ISSUE NO. 108 September 2019 Where Are They Now Redesdale Mia Mia Primary School Students Jasper Cadusch Jasper aligning laser beams in his optics lab at The University of Melbourne. Story page 6. Veterinary Surgeon Mobile: Metcalfe: Malmsbury: Mia Mia Small animal veterinary work by appointment Dr Julie Kendall m: 0447 573 247 e:
[email protected] 2 BRIDGE CONNECTION Edition 108 September 2019 Community Newspaper for the Redesdale and Mia Mia Region Editorial Hello Dear Readers, Bridge Connection Mission Statement Welcome to Spring, The Redesdale Fire Brigade would like to reward your efforts by once again announcing the " Best prepared The mission of Bridge Connection is to bring property award ". A $100 Bunnings voucher is on offer. people together by: more info on Page 4. The Bridge Connection Committee would like to send 1. Providing information about local issues, goals a fond farewell to Jamie Coombs we will miss your and events, and to celebrate local achievements, smiling face at the cafe but wish you well as you head home. Photos on page 14. 2. Encouraging economic growth in the area, On front page & continuing on page 6. A new segment 3. Fostering geographic identity, and toIf you find would out where like to our submit Primary a story School about student you or are your now children for the where are they now segment send to 4. Providing a platform for public debate, the below e-mail address Email
[email protected] Bridge Connection is published