 19–57 years) with a K 1 week: 700.3 K End of study: 4.4 (P ¼ 0.003) K End of study: 15.7 (P ¼ 0.031) Seftel A therapy replacement Testosterone baseline T level of 153 ng/ K 6 weeks: 357.3 No. of self-reported ejaculations per week PSA (ng/ml) dl Serum DHT and estradiol increased K BL: 1.3 K BL: 0.6 significantly after TU injections and followed K End of study: 4.5 (Po0.001) K End of study: 1.1 (P ¼ 0.003) similar pattern as serum T Body weight (kg) Above increases left both prostate K BL: 82.3 volume and PSA within normal K End of study: 85.8 (Po0.001) limits at end of study This increase of 3.5 kg (4.2%) was due to increased lean-tissue mass. Davidson (1979)56 i.m. TE 100– 5-month RCT crossover T levels (ng/dl) Significantly enhanced self-reported total NA 400 mg q 4 weeks trial in men with T TE 400 mg group erections (Po0.001), night time erections or placebo o150 ng/dl (N ¼ 6) K Day 7: 1500 (Po0.02), coital attempts (Po0.05) and K Day 14: B750 subjective assessments of orgasm intensity vs K Day 28: hypogonadal levels placebo K (B200 ng/dl) Significant dose–response relationship observed TE 100 mg group between TE 100 and 400 mg and number of K Day 7: 600 erections (index of overall sexuality) K Day 14: hypogonadal levels (B200 ng/dl) No consistent relationship observed between androgen status and mood Behre (1999)57 TU 1000 mg Open-label 2-phase trial Phase I TU 1000 mg in tea seed oil Longer half-life, coupled with smaller injection PSA (ng/ml) nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International (8 ml  125 mg/ml (N ¼ 21) T level (ng/dl) volume, should result in more favorable clinical K BL: 0.33 in tea seed oil) or K BL: 138.3 profile for TU in castor oil. K Day 28: 0.56 (Po0.05 vs BL) TU 1000 mg K Day 1: 429.4 K Day 56: 0.48 (P ¼ NS vs BL) (4 ml  250 mg/ml K Cmax (day 7): 879.00 K Maximum PSA: 1.6 in one in castor oil) K 8 weeks: 262.2 patient at day 35 K Half-life: 20.9 days No significant changes in clinical Phase II TU 1000 mg in castor oil chemistries (e.g. lipids, liver function T level (ng/dl) tests, Hg, Ht) K BL: 144.1 K Day 2: 354.5 13 nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International 14

Table 5 (Continued)

Study Treatment Design Hormone Levels Efficacy Safety/tolerability

K Cmax (day 7): 634.0 K 8 weeks: 331.4 K Half-life: 33.9 days Grinspoon TE 300 mg or 6-month study of BL T (ng/dl) DBL fat-free mass No prostate enlargement or new (1998)58 placebo q 3 HIV þ men with K TE group: 325.6 K TE: þ 2.0 kg nodules were detected in any patient. weeks  6 months hypogonadism associated K Placebo group: 291.1 (P40.2) K Placebo: À0.6 kg (P ¼ 0.036) TE was well tolerated, with no with AIDS wasting BL free T (pg/ml) DBL LBM patients discontinuing because of syndrome (N ¼ 51) K TE group: 9.2 K TE: 1.9 kg drug-related AEs. K Placebo group: 7.8 (P ¼ 0.081) K Placebo: 0.0 kg (P ¼ 0.041) DBL T at 6 months (ng/dl) DBL muscle mass K TE group: þ 504.3 ng/dl K TE: þ 2.4 kg K Placebo group: þ 57.6 ng/dl K Placebo: À0.8 kg (P ¼ 0.005) i.m. TE significantly enhanced well-being

(P ¼ 0.033), quality of life (P ¼ 0.040), and therapy replacement Testosterone appearance (P ¼ 0.021), but not functional status (Karnofsky score) compared with placebo. Von Eckardstein i.m. TU 1000 in 4 3.2-year open-label Serum T (ng/dl) Patients reported stable values for Prostate volume (ml) (2002)59 ml castor oil nonrandomized study K BL: 149.9 well-being and sexual function during TU K BL: 13.6 First 4 injections q involving patient ages K 4th injection: 685.9 treatment. K Final: 23 6 weeks, followed 20–57 years with K Cmax w/in 1st week: 922 PSA (ng/ml) by q 5–6 weeks T o346 ng/dl K Tmax : 9 days K BL: 0.6 between 5th and K Half-life: 70.2 days K 3rd injection: 1.1

10th and q 12 With wider dosing intervals, serum T declined K Final: 0.8 Seftel A weeks from 10th to near lower limit of normal (363.1 ng/dl) No PSA value exceeded upper limit injection on; final Similar patterns were observed for free of normal. patient evaluation testosterone, estradiol, and DHT Small (11.3–14.6%) changes were 6 weeks after 18th Estradiol levels remained within normal limits noted in Hg, Ht, and erythrocyte i.m. injection throughout the study. counts from BL. Only one elevation of Hg to above upper normal limit was observed in a single patient. 8.2% of all Ht values were above upper limit. Mean HDL-C declined 13.8% and LDL-C by 10.4% from BL. On only one occasion was HDL-C outside recommended range for primary prevention. 11.3% of LDL-C values were outside recommended range. Injections were well tolerated except in one patient who requested slow injections to avoid discomfort.

AEs, adverse events; AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; AUC, area under the curve; DBL, change from baseline; Cmax , maximum concentration; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; Hg, hemoglobin; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; Ht, hematocrit; i.m., intramuscular; LBM, lean body mass; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NA, not available; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; RCT, randomized controlled trial; Tmax , time to maximum concentration; TE, testosterone enanthate; TRT, testosterone replacement therapy; TRUS, transrectal ultrasonography; TU, . Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 15 implanted, T pellets form a slowly dissolving X5 cm from the midline at the umbilical level, a 7.5 subdermal depot with zero-order release kinetics, F gauge 7-cm long trocar with an inner diameter of such that T absorption is complete or nearly 5 mm is introduced and the implants discharged complete by treatment day 189.62,63 T pellets have into fan-like tracks 5–10 cm from the puncture site among the longest durations of biologic activity using an obturator. In addition to the lower abdo- among all forms of TRT, with a mean residence time men, implantation sites include the deltoid, prox- of 87 days and a half-life of 70.8 days.63 Approxi- imal thigh, or buttocks. Most patients return to work mately 1.18 mg of T is released from each 200 mg the day of, or the day after, implantation but are pellet daily. advised to avoid bending or vigorous physical activity. Clinical studies In a study involving 50 hypogonadal men (ages Screening/monitoring 18–61 years) with serum To104 ng/dl (mean T ¼ 33.7 ng/dl), a European group implanted six 200 mg Baseline screening and on-treatment monitoring T pellets in each patient.63 After implantation, are required to evaluate both the efficacy (Table 7) serum T peaked at B1326 ng/dl within 30 min.63 and safety (Table 8) of TRT. The mean serum T exceeded 288 ng/dl up to treat- ment days 147–246. Treatment effects of T pellets Screening waned after about 6 months, with patients reporting 63 In a recent review in the New England Journal of declining libido and erectile function. Medicine,67 Rhoden recommended the following Similar pharmacokinetic profiles were reported in baseline assessments: (1) voiding function or his- an Australian study of hypogonadal men receiving 64 tory, including use of standardized questionnaires T pellets 600–1200 mg, which showed that absorp- such as the International Prostate Symptom Score tion rate was not influenced by the sizes or number (IPSS); (2) digital rectal examination (DRE); (3) of pellets implanted. serum T assay; (4) PSA testing with prostate biopsy In a review of 13 years of experience with T if PSA exceeds 4.0 ng/ml or substantially increases pellets, Handelsman reported favorable clinical out- over a short period of time, or DRE is abnormal; (5) comes, with few AEs and a treatment continuation history of sleep apnea; and (6) hematocrit (nor- rate of approximately 93%62 (Table 6). Other study 63–65 mal ¼ 42–52% for males) or hemoglobin (nor- findings are shown in Table 6. In a number of mal ¼ 13–18 g/dl for males) because TRT may studies, patients were so satisfied with T pellet increase the risk of erythrocytosis (polycythemia). treatment that they elected to continue receiving TRT should not be administered to men with this form of therapy rather than return to their prior high or significantly increasing PSA levels.5 Other form of TRT. baseline safety tests include serum chemistries; The chief AEs with T pellets include pellet liver function tests; and a lipoprotein profile, extrusion; minor bleeding, which is typically insig- although most clinical studies indicate neutral or nificant and controlled by applying pressure to the possibly beneficial effects of TRT on lipids and surgical wound; and infection, which is infrequent lipoproteins.67 and may also result in pellet extrusion. Some patients develop fibrosis (scarring, nodules) around implantation sites, but this typically does not Monitoring prevent further implantations. Serum T levels are typically measured within 2–4 Prospective randomized clinical trials have de- weeks after the first treatment or at the midpoint monstrated that neither washing T pellets in filtered between i.m. T doses (Table 7).5,68 With most TRT sterile alcohol nor soaking them with an antibiotic formulations, doses can be adjusted upward or (gentamicin) prior to implantation significantly 65,66 downward depending on clinical responses. In reduces the likelihood of pellet extrusion. How- general, safety evaluations are performed every 6 ever, the use of povidone-iodine skin disinfectant months for the first 18 months of therapy, then prior to the procedure does appear to lower pellet annually thereafter if results are stable and normal extrusion rates. The likelihood of pellet extrusion (Table 8).5,67,68 may decline with increasing operator experience. Digital rectal examination should be performed and prostate-related symptoms assessed every 6–12 months. Patients with symptomatic prostatism User and prescriber considerations should undergo further assessment before continu- In an office procedure lasting approximately 15 min, ing TRT. PSA may be measured at baseline and T pellets are implanted into the subdermal fat of the quarterly during the first year, then annually there- lower abdominal wall using a stainless-steel wide- after. An increase in PSA to X4.0 ng/ml or rapidly bore trocar under sterile conditions and a local increasing PSA levels are widely accepted standards anesthetic. Through a small (0.5–1.0 cm) incision for urologic referral and/or prostate biopsy. Annual

International Journal of Impotence Research nentoa ora fIptneResearch Impotence of Journal International 16

Table 6 T Pellets: pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety

Study Treatment Design Pharmacokinetics Efficacy Safety/tolerability

Handelsman T buccal system: Retrospective NA Continuation rate (acceptance): No. (%) of implants with an AE (1997)62 four 100–200 mg review of 973 93% K Total: 108 (11) of 973 pellets q 4–6 implant procedures Continuation rates increased K Extrusion: 83 (8.5) months  13 years with each implant, from 88% K Bleeding: 22 (2.3) after first to 99% after tenth K Infection: 6 (0.6%) (Some patients had 41AE) Extrusion related to occupational classification and increasing work activity. Jockenho¨vel T buccal system six B10-month single- Mean serum T (ng/dl) In clinical interviews, patients Six (5.4%) local infections in 112 etseoerpaeettherapy replacement Testosterone (1996)63 200 mg pellets dose randomized K BL: 33.7 indicated their satisfaction and implantations, leading to pellet implanted open-label trial K 0.5 h: 1412.1 willingness to continue. extrusion of five tablets in three men (N ¼ 50) K Day 2: 1014.4 13/14 (92.9%) of men chose to K Day 63: 1002.9 continue with T pellets rather K Day 180: o288 than switch back to their prior K Day 300: BL levels TRT. Apparent terminal elimination Decline in libido and erectile half-life: 70.8 days function after 6.2 months Apparent mean residence time: Seftel A 87.0 days 1.18 mg T released daily from 200 mg T pellets Handelsman T buccal system Open-label T levels peaked at treatment Maintenance of erectile function 11 (9.9%) of 111 pellets were extruded. (1990)64 Six 100 mg T crossover trial month 6 and libido highly consistent Operator skill affects pellet extrusion pellets (N ¼ 43) with 111 Half-life: 2.5 months with all 3 regimens  4–5 Pellet extrusion rate declined from Six 200 mg T implants Amount of T released daily from months (  6 months for T pellet 40% after the first 15 implantation pellets 200 mg pellet 1200 mg) procedures to 5% in latter 96 implants Three 200 mg T 1.3 mg 30 (69.8) of 43 men expressed Mild bleeding within 2–3 h in 3 (2.7%) pellets 100 mg pellet preference to continue with T of 111 pellet implants. 0.65 mg pellets rather than return to prior Hematoma with discomfort after 1 TRT. (0.9%) procedure. Men preferring T pellets cited lack of mood swings (vs i.m. T) and wider spacing between treatments. Kelleher (1999)65 T buccal systems 6-month NA NA No. (%) of procedures resulting in either washed in prospective extruded pellets filtered sterile parallel-group K Washed: 15 (12) alcohol (wash study (N ¼ 122; 251 K Control: 14 (11.1) group) or procedures) 37 (3.7) extrusions per 1004 implants unwashed (control No. (%) of procedures resulting in group) infection K Washed: 6 (4.8) K Control: 4 (3.2) Pellets extruded in 6 of 10 cases of infection

AE, adverse event; BL, baseline; NA, not applicable. Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 17 Table 7 Suggested monitoring for testosterone replacement therapy (I. Efficacy)

Parameter Reference range Frequency a Comments

Serum testosterone Total 300–1050 ng/dl Free 5–21 ng/dl At baseline, steady For T gels, collect specimen in the morning after the first % free 2.0–4.8% state, and as doseb and B14 days later BT 92–420 ng/dl warranted For T patch, collect specimen in the morning after the first clinically evening application or approximately 4–8 h after application For i.m. T injection, measure serum T at the midpoint between injections

DHT 30–85 ng/dl As warranted clinically LH 1.29–1.8 IU/l At 3–6 months Indicated for hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Failure to suppress to normal range indicates inadequate replacement a Monitor clinical response and side effects at 3- to 4-month intervals during the first year of therapy unless otherwise designated.5 b Because most patients have constant blood levels of testosterone over 24 h, the time of measurement is usually not critical. BT, bioavailable testosterone; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; i.m., intramuscular; LH, luteinizing hormone. Sources: McGriff et al.68 and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists guidelines.

PSA increases X1 ng/ml should prompt prostate clinical benefits of treatment with a combined biopsy, whereas annual increases of 0.7–0.9 ng/ml T- patch for women with hypoactive sexual should trigger repeat measurements in 3–6 months, disorder associated with surgical with biopsy if there are further increases.67 Other (Intrinsas, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati, OH, potential criteria for prostate biopsy include a USA) do not necessarily offset potential long-term PSA increase 41.0 ng/ml during the first 6 months safety concerns. of TRT or an annual increase 40.4 ng/ml there- A study assessing the effect of TRT (T patch or after.69 i.m. T) on serum PSA levels found that changes in neither PSA nor prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) levels were testosterone dependent.74 A On the horizon: issues and agents two-tailed t-test did not show a significant relation between serum T levels and either serum PSA or Prostate and other safety issues PSMA concentrations, suggesting that neither para- Most of the potential risks associated with TRT are meter is androgen dependent.74 Although TRT may infrequent or of marginal clinical significance be associated with growth of the seminal vesicles (Table 9).67 However, elderly men are prone to and prostate gland, these changes typically do not certain disorders considered to be androgen depen- exceed age-related trends.75 dent, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), In clinical studies considered in Part III of PCa, erythrocytosis, and sleep apnea. this review, men with abnormal PSA and other A major clinical controversy is whether the evidence of prostate pathology were generally efficacy of long-term TRT offsets its potential risks excluded. In these trials, changes in PSA and in elderly hypogonadal men. Certain critics contend prostate volume on TRT were in general modest that the benefits of TRT (T gel, i.m. T, T patch) on and considered clinically insignificant; TRT did not erectile function and overall treatment satisfaction significantly augment or otherwise alter age-related may not persist beyond treatment month 1.4 On the trends in these parameters. Findings from the recent other hand, studies suggest that the clinical benefits New England Journal of Medicine review67 are of TRT extend up to 1 year. In addition, TRT that consistent with these data (Table 10).12,28,29,51,76–78 restores serum T levels even to low-normal values In clinical trials of up to 3 years, PCa occurred in (4400 ng/dl) significantly enhances nocturnal erec- 1.0% of TRT recipients compared with 0 placebo tions.10 controls. Increases in PSA to 44 ng/ml occurred in By one estimate,70 however, 50% of men 450 7.2% of TRT recipients compared with 9.8% of years old harbor occult PCa, which might, in theory, placebo controls. be ‘unmasked’ via TRT. The debate regarding the On the other hand, the number of patients therapeutic index of TRT may be partly colored by included in the above analysis was relatively small findings from the Women’s Health Initiative and (No600). By one estimate, 6000 elderly hypogona- other epidemiologic and clinical studies.71–73 dal men would need to be randomized to TRT or Also of potential influence on the debate is the placebo and followed for 6 years to discern a 30% recent decision by an FDA advisory panel that any increase in PCa risk on active treatment.70

International Journal of Impotence Research Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 18 Table 8 Suggested monitoring for testosterone replacement therapy (II. Safety)

Parameter Reference range Frequency a Comments

Prostate DRE — Baseline; prostate-related symptom Perform prostate biopsy if abnormal baseline assessment every 6–12 months Voiding/IPSS IPSS: 0 Baseline; prostate-related symptom (asymptomatic) to 35 assessment every 6–12 months (very symptomatic) PSA o4.0 ng/ml Baseline; quarterly  4 during Annual PSA increase X1.0 ng/ml: perform prostate treatment year 1, then annually biopsy Annual PSA increase 0.7–0.9 ng/ml: repeat PSA in 3–6 months and perform biopsy if further increase Perform biopsy if DRE changes (e.g. nodule, asymmetry, areas of increased firmness) Hemoglobin 13–18 g/dl Hematocrit 42–52% Every 6 months  first 18 months, then yearly if stable and normal Serum lipid TCo200 mg/dl Baseline, 6–12 mo of first year, then panel (ATP LDL-Co70–160 mg/dl annually III)b HDL-C440 mg/dl TGo350 mg/dl

Liver At baseline, 6–12 months, and as Concern primarily with oral methylated agents warranted clinically ALT 13–40 U/l AST 19–48 U/l

Other Breast — Baseline examination Sleep apnea — Baseline and as needed clinically Determine history at baseline; ask about fatigue during the day as well as disordered sleep; conduct sleep study in the presence of symptoms; d/c testosterone therapy until problem is addressed

a Monitor clinical response and side effects at 3- to 4-month intervals during the first year of therapy and/or routinely unless otherwise designated.5 b Dependent on risk factors and Framingham absolute coronary risk status: see Adult Treatment Panel III. Executive Summary of the Third Report of The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults. JAMA 2001; 285: 2488–2497; and Grundy SM, Cleeman JI, Merz CN, Brewer Jr HB, Clark LT, Hunninghake DB et al. Implications of recent clinical trials for the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines. Circulation 2004; 110: 227–239. ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ATP, Adult Treatment Panel; DRE, digital rectal examination; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; IPSS, International Prostate Symptom Score; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triglyceride. Sources: Rhoden et al., 67 McGriff et al.68 and American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists guidelines.5

Given these data, Snyder recommended that 5a-Reductase converts T to dihydrotestosterone diagnostic criteria for hypogonadism should be (DHT), which has higher AR binding affinity than T. more stringent in men 465 years of age, with TRT Through 5a-reductase activity in the skin, a certain being initiated only in men with signs or symptoms amount of T from T gels and T patches is converted and serum To200 ng/dl rather than o300 ng/dl. to DHT. The prostate gland, external genitalia, and In addition, it may be appropriate to utilize age- skin may be affected by DHT. specific T targets for TRT, the mid-normal range of which is 300–450 ng/dl in elderly men.70 Testosterone and its metabolites have diverse Potential future agents tissue effects. Through interactions with the andro- As exogenous DHT is not a substrate for aromatase, gen receptor (AR), T affects muscle, bone, bone it is not a source of estradiol and may have clinical marrow, and the brain. Via AR transcription effects utility in hypogonadal men with gynecomastia or and signaling pathways,79–82 exogenous T may microphallus.83 may also have pharmaco- enhance muscle and bone strength, promote ery- dynamic benefits in men, conferring enhanced bone thropoiesis, and bolster patients’ energy levels but strength and increased libido. Animal studies have may also increase the risk of erythrocytosis and/or been undertaken to evaluate the effects of AR sleep apnea.70 modulators on .84

International Journal of Impotence Research Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 19 Table 9 Potential risks associated with testosterone replacement therapy

Potential risk Comments

Cardiovascular disease Existing evidence suggests a neutral or possibly beneficial effect Lipid alterations Most studies show no change with physiologic replacement doses Erythrocytosis Wide range of risk, depending on mode of administration: 3–18% with T patches up to 44% with i.m. T; requires monitoring Fluid retention Rarely of clinical significance Benign prostatic Rarely of clinical significance hyperplasia Prostate cancer Controversial; unknown level of risk; requires long-term monitoring Hepatotoxicity Limited to oral agents, which are infrequently used in the United States Sleep apnea Infrequent Gynecomastia Rare, usually reversible Skin reactions High incidence with T patch (up to 66%), lower incidence with T gel (5%), rare with injections Acne or oily skin Infrequent Testicular atrophy or Common, especially in young men; usually reversible with cessation of treatment infertility

Adapted with permission from Rhoden et al.67 rCopyright 2004. Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. i.m., intramuscular.

Table 10 Prostate cancer and prostate-specific antigen elevations in clinical trials of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)

Increase in PSAa (number/total number) Prostate cancer (number/total number)

First author Duration (months) Placebo Testosterone Placebo Testosterone Type of TRT

Wang12 6 — 1/73 — 0/73 T gel (5 mg) Wang12 6 — 0/76 — 0/76 T patch, nonscrotal Dobs51 24 — 0/33 — 1/33 T patch, nonscrotal Snyder29 36 7/54 13/54 0/54 1/54 T patch, nonscrotal Kenny28 12 3/33 8/34 0/33 0/34 T patch, nonscrotal Snyder76 36 — — — 0/18 T patch, scrotal Hajjar77 24 — — 0/27 0/45 Intramuscular Sih78 12 0/15 0/17 0/15 0/17 Intramuscular Dobs51 24 — 1/33 — 2/33 Intramuscular

Total 10/102 (9.8%) 23/320 (7.2%) 0/129 (0%) 4/383 (1.0%) — aIncrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was defined as any increase to 44 ng/ml, except in the study by Snyder, in which it was defined as an increase of 41.5 ng/ml per year or an increase of 2.0 ng/ml between any two measurements. Adapted with permission from Rhoden et al.67 rCopyright 2004 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

The effects of DHT, a growth factor, on the prostate The ideal SARM for primary and secondary male are debated. DHT gel was evaluated in elderly men hypogonadism would be (Table 11): as a potential form of androgen replacement in the late 1990s.85 Recent findings regarding AR signaling orally active, ideally with a pharmacokinetic pathways have spawned the development of du- profile consistent with once a day administra- tasteride, a dual 5a-reductase inhibitor, for the tion, capable of stimulating prostate, seminal treatment of BPH.86 In vitro and other preclinical vesicles, and other sex accessory tissues at studies have investigated factors underlying or doses equipotent to those needed to provide regulating phenotypic expression of PCa and BPH, increases in muscle mass and strength and fat- including DHT.87–89 free mass, support bone growth, and maintain/ restore libido, virilization, and male habitus.82 Selective modulators (SARMs). Of investigational agents under development to Nonsteroidal SARMs are under preclinical investi- enhance the tissue selectivity and other pharmaco- gation for the treatment of male hypogonadism and/ dynamic properties of TRT, none is more prominent or its manifestations.90–92 Treatment of orchidecto- than SARMs.82 This term is analogous to selective mized rats with the nonsteroidal AR ligand S-40503 modulators (SERMs; e.g. raloxi- promoted osteoblastic activity. The investigators fene, ). reported marked increases in femur bone mineral

International Journal of Impotence Research Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 20 Table 11 Desired profile of activity of new selective androgen receptor modulators

Desired effects

Tissue/parameter Hypogonadism Selected indicationsa

Prostate/sex accessory tissues Stimulatory but less than DHT Weak or neutral Libido Stimulatory Stimulatory/neutral Inhibition of Present Absent/reduced Hair growth Stimulatory Neutral Bone growth Stimulatory Stimulatory Muscle mass/strength Stimulatory Stimulatory Fat-free mass Increase Increase Lipids/cardiovascular risk factors Neutral Neutral/beneficial Blood pressure/fluid retention Neutral Neutral Erythropoiesis Weakly stimulatory Stimulatory Liver function (enzyme elevation) Neutral Neutral Breast (gynecomastia) Neutral Neutral

a Selected indications may include glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis, androgen replacement in elderly men, human immuno- deficiency virus (HIV) wasting, cancer, cachexia, certain anemias, muscular dystrophies, and male contraception. DHT, 5a-dihydro- testosterone. Adapted with permission from Negro-Vilar.82

density, with reduced virilizing activity and mini- men. These findings reflect the cultural context and mal prostate growth compared with DHT.93 specificity of certain sexual outcome measures. Similar trends were observed with regard to TRT effects on mood: significant increases in Injectable/implantable agents. A number of other self-reported cheerfulness and energy level, coupled AR ligands, including novel derivatives and formu- with significant decreases in lethargy, depression, lations of T, are under investigation. Implantable and irritability in Scottish, but not Chinese, patients. agents include 7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT), Improvements in mood represent among the least a synthetic androgen with a favorable tissue selec- robust outcomes of TRT and may reflect other, more tivity profile, as well as biodegradable T micro- stable physiologic improvements. Some clinical spheres (T micro) and T buciclate (TB). trials have demonstrated clinical benefits on mood with TRT,40,54,96,97 whereas others have not.53,56 7a-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT). This com- pound is about 10 times more potent than T in terms T Microspheres (T Micro). Injectable microcapsules of anabolic activities and suppression, consist of 267 mg of T, which is encapsulated in a bio- is not bound by SHBG in circulation, is not a substrate degradable matrix. Release follows zero-order kinetics, for 5a-reductase, and has a relatively low and the duration of activity is up to 12 weeks.98,99 for stimulation of prostate growth: approximately four In a US study of hypogonadal men, the effects of times less than that of T.94,95 MENT is aromatizable T micro 267 mg were evaluated for up to 8 weeks to 7a-methyl estradiol, which may confer beneficial and 534 mg for up to 12 weeks.100 T micro resulted tissue effects via the estrogen receptor. in rapid and prolonged restoration of T to eugonadal In a randomized crossover trial involving hypogo- levels, with C values of 413–522 ng/dl and a half- nadal men from two disparate societies (Edinburgh avg life of 20.4–22.3 days100 over the dose range. Serum and Hong Kong), patients were allocated to treatment T peaked at 731 ng/dl on day 2 after the lower dose with two MENT acetate 115 mg upper-arm implants and at 995 ng/dl on day 1 after the higher dose.100 for 6 weeks and two i.m. injections of TE 200 mg at T micro significantly enhanced the quality and 3-week intervals. Compared with a 6-week androgen duration of erections, as well as relieving feelings of washout period, both MENT and i.m. TE signifi- irritability from baseline. Treatment was well tolera- cantly enhanced sexual function, with no between- ted. Two patients reported transient injection–site group differences.94 pain with erythema. There were palpable nodules Although the physiologic benefits of TRT on near injection sites, but induration resolved by week erectile function as assessed objectively by Rigi- s 12. There were no significant changes in hematocrit, Scan (Timm Medical Systems, Eden Prairie, MN, PSA, or lipids up to 12 weeks. Chemical stability USA) were significant across treatment centers,94 problems have impeded the development of T micro. other sexual effects were less robust. Both MENT and i.m. TE significantly enhanced self-rated inter- est in sex, masturbation, sexual intercourse, and T Buciclate (TB). Characterized by an advanta- overall sexual activity in Scottish, but not Chinese, geous pharmacokinetic profile compared with other

International Journal of Impotence Research Testosterone replacement therapy A Seftel 21 long-acting T esters for i.m. injection, i.m. TB References maintained serum T within the low-normal range for up to 12 weeks in a phase I study of hypogonadal 1 Arver S. Advances in methods of testosterone replacement men. The half-life of TB was 29.5 days, and the therapy. In: Wu CW (ed). Testosterone Replacement Therapy. mean residence time 65.0 days in men receiving i.m. J Endocrinol Ltd: Bristol, UK, 1996, pp 31–47. 101 2 Lue TF, Giuliano F, Montorsi F, Rosen RC, Andersson K-E, TB 600 mg. Althof S et al. Summary of the recommendations on sexual Unlike other forms of i.m. T, there was no serum dysfunctions in men. J Sex Med 2004; 1: 6–23. T ‘burst’ to supraphysiologic levels within the first 3 Shabsigh R, Kaufman JM, Steidle C, Padma-Nathan H. few days after administration, and serum androgen Randomized study of testosterone gel as adjunctive therapy to sildenafil in hypogonadal men with erectile dysfunction levels were more stable. Mean DHT and estradiol who do not respond to sildenafil alone. J Urol 2004; 172: levels remained below upper normal limits, and 658–663. 101 SHBG within normal limits, through week 16. 4 Mulhall JP, Valenzuela R, Aviv N, Parker M. Effect of Subjective improvements in sexual interest and testosterone supplementation on sexual function in hypo- satisfaction were observed, with the number of gonadal men with erectile dysfunction. Urology 2004; 63: 348–353. morning erections increasing significantly com- 5 American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists medical pared with a pretreatment control phase. There guidelines for clinical practice for the evaluation and were no clinically significant on-treatment changes treatment of hypogonadism in adult male patients: 2002 update. Endocr Pract 2002; 8: 440–456. in PSA or prostate volume by transrectal ultrasound s or uroflow parameters.101 6 Solvay Pharmaceuticals. AndroGel (testosterone gel) 1% US prescribing information. Available at http://www.solvay- prescribing.pdf. Accessed October 12, 2004. Other. Alternative forms of treatment for male 7 Auxilium Pharmaceuticals. Testims 1% (testosterone gel) US hypogonadism are under various stages of develop- prescribing information. Available at http://www.auxilium. ment. These include clomiphene, which increases com/PrescribingInformation-04Sep2003.pdf. Accessed Octo- pituitary gonadotropin output. Clomiphene treat- ber 12, 2004. 8 Swerdloff RS, Wang C, Cunningham G, Dobs A, Iranmanesh ment enhanced sexual function in 75% of 178 ED A, Matsumoto AM et al. Long-term pharmacokinetics of patients, particularly younger patients and men transdermal testosterone gel in hypogonadal men. J Clin with anxiety-related disorders, and also signifi- Endocrinol Metab 2000; 85: 4500–4510. cantly increased gonadotropin levels during 4 9 Marbury T, Hamill E, Bachand R, Sebree T, Smith T. months of treatment.102 In addition, T buccal Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic profiles of the new testosterone topical gel formulation, Testim, compared to mucoadhesive film is also under investigation. AndroGel. Biopharm Drug Dispos 2003; 24: 115–120. 10 Seftel AD, Mack RJ, Secrest AR, Smith TM. Restorative increases in serum testosterone levels are significantly correlated to improvements in sexual functioning. J Androl Conclusions 2004; 25: 963–972. 11 Steidle C, Schwartz S, Jacoby K, Sebree T, Smith T, Bachand In summary, male hypogonadism is associated with R. AA2500 testosterone gel normalizes androgen levels a wide range of potentially distressing symptoms in aging males with improvements in body composition and signs, many of which are reversible through and sexual function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2003; 88: 2673–2681. TRT. Such treatment confers at least short-term 12 Wang C, Swerdloff RS, Iranmanesh A, Dobs A, Snyder clinical benefits on sexual function, particularly PJ, Cunningham G et al. Transdermal testosterone gel libido, as well as erectile function, body composi- improves sexual function, mood, muscle strength, and body tion, and possibly mood and/or a sense of vitality. composition parameters in hypogonadal men. Testosterone In addition, some patients need only to achieve a Gel Study Group. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2000; 85: 2839–2853. relatively low threshold of serum T levels (300– 13 Wang C, Swerdloff RS, Iranmanesh A, Dobs A, Snyder PJ, 600 ng/dl) to experience reduced symptoms of Cunningham G et al. Effects of transdermal testosterone hypogonadism. Adjunctive T may play a role as a gel on bone turnover markers and bone mineral density rescue therapy for treatment-refractory depression in hypogonadal men. Testosterone Gel Study Group. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2001; 54: 739–750. or ED in men with hypogonadism. Effective non- 14 Pope Jr HG, Cohane GH, Kanayama G, Siegel AJ, Hudson JI. invasive therapies are available, including T gels, Testosterone gel supplementation for men with refractory buccal T, and T patches, which are formulated for depression: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Am J daily or twice-daily administration. More invasive Psychiatry 2003; 160: 105–111. options, including long-acting i.m. T and T pellets, 15 De Berardis G, Franciosi M, Belfiglio M, Di Nardo B, Greenfield S, Kaplan SH et al. Erectile dysfunction and enable less frequent dosing and potentially more quality of life in type 2 diabetic patients: a serious problem cost-effective treatment. 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International Journal of Impotence Research